HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-03-27, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 27,.1930,
About the only thing they leave behindis what it.cost`to;feed them.
Not so with Superior Chain Stores. They are here to stray; to spend
their w!oney in the Home Town and to bake their pant in every
enterprise that goes to better the community, No wonder Superior
Stores have grolwn in a very short time to the largest Group of
Service Stores in Ontario.
Items for Week Ending April 2nd, 1930.
PURITY QUICK CHINA OATS . , , . , :......,:aper pkg 30 `►
P. &'G. "The White Naptha Soap" 10 bars 35
CHATEAU OHIEEISE, ",Wholesome and nutritious—
It spreads or slices" % Ib. ,pkg. 19c
TOMATO CATSUP large bottle 19c
PURE RASPBERRY JAM .:.,.,,,,,,,, 40 oz, jar 33c
Infant's Delight Soap 4 four 25c
Magic Baking Powder c
Keen's Mustard %'s 27c ,lb.;4o'z's, 53c
Flusho (Toilet Flush) 3623c
Palmolive Soap 6 Cakes 47c
Shelled Walnuts, quarters T4 Ib. 23c
Peanut Bartter per Ib. 25c
Siweet Pickles, Heinz ` per prim 29c
Sliced Pineapple, 2's Squat 2 tins 25c
Chewing Gum, assorted
90 lb. bag Rolled Oats for Chicken Feed. $310
1 ,gal, tin Pure Maple Syrup $2.75„. , , .- 1 pkg, Pancake Flour Free
1 cwt. Sugar or Flour, reg. price 3 doz, Clothes pins—Free
.1 "Wear Ever" French Fryer 99c 1 can Crisco Free
10 lbs, Our Blend Tea, 70c lb 1' Enamel Dishpan Free
3 cakes Life Buoy Soap 23e 1 35c Tube Shaving Cream Free
L.pound Premium Tea 73c • .'1 Auto Strop Razor & 2 blades Free
1 "Wear Ever" 3 qt. Dish 99c 1 Rinso, 1 Lux, 1 LifeBuoy
1 Sunlight, 1 Lux Soap Free
• 3 pkgs. 10c
Ross J. Sproat
A. Jeffery Rhone
Phone 8
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
your cream to other Creameries;
Do not send ,we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery the need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators, Come
in and see the new Models.
Creamer. Co, Seaforth, Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Time Many friends of Mrs. R, E.
Howard, mother• o'f Mrs, Arnold;
Wes'tcott of town will regret to Bear
that she .fell while visiting in Guelph.
at the home of her daughter, Mas, G.
G: 'Sural1•aconvbe, and broke the large
bone in her right leg. She is at Pres-
entdn'Guelph -General Hospital.,
Miss Daisy E. Hamilton Reg, N.,
of Owen Sound, Ontario spent a few
days o'f last week with Miss' Josephine
Edge at 'the Royal Apartment's,
Miss Lillian 'Whitfield,. R.N., ' of
Stratford, spent a few days last week
With her sister, Mrs: Jack Currie of
Mr. ,and Mrs. Will S. Eyre of Sar-
nuta spent the ,week end with their mo-
ther, Mrs. Silas Eyre, Tuckersmith.
The 'Barbara Kirkman Au:diliary of
First Presbyterian Church held their
inontlifiy meeting at the home of Mrs.
M. McKellar, Goderic'h, street. Wed-
nesday evening. The 'meeting was in
charge of the Graham group.
Mr. A. J. Roberts, Inspector In-
come Tax Department, Stratford, was
in town on Tuesday,
Mr and Mrs. S. Smith of Stratford
were week, end guests of Mr. and
-Mrs. J. R. Dunlop.
Miss Mayme Chapman of Bruce -
field was a visitor on Tuesday with
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Routledge •
Mr. Wren . Eyre of Sarnia visited
friends over the week end.
On Sunday afternoon Misses A.
Cannon, Mildred Smith and Loretto
Lane, Messrs. Hugh Deady, Lawrence
Carswell and Harry' Smith, of May-
nooth, paid.a hurried call at the home
of Mr.. Thos. Lane.
The Marian "Keith C.iG.:I.T. will
present two very interesting plays,
"Fare Please" and "Pain Street," in
the basement of Northside United
Church on Wednesday evening, April
2nd,' at S p;m. Admission 25c, child-
ren under 10 years, 15c. The public
are cordiallvanvited.
' Mrs. Geo. Aberhart and daughter
Olive spent the week -end in Goderich
and Port Albert,
Mrs, John Sproat spent several days
in Clinton last week.
lir, James Manson who spent the
winter at. the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Manson, has gone to Bayfield
to vislit friends.
Among .those from out of town
present at the funeral on Sunday of
the late Matthew Habkirk were: Miss
Annie Habkirk and Mr. and ,Mrs. N.
Speare, Harristou; and Mr. Allan
Habkirk, Port Credit.
The Swift Canadian Company .shas
opened a store in the Broderick block
in charge of Mr. W. J. Green, who
was formerly with Mr, Thos. Dick-
lir. Johnston McElroy who spent
the winter in Milton, has taken a po-
sition with Mr. Thos. Dickson. •
Mi. John McQuaid returned from
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last
M. Archie Day of Toronto was a
week -end guest of his brother, Mr.
Day, of the Collegiate staff,
Airs. Bremner and children who
have been visitors at the home of Mrs.
Bremner's mother, Mrs. G. D. -C.
Ilarn, returned .Monday to Ethel,
Mrs. Kenchen and son, Mr, H.
Kenchen orf Owen Sound, were guests
for several days of Mr.' and _Airs. W.
H. Golding.
Mr. \Vm. Oke was a London visitor
on Thursday.
Mr. Chas. Brodie is visiting his
brother in Michigan,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Free were visitors
in Dungannon on Sunday with Mr.
Free's smother. who has been ill.
Mrs, I. D. Price of Aylmer is visit-
ing her brother, Mr. F. D. Hutchison
and Mrs. Hutchison,' and other friends
in town.
Miss Mary Blewett of Orono is vis-
iting Mr, and Mrs. 'Chas. Adams and
other friends in town.
Mr,s.W. J. Walker returned Wekl-
nesday rrom Timm ins where she was
visiting her ,sons for a couple of weeks.
The Lions Club of Seaforth are go-
ing to hold a euchre and dance on
Wednesday, April 23. Full particulars
to follow.
Miss DorothyWilson of Mitchell
spent the week end at her home here.
Miss Evelyn Grieve. George street,
who has been confined to her home
for several weeks, is improving.
Miss Jessie Wilson' of Kitchener
spent the week -end with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. Wm. Wilson and Mrs. Ste-
The many friends of Mr, Art, Nich-
olson, Mill Road, are sorry to learn
that he is confined to his home with
an attack of pleurisy.
Mrs. Geo. Hills has been appointed
delegate from First Pres'byter'ian
Church to the W.M.S. convention to
be held April 4th in Toronto.
sirs; Sam McGeoch has" returned
home after an extended visit itt Bay
City, Mich.
Miss Janette S. Wilson of London
spent Friday to Wednesday at the
home of her father,' Mr. J. A. Wi"anon.
Miss Margaret 'Case has returned to
Detroit where she Will write her ex-
amination for. the degree of R.N., this
week. -
0Fiss Gretba 'Ross of Weston teach-
ing staff, spent the week end with her
paren't's, Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Russ.
Miss Mary Jackss"on of Thedford
teaching. staff, 'spent the week -end
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,L. C.
Mr, Alvin: Sillery of London spent
the week -end in town.
The traditional March lion made
his appearance - on Monday. The 'trees
have been beauitifutly- laden with
fleecy snow, following rain and sleet.
'Phe weather has remained mild.' -
Mr, Leo Charlesworth of Paisley
was in town- Monday and visited his
mother in Egution'dville on his way to
Le{amlington• with a ,pair of horses, Mr.
Oharleslwort'h has .been in Hamilton
hospital for several weeks. '
M•r, and -Mrs. J. M'c!EIroy have mov-
ed 'front Milton to Egmondville and
are occupying the house they former-
ly occupied.
°Mrs. Wm. Shade returned ' Friday
after visiting her ,daughter, Mrs. Vin-
cent, in Preston,
IMrs Reg. McGee and baby of Go-
derich were the guests of Mrs. Geo:
Aibenhart last week.
Miss Florence Knight has ' returned
home front the hospital and is able to
be up
W,1•, walker &I Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished. -
Night or day phone 67.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Howey
Phone 327-J. Centre St.
Just Try It
Whenyou ou feel tired and
y, p around the
corner and get a massage
You may come in with
a grouch but will go out
with a smile.
Phone 125.
D. H McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Shoes- for Chiidre1
We are ready to answer the call for Spring Shoes with the Best
Children's Shoes obtainable anywhere.
Parents can purchase here with the satisfaction of knowing that
A splendid selection of the Newest Styles for Spring in Oxfords,
Ties, Strap Slippers and Sandals "at,money-saving prices.
Every deposit quarcmteed
4yt/w Ontario G�verrnnent
Daily 9.30 a•m. to 5 p.m.
Saturdays 9.'30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.rn.
EVERY DOLLAR you deposit in the Province of
Ontario Savings Office is SAFE!
The Government of Ontario, the banner province
of Canada—this is your guarantee of absolute security.
And with all this safety, not one iota of banking
service is sacrificed. Withdrawals are in order at
your command. Interest begins from the moment bf
deposit. The hours are extended for your convenience.
Start now on the highroad to financial independence
by depositing $1. or more.
ptZ .rrc
vttrL� ',__•� Pf�'"'er BUILDINGS
• Special Optical Notice.
Have your eyes looked after by our
well known and painstaking specialist.
Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex-
pert for Kents, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan & Co„ Montreal. 30 years ex-
perience, 20 years coining to Seaforth.
You are assured of the best optical
work to be obtained and at very mod-
erate cost. We furnish all the late
style of mountings. The best make
of the best makers and our prices are
from $4.00 up. Tuesday, Wednesday,
April S, 9. Close \Wednesday. at 4 p.
m. Come early. Beattie's Fair, Sea-
forth. 14
On Tuesday evening, March 25th,
a very pleasant and sociable evening
was spent at the home of Mr. Patrick
O'Rourke, when a number of friend's
of Louis and Mrs. Jennie O'Rourke,
gathered to honor them on the eve of
their departure to their osvn home.
The evening was spent in progressive
euchre. They were presented with a
miscellaneous shower of very beauti-
ful and useful articles and the follow-
ing address: "Dear Louis and Mrs.
O1Rourke,-4We, your friends and
embled here this
nen hbars have as
evening to let you ;know we are glad
to have you in our community. We
welcome you, Louis, and will do our
utmost to make Jennie ,Feed at home,
so far away from the place which has
always been her home, We have one
regret, and that is that you have not
decided to stay with us permanently.
The only thing we can do is treat you
so well that you will not want to leave
us- We offer you these gifts as a
slight token of our friendship and es-
teem. Each and every one of us
wish you health, wea'l'th and happi-
ness. Signed on behalf of your
friends, Pete Maloney and Mary ,0' -
Rourke In a few witty and well-
chosen words.' Louis thanked the au-
dience on behalf of himself and his
wife and said there was no spot on
earth that held such sacred memories
for hint as dear old ,icKillop.
'Miss Veronica McCotinell of Mt,
Clemens, spent the week end with
her' father,, Mr, F. McOo hell.
Mr. and Mrs, \Vm, Krauskopf spent.
the week end with Dublin friends,
IMiss Catherine Donnell, nurse-in—
Provincial. Insurance
eompany of England.
One of the few British Companies
operating in Canada today at
This means a saving in premium
to you with protection, security
and the night and day service of
• this office.
Call, phone or write us for hill
information, rates, etc. Our ser-
vices at your - disposal at any
A. 9. Sutherland
Conveyancing, Real Estate -
Investments, Etc,
PHONE 152 — :SEAFORTH, ,Ghat.
training at St. Joseph's Hospital, Kit-
chener, is spending a few days et her
home near Dublin.
The many friends of Miss Evelyn
Dillon, who was operated on for ap-
pendicitis in Seaforth Hospital is do -
Mg as well as can be expected.
)Jr. and Mrs. D. Monahan o? De-
n- •it. spent Sunday at the home of
)Jr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy.
Miss Mary Dittos spent the week
end in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland kleinfeidt
and Misses Carrie and Agnes O'-
Connor were 'Sunday evening guests
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter
McIver, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. August Dacharane
spent Sunday in Seaforth:
We are very sorry to report of the
serious illness of Miss Evelyn Dillon,
We hope to hear of her speedy re-
Mr. and Mrs. William Dorsey and
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland visited
at the home of lir. and Mrs, Joseph
Stapleton Sunday evening.
Mrs. Jack McGrath and Miss Brid-
get McGrath spent Sunday with My.
end- Mrs. Albert Kr•.amers•
Miss Rose O'Connor of Hensel'
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs Dan O'Connor.
The many friends of Mr. John
Pethick will be sorry to hear that he
is on tate sick list.
Mr, and Mrs. John Brennan spent
Monday in Stratford.
.Airs. James Atwood and fancily of
Blenheim spent the week -end with
friends in the village. -
Mr. and Mrs, Adam Nicholson
spent Sunday With Mrs. Nicholson's
father, Mr. James Manit,
Mr. John Moore of the Bank of
Commerce staff of Toronto returned
to the city on Saturday after spending
a three weeks' vacation with his bro-
ther, Mr. Wm. Moore.
'Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Doman of
Kippen visited friends in the village
last week,
'Harold Colclough of Blenheim is
at present visiting at the hone of his
aunt, Mrs, Robt, Grimoldby and in-
tends spending the summer in this
loality. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Mann and fa i
tly spent Sunday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby.
Miss Vera Crozier spent the week-
end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs, - Joseph Thornton
spent Sunday afternoon at the home
of 'Mr, and 12rs, John Leonhardt.
'Mss, Tos, Leeming, Sr., has re-
turned home after spending the win-
ter with her daughter, Mrs. Bella
Mr. John Leonhardt is making his
rounds these days with his ,circular
saw cutting wood on the 12th con-
lir: Joseph Thornton has purchas-
ed a Chevrolet :coupe,
'Could Hardly Live for Asthma,
writes one' who utter years of
suffering has found complete relief
through Ds. J. D. Kellogg's AsthmaRemedy, Nowhe knows how need-
less has been his suffering. This
matchless remedy gives sure help to
all afflicted with asthma. Inhaled as
smoke or vapor it brings the help so
long -needed.
BRUCEFIELD. Mr• McKenzie has secured a position
llr, Walter McBee:It of Saskat-
chewan, who has been visiting relat-
ives and friends int the village and vi-
cinity for the past twa months- ie:t
for his home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie and
family of Detroit moved to Bruce -
field last week and are now occu-
pying rooms ar Mr. Cecil Simpson's.
on a boat for the summer and, expects
to go sailing in a few weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. Swan and babe of
Hamilton were the guests of the
doctor's 'father and sister this week.
A very successful concert and box
cid! was held last Friday evening
March 21st. under the auspices
of to Marion Oliver Circle in the
school room of the l n.ted Church.
Many unique and practical novelties are shown in the new line
we have to offer. You are invited to come and see them.
If you want better quality Chicks from a carefully culled and
inspected flock of high egg production„ and high grading. Our chicks
bring greater profits. Hens mated to male birds whose record runs
from 250 to 316 eggs.
Here is what one of our customers says: "J. A. Eckert, Dear Sir,—
I thought I must tell you hew well those Bfa•by Chicks dill that I got
from you last year. First we only ordered twenty-five and they were
such smart, healthy chicks, we ordered three hundred more. We raised
almost ninety per cent. of these, I am so pleased with them that I in-
tend ordering five -hundred Baby Chicks earlythis year. 'lours - truly.
—Mrs, Ed. CM -learn."
Book your order now for March and April Chicks; for three weeks
old started Chickens; for eight weeks old pullets. Order now and avoid
disappointment. Send for circular, Visitors welcome. .
John A. Eckart -
Phone 23-23 Dublin R.R..1, DUBLIN, Ont,
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes .of Batteries
Ag ood line of neiv and used parts of different Males of cars
If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
Reaier'S arage