The Seaforth News, 1930-03-27, Page 7Boy Delivers London Joker In Mail Test. Young- Messenger Clings to Human "Letter" in Trip Through City by Omnibus , London—The British Post -office. is not infrequently the subject' of mall= -anent remarks; but there is one small telegraph boy, at least, who deserves nothing bat commendation, for he .is proud of his department and a worthy upholder of Its good name. 'To test the efficiency of the service two men entered into a conspiracy, the outcome of which was that one -of them attempted to mail his cam. 'fade ay a postal packet. Front the first postoffice which they visited tile conspirators wore directed to another, where such business could ba. transacted, hfere. the unusual "letter' did not nudely excite,tlio phlegmatic officiate,, who, with re melee absence o'f emo• filen, handled the matter with quiet' -efficiency. Delivery Charge Paid An 'official form was tilled out with particulars of the addressee, the send- er paid aver twenty-five cents and the "package" was entrusted ;to the tender Mercies' of a small messenger. The "letter," of course, was sup Posed to be a complete stranger to London, and .also ignorant of any barthy language, so the friends part ed with a simple farewell, "Cum Caesar Rhemim transisset," to which the other replied with deep . feeling "Amo, Ama, Amat " The air of finality about these last words so impressed the boy that he grabbed his charge by the arm and steered him into the street. "Letter" Found Reticent Here the boy, whowas a companion able youth, attempted to make con- versation, but the 'letter" refilled ,with a non -committal smile. The boy illhrllgged his shoulders and continued in silence.. The greater part of the journey, had to be covered by omnibus. The "let - ear" attempted to board several vehi- oies going in the wrong direction, but the youthful'serrant of the .postoiflce, with a firm grip on coat sleeve, dis- gouraged these endeavors. At last they boarded the right con•. veyance, and after a little difficulty !oyer fare paying the journey proceed - ad in_sileuce. Then the 'letter," as befitsa traveller in astrange city, . stood up to enjoy the sights of Pic• 1adflly Circus, but the inexorable Mercury forcibly indicated that a sa- lting position was desirable. Attempt to Escape Fails Alter leaving the omnibus the boy stopped to inquire the way of a taxi- driver and . the "letter," grasplughis ;opportunity, disappeared in the crowd Of pedestrians But the lad was not to be thrown off so easily. Doubtless remember - Ing recent postal thefts and losses, he tracked his charge with the relentless- ness of a bloodhound, and, having secured once more a firm sleeve -grip, he did not let go untilhe had made delivery to the addressee in person. "Omnia Gallia" said theman who had been: steered ed salol Y across Longi don. "Castro posuit" replied the re- cipient of this strange consignment. Whereupon the dimunitive representa- tive of the Britih postal service; grasp- ing his signed receipt, departed—an- other job done and an interesting tale to relate to his friends and relatives, Stamps Most of us, whether youug or old, are interested in statnps. Sometimes we collect them from parcels and let- ters, sometimes we trade them with someone who has specimens that we have not, and sometimes we, buy them. At the headquarters of the League of Nations Society in Canada, Ottawa, ;where we receive mail from many countries, we aro always interested In new stamps,. The newest 011e we have seen is a publicity stamp, . issued by the International Federation of the League of Nations Societies, whose headquarters are in Brussels, Bel glum, The new stamp comes in blue, green, mauve and red, winch will, no doubt, prove popular spring colors. They are about the size of our Canadian 10e stamp and have a miniature reap of the world -on them, encircled by a row Of stare. -You may buy these stamps, a sheet of twenty-four, for fifteen cents. Unemployment National Review (Loudon): The figures of unemployment mount; the .uncertainties created by . the present Government with regard to-the.Safe- guarding and McKenna duties have checked the flow of capital into the. protected industries. The certainty of a heavy increase of taxation' in the next Budget. 'has decreased expendi- ture. Mr. Snowden has., nailed his colors to free itit:ports, regardless of .their effect on the working man, and the only certain increases of employ- ment are to he in the Foreign Office, Where more. attaches are to be eta pointed to'try and,push our goods in protected concretes. a' • saw more drunken women is seven months in the United Staten than I have seen in Eugiand in seven Years."—St, John Ervine. WAS RUN DOWN AND VERY WEAK Too Little Blood the 'Txouble and Tonic Treatment Restored Health "I am writing to tell you," stye Mrs. James A. Haughn,.•Bridgewater, I11:S., "the great health benefit' i received through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I had become badly run down and very weak; so much so that I could only with difficulty d0 my liouee- aork. 7: suffered from headaches, and', had very little desire for meals. The trouble affected my nerves, and as a result I did not 01000 well at night; and would often awake with a choking sensation, and would have to eft up in bed, I was taking treatment, but it did not help nie and I was I sing «cur- age, when I saw an advertisement of a. case which seemed much Like my Oen, which had been relieved; by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I de oided to give this medicine a trial and got two boxes, Before these Were all gone there was a,n improvement inlay appetite, which seemed a hopeful sign. I procured a further supply of the pine and found a steady improve- ment in my health. I could eat well, sleep soundly at night, and my house- work was no longer tetask beyond my strength. Froin my own experience L would advise weak, run-down people to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, feeling that what they have done for me, they will just as readily do in. other slmIlar oases,' If you will send your tame and ad- drese to the Dr: 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., a little book, "Building Up the Blood," will be mailedyon prepaid. This little book -contains many useful health hints. You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The• Dr. Williams! Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Chemistry Professor '"'iVlhat are some of the uses;of clot ail'?"- Student—"In orating" it is said to be especially useful in .warming the audience t r to the subject, "I gm enthusiastically for every- thing that, increases knowledge," - Michael Pupin.' "I have never beenhurt by anything I didn't say."—Calvin Coolidge. YOUR Il-IAiR- NEEDS V X 0 TO GIVE IT HEALTH Ant LUSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER Ire GO OVERNIGHT "Many Boils on neck. Doctor said 51n19. Tried'Sootlu•Sajva' &at• boils banished overnight." C. T. Scott. bolls go to towboats s pain Int d druggist,. Owl Laffs Lrasy'Street Is reached by Bard Ianek Ailed, Basel--" Wlhere are yon going, Helen?" Helen—"Down to the drug store to bug a package of dog biscuits. Where are you going?" Hazel—"Over to the ,gTocery to buy a box of Aspirin.' A subscriber rie• writes b 1 wr res to ask .why some people have electricity in their hair? Of course we are not speaking' front personal experience, but it may be because such people have some• thing shocking ou 'their mind, Electricity in the Home Everything electric is ail ad, you often Bee, Let us cheek up on its uses, Everyoe• will soon agree Curls year hair and washes dishes, Toasts, your' bread so brawn and nice, Riuge the door bell, sends beet wishes In Manama time it makes yourfoe, •Cools tide honed and means the car- pets, In a trice it starts your car, Tarn a switch and as you listen, Yes, 'tis mush) from afar. In the.,honeymooner's kitchen hot a moment need they waste, The percolator on the table Has the coffee just t0 taste, Eggs are cooked. Just press a button,. Hens lay eggs by day or night. Oh! what a useful little' witch ' Merry little Kilowatt!. Every job just needs a switch. First—"Did you read about the man who swallowed the teaspoon? Second -"No, what happened to him?" 11•irst—"He can't stir." The modern wife doesn't know where her husband goes in the even- ings, says a critic. She should try staying at home one evening; she might find him there. It was necessary for taxation pur- poses to decide which side of the Canadian and United States border a farm, which au old Iadyhad just pur- chased, actually lay. Surveyors final - 13' announced that the farm was just on the. American side of the border. The old lady smiled with relief. "I'm so glad to know that," she said. "I've heard that winters in Canada are ter- ribly severe." • Cheer up and let the dentists do all the looking down in the mouth. She's a good mother, confides a friend. She never strikes her child- ren except in self-defense, Jones—"Welt, Old man, Trow are you getting along with your poultry rais- ing? Making Expenses?" Sinith-"Not yet; but my liens have taken, to eating their own eggs, so I hope they will soon become self -sup• Drifting." People who can't write their names so anyone can read them, will often complain if they are lot spelled right in the newspapers. Something In a Name It is said that a young lady by the name of Adeline Moore iilveuted the postscript. Simile: As unpitying -as a loan shark. 1st Suburbanite—"We are getting Rei r i` _P1 LIPS 0p coG,y ��CS' `a 47 For Troubles clue to Acid „JIT STION ACID STO MA ‘,4 HEA SUMnN NEOACH GASEs•NALIeE A Many people,-tsvo hours after eating,. stt:1ei' indigestion as they call it, It is usually, excess acid. Correct it with an alkali. ; The best way, the quick, harmless and efficient way, is Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia. it has remained for 50 years the standard' with physi- cians. One spoonful in water neutral- lies many times its .volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms dis- appear in five mtliutes. You Will never use crude methods when you know this better ,method. And you will never suffer from excess act h d w onou prove out 0 0 n thlit easy re- lief, Please do that—for your own sake—now. Bemire to gat the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- clans for 50 yeas•§ in correeting excess acids, Each bottle contains full direr• tions—anydrligstore. High. School Boards and Boards of Education Aroauthorized by taw to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education, THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendants shohld be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE arerottded for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Scheele, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations obtained from thet(Minister Parliament Buildings, Toronto. pc, Canada'sp • . a Participation CANADA is' taking a prom- inent part in the Fourth World's Poultry Congress, London, July, 22 to 30, 1930. National Exhibits. Provincial Exhibits. Commercial Exhibits. Live Bird Exhibits. 1,000 birds=the largest ex- -ltibit from' any countty. 500 delegates—the most from any country except Great Britain. Two After'Congress Tours After the Congress—an eleven day tour of the British Isles --the Shakespeare country, North Wales -Ireland, Lakes of Killarney, Dub- lin, Belfast—Scotland, the Tros- sachs, Edinburgh—back to England, Lancashire, the English Lakes. Then a Continental tour— Brussels, Holland, the Hague, Am- sterdam, Frankfort, m-sterdam,..Frankfort, Munich, Ober- ammergau (to see the Passion Play,); Switzerland, Paris. Canadian and United States dele- gates and visitors sailing together from Montreal, July 12th, on the "Duchess of York," For detailed information write to the nearest of the following: Dr. F. N. Marcellus, Ontario Agricultural. College, Guelph. Prof. W. A. Maw, Macdonald College, P.Q. J. D. Barbeau, Department of Agriculture, Quebec, P.Q. J. G. Morgan, Experimental Farm, Nappun, N,S. or P. C. Elford, President of the World's Poultry Association, Science As , Ottawa. CANADIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS COMMITTEE The Hon. Pr. W. R. Motherwell Honorary Chairman Dr. J. H. Griedalar Honorary Vicc•Clrairman H. B. Donovan—Chairmen President, Canadian National Poultry Council L. P. Burrows -Secretory 114 Vittoria St., Ottawa F1. up a league of nations in our suburb. Have you heard about it?'•' 2nd Ono—"No, what is it? A straw vote?" 1st 000—"No, it's as agreement be- tween those who are planning to matte a garden this spring and those who are going to raise chickens. ,Zis is one 3f those fellows who, if he were a singing celebrity, would spend hours P ors listening to his own phonograph g 1rh ro 1 co ds, said a eau of a friend. Mammoths' Graveyard Is Sought Along Yukon Fort Yukon, Alaska. -Seeking ante- diluvian' monsters with hair and skins intact, two scientist -traders have be- gun a leisurely journey down the frozen Yukon River iu the hope of finding the burial place of mammoths in the high bluffs of the stream unap- proachable during the season of open water. East spring frost forces huge hones out of gravel beds• along the river. Many valuable finds of ancient ivory were uncovered in the same manner in recent years and marketed by the two traders. The last weir preservod carcass of a mammoth was found near Dawson in 1904 ansi sold to an Eastern college museum for a large sum. That there are more such remains still intact In the frozen subsoil along the Yukon, where nature may do the excavating, is the opinion of the searchers, They expect to exchange clog sledges for. barges early in thespring, 'near the mouth of the Tanana River's con- fluence onfluence with the Yukon, "The man Whotr a creed s in his work is the man a who 'can keep quiet and placid vi•hhen there' is very severe pres- sure." --Charles e s DHug Hughes. Use Minard' in s the 'Stabt - 1 Stable. KEEP THEM HAPPY BY KEEPING THEM WELL It is natural for children to be hap- py, active, and full of fun. When they are fretful, fussy and disinclined to play you may be sure something is wrong, Almost invariably that some- thing lies in the digestive tract. It is to meet the' need for an abso- lutely safe corrective of childhood ail- ments that Baby's Own Tablets have been designed.. They gently regulate the stomach and bowels and thus drive out constipation and indiges- tion; break up colds and simple fevers and allay teething paint. Concern- ing them Mrs, W. 111, Forsyth, Dover, N.B., writes: "I would not be. without Baby's Own Tablets as I: know of noth- ing to equal them for fretful, fussy babies who are troubled with colds or sour stomach." Baby's Own Tablets- are sold liy medicine dealer or by mail at 25 cents a' box from The. Dr.' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont: The Opportunity Of a Lifetime The opportunity of a lifetime is real- ly what is offered in the post -Congress tours which have been, arranged to follow the . °toeing session of the Fourth World's Poultry Congress, to be held in Old London, July 22nd to 30th, this year. The tours have been arranged, one following the oilier, The flrst starts *July 81, and takes, one through. the historic, storied and scenic wonder.' lands of the British Isles. The Shake- speare country, North Wales, Dub- lin, with its Reeky Road; the Irish Free State, youngest of .the .British Dominions; Cork and•the lovely Lakes of icillarney; the Giant's Causeway and, of course, the Blarney Stone will be on the route. Crossing again to Scotland, Glasgow and the Burns' country is viewed; tite Taossachs, Edinburgh, the English Lake Country, and Liverpool provide days full of Wonder and amazement. This part of the tour returns to London August 10. Then comes the visit to the con- tinent which begins with a twenty- four .hoar stay at Brussels. From Brussels the quaint Holland country is visited, then the party proceed to the lovely Rhine Valley country, pass- ing on the way up that river the his- toric cities of Cobleuz, with its cathe- dral, and Bonn with its world-famous universities, both places which were held by troops of the Canadian Ex- peditionary Force inhutediately follow- ing the armistice. Frankfort and Munich aro also visited, then the party ..proceeds to Oberailimet'gati for Sunday, where they will be privileged to view the famous Passion .Play, which exemplifies what is regarded by most of tie as the greatest event of all history. Returning the party are the guests at a government reception at Munich before proceeding ooeediug to Switzer, land for a four-day stay, which will in- clude a visit to Geneva, seat of the League of Nations. Front Switzerland the party r irn to Paris, where an- other four days will be spent, The Paris visit'anay be cut in half and those desiring to do so will be afforded an opportunity of a taro -days tour of the battlefields of the Great War. To most of the party this visit to the battlefields will be the climax of what all will regard as truly the op- portunity of a lifetime. "Mr. Edison doesn't like dancing, Midge or golf; he thinks the latter in- vented for men who oat too much."— Mrs: Thomas Edison. DO YOU SUFFER FROM CO TIPEO ? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve eve for the moment but they are habit form-. ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral dregs, which remain in the sys- tem, ,;settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage ' nat re t e s machinery to become lazy. t Are u I p y vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. A Glorious End Frani, Ship of Polar Explorers Equipped for Her Last Voyage • Oslo,•Norway.—Tho battered ship Vram, whieh has carried Norwegian explorers t0 their Conquests during four decades, is being equipped for her last voyage. The Frain carried Fridjof Nanson toward the North Pole in 1893 and brought him' back two years later when he reported having reached inti• tido 86 degrees 14 minutes, the north- ernmost point visited by man up to tilers. The same Pram, with a few new ac- coutrements, ecoutrements, carried Roaid Amundsen south in 1911' and carried him back in triumph as discoverer of the South Pole, to be acclaimed at home. Now the Fram is to proceed to Trondhjem to take part in an exhibi- tion on the occasion of the 900th an- niversary of the introduction of Chris- tianity into Norway. When she re- turns she will be plated in the Arctic Museum here On her .Enal voyage the Fram' will be captained by Wilting, the only liv- ing man besides Rear Admiral Rich- ard E. Byrn who has seen both poles. Wieling was with Amundsen at the South Pole in a dirigible in 1928. The Pram's crew will be made up of old polar explorers from the Nausea, Amundsen and Srerdrup'expeditions. Mlnard's Kills Dandruff. Beaverbrook's Proposal Sydney. Bulletin (Criticizing the "traiff truce" 'conference, which was barren of results, the Bulletin com- pares it with the "Empire Crusade.") The idea is some relation to news- paper millionaire Beaverbrook's de- mented proposition that all the British Dominions shall somehow be tricked into au arrangement for absolute Free Trade within the Empire, so that all the products of the United Kingdom and of some 350,000,000 attached nig gers shall enjoy the run of the.Aus- tralian market, and thio Common- wealth shall throw the biggest item of its revenue into the ash -heap, and go broke immediately amid the yitupera- bone of John Bull, its biggest. creditor. Classified Advertising sea SALE , AA melte ciliates—WE BATCHED.t . , 115,000 last year in lour vatic, ties, Write. for free catalogue. A, 151. Switzer, Granton, Ont. -•�"LATEST SON 5 10 CTS.-- -' Words of 100 latent song hits of stage and screen sent for 100, Factory $urplua Solas. Co., C 48, Windsor, Ont, Ul ARMS NLIAR TORONTO—WRITB A.' for our intereSling free list, Lock- hart & F,j9okhac•t, 819 Bay St., Toronto, RriiGISTFED HQLSTEZN SALTS itready for service. Cheap. Peter Arbogast, Mitchell, Ontario, —FARM HELP — BRITISH BOYS AND SINGLE MEN - Weekly Parties During Early Spring. APPL8 NOW -The Secretary, The Salvation Army Immigration: 808 Dundee Street, Woodstock, Ont. 410 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ont. 114 Beckwith St., Smiths Palls, Ont. 1225 University St., Montreal, Que. 17~ % of TOTAL 1 FARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families; Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full details emery:— a. D. CAMERON, Dist. Sunt. colonization Canadian Paciac Railway, Toronto BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION NOIR d111d3C FC, FIArN>LLESS Q OMFO ,T i1dm7 C'yfork' WR COtrrRABOKOWRR5EA,a5VIRISI00ESS .nue Oe 0Aa:n 0'W Re•eaSEAr IN 1.1054Rr16a ... mafne % 1F1OISFS eonafd EAR. OIL 81,25 All Druggists Descriptive folder on request A. O. LEONARD, Inc, 70: girth Ave., Nosy York' City APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible in the Order In Which They Ara Received. , ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Farm Help APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference. Supplied The Colonization and. Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario' will h ve available a number of Experienced Married Men With Thein Mime and Families -Married Couples Without Children Also, Single Men. Parnlers requiring help win be wen -. advised tomake early application t0 Geo. A. Elliott Director of Colonization , Parliament Bldgs,,: `. Toronto, Ont. File Your Application at Once All Men Placed Subject to TriaI Period d HON. JOHN S, MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture EABT CHICTICS INGLE COMP: WIZTTLI LEGFrOatW 10. and Barred Plymouth Rock Baby Chicks, wonderful winter layers. We have been hatching for 27 years, Dela- mere Poultry E'er/a, Stratford, Ont, AWED 11 lbs. In 8 Wks And a Boy Friend." writes Susan Salim), Thousands, say new Ironized Yeast adds 6 • to 151b8.1,1 3 weeks, Skin clears like magic, Constipation, neryea1 end. Got pleasant Ionized Yeast tablets from druggist today. • "Mter years of rheumatism, now int perfect health," says Mr. A. Duch- erme. Thousands write rheumatic' pains, neuritis, vanish like mekla with"Frulhe.tives",Constipation,iadl- 8estion end overnight. Nerves quiet Got"Fruit-a•nves"tromdruggisttoday. lase a1�a Coughs & Colcis A speedy, safe, proven remedy for children and adobe. 17A UCKLEY'S MIXTURE theaFlarh. • A 51NQLE SIPPPOvFAB Boils Dry up and disappear with Min- ard's. It kilts the poison and draws out the inflammation. Liver—in VaitC'Ouver Three years ago, while in Vancouver,.. the hoose physician at the hotel advised Me to use Srusehea Salta for bad liner and constipation. I can. say 1 never have had 'anything that pall, ane almost instant relief before, and I therefore Col my chemist to order Eruschen for me—I think oto lass than 40 or 50 families have used « 0 r any persuasion. Brost other remedies on the market leave a bad effect in many ways, but A can safely say I haven't been as well in maw Hears as Mateo T have taken Rraschue."-111m. j C. R. M., Williamsport Pa., OOgloat tette, as Wu for Inepeetlem Trusehea Salta is obtainable at drug and department stores in. Canada at 75e. a bottle. A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or G mouths—good health for halta-cent a day. FREE T', IAL i<)FFE If you have never tried xruschen—try it now at our expense, We have distributed a great many special •' (015148" packages which make It easy for You to prove our claim for vourself. Ask your druggist for the new " GIANT " 75o. package. noktR o. This consists of OnrIIII root r 750. bottle togethert wono eek. O e fillet boialebottt lrat for about the sib, Open no trine betty Drat, Ater It at the volt, and shonit not entirely convinced do ttas regularen does sstillas everything we rlahn 10 to do ti to brook. bottle druggist ago as gaud or. mew. Telco It n bout. 75c.Your Immediately is authorised to return Sett have rigid Kruscyh and t%at without (l805lon, You have tried 1Cr5 )rs frco, at our expense, want could ho fairer? Manufactured by (Satoh 1 hg Hughes, Ltd„ ' Manchester. Deg. (Satroh 1700), Importers: McGillivray Bros. Ltd„ Toronto, READ OF A CASE 'gin r La lti Decided to take Lydia E. Pinklaam's Vegetable Compound Moncton, New Brunswielc—"Before my last baby. was bora I was veryweak, nervous and dis- couraged. I' caw an advertisement in the paper about a woman who had been litre me 00 1- bout<)it a bottle of. Lytha, ' 7,. Pink hafi"i's Vegetable Compound. I took three bottles and it carried me safe- ly through that critical time. I save three rhnidrea 1, ate Sur and Y Mt''w ll' and 'Strong. 1 have told two other women about your medieine,"— Mas. Gus Anar9NAULT, 82 Albert brtreet, Moncton, New Brunswick. ISSUE No. I i -'-'30