The Seaforth News, 1930-04-03, Page 3Heads Up Chests Out A New Slogan that Can Be Well Applied By- All of Us Death, with his acquisitive fingers, s never very far away from the aver- ta a man's elbow, When the motorist (takes hie car out of the garage in the imo'rning he ueyer .knows the Moment Shen he might be called upon to meet come terrible fate - that may plunge hint into eternity. 'Wh'en the business man steps Into his car or trolley for the city, when he threads hie away. across a busy ;'thoroughfare to itis office, even when he climbs the stairs or 'goes up la the (levator to ids premises, he is play. !tug all the time a little game of hide - land -seek with his arch -enemy. All the time, Death is lurking its the a!background, waiting to'take 'advant- ge of the slightest slip, the tiniest )error in judgment, Even whan he thinks. that he is. Iciest safe—sitting at home reading his paper, or in a restaurant eating a Hearty meal -Death's fingers ntay be slowly encircling him. Courting Disease and Death Eighty per cent. of the mea and wo- :Meu, according to scientists, are unwittingly extending ' au open in. 2-itation' to Death and virtually com jnitting slow suicide by their own lolly and ignorance. Yet,it is not by taking risks with fraffic, neglecting common colds, risk ug pneumonia, or by exposing then elves to infection that they are play - ng right into Death's hands. They Omdoing it in the privacy of their ipwn homes—iu their own offices—at rhe theatres — where they imagine 'hey are most immune from danger, And because y all be ause the have never Seamed the old Army drill sergeant's advice of chins iu and chests out. Doctors recently have been puzzled by a number of eases where people lave complained of pains in the eh- ominal organs,. of headaches and ner- ous troubles of various kiuds. Upon i saminatten nothing had been dis- das'r ti bed r d few es uore ed and a y glad generally been found to care the trouble. But on the patient's return to work a -and here is the mystifying part— pie Paine have invariably returned as cutely as ever. Careful investigation of these mys- ery cases has recently been made by well-known specialist. His conclu• '-""ion is that they aro due to faulty lios- ;`ure, the misalignment of muscles front leaning over decks, and the ttelling of nerves from not carrying body erect.. The business man -who slumps over is desk—the typist who hunches her aclt over her typewriter—the house- ife who reads over her meals with ent shoulders—the girls who adopt e fashionable slouch—the office boy ith his head forward and his chest lAn—are all flirting with death just as raciouely as if they. spent titelr cheon hour dodging beneath the ;Wheels of motor -cars. They are 'sowing the seeds accord - Ing to the scientists, which make diem ?lacy victims the first time Death takes It swoop at them, Race of Office Workers a. Today doctor., are alarmed at the way the physical fitness has declined. "We ere producing a race of office 'revsr"'ork'irs of poor carriage, Rat chests prominent abdomens," said the ogieoiellst, "If you take notice of mo- le in the streets you will scarcely see , wo out of ten who walk corectly. "Women are the worst offenders, hnd you can see hundreds of girls who 'yalk with a pronounced stoop, with pounded shoulders and chine well for - Pard." All these slumpers over desks, retoopers, and people with bad pos- tures are, according to the doctor's, ;undermining their capacity to resist +.'1tsease and thus shortening their Ives. Not "Time is Nunley," but "Heads ;lip -chests out" should be the slogan in every busines office. The experts emphasize that regular breathing exercises are sufficient to 1aeep the body in good trim. Normal ,hest expansion, they point out Is es- sential,as the proper air feed ox the human carburettor. An au inducement to correct breath- ing the properly adjusted chair is -of paramount importance. It is pointed . ;out that for one spending the greater Hart of the day at a desk the orditlary phair is as unsuited as would he a Arose shit for swimming. The ideal chair should have a seat approximately sixteen inches in width, and not more than eleven inches from trent to back, and adjustable to its height. The back should not exceed " five inches in breadth, and should be adjustable to provide adequate sup Mort. Although in the beginning the cor rest sitting posture may meau a cer- tain amount of effort, with continuous `Practice it will become easy and•na- • tural. Dr. Klein suggests that practice in maintaining good form while doing common, everyday things suck as ty Mg up shoestrings, picking up objects front the floor, and reaching for things will also hasten the acquisition of na- tural, graceful, and efficient body align went, In al these little things there must he at first an effort to ooneeutrate on easy, rhytlunic deep breathing: later 1t will . become automatic, and the 'benefit rail be incalculable. SUFFERED FOR YEARS FROM RHEUMATISM ATIS Regained Health Thorough the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Rheumatism is a disorder. of the blood—caused by too 01111011 uric acid in . the blood. It attacks its victims when 'vitality ;islow, thus setting up inflammation in the muscles and joints. Wet and cold weather'.ntay start the tortures of rheumatism but It is not the oauss. The cause is the blood—bad blood. Enrich and purify the blood end' rheumatism will disap-; pear. If you are, a sufferer from this painful malady begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and see how soon the pains and stiffness will disappear. These pills enrich and purify the blood and, good blood" means' good health, Mrs, John C. McPherson, St, Mary's, Ont., was a victim of rheumatism for years and writes as follows of her ill- ness and recovery. She says: -"i suffered from rheumatism for nearly sbsteeu years and for eleven years I was unable to walk. I tried a number of medicines as well as massage and ohiroproctic treatment without any permanent benefit. I was then so bad that I was ata loss to know what to try next. I noticed in different papers how strongly Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were recomutended for cases like mine so I decided to try them. After taking several boxes I noticed that my appetite was improving. The pains became less severe and my color ilii• Proved. I continued their use and now I am able to do light housework. I wish I could impress on all rheu- matic sufferers .just what these won- derful pills hare done for me." Dr. Williams` Piuk gills do one thin but theydo i well—thengt n- en- rich and purify the blood. This rich red blood banishes such troubles as rheumatisfn, sciatica, neuralgia and neuritis and leaves the former suffer- er robust and healthy and well able to take his or her place in doing the duties expected of them. The pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co... Brockville, Ont. tvtUStC Who is there that in logical words eau exprea the effect that music has on ms? A kind of inarticulate, un- fathomable speech which leads us to the edge of tite Infinite,and iota 1e for moments gaze into that.—Carlyie. MERIT True merit, litre a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it stakes.—Lard Halifax. fonds for thinner— faster cutting The steel used is made and speo- iony tempered in the Simonds plant and we can and do guar• untee every Simonds SiW. THE cosmos CANADA 6Aw eon LIZ, bloetreal • Toronto Vancouver St. Jolia,N.n. II-DNEY 'TROUBLEi!' 4 H `SFANIsHE . CKAf � u BA il. a maga," segs ' r. n¢han7 Thousands write kidney. sad bladder Ns, constipation, Indigestion, gas back- ache end overnightwith"Fruit-a-tivea". Noma quiet. Sound sleep at once. Get Fruit-a.tives" from druggist today. aII That Mad March Hair By Weare Holbrook An ear, aceordiug t6 the latest de- finition, i5 something to tuck hair be - hied, It may be shell -pink and as de- egrative ae a rose leaf, but 'its purpose is practical The hair: 1S gathered in- to a sort of sheaf at each side of the head and is deposited just back of the pinna, or. outer fold of the ear. And ,there it stays—someti>nee for as long "as a minute and a half, At the rpeseut time most of the boy ieh bobs in this country are at the awkward ago. Women are battling against 'overwhelming odds and ends,. The .feminine silhouette is deckle- edged, and there is a fringe at Jim uape of the neck whioli, defies thebest efforts of hairpins, nets and pomades. Even doll -faced debutantes Havea frowsy, intellectual look as if they had stayed up all night reading Oswald Spengler instead of dancing at the Sherry -Netherland. The couturieres of Paris can length- en .shirts from knee to ankle over- night, but it tabes at least six months for bobbed hair to catch up with the procession. Ten years ago, when the era of short skirts and short hair be- gan, it was possible for a ,woman to achieve the heights of fashion at a single leap: She simply rendered unto scissors the thingthat were scissor - able, Tresses and dresses were ab- breviated simultaneously, and a new woman sprang into being—a new wo- man who looked exactly like all the other new women, and was therefore content. There were two feminine factions in those days: the conservative Cavaliers and the radical Roundheads. , The Cavaliers boasted of hair so long that they could sit on it; the Roundheads boasted of skirts so short that they Theyhad fre• couldn't it on them.1 s grout skirmishes daring the Turbul- ent Twenties; it was hairpins versus scissors -and scissors usually, won. But now the Cavaliers have -every- thing their own way. Their curves, coiffures and sweeping trains, which le are objects used to excite'ridicule, j s of envy to -day. The Cavillers are ar- rayed iu the height of fashion, and which Is more 'important—in the length of fashion as well. They are the only pees who lire able to make both ends neat. I can remember, as if it were yes- terday, the time Phoebe bobbed her hair. She came iuto the house, took off her hat, tossed her head defiantly and said: "Wen?" "Well what?" I asked without look- ing up from my newspaper. "05, nothing," replied Phoebe. She was strangely silent during din- ner. Then suddenly site said: "Tell me Honestly—what clo you think of it?" "It's all right," I said, "but maybe the steak would have been better with mushroom sauce instead of onions." She stared at me. "What on earth are you talking about?" "The dinner," I replied. "Didn't you ask me"— "Good heavens!" exclaimed Phoebe. "Are you blind? Don't you notice any- thing, different about me this even- ing?" No," I admitted, "except that you scent to have a sort 01 Ajax -defying• the -lightning expression." Phoebe sighed despairingly. "I've had my hair bobbed," she explained, I looked. "So you have,' I agreed. "But, don't you care?" she demand- ed. "Doesn't. it mean anything to you? Why, when Alice Mae bobbed her hair her husband was furious. He threatened to divorce her. The Pilk- ingtons didn't speak for two weeks after Mrs. Pilkington got her bob. Mr. Si'aosup ordered his wife out of the house whets she c ime home with her hair cut off. And you—you don't even n -notice mine!" That was a lesson to nie. Since that day I have tried to be more ob- servant in matters pertaining to the feminine coiffure. I have learned to distinguish between the wind-blown Care for roar iflfciuds rty Daily Use or Celtic esra Soap Deal Cashes and Irritation* with CllttiCOIra Ointment t4o tet most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in the stomach, The food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps, Uso what your doctor would advise. The best help is Philips' Milk of Magnesia, For the 50 years since its invention it has remained standard with physicians. You will find noth- ing else so quick fa its Affect, so.hai'm• less, so efficient, and the pineapple, the Duties Boy and' She Sheridan Square. Under ordinary circumstances I can tell at a glance whether a sweet disorder in the hair - dress is accidental or intentional. But that knowledge is of little valtie to me now, Ali the women I see look like golliwogs or Buie chieftains from tate neck up. Like most tinier sex, Phoebe was caught short in an almost bare market last fall IIer., dressmaker kept calling for more margin. But Phoebe did not confide her troubles 'to me, and my first intimation of the new leugthe. to which fashion had gone occurred one day in November when she literally swept into the room like a relic of the Nineteen-Naughties. Only her toes were visible below tate edge of her,skirt, and she actually had a train, Was short,rudimentary It w s a ru d en ly train that switched to and fro as she walked;. Probably a shuttle. But it washer ears that impressed me most. They were entirely uncov- ered and, exposed to the elements. They'seemed to spring from her head, fuU.panopiied, like Minerva from the head of Jove." "Well, well," I said brightly, "I 500 you've had your hair cut shorter. It's very becoming; Bang! went another faux 'pas. Phoebe leveled at me a glance that was devastating. Then, turning her head, she showed me a few wisps of hair tucked away behind her ears, "I am letting my hair grow," she, in- formed me coldly. "All right, darling," I replied. "It shall be our secret—yours and mine." That was more than three months ago. She is still letting it grow. It is so long' now that she can wrap it around her ears. But that is about all that can be done with It. It is still too short to be coifed; there is plenty of it, but not a Coif in a car- load, Lately she has taken to sticking hair -pins into it by'way of scour el a e• p Y g meat—'u t as a suburbanitee 7 s decorates his backyard garden with empty seed envelopes impaled upon stakes, in the hope that the pictures will inspire his radishes. "Growing out" parties are popular among the younger set this winter. Every few clays Phoebe and her friends get together and discuss crops. They compare scalp -locks, count enris relate various hair-raising adventures and exchange advice ott the disposal of wisps, cowlicks and loose ends. Sometimes their contests are quite ex- citing; at the last meeting Mrs. Pilk- ingtou's and Mrs. Mixe's ex -boyish bobs were running neck and neck. But in spite of all feminine artifices and attempts to rehabilitate the de - restated areas, there is no disguising' the fact that this' is a period of storm and stress, If a fairy prince stood be- neath the window of a modern damsel tonight and called, "Rapunzel, Bapun- z el, let clown your our hair;' she would have to tell him to use a ladder or conte back again in about three years. Tor the modern douse' is measuring her tresses not by ells but by milli- meters, and Dame Fashion is the wicked witch who is responsible for her deplorable plight. Woman cannot, by taking thought, add one cubit to her coiffure, Gazing into her mirror, she inquires anxious- ly: "Curly locks, curly locks, wilt thou be mine?" To which the mirror re- plies, "Say, what's your hurry?" And when the March Wind blows her short locks this way and that it is not surprising that she grows im- patient and even angry at the perver- sity of Nature. If the truth were known, the mad arch hair isn't hall as mad as the gir s who have to weal' x Eventually, of course, these short. locks will be subdued and civilized. The will of the wisp will yield to the wil of its owner, and it will be trained to lie down and roll over. Time, the great leveler, will traastornt the chao- tic chrysanthemums into compact couliflowere. Until then, there is noth- ing to do but watch and wait—and pick up hatrpins: New York Herald Tribune. Keeping Air Cool on Trains in Summer The Saute Fe Railway has been ex- perimenting for several years with the problem of keeping the air cool itt club, dining and sleeping Cate, during the summer season. W. J, Black, passenger traffic man- ager, states that at last the problem is solved. As a starter, a contract has been closed for early installation of reconditioned air, cooled by a patent- ed process, on dining cat's of The Chief, the Santa Fe's extra fast and extra fare flyer. There is absolutely no draft, the cool air being brought in overhead, with a resultant uniform temperature of 05 to 70 degrees Pam C1 V I LiZATION It so hapl)eus that the ease, the luxury and the abundance of tite high. est state of civilization are as produc- tive of selfishness as the Meanies, the privations and eternities of the lowest, _Caleb C. Colton. One tasteless spoonful la water nein tralizea many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad after effects. Once you learn this fact, you will never deal with excess acid'" in the crude ways. Oe learn --now - why this method is supreme. Be Sure to get the genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pliyee clans for s0 years in correcting excess acids, Each bottle contains full dfrec tion—any drugstore. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF A FOND MOTHER Her child is a never-ending source of joy and a never -failing respousi- bility to the fond mother. It not in- frequently happens that minor ail- ments -of the child distress and puzzle her; she does not know just what to do. yet feels them not serious enough to, call a dectdi As just such times as these it is that Baby's Own Tablets are found to be mother's greatest help and friend, - Most childhood ailments arise from a derangement of the stomach or bowels. Baby's Own Tablets will im- mediately banish them by cleansing the bowels and Sweetening the stom- ach. Thus they relieve colic,e correct the digestion, banish constipation and make teething pains disappear. Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs such as opiates and narcotics and may be given to the newborn babe with per- fect safety and beneficial results. They are sold by Medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents g box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock- ville, Ont. Forget About Health "The best way of gaining health for Yourself," says Lord Dawson, the fa- mous physician, reports the Yorkshire Post, England, "is to forget about it. We do not always say that to other people, but it is so with one's own health. "Learn life as it is, and not 8.5 it should be. The thing is never to criticize, but always to seek to under- stand. If you do learn to understand the point of view of others, I can ven ture to make this promise, that the longer you are in contact with human nature the more you will admire it, "An v "And � hen you are up against the 1 g real thing—the real difficulties, not only of health but of life, you will of- ten turn round and say to yourself: "If I had been placed iu that position, I don't think I would have dobe as well." Use Minard's in the Stable. A rile imagination once indulged in gets the key of our minds, and can get in again very easily, whether we will or no, and can so return as to bring seven other spirits with it more wicked than itself; and what may fol- low no one knows. --C, H. Spurgeon. As a result of recent drag -net ar- rests in Chicago a notable decline in the numberof robberies is reported. Most of 'tile innocent citizens having been picked up by the police, there was no way for the robbers to get at them. A critic says the old-timers were more courteous than moderns. Even tate old cars rattle before they strike. TAPEWORM REMEDY TrotR. L. lllulyency's World Famou' 1 Tapeworm nemedy has expelled these horrid monsters in two to three hours. No starving necessary. no sicknes • no trouLlo wimteyer. W')'hte for full information. Dept., ;t, 211 Covington Ave., Toronto CONSERVATION Let us speak what we feel, let us feel what wa speak, let one converse - Linn be in a0cor'dance with old lite.— In considering smallpox, vaccination is the effective lifeline thrown out be - fors the wreck. Minard's Kills Dandruif� DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? e So easy tog et quick relief and pre- ventan attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They rclievequick- ly but affect the heart and are very dangerous. They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within, The sane and harmless way. First ,correct the cause, sweeten the sour and acid stomach, relieve the inles-' tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. AFamous I Classified Advertising POR. SALI;t Most wills leave me as cold as their composers, for the olitns therein nion- troneci have always beeu tainted' like the coin iu the clown's hand in .the circus.'Taint yours and t'aint mine." There is, however, one fatuous testa-,, lent that I can never forget. It was the work of a Wall Steeet broker. Some may know it, but it he worth , repeating. It.reads as follows: His Wife "To my wife I leave her lover, and. the knowledge that I ween% the fool site thought I was. ells Son "To my son ('leave the pleasure of earning a living. "For thirty. -Sive years he thought the .pleasure was all mine. 'fie was mistaken. His Daughter "To my daughter I leave $100,000. She will ueed it. "The only good piece of business her husband ever did was to marry her. His Valet "To my valet I leave the clothes he has been stealing from me for the last ten }'ears, 'Also my fur coat that he wore last winter when I was at Palm Beach. His Chauffeur "To my chauffeur I leave my cars. 'He almost ruined them, and I want him to have the satisfaction of finish- ing the job, And Last of Ali— "To my partner I leave the sugges- tion that he take some other man in with hint at once if be expects to do any buelness." --FARM HELP — BR UM BOYS AND SINCIE MEN Weekly Parties .During Early Spring. AP_P LYNOW—Tte SecratorY. Thee Salvation Army immigration: 808 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. 180 Jarris Street, Toronto, Ont. 114 Beckwith St., Smiths Fails, Ont. 1228 University St., Montreal, Que. "After Baby, Was Weak, Skinny. Gained 22 Lbs." fronized Yeast did it, says Mra, Benoit. Thousands say 5 to 15 lbs, gained en 3 weeks. Nervousness, constipation vanish overnight. Skin clears like magic, Gee Lionized Yeast tablets from druggist today, s ness . .F '. .. READ 'NOISES BNB IN BACH A EARS -INSERT -Y -''Y'L 1n 1100TR11.5,,,. Wyy,p ®E& 01.2-s A11 5nreeit 9 Descriptive atedder on meant A. 0, LEONARD, Inc. 7e 1ifth Ave,. New Tort City Why not H&Ip Kidneys? Don't impose too great a strain an them, Aid with Warner's Safe -Kidney and Liver. Oetnedy ..The day your kidneys break down, yea health and usefulneaa are over. Modern life, rich foods and other unnat- ural conditions inake unusual demands ou kidneys and liver, xe your health still good? Then keep 11 go. Start taking Warner's Safe lridney and :Liver Zemedy while your Phoneys are stronger than they may ever be again. Thin safe herbal remedy is pleasant to take, helps liver and kidneys to throw oa b Ply Poisons that may prove daug'er- ono. For more than 60 yearn thousands t of grateful sniferors have testified to its eliabllity. 707017 druggist win 1011 yon that War- Hoc's Safe (money and Liver �eutedy le an Old £riend, Cies your bottle today. It costs 1lttlo but iso 7alne is beyond price in caeca where its known action is helm. i tidal. Don't Walt until kidneys are bad. Start now. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., TOroato, Oat, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy AAiSAS/Onion—wen HATCHED A 211,000 last year in four'.'eerie> ties. Write for free catalogue. A. IL Switzer, Granton, Ont, GGISTEICED HOLSTEIN NULLS Ail, ready for erriCe arloheap. Peter Arbogast, 1�fI'AD11$a WANTED. TO Do PLAIN' .IDJ and light sewing at 110ine. Molt 01' spare time.. Good pay, !4"orlt sunt for particularsCmNatioi al Manufactdring Company,• Montreal, - - - "-What is the present generation driving at?" asks a contemporary. About fifty miles an hour, I should imagine. CET INTO W 2The World's Fastest Growing In- dustry. Demand for Trained Men Ea, Exceeds. Supply: Well Paid -Positions Open, to Our Graduates. RADYO, Co7ALEGE OY CANALA LIMITED 3108. Tonga Street Toronto a A cry in the night may be the first warning that Baby has colic, No cause for alarm if Castoria is handy! This pure vegetable prep- aration brings quick comfort, anti cap never do the slightest hares. Always keep a bottle in the house. It is the safe and sensible thing when children are ailing, Whether it's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation; or diarrhea, When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath is bad. Whenever there's need of gentle regulation. Children love the k' II k I Minute Ends Itch di "SOOTHASALVA" AMAZES DOCTORS' Imo ` "Babyhad terrible eczema. 'Soothe - Salve' ended itohieg in 1 minute. Disease soon left."—Mee.1. Laurence. Stops Itch, burn, pail in minute, Eczema goes for good in few days. Skin becomes clear, smooth, A11 Druggists.. heu.•atis- Massaging the aching parts with Minard's brings comforting relief, Try it. Could not Eat or Sleep alter Husband's Death Her husband's death left her very ruts down in health, unable to cat or sleep much. Now she is brighter inspirits and eats and sleeps well, What caused the difference? Let tier answer in her own words :—. " I thinit Kruschen Saits are a splendid tonic. After my husbaud's death in December last I became very run down in health, Had terrible fits of depress (lion and was unable to eat or sleep much. 1 was also troubled with rheumatism. 1 decided to take Rous. Chen Salts and have now taken the little daily dose for nearly two months, during which time my health has greatly improved. The rheumatism has completely left me. 1 am much brighter in spirits and both eat and sleep well." When life begins to " get you down,' when you begin to feel the results of modern artificial conditions—errors of diet, worry, overwork, lack of ekercise then you should turn to Kruschen Salts. They possess a wonderful power of gilhng new life and vitality to the countless millions of cells of which the human body is composed. The way to keep smiling is to take ICrusehen Salta every Inonung just a pinch in vont, first morning cup of coffee or 'tea, FREE TRIAL OFFER It you have never tried lin:schen--try 1t now at our moons?. we have distributed a great :many special ' GIANT" packages which mato It easy Inc you to prove our clams far -tremae]£. Mk your druggist for tint now" GLLN1"' 76o. package. Aide consists of our regular 750. bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufiiolent for about mm weslc. open the trial bottle drat, put it to the test, and then, 1f not entirely convinced that Itrusehen does everything we alalia it to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take ib back, Your druggist 0 authorised to return rout 760, immediate) and without question. o expense. yr fine at Ut a d. ]t;rfair an You have tried pp What could o fairer P Manufactured s. (Stab.Griffiths5 . Hughes, Ltd., ic011 v ar, ling, Lta, Toronto. importers: bLcOhltrray Bma (nutty r'0tieeDiktion ensurresumdgast0' neincrecptt�um.ilupbs10e ru Nineral. Nertfancorir R;p',raia+xm'rmmtft ^ moo," 17 Ane" iterelvt'Y Co and pFeveristna.a um LOSSetn.HAP eCSaWnt �f: k_ �ne�hnh' FaaraNS NNn N.' 3br1 =5 us ra",s taste of Castoria, and its mi dness makes it suitable for the tiniest infant, and for frequent use. And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better for growing children than some need-. lessly strong medicine meant only for adult use. Genuine Castoria always has Chas. H. F'letcher's signature, on the wrapper. Pre- scribed by doctorsi "-`Your Vegetable Com- pound i5 a good p edicine. Anyone who is les poor heaiin should not hesitate to try it, When I was taking the Vege- table Compound I 'tried (the sample liver Pills T fcwnri in the package. I have taken them every night since and I can feel myself improving. 1 am so thankful for the good they do me that 1 have told several women about it."— Itilrs, G. W. Postiff, 263 Huron St., Stratford, Ontario. 051,Lynn M 0:�1 A. -O,ntlriui, ISSUE No, 12— Q