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Sunday School
February 9. Lesson VI.—Warnings
and Promises—print Matthew 7. 12
15-27. Leiden Text --Every tree
that bringeth not forth good fruit
is hewn down, and cast Into the fire.
-Matthew 7. 19.
1. TBa GOLDEN RULE, v. 12.
11. THE FINAL TEST, Vs. 1547.
INTaonyomioal-This chapter touches
on the duties which a true disciple of
Jesus owes o his neighbor. Among
these dt'_ties a first place is given to a
generous feeling toward theis, while:
a severe judgment is passed upon the
habit of unloving criticism. It is, of
q"onr•Se, necessary for us to exercise
our power of judgment, and we cannot
help but feel the distinction. between
right and wrong; but Jesus is here
condemning the censorious spirit;
which is unfortunately very widely
spread. An old writer . n this subject
gave three excellent rules: (1) Judge
not without necessity; (2) judge not
without knowledge; (8) judge not
without love.
V. 12. This so-called "Golden Rule"
is a law fit for universal application,
and we night say that society will be
getting near its final form, if this had
become the rule' by which each one
guided his life. If, before we did any-
thing to others, we stopped, and put
ourselves into their position, rnd de-
cided to do to them what we -would
like to have others do to us, then the
worries and troubles of the world
would be greatly reduced, If business
and government and family life were
run on this principle, we would have
hone of the quarrels and wars which
Declares -Vancouver Garrison -
Would Have I.eta ned Alaska
Policy Was Recommended by Hudson's Bay Company
Governor Long Years Ago'
Had the; policy of Sir George Simp- to British Columbia, included Mauch
son, the empire -building governor of of Wisconsin and Minnesota, Oregon,
the Hudson's Bay Company in 1821, Washington, California, Alaska, the
been followed and Port Vancouver Aleutian islani1S,,'and .even a trading
garrisoned at the request and expense post., at Honolulu.
of that company as had been done at This great development came un -
Fort Garry, Canada to -day would have der the governorship of Sir George
included not only Alaska but all of Simpson. It was he, the speaker re,
the country north of the Columbia called, who inaugurated the policy of
River, asserted George ^ W. Allan, constructing forts, -notably Fort Gar-
K.C„ speaking, in the . Royal, York ry, garrisoned by British troops
,totel in Toronto recently. whose expenses were entirly borne
This was but one of the facts ills- by the Hudson's Ray Company, for
closed as the speaker told the thrill- the sole purpose of -warding offthe
ing story of one of the most amazing American and Indian aggression.
business institutions of modern times. Frain 1870 to the present time, tile
The; story was replete with romance, company had gone steadily ahead.
adventure and mystery, and pointed With confederation,, many of 'its, ab
with many references to history solute rights as to sovereignty over
marking events and the -achievements territory had ceased, but it had,adapt-
of i%neer adventurers under the di- ed itself to changing' conditions, un
rection of "The Company of Mer- til to -day it had .' one of .'the most
chant-Adventurers.Trading into Hud- amazing organizations in the world,
rince Rupert -First v 300 'fur trading posts,'- 88
son's Bay," p including Gs els, GOQ, dog teams,. 1,200 canoes,
View of interior of Pauli a Cha ei in irinal RonrThe first 100 years of the company's and -retail - and wholesale stores all
p Qu e, dux ng the wedding ceremony of Crown.Prince Humbert. history, 1870 to 1770, he passed over over western Canada,
of Italy snit Princess Marie Jpse of Belgium, • lightly, observing that it was in this The, peculiar• -ental terms under tis
period that the company confined its company's charter, the payment 08
in danger because thefoundation convent at Gourdon. has been preserve operations largely to the; Hudson Bay; two elk -and two beat:ars to a repro.'
giving Iva lir The sue is
Y• So in lift: everything de- aRomance ed and includes detailed lists of gold at,the same time sending out a num- sentative of the royal house when ho
pends on the stability of oar founda-
tion. Merely to profess ourfaith sad and silver, of rubies 'emeralds and her of -expeditions` A photostat copy enters -the company's domain is still
r O� 13ur° d �
lie reasure pearls. That cemetery has been dug of the first page of the first ledger in force, and Mr. Alan stated that on
never to practice what we profess, is
like building on the sand, and the day— - ftp and ransacked from end to end all opened, by the company showed the the occasion of the recent visit of the
of tempest will destroy it, but if we Sy CLIFFORD COLLINSON through the long centuries, until initial subscription of Prince Rupert,"Prince of Wales he had made this
try tp live up to our belief, then, when It has become the habit to think about a hundred years ago a group of 270 pounds, whish the speaker eon. payment ,to Hi Royal -Highness.
the day of testing comes, we shall not •ailtlquarians and :geologists and eugt flied was, eventually paid in.instal- ; But only last year, as the climax to
new prevail, fail. To believe in Christ and to fol- ofburiedLeasure in terms of pirates
This rule is one of thegreat low his conimanes is building our d Spanieh galleons, but just think meets solemnly met and agreed that menta. 258 years of endeavor, ' the real purr
• it was no use digging any more, And The following 50 years, 1770.182.0; pose fpr which the . original charter
of life. made by Jesus to the conduct house on the rock) bel a moment of all the vast riches thea, a month or two later, a little were marked by bitter strife with the was granted; . 'the navigation of the
of It was not absolutely differ- belonging to vanished kings and fain-
ent from anything that had ever been
spoken before. There we'g sayings
Old Time Stuff
ons generals who, from the begin- peasant girl, driving hone cows from great Northwest company, culminat
mints of history, have plundered the
one of the Abbey pastures was caught ing in the battle of Sven .Oaks, This
. somewhat Iike it, and, in fact, Jesus - races of men. Where is the loot of in a shower of rain, and took shelter period saw a considerable westward -
here .hates that he is rarely putting An outdoor ' museum, . extending ancient Rome, and where the glitter- in a hollow scraped out of a candbank expansion of the company's opera -
into a brief saying th., teaching of the along the right of way of railway . ing treasure of Samarand? Where by roadmeuders. Some of the earth tions,
scriptures: "This is the. law and the Thies in Western Canada, in which, is the vast wealth of Antioch and caved in on her ,and- down rolled a Then in 1821 came the absorption
iorophets" The originali., of Jesus concrete casts' of the skeletons of; what ]las become of the great jewels salver, a Communion plate and a fie -"of the:NorUrwest company and an era
consists lir the perfect expression
which is `:era given to this Crush, budinosaurs, mammoths and mastodons; which Solo non gave to the Queen of gon, all of pure gold, richly chased, of progress ,and Prosperity unequal -
most of all in that wonderful life would static] has leen suggested by a Sheba? Considering the thousands
which so fully illustrated *his 'saw of • member of the National Museum staff.: of yeare of warfare which have ravag•These are now • in a Paris Museum, operations of the company extended
love, The creation of such an outdoor mus-' ea the wm'id, it takes but'little iuragin• and are undoubtedly a part of the
Farm Notes
Grading. Up the Dairy Herd
P Dairy herds of even a scrub quality
can in_a coiuparatiiely few years be
built up into good. herds by careful,.
selection of the sires used. The De-
Pertinent of Agriculture, Ottawa, at
the Neiman, N.S., Dkperimental Perin
began with a group of ,inferior'belfers
some yearsago which have now been
built up into a herd of high' produc-
ers. The experiment began with one.
Year-old heifers of -nondescript breed,,
some showed abit of Shorthorn,.
others Hol ein and others again
traces of4ei'eey blood, In the build-
ing' up process Ayrshire and Solatein
sires were used, successively on the
seine foundation sows and after the;
Asst cross • the use of sires of these
breeds was continued separately mull
consistently throughout 'the succeed
ing years until the fifth cross hackt
been reached. c`1
The respit of this experiment has
been brought out in Bulletin No, 126,
of 'the Department of Agriculture at
Ottawa, which contains very valuable!
information for anyone depending on,
a mincing herd for the whole or part
of their living.
While all 'animals, good and poor•,.
were retained in, the 'herd, except a
few -that hacato be 'disposed of on Re-
count of
5count"of iujury or disease, it is shown:
in the Bulletin that after the first
cross th. percentage of increase in
milk and fat production ryas quite re-
markable, amounting in 'tire second,
doss to 8 per cent, in the fourth
cross to 10 per cent., and the fifth
cross to 36 per cent., with 'increase/
in profits amounting to 22 per cent, in:
the second, 39 per cent. in the fourth.
and 78 per cettt. in the fifth. Had Pe
usual practice of weeding out th7
owfollowed is.
y cpoorerreasedcproductionsbeen in the selected
progeny of the selected cows -over the
first time successfully sending a original dams would have been con -
northwest passage between the Atlan-
tic and the Pacific had final] been
accomplished, the company for the
steamer clearthrough the famous.
' "To -day the company is a stronger,
bigger and better organization than
ever in its history," the speaker
averred. ,
II. TEE FIX.tL TEST, re. 15-17, eum would serve as a monument to. a•ion ro realize that every time the famous lost treasure of Gourdon. Charles the Second knighted 1tim, anal
Thes I the strange "
sermon closes with solemn ge beasts -which roamed battlin harries swept back ant, forth, But, ,however valuable this land-- he spent his remaining -years in
warnings and, promises. Jesus uses parts of Canada millions of years much treasure was hurriedly buried treasure may be, it cannot hold a can- Jamaica as a rich and influentialer-
three suggestive figures to drive home ago, the official thinks, and would; be -,to preservenonage in fawith th
it until the ware Rad dle to pirates' gold when it comes to li
his lesson, all of them taken from the
high vor e
incidents and scenes of
In vs. 13, 14 he speaks of common
ways." Life is likened to different
roads. One road is wide and attrac-
tive. It seems to offer many pleasures
and other inducements, but it leads to
ruin. ' It is the way of injustice, sheer
pleasure and intemperance. The other
road is the path of virtue, of temper -
since and of goodness, but it is narrow
and difficult at first. However, it
ieads to a noble goal, foe it brings
one to the fulness of life.
V. 15. "The Two Trees," It was
Very natural that Jesus should wish
to warn his disciples` against other
'teachers, who set forth doctrines that
tended to undermine character and
truth. There were many who went
about seeking to induce their hearers
to fallow that which was not good,
dust as today there are many who
set forth false teaching. AL kinds of
Ideas get into circulation. In the maga-
zines, in popular novels and papers
-we find advocates of strange kinds of
beliefs, and practice. We may notice,
since this is a temperance lesson, how
many different opinions there are as
to the value of prohibition, and as to
the use of alcohol it any forru,V. ninety years ago -some workmen ac-
es usiwith this handy t whiJesch rue t may
ever since the official can remember eidental Y- discovered a mass of stl-
atest which we may as a child be said, and were sent
apply tit. these differ_nt teachers: He 'ver ornaments, of armlets, neckchaina,
Makes us into the orchard whore there even from Europe to -ll ileums in amulets and rings, together 41th more
are different qualities of fruit. if you North America, than TOG silver: coins, mostly of
King Alfred's time, all enclosed in a
leaden case only tbree feet below the
surface of the ground. If you care
to take the trouble you can go and
inspect many of these very orn n1ents
and coins in the British Museum,
When Lady Bankes, hotly besiged
in Corte Castle, Dqrsetshire, by WW1 -
well's troops, found herself unable to cutlasses, and fastened lighted
hoid out any longer,she threw all matches under his hat. A proper
her plates and jewels Tato a very pirate was Blaekbeard, He was slain
deep well in the Castle yard, and laid 200 years ago by Lieut. Maynard after
a erose upon anyone who should dig- a long and desperate sea -fight, and
turb it. Por ail I kouw to the con- the gallant lieutenant cut off 1l0 head,
trary, that treasure may still be there. black beard and a11, and returned .subsequent penniles-s condition of the
In France treasure -seeking has at home in triumph with it hanging from: said mate. You may find tarry sad
times become almost a popular mad- his bowsprit for all to see.. sunburned- gentlemen anywhere from
nese. Perhaps the moat romantic of The famous Captan Morgan boned Singapore to SeattlewhS will whisper
French traditions is that• of the none of his treasure, nor did he waste eagerly and huskily to you of charts
"Great Treasure of Gourdon", viii in in riotous living. From the loot- and moon -shadows cast by an old
is said to have existed since the sixth; ing ,of :Panama alone he took booty dead tree, and rotting treasure -chests
century The chronicle of all the' to the value of two million dollars. of gold. Mark you, there are no con- The longest face is not the most
wealth buried in the cemetery of this; He had no need to hide it for King-soious liars amongst the tellers of sasntiy,
sides, be unique as an attraction to: passed. In many eases those who a question of sheer excitement anti powers, and a terror to the ldckless,
tourists travelling the railways buried it were slain, and so the treas- allure. it must not be imagined, beggared comrades who had helped
The American Museum of Natural ure sti llawaits the seeker. From my however, that all pirates buried theid him towinhis fortune. And so the
History, New York, has made casts own experience I can assure you that ill-gotten booty. The records of list migb,t he indefinitely continued,
M plaster of Paris of some of the; precisely the same soya of thing, but buccaneering show a very different But in spite of all the clear evidence'
skeletons of their prehistoric mons on a much smaller scale, of course, condition of atliairs. For example, to the contrary fertile lmaginatlotr
ters. The o51ciai can shote workmen has happened in Ole British Solomon there was Jean Lafitte. This gentle and incurable optimism hav built up
how to- make such casts in concrete,° Islands. It is a fact that there are man of the Skull and Crossbones
and these will last out in the weather , thousands of olden:aovereigns buried operated in the Gulf of Alexico, and false legends, andevento the present
g I tday treasure -seekers are digging for Toronto Star Ind.)tet
: The' Tariff
&e long as the concrete abut -ruts of, away in various places in the interior' founded a large colony of sea -rovers. ( )
bridges. Iof the cannibal island of Malaita Front time to time. at their headquar-1 and
Morgan hidden ers of LSulBoard 7s porta asked to put.acused
It would be a great advertisement plantation wages which have been�ters he used to hold public auctions: anti n'Iorgbo and others of the Skull ca the impartation of American used
and Crossbones fraternity, to Canada.) WehC
or the railroads and Canada if a Midden in the ground, and the location of his loot, and bat•iain-hunters from
these tales. The spell Is on them.
They firmly believe their own yarns
and are willing and eager to prove
their faith by back -breaking work
with pick and crowbar. Ilany of
these, tales are perfectly true, or men
02 sane and sober repute would not,:
go forth a -treasure -hunting by land
or sea ah they do.—Answers.
Canada Has Enough of
cars m ane a. ave; in an-
i It seems a pity to waste time on ads, enough second-hand motor cars
Canadian mastodon were standing not of which is now lost because of the all' parts of Louisiana flocked to at-
; false trails like these, when there is of our own. These second-hand ;motor
in the village or on the street, but sudden and violent death in tribal tend them. so much that we know for certain is
on the mountain side, possibly among warfare of the owners. Captain Edward Teach, or Blaci:
the bushes or trees in sight of the' But there is buried treasare much beard as he was known,.lived in great only waiting to be found—the Spanish
railroad car windows near Jasper.' nearer home than that From time style and spent his money as fast as. Armada galleon Biu Tobermory Bay,
Today with the snow blowing through immemorial tradition had It that a he acquired it. Now he was a proper frith thirty millions
1 d
cars are, as everyone knows, the prob-
lem of a motor dealer's existence.. .
To aggravate this condition by glut-
ting the used car market with old cars
Ills rib bones it would attract tourists, great treasure was 'buried near the pirate ,and he. gloried in deliberate the Cocos Is anTreasure, the X500, imported from the United States is to
and thereby lower Canadian taxes? Ribble in Lancashire. A saying 'had wickedness. One night, drinking in 000 lure of the "Luting", that ill-fated' .increase, the difficulties of the Can
A dinosaur near Banff in view of the been banded down that anyone stand. the cabin with his nate and the Pilot; treasure -frigate which sank 133 years- adian dealer and to depress the trade-
C.P.R. would cause the European ingon the hill at Walton-le-Daleand Blackbeard suddenly whipped out two ago off the coast of ;Holland, the in value of the ears which Canadians
p twenty-eight million pounds sterling own. Everybody's car is reduced in'
papers to write about it, looking up the valley would gaze pistols, blew out the candle, and fired
The public and the guests of Can- over the greatest treawlre that Eng- under the table at his companions. worth of gold Ingots, and silver bars value by these importations. The con-
aria would have a chance to see such land had ever known. Search was One shot missed, but the other wound -
amidst smoke and dame and sumer, instead of being helped, is fin-
ed the mate lu the knee, When the thunder of guns, were sent to the jured. There is another aspect to the
they asked him why he had done such bottom of Vigo Bay, 200 years ago, case. There, are quite enough old ears
a thing, he replied with an oath that when Admiral Sir George Rooke sail- already on the roads without adding to
it he did not now and then kill one ed into the harbor and sunkthe fleet this number the east -offs of the. Un -
of them, they would forget who he of Spanish plateships, There indeed ited States market. Anyone' can buy
was With its enormous black is a prize for the treasure -seeker of an old car at a reasonable price. No
beard bristling with challenge, $e to -day ..who has courage and .capital hardship will be involved in discourag-
swaggered and roystered through the and the ingenuity to devise the right ing the importation of American used
streets of Charleston and terrorized kind of salvage equipment, cars altogether,
the seas, With grim playfulness he These treasures and many more like
a east in larger numbers than m a
Museum. Casts of such things in
plaster of Paris have been ' made
carried on at intervals during several
centuries and at last, in 1841—only
pick a lovely apple you know ti a
'Trust have come from a grid euali v
of tree- You cannot get tt gait] apple
from a poor true, So also is it in prac-
tical affairs. Let us examine tl:e hart
aster which is found in biose who p c-
' mss a certain teaehing. If they are
road men, do not exercise elf -control,
and are selfish and unpiirt pled, then
That will make us susp.s.oas
'teaching. e- "The 24-_7, Two Houses: In
ase passages the thought that lies
O • g-_
�h background is the to judg-
ment.the et o,
anent. Theis a day Doming when
everything we do is to be tested by'
'brie supreme power of God It is quite
elear that Jesus believed in the coin-
Ong of this. day of judgment.
The figure he uses is very striking.
In building, one of the most important
dieatures is the foundation. A large
art of the thought and tine of the
• part
must be given to this under-
ground work; and we read everynow.
And then of one famous old bilding
The two lovers were walking along
the river thank in the moonlight, and
'be Lour was getting rather late.
"George." she said, "are_ you sure
your watch is right?"
"Yee," answered the boy, -with a
iraiipy smile, "It Is keeping better
time since I put your photograph In-
side the ease
"Oh, George, yon da .erer:" she
said coyly. "How could that make
any difference?"
"Well, darling," he replied, 'when
I placed your photograph inside the
case I added another Jewel;'
"It is the acts of service, of sacrifice
and et heroism in all nations that
should remain as the heritage of the
great war:"—Herbert Hoover.
would part his great beard into them are well authenticated, . but for
tresses, tie them with dainty ribons, sheer seduction commend me to the
and then drape these -grisly lovelocks rude cross on a tattered chart and
oven his ears, When going into ac- the knowing hints of an old salt in a
tion he carried six pistols and three sanded bar -parlor. ,
Most legends .of pirates' treasure
have the same basis—the lone stir-
vivor of a villainous crew,. the well
thumbed chart' stained with blood
and rum, the death -bed scene transfer
of the chart to a shipmate, and the
Late Again
The city business man was spend-
ing a few days holiday In the country,
but by four o'clock inthe morning of
the first day he found that he could
not sleep, se he decided to dress and
go for long walk.
They may talk about the country
folk being early risers," he told him-
self, "but I reckon I've scored off
them this time," '
Presently he came upon a farm
laborer trimming the hedges.
" `Morning," said the city man air-
ily. "Nice morning,'{
"You be right, sor," replied the oth.
er, '"but it were real cold first thing,"
PAol.myo Is
FoR AN e)(mTe l G'Is °DoVJN
JEFF :HA3 TIAf3dr fi GRirH1`
RALLY. HF Rustier, AT PAouNo
ONE••Two ?-PuNcHe
Jeff Wills the Air Championship
is OUT!
$ p" gpilj'r • i0
�tl k lla�{Illi Ih'i�2,1� ��ii .i1lf �._ : 99�ii��4:,ti
siderably higher.
In summing up the results of thia
experiment Mr. Baird, the Superiu
tenilent of 'the Station, , and his as-
sociate, ,lir. S: A. Bilton, express the
view that this 'experiment has clearly
demonstrated that the herd sire plays
a very important part in the improve
meat of the head not only in produc-
tion but also in breed type color and
other .characteristics,—Issued by,t)th
Director of `Publicity, Dom. Depart -
meat of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont.
"Didn't you say you stroked your
college in the boat -races, dear?" ask-
ed his wife.
"Yes,, darling," replied the young
husband, "and captained the football
team." .
"And a prominent' member of the
Physical culture classes as well?" ad-
ded- his wife. •
"The leaden for many years," he
told iter..
• "You were rather good -at tfalking,
too, weren't you?" she went on.
"Champion walker of the college.
Won the hundredyards running race
in record time.", Re paused to think
of. others. "I took the weight -lifting
championship, and as for carrying—
why, I could lift a sack of goal with-"
"Then just carry the baby for a lit-
tle while, dear," she , interrupted.
"I've carried- him for the last two
miles an'cb I'm three]". '
Wheat's in a Name?
Smithson entered a restaurant and
looked down the menu card.
"Chicken soup," he ordered.
Presently the soup was put before
bat with the first mouthful the
Waiter noticed that something was
"Do' you call this chicken' soup?"
asked Smithson angrily.
"Yes, sir," replied the waiter, ."that
is chicken soup."
"But where's the chicken?" asked
the diner. "I see none in this soup."
"Quite so, sir," explained the wait-
er; "and there is no clog in,dgg bis-
it was breakfast -time. Jones. and ,
his wife were running through the
morning post, which included a num-
ber of tradeemen's bills.
'Where's the money coming frbin?"
she asked despairingly.
"I don't know," he replied,
"But the children will want stew
shoes in a week or so," she went on,
"and, of 000080, I'll want a new obese
before long."
The husband threw away the bills.
"Marriage' she sighed,' "is nothing'
but a pottery." `
"I. suppose you mean "lottery, dear,
she corrected. mea
"No, I mean pottery," lie insisted—
"nothing but family jars."
His Opportunity
There were blit a few minutes be-
fore the curtain was due to he raised.
"Look here," said the comedian to
the stage manager, "I can't go .on to-
night; you'll have to get my under-
sttuly to take my place."
"What!" gasped the stage manager•
angrily. "If You don't go on the show
will be ruined."
"Bot l can't," went on the coureclian.
"The fact is, I am feeling rather fun•
ny to -night I-1"
"Oiy dear fellow," said .the. Other,.
"this bayous: chalice o� a lifetime."
"Henry Ford has given ns the big-
gest problem we have to -day, and that
is Where am I going to park,it'?"=-'
Will Rogers.