The Seaforth News, 1930-02-20, Page 5THURSDAY, g'EBRUARY 20, 1930
Prank ited h'er.
tors. McGregor vi
sister, Mrs, Brunsdan of Blyth Mou
Mrs. labkirk, of New 'flans
spent a couple of weeks visting
Mrs. Peter IDeCoursey in;.Eg:
Mrs. ,William Fear of Blyth, and
Mrs.Mason spent the week end the.
guests oaf Mrs. Jas, G. Martin:
Minch. interest has sheen aroused
in the series of sertnoi vs on ' Common
Faults being preached by Rev. I. B.uncle,
.Klainei in First 'Presbyterian Church,
Wanted .. Wife
to be presented ih Cavan Church,
• WINTHROP, •on''
FRIDAY EVG.,' 7l2Alt(JF:I' 7th
day. of this week. We are sorry to
hear that Mrs. Brunsdon will hae towith:
undero an-operaion, on Wednesday,
ut hopefora speedy recery..
Mr, Jim Neilans assisted -Mr. andulp.H:.
Mrs, Bert Allen at Londesboro last
Friday evening, at-
Mr. and Mrs Frani E4cGtegor
tended the funeral' oElle,
,the letter's
M - James Myers, of Clinton;
on \Wednesday.
"r Ontario
A Poultry Farm under
equipment has .to be up
and paasedi, or rejected,
for disqualification
to Gov, Standard,
by 'Gov. Inspectors.
in weight, disease,
All stock and
Evey�thmg . is exanuaed
Alt birds that are re -
egg type or feathers act
They •commenced Sunday evening,
' January 19th' and will continue, till
March .23rd. : The following are the,'
subjects' that remain in the series:
Feb. 23rd,, `"The Church Member
by' the Winthrop Young People.
Conte and- see; "what our, 'Young
.- People can do.
Admission 35'c and 15c.
Presentation:=On- ,Friday evening,
February the 14th, about one pun_
dred 'friends" and neighbors gathered
leered •
have to be disposed •of atone, Inspectors ,call unannounced to check
up on conditions. Every moiuth:a duplicate account of all records is
sent to the ,Poultry Dept, OiAIC., Guelph. The idea. le to cre'a'te breed -
mg stock •of ithe,highest class; free of •disease, There are only'Three
Breeding Stations in Huron County -Elmer Glar_rieh, Lucknow; J. M,
A dollar taken out of your
While one spent at home simply says,
confuse Superior Chain Stores with
This great Organization was built up
town sighs, "'Goodbye Forever,"
rill we meet again.. Do not
• the Conpora'ti rolOwned- stares.
by Ig Grocers owningchooses
who thinks' onlyof Self," Mar.'2,
The Church Mlmber who is of Tw
Opinions,"' Mar, 9, "The Church
rnber who .rs Not; in Earnest•"
Mar.. 16, 'The Church Member who
the Second Best" and Mar.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M,S, o:E Egmoii•dvtlle Uitlted,
Ohurrh held at the„hotne'of
et the panne of Mr. and Mrs. James
Finlayson to welcome -114r. and' rMrsi
Lorne Finlayson. The bride and
graout were presented with a : pair of
two-tone reed rockers, a walnut lib -
vary table and a reed fernery. Mr.
Scott and O. F. Sicgrist,. Seaforth. For further information, apply to
the above members.
Order your,neeths now for .
and operating their own stores, 'but
thereby enabling them to serve you
deal. 'u oii
nu pity depends, a greatp,
oloarefh Support your local Superior
We 'invite comparison of prncrs
aiiclNdent The , .
;buying and advertising together,
better. The growth of •your ,coin-
the success of. :our local- Mer-
Store and thereby help yourself,
23,`Phe Cdiurclt Member who turns
•away from Christ'address:
. very enjlo•yable euchre was held
Tuesday evening in St. James' parish
hall when a large orowd' ,was present.
Prize winners were: lone hands, Thos•
O''Reitly; lacbies' ••first prize.. Mrs. C.
was Mrs,
H. Ohesney Sr., op Feb.' 14th. Mrs.
Chesney presided and opened the,
meeting singing hymn 378, first and
last vere. e ted Lord'srses. The Scri tur err m uu-
is n. was! a P e cad ng
Joel 2, Acts 2 and 3, was given by
Mrs 'Chesney, Hymn' 250, first -.three
.Alexander read the following
To Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
,Finlayson,-D'ear ,Friends, In view of
the fact that you have recently em-
barked on the sea of matrirrioiiy, we
have assembled here tonight to cele-
prate 'that important event; and to
F® 1
Box 173 AF 304
oSE URTH Phone
Items for WeekRnding
February 26, 1930. ; ,
Egk'art; gentlemen's first prize, Mr.
P. -Maloney; door prize, 50 in :'old,
Jas"V, Ryan.
and last verses, was sung. Mrs : W
F. McMillan spoke on se'v'eral impor-
welcome to our ,midst, the one whoop
you have chosen as your 'life.partnee,
As a precedent to` such action ue
CHATEAU CHEESE , , , , : , ,'„
.,..0 ; 2 for
19 �'
large package
19 C'
40' oz. jar �$®
J c
IA lb: bo>
2 this
G'eel hi
Mr. 'and Mr's, George Webb of Chi -
eago, I11., and Mrs. John ShobbrooktLengfellow:
of Lond!esboro, spent a few days with
Mr. and Masa Win. Morrison, the be-
ginning df the week. Mr. and Mrs,
g gMrs.
'Webb motored all the way and left on
Wedne:sday .Ear 'Toronto. They found
the roads in co'nUparatively good) shape,
auil on Monday came 'from Hillsdale,
Mich., a dastance.of 219 miles; •
Miss Maud Baxter • of Mitchell.
spent the.week-cud with Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Thoansoin'' I
Miss Sinith of Sarnia is visiting
February monthly
l�essetnger, amongst them being a fine
tr,bttteto Mrs. Shaw, who' passed
away m October. Mrs. H. Chesney
Jr. sang a much appreciated solo.
'George Israel read the devotion-
al leaflet. The Messenger prayer was
given byFirs. H. Chesney hymn
566,laudy, ee verses
lastthreeverses,. was s ng. Mus-
from East tos-
Sbuth," was taken by Mrs, Haney,
The meeting awands Miss Charters.
hymn 3'74, first and last�verses.itThe
ladies, in
quote the •following -front the poem of
O fortuiate, 0 happy day'y
VSnheit a new household find's its place
,,glmen the myriad homes of earth,
Like a new star just sprung to birth
,And rolled on its diarmonious: way
Into the •boundless realms. of space!
So said the guests in speech and song
.As in the chimney burning Fright
We hung the iron crane tonight
And merry was the feast and long.'afrom-thethenlower
As a tangible expression of the veryMrs,
kind(?est ,feel ngs n well
Mrs, Jas. Twitcher, in London,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom rsesgh n have
the sympathy of their neighbors in
the loss of ,their home, which was des-
troyed by fire Sunday night about
10.30. On findingthe house on fire
the neighbors were called, several
ti•mes they thought they had the fire
conquered, only to find it break out
another place. Most of the` furniture
floor was saved.
T. B, Baird' is visiting in Lon-
Flannery 44:8.•
Form- II, Physiography -John Hol -
land 90; 'Bridget Delaney 84, Eliz,
Carlin 72, Lucy Eckert 70, Vera
O'Reilly60, MaryDelaney Si, Rose
Melad John o uaid• 83,Vincent
t 56, Q
Eckert 53, Alice Flannery 5,3, Cath-
eriue Flannery 48-.
Form I. Composition -,John Hal -
land 90, Bridget Delaney 3f) Mary
Delano} 74, Alice Delaney
72, Rose
Melady 67, Lucy Eckert 66, Elizabeth
Carlin 60, Vincent Eckert 55, John
AYimer.Jtunbo Peas
S String Brooms, Redi Handle Special
g •4
lblcLarens InvincibleweeJelly Powders
Dubin Yellow Sweet Corn
ears 2°s Light S ru
I' g Syrap
prunes, large size, W0 5A's
Aylmer Boned Chicken
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour
A n n Meal
Ro iia' "' "'orad
Golden Dates,.Best quality
Brand Seeded Raisins
Western Canada .. ..
Pimentos, %'s .. ^+
per tin 20c.
each 43c
pkgs; 25c
..:...:.. p gMr.
per tin 14c
per hn 15c
2 lbs. 33c i
per: tin.39c
each .18c
. • • .... per pkg. 33c a
2 lbs. 23c ''
2 for 27c
„, , ,.. , :. , .. r 5'lbs. 25c
per tin 10c• 3 for 250
her uncle,, Mr. Arbhre Ferguson,
'Miss Dorothy Wilson of Mitchell
spent the week end'at her home, here.
•;' Rdbt. Willis of Toronto spent
,Sunday •with his parents, Mr, -and
Mrs. W. G,Willis
air, •Jack Hiinchley of Brantford
spent, the week -end, with his another,
Mrs. J. D. Hi chle .
Mr J H'in ale of Belleville
Harry Y
is spending a couple of vveeks ;poli-
dayswith his mother, firs, D,
vn J.
Mr. _Melvin Twiss, 9f Regina ;pent
tyventr number, enjoyed a r n ane t
wishes whi h eve yo e p s bears
dainty lunch, •served by Mts. Chas- to you both, we ask yott to ' accept
nay and Mrs, Robert McKenzie: these gifts as souvenirs. `And may
The• Young Peoples Society of the the I i i that r Mate
E inond'ville United Church was held Dvve Providenceregulates
g all the events of!tune,-•blend into one
on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Miss' Jeannette •grand result, all th8 various series of
Finnigan' first vice
., President, Occup- future events of, your lives, blre ask
sell the chair. The nteetmg 'opened you also to accept• this address given
wiht;0 Canada, and Mr, lialcolm led as it is this 14th day of February,
in .Prager. Miss Anna Edmunds fav- 1930, .as a Valentine, viz„ a message
the youngDelaney
people with a., sole, in icaong unanimously, our regard:"
and Miss 1Iary Barber an unstrumien- tEr. Finlayson • responded on behalf of
nal, T•he' Scripture lesson was; read both hinnsell and Itis bride, with a few
by. Margaret Forrest. The topic, Cit- well-chosen words of thanks, after
Vir.. Jahn Mofiaatt, has been confined'
to bed for the past week.
Messrs. Jnq. and Dick McCowan
and- Walter Baird spent Monday to
Miss Marks of Brucefieid is visiting
Mrs. A. McQueen, g
' llrs, N. :McGregor and Miss Jean
Mustard spent Saturday evening at
Mr. T. Campbell's.
Mrs, Geo. Baird. Sr, is not as well
as usual. We hope she will soon im-
McQuaid 54, Vera O'Reilly 51, Cath-
erine Flaugery Si;
Form II, Literature -John. Holland
80, Bridget Delaney 75, .Mary Del -
aney 65, Lucy Eckert 65, Vera eth
Reilly 60, Alice Flanery60, Elizabeth
Carlin 60, John McQuaid 55, Vincent
Eckert 55, Rose \Melady 55, Catherine
Flannery 40.
Form TI Algebra. -Bridget
100, Bary Delaney 96, Lucy Eckert
72,,John McQuaid 72, Eliz. ,Carlin 68,
JohnosHolland559, .Vincent Eckert 59,
Veno's Cough Syrup
Manitoba Whitefish, dresser!.
, per bottle 27c
per tib: 15c '
the •week end in town with his moth-
er and walled oii friends. He left for
Toroiitb l4ottday where he has. recur-
'position is his
izensh.rp,•which�.proved • very interest' which the dancing was resumed till a.
ung, was taken by Mr, A, B. Farmer. very late- hour, when everyone .return_
After utternussion, the.ulcering was ed .to their respective homes, all agree-
brought to order by Miss Jean Snuth• •ing. hey lied hada very enjoyable
�Lr. Charles .Malone of Windsor
spent the week -end at his home here.
Form II. French. -Elizabeth Car -
fin 91, Lucy Eckert 74, John 71 -
Quaid 72, Bridget Delaney 63, Rose
: !
ed ,3 goad and moving
farm( there.
Miss Yfonioa Hu hes .of••Detroit is
h rvacation i r tr oth-
spending e w th he
eK' s.
Miss. Flo,;enee Knight is taking
treatment }n the Scotf Memorial Hos-
An Iinvitation to attend a social in evenin
13riicefield 'pii ;March 3rd was accept- fir, and Mrs. Thenar Dayntan had.
ed ;The naeetafig closed withl 'God ;them fortune to have tiheir dwelling
anetine Itijie. ani! Mizpah benedic=: burned bh. Stnday niht l'asti The
o i fire started betwe'eu the ceiling mid the
;; j upper Rbor`antl' had gained such head-.
hisses Mildred and Gertrude tic-
Grath of,, Guelph spent the week -end
at the ?Koine of theca parents,? a r. and
-)'Irs P: 'V, `IcGrath.
Mr, and• Mrs. Carl=• Step,letob of
Guelph collet} on friends ere "last
M'felady 54, Mary Delaney 49, John
Holland 4S, Vincent Eckert 41.
Form I. French. -Vera O'Reilly 82,
Catherine Flannery 74, Alice Flan -
nary 10:
3^urin ] I. British History. -(John
�® .o .. Ste'jart,
t *
Qh®iii' 77
., i
, `• , • ' ` . "
pital far an injured hip.
Mrs.. Edgar Butt of Kf cit spent
l g PP P
' Sunday With'her'moth'er; Mrs. J. Mc-
Choy, '\''drth Main • street.
Mrs.' Jack Hinckley of Stratford
i • . way before •assistdnce could get there
HARLOCK' than it was impossible to. save it al-
;Mir' Kathleen B edam : went' to dtottgit they saved.most of the furni-
Stratf rd' Monday and will start iii tore. downstairs. ,Mr. and 3Srs. Day-
trainingon- Tuesday. We wish• her man -have. the sympathy, of. the entire
Sunday •Holland
,Mr Joseph Doyle of Detroit visited
his.pareats over the week -end: .
Liss: Helena `Flannery of Linwood
spesit,the week -end at her panic here.
Mary O'Sullivan St. Thom-
93, .Mary Delaney 89, Vin-
cent Eckert ,79, .Vera O'Reilly 79;
Elizabeth. Carlin 80, LucyEckert 77,
Bridget Delaney 70, John McQuaid
68, Rose .\L ady 67, Catherine Flan-
nery 53, Alice Flannery 50.3. •
scut the week end the guest of her
good health end every success. lIEss comuittnity in the loss of their home.
Me ited'
Miss of
as is spending a few days with her
The pupil obtaining' highest marks
'We pay the Highest
Our services to ourpatrons
Do not send your
it here.
' xt_..,
-it U.There
•prices for good
cream to other
< ,
, tr,
cream. .,
the best that can be given.
Creameries; we want
sister, Ars : G. Hung
Mr. Alex. Sit?rling of M'cI€illoo is
the guest of his brother in Goderich.
Mr. Thomas McAdam of Mount
Forest his, spending his vacation in
lir. and Mrs 116u, 7f, Sproat of
Tuckersmith spent last week in
Woodstock .
A eery pleasant evening was spent
at Mrs. P.ankiu; last Tuesday when
seven tables of progressive euchre
were filled. The prize for most games
Beacom was • accompanied . by par Mrs J. W. can v with
brothers Messes. Harold. acid Bert friends in Cl!iitton the more •part of the
Beacom,. :.. week,
ltrs. Tlios, Neilans visited her aunt, Mr. \\ , M. Doig of Port Huron
Mrs. Robert Hawthorne of Seaforth spent the weal. end with his rt nu:ylle_srs.
was a large tumuli, at the
Part of last week, returning home on Masonic at home in Hensall on Wed-
Mr, and tics. Robert Watson, 'ftr. nesday evening and al were more
and lLrs. Joseph° Lyroit than delighted with the entertainment
b of near Lon- and ball•
des oro, also ,14r. and 'MrIsaac a.Ir, an Mrs: 3. P. Bovey enter-
Rapson, and Mr. Grey visited at the
home of lir. and airs. A. W. Beacom Pained .a number of their friends on
Sunday, Monday avenin last.
Parents , and firs Peter O'Sul-
lfr, James Mc
smileraid is wearing a
this week -it'
e Ys a bo .
John Talone and sons pare
finished delivering their logs to air,
Sadler of Staffs.
The Literary Society held their reg-
uiar meeting on Tuesday evening.
The following is the report of t.'.
S.S. No. 3, St, Colutnban. far the
work covered in all subjects during
the last five months. First Class
in Form II is Bridget Delaney; the
pupil obtaining highest in •Form I. is
Vera O'Reilly.
Entrance Class: - Agnes Delaney,
L.aretto Holland, Bale Hnil,and, Hea-
Al -
na •Cronin, Florence •O'Sullivan. Al-
nhnnee Cronin, Mary 'Hart, Edward
Hart. Absent during part of exam.,
Matey licQuatd. •Mar}: Miles.
Junior IV. -Mary Murphy. Mary
OSuhii^an, Irene :McQuaid. Absent
Q • '
during part of exam. -Tom Melady,
Fergus Melady; Mary McGrath. Ed -
To operate a Creamery' we need
In return for you co-operation
- service and riot
We are agent for the VIellotte
In and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery C�i
your co-operatiHonours
we will give you of our
Cream Separators. Come
Seaforth Ontr
was won by. Mrs, W. Nicholl, and the
prize for lone hands by Mrs, J. Hoth-
am, Lunch was served by Mrs. Ran-
kin, assisted by Mrs. Meakins, Mrs.
N. Nicholl and Mrs. W. Nichol].
Mr, and. Mrs. J. J,,Gaetz of Red
Deer, Alta„ who were guests of Mr.
and Mrs, James Derr, are leavingoft
Thursday to visit in Reuce'field and
London before returning home,
Mr. Henry Hoggarth has been con-
fined to his home through illness,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Free motored to
Brantford over the week end whereEast
Mr and firs. Bert Allen furnished
the music at the play, "Mother Mine" BRUCEFIELD.
givemin the commtunty hall, Landes- The February meeting of the Wo-
baro, last Friday evening. nten's lfissionary Society was held in
Mr, and Mrs. T. Knox visited Mr. the schoolroom of the church Wed.
and Mrs. A. W. Beacom Fridayev- afternoon, the president, Firs, Brem_
ening, ner, residing. The devotional leaf-
lab 'To you and to our children
Miss Edythe Beacom was home y
from -Myth continuation School Fri- and to all that. are afar off," was read
day and Monday'with a bats cold and by Mrs. R. P. Watson. The topic for
the daywas taken from the stud
sore throat, but, we are pleased to'Y
know she is better again; • book, "Front Jerusalem to Jerusalem",
Mr. Jim,Ruddell visited at the hone the second chapter, the
and the South. The first art
of Mr. and: Mrs. Isaac Rapson's Sun- p
by Mrs, D. Tough, show-
78 per cent.; Second Class,
69 to 75 p.c.; Third Class.' 50 to 69
p,c. Credit or mere ass, 59.
F P p.c.livan,
Bridget p.1 Latin -Eliz Carlin 9a,
Bridget eai } 90, Luer Eckert 8 ,
1in Quaid 80, 1 incept Eckert
71, JohnHolland 60, Mary Delaney
53 Rose 1Le!ady 56. •
Form I. Latin -Vera OaReill3, 70.
Catherine Flannery 56. Alice Flan-
Frm II. Arithmetic -Bridget Del-
aney 9B, Vera O'Reilly 83, Vincent
Eckert 81. Mary Delaney 79, Eliza-
ward O'Sullivan.
Sr. Ilia -Lillian Miles, Ella O'.Sul-
Margaret Murphy, Benny Htl-
land, Albert Hart (absent for 1 exam -
Jr: I'I'I. -jack Croizin, Edward
Roach, Louis O'Reilly, Mary • Hart,
Isabe( Roach, Joseph O'Reilly.
ADL--lWi(fred McQuaid, Lenore Ruse
inn, Con. Holland, ,Tack Roach, Pat
O'Re Il' , Ra1 hnMure Rhston, :Francis
3 P p y
JrI,.Elizabetih RoachPat O
Sullivant, Joe Hart.' Pat 'VC(' Grath.
Freed mafher•is still criticatlyill,
Aeteuding funeral of the lateWe
day evening, was taken
"that ing, that Christianity was cradled in
beth 'Carlin 78, Lucy Eckert 65. John
Printery- Mildred lfurphy, ' .Wary
W, �� Wal11G1 doll
Fust .,Tilt v It
Mrs Geo, E, Henderson on Wednes-
day were: Dr. and Mrs. Hodgins and
:Mrs, L. T. De,'Tracey, Toronto; Mrs.
Counter and two sons, Clinton. Mrs.
are very sorry to hear Mr.
George Pollard had. the misfortune to Arta, as were all world religions. Mrs.
'lose a va'lua'ble horse on Sunday. Brook spoke on the rise of the Arm-
Mr, A. W. Beacom attended the enian Church, the Nestorian Church,
Indian Missions and the Syrian
Holland 63,, John McQuaid 6'a ose
M:,Cefady 88, Alice planner . 49.4, I{ate
1Lurray, Mary OryReilly, Doris Rus -
ton, int Roach,inn
When you feel"tiTed and
Hodgins and Mrs.,DeLacey remained
until Thursday guests of M.r. and Mrs
funeral of Miss Mary Cluff, whose
home was near Bayfield, but who has Church in Malabar. Mrs. James Mc-
of late resided' in Clinton with her Queen took the closing part, telling
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, h bider of Go-
lama and license. `
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone, 67. •
drowsy, slid- around. the..
corner.andgeta mitssa a
�"�, ♦
s I (� S
•met come in wit
Y y
8 grouch but will go out
A• D. Sutherledd,
Mr. William-IiiE
attend the am-Hartry left Tuesday to
l of his brother, Mr.
Robert Hartry, whose death occurred
in Toronto oii. Monday,this beingthe
second death in the family in the past:
two weeks, his brother, Mr. Samuel
H'aStry having died on Feb. 8th at
Vancouver, B:C: Both'brothers hard
been ill for some time and their
deaths' ane -the first break in the. fain-
Mr, and Mrs, Neil Bethune of To-
led,o are visiting his. sister, Miss Be-
thune. '
mother. of the Nestorian missionaries finding
Mrs. McGregor visited •at.the.home their way :to China and' Mougolta, also
of her parents, Mr...and Mrs. Myers of missionaries among the Tartars
of Clinton Thursday and Friday of and Mongolia, +A• committee was ap-
oinked to make arran enuents for the
week, • . P arrangements
,Mrs. Jennie Knox and Ward visit- meeting on March 7th•, this being the
ed at the home •of'the fortner's daugh- date set for the annual World Day nf.
ter, Mrs. "t`. A plleb of Roxboro' on Prayer. To this meeting all the wo-
p Y
'Saturday; • met of the -congregation and coni mu-
Wale nit} are cord ally invited, The meet-
e are pleased to hear that Mrs.
Sol Shannon whn was very poorly, is ping 'w'as closed with prayer by Mrs,
able to be around again. C. ITau,gh.
Messrs. Thomas anJames Neilans •1'Irs.:R. Pearson of Goderich town-
and Peter Taylor visited at the ship visited at the home of 71r. and
of Mr. and Mrs. "Bert Allen one night Mrs. William Rabtenbury Last week,
:'.. BRED -TO -LAY S.C.W. LEGHORN'S & 0.
' -• "
;. , It you want better quality Chicks from
inspected flock of high egg production, and high
bring greater profits. 8t;. Hens mated to mate birds
from 250 to 316 eggs.
Here as what one of aur customers says: "J.
I thought I must tell you how well those Baby
f from you last -year. Furst we only ordered twenty
such smart, healthy chicks, we ordered three'hundred
a carefully culled and
grading. Our chicles
whose record •ruins
A. E:ckei't.,Dear Sir,-
Chicks did that I got
five and they were
more. We raised
with a smile.
M'rs. W. E. Hinc'hsey was , the
last week. i'g Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner vis-
'ited friends 'Thomas
:' almost ninety per cent. of these, I atm so pleased with -them that I in -
tend ordering five hundred Baby Chicks this Yours
Phone 125•
guest of her cousin in .Stratford •for a
few days. _
in St. and Lon-
' don last week: ,
early year. truly.
-Mae. Ed. OtHearn." •
Mrs. Dodman of Lucky 'Lake,Mrs.
Charles Wasinan is visiting
Book your order now for, .March and April Chicks; for three'. weeks
Chickens; far
Pianos Tuned
Sesta., and Mrs: B'aguell of Huntoon.
Sask., are visiting- the fogmer's par-
friends fora week in Mitchell,
34r. Walter MdBea h of Saslcitche
old started eight weeks old pullets. Order note and avoid
disappointment. Send for circular. Visitors welcome.
,leaned and•
Ds �L Mlj�nllljs
Of Wingham, will be at. the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Saniale,
Centre street, owing to the• latter's
illness: Many friends of Mrs, Smale
will be pleased to know she is on a
fair way_to. recovery.son
Mrs,-•Kentchen of Saginaw, Mich,, is
visiting her daughter, lvrrs. \3V. H.
wan. was the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
William Henry last week and was al-
so renewing acquaintance with many
Pay Cash and PayLess of his old friends,
Mrs. George Watt of Clint visit-
We offer . you the 'following at ed at the home of Ma. and airs. Jas.
!Reduced Prices; Walker this week
John c k r
'o '�l t
' Phone 23-23 Dublin RR. 1, DUBLIN, Ont,
'•----' . ... ... ...,....... ,.,, _ _ :.._
aa7■ A. limey
Vh¢ d
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases kinds
Mr, Will Barber of London was a
week end visitor- at his home here,
Flake Fish, reg 15c *IC,. air, F. Webb of Lucknoiv spent the
2 IFO,R ...... week end at the home of Mr. R. D.
5 lbs. Corn Syrup 33c Murdoch,
of all success-
3 Corn Starch 29c Young Life Passes. -(Following
Phone 327-J. Centre St.
fully treated.
, Electricity used.W
pkgs, an
10 Bars C. Sr G.'.Soap ' 39c ,illness of almost ,a year and a half,
24 Pastry•Fl:our 89c Irene Beryle, 'daughter
The regular monthly ,ineeting of the
W.M.IS. of the •Woman's Missionary
Society of the ,Seaforth United church
lbs. youngest of
2 Gans Corn or Peas, C Mrs. Knight; and the late Charles A.
'a' 4 FOR 25 a Knight, died on Saturday morning at
Goodyear Tires mid Tubes
was held with an attendance of sixty.
The president, Mrs. Lane, was in the
chair.. Mrs. ,ane. took the business
of'.meetisg,,Mrs, R. Archibald,
captain .of Circle No 2, tatleing charge
of program. ScSipture reading by.Miss
the home of her mother, concession
DRY GOODS 9 of Grey Township. She was in her
, 'Our Spring Goods, are now arriv- 18thyear. Besides her mother, she'ispart
ut'g daily, Prints, •Gnnghants, House surs'ived by one slatter Olga, -who hasDresses at reasonable
P been in the sanatorium .at Byron
'Linen Towelling at reduced prices. since last spring. For :several years
Battery Sales and Service •
Chargingull makes of Batteries
Char in and RepairingIT
Our New S rip Shoes are arriving and very shortly we .will,
Ou :Spring.
present foryourconsideration, the most.cotnpleite stock of FASHION-
ABITJE IFOOTIWIEAR we .have ever shown,
In the meantime, should you need Shoes or Rubbers, don't hesitate
Ferguson, prayer by Mrs. Archibald,
Wiatch Tbwer by' Mrs. Hutchison,
devotional !leaflet by .Miss Helen Lane,
Study book was ably taken by Mrs.
Buy Your 5pringsupph, now° and save Mrs. • Knight, with her daughters, •lir-
money. ed south wrest of Bruceifield, • She has
`. ` WALLPAPER the sympathy of her friends here, The
Our' Wall Paper Books • fuineral, w^hick was private, took place
A ood line of new and used arts of different makes of cars
g p
, If your car is in need of repairs,. give us a Call
to, visit our store.
You'll have no trouble selecting the Shoes you want at the price
you want to pay.
/ . M
P te,
on oris. Mrs: Archibald, Mrs. Ma-
Michael,' Miss Alexander and' Miss A.
Gloven'lock..A diner by•Heleu Lane and
Bessie Cliff was, very, much enjoyed.
The: society wias:pleaseld to welcome
several new • menn'bers,
pew ,Sample
P p. p• on Monde afternoon, interment be -
are now in„ We can show you the •
latest in a e'atthe lowestr' intg, •made •in Brussels cemetery.
P. P •p ices. Those 'who were in bed through
Bring your Eggs here -we, need sicknesp last. week were: Mrs. Nesbit,
them and you, need the trade. We will 1'1'I'. i Norris, Mr. T. C.alp'ill and Mr:
pay a premium for delivering Cream, Roy Walker. W5 are pleased •all are
'our recovering Mrs las. Mc' McQueen
' Studebaker Sales andServ�c:e
_� � ����E
:r 5 t ;'
- . - -
McQUAIIiD, In 'McKillop, On :Fab,
1 na;idtol34rna'iid Mrs. James Mc-
Quaid, -, 1:
Iai MclKillop. on 'Feb. 14,
store.. Brim
give us a: chance
us your
to serve
next can g• - Q is al-
you. so recovering from the. fall she had
las•( Waelnesday night,
r ohn, Souter ;lett for Detrol
last Wednesday. t
1 M C, Haughthe week end
i e iia e,.°
'1930, to Mr: and Mrs. •Atnbnose Giv-
with -his sister and• husband,. Mr. and
lin. twin daudhlters,