HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-04-03, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. 000 ♦ SIMS ' STEADILY ' Over six hundred Independent together, offering you and an unexcelled delivery the great success of and operated by ati experienced which he lives—your and your district. WE Items EAGLE BRAND MILK' CLARK'S PORK d: BEANS, CHOICE QUALITY PURE PINEAPPLE 's, 2's; large PUMPKIN,2V SUNLIGaHT SOAP Kellogg's Rice Krispies Pure Raspberry or Strawberry Large, Sweet Prunes Peaches, ,Sliced or Halves, Shaker Salt, Plain.or Iodized Red Cohoe Salmon, ,?.4 Fancy.Blue Rose Rice Gold Dust Washing Powder Refugee Beans, 2's 00000200000 k;ti,'tt�•, 8 l , , t FORGING AHEAD 1 !Merchants ,buying as one advertising the highest -quality at real Money -saving prices service—+these things are -responsible ' for the Siuperior. Chain Stores, Each store is owned grocer who serves tire community in neighbor. Deal with hint and :benefit yourself SELL THE BEST FOR LESS for Week Ending April 9, 1930. - ' per tin f 9 c No. 2 Squat 2 for 26 1 c TOMATOES, large 2%'s 7 for 29 c MARMALADE 40'oz. jar 39 c size'v for 25 c 10 bars for 59 c or Pep 2 pkgs.Aa25c Jain 16 oz, 23c per lb. 19c :Z's per tin 25c i 2 pkgs. 17c 'Ib. tins . , ..39c 1 lb. tins 35c 2 lbs, 19c large pkg. 31c ; per tin 18c Sproat Lf @r!ini 8 a i Phone 77 . A. Jeffery Creani HIGHEST PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to. us and receive your cash in full, ' Call in our, cream drawer and receive our services. ' We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial.' Saturday evenings. Creamery open on Wednesday and S y Seaforth Creamery Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER.' & Son W, J,Walker• Just Try It When you feel tired and drowsy, slip around the corner and get a massage at S'I LYS (� SHOP R You may come in with a grouch but wi11 go out with a smile. Phone 125. • UNDERTAKING —and-- EMBALMING Motor or. Horse Equipment WALKER, holder of Go- • W.J.W , vernment diploma and license, r Furnished. Flowers Night or day phone 67, 010000000, Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired D 4\] Chas. A. %Iowe 0000 11 N, McInnes Lhiropractor Of rVingham, will be the Commercial HotelSeaforth and Monday, Wednesday and. Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- treated, us, Electricity used. Electricity Phone 327-J Centre St: y Our showing of Choice ever attempted, AU the°wanted styles Shoe Fashions that are We. invite Men and 'Women come to see our splendid !►, DEPENDABLE ShoeDisplay '�• ter�a�QuiShoes for Easter surpasses anything we have Pa ' are here, •Handsome, Stylish, Exclusive Shoes. different. who want smart things in Footwear to line of Easter Shoes, i ua .. SIiols SEAFORTX TOWN TOPICS • Mrs, William Tharp of Detroit is spending a ,few weeks at the home of her sister Mrs. Nines IDevereaux. The Lrott,s Club in Seaforth are go ing to h�olcl a Euchre and' Dance on Wednesday, April 23. i Dr. Beckley has recently installed an x-ray. machine in his dental office, airs, Michael Barry and little daughter Frances visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Purcell on Sun- day. Mr, flames i14oGi11 and 'son John were in town thin week from Goode rich. (Miss Kate. . Kehoe has moved to Mrs, Clark's rooms. ' Mrs. T. Connolly has moved home` tram Windsor. Little Tommie ,Fletcher was .operat ed for, mas'toid in the, hospital and. is doing well. Miss Margaret Heffernan is recov Bring after her illness Mrs. Rebecca Kelly moved this week into the house on Market:street which she has rented "from Mrs. Huiser, . • Mrs. John Hildebrandt is, seriously ill at her home in Eginotidville. Mrs. Walter Robinson and her daug'lvter Dorothy of Loddon • were guests Tuesday of Mr. an'd. 11irs. Fred Robinson. ' Mrs. W. B. McLean =and Mrs,, Adam Hays left, Tuesday- ; for St. Gatherines to visit Mrs. Hays' daugh- ter, Mrs, P C. Calder. • Mr, David Leitch is in Scott 1'Ientorial Hospital at present. ' Mr. Albert O'Reilly of McKillop I bought the house on Chalk street owiled by Mrs. Hurley, and he and. his family will stove into it shortly. Master Glen Gemmell who under - 'eat an operation oil his knee in Scott Memorial, Hospital recently, re- turned home on Monday much im- proved'. Mr, Frank McClinchey who has I attending O. A. C., has taken a position in the Creamery. Mr, Donald•1lrilliams and Mr. Her- rert Washburn of Western 'l}niver- ;ity, London, were week -end guests f Rev. T, H. and Mrs. Brown at .the Rector . y Dr. Charles Mackay attended the funeral a 1[r. Charles 11 eekes who stied in Toronto. Th'e late' • 2&r. Veekes' ' 'wife is ` a niece of ''Dr. Mackay. Burial took place at Strath- roy on Tuesday. Mrs. W. E. Kerslake . Was a visitor. in Toronto far a few clays last. week, Mrs. Jack Wilson of Saskatchewan arrived Monday to stay with her sis- ter, Miss E. Scott, in Harpurhey. . Mrs. Alex. Ross of Wingham un- derwent an operation in Scott ;MIem- ori l Hos ital on Sunday, . a P Y Mr, Alex, , Ross of Wingham and on, Mr, Harold Ross, of Detroit, were guests of Dr, H, H, Ross this week, Mr, and Mrs. Pearson Grieve and baby Billy of Buffalo, N.Y., spent the week -end with Dr, and Mrs. John Grieve, Preparatory service in First Pres- byterian Church will be held on tri day evening, April 4th, 'Liss Jessie Cochrane was in Clin- ton during the week owing to the death of her mother, Mr 11 Walker who has i been stay- ng with Mrs, Manson, 'Sr . 3n Eg- nondville, is very ill, Being in her 82nd year, her illness has been severe. :qrs. Stanley Gray of Stratford was a visitor or Monday .with her parents, itr, and Mrs.. W. F. McMiltlan, .lir, James Scott of Windsor sang a beautifully rendered solo in First Presbyterian Church et the morning service ott Sunday. Mr. Carl Ament of Toronto was a week-en'd visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Arent. Mrs• \•Villiaan. Berry of Brucefield was a visitor on Tuesday with her brother, Dr, H. H. Ross, • The patients' beds in Scott Mem- orial Hospital^ were taxed to capacity during the week and extra accommod- ation was necessary. ' Mr. and Mrs. J, M. McMillan are attending the funeral of the istter brother in Sarnia. PAGE T`IV SEAFORTII GARMENT CARE Thirteen Days Don't leave it tiil the last moment to have your clothes cleaned. Only thirteen more days till Faster, the Cleaner's .busiest,season, Suits Dry Cleaned and Prow by steam $1.5 Dry and Pressed $1.50 Caps Made to look like ne 25c. Gioves 25c Sweaters Cleaned right No Shrinking. No stretching 75c Overcoats 1 1 Made to sparkle with new look and feel,, , ,$1,50 Spats Look like 'new for 25c Dry cleaning and Pressing Commercial Hotel, Phone 227 leenal ST. C GLUMBAN. Hiss Mildred McGrath and her friend, Miss 'Hayes, of Guelph, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. P. V. McGrath. Mr. and `Mrs: Carl Stapleton of Guelph spent Sunday with Mrs. Jerry Stapleton. ' Miss Anne McQuaid of Stratford sperut'bhe week -end with Mr, and Mrs. James McQuaid. Mr. Dennis Maloney has ,„returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto,, Mr. Joseph Murphy of, Detroit spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Mare Flannery is spending this 'week 'in Stratford.' • HARLOCK. , kr. and Mrs. George Watt and little Ernva visited at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Chas, Parsons Friday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Win, 13e11 entertained about thirty -'five friends and neigh- bors Friday evening, to a very en- joyable progressive euchre and dance. The winners were Mr, and Mrs. \Vat, Blyth. A Gockerline of near pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present. Miss Elda Stephan of Zurich spent part of Sunday with her friends Misses Helen and Marjorie Mc - Ewing, Miss Stella Murphy entertained a number of her friends last Wednesday evening. every person having a won- derful time. The Grey and McCallum beef -ring starts A'pril 2. Mr. Bill. 'Knox is helping Mr. Wm. Murphy for the month of April. Quite a number from the vicinity at- tended the dance in Kinburn Friday evening, every person reporting an Aa'. time. • Special Optical Notice Have your eyes looked after by our well known and painstaking specialist;. Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex- pert for Keats) Toronto, and Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal. 30 years ex perience,'20 years coming to Seaforth.' You are assured of the best optical work to be obtained and at very mod- erate cost. 'We furnish all the late style of mountings. The best make of the best makers and our prices are from $4:00 up. Tuesday, Wednesday,, April 8, 9. Close Wednesday at 4, p. in. Come early*. Beattie's Fair, See forth, 14 BRUCEFIELD. ,Rev. and Mrs. Bremner spent the first three days of this week with their daughter, Mrs. Colin West, in St. Thomas. Boys and girls of Brucefield Sunday School are writing their examination in Temperance this week after a study of three months on the subject. We are pleased to see Mayme Wat- son up again, and hope she will soon be able to be back to school, Inspector Field visited School No. 1, Tuckers:mith, on Monday. Miss 'Mary McN'augliton spent the week end in Stanley visiting her aunt, Mrs. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Haugh and- Wallace attended the funeral of the 6:irrner's sister, Mrs, Birk of Dastlwbod ^ on Friday, who passed away in. Victoria hospital, London, on Tuesday, Mar. ar. 25, followingan operation. ie n. E1'iends of Mr, job Hulley were surprised to hear of his death last week. !Is'a'bel Armstrong has been under the. doctor's care for the past two weeks. We hope she will soon be better, Mrs. George Hill returned home last week after spending a 'few months at the home of her son, Mr. Jas. Hill, of Stratford. Rev. W .A. and Mrs Bremner visit- ed friends in London this week. Mr. Wm Aikeuhead returned home last week after spending a week with friends in London. The many friends of Mr. Roderick McKenzie of our village will regret to hear. that he is seriously ill. The Poor Man's Friend, --Put up in small bottlesthat .are easily portable and sold for, a very small sum, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses pow- er in concentrated form. I•ts cheap- ness add .the varied uses to which it can be .put make it the poor man's friend. No dealer's stock is complete without it. PLAY "WANTED A WIFE” Given by Young' People of Winthrop Church Friday, April 11 th at 8 p.m.— Northside United Church, Under auspices of Philabhea Class. Adults 3.5,c. Children 15c Automobile Insurance STANLEY. Mr. Edward Talbot had a Very suc- cessful auction sale last Tuesday.. Mr. Will Scotchmer who underwent an operation in Clinton Hospital, has returned home. Mr. Archie Armstrong was in Clin- ton on Friday last. Mr. John Watson Jr, is busy these days unloading carloads of fertilizer. Miss J. Tough, who has been visit- ing .friends on the Goshen Line and Blake, o Saturday. Mr. home n S and Mrs, 5: Smith left on Wed- nesday for their home in Markham. .firs. Smith was formerly Miss Han- nah Steckle. Mr. Lloyd Scotchmer and Mr. Dan. Steckle took a business trip to Mark- ham on Tuesday of this week, Mrs. R. N. Douglas of Blake spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Dick at Hensall. Mr, Ed. Talbot of the Bronson Line had a very successful sale on Tuesday of last week. Death of Mrs. H. McClinchey. — The district was saddened on Thurs- day last by the death of Mrs. Henry, McClincitey, of the Goshen Line. which occurred soddenly that morn- ing. Mrs, McClinchey drove the three eldest children to school in the morning but at dinner time her hus- band discovered ; that she had col- lapsed on a bed upstairs, evidently some tithe before as no preparation for the noon steal had been made. Mrs. McClinchey leaves four small children, Elva, Mary, Jean and Ruth. Resides her husband she is also sur- vived by her father and three broth- ers, George, Robert and Satiutel tic Iiwain of Goderich and one sister, Mrs. T. Betties, MciKillop Twp. Mr: 3IdCiinchey, who was formerly Miss McIlwain of Goderioh Twp. was in 'her 33rd year. The funeral which was held on Sunday afternoon, March 30, was very largely attended.' Rer, j. \V. Penrose of Varna. conducted the ser- vices. The remains were laid to rest in the. Bayfield Cemetery, the pall- bearers being William Dqwson, Ro- bert McOlhtchey, Thomas Robinson, Jack Armstrong, Elgin McKinley and Robert Armstrong. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole community goes out to the bereaved ones. WE ISSUE THE STANDARD POLICIES OF THE Provincial Insurance Company of iEnland 9 One of the few British Companies operating in Canada today at NON -TARIFF RATES— This means a saving in premium to you with protection, security and the •night ' end day service of this office. `Cale, phone or write us for full information, rates, etc. Our ser- vices at your disposal at any time. A. 9. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE Conveyancing, Real Estate Investments, Etc, pH2ONE 152 ,— SEAFORTH, Ont. ELIMVILLE. T E. The sympathy MVIL t f friends is ) o many extended to Mrs. George' Hunter and other relatives in their' sad bereave- ment through the death of her moth- er, Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, Quite a number of friends from this vicinity attended the funeral on Monday. Rev. White assisted with the service. Mrs, Heywood, Sr., has been very poorly with the cold. Miss May Jones of London is spending a few weeks with her cous- in, Mrs. Nelson Couttis and her aunt, Mrs, Henry Johns. Exeter. White rekindling a fire, at the home of her son, Thomas Brock. of U - borne, Mrs. Brock of Exeter was ser- iously burned when a gasoline can. exploded early Saturday morning last. She 'salol been in the habit cif using HULLETT, Mr. and .Mrs W. Mountain of the lOth con. were visitors at 1'[r. Yottng- blut's on Thursday. Mr. tStanlep• Lyon of the 13th con. has rented Mr, George Barr's farm 6r the summer months. iir. H. Moon of the 10th con„ who has been confined to the house for the past month after being kicked by a horse is recovering but slowly. Mr. C. 1°a-rsorrs of near ,Harlock, has treated himself acid family to a new Ford car recently. Mr. E. Lee of the lltth con„ who a short time ago had his hand badly cat while assisting at a wood tee at lir,' J. Scott's, is not improving as well as his nmol friends would like to see hint-. Mr. Fred 'Johnston spent several days last week at the hone of Mr; F. Little on the gravel road. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan of the 12th coir,, had the pleasure of a short visit recently from the tatters sister, Miss Grainger. She has returnedto her dirties, its Toronto. Mrs. was in 1 -. StevensSte yens o f kIarlac k Londeabore on Saturday. Site went owing to the serious illness of 'her brother, Mr. James Fairservice, who, ,we are sorry to say, has pnsurnonia. Mr. and Mrs, T. 'Stewart of Guelph, who has. been holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Brown of the 13th con., and other old time friends, have returned, A goodly nunvber of the farmers of the community took advantage of the sleighing this week and there were quite a number of logs drawn to the saw null. Corns disappear when .treated with PPollowty's .Dorn Remover without leaving a scar, coal oil and in errorick P ed u a can A containing a sm ni ail amount of ga”- e. Two panes of glass its the kit- chen were broken. Wingham. Mr. S. Bennett has been awarded the contract to build a two-storey ad- dition to the Wingham United Church. Persian Balm—the delight of dainty femininity. Imparts s fragrant charm to the -complexion. Tones up the skin and makes it velvety soft in tee urn. Cooling, refreshing-, it is delightful to use. Never leaves a vestige of sticki- ness. Invaluable for hands, face. and a- a hair fixitive. Wonderfully sooth- Mg and protective. Espeeiaty rec- ommended in eases of r:,'ig m,,. sr chafing caused by weather c?.ti,tious. NEW WALLPAPERS Many unique and practical novelties are shown in the new line we have to offer. You are invited to come and see them. GRAVES' WALLPAPER STORE ARTISTIC WALLPAPERS WINDOW SHADES PAINTS and VARNI.SHES EeK11 CHICK Hatchery v J AND BREEDING FARM BRED -TO -LAY S.C.W. LEGHORNS & O. A. C. BARRED ROCKS If you want better quality Chicks from a carefully culled and inspected flock of high egg production, and high grading. Our chicks bring greater profits. Hens stated to orale birds whose record runs from 250 to 316 eggs. Here is what one of our customers says: "J. A. Eckert, Dear Sir,— I thought 1 mist tell you how well those Baby Chicks did that I got from you last year. Hirst the only ordered twenty-five and they were such smart, healthy chicks, we ordered threehundred snore. We raised almost ninety per cent, of these. I am so pleased with them that I in- tend ordering fire hundred Baby Chicks early this year. Yours truly. —Mrs.. Ed. O'IIearn." Book your order now for March and April Chicks; for three weeks old started Chickens; for eight weeks old pullets. Order now and avoid disappointment. Send i:r circular. Visitors welcome. John s Eckart Phone 23-23 Dublin R.R. 1, DUBLIN, Ont, YOUR P%UTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries A. good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars If your ear 4s in need of repairs, give us a call Studebaker Sales and Service is Garage PHONE 167W