HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-03-20, Page 10; those blessed times qf old with
their chivalry and state;
I love to read their chronicles, which
.such brave, deeds relate;
.I dove to sing their -ancient rhymes, to
hear their legends told—
But, Heaven be thanked I I live not
in those blessed titles of old 1
"The Pleasant Days of Old."
Phone 84
The foilawfiig is from a Muskoka
paper and will- be of interest to many
The death occurred late Saturday
eJenin'g in. Egmondville of Mrs, Da-
At the Principals Desk,
$rid _ 1�t:•�f •z �.
- ,� �, ?,,...(e; !�,,, ,,,,i
at a�'� ,'hunts'
Prices Reasonable
in this ,vicinity. funeral of the
late Francis Jloseph Nigli,'v hose death
occurred in Toronto, was held from
his late residence" In Trout Creek on
Februar 21st. Requiem High plass
y g
ey, a]ndtted the.boflywas�aideto�estir
the family plot::The casket was borne
by Messrs, • Itgnatius :H'umniel, Anth-
ons O'Drowski, Conrad Weiler, An-
thony and John Fisher: The miner.-,
pus spiritual .offerings''and the lovely
floral tribute from the Trout Greek
Store Company `gave -evidence o ehe
esteem in wH ch• the. 'deceased .was
held.,' Trancis Joseph Nigh `was born
Dec. 7, 18514. et Kling, Qtit, His par-
erste subsequently .moved to • Seaforth
where he got his schooling, As .a
vii Moore, in her 91st year, for many
vtously residentars a 01 Tuckershm thllagsi and
ago firs. Moore was an poor health
and despite an opeaation he remained.
a. constant invalid, slowly losing her
steengith, During these years she was
f arth'fuilly and tenderly eared fr by
her sisters m -law, .Mrs. Willfani
Smith and Miss Margaret ltctNaugh-
tom .the• former' of whom ie •at present
regrettably ill with Aleurep pneumonia,SILVER
Born in 18140 in Lanark'County, Mrs.
Moore, whose maiden na`lne was Jean
Sgt.fth, daughter of the nate George
Slmith, came; tp Tuckersmith more
than fifty year* ago, shortly after the
deathr:,of her `mother.. With her fa-
cher and one'brather..Wlilliant, she liv-
A High` School teacher remarked
the other da that if he were asking
a Sicno'od Board £or a testimonia•1, they
yhovlcll Pno'ttementonla 1 regfine: est tChri that han
character, but that they 'should; if
possible, mention just Arse thing, that
he was a good disciplinarian: •
Such• is the importance attached to
discipline, and rightly so; by the mai-
di it
p11ty of lroards,
The po+wets placed in the hands of
Principals and teachers to' maintain
disctplune are quite adequate.
To the pupils at school tend also to
and from school, the teacher is in the
We are clearing some Limoges 97PieceDinner�
g g s Sets, I
le order to make room for spring goods, and as a spe-
cial' we are giving free of charge % Doz. Silver Knives
e -
The �lymilia,
Confectionery and Restaurant
young s 'brobher.
man he clerked in hi•
fn11:wgta .rose in Dulbliit, but a tri
of _adventure• lured him aE the a�e'df
22 with his brother John to Muskoka,
and they speivt three years, and then
Francis returned to .Seaforth and
married Catherine Boake and brought
her back. to smote .his,hoanestead. They
lived there for several years; the four
ed ea the ninth 'concession until in
1 81;&7 she was married to, Mr, Moore
and moved fnYo' Egmondville where
iblr. Moore worked as a:carpenter, El-
even years ago Mr; Moore predeceasedIStnce
leer. Her passing ,removes the last
anrtJivar of a family of;seven brothers
and flour sisters, two of: whom also
died in Tuckersmith, William and Mrs,
of the areut, authorized 'b law
P' P . y
to enforce' disci line b all such
g p y
means as might be used by a kind,
lust and wise parent,
all parentis are, at leaf mKnives
their awn estimation, kind wise and
just and since almost all kind,
methods of enforcing obed'ien'ce are
used and defended by considerable
and Forks with each set of Dinnerware sold during
the month of March.
The Dinner Sets ere genuine Limoges China and the
anti Forks are pod
g quality Silver plate with
genuine Stainless Steel 'blades. a
This is an opportunity to get .a beautiful Dinner Set +��
eldest the family being born there.
He :then moved with his family to
Comm'anda end he worked in storeThese
. Dobie: Her i neral was held on Tues-
day, March 1+3th, at 2 p.m..from the
numbers of parents, this gives the
teacher lar a 1'atitude, and' th
g e pupil
tittleground forver
protest whale
at a real pace.
sets range in price from $25.00 toe the Genuine
North Side United Church.—tPastor,
Rev. W..P. Lane, B.A. „• '
Sunday, Mar. 23rd•
11` a.m.—Public worship, Subject,
"Out and Out or Down and Out"
4th in •
serieseLrfe in the Earl Church.
23R ;p.m.—Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m.—Public~
p• Worship. Subject,
owned by Neil �I'cFyilchern'. Here
three more children were born. Two
were little girls who died in infancy.
Then he came to , Trout Creek and
had built'for,his wife and Family the
residence in Which the three
members of the family' wereoubornt
One. ,these also died in infancy, The
couple Buell ba see their children reach
resadene e of Mrs:Wm. S+mith, Services
colm ofwere nEuuito dnlleRUnited Chtarch.
Among the lieautifut fl8ral tributes
was a simple bouquet of snowdrops
from her own garden. Mr. Jose h
Atkinson df Egm'ondviYle, one of her
first neighbors in. Tuckersmith,• was
able to be present at 'the; funeral. In-
methods may be used.$4
•'B;ehi al khe Teacher is the Principal;
behind tlJ a Principal is the Board,
and behind the Board the full power
of the law, and of all the machinery
fOlflsuchitmeasturestas might be used
by a wise, firm and just parent fail,
the pain may be expelled, ,But ex-
Limoges"at 000
. with the•Silverwasefree.
Fred S. Savauge
Every set of Dishes goes at. what-
":The Man with the Handicap." Sec-'
and in series'on the Story of Naeman.
maturityand leave the old home for
homes of their own. .The :eldest son
terment took place in Egniondville ce-
meters, The pallbearers were Messrs,
Isaac Model'and, John Nott, John
pulsion does net release the upil
frmn the law requiring him to attend
M. Ross Savau• a R.O. E est ht Specialist
g Y g P •
ever price they bring and notwith-
standing that present prices are below
cost and the sets are all FIRST
QUALITY not a second among them,
' , A pleasing program of unusual me,
tit was put on by the Young People
J:oe,d'ied at Seyunour Arms, BC iii.
Murray, Louis Flurscheutz,. Janes
19114, I'e September, 1928, the motherConscious
taken to rest, leaving a record of Sproat and Richard Kruse:
faithfulness, duty fulfilled to church;
school unfit sixteen years of age.
of the overwhelming
power behind 'hint,; the teacher can of-?.
ford to be both gentle and firm with
Phone 194, Evenings 10,
? •
of North Side United Church at their
community and home which is seldom
'the troublesome pupil, The worst ef-
i : • tee•, ea..
March 29th, •
Sit P:atricle's concert on Tuesday ev-
equalled, the first fifteen MASQUERADE:
forts troublesome
, T oli b. '
-� � �
we quote:
ening, Marsh 16ith, and a large num-
aDuriing •
of his•residen'ce in Trout Creek -
of the most pupil
to the forces he
-v a
ber availed fhentselves of the oppor-
he owned his store. He then sold One of the' most brilliant it
are so puny compared
is 'foolish l
tunity to hear it.. The: Irish playlet
own affairs
out and went: to, work for The Trout has ever beset privilege of the ma-
enough to' try to oppose
Like the efforts of a - ten -days -old
Regular X48.00 for' ..$33.00
97 Piece ENGLISH. S'ET-choice
• Regular $30.00 for $19.00
BAND . „
Regular 1.6:50 for .,,,,,,,,$11,00
'Regular 1'6:50 for ,: , , • , , , :$11,00
entitled, Emerald Isle," was
p ivating ili its humor and was well
portrayed by those taking mart. Mrs.
E. R. Crawford as ."Bridget" ' '
get' proved
au obedient servant and spared no ef-
forts to makes' the Emerald Ile can-
spicuous. The chair was vary cap-
ably filled by ottr-President, Mr. E. R
Crawford,' who, in a 'few well chosengrowth
remarks, outlined the- work"of the so-
Creek .Store, in which he was a share- -the
lority. of :the •people of Seaforth toWomen's
holder. It was two Weeks before. -
Christmas that the swelling on his attend, was given on the evening of
jaw became, apparent. He thought March hth iu Cardno's Hill, by the
little of it, as it caused him no physi- Seainrth branch of 'the Canadian Le-,
cal discomfort. The local doctors ad- •gide under the -distinguished patron-
wised hien to go to Toronto for treat- age' 'of Brigadier Genera C. Ah m-
trent; but the _ailment was a rapid' strop CMIG, CB., District J,01ffiicer
of cancer and theycould not g'
Commanding, . M.D.MDNo. 1, London,
save hint. He passed' away very and Lieut.�Co.i, W. J. He ,1, London,
kitten to bite your finger l
So far as power and authority are
concerned a teacher is in a
to enforce discipline with. wh lever
degree of strictness and severity he
mu deem wise.
The ablest"teachers and'principals
.ate as a lute comparatively mild in
thei diecipline. It is the nervous,
frightened and .It
day:olprayer lyes held m
P y
Coven Church last week �yith a large
attendance. Those
, taking part were;
4lander Kee, \Its. 'Simpson, Mrs, Al -
11. lllr, Mrs. Ross, Mrs, Patrick, Mrs
H•'Bll Mrs.d, Mrs. R. Bolton, Mrs
Cuthill, Mrs. 'Canvpbell,. Mrs. W. lic-
Sadden, Mr's, R McClure, followed
by the regular meeting with Mrs.
Purity Purveyors
'6'he C !�allt'y Shoppe
Phone `U®
sets First unlit ,
A Q Y•
If you think'of buying a set of,
dashes chance, but
ciety and'appealed for a larger at-
tendance each week. The meeting
peacefully after having received the Commanding, Huron' R'egimen't" and
last sacred rites •af his Church. His Mrs, .Neaman 'London. ,
who is apt to drive with too tight a
rent and so irritate a horse into mix-
singing hymn 481, The
enebSimpson Presiding. The "meeting Scrip -
watch your'
don't wait too lop g•
Y p
3 pounds ., 25c
OXYDIOL Large size 25c :
with 10c pkge, both for �+
lar 25'c; at 2 for • 25c
RIN:SO—(Large package equal to 3
ten -cent; packages, •for • 23c
VELVET PENCILS—Were 10c each
are now ..:......:, , : , . , , ... .Sc
GREEN "GIANT PEAS -Special 25c
TOILET PAPER -7 for, 25c
Per Imperial Gallon $2,50
Per Wine Gallon , , ,$2.00
opened by sin m Canada," after
g gThe
which a.drill, accompanied on .the
piano by Miss Annie Hanna, ablyhad
presented by twelve girls under the
direction of Mr, James Robb, . was
well received. The,'following. is the
remainder of - the -program: Reading,
iBridget's Coming Out;" 'Miss Jean
Smith; solo, Mr. Rennie, accompanied
on the piano by Mrs, Lane; duet, "My
Wild Irish Rose," Miss M. Turnbull
and Mrs. ,Lane, Miss H. Lane acconi-
panying on piano; solo, "Mother
Machree," Mr. Ed. Chamberlain; hu-
morons reading, Mrs. Goudiel :solo,
"`A Rose that's Blooming for Me,"
Mr. Ed. Bright,. Mrs, Ed.' Bright sic-
companying; solo, Mr. Rennie: An
death' was a. terrible shock to his fain- masquerade was -as ccolourfitl
ily and the community. For years he. as the 'leaves •in Octpbar. •Gentle
been a tamiliar figure about townFarland:
knights whispered softly in the:
and in the church,• which he assisted ears of fair damsels and bold •:buc_
in building and supporting .all .theseand
cancers bellowed. loudly "dt their be -p
years. He was a member of: the C. eLg
wigged dames. Little ,boys and girls,
4B,A. for thirty-five years. The chief now grown, .tYere little boys and girls
mourners are three sons and three once again, in short panties and longcipal's
daughters, namely: Mrs, Ellen Os�he'll, ii g i'r o i
skirts, Perot and l' erette wafted
Callander; Mrs. Beaudin, Timmins; irilyto thestrafe fsweetmusic. '
W. J. Nigh, Detroit; I , J. ,,Timmins;
Tor- a s o es, t sic.
8 Princesses, queen's, ladies, colonials,
onto; J. D Nigh.,-Sud'bury; Mrs. Jack ,SS• anish and Dutch, all araded, The
Ulrich, Reline.- There are fourteen rite -winners were as follows: Lady's
grandchildren and two great grand- comic Miss Martha Reid as "Sts
children. He also leaves six sisters r11.
Hopfc7ns"; lady's character, Miss 'R xl
and three brothers. His own children inn Galbraith of Brussels as 'S apish
were all present to pay their last res- Girl"; gentleman's comic Earl Belt as
pects except his son John with whom "Schol Boy"; character,
The worst that could •be said of the
discipline of any principalsalt seems
td Inc, is that while he maintained
r, e expelled pupils who became
putstand'ini Successes in later school.
Such a record means that that prm-
methods are suppressive of
personality rather than character
builders, are workable pini, with the
timid and weak, and are utterly futile
when dea9ing •with People of force and
The best type of discipline is that
which secures the cheerful r willing
co-operation of each in the interests
of all,
lure was read by Miss McNeil
Mc -
and volunThe prayer by Mrs. D. the
The roll was called aitd the
minutes of the last meeting were read
adopted. The topic, a ,stud
Leaves and Dreams," from the stud y
book "Drums in the Darkness way
given by Mrs, -A. Ross, followed by
sentence prayers by Mrs. Barron, Mrs;
Garnham, Mrs, E. I ere lilt, After
several business items were discussed,
the meetrng closed by singing 'hymt
419 and repeating the Lords Prayer
in unison.
Several from here attended the ue-
pollen Legion St. Patrick s masque-
rade in Seafrth Monday night with a
very large The costumes.
John Mcraughton sold a fine
horse on Saturday to Mr. John Mc -
Grath of 'Dubbin. Mr. McGrath is
shipping to Quebec.
Mr. Thomas Da man hasgot work
under wayfor y
o rebuilding his house
which was destroyed
s sed by fire on Feb.
iii. Mr. Thomas Butt: of Kippers has
been haulingin the loads of lumber
From the Exeter planingmilt with his
truck. Mr. Kilatrichas the on -
P c
tract for the new building and Mr. W.
Carlile ofHformer] of the
Parr line,Stanley,is assistings him.
maintain• is better than any wax
we kttolw of even those at 75c. To
be had o•uly here at �yC
per tin , , , ,, , ,, ; , , , , , a �7 C
Try it and be convinced that it is
not only better but more easily
enjoyable eveningwas brought to -a
close by singing Goet,Save the King".
Much credit is due for the success'so
of the evening• to Mrs. E. S. ,Chvpman,
convenor of the Social Department,
and her committee who were itustru-
they were unable to communicate in Harr Watson of Goderfch as "Spa -
time. Several grandchildren were al- •iiish Cavalier'' hard times costumes
present, and a sister, lits. Irate At- H, ]sect, as "Ike 1895." The
kinson and his brother Jos Nigh and, Johnud es were Col. H lentil Col. 1-T
nephew Jahn, of Seaforth; 7 g ' t e C e t, C Hays
and Dr. C. Mackay, who found it clif-on
ficult to choose the winners, from
TheCatholic Women's League are
' o i g
preparing to hold their Easter social
Monday evening, April 21st. Stew -twined
art's Orchestra, Stratford.
and music wonderful.
Mrs, Harold Smalldon and children,
Babe and Bobby, of Walton, spent the
week dwith cin the village.
ped end Mrs,rArchie herr enter-
the Merry Makers last Friday
A by
lir: and Mrs,: Harvey Moore visited
on Sunday with lir. and Mrs. Ivan
;firs. n. David is ting and two sons of
Monkton are visiting her parents,Mr.
and Mrs. William Pullmn.
mental getting together a program
am so many costuin .
evening. good time was enjoyed
Syrup making is the order of the
of such high 'order, The proceeds
amounted to 30:00.
long good
EGMONDVILLE. ' Music was provided.by the Lion
Tamers' orchestra of London; W. C.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Bell and son
lits and Mrs. Mel. Clarke spent
Sunday with friends in Goderich.
Mr. James of beWal-
Phone Phor Phood
March 17th was fittingly observed
in St. J'antes'•Separate School Hall by
an entertainment of high order: OnMr,
Oir.Sunday evening, March 16th, the Tischer directing, and a beautiful
Sunday evening service. was conduct- decorative s•chei ne. lent •"timely atmos-
by the young people of the church, phere to the hall.
Miss Vera Crozier ,occupied the'cheir,
Mr. Alex. •Wallace` led lir
Bill motored to London on Saturday
and spent a very pleasant day visiting
their daughter, Miss Etta Bell,
and M•rs. Charles Green of Htb-
\Ve are sorry to learn that Mr. Geo.
McSpadden •is confined to his bed
again with pneumonia.
visiting his o otherCeMr. Alex.
MissAnnie Moore of 'London is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Moore:
the children devolved the task of pro`
prayer and
two very interesting and helpful ;ta'lks `'firs.
bert visited with friends in the neigh -
Alfred Ross is visiting friends
viding amusement and they ceetai,nly
were given by -Mr. W. McNay on, BRUCEFIELD.
in Stratford.
excelled themselves in their efforts in
'Work," and Miss Jean Smith `.`Team:
Mr, Forrest to Peter-
Syrup making is the order of the
Mrs. David Moore o8 Egmondville
singing, oratory and playing.
The evening was brought.to a close
by. 'a playlet of merit; the •success•'of
Work," The service closed -with re= . motored
pealing the Mizpah benediction in b0ro with his truck last week and
unison. brought a load o£ furniture f
lir, and Mrs, Wilson Armstrong
spent a few days with Chefr daaghter
tilt, and Mrs. S. Webb visited' in
passed away Sunday last after a pro -
longed sickness, •
Jantes Chesney of the 2nd con-
s w • s� .n.,
' ' '
which as well as of the whole perfor-
mance is attributable nota little to the
training; of the Sisters and N[ts.. F.
Devereu r.
of Mr,
On Tuesday Nlacch-l8'tli a.sociaf and -+frs. Tully to the home of _lir.,
Will hikenhead, Mrs, Tully's father,
evening was 'Bell in the basement ofr
the church bythe E moiid3il.]e Youngwhere they will reside in the _future,
g We welcome them to our midst.'
People. Items on the program were
The Women's Association
in London last week .
Mr, ElginMeKinley, Mr, Robe, Mc-
C,linchey and son Bruce, Miss Liar-
ares McKinley and Miss Grace Cole-
to Guelph last friday.
Seaforth on Saturday..• y
liessrs. Cameron Vivian and Ven.
Coleman left for the West last week.
Mr. Roy Kerslake, who has been vis-
sting with his parents, returned to his
cession of Tuckersmith is improving
after her recent illness.in'
Miss DorothyReinke offriends Clinton,
a number of her friend
f;oi+- ;;
'��" ���v'�y
a atv _._,P
r , .
County Clerk Holman ' has been
nn tified17byt theatProvincial Highways:
p t taking over as a
Provincial highway of the London
road north of Clinton through Blyth
end Wingleam to -Bi-lice county.' The
a reading by Miss Vera Hudson: bag- comp'tet-'man
pipe selection by Ken. MacLean was ed .a beautiful kni'ttad A•Fghan last
hearth encored a .duet ,b Miss week which was sent to our otvn nits-
y'sipziary, \firs Gretta Mustard, of
jeanneete Finnigan and Mrs. Hugh'm ille
Chesney, arcading- by Miss Margaret G•ypsu v
Forrest aquartette by Betty The many friends of lir, Roy Walk-
Malcolm, Mary Finnigan; Jessie er will be glad to hear that he is re-
Smith and Jeanette Finnigan. The covering from his recent illness;
Mr. Will NlcClinchey, who has been
residntg on Gosheai for some time, has
teased a farm on the 31rd con, of Hay,
d intends. moving
near Hensall an i t e ds . uo g
there with his family this spring.
You ,vin when you buy your Ford
f om Sandy •' Elliott, Zurich and
home in Alberta also.
We are glad to report that Mrs, A:
1fcLeIlan is improving after her re-
cent illness.
\disc Carmel Morris of Detroit is
visiting with her parents.
The regular meeting of the e
around here to a hall dance Friday
Mr, William Chapman is on the i
lit p e s ck
Mr. and Mrs. David Popple enter-
tatinedna number of friends i
ds Fr da
evening to a"dance and pard playing.
Y.. 6'
All report a time.
notification does ,not say when con-
structioti work wilt be' proceeded '.with,
last item was a- well rendered duet by:' M•rs. J. McDonald and Mrs, n For-
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Govenl'ock, rest visited friends in London this
Air. James Bristow of ea or is
mens Institute will be held on Wed-_
the ha, lurch 2601, at 2,30 p.m. in
A be
Mrs: Alex.. right and Mrs: Alex.
Broadfootpwere visiting at the Char -
Worms fed upon the vitality of
e p y
children; and endanger their hues. A
simple e,nd effective remedy is Mother
Graves Worm Exterminator.
but evidently this will be.after the
part of the road from,K3ppen south to
the Huro i-Midd+lesex_ -boundary is
completed. The road from Kippen at
leasf as far as Exeter 'Ts to beg
this year.- aGoderxch Signal.
Luncli was served by some of the week,
girls. -The evening was ended all firs, Dan Munroe spent the week
singing God. Save the King. 'Don't end at the home of her daughter, Nirs.
forget the playbyDuff's YoungDale Nixon:
People on Mar. 25, •• Admission 25e. _ '-
The regular meeting of the :W.M S. The eines S, held -their regular meet-
F+gttiond'vil'le •[%cited 'Chur'ch irng` Wednesday, March 17ath with an
at present visiting i'r. and Mrs. Sam-
vel ohner.
Miss Margaret Sparks er summer oil
Friday from Toronto to h.er
home. on the Bronson `line.
Avery successful bac ryas •held pit
Friday afternoon by the members of
the hall. fifteen cent tea will
served. All the ladies will be made
many friends
Mr, George ee him
are pleased to see him out again after
being confined to his bed for a month.
The play. "Lighthouse Nan," wGiph
tees ]tonne Wednesday last.
Misses, Sarah and 3'pentTda Mc=
Cloyof Egmondville, .sent 'Thursdaa
last theghome of their sister, y
s r, Mrs,
J• McIntosh, Mill Road,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Keyes visited
of• cores attendance of seventeen, The Presid-
United Church
055 presented on Friday evening m
at the' home of his parents, Mr. and'
W0 Shoes
held March l at the home of Mrs, Bremner,presided over the
W. ?F, McMillan. • Mrs. R. E..M'c- ant, Mrs. n
presided: Opened the meeting devotional exercises and. conducted
Kenzie g The Treasurer reported
by singing hymn 60, verses 2, 6, ,aiid 7, the business.
The Lard's ra er was repeated,' in. the February' offering, $13,50 and the
unison. `litsJames Allen psome Day of 'Prayer service, $5120; It was
decided to hand in the Easter Thank-
Blake "oiaking repairs.
to the church shells,
IWe aresorryto report that Mr,
John Flaxhard has ,suffered bereave-
mens in the loss of his mother, who
passed away on Monday morning at
in Zurich.
the town hall, b the Junior Farmers
and Junior Institute, Junior
a won der
tut success. The amount taken in
et the door was $91.65, one.of the
largest sums ever known to Staffs
hall. The people are to be
Mrs. Nelson Keyes.
Mr, Andrew Lane is leaving Tues -
day for Peace River distract where he
intends to take farming.
Rev. and Mrs. B e11 of Stratford •and
George McNaughton and chit -
We have a good range of Work Shoes for Men,at
Also $ g
Year priced
at 5.00. '25 o a•Sit h Grade Good ai3 r45
idteresting`lite.rature on Baby Bands offering envelopes at the morning ser-
and Early . Training, AI leaflet . en -et
titledHe's Counting° on You was vice Easter Sunday, N, • Jas..T .
sbn, convener, Of group N'o• 1, _then
'b airs. R• E. Mc euaie: Hymn
giveny K Y.
NoY 497 last, three verses was' sun took the chair and read the devotion
g "Miiaacles
Iter home
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Sparks visited
friends in• Clinton an'Tuesday.
Mr, and liars. Freckleton and fam-
ily of Lucan spent 'Sunday with Mr;
congratulated on the excellent way
they presented the play. Theywould
be very glad of en invitation to .give
their play to some other place, as the
iters of Iroquois were Sunda vi.
the home of lir, and Mrs, J, Al -
lits: Wm, Smith is conitned to her
bed with pleapneuurxonia.
Although MEN'SaR1PBBER BIGOTS' have advanced, se are still
sellingat the old for: . No. 1 Guaranteed Dominion . Boots
at ...... .... . .. . . ...... t . ; ..... ........ :, ........ $4.00 and $4.50
Devotional reading,"' ', al leaflet, Then and Now,"
Miracles Then
y, s, W. tit pia You" was read by,Mrs, Thom-.Godenich
and Now",was givenb Mr g also a leaflet was p•pein, `h Mrs ,Thom-
McMillan. Hymn 372, verses ' 2 and g
3 was' read in unison, ,i s'on .and Edith Bowes. The topic, telt-
Mission study,
Erom '"Jerusalem, Jerusalem" b en from- the 3rd ch., "Jerusalenr o
toaie "The. 'Winning'
inti Mrs, George Campbell.
Mrs, Oesch of Blake has •returned
to spend the summer with Miss Mar-
'ares -Sparks:
S.S. No, 13, Stanley.—The follow..-
most of this money is to be given to
the council for the repairing of the
hail. The caste of characters was;
lion, John Enlow, President of Bank-
ing Co., jack Burchill, `Ned Blake,
Mr. and M.S.s. p one t visited in
township one day last week.
d . ,;
Ladies' Aid incl at Mrs. Coleman
on March lith with twenty -'two ladies
size 5/y,to 7%, while they last,
F �•
per pair ■�®
Mrs: R. E. lam algin,, the
Gospel 'Gavle Into Eastern. -Europe."
by Mrs. Malcolm; `The Gospel in
Eastern Europe" b Mrs, Isaac
Moore' "Christian Mission in -
s t Wes,
#ani lJivape,", 1 Mrs:' ' t 1.1jmglaw,
Miss Charters and Mrs, R. E. Mc-
Kenzie. ' Hymn 378,first second'
verse' thenymn fir t gave a re-
poatvers ori, Christian. stewardship; the
meeting was dosed with prayer by
Mrs• James 'Brawn:, .There were: 25
ladies present:. lits, Ther McMillan serv-
ed a lovely' lunch,
Jerusalem, _ of Ettr-
e" was abl taken by the leader
which,' was followed by prayer, ' Mrs
Tiros. Chapman and. Miss Jean Mur-
loch told the story os eche Gospel in
Eastern Europe," while Mrs, T. B.
Bairdand •A. T. Scott read of
C.hris+tian Missions m Western Eur-
ope. The Temperance Secretary, Mrs.
C• Haugh; gave a short reading 011
•World Paogress and. the Drink Ques-
• „ ,
tion. Prayei was offered by Mrs.
Jas,. McQueen and the,nieeting closed
with kite Mizlia1 benediction.
iii* subjects: Arith•, geog,, spelling,
history, grammar, literature, art aiid
agrieu ale. Those marked V were
'absent for one exam: 'Sr. LV,-11.1ar-
eey Keys 714, Allan Keys 71, *George
Dawson Si, IIIL—JIot,n ILeys 71.
Jr, DIT—*Mildred Honig 70; Bobby
Peck 5'3, Sr. 11 -Dorothy Peck 89,
Glare McBride 72. :+Jr. II,—Sybil
'Treys 75, Gordon Keys. 74. ' I.—Jack
Peck, Russell Oesch, George Hoag.
Pr.•-Pkorelnce 'Ii0„g: ,umber on
roll 14,,. average attendance 1'3:65.
A. I, M Taggart, Teacher.
His Private Secretary,, Russell Wor-
den; Ichabod Buzzer, The Odd Light-
li'ouse, ISA r: idm. Scott; Sar '_Art to
Choke, A Baitis.h Aristocrat, Victor
Dintnita Injun J'iin, ;A Bad Man, Al-
vitt Barbour; Nan;, a Little Rousta-
bout, Grace McLachlan; Moll Buzzer„
The Gentle Antelope, Jeen Barbour;
Ilion. Sarah Chumley, • Sir A•rtlitir's
sister; Marguerite Sillery; Hortense
, 'a ctty belle, Mary Drown,
1lttch credit is t0 be given Misses
Lucy Burke and Euphemia Graham
for the way in which they .trained the
present, The meetingwas opened
1 by
singing a diyinn: The- president,Mrs.
Kirk, read the Scripture, lesson, Mrs.
Malcolm led in prayer, The roll call
was answered.b" reading 'a Laverse
Y e se m
the Bible., The topic was taken by
Mrs: Eli', Allan on "In lifts I arvds..'
A1fter which, lirs. Black and Mrs.
7 irk, gave splendid readings, 'The
meetin P g
meeting...was brought "to a close t y
re+pea'ting the Lord's prayer in unison.
ain and lots. W. Smith of Sae-
ole visited on S1 nday at the hose of
lir. Russell Coleman.•
young people,