HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-02-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THE SE 'ORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON,. Miss \Vinnifred Drager of Lon- don, is spending a few days at her home here. The monthly meeting of the Guild and W'.At of the Anglic+an.'Church was held at the home of Mrs: R. \\ • Hoy on Wednesday last with a goodly'at- tendance. The North Huron 'County Orange Association die1'd their annual Meet- ing at ,Wingham otr !Feb, 4ith. Mr. C. Bennett spent the week end the Minister,'.' was presented by the m Detroit. following. characters: Mrs. Arabella A nufnber from the village attended D;aol'i'ttle, a J'ehy' Maker with a sick husband --'Mrs, James Watt; Mrs. Be- linda Barrington, a widow—Mrs J, Mills; 'Clementine Cl'ipp, an old W. aid—+Mrs. J. 'Caleiough. Scene—,A leitchen at one side with a kettle on the. stove; Mrs, Doolittle stands beside it with a spoon in her hand intent on making jelly 'for the unmarried minis- ter, 'when she is confronted by Be- linda Barrington, the Widow and in a short time Clementine Clipp, the old maid, appears. They are shining up to the minister and have already sent their donation. They find out each other's designs and a quarrel ensues, and Mrs. Doolittle's jelly is spoiled, but she skill has John Peter. It is very amusing all through and each charadter takes her part well. The Na- tional : anthem was sung in closing. Lunch was then served and a social time spent. It, was pronounced one of the best social evenings we have had for some time. At the. Sunday eveningiservice in the Queen street United Church Mr. Stanley Sibthorpe sang the solo, "The Old Rugged Cross," in fine voice. Mir. Duncan'McNichol of McKillop is visiting his uncle, )Jr. John Mc- Nichol. Mrs. Thos. Grasby has returned home after spending the past month with her brother, Mr, Alfred Nesbit Sunda . after spending. a few' days of 'tear Auburn. on ) P g Mltss Mildred Hilborne spent the a: her h.,me here. Mr. 'Johnston is week -end with her sister, Mrs. Robt. not improving very quickly. Mrs. Wellace. Fin land has :'ren esieng tor' hint \:r and Mrs. Clarence Johnston since winter set in. wire guests of air. and Mirs. John Rif- T1ie Guild of S:. George's Church�et of Jamestown on Friday. mer at Mrs. R. Hoyte last Wednesday' Mrs, John :McNichol and Aubrey spent the past week with her father, Mr. Samuel Storey of McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Grasby visited Me .and Mrs. Russell Bradshaw, also with her parents. Mir. and Mrs. Rob-- Mr. and Mhs. John Riley or James- Rei3. town. last week -end. has been con - Mir. Joseph Johnston i owing to a sore LYTH: the house a B listed tog Late Hattie Dexter.—Death claimed soot, Miss Hattie Deter quite suddenly ani M-. and Mrs. John Grasby visited Tuesiav evening, February 4th, et the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson on home ofher ," ' to II.t E. Deter i ntcday. t She tai heti bed for; over a week A . ._teach .rc:ib:e,; BRUCEFIELD, wh'eh pr,du c::•'ettt vomit tg School Report for S. S. \o. 3 w'nieh :crake 1 I lier heart and cause., uLker tt .. ..c' month of Janet 'a s \f ss Dm :: .s ee try base' en nty 'va.a.inne lit, et t. ?, thirty- re . ,l :v- 5 "'s, e t c ':y a ::. Gent_ 1.'._ _ t Enema Dexter i\ r'.rr: set Bee '• \t. : ♦. Year, was R -...72. Jean Watson ie. :gel- :see.te' - 1 ..oiBa: ?n tersday.. t.' er folks going geite unconcerned but seeking- the fest chance to escape av- ailable. This was followed by com- munity singing, "0 Canada" and "'Old Black Joe:" Appropriate readings were then given, "T)te Gray Siwan," by Miss Mary Pate; "The Sco'tchairan's Tip," by M'rs.•Wm. Craig; "The Conn - try Quilting: Bee Has Passed," by Mrs, WI, E. Mills; a verse of The. Maple Leaf Forever was sung at this point. A splendid address, Man as Society Requires Him to Be," was gi- ven by Mrs. George Patterson, A fine piano solo by Miss Annie Barr and a on'e-lett play entitled, "Jelly -r a eiresentia'tion given to Mr, and 'Mrs. George Johnston '(gravel road) last Tuesday evening prior to their 'depar- ture. 'They 'axe moving to 'the old home near Gorrie. Mr. `George Clark of Listowel spent a few clays in ,the village last week. IA 'number from here attended the N North :Huron .County 'meeting Of', the Royal ,Black Knights in Wingham on Friday evening.'lAt the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served and a good time was spent by all. 'Mrs, IS. 'Neable of Toronto and little son are visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. Livingstone. Mfrs. Wm. Hackwell has been under the doctor's Bare for the past few days but at time of writingshe is somewhat improved. Mr. 'Duncan Johnston is improvitag after an attiacic of rheumatism. But he is not able to be out yet. Mrs. Geo. McTaggart had a quilt- ing bee one day last week. 'R. Hoy attended a Black Knight meeting in, Wingham last Friday evening. P. B. Gardiner is pressing hay at Geo. Love's this week. The roads were badly drifted in on Monday ntorninse There was a real oltl time blizzard on Sunday and Monday forenoon. Mrs. C. Fingland returned to Blyth and Maintenance 'Fund of $1,409.00. making' a total of $2,001.00 for Mis- sionary purposes. In laddition to this $391.3,00 was given- to other objects outside the congregation, ,including the ,Bible Society' and Eirt artuel College. William Hill, Norman Walk- er and James McIntosh were, elected to the Board of Managers, while John. iteIntos�h and J. I3 Mustard were ap- pointed auditors. Mrs. D. A. Aiken - head, the efficient treasurer, wes un- animously re=elected, The report of the trustees, presented by Mr, J. A. Ma even, showed that the church pro- perty roperty is entirely free of debt'and that an increase of insurance had been placed upon the church buildings. afternoon. Mr. J. McLeod has been visiting in Listowel for the past few days. Miss Edna Reid spent the week -end messe ite lI rye �r� i..c was.,. - 4s, \\ ....e t"'a, ?-, i ah t :,''t. 1)a nt-1:e A; M i•' ea,:Ant- 1:!:::,!: to t... te'ry 1 . - were s I -F. F: r, Mic17::tet.:.. e56. At Me ,,sre, Is ,r, cr \ .) .: a St', Mf t itt . De. _ T\\ T _. Edwin - \.:._ Wright 71 Ma: \\ s l are.y -,\. F z f+ Tal s "1.' n_, rt"tnfe 'e .i c_.s- _i. -"ea:11, \a.• Vi ,-•a•: Ca'pe a.losent,. -t. __ _:e.s a,� , 7n ' 70Isabel R.T.�... IL.—D .,a. Mf_._D_..a.d %rut_ a t3 . Gr,ei Dal tmp:e 66. ay . he. fore Dex:e, i i.-••£ _.e R t s linriet Wright ..ate ''14, "E a..e-y 52, 'Ruth \\-alters Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of Queen zB.::o?ar \\a: .ies1 74. Morey St. United Church Entertained, — A t\ glt: , '. Ivae Tac' or 7a. Milton joint meeting, :he Ladies' Mia and 'a._',r :. Myrtle People tabsentl, W.M.S. me: :he Parsonage ,- T:lei- pr.—Haze: \W'son 83, *Audrey day. Feb 4:5 by a?:a: :cr::a::on \va::ers 51. Presto.^- Dallas 72. Jack -.e Mrs. ; Re.., F Iaide:eu . ; a„' rot Th:se marked with an The Ladieet 1 , 1t'.eeterisk missed oar:' •of :he examine - the presider_. Mir T. W. _li _ pre tiers. T..^,eic percentage was ranked eidfna. \fee rg epened b1 ingtr,g a hymn feltowef le :he Lerd's pray- er repeated :nentson. .After the rou- tine bus ne lea 'aee : transacted Mac \vi:s n and Elie Robins had two mistakes is their dull spelling. Mayne Watson had three. Mildred hymn 35 was -un. ane. the meetly., Robins. Eve:yn \\ e.son. Jean \Watson. • brought to a ease ? a':aw the W.M.c: `i't y Da:rymp:e, W. D. \\-ilson. S to p'- eee1, with Mr?. D. Floody ,,Bane_ .Nrinstreing, Tames McCully, presiehng. Hym^ swee sung. Mrs. \V. H. IfeElrey '•,a in v"oyer. De:-c- teenat leaflet."To v _ni n' your children, a ct a:. Lha: •i'- afar on. wa • taken l3VMrs. T \\ . M[ ser which hymn t6 wee seine. The steely • beak. 'Front- Jec:ts :em e.e ie._._a;em' was given be •\I R. l\ Fran I ealIets o B e read by Miesdames G a 1y. Sesekheese. Fetes. and Bel:. Prayer ass .t.ffereti by Mrs. \\ ghunan. \ 7,1-2,' 'ie a: i g due' He Lifted .M 'x Mrs. D F:, -y. and firs. Aettlersote The ereshient. Mrs. Calc, -i3 • '-hen he chair for the 'bus -nese part tlte meeting. Mrs, Wightm..i: niCgave a brief talk • on the exe t v : Huron P , -1c ial \V.MI S ° d t....hurch held at Clinton tu januare lit. There Ma -y \t C t.:y. Delbert Taylor. Mbit..., \\a: -):t. Mac \\'i:aan. Grace Da . :tele, F:s:e Robins, it'an Tay - r. Taci e ua:w.:i. Haze 'Wilson,' PrePreseee Dalas, had perfect atten- ' ,i- Pe tae of actual. to posse 1 site •_- 92.3 :t .k epme cattsed a number of oee some .g near.y all h 'Mildred R tS :s completed e 'Star Mem-try Certificate for -:int...e Memr+ry Work. Mf \icNaugh on, Teacher. February meeting ng o the \W:. - A was. he: a: the e Mrs. D. Tette% t'te first he •epint quilting and eeeia'ask Tete nteet- then epees'. tleyetianal ear: es take, by MS Stevens, ..ngitig. was $19,018.:0 renntted aranc.. reedmg and prayer. Our treasurer, which is $ tit m'.re- than the eerthy president. \irs. Alex. Broad - preceding rear. O o' 62 auxiiiaries tie the- bueinese par: .and 22 exceeded allocation. Las_ Year la:,o. the next meeting was then e p'anned to.r. The members res- _ +"1 'i. t.. Tie italc was caed fee-. M._. H. Z_arik gave shore. but interesting. paper, Re- ring the T=me." The meeting 4 ac al: repeating the M{.zpah The hostess supplied z•e t !ranch a•el ea which enjoyed ht at. Theil ¢ will be held ee the home s ti Z a e March 6. Heoatifoot has pur- eg ess from Mr. there were only. 14. Next rneettne the Presbyterial to be herld at n April 30. The Herald : :he \\ _, Tower were then appo'r.lei Cr* Mrs. A. B. Carr: japan. Mr-. lard; France, Mrs. J. Mn rte : into Mrs. J. H 'Hoove reteLeset. \i \\shite, • temperance, M 3s rr Calatian, Mr, Wm. Hees::: t Canadians Mrs. J. 11-. rsdecided to have qua e r - tfirst group in March lir;. t ed the meeting with prayer. 1 leech a 1 i m ftful u t i was then sae r s hostess, and a social half hour a' e was very much and a hearty vote of appreciatiee. was ' e g by •ends i tendered Mrs. Anderson. All went . o, him:himm ,. Mr H. T home feeling they had spent a pleas- Dal ymn:e rant and •profitable afternoon. The Annna:'Gongregatioval meeting At the Sabbath School of the Queen ei the B,ucene:tt United ted Church was street united Church a well rendered heti lair week in .he sch'iif-ro-mn, mixed quartette entitled, "I Want My with a good ct:e:idarce of officers and Life to Tell for Jesus, was given. by members. The Rev. W. A. Bremner Mr. and Mrs. D. Floody, Mr. I. Wal- was elected chairman and Mir. J. B. lace and Mrs, Wm, Gibson. Mustard secretary. The various re - Women's Institute.—A very enjoy- port, sh twee the a". the organize - able time was spent on the occasion tions are in a healthy condition and -of the social evening of ,the \Vo:men's that all are doing their work with 1 InsS titute held in ia mor M Le I hall onharmony and heartiness. tness The a lloca- quesca1 Feb. 4th opened withaperr t of the folio -wing organizations iod of games which was enjoyed by were fully met: The W.M.S.$300.00 both the young and the older folks. Marion Oliver Circle $75.00 Mission The game that especially attracted St- Band $26.00. The congregation also tentfoti, was "tile poor house," the old- met its allocation for the Missionary DUBLIN. - Continuation School Report.-- The following is the Tannery report of the Dublin Continuation ;School, The percentage obtained by each student is given. Subjects inwhich a stu- dent failed is in 'brackets after the Form IIIII, Dorothy Molyneaur 78, Ztch Ryan 07, Marion Dill 74, Nora McGrath 73, Patrick TieleConneld 66, Veronica 'Moiyneaux :65, 'Joseph O'- Rourke 64, Harry Feeney 63 '(chemis- try), ;Frank ;Stapleton 62, Marvis Drake 61 (ancient history), Agnes McGrath 61 (geometry, ancient. his- tory), sFrancis `•Ryan 61, Frank ,Moy- lan 61, Viola Feeney 60 (ancient his- tory), Margaret Drake 517 '('French grammar), 'Kathryn Byrne '56: (anc- ient history, geometry), Albert Gorm- ley 56 (ancient •'history), - Rase Mc- Connell SS, -Elmer Feeney 54 (litera- ture, composition, chemistry), Mary O'Reilly 33 ;(chemistry), Wm. Dant- zer 51 (literature), Wm. Ryan (alge- bra, geometry), Frank Krattskopf 43 (chemistry). Form IT.—Mary Dorrestyn 70, Gertrude Mulligan 66, Leta Ryan 60, Dorothy 'Brennan- 60, Carrie O'- Connor 60, Mary Dillon 53, Monica Roache 51, Dan MCCarthy 49, Dan O'Rourke 49, Francis Doyle 46, Mary Coyne 36. Form I.—Etltelyne O'.Hearne 76, Jack Molyneaux 7a, Harry McIver 7u, Eleanor Reed 67, Genevieve :McCar- thy 67, Joe Delaney 63, .Gordon Dill 63;' Ursula Ikrauskopf 60, Nellie Doyle 60, John O'Reilly 58, Agnes Coyne a7, Irene Donnelly 57,' Annie Ryan 56.5, Edith Krauikopf 556.5. Ir- ene O'Rourke 55.5, Elizabeth 'Cum- mings 55, Isabel Jordan 53,' Clare Gormley 44, Calista Kelly 39, Mr, Joe Maloney is spending g a week in Stratford at the home of his sister, Mrs, Jerry Ryan, We are sorry to hear ' that- Mirs. John Arnold is very sick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs: Tyers on the arrival of a young son 'set Thursday. Mies B. McGrath is visiting at the home of her brother. John MfcGrath, south of Dublin. Mr. Hugh Benninger spent the week end with his parents le Dubin. \[.. Tofin . [Crash sh'ppei a fine se:,ti .. t3.�. _c_ tl Quebec :,n Sat- ,... Mlr. one Mrs. Jahn Darling were :mete ef Stratford friends on Friday. ere '.r.aeid to 'emote that Mrs. : Feeek .t..t, - is ahle to sit up a littte ::.e atter her seetous The Ladies' Guild of Sr.Marys'; Church. D1.t sir evil: hold their month- w nee:ing a: :he name ef Mrs, Down- ey ,vr_-ey this afternoon at 2:30. A,l the ladies :arri friends -1 the village are al: we: - ::e ta spend ,a pleasant afternoon. t me and bring your f ie r nd with .h roes Vte are sorry to report that Mrs. I s, MLeGra:hpon the sick lie t:aope for her speedyrecovery. ret v w . Mr. and Mrs. John Brennan spent Friday at the home e_ Mrs. Tom , Burn:. Quite a number from town attend- ed the show in Stratford Friday night. Miss Mary Ryan has returned to Toronto atter .pending a monthwith her sister, Mrs. Wm. Mlc]Sermatt. McKILLOP. After suffering al: -Fall from an in- lection in the jaw and throat, George McNichol passed away on Mfonda _ evening a: his home. Deceased had undergone an .ipera:ion at the Kitch- ener meson -a. a sew weeks ago, and had ,been confined to bed since his re- turn. Mr, McNichol was 58 years; 2 months -and 1 ley old, and was the eldest son of the^ late Andrew Mc- Nichol and 'Mrs. JessieMcNichol, now 'residing in MLcICillop iTownship. II'e was born in Initerkip and came into Grey ITowttship many years ;ago" He is surbi'ved by Itis widow, former- ly Miss ormer-ly.;Mfiss Elizabeth McKenzie; one daughter, Mrs, Wilfred 'Cameron, of Brussels; his aged mother and three brothers, ,Duncan and James Mc- Nichol, of dvIdKillop Township; John of Morris Tawnship; and four sisters, Mrs. A. E. Miley, of [Calgary; :Mrs. Lew 'Hammond, of 'Campbellville, Mrs. D. Glassier and Mrs. Wm.' Recker, of (Brussels. The late Mr. McNichol had been ,a resident of Brussels for over ,30 years; The fun- eral was ,held from Melville Presby- terian Church •on Thursday afternoon,, service •bein:g conducted by Rev. IF. G. Fowler, at 2 o'clock, . Interment was made in Brussels 'Ce'metery. The be- reaved have the sympathy of the com- munity in -their sorrow. Brussels Post, Titere passed away in McKillop on Saturday, January lith, Henry Ryan, in his fifty-fourth year. As -the sad news passed over the community, wherever it touched it left sorrow, and the expressipns.of sympathy for the bereaved ones • were many and from the heart. Few men were more high- ly esteemed and todiay we miss his kindly smile and friendly greelting, We long in vain to hear the ring of his jovial laughter and to fee{ again his gehial,presence. We stood by his grave as the last sad rites were per- formed, and as the clay of earth -close ed above his silent resting .place. -His last words ,were expressive of peace in God and ,willinritess to depart and be. at rest with ,Him. His cheerful, help= ful life, his devotion to his family and kindness to everybody'will long ling- er as a fragrant memory in the home which his presence brightened and which death has now darkened. Though he is gone his record has been made and will .remain with us as a lasting treasure, The funeral ser- vices were held in St, Patrick's Church, IRew. Fr. Odrowski sang the Requiem High Mass. Interment was made in St. Patrick's cemetery, His wife predeceased him thirteen years ago. He leaves to mourn their loss of a loving father, one son, Joseph; three daughters, Mary, Theresa, and Helen, all at home, and three broth- er; and three sisters, Joseph and Pe- ter Ryan, of McKillop; John of Lon- don, end Michael of the West. Mrs. Wm. MoDermid; Mrs, .Edw. Flanagan of Dublin and Miss Mary Ryan of Toronto. The pallbearers were the Messrs M. J. Lynch, Pat. Woods, Joe' Giefin, .Win. O'Reilly. Wm. Flan- agan, Louis McGrath, CONSTANCE. The Ladies Aid of Constance Unit- ed Church intend holding a Valentine Social on Friday evening the 14th. A good programme is being provided and there will be dialogues, readings, solos, quartettes and instrumentals. A Valentine lunch wilt be served. Come ;ltd bring your Valentine. Mfr. and Mrs, Ernest Adams have had a radio installed, ELIMVILLE. The Yom:g People's Society of this church were invited to James street Church, Exeter, Tuesday night, where they supplied the program for the evening. The many friends of Mrs, Wilt Tohas will be pleased to hear that she is able to sit in a chair for a while each day after five months - confine- ment to her bed. It twill Prevent Ulcerated Throat.— At the first symptosis of sore throat, which presages ulceration and inflam- mation, take a spoonful of Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric Oil. Add a little sugar to it to stake it palatable. It will allay the irritation and •prevent the ulceration and swelling that areso painful, Those who were periodical - ;y subject te. quinsy have thus made themselves immune to attack. THE NEW TRACTOR iAS COME ,.eae MODEL 'C' WHICH IS A SMALLER BROTHER TO THE MODEL "L" 1. Powerful valve -in -head engine. 2. Removable oval e c l eJ+in e d r sleeves. 3. Heavy 3 -bearing crankshaft drilled for pressure lubrication. 4. All parts sealed against dust. 5. Hand operated clutch, easily handled from the ground or tractor seat. 6. Final drive of strong steel roller chains, enclosed and operating iii. oil. 7. Three forward speeds, 2 1-3, 3 1-3 and 4s/ milesP er hour. 8. Irreversible steering gear. Outside turning radius -10 ft. Powerful, Li ht and Fast for every g yPurpose Robt. W. Agar, Dealer PHONE 236:5 SEAFORTH, ONT. I STANLEY. - A very succes's'ful woodcutting bee was held at Fred Watson's on Wed- nesday last. Mr. Samuel Rohner has recently purchased the farm on the`Broeson line belonging to ,Mr, James Delgaty, of Pilo't:M'ound, Manitoba. Mr. Fred Wlatsote arrived home on Tuesday of this Week froth Varna, where he had ,been having his injured foot dressed, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steep and children of Goderich township spent Wednesday at the home of Mr, and Nies. W. •J. Tough. Mn•, James S. Delgaty of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, has disposed of Iris fine farm on the .Bronson Line to Mr. Samuel Huhner.` A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snowden gathered at their home on the 151th anniversary of their' marriage. Miss Hazel Sparks of Iiarnietsville is at present a guest under the par- ental roof. Mr, Wm, Taylor shipped a fine car load of cattle to Toronto last Satur- day. Mrs. Harold Penhale was the .guest of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Penhale a few days last week, Mrs. Robt, Armstrong of Willow City, Alberta, is at present the guest of her sister, (Miss Lizzie Ward,' of Varna. Mr. Geo. Williams of Cleveland Ohio, is spending the winker with Mr. Fred Watson. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930. 5 N WL ovERTO FLOUR ..MILLS:. CO. LIMITED ONTARIO SEAFORTH, Feed Feed ,Brn•n, in bags $37.00 per ton 'Starts in bags ....,:.,. p....:....:..:.. .,� $38.00 per ton Middlings, in bags $42.00 „per ton $2.10 bag 31.85 per 100 •lbs. $1t90 per 90 lbs., $1.65 per 100 lbs. 65c per bus; $1.35 per 100 lbs, Cottonseed !Meal, 40 ,p.c. '¢stein 32.75 per 100 lbs. Cut , . , $2:5'0 per 100 lbs. Cracked Corn, Steel • Oat Chop, in bags MixedlOhop, in bags Rolled 'Oats, in begs IMixed ,Grain, in bulk Oats, in bulk Barley Chop, he bags PHONE 51 EVENINGS -299 e vel taken from, the ,p'it'on the Ben- iniilek.road:_tge recommend 'that con:- sideration on=sideration be deferred until the Com- mission has alt 'appodbunity to exam- ine the location' Wright and Re motion of Messrs , g Beattie that the cotinty pay $10 on two lights at Bluevale, we recommend that action be d'eferred' until the tta can see the situation. BORN. Commission' •Gut& and tori. of Messrs. Re molt. MLcGAIFIlE1R1.—?In Ellrice Township, Thompso n that the turn in the road on Feb. 10th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. south of Blyth be improved, same re - Charles Me'Caffery, a daughter, commendation. Re motion of Messrs. Collies acid MIAITTH'EtWS._In Seaforth, on Feb.ne that the road easterly Ballanty 3rd, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo from -Ethel, and the road easterly Matthews, a son. from Cranbrook to the Morris town litre be plated on the County Road System, we would point out that the first mentioned road was included in ' bylaw in June 1927, making addi- tions to the county road system, but no .action from-. the Department of Highways approving of the road has not yet been secured. -Regarding the road easterly from Cranbrook, we r'ecommen'd- that it be given fhe future as a gg iveit , cottside- l=otion at such time i bylaw may be-:passed,ontaking addi- tions to the county'roadesystem. 'Re notion of Messrs. Armstrong g and .Middleton, asking for additions to the county road system, the road easterly from ,Londesboro and south- erly to the Huron Road; is already included, in tate bylas9 referred' to above. Regarding the application Inc. the base line as a county' road, we recom- mend that it be considered `in the future, when stich additions may be made. Re motions of Messrs. Ballantyne and Francis that the Thames Road bridge be rebuilt • — and re motion of Messrs. Craigie and Goldthorpe, that the work of cut- ting the Saltford hill be undertaken -- and re motion of Messrs.. Beattie and Craigie that an asphalt plant be purchased-- and urchased—and re motion of Messrs Thompson and Beattie that the Egmondville street be repaired,—we recommend that these matters be given consider- ation when preparing'the program of work for the year. Re motion of Messrs. Keys and Middleton that, the County- be respon- sible for lights oa the Bayfield bridge —same recommendation. The Legislation Committee report- ed as follows a Re the bill with reference to the transportation of fowl 011 the high- ways which has become law by pro- clamation of the Lieutenant Gover- nor and which reads: -"No person shall carry or -transport fowl on any highway in Ontario unless he. holds a permit for that purpose granted un- der the hand of the warden and countersigned by the clerk tutcler' the corporate seal of the county in which he resides or carries' on business and where he does not reside or carry on business in any county in Ontario, un- less he holds such permit, granted by the Warden of that county in Ontar- io nearest to his place of residence or business. The fee for such permit, shall be $1 and shall belong to the county. The clerk of the council_ shall keep a record of all permits is-• sued which shall be open to inspec- tion by any constable or peace offi- cer," we recommend that the clerk be empowered to provide the neces- sary license forms and a book in which to record the licensees' names, etc,, as provided by the above quoied statute and otherwise to perform all the duties of said Act imposed upon him. Re the motion of Messrs. R. A. Keys and Jas. Ballantyne' asking the Government to increase the grant to fifty per cent. on township roads ow- ing to the extra cost of .enforcing the \Weed Act arid' building permanent culverts in place' of wooded ones, we recommend that the petition be for- warded as requested itt said motion. That this council endorses the re- commendation of the county council of Hastings county re the cost of re- moval of poles of transmission power lines. \Ve recommend that the Govern- ment be requested to enact legisla- ■ WAsLKIER.—+In Scott :Memorial IIos: pita', Seaforth, on Tuesday, Feb, 11, 1930, to Mir. and Mr's. Otto Walker, of Staffa, a daughter. COUNTY COUNCIL. Y At 'the Thursday afternoon session underenquiries the Weeden. spoke of the necessity of providing more burial accommodation for deceased 'i'nmates of the Hoti 'Refuge. se f o ht He thou g the present poorly kept plot in the back of the'fartn lot was very un- suitable for the purpose. Mr.' Fran- cis spoke of great improvements .be- ing remade by •the Exeter cemetery company and the increased accom- modation.provided, Moved by MIessrs. Ingles and Mc- Ribbon that the Warden and the roads commission be easked to inter- view the Minister' of Highways when they are in Toronto attending the Good Roads meeting and request the Government riot to undertake work on the Provincial Highway in any one year that would amount to over one mill, trying tl , as the county is tr- ing tut' ar- range to finance the highways without is-ning debentures.—Carried, :Sieved by Messrs. A. P. Keys and Middleton that the county roads -sys- tem be responsible for three lights on the Bayfield road and hili. -.Roads committee: By Messrs. R, H. Thompson and McKibbon that the bridge on the Wingham-Blyth road north of the vil- lageB r o erg aie.be rebuilt as it is a dangerous bridge, being too narrow, es it is used by, school children, and also that the culvert south of Bel - grave be rebuilt as it also is too nar- row and there had been two bad ac- cidents there the past summer.—Road commission. • By Craigie and Turner that the re- signation of Thos. Gundry be accept-' ed and that he be appointed county constable to enforce the Liquor Con- trol Act at a salary of $200 per year. —Carried. By 'Messrs. Goldthorpe and Arm- strong that we do not approve the mo- tion of keeping the county roads open in the winter months, —Filed. The final session was held on Fri- day morning. A largely signed petition.' was pres- ented by citizens of Stanley and oth- ers to keep the mail road from Bay- field to Brucefield open during the winter months: +Referred• to roads commission, on motion of Messrs. Mole and Wright. A report of the expenditure of the grant of 3200 for junior extension fund was filed. By- Messrs. Beattie and Armstrong that the county become a member of the Good Roads Association and 'that the necessary fee be paid.—Carried. By Messrs. Higgins and Raders that the clerk getintouch with the different cemetery board -sof the coun- ty. as to provision for interment of deceased county home inmates. By Messrs. Trewartha and Ingles that a vote of thanks be'extended -to the Collegiate Institute and to the clerk and treasurer for entertain- ment.—Carried. By Messrs. Beattie and Ingles that the Warden, the clerk, the treasurer and the Reeves of Goderich, Colborne, Grey and Clinton, be a committee to confer with Bruce county as • to a, joint meeting.—,Carried. After the passing of bylaws 1, 2 3. 4 and 5, the Warden n order thanked the council for their co-operation. The re ort p of the Good Road; Commission ion w as as follows; •Re ardiu motions g g referred to the Good Roads !Commission, we beg to report as follows: Re motion of Messrs. Dodds and Goldthorpe, that the town line ..of Morris :and Hullett be made e county road, this s matter was reported on in June, 1929, and' we recommend that no additional action be taken at- this time ,Re a notion of :Messrs. Dodds and Beattie that the jog on the road north of Seaforth be improved— ' and re motion of the Mlessrs, Fran- cis and Ballantyne that the Commis- sion examine the Exeter bridge and re 'notion of Messrs. hole' and McKenzie thattl t' e road nrir thf a con, o, G_ slur the .aKit• r - hue of ,-\;iuOeld and \ w \ a anosh be r econstntcted- -and re 'notion of Messrs. J. R. Middleton and A. C. Keys that tine township of Goderich be paid for gra' 1 1 tions -placing the onus of proof of in- digence and residence of an applicant upon the hospital ati'tihorities receiv- ing.the indigent-or.upon.-those caus- ing their being placed in hospital and not upon tike :county from which the indigent is .sent. That the Reeve of each municipality or: medical health officer of the municipality- from which an indigent ,patient is being taken shall give his authority in writing and certificate of 'residence before said indigent -patient shall be admit- ted, •and that no indigent patient shall be sent to all hospital outside the county unless for reasonssatisfactory. to said Reeve or Health Officer and also given in 'writing, as we deem our own hospitals are sufficiently equipp- ed to, take care of these indigents of our county as well as paying ;patients, The education committee recon- , mended that the following High School trustees be appointed: R. E. Manning and Rev. J. E. Hogg, Clin- ton; Dr. H. H. Ross, Seaforth; W. H. Turnbull, Exeter; C. M.' Robert- son, Goderich; Dr. R. C. Stewart, Wingham; that a duplicator be pur- chased by the public school inspec- tors as requested; that in future the. members of Highh School Hoards ap- pointed -pointed by this' council be residents Of the county outside of the corpora- tion. in which the school is _situated; and regretted the practice of sending children to 'High Schools outside the county without sufficient cause and urged that the people in the county patronize our High Schools in all cases where possible as we are very proud of our own educational- insti- tutions and would discourage in every way any slight orapparent slight of the above Nature. This report was adopted with the exception of the clause 3s to the ap- pointment of country representatives on the High School boards.' It was pointed out that with several mem- bers from the country, who might not attend, it night be hard to get :a quorum at many meetings, and this clause was left over. The children's shelter committee re- ported 'finding everything in first- class condition' at the shelter and that the matron, Mrs Tigert, was keeping the' home in good condition and the children nice and clean and was a good housekeeper. There were et present five children in the shelter, ranging in age from five to eleven years, three boys and two girls, and all seemed, to be in good health with four going .to school regularly. ;The county property committee re- ported ;finding everything in the jail in good condition, with three prison- ers at present and recommen$ed that. the Front hall be repapered; recom- mended that what repairs have to be trade in the court house be left Co the June meeting; recommended that a. bookbinderbe enip'loyed to make re- pairs on several bobks that have loose leaves at the Registry Office and that the members of the council read the report of the inspector which was at the registry office; and recommended that a small cupboard to hold forms .be placed in the office of the police' magistrate, The finance committee- reported on a number of accounts and reported that the stationery and supplies for Division Courts were very high and recommendedthat the matter be looked into 'and the attention of Div- ision Court. officials called to this. The committee recommended that the rate for county road purposes be two trolls on the dollar and..urged the Roads Commission to keep within this estimate.: Persian Balm imparts a rare charm and distinction to the woman who uses it, Fragrant as a flower, delici- ously cool to the skin, it always re- sults in coinplexious delightfully young and lovely,_ Indispensable to every dainty woman. As 'a powder base for oily -textured skills or as a beautifying lotions it is uttlrivalled. Tones and stimulates the skin. Rec- ommended also to soften and make the hands flawlessly white, Send us the names of your visitors. Y Early our ��--y Omer FOR I-I ARN"E §Sit ARNt§S P ARTS will be much appreciated at Bather Goods Store Campbell Block, SEAFORTH. Hand -made Harness and Repair work a specialty. Come in and look Ground, you are welcome, • You may see something to interest y'ou Harness, Blankets, Bells, Mitts, Gloves, Trayellin Goods \den's Footwear, Etc. g R H. Robinson 1 "1 p