HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-03-06, Page 54
-Thefe is onlyy one reason Tor substituting private, unknown branded
goods for naltion'aldy-advertised lines and that is to make +more. money.
Superior Chain ;Stores stick to nationally-a.'dlver,tised line's, the makers
of which have 'built up a repudiation for their goods on quality, and
are satisfied with a fair :profit and 'large turnover.
Items for Week Ending l arch 12, 1930
"°r21 c
per, jar 33c
21f- 35c
3 for 25c
Interlake Toilet. Paper
Borden's lOhocolelte Matted Milk ,with Shaker
"Serue Hot or Cold" 59c
Kraft Cheese
Toddy, 8 oz, tin 33c 16 oz. tin 53c
,SOAP SPECIAL -7 .Cakes P,&G. Soap and
2 Cakes 'Palm Olive Soap ............... 49c
Snowflake Ammonia ...... . ............... ..:L, . , ..... 2 pkgs15c
Crown ;Brand Corn Syrup, 2's 17c
84's 21c
'5's 35c
2 in 1' .Shoe Polish .. per tin 126
Special Black Tea per lb, 49c
Lemon Butter, 40 oz. "Best Spread for Bread"... , , .... per jar 49c
2 pkgs. 15c
3 pkgs. 25c
2's 23c
2 lbs. 25c
per pkg, 39c
1•1b. carton 18c
Macaroni ,,.. ....... ........ ...„,,,..... ..16 oz, pkg. 15c
Licorice Allsorts r lb. 17c
Black 'Currant Jain 40 oz. jar 39c
Pure Lard per Ib. 20c
Tomatoes, small size 4 tins 25c
Package Figs, 8 oz,
Dried Peas, Curling 'Brand
'Asparagus Cuttings
Soap Chips, ,Bulk
Swansdown Flour
Acadia Codfish
Ross J. Sproat
W. M. Stewart
Rhone 8
Phone 77
We pay the highest ffrices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not sendY our cream to other Creameries; . we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and .prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Cotne
in and see the new Models.
Creamery Co,Seaforth• Ont.
Seaforth �,r ,
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W. J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. iIo e
Phone 3274. Centre St.
Just Try It
When you feel tired and
drowsy, slip around the
corner and get a massage
You may come in with
a grouch but will go out
with a smile.
Phone 125. ' •
Q. H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
,Diseases of all kinds' success-
•- fully treated,
Electricity used.
These new soles, called TIRE 'CORD,' are guaranteed to outwear
'leather soles- 2 to 1. They are very comfortable on the•feet and are
absolutely waterproof.
When you buy your Spring. Work Shoes, .try our line made with
You'll be more than pleased with their long wear and comfort.
Made by Williams and sold, by
Miss ESmith of Ottawa, who has
,been' visiting Mrs. W. E. Kerslake,
.left the beginning of this week on a
trip to Bermuda.`
,Mrs. Johia Nolan, Huron Road,
east is sojourning with her daughter,
Mrs. Charles Mbeaffery of _Ellice
township at present.
Mr, -Jae Eckar,t from Oakville was
in town this week on business:
Mrs. foseph 1 0F,tarth who has
Ibcetl so seder "sly ill for a long time
is still eCinftnedto her bed,
,Miss Clara. Pinkney has returned
from a three weeks holiday ,to Strat-
fordj.' Hamilton end Toronto.
Mr.Rankin, of Parkhill, spent
the"week-end• at friig home her. '
Mrs. S. Gottschalk has returned
home aifter visiting her daughter,
Mrs, John Hopkins, in St. Thomas,
and -also her d'attghter, Mrs. W:
Stadie of Dlaslhwood.
, 'Miss Maggie Heffernan, who has
been i'tt the past fen .Gays, is recover-
ing at present,
An Irish play entitled, "The Eni=.
eraid isle," will be.presented by the
Young Peopl'e's 'Society itt. North S'ide
United Church on Tuesday evening,
March 1811. Fuller announcement
next week.
Mr. Allen Close spent, Sunday
Mrs. C. A. Barber was the week-
end guest of Mrs. W. W. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat were
London visitors on Sunday.
Mrs. F. T. Course, who has been in
town since the death of her mother,
itfrs. George McGonigle, intends. to.
return at the beginning of next week
to her hone in McGregor, Man
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk are
moving into Mr. Sam. Jeffry's house
on Victoria street.
'Alt. W. H. Little of Norwood, was
a week -end visitor with his father,
Mr,' Andrew Little,
Mr. Russell Hays who has just re-
turned from wintering in San 'Diego,
Calif., and in Mexico, was in town
Saturday accompanied by his sister,
Mrs. Reg. Reid and- is the guest of
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R.
F. Jones at ,present.'
Mr. G. C. Dale and Mr. W. Nott,
Huron Road west, spent the week -end
in Toronto and attended the Inter-
mediate O:HaA. final game at Galt
between \'Walkerton and Paris, won
by Paris on Monday evening, on their
way y home.
Mx. and _firs. Ray Holmes of Royal
Oak, Mich., accompanied by Mrs.
Holmes' mother, Mrs. Jas. McMich-
ael, who has been with her daughter
for several months were in town for
a day or two, Mrs. McMichael re-
mained here.
IMrs, S. Shannon's many friends
will be pleased to know she is able
to be home and is progressing nicely.
Mr. Thomas Grieve of Egmond-
ville left on Tuesday to visit his son,
Mr. Harry Grieve, in Windsor.
Mrs, W. J. Walker left on Tuesday
for Timmins where she will visit her
sons,' Messrs. Sam and jack Walker.
Miss Anna Sutherland of Toronto
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Sutherland,
Miss Nora Stewart of Lond-on nor-
mal spent the week -end with her par-
arents, Mr. and lifrs, H. Stewart.
_Mr. and Mrs. Robert :McIntosh of
Ingersoll spent the week -end with
the former's mother, I,Ers. Jas. Mc-
Intosh, John street.
Mr. James Sleeth of Detroit was
the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W, M.
Stewart, over the week -end and as-
sisted' at the Concert given by the
Choir of First Presbyterian Church
on Monday evening.
The Rev. T. H. Brown announced
at service on Sunday that he wilt re-
tire from the rectorship of St. Thom-
as' Church this year. I:t is understood
that Mr, and. Mrs. Brown expect to
leave !Seaforth by the end of April,
During .Rev, Mr. Brown's incumbency
here since 1912, the congregation has
prospered, andi a wide circle of
friends among I
o g a l denominations Will
regret their departure.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Flannery of
Belle River, Ont., are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. James Nash. Mr. Flannery
came up to attend• the funeral of his
'father, Mr. John Flannery,
Many friends and relatives in town
and vicinity noted with interest .the
reception and dance given in. honor of
the new Honorary Lient.-Col., Harry
McGee, and Mrs. McGee, by the -
Commanding Officer and officers of
the Irish Regiment of Canada, This
gala affair was held in the Ball Roost
of the Royal York Hotel,
Attending the funeral of the late
Henry Cudmore in Harpurhey on
Monday, March 3, were: Mr. and
Mrs. Jahn Snell, Exeter; Mr. and
Mrs, 'Geo,'Hetherington, Exeter; .lir.
and Mrs. john Newcombe, Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. John Ctidlnore, Hol-
mesville, and from Clinton were: Mr,
and 'Mrs, E. Ward, Mr. and Mrs,
']les: Cudmore,. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur
Gnich, Mr, and Mrs. George Couper,
Mrs. Wm. Cu'dmore Sr., and Mis.
Fred Livermore.
The fire brigade anstwered a caTl
from Egmondville on Tuesday night.
A defective: chimney- near the bridge
started a small blaze.
The juvenile skaters made consid-
enable use of the sheet of ice on. the
recreation grounds since last Thurs-
day. Tlhiis has been the only out-
door skating of the year.
The choir concert held in First
Presbyterian Church on Monday ev
ening -was' well attended and an ex-
cellent program enjoyed, the feature
of which was Owen A. Smily, enter-
tainer, assisted by local talent. The
affair was under the direction of Mr.
,and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, choir leader
and organist, and was -successful in
every detail. Rev, I. 'B, Kaine 'pre-
sided. •
Mr. Lloyd Hioggarth is confined to
his home through illness
Mr. Alex, Lamont spent last meek
in Blyth owing to the serious illness
of his sister, Miss Janet Lamont.
Mr. Henry Fowler, of London, has
been a visitor at his home for a week
owing to the illness and death of his
itiother, Mrs. ' Joseph Fowler, His
wife arrived We'dnesd'ay from 'Lon-
don to attend the funeral also,
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25e
Mr. : John Malone •Sr, is visiting To-
ronto friends this week.
Miss Gertrude 3,VIc'Grath underwent
an operation for appendicitis at; St.
Joseph's hospital, _London, on •Satur-
•Miss Florence Ryatt of Walton'
spent the week end with her cousin,
Miss Mary Lane.
Mr. 411d Mrs. Louis-Bruxer of Dub-
lin, visited Mr. and Mrs, J, L. Malone
on Sunday last.
cu ca11-
ed on friends Here over the week end,
Quite. a 'number front here attended
the play end dance in, the parish hall,
Dublin, on Monday evening,
Mr. Joseph Roach is wearing a
smile-it''s a boy.
Miss Lillian O'Sullivan of Seaforth,
spen;3 Siundiaty at her home here.
The iA-terary Society will hold'titell
regular meeting "tan Friday evening of
this week. A good programme will
be put on as 'tsual,
Mr. Thomas Stinson Sr„ who has
been in failing health for some time,
passed away of an, early:hour Tuesday
morning, - '•
A meeting of the W.1 S. was held
at the home of Mrs, Alex. McConnell
on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr, M. Elliott made two shipments
of hogs ,to Kitchener last week.
Mr. and Mrs: Ed. Foster entertain-
ed a few of their friends Friday even-
Mr, Jos. Mossop had a wood bee
last week.
Mrs, ID. De -war of Bayfield and little
son, Timmy, spent the week end with
her sister, Mrs: Mossop.
The1'r.A. met at the home of Mrs.
A. Galbraith Thursday,
The Young People's Society of the
United Church held their social even-
ing on 'Wednesday, Feb. 26, at the
home of Rev. and iv1rs. Penrose. The
programme for, the evening -petted"
with devotional exercises led by the
pastor, Rev. J. W. Penrose. The rest
of the evening Was spent in games and
singing.' Lunch was served by the
ladies and a hearty vote of thanks was
given to the host and hostess for the
use of their home. The meeting
closed by singing "God be with you
till we meet again."
Mr. and Mrs, Mel Clark, Winthrop,
were visitors with friends in and
around Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnell enter-
tained a few of their friends Thurs-
day evening.
E. Epps & Sons have been busy
this past week with their snow plow.
Mr. George Beatty Sr.. spent a few
days in Toronto last week.
Mrs. Ada Reid of Goderich is the
gueslt of Mr. and Mos, A. Galbraith,
Miss Margaret Chuter is spending
a few days at her.. 'home here.
Miss Ruth Elliott of Clinton spent
the ,week -end at her home.
Mrs. L. Beatty returned from Lon-
don Monday to attend the funeral of
her cousin, Mrs. Green, which took
place from Bayfield Tuesday.
iFollowing is the report of Varna
Public School for February:
Sr. IV. -Doris Chuter 74 per cent.,
'Lillian Elliott 71, Elliott 'Chuter 61.
Jr. IV. -Ida Chuter 81, Hazel Hun -
king 75Bill Austin 42.
(Jr. hII, -\r'i'fle 3icAsh 85, Harvey
Chuter 66. Elmer Johnston 52, Jack
Moclinchey 34.
'Jr. II•I. Jean Reid 90, Bessie
Chatter 86, Gordon Horner 75-, Ford
Johnston 60, Jennie Hunking 46, Mur -
vin Johnston 40, -Charlie flunking 37,
Jr. Primer-IRoy Elliott 87, Floyd
MoAsh 85, Donald Keyes 75.
T 7 x
,1\0, on roll ..0 averageatten-
dance, 19.4.
,Perfect attendance --Elliott Chuter,
-Doris Chuter, Lillian Elliott, Ida
Chuter, Bill Austin, Willie McAsh,
Harv_ey Chuter, Bessie Chuter, jean
]Reid, Murvia Johnston, Jennie Hun -
king, Ford Johnston, Charlie Hunking
Roy Elliott, Donald Keyes.
Perfect spelling -'Jean Reid.
Ruby I. Taylor('Teacher),
Mr. Cecil Oke has rented the farnt
fecently occupied by Mr. Nichol in
MoK'illop, and will be moving soon,
,Mr. W'ni. Ervine had the misfortune
to lose a valuable cow and calf re-
IMrs. Robert Charters, Mill Road,
is not as well as her many friends
would like to see her.
Mr. Dave McLean has purchased a
new tractor.
M•iss,•Mayane Watson, little daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Watson, has
been confined to bed for the past
Miss Lillian Richardson has return-
ed home after visiting her grandmo-
ther, '3Lrs. Carey, in Goderich for a
'Mrs. W. Pullman' has arrived home
atter spending a week with Iter daugh-
ter, Mrs. Steeph, of Moncton, •
•Miiss Thelma Elgie is spending a
week visiting her cousin„ Mrs. A.
•Fdote, of Varna.
IMr. John Clark and 'daughter, Edna,
of Listowel, is visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Chas. McKay.
'Miss Bessie McKay spent a few
days visiting friends in HeitsalL
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Pu'llm'an spent
the week -end with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, McKi'lto:p.
Mr. Jas. Hay and Master Lorne
spent the week -end visiting friends in
IL 4
Wanted A Wife"
to be presented in Caven Church,
by the Winthrop+Young People.
Come and .see what our Young
People; can do.
Admission 35'c and 15c.
'Miss Ethel Jackson spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ches-
ney, Jr.
The following is the school report.
for S:S. No. 9, Tuckersarith, for the
months of January, and February
Honors 75 p,c., pass 60 p.c,
-Class V. ---]Helen Vps'hall' 82 p.c.
Sr. 1V. -Margaret 77, Roy Hod-
gert 74, Margaret Broadfoot "'-i ii4ae''1,
I tjr T+V,'-jack Consitt 70, Irene Mac-
kay 67, Lorne Hay 62, Anna Love*
61, Jean •Irvine 52, Russell Hlodg+ert*
43, Billy Dalrymple *.42.
jJr 11111, - Robert MaLachlan 71,
Glen Houston 50.
Sr. 'IQ,-;Aldn'mei' Gemmell 84, Ste-
wart Love* 59, Kate Dalrymple 59.
Sr.I-]Billy Powei'l, Jack Mackay,
Having disposed of eny business after having served you for
twenty-two years, I trust you will continue to favor my successors
with your continued business, as I know they will serve you faithfully,
All my accountsare now due, which I wish paid by April let,
Having taken ,over the business of P. Dill, we solicit the
printer-1,1T�eleti, Houston, t d serve a
y a ry faithfully.
I of his former customers and all others thatwill' favor patronage
us whom we
r n e
, will
'T'h,oaa Marker'' with an asteriski dd - .;,:.
W e evil] a a ew 1-16v lines in the near future to the present busi-
ness and will also
You good
Week End d
Specials, which
t time
missed exattilflatious, Number on roll
21, average• Is+ttendalie'e for January
19:95, average attendance for Febru-
ary 10,65.
Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher.
The following is the school report
of S,IS. No, 5, Tuckerstnith, for the
mouths of January and February:
Sr. PV. -Jessie Wallace 743 p c
Margaret Leyburne 7d Marion Wal-
lace 69, Donald Patrick 67.
Sr, DII,-+Gavin Geminel•l 75, Edna
McDonald 73, Harold Rice 711, Harold
Chesney 70, Jean McDonald 62.
Jr, DI'L-lEEdith Wallace 78, Arthur
Leyburne 75, Robert Patrick 63, Dor-
othy Gemmell 59, Ethel Chesney 58.
IL -Grace Wallace 78.
4. -Warden Haney 87, Arnold Ar-
chibald 83.
Pr. - John Oldfield, Hazel Mc-
Naughton, Gordon McDonald. Num-
ber on roll' 20. Average attendance,
January 19.45, February 18,5.
Alice M. Archibald, Teacher,
Miss Bell of London visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell over
the weele-end,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Caldwell delight-
fully entertained a few friends Mon-
day evening.
Mrs. N. McKie visited over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J, E..
Mr, and Mrs. T. N. Forsyth very
pleasantly entertained some friends
on Monday evening.
Mr, W. ,M. ,Doig of Port Huron, was
a weelc-end visitor ,at hishome here.
The members of the Kipper Horti-
cultural Society will receive their pre-
mium lists this week, Further lists
are available for new members who
will be welcomed by the society.
Mrs. A. T. Scott and Mrs, D. Rou-
att spent the week end visiting friends
in London,
Miss Helen Tough visited friends
on the Bronson line, Stanley, last
':A farewell meeting was held in the
Odd'fellow's hall last Tuesday even-
ing, Feb. 25th, in honor of one of the
members, Mr. Peter Moffatt, who left
for Port Arthur last week where he
has secured a position as school tea-
The World's Day of Prayer will be
observed in ,the school room of the
United Church on Friday, March 7,
at 2.30. An invitation is extended to
be present.
At the evening service, last Sunday
over eighty slides were shown pictur-
•ing village life in India which was
both interesting and instructive. Rev.
W. A. Bremner will conduct a ques-
tion drawer next Sunday evenine,
March 9th,
Y. P. S. --A very pleasant evening
was spent in the basement of the
Brucefield United Church on Monday
evening March the 3rd, when Eg-
uondville Young People's Society
visited the Brucefield Y.P.S, The
meeting lues opened with Dave Mc-
Intosh in the chair, by singing hymn
12. Then Miss Dorothy Broadfoo.t
led in prayer, This was. followed by
hymn 109, after which Miss Vera
Crozier,'nfice Pt•gs;, 9f Bgmondville
YTS., took the chair and conducted
the programme by their society. Mr.
George Coleman gave a very interest -
hag and helpful talk on "The Living
Waters," after which Violet and Bob
Tyndall played a piano .and saxo-
phone number, a conic song by Har-
old Jackson, a reading by Miss Mar-
garet Forrest, "The White Sox Ball
Ganie," a piano duet by Misses :Mar-
garet and Jessie Smith, a reacting by
Miss jean ,Smith, , "Bridget's Solilo-
quy", a solo by Mrs. Hugh Chesney;
a duet by Ethel and Harold Tackson;
a reading by Miss Grace Coleman,
"The lips that touch liquor shall
never Couch mine." The concluding
number was a solo by Miss Ethel
Jackson, Mr. James 'McIntosh,
Pres, of Brucefield YtP!S„ took the
chair and conducted the social part
of the meeting. After lunch was s -
ved a paper \'‘'aread which the dif-
ferent groups edited. The meeting
was closed •by everyone joining hands
and singing, "Auld Lang Syne,"
Death of John Flannery.-rA resi=
dent long esteemed in McKillop pass-
ed away in the person of John Flan-
nery on Friday morning, February
28th, in Scott Memorial Hospital,
(Seaforth, where he had been taken on
Wednesday when he took seriously
ill. lir. Flannery, who was in his
64th year, was born in Tipperary,
Ireland, coming to this country when
nine years old and sebtlhtg at St.
Marys, where they lived for six years.
Sixty-seven years ago he came to the
1411 concession of McK+i+llop and took
up a farm and has since resided there.
(Possessed of fine sterling qualities, he
was highly thought of in ,the com-
munity', Mr, Flannery' was the last
surviving member ` of his family, He
is survived, by threesons and one
daughter, Francis .Flannery, of Win
W. R. DILL & Co.
nipeg; Leo of Belle River, Out.; Dan-
iel, of Los Angeles, 'Cal., aiid Mrs,
James Nash; of McKillop, Mrs,
Flannery predeceased her husband
by about forty-one `years. The,funer-
altook place Saturday morning -from
the 'home of his daughter, Mrs. James
Nash, McKillop, to St. James' Church
in Seaforth, Rev, Father Goetz offic-
iating at the service. The pallbearers
-were Messrs. Herbert Manning, John
Rowland, Joseph Ryan, Wm. Flan-
nery, John Nolan, Terence. Flannery.
Interment took place in St. James'
Mr. Samuel Smith has sold his 'fine
100 -acre farm, lot 15, con. 9, McKil-
lop. to Mr. Robert Bolton, who has
bought it for .his son, Mr. Louis Bol-
ton. Mr. Bolton and his sons now
have several hundred acres on the
8th and 9th concessions, The consid-
eration was 56.000. Mr. and Mrs.
Stnith intend moving to Toronto be-
fore April let, as their two sons are
in the city. Mr. Smith is holding a
clearing auction sale on March 21st.
"]heir many friend's will regret to see
these fine neighbors leave the com-
Mr. Aaron Hulley of Waldeck,
Sask, arrived on Saturday visit n to yiS t his
brother, Mr. Robert Hulley.
Mr. .Peter McLaughlin was in
Rlonkton one day last week on busi-
Mrs. Wnx. Boyd underwent an op-
eration for tonsils in Seaforth on
Miss Ethel Dennis is visiting her
cousin, Mrs, Wm, Boyd,
Mr, Ed. ,Godkin visited friends near
(Seaforth Sunday evening,
Miss Jessie Miller, of Grey, visited
'her sister, Mrs. Wm. Boyd.
Mr. Willis Dundas held a very suc-
cessful sale on Tuesday.
S.S. No. 1, McKillop. -The follow-
ing is the report of S.S. No, 1. Mc-
Killop, for months of January and
Sr, IV, - Catherine Lone 73 p.c.,
'\Vm. Nigh 69. Mabel Nigh 67.
IV. - Adelaide Murray 78, Fran-
ces Fortune 77, Doreen Nigh 68.
Sr, 3L -Ambrose Nigh 88, Jack
Fortune 85.
Jr. 11. -Margaret Murray 84, Flor-
ence Murray 83, Robt, Devereaux 81,
Aileen Murray 79,
.I. -Peter Nigh 87, Frank Dever-
.eaux 86, Joseph Ryan 81'. .'Lawrence
Murray 7n. •
Pr. -'James Nash 85, Sylvester
!Ryan 89 Ma
deline Fortune e 34, Anna
Krauskopf, (good work),
T, Carpenter, Teacher,
S S No 12 Report for the months
of January, and February:
Sr. IV.-lGretta Hulley 89 per cent„
Agnes Dodds 74.
Jr. IV. -Elizabeth McFarlane .78,
Agnes Case 76.
,Sr, ILI,-Tillie Hulley 80, Bert Mc-
Spadden 76.
Jr, III. -Margaret Habkirk 76,
George Habkirk 70.
Sr. DL -Arthur McClure 50.
Jr. L -Gordon Hulley 84.
Primer -Lillian McClure 83.
Number on roll 11, average attend-
ance 10.7. The highest number of
stars for spelling, during the two
months, Gretta Hulley.
Annie E. Strong, Teacher.
S 5 No 4 Report for January and
February.' Those marked with an as-
terisk have missed one or more ex-
Sr. IV, -Barbara Eberhart 79, Ruth
Gordan 78, Linnen Krogman 75, Alex.
Kerr 68, Lloyd Yantzie 58, Peter
Watson 58, David Shannon 56, Archie
Smith 32.
Jr. IV. -Olive Eberhart 73.
IDI. -Harvey Lamont 57, Scott
Kerr 56.
Sr. II -iRoss Gordon 74, *George
McClure 63, Arthur Henderson 62.5,
Hector Lamont 59, Mildred .Hender-
I k� Lawrence B Alma Law erre 6b.
Pr. -Lois Henderson, good.
Number on roll 18, average atten-
dance 16.3,
M. Wheatley, Teacher.
S.S. No. 6 Report for January and
February. Those marked' with an as-
terisk were absent for one or more
Sr, IV. --Muriel Finnegan 88, Esth-
er Duffy 81, Evelyn Sperling 78, Bren-
ton Gadkin 77.
Jr. IV. -!Gordon Elliott 78, Reggie
Pryce 75, Iola Beurmann 73. \urine
Little 65*, Orval Beuermann 03
Sr. III. --Alma Finnegan 86, Maudie
Sperling 80, Evelyn Hoegy 76.
Jr. III -Vera Duffy 7.8, Helen Ela
'Hatt 73, Glen Pryce 68.
Sr. II.-('Protnoted to Jr. rII.)-
Leslie Pryce 78, Gerald O'Hara 68,
Reta Duffy 64,
IJr H, -Everett Beuremann, Marie
Hoegy, Hazel Sperling, Mary Pryce
and Beatrice Pryce (equal).
,Primer -(Wilbur Hoegy, Gordon
Beuermann, Audrey Beuermann, Bob
Duffy, Billy Little, Alvin Beuermann.
,Number on roll 29, average atten-
dance 28.
Anotia Dale, Teacher.
If you want better' quality Chicks from a carefully culled and
inspected flack of high egg production, and high grading, Our chicks
bring greater profits. Hens mated to male birds whose record runs
from 250 to 316 eggs.
Here is tvIat one of our customers says: "J A, Eckert, Dear Sir, -
I thought 1 must tell you how well those Baby 'Chicks did bhat I got
from you last year. First we only ordered twenty -,five and they were
such smart, healthy chicks, we ordered three hundred more. We raised
almost ninety per cent. of these. I am so pleased with them that I in-
tend ordering five hundred Baby Chicks early this year. Yours truly.
-Mrs. Ed, OlHearn."
Book your order now for March and April Chicks; for three weeks
old started Chickens; for eight weeks old pu'lle'ts. Order now and avoid
disappointment. Send for circular. Visitors welcome.
John 22i. Eetcart
Phone 23-23 Dublin R.R. 1, DUBLIN, Ont.
Goodyear Tires and Tabes
Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries
A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars
If your car is in need of repairs, give tis a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
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