The Seaforth News, 1930-02-06, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1930
The steadily rising popularity_ of the Superior Chain Stores indi-
cates the growiag preference for stores that offer a complete service,
The combination of personal service by experienced grocers
buying power t'hat .brings you the best quality at the lowest prices and
'pro'ntpt dellivery defies coi771pe'tition. To co'mfpa:re is to know -try our
service once and be convinced. -
' Items for Week Ending February 12, 1930,
RED OOHOIE SALMON •,,'s, 119c .. .............,1's
• 33c
LARGE OLIVES, Mason Jars ...each
•GENUINE GILLETTE BLADES, 5 in pkg.,,.:39c. , .2 pkgs.
Borden's Eagle Brand Milk per tits 19c
St. Charles. Evaporated Milk, small 3 for 21c
St, 'Charles Evaporate) Milk, till •, .,.............._.....each 14c
Beehive. Brand .Corn Syrup, 2's per .tin 17c
Lawrason's Snowflake Aininonia ....... ..... ...,... .,,, 2 pkgs, 15c
Fllusho, for sinks and toilets each 23c
Lux Soap Flakes 2 for 190
Vi -Tone 8 oz, ,tin 33c ' 16 oz. tin 55c
Kkovah Health Salts 2 tins 35c
K4ara Coffee, "The Secret .Blend". %'s 3'Sc 1's 69c
Blueberries, 2's per tin 23c
Canadian Peaches, 2's in Heavy Syrup per tin 23c
Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 25c
Western Oatmeal ' 5 lbs, 25c
Sliced Pineapple, 2's squats 2 tins 25c
Sun -Maid Prunes (good size) 2 lbs, 39c
Golden Dates 2 lbs. 23c
Canadian. White Beans 3 lbs, 25c
Chese "Snappy Snacks" , .....2:pkgs. 15c
Brooms; 4 strings, good weight, each 35c qv, 3 for $1.00
Fancy cake tin Campfire •Marshtnallows, 3 lbs 51,15
o Sproat
SteWariW. a
Phone 8
Phone 77
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to ourpatrons 'are the best that can beg iven.
Do not send your creast to other Creameries;' we Want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we
need your co-operation:-
o-operationsIli return for you co -Operation we: will give you of our •
best in service and prices. '
We are agent' for . the l'lellotte Cream Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Lo.
Seaforth, Ont,
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
WVJWalker 8�Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
. aired
Chas. A. Howe.
Phone 327-J. Centre St.
Have your eyes examined by our
well known and painstaking special-
ist, Mr. Flughsori, formerly optical ex-
pert for 'Kent's, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan '& Co., Montreal. Thirty
years' experience, nineteen years com-
ing to Seaforth. You are assured of
the best optical work to be obtained
and at very moderate cost. We furn-
ish all the lite style of mountings,
the best in k
s a ef the t e bestmakers salters olid
our prices are..from $4.00 up. Tues-
day,. Wednesday, February 1'1, _12.
Close Wednesday at 4 p.m. Come
early, Beattie's Fair, Seaforth.
Mr. Fergus Horan was a visitor in
'Seaforth last Sunday, taking in the
radio program.
+l'Lessrs. Thos, Murray Thos, Mc-
I`vay and, Peter :McLoughlin have fin-
ished their contract of supplying wood
s aoh
,The he rands are again iuood shape
but no one wants to face the highway
as it is dangerous to meet cars in the
narrow channels in places. Some mo-
torists are courteous enough to stop
to avoid accidents while others will
take chances as if they owned the
The Y:P.IS.. and C. G.I.T. of North
Side United 'Ohurch numbering about
60 enjoyed a skating party on Wed-
nesday evening of last weelc, Follow-
' ' i'ng the skating the young people re-
Hoitoway's Corn Remover tastes the turned to the church where hdt lunch'
corn out by the roots, Try it and was served un'derahe convenorshiipof
prove it. ti•-.: Mrs. E. S. Chaiplman.
Dominion Rubbers
Complete range of styles and sizes to fat any shape of shoe.
We have them in the popular shades of Black, Brown and Beige. Every
pair with fleece lining and splasher cuffs. Misses' Rainettes in Black
and IBetge-fleece lined at ' $1,95
Stirling L3abkirk, young son of.. -Mr.
And Mrs. Thomas;Hab'kirk,'took ill in
school fast Thursday and. was remov-
ed to his house •t"h,ere it was found he
has scarlet fever. The:room at school
was closed for the dar and every pre -
'caution is being taken to prevent the
disease from spreading. By latest re-
ports Stirling is progressing favor-
IA,party, in honor of Miss Margaret
'Dorothy Wurm'is birthdaywas held
Saturday afternoon at the home of her
parents; Mr. and Mrs, Jake Wurm.
Games' were played) , by the small
guests and supper was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kniight left for
Toronto Saturday,
Almong the 'friends from a distance
wh+o attencled the funeral, of the .lake
Mrs. John E. Daley were Rev.
Carswell of Toronto ,Mr. Ed. Daley,
of Walkerton; Mr, .P Daley and Mrs,
A. ,Cudlm'ore of Usborne and Mrs. Mc-
De"rm'id, of 'Clinton.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'E. Reid, whose
marriage took place on Tuesday, Jan.
28 in the Ontario st. United Church
parsonage;'Clinton, by the Rev. A, E.
Doan, after spending the past week
with the ,former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Reid, deft .Tuesday for their
new home in Hamilton, where Mr.
Reid is,in the employ of the Imperial
Oil Co.''
Mr. Tyernaan of the West visited
Mr, Sato Hanna last week.
The 'new electric fire siren at the
ToWn hall was tested. on Monday at
noon. s -
Mr.and Mrs.'Henry Fowler and fa
may spent Sunday with the foriner's
mother, Mrs. Joseph Fowler, who
continues very ill.
One ofthe' Exeter players on. Mon-
day, night at the rink had an artery
severed by a skate and was removed
to the Scott Memorial hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank 'Smith and sun
Allan of Pali -Colborne. arrived ISatur-
day to spend this week with the for-
tner's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. R.
Hiss Eleanor Burrows of London
spent the week -end with her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Burrows.
Master Bruce McLean, little son of
Mr: David McLean, Tuckerstnrth, was
taken to the hospital on Tuesday, ow-
ing to an injury to his eye.
Miss Jackson left for Toronto on
Wednesday to spend a couple of
Mr, George A. Jackson went to.
Montreal on Wednesday tc, spend a
Miss Florence Dinney-, Mrs. E. M.
Flynn and Mrs. Walter Fassold of
London were . visitors over' the week-
end with lir, and Mrs. E. H. Close.
Mrs. Flassold remained until. Wednes-
Miss Mary Jackson of Thedford
spent the week -end with her parents,
and Mrs, L. C. Jackson;
Mr. T. E. Livingston is in Toronto
this week attending the convention of
the Fairs' Association held in the King
Edword`Hotel Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. Wnt 1', hick +tt Exeter is vis-
iting at the home tf Mia M. Robison.
Miss Jackson, whose residence in
Egmondyille was burned a few weeks
ago is having the Petrie cottage mov-
ed from the south side of the bridge
to the 'foundation of her destroyed
hOlse. s[r, . Simpson has started
moving. the cottage in sections and
the erection of Miss Jackson's new
7tinne will be begun immediately.
Mr, Frank Sills who has been con-
fined to' his home With pneumonia for.
the past three weeks, is able to be up
Mrs. .Annie Reid spent a few days in
Clint• n and attended the funeral of
hiss C. Lovett, returning Wednesday.
\Ir, Robert ,Moffatt has been poorly
during the past three' weeks at the
house of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wor-
den, Goderich Street.
Sunday, February 2nd, was Candle-
mas Day, and with that day is as-
sociated the legend of the bear and his
shadow. An early spring is predicted
hereabouts as falling snow was all the
bear could see when he went to
See -forth.
Mr. Will Stewart of St. Paul, Minn.,
and his daughter, Mrs. P. Walker
and son Billy, also of St. Paul, spent
several days•visititng the formers bro-
ther, Mr. J. A. Stewart, High street.
Mrs, Walker and Billy loft Tuesday
for their home and Mr. Stewart left
on Wednesday for New York.
Mrs. Wm, Sclater is spending a
couple of months with her daughter,
Mrs. L. G Kruse in 'Galt.
Miss R Fennell, convenor sof the
Christian Stewardship department of
Northside United Church Y:RIS.. pre-
sided at the meeting on Tuesday ev-
ening. and also gave a molt excellent
talk on friends and the choosing of
friends. The he h imus used were beau-
tifully. 11 t
t sung. Mt F. S. S Savauge Sa au e led in
prayer and Mrs. Alex. McGagvin 'sang
"The Next Step" in pleasing voice, ac-
conapanied'on the piano by Miss Anne:
Govenlock, Mr. E. R, Crawford'
-took charge of the business. The
meeting was brought to a close with
the usual Mizpah benediction
Miss Mery O'Sullivan 4s visiting
Friends in 'St. Thomas.
Miss Anna Feeney left for Chatham
this week where she will train for a
Mr. Geo. Malone of Detroit is vis-
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss .M. O'Sullivan is visiting her
brother, Me. -Peter O'Sullivan,
Mr. Dennis Maloney returned from
Detroit last :week,
Mr. Joseph Downey Jr. has return-
-ed .to his home here after sti'ending
the post few months in London:
The many friends. of Mrs; Jobe
Downey will be pleased to know that
she is recovering front her recent seri-
ous illness.
The members of the St. Oolutnban
Literary Society are to be congratul-
ated on tile,way they took their Parts
in the play, 'Shaun Amon" which
they ,put .011 in Cardno's hall, Seefor't'h,
lase week.
'To have the 'children sound and
healthy is the first care of a mother.
They cannot be healthy if troubled
with w+ortn's, Use Mother Graves'
Wot is Exiterniunatot.
"Our Awful
Entitled' "Missionary Arithmetic"
Is to be•presented on
Fri., Feb.
at 8' p.m, •
by Y:P. of Duff's'United Church, Mc-
Killop. The play 4's interspersed with
old time Songs, readings by splendid
local talent.
-Admission 25c and 15c
Come one --come all
The Egmondville Iliission Band had
a Members -hip Party 'in the school
room of the church on !Saturday af-
ternoon. The regular meeting was
held ,first, 'the `President, Betty .•Mal-
colm, in the' chair. The Scripture les-
son was read responsively, The Sec-
retary, Vivian Townsend, called the
roll which was answered with • the
name of a flower. The Bible story was
told by Reverend Charles Malcolm
and the 'Missionary story by Miss Hy-
alena .Nott" Both stories were listened
to with great interest. Jessie Smith
gave a reading, "Up -to -Date." Then
followed the special feature of the
program, decorating the Membership
Trec. As each member paid his or her
fee, a daisy was 'placed on the tree, and
the tree was lovely at the close of the
ceremony. 'The Treasurer. Jessie
Wallace, reported"forty members for
1930, including two life members, so
that the 'Mission Band is a live institu-
tion, and ander the capable leadership
of Miss Nott will, no doubt, make
much progress during the year. A very
deliciouslunchwas served at the close
of the 'meeting by 'Mesdames James
Brown, James Allen, .\nrlrew Moore.
Robert • VIcG•onigle, and Charles.Mal-
colm, with Mrs. W. F. Mc'\fillan as
convenor. A few, games followed and
the boys and girls went home feeling
they had had a very happy afternoon,
Annual Meeting. -The annual meet-
ing of the Egmondville Church was
held on Friday, January 31, at - 2,30
p.m. Mr. James Love, clerk of ses-
presided. g the .year.twen-
ty-six were added to the communion
roll, and 'the present membership is
294, of whom twelve are 'non-resident.'
All departments presented encourag-
ing reports. $3,080.00 was raised for
local church sand manse expenses, and
$1x857,00 for misedonary purposes. An-
other $500,00 was raised for other pur-
poses, making a grand ,total of $5,448.
The new 1`oard of Stewards as el-
ected will be: A. Kirk, R. Kruse. H.
Tyndall and .A. "Wallace for ane year:
R.McKay, R. McKenzie J. Elgie and
D McLean for two years; A. Broad -
foot, M. Patrick, AV. Finnigan and R
McGonigle for three years. Mrs, R.
McKenzie isms appointed Financial
Secretary and T. Shilhingdaw, J.
Reinke and E. Chesnej- were elected
Auditors for 1930. The eongre eti•.n
went 10 per cent, over their M, & M.
allocation for 1929, and they have de-
termined to meet their 1930 allocation
at least quarterly. The W.M.S. also
exceeded 'their allocation, sending
5435.00 to the Presbyterial Treasurer,
The Neil Shaw Y. W, Auxiliary sent
5100 and the Mission Band sent 528.35.
The E. Y. P. S. held their weekly
meeting on Tuesday, Feb, 4, The
meeting came 'to order with Miss
Crozier,, vice president, in the chair,
The meeting opened with a hymn, and
Mr. Malcolm led in prayer. The
Scripture lesson was read by Miss
Rossie Patrick and the topic was ably
taken 'by 'M'iss Margaret Forrest. Mr.
Kenneth 'MacLean fav'ore'd the young
people with a 'bagpipe selection. After
intermission ,the meeting was brought
to order by kiss Jean 'Smith and doe
ed with hymn -and Miapah benediction,
W.MS.-The regular meeting of the
W:M:S. and Ladies' Aid of Duff's
United Church was held at the home
of Mrs Robt. Hogg, 20 ladies being
present. The afternoon was spent in
quilting and sewing. The devotional
meeting was taken by the 1st vice-
president, Mrs. (Rev.) VW F. Smith.
Mrs. J M Henderson was appointed
Secretary of Christian Stewardship &
Finance. (President, 'Miss Mae Camp-
bell read the annual report and also a
chapter of the study book, "From Je-
rusalem .to Jerusalem." Miss Essie
Dorrance was appointed to read at the
next meeting which will be held- at
the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Marc.
Meeting closed, by repeating
We ' offer you the follpw*ing ' at
Reduced Prices:
Pay Cash and Pay Less
Fresh Prunes 15c lb 2 lbs. 23c
Oooking Figs . ,. 2 lbs. 23c
Corn Starch, 1'3c•pkg, 2 for 23c
Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. 23c
5 lb. pail Syrup 33c
Oyster Shell, per dot 51.25
Chintz, 1 pQ c
36" wide
Prints and Ginghainrs, to clear at 18c
Children's Underwear, p C
regular 75c, for , 97
Bring your Eggs here -we need
them and you need the trade.
We will pay you a premium for de-
livering Cream to our store.
Bring Us your next can and give us
a chance to serve, you.
Lord's prayer in unison, after which
a dainty lunch was served.
The Young People of Duff's church
are presenting their play an . Friday
evening of this weelc,
Mr. Jack Quintan of Dublin spent a
few days with his friend, Duncan Mc-
Mrs. Wm, Houghton, Pearl end
Glord'on, spent` the week end With her
daughter, Mrs, Jack Kemp of. Mit-
,Mr, David Bruce returned home on
Saturday after spending some , time
with his daughters': in Windsor.
IM'iss Dora Dalrymple of Kipped is
visiting her cousin, Mrs. Frank Stagg.
Miss• Phoebe Wakefield is spending
a week with her friend, Miss Mary
Cook of. Goderich Township,
Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson and
son spent the week end •with Mrs,
Step'henson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Logan of Blyth
-Miss Helen Britton had the misfor-
ttute to break her arm on Saturday.
Miss Edith Riley of Clinton spent
the week end at.her -home •here.
14:r. Tom Staples of Seaforth spent
a few days with Mr,, David Millson
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griinoldby vde-
ited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ino.
Mann on !Sunday,
Mrs Jos., Riley Jr. and Mrs. Robt.
Grimaldi)), spent Monday at the home
of Mr. 'and Mrs, Christopher Dale of
the Huron road.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson of the
1'3th, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. William Rain.
Nurse Miss Love is spending a few
days with Mrs, Chas, MacGregor,
Mr, and Mrs. T. Mason of Suns-
merhill, spent the week end with -Mrs.
On \\`ednesday last, -lir. Fred Wat-
son of the Bronson line had the mis-
fortune, while splitting wood in the.
bush, to cut his foot so badly with
the axe that he had to be. taken to
Clinton hospital where one toe had to
be removed. According tet latest re-
ports rhe- injured foot is doing nicely
and lir. Watson is expected home
The Audubon Bird Society of S.S.
No. 4 South held their annual meet-
ing at the house of Mise Mary Camp-
bell on Saturday, when the officers
for 1930 were elected.
Mr. A. T. Douglas of Hyde Park,
formerly a resident of Stanley, visited
for a few days with friends in the vic-
inity of his old home near Blake.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie visited
the fortnerts sister, Mrs. J, 11, Tough,
of Dayfiefd on Monday.
Miss Annie McTaggesrt, teacher at
Babylon Line sehow• spent 'the week-
end et her hoose at Walton.
Miss Margaret Johnston of Varna
•spent Sunday with her friend. Miss
Margaret McKinley,,
Miss Annie Consitt visited over the
week -end at the house of her brother.
Mr. Thos. Consitt, of Parr Line.
Goshen Line, Stanley, is being can-
vassed far Hydro contracts this week.
Mr. Wilbur 'keys of Tuckcrsmith
was the gueat of '4tis father, Mr. Nel-
son Keys of the Babylon line one day
last week,
Mr. Nelson Reid and Mr. John
Stephenson were in Zurich on Satur-
day last,
Mr. Fred Watson had a very suc-
cessful wood bee last ivesk,
Finlayson-Volland.-'A quiet wed-
ding ceremony took place at the
manse, Kippen, on Saturday after-
noon, February 1, the Rev. R. R. Con-
ner officiating, when Irene Elizabeth,
second eldest daughter of lir. and
Mrs, Henry Volland, was united in
marriage to Lorne C. Finlayson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Finlayson, all.
of Tuckersntith. The bride *ore a
dainty dress of pink georgette and
was attended by her sister, Beatrice,
the groom being assisted -by his bro-
ther Arthur. The ceremony being ov-
er, the happy couple left on the 4.40
train for Flint. Mich., where they will
spend a short honeymoon before "set-
tling clown to the sterner realities of
• Congregational Meeting, -A very
enjoyable evening was spent on the
occasion of the annual meeting of St.
Andrew's United, Church 'held' on
Mond -ay evening, Feb. 3. 1930, A very
elaborate supper was provided by the
ladies of the congregation, served in
the Sunday School room between the
hours of 6 and S by the ladies and the
girls of the C.G.1.T. During the
supper hours a'sing-song was indulged
in by all, from song selections contain-
ed in the CIG'I'T, song book. A
large and representative n number were
in attendance, more than one hundred
being served at supper. At 8 o'clock
all returned to the bods' of the chinch
where the business of tbe.a•nnual meet-
ing was taken care of. The reports of
the various societies of the church
were very encouraging. The expenses
in all branches have been met with
'balances to their credit, The W,I\IJS.
attained their objective.' The Young
People's Society made a good show-
ing, also -the Ladies' Aid. The church
commences the new year with a clean
slate. lducls credit is due the manage-
ment far the masterful way do which
they handled all the activities coursing
under their care: Resolutions of ap-
preciatioit were presented to- the -dif-
ferent branches of the .church's activ-
ities. Alter singing a hymn and pray-
er by Rev, R R. Conner, the meeting
was adjourned.
Mr. and Mrs, R. B, Bali entertained
a number of friends on Friday ;even-
ing at a shower in honor of Miss
Irene Votland, Music and dancing
were indulged, its until the wee small
hours and .all reported a lovely time.
Miss Etta Bell of London spent the.
week end visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew. Bel•1.
Mrs. Wm, Green returned from
Seaforth after a very pleasant visit
with: friends and 'relatives.
Mr, and Mrs R T Elgae spent a
few days recently with their daughter,
Mrs.,.H. Hunt of MelK4hop
St, Andrews choir are holding ati
oyster supper and social .evening on
Friday evening reset which promises
to be More than ordinary.
EUCH RE'aiid
Cardno's Hall, Seaforth
Wed., Feb. 12th
AT 8.30 P. M. SHARP
CARDS 8,30 to 11 p.m, REFRESHMENTS
DANCING 11.30 to 2.00 A.M.
Admission 50c
S. W. ARCHIBALD, President
Mrs. William Dow attended the
Inglis -Bain wedding in Glencoe on
January 25,
'Miss Mary Gibson returned last
week•front visiting friends its Glencoe
and London. While in London hiss
Gibson. called at the hospital to see
Miss Olga Knight, who is not improv-
ing as well as her friends hoped fur.
Mr, Jack Souter of Detroit is visit-
ing his brother on the Mill Road
Mr, and Mrs, Wns. McMillan visit-
ed at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J S.
Watson last week.
Rev, IV. A. Bremner was in Tor-
onto last week.
Mr. Alex, Irvine who has been
for about two months is now doing
nicely in the Seaforth hospital. Alex.
is expected to be able to go to his
home the first of next month.
Communion service will be observ-
ed in the United Church Feb. 9, at the
morning service, Preparatory ser-
vice on Friday, Feb. 7th at 2.30.
Rev. W. A. Bremner, instead of
preaching his usual sermon last Sun-
day night conducted a question dr'Sw-
er. The questions were given by the
members and adherents of the congre-
gation and the minister -answered
them its a most interesting and profit-
able manner which was much apprec-
iated by the large congregation,
Mrs. J. Thompson is recovering
from her sickness and we hope she
will soon be able to be out again.
Mr. Goldie Graham and Mr. Har-
vey Taylor spent a day in Zurich last
Mr. Jno, MoCo cati was a Clinton
visitor last week.
Some people's heroes are getting
too many oats as two runaways oc-
curred one day last week.
Quite a number of the fanner, ars
hauling their beans to Hessian.
Mr, and lits. Walter Moffatt. Mics
Mary and Mr. Hugh Gilmore spent
Saturday evening at lir. T. Catnip.
'Death has again enterers our tnicl.t
and on Thursday, Jan. 23rd, 1930,
just at the last toll of the bell at noun,
the spirit of Miss Catherine Lovctt,
11111 st, Clinton, passed to the Land
Beyond. She had reached the ripe old
age of 84 years and was highly re-
spected and loved by a large circle of
friends and relatives, She was born
on the Base Line, Goderich Tp„ and
wes a daughter of the late Mr. end
Mrs. Chas, Lovett Sr, She was one of.
a fancily of 'twelve, only two of which
are left to mourn the loss of a loving
sister. They are Mrs. Geo, Tyner,
Brucefield, who 'Fes so, faithfully car-
ed for her the last ten months of ill-
ness, and Mr, Noble Lovett, llacoun,
Sask. The funeral was held from her
late house on Saturday, a short ser-
vice being held at the house, then the
Dr. J. A. MUNN, Secretary
Oa M
SOMEONE is going to win a 50 lb.
bag of Purity Flour. Why not let it
be YOU. With every $2,00 cash
purchase you get a ticket, ABSO-
I have the goods, and YOU need,
A full line of Fresh Groceries. 10.
per cent, off on all Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Men's and Ladies' Under-
Now is the time to make Quilts and
Comforters. Special prices on these
Special low prices on Ladies Felt
Shoes, Goloshes and Fine Slippers.
also on Men's 2 buckle Goloshes and
Heavy Rubbers.
FEB'Y 28TH. Terms Cash
Drawing for prize, Feb'y 28th, 8 p.m.
Miss Katie A. Lynch won the
Goose which was given. as a prize,
for purchases in December.
k'S FCrilnIL, . f
remains were borne so the Anglican
Church of which site was a member,
and thence to Clinton cemetery. Rev.
Mr. Harrison, her reef r conducted
the services. The pallhcarers were
Messrs. Win. C. Lovett, Chas. L.
Tyner, Howard \\ imam and Frattic
Lobb, Her niece, Miss Margaret
McLaughlin of staff .t \ ct tria hospi-
tal, London, attended the funeral.
Persian Balm -the one toilet re-
quisite for the dainty woman. Delight-
ful to use. Leaves no stickiness.
Swiftly absorbed by the tissues, Deli-
cately fragrant. Imparts a velvety
loveliness to the complexion, Tones
up the skin. Soothes and banishes all
unpleasant roughness or chafing cano-
ed by wind and other weather condi-
tions. Makes hands soft tend white.
Creates an elusive, essentially femin-
ine charas. Persian Balm is indispen-
sable to women of refinement.
Lf you want better quality Chicks from a carefully culled and
inspected flock of high egg production, and high grading. Our chicks
bring greater profits. Hens mated to male birds whose record Tuns.
from 250 to 316 eggs.
Here is what one of our customers says: "J. A. Eckert. Dear Sir, -
1 thought 1 trust teal you how well those Baby Chicks did that I got
from yon last year. Hirst we only
ordered sw'ell's 111 ye and
they +
such smart,healthy chick
s we ordered three hundred more. We
almost nintt
er c'nt f t
p [ o these, I ata so pleased w ihh them that J in-
tend ordering five hundred Baby Chicks early this year. yours truly.
-Mrs, Ed. O1Hearn,"
,Book your order now for March end April Chicks; for three weeks
old started Chickens; far eight weeks old ,pu'llelts. Order now and avoid
disappointment. Send for circular, Visitors welcome,
John 71. Eckari
Phone 23-23 Dublin R.R. 1, DUBLIN, Ont,
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
I3attery Sales. and Service
Charging and Repairing all males of Batteries
A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars
If your car is in need of repairs, give tis a call
Studebaker Sales and Service
Reaier's GarAcie