HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-03-20, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930. THINK OF IT ! In the gr• reat`d•ama of modern merchandising, your focal mer- chant play`s the leading role, He' is essential to your cartnmunity' without him it bannot ,grow and you suffer in the lass of property value and prossiperity.',' Over she hundred first-class merchants are grouped together as Superior Chain Stores using. their great buying power to give you the highest quality at the lowest prices, plus the ,lastword in service. Support your Superior Chlain Store and benefit. yourself: Items for Week .Endihg March 26, 1930, STANDARD CORN, No. 2 size..i. , . , . , . .....2 for c 1 pound PREMIUM TEA and one1VAL'ET AUTiO-STROP RAZOR with Strop and Tieo ,B1ades all for 73c 4 KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES . , ... 2 pkgs. .19 c STAiNIDARD No. 3 SIEVE PEAS; No. 2 stet • , 2 for 29c Ingersoll Cream or Pimento Cheese ..........................2; for 25c Oxydol large pleg. 23c Ol:ark's Pork and .Beans 3's, 23c Durham Corn Starch ... ,...•.,.......... per pkg.: 9c Horse Radish per: 'bottle 19c Spring Mops each 20c Pure Honety, 4 1b. 0 oz, tuns each 54c v.fars'h4Il's Kippered Herring 1'g 23c Dunbar Shrimps, full 'pack ........ . ....... . each 25c' Eggweat'N'oodles , per pkg. 10c Choice Peaches, 2's, HGS. per, tfn 25c Stas daed Beans, Refugee 2 tins 35c Golden Halloviyi Dates . 2 las. 25c Sliced Pineapple, 2's Squat 2 tins 25c Smyrna Cooking Figs 2 lbs. 22c MacLaren's Pure V,analla or Lemon Extract bottle 19c Pure Maple Syrup, above Government Standard 13 lbs, 3 oz. in leakproof tins 1 Imperial Gallon $2.75 . Strawberry and Raspberry Jan; with apple 4 lb. tin's 43c WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS oss J. Sproat !hone 8 We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will give you of our hest in service and prices. We are agent for the .Mellotte Cream Separators, Come in and see the new Models. i'` of Creamery _O, Seaforth Orth Drat. Seaforth Crea � , C. A. BARBER, Prop. W, J, Walker Son UNDERTAKING. --and— - "' EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment' W. J. WALKER, holder: of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers. Furnished. • Night or day phone 67. Pianos Tuned ' Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A. Howey Phone 327-J. Centre St. Just Try It When you feel tired and drowsy, slip around the corner and get a massage at D'S S1401? You may come in with a grouch but will go out wibis a smile. Phone 125. D. H. McInnes lihiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds 'success- fully treated. Electricity used. CORRECT FITTING When you buy your Shoe's here, you are •assured of the proper size and width as our Women's Shoes are carried in the following fittings: A, B. C. D, ,E. ER IEEE. Never have we shown so many handsome Shoe, Styles as this Spring. May we show you? 6r. ,SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS Monday's Mall and. Empire contain- ed a picture, of Miss Beatrice Morson, who is singing u "Hugh the Drover," during the week at the Royal Alexan- dra theatre. Miss Morson is a former Seaforth girl and sister of Mrs, J. H, Best of town. 'Among, those attending the funeral of the late' Mrs. David Moore in Eg mon'dville on Tuesday were her niece, Mrs•. (IDr.) McCrea, bf Brussels, and nephew, Mr, Robert Dobie, of Wing ham; Mr. Frank Smith of i3russel's, and Mr, Jlalnes Smith,. P)M. of Dur- ham. Mr, assn Mrs. Charles Clark of Ayl- mer, were guests aver the week end with the former's mother, Mrs, R. L. Clark, 'Mr, Harry Liver s and Mr, Murray Sevauge, both of Ioedon, spent the weekend with the latter's parents., Mr. and Mrs. F. S,.Savauge, Miss. Dorothy Wilton spent the weekend visiting friends in Lucan, The ,Seaforth Agricultural . Society acknowledges, the folilowing additional donations for the,Spring Show: Junior Farmers, $5; Conrad 'Eckert, $1. I.t looks Pram the list of entries received as if this will be a bumper show. 'Nis. el, Talbotof Stanley Twp., un- derwent an operation fpr appendictis in the hospital on Sialturday and is do- ing nicely at present, . Miss Hattie Dalton of Toronto spent several days at her home, returning on Tuesday. Mrs. Parker and two, children, who have been visiting their aunt and uncle. Mr. and• Mrs, W. N. Knechtel, have left for North Battleford, Seek., where they intend to Jive with Mrs. Parker's brother, Rev. David Pgrrie. .Miss Ruth Pinkney of Stt'atford, was a visitor in to'wn.for a day or two. ;Friends of Mr. W. W. Cowan regret to learn that he is very poorly. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hanna were vis- itors in Cromarty on Saturday. Mrs, Dodsnan, of Lucky Lake, Seek., and Mrs, Bagnell of I-Iuntoon, Sask., left Tuesday for their respective homes after a five weeks' visit with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sthale; ow- ing to the. latter's illness. • +Its, Attsps Bates and family, who have been visiting' Mrs. Bates' parents, Mr. and Mr's. J. R. Govenlock, left on Wednesday for Shelburne. • Messrs. Con, and 5,\'i. Eckert spent Sunday_ with friends at Manley and in Logan township. Mr. and Mrs, L, .F.. Bolton and fam- ily •spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne, Dale and family have moved , to their 'new home on Jarvis street ' HIBBERT. The regular monthly mee,ting of the Hibbert Council was held at Staffa on Monday, March 17, all the metttbers being present, who confirmed the mm- Utes of the previous meeting. The auditor's report bf the hydro Electric accounts of Police Village of Dublin, was presented to .the Council, and on being 'found, satisfactory was adopted. ByLaw No, 3.44, appointing Fence Viewers and' Pound Keepers for 19.30, also BeLaw-Nn. 345 for the appoint - meat 01 Patrolmen were both finally passed. The following appointments were made far the respective offices: Fence Viewers 'Wm. Kunim . Jos eph Linton, Robert Norris, Oswald Walker, Frank Jordan, James OiReil-. ly, --James Morris, John M. Miller, William Kay, .Geo. F. Wren. Pound Keepers: Frank Feeney, Alma Grey, Fired Vipond, John Ha- milton, Lorne Pethick, Patrick Wil- liams, Bert Peart, Walter Kerslake, Dave Bruce, Arnold Westlake, Frank Hambley, Jahn Arnold, Patrolmen: (Wesley Parsons, John Britton, James Feeney, Fred Vipond, Chas. Tuffin Thos. Scott, Mac La - mond, .Ed. Allen, Noah Horton, John Simmons, Simon Sanaras, William Miller, Miles McMillan, James Doyle. Pat. Maloney. Instructions were 'given to the Clerk to prepare By.Laws'and Schedules to provide for the refunding of the sur- plias funds standing to the credit of the Walker and ,Peart Drains. IA grant of $25 was voted to the Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan Agricul- tural Association for the Spring Pair. General orders were issued for ap- proximately $209,00. The meeting ad- journed until- Monday, April 2l'st at 1 pate Mrs, Kathleen Feeney, 'Clerk. The following is 'the report o6 S,ep artute School No. 4 for the term Jan- uary to March 14, .Names are in order of merit according to work, examina- tions, deportment and discipline. Sr. IV.—Morris, Joseph, gbh Mor- ris,: Ellwyn, 85. - ;Ji'. IV. ----Jordan, Many, 83; Feeney, Fergus, 82; Williams,Catherine, 81; McIver, Joseph,80; O'Connor, John, 717; Feeney, Marie, 75; O'Reilly, Jos- eph. 711, Sr.IIII,—Morris' Mary 83, O'Reilly. Margaret 80; Atkineon, Margaret, 78; Mc'Iver, Marion, 75; .O'Connor, Joseph, 72. Jr. DEL-FFeeney, Mona, 79; Wil lions Hannah, 77; Jordan, Aima, 75; Fitzpatrick, Mary; 73. IDI.—Atkinson1 Teresa, 80; McIver, Louis, 78. - Pt. Id. O'Connor, Gerald, 112 punches; McIver Thomas, 1'10; Fitz platrick, Margaret, 101';: Jordan;, Clare, 9'7; Atkinson, Genevieve, 96p McIver, Edward 93; Coyne, Matthew, 87; Wil- liams, Tofnnty, 85; Feeney, Carl, 80. (Perfect Attendance-1Ell. yn Morris, Mary Jordan, Catherine Williams,. Margaret 'Atkinson. Mary Morris, Margaret O'IR'eilly; ' Mona Feeney, Hannah Williams, Anna Jordan, Ter- esa Atkinson, Genevieve Atkinson, Tommy Wiiliarna, (Best Spellers--JEIIwyn Morris, John' O'Connor, Mary Jordan, Margaret O' Reilly, Anna Jordan, Louis Mol've'r,. Mary Fitzpatrick, Edward . McIver, Gerald OICo•nnor, Torn McIver; INtnnrber on roll, 29. Average at- tendance 28. Lucy „M. B. Burke, Teacher. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HULLETT; Mr. and Mrs. Toll of near- klarlo,ck spent several days at the home of Mr; 3, Wheatley last week, Mr. Wm. Lyon of the gravel road had the, misfortune to slip on the ice and injure his shoulder, -. Mr. Townsend, our assesor, tells us he has almost completed his work for the. year. CONSTANCE. ;Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Roe o8 Har- lock spent Sundae with Mr. and Mrs, Adam Nicholson. 'Miss Edith Riley and Mr. James McFarlane of Clinton visited the for- mer's parents on S'un'day,. Mr. Duncan Tudor and Mr, How- and Armstrong attended the funeral of Mr. Stirling Dempsey ofClinton which was held last Sunday to the. place of interment in the Clinton cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stepheheon vis- ited the latter's parents in Blyth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Logan visit- ed isited at the home of Mr. and Mrs..Leo Stephenson' on Saturday last. last. CROMARTY. buyyour Ford o you win when you tY ram .Sandy Elliott, Zarich and Exeter. •Mr. John Wren spent a few days with his Cromarty friends, Mrs, Duncan McKeeIiar returned home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, J Barr, of Stratford. `'Mr. Evelyn Miller of Stratford spent 'Sunday at his home here. Mr. jos. Speare is under the doe- tor's care at present. Mr, Ralph Speare of Harrison is pending a few days with his father,. Mr. jbseph Speare. Syrup making is the order of the day. DUBLIN. Messrs. Lorne Cronin and -Joseph Dill of Detroit spent the week end with friends in Dublin. /Miss Drucilla Campbell of Toronto is visiting' friends in Dublin, Mr. and Mrs: Robert Evans and An nie'and.Lizzie Ryan of Seaforth visited Mrs. P. Ryan on Sunday. Miss Anna Moiyneaux of Kitchener spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Molyneaux. Mr. John McGrath shipped a fine carload of horses to Quebec on Satur- day. Miss Veronica Dill hat returned home after' spending a couple of weeks in Detroit. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Byrne of Detroit visited at the home: of his parents, William Byrne, over the week end. The winners of the card party held in St. Patrick's parish hall on Monday night were: Ladies' first prize. Miss Ethelyne OlHearne; gentleman's prize, Mr. Fred Ecltsart. The Mucky chair prize was won by Mr. "Patrick Mc- Connell. The many friends of Mr. John Murphy, who has been so seriously 111 BORN. KIEJNINEID'Y — In Scott Memorial IHloapital, Seaforth. to left.. and Mrs. (Angus Kennedy, of Tuck,ersovith, a. daughter' on Tuesday, March 18, -1930 EIGKIA!RlT,—an Oakville on .March 15, 11930,10 Mr, and Mrs. Yoe Eckart, a draugh,ter,'Geraldine Elizabeth. Fertilizer News Have you bought your Fertilizers? We shall be pleased to fill your orders for high quality plant food, at the fal- lowing atlowing prices, off car. Tennessee Natural 33 per cent phos- phate, the cheapest source of plant food to the farmer. Use it with your manure, it will save you buying a fer- tilizer drill. Price, cash $30.00 per ton. Oct. 1st $81.50. TAMGUAY, a French Fertilizer mftd in Quebec City, A.1. Quality 0.12.5 ---Cash $30 your note to Oct. 1 131,50 2-+8-t4 " $33 ,>5.00 212-2 " $3'9 " ' 37.00 2-'1'2-'d--- " $3S "' " $40.00 Armour's High Analysis 2-46.8— " $49 " 511.00 4-164-- " $53 " " 55,00. 6-16-12—" $70 '' " 72.00 Nitrate of Soda in ton lots $65.00. Smaller lots $70.00. Aero Brand 'Agricultural Limestone, an All- Canadian Product 1 ton " 0 $8,00 " If $8.75 5 •" 57.715 " $$88.00 10 57.50 $7 30 ton car $7.00 If stored fifty cents extra, We de- liver to you for one dollar per ton. We guarantee our fertilizers and will put them ton for ton of the same ena_ lysis against an ...offered by competit- ors. ompetit ors- Yours for service and a bumper crop, William M. Sproat TILE DirkrR, PHOINE 136r2 2 utomobile - Insurauce WE ISSUE THE STANDARD POLICIES OF THE. Provincial Insurance eompany of England 'One of the few British 'Companies operating in Canada today at NON -TARIFF RATES— 'Phis means a saving in premium to you'. with protection, security and the night and clay service of this office. Call, phone or write us for full information,..rates, etc: Our ser- vices at your disposal' at any time. A. D. Sutherland NERAL INSURANCE Conveyancing, Real 1 Estate Investments, 'Etc. PHONE 152 — SEAFORTH, Ort. PAGE FIVIO SEAFORTH BRANCH J. M. McNMILLAN Manager Will their dreams €me True? Hours; Daily 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays 930 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. HOW welcome ready money will be to your children when they grow up! How much it will mean .to you to be able to help them towards their ambitions. Even one dollar is enough to start a fund which may mean the first steps to success and happiness. Open an account today! A little added each week will build up a substan- tial sum in a few years Interest is compound- ed at a generous rate. The 'Government of Ontario itself is your security! And in the meantime the w holeanypart or of the money on deposit can be withdrawn at any moment you Meed it. PROVINCE OF OARIAVINGS OFFICE EVERY DEROSIT6U N12- YONTARIOCOVERNMENT :.,tiv\t_ ricpep..e. PA "' LIAMENT HEAD OFFICELIILDINGS Seventeen Branches ..Throughout Ontario. 10 .'.'rv7:':.C:rs:;.*µNJp , sao....r:..4"'a,-0+*+hwt s oe.n as 7.t,''C+': t, s3ist ."1.i: -✓r ,e with pneumonia, are pleasd to hear ',= a:•l,W.V22e5$11(..41 that he is recovering. Mis. Lamer is very 81 and we are v sorry, for the dear oldladyfias been in poor health all winter. We hope to hear of her feeling better. Mr, and Mts. 34, Nagle entertained a few friendsto five hundred and euchre one evening last week and all report a good time. Miss Anna Dillon is visiting her parents .of the village for a few days. Our merchants.are giving the people of'this community a chance to outfit for Spring right here in Dublin and crowds are baking advantage of the sales. Mr. James ;Feeney visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Williams on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan spent Sun- day et the home of Mrs. T. Maloney.. 'Miss. Veronica McConnell \count Clemens,, spent the week end with her father, Mr. F. McConnell, Mr. Basil Byrne, Monica and 'Mar- garet of Detroit were hame to see their father, Mr. Wnt. Byrne, who is not as web as his many friends would 'like to see 'him, Mr. Eddie McGrath of Mount Cle- mens, visited friends in Dublin- on Sunday. Mies Ethely3ne O'iefe'arne spent Sun-, clay with her friend, Miss Nora Mc -1 Grath. Mr. and Mrs, John Feeney and fam- ily, o8 Stratford ',cited friends hi Dublin, 'Persian Balm—the ideal toilet re- quisite for every discerning woman. Perfect in results. Creates complex- ions of rare- beauty and charm. De- lightfully cool and refreshing Never leaves a vestige of stickiness. A vel- vety -smooth lotion toning and stimu- lating the skin. Making it truly rose - leaf in texture. All dainty women 10- variably choose Persian Balm. It int WALLPA ERi Many unique and practical novelties are shown in the new line we have 'to offer, You are invited to come and see them. GRAVES' WALLPAPER STORE ARTISTIC WALLPAPERS WINDOW .SHADES PAINTS and VARNISHES E@KART CHICK Hatchery AND BREEDING' FARM BRED -TO -LAY S.C.W. LEGHORNS & 0. A. C.'.BARRED ROCKS If you want better quality Chicks from a carefully culled and inspected flock of high egg production, and high grading. Our chicks bring greater profits. Hens mated to male birds whose record runs from 250 to 316 eggs. Here is what one of our customers says: "J. A. Eckert. Dear S•ir,— I thought I niusi tell you how well those Baby 'Chicks did that I got from you last year. First we only ordered twenty-five and they were such smart, healthy chicks. we ordered three hundred more. We raised almost ninety per cent. of these. I ant so pleased with them that I in- tend ordering five hundred Baby Chicks early this year, Yours truly. —Mrs. Ed. OtHearn." ` Book your order now for March and April Chicks; for three weeks old started .Chickens; far eight weeks old pullets. Order now and avoid disappointment. Send for circular. Visitors welcome. 2 John A. Eckart Phone 23-23 Dublin R.R. 1, DUBLIN, Ont. parts that subtle distinction so char acteristic of the elegant woman. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS. Estate of William Isaac Wiley, Late of the Township of Stanley, yeoman, deceased. Persons claiming any interest in the estate of WILLIAAM ISAAC WIL'EY, whether as beneficiary or by reason of assignment of interest or otherwise are hereby, notified to present their claims with proofs thereof. to the un- dersigned on or before the 31st, day of March, 1.930, after which date the undistributed residue of the estate will be paid over to the persons ap- pearing to be entitled thereto and no claims received after the said date will be entertained. Dated at Clinton, Ont., this 6th day of March, 1930. B,ARBIAIRA McIVER, Clinton, Ont. Administratrix de bonis non of the Estate of William Isaac Wiley. 13 YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service; Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries A good -line cif new and used parts of different males of If your car is S.1 need of, repairs, give us a call Studebaker 'Sales and Service Remer's Garage PHONE 167W cars