HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-01-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTI-I NEWS. THURSDAY, ,JANUARY 23, 1930. HENSAI.., L. Library Board Meeting.—The Her - &all Public Library Board met for its first rneetmg on Monday evening. Those present were Reeve Higgins, Mrs. Henry Arnold, Mr. Geo, Rol- lick, Mr. Alf. Clark, Mr. Raye Mc- Art11111;4011(1 .Miss Greta MciNaughton, librarian and secretary -treasurer 'of the Board.Mr. Fred Simmons and Mr. Davis were absent through ill- ness. The minutes of •the last meet- ing,were reed on motion of Mr. Rol- lick and Mr, Clark. Miss MoNengh- ton, the librarian, who is also secre- taryttreasurer for the Board, gave, a splendid review of _the work done last year. The Board finished, the year with $110 in the treasury, purchhsed 207 new books and lent out during the year over 6,000 books, about double what it was two years ago.- Owing to the splendid growth of the library, something will ,have to ,be done to make more room as .the present lib- rary room is far too srnah to meet the needs of a growing library. Messrs. Davis, Follick, Clark aied McArthur were appointed a committee to meet the council at the next*cauncil meet- ing to talk the matter over of secur- ing larger quarters. It wee suggested that the reading room, which is now used as a cloak room and is a fine large room, be taken over for library 'purposes and the present library room be used as a cloak room. ;Very little alteration will be needed and the library board would have plenty of room for years to come. The new of- ficers of the Board for the year will be: Chairman Reeve Higgins;- secy.- treaso tiss 3.,(ciNaughton; book pur- chasing committee, Mrs. Arnold, Mr. Davis and Mr. Follick. Miss McNaughton was again re- engaged as librarian at the seme sal- ary as last year. The secretary was instructed to write to Mr. Simmons, expressing the sympathy of the Board to him in his recent illness and hop- ing for a epeedy recovery, The meet- ing then adjourned to meet again in February. The Young People of the United Church held their meeting on Monday evening with Mrs. Henry Phile in charge of the meetiag. Scripture was read by Miss Bella Sneak and a piano selection was given by Miss Greta Lammie. The topic was given by Miss Alva Shaddick, Hydro Meeting.—The regular meet- ing of the local hydro coinmission was held on 'Tuesday evening last with all the members present. Reeve Higgins was re-elected chairman of the board for the year and Mr. Rennie secretary. Mr. John P'assmore was re-engaged for ariother year to manage the plant. A number of improvements were talk- ed over and some will be carried into effect immediately. The metres for domestic lighting will in future be read once every two months and pay- able every two inonths. The next payment for domestic lighting for the months of January and February will be made on the 15th of March. :As the plant is again beginning to accu- mulate quite a sum, of money, rate re- duction will be discussed at the next meeting and it is hoped that a sub- stantial reductiota will be made. The manager, Mr. Passmore, was instruct- ed to read all metres himself. A num- ber of accounte were presented and tartiered paid and the meeting then ad- journed to meet again the first week in February. Our library board is making a move in the right direction in making an ef- fort to secure more room in the pub- lic library. There is a demand in the village for a better library as the in- creasing volume of books loaned out sham and in its present crbwded con- dition there is no room for more books and with half a dozen people in the room it is crowded. The reading room would make a splendid room for the purpose, large and well ventilated, and could be put in good shape at very little cost. The Young People of the United Church held their meeting on Monday evening with quite a number present. The meetiug was presided over by Mr. Ferris 'Cantelon. Mr. arid Mrs. Phile rendered a very pleasing vocal duet after which Miss Gladys Luker gave a readieg followed by a read-, ing by Miss M. Hablcirk, after which election of officers took place and re- sulted as follows: Pres., Miss E. 'Murdock; Vice-Pre„Welter Spencer; Literary and Dramatic C011venors, Mr. Blowes and Mr. Canteloni Citi- zen Con., -Miss N. Follick; Missionary and Devotional, Mrs. Piffle; Social Con., Miss M, Johnson; Secretary, Gladys Luker; Treasurer, Howard Hemphill; Pianist, Edera Munroe, At the close of the evening hot dogs and coffee were served in cafeter' la style. The A, Y. P. A. of the St. Paul's Anglican Church held their meeting an Monday eveninng and the meeting was presided over by Mr T. Simpson. Papers on "Famous Me/1 and Wo- men" were read by Mrs. Drummond; "Robert Stevenson" by Mrs. Tucker; "Life of Watt" by Mr. Aldrich; "Life of Bishop Williams" by Mrs. Peppier and "Louisa Alexander McKay" by Miss E. Johnson. Mr. mid Mrs. Garnet Case spent the week -end with friends in London. The regular monthly meeting of the Womee's Guild of St. Paul's Ang- lican Church was held on Tuesday evening in the basement of the church and there were quite a number pre- sent.' 'At the close of the meeting lunch was served. Mr. an.d Mrs. 'William Pepper of Tuckerstnith acted as host and host- ess at it shower given in honour of, their eldest daughter, Nebtie Mae, on Friday evening last. About seventy- five of their neighborb and friends gathered together to show honour to the departing bride. Quite an enjoy- able evening was spent in cards and dancing. The bride was the reCipient of many beautiful and costly gifts. apersien Balm—the peerless aid to lov el i ti es s. Delightfully fragrant, Dainty to Ilse. Leaves no, abickiness, A little gentle rubbing and it is swift- ly absorbed by the tissues, Tonic in effect. Soothes and dispels roughness , and chafing. Keep's skins soft and velvet -textured. Unrivalled for charm distinction and refinement. Used by lovely women everywhere to preserve and enhance their natural heathy. BAYFIELD. • Mts. Mallet returned to London this week after visiting her another, Mrs. Davi S011 Miss Yarn: Read is spending the win' - tet - in C,Iinton. A number of Orangemen With their wives and invited 'friends had "a very enjoyable time in their hall, Friday evening last week, Euchre and other game., were pliayed and -a nice lunch served. The winners at euchre were Chris. Parker and Mrs A. Leitch. The annual meeting of the Bayfield Public Library Association was held at the library room Mcand,ay afternoon. The auditons' report showed a balance of $30:515. The librarian's, report showed it memberslhip of 199 last year, the highest on record. The to- tal circulation was 3,459. The follow- ing members were a,ppointed on ,the ;Baord: Mrs, R. R. McKay, Mrs. F. H. Paull, Mrs. A, Seed, Mrs.. R. Stotehmer, Miss L. .R. Woods, F. A. 'Edwards, E, H. Johns, George E. Greenslade, Rev. F. 21. Paull, F. A, Edwards, who has been president for a. number of years, desired to retire. Eev. F. H. Paull Was appointed in his place. George E. Greenslade was re- elected secretary -treasurer and Miss F. Fowlie, librarian. It was decided to have a program, followed by a dance on Fridley night, J'anuatty 31st for the benefit of the library, Agricultural Society,—The annual meeting of the Bayifield Agricultural Society was held Wednesday after- noon, January 19th at the -town hall. Considering the icy' state of the roads there was a very fair attendance, D. H. MeNaughton was appointed chair- tnan of the meeting. The president. john McClure, gave a s,hont address, thanking the directors for their hear- ty co-operation and was pleased with the success of the Fair last year and the financial conditions. There are few of the smaller societies having as good a cash balance. The annual re- port of the secretary sholwed a larger number of entries than usual, The auditors, F. Keegan and John Came- ron, found the books kept in excel- lent order and a balance on hand of $914. Suggestions were made by Geo. Greenslade and Mrs. Metcalfe where improvements may be made in the prize list. The election of officers and directoirs resulted as follows: Presi- dent, John McClure; list vice presi- dent, Wm. J. Stinson; 2nd vice presi- dent, Robert Penhale;seeretary, A. E. .Ereviii; treasurer; F A. Edwards; au- ditors, Frank Keegan, John R. Ca- meron; directors, Mrs. T. M. Woods, {Fred Aliddlefon, 'Robert McMureaV• AV, 'W. Wise, 13ert Damn, Wm. Stew- att, 5. 'W. Reid, Salm Hottston, T. Mi. Snowden, Len Talbot, Wm. Sparks, ifohn ,Rathwell, Ecl. Foster. Mrs. Seed; iMrs. N. W. Woods, Mrs. J. W. Reid, Mrs. F. "MeEveari, Mrs. W. Stinson, Mrs, T, Snowden, ' The annual fancy dress carnival is to be held chiring Easter week, It was decided_ to interview hoine talent re- garding the concert for Fair night, The dates set for the fain are Tues- day and Wednesday, September 23rd and 24th. Ammal Meeting. ---The annual meet- ing of the Baeafield Cemetery Com- paoy was held at the -town. hall on Monday afternoon, Januery 20th, Ow- ing to bad weather there were few present. The officers . and directoas For 1930 are: President, John Mc- Donald; vice president, James H. R.eid; secretary treasurer, A. E. ET - twin; directors; Williaan, Scotchmer, Charles B. Mid,dleton, George nudie, •D. H. MeNaughton. Joseph Richard- son, Ro'bent S,cotehener• sexton.• Rob- ert Orr. The cemetery has been kept in very ,good order and -it is in- terbded ta further beautify it. It is in- deed a shame that plot owners do not take more interest and attend the meetings. The fvrst meeting of the village Board of Trustees was held Monday lot -0100n, janhary 20th, at the town hall, After takting the oath of office, E. A. Featherstone was appointed chairman and W. H. Talbot road conernis,sioner. Notices will be put up asking for applications for caretaker of hall and constable. The first gen- eral meeting will be held Monday ev- ening, February 3r6. HARLOCK. Miss Rose O'Connor o'f Detroit is et present visiting with her. Mend, "Miss Marie Rapson. Miss, Irene Carter of Blyth spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Estella Murphy. Miss Isabel Reid returned home Friday after visiting' Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. Watt. Mr. Leslie Reid visited his friend, Mr. Ernest Knox, Friday evening. Miss Annie Stevens returned to HULLETT. In view of certain !minors regarding the financial condition of Hullett Township, the past Reeve, Erttest Adams, and Councillors Leiper, Mog- ridge, Forbes and Lawson have copied the following report from the Township Clerk's books, which will explain themselves to the readers. The township's books are open to inspection by any ratepayer at any time and the township's financial condition need not be in doubt. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Value of road machinery...$ 4000.00 Due Goderich Twp. ..„...$ 220.63 A quantity of 18" tile 650 .00 i Due McKillop Tap, 25.79 Due Morris Twn. • • • • 89.54 $ 4650.00 • Unpaid accounts 6,00 Available Assets. Unpaid debenture on crusher 2864.80 Unpaid taxes $ 1369.14; Cash due banks 4417.00 Govt. grant due in March .. 4504.30i $ 5873.441 Total Assets $10523.44 Total liabilities $ 7623.76 County Levy Balance on Hand 1921 $14911.80 7 6-10 $10686.56 1 41/2 $2105.11 $1755.76 1922 12855.00 6 6-10 9759.15 54 3235.57' 1974,69 1928 12083.70 6 2-10 6777.30 5 1113.46' 1981,26 1924 12083.70 6 2-10 9153.81 594 2213.67 11504,96 1925 14140.50 7 2-10 6723.20 44 480,47 1869.67 1926 15940,20 8 2-10 7993.52 44' 2462.02, 4813 .015 1927 15339.00 7 9-10 11110.69 44 651.63 2462.76' 1928 15339.00 7 9-10 10396.07 41/2 141.38 3288,32 1929 17895.50 9 2-10 14410.19 41/2 4417.00 3282.75 1930 4504.30 (Signed)—Ernest Adams, James Leiper, Herbert Mogridge, Jas. Forbes, Rober Lawson. The above is the statement issued in the county papers last vv -eek by Messrs. Ernest Adams, James Leiper, Herbert Ifogridge, James Forbes and Robert Lawsoo, The following is My reply to that financial statement: Taking their figures, as published last week, of the balances on hand at the close of the years 1921-2-3-4, during which years I was Reeve, it shows the ex- cellent financial standing of the Township for these years. La 1925 Mr. Clarke was Reeve. I was returned again in 1926 and at the close of the year, the balance on hand. as shown by the statement, Was $2,462.02. In addition to this balance there was a sum of $2,651 owing to the town- ship from parties benefited by the I-Iarlock Drain branches A and B. From this amount, however, was to be deducted the sum of $952 that was owing Mr. Stevenson. the contractor, and also a further sum of $450 owing Mr. Gaffney, the sub -contractor, leaving a cash balance due the township, at the close of that year, $1249. In addition that year, there was due the township from lvLorris, the sum of $498.80, from the Bowes drain and there was a further additional -sum in unpaid taxes for 1926 of $468.415. This makes the total surplus of the Township at the close of 1926, $4678.27. .Notwithstanding that there was a balance of $4,678.27 at the close of 1926, and that these sums .owing on drains and unpaid taxes were collected in 1927- 28, you will notice by their own statement, that the balance at the end of 1927 had fallen to the sum of $651.50. In 1928, by the same statement, they claim a balance of $141.38, This, I claim, is an incorrect .statement, and further, I claim the sum of $141.38 was actually a deficit. In addition to this deficit, there was a boundary account owing McKillop for that year of $280; an account owing ;to Goderich township. of 0, and a further sum of $952 owing to the contractor, Mr. Stevenson, making a total deficit of $1,653.38 for the year. In 1929 their statement claims a balance on hand of $4,417. This, I claim., is another incorrect statement, this sum being also a deficit. ;My proof dor stating this was a deficit is the fact that at the first meeting of ,council held on !January 13Ith, 1930, the council had to pass a by-law to bor- row money, and 1 'had to -sign a note for $5,000 to straighten up with the 13ank for last year's business, and be,sides we owe e debenture debt for the crusher of $2,864:80. This mdans that under the present financial conditions of the township, it will be necessary to levy a•special rate of 2 mills or more to again get on solid ground. In my first statement, J said if the councillors would only co-operate with me in figuring the estimates a little closer, without injuring the township, I hoped we would be able to get back to solid ,ground without • raising the tax rate materially. It would be better for these men, who published this statement last week, if they would hold a second meeting and look over !he books more carefully to find out their own mistakes, before they asked the ratepayers to inspect them. In reference to their other statements, 2 could give the ratepayers a good deal more information, if it is necessary. MAT. ARMSTRONG, Reeve. • - VMMilimONOMW EgmondviHe WHERE QUALITY AND REASONABLE PRICES RULE 4 Pounds CHOICE WHITE BEANS. 29t 4 Cakes INFANT'S DELIGHT SOAP ....... . .,29c' 3 tins PORK AND BEANS .. . . .... . . ........ 29c 5 Pound Pail EDWARDBURG SYRUP ... .. 35c., 10 Pound Pail EDWARDBURG SYRUP . a'. 65c 4 Cakes LIFE BUOY SOAP . 29t' 10 Bays P. & G. SOAP ... . 39c wet J. FINNIGAN Annual Remnant -Sale OF MODERN WALL PA.PERS Papers 'suitable for LIVING ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, KITCHENS, BED ROOMS. NOW is your chance to get an up-to-date paper at half price with the Border free. These papers are put up in Bundles and marked in plain figures. Come early. Be sure.and measure your room. 6RAVE8 WALLPAPER STORE • SEAPORTH Clinton Saturday alter spending a few days at her home here. Miss Rose O'Connor and IVIiss Marie Rapson spent Sunday with their friend, Miss Mary' Flynn, near Kinburn. Mnhile worloing in the bush, last week, Mr. Ernest IC.110X had the mis- fortune to get pretty badly inlet, being cut over the eye, also other outs and bruises on the face as well as getting two teeth knocked out, We are pleas- ed to know he is getting along nicely and hope he will soon be all right again. • Mrs. T. Appleby of Roxboro spent Monday at the home a her mother, Mrs. G. Knox. Mr. end Mrs. Isaac Rapson enter- tained cpmpany Monday evening. 1Mr. C. Lydiatt met with a serious accident one day last week while wor- king in his garage in Blyth. We hope for a speedy recovery. CARD OF THANKS. Miss Belle Jackson and Mr. Sam Jackson, of Egmondville, wish to ex- tend their sincere 'thanks to the Bell Telephone Operators, the Seaforth Fire Brigade, the citizens of Seaforth and Eginandville and all who helped so splendidly at their recent fire, Jan- uary 14th: . They ale, wish to thank the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Strat- ford, for their prompt and most satis- factory adjustment of fire loss. FARM FOR SALE. 100 aeres in Hullett Towaship, well under -drained. Two , .gOod spring wells, large barn apd straw shed, with stabling under all. Good eight -room frame house with cellar. 'Apply to OHAS. SUINDERCOOK. Londes- bora. Phone 2504-25, Seaforth central. 06 . CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank my mover and se- conder who nominated Inc for Oman - cigar, for the honor they conferred up- on me. As I do not wish to cause an election, I will not qualify unless more than are required will qualify. . CON ECKART. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNC/L. The Council of the Corporation of the Coonty of Huron will meet in the County Council Chamber, Goderich at two o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day, the 28th clay of January, 1930. All accounts against the County, and applications for Old Age Pen- sions should be irt the hands of the Clerk on or before Saturday, the 25th inst., to ensure action at this meeting of the County Council an the Old Age Pensions committee. Applicants for 0.A. Pensions should see that all questions are properly and plainly answered and all forms prop- erly executed. Be sure your POST OFFICE, end the Municipality you live in are correctly given, Municipal Clerks are aslced to send by mail as soon as possible Certifi- caMs of Election of Reeves and De- puties. ^ 04 IGEO, W. HOLMAN, County Clerk, Goderich, Jan. 10th, 1930. SEAPORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Jan, 22ad. Butter, per 1b. 35c -18c Eggs, per doz. 40c -50e Potatoes Per bag $1.76 Hogs, per cwt. . —412.004112.50 NOTICE Having taken over the business of COULTER & GOVENLOCK all accounts must be settled forthwith. W. C.GOVENLOCK Seaforth Agent for International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of FARM IMPLEMENTS, TRACT- ORS, THRESHERS *and TRUCKS AUCTION SALE Of .Farm Stock.—Mr. Geo. H. El- liobt has been instrutted by. the un- dersigned to sell by public auction on lot 17, concession 11, McKillop, on THURS., JAN. 30th, at' 1.30 o'clock, the following: Horses -1 matched team of Perch- eroft geldings, 9 and 10 Years old, weighing 2,900 lbs.; I Clyde gelding rising 3 years old, well broken. - Cattle -1 registered Shorthorn cow 11 years old, due April 14th; regis- tered Shorthorn heifer, rising 3 yrs, due Feb. leth; 11 registered Shorthorn heifer, rising 3 years old, due April 14th; 1 Durham Shorthorn bull,. 18 months old, eligible for registration; 1 Hereford bull 18 months old; a Her- eford cow, due time of sale.'I Durham cow. due thne of sale; 1 Darham cow due March 25th; 1 Durham cow due April 25th; 1 Holstein heifer, rjsing 2 years old, due March 16th; 6 steers, rising 2 years, weighing about 700 lbs.; 6 spring calves. Pigs -1 brood sow bred Decem- ber; 4 'chunks, weighing about 140 lbs.; 6 chunks, weighing about 60 lbs. Grain -100 'bushels of cats, fit for seed. The above stock is grain fed and in good condition. Terms -8 months' credit will be gi- ven on furnishing approved joint notes, land owners for security. A discount of 6 percent. per annum al- lowed.for cash on credit amounts, No reserve as proprietor is short of .feed. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer; JAS. S. SMITH, Prop. FOR SALE, Buckeye Incubator, 600 -egg capa- city. just used one year. Reasonable price for quick sale as I have installed a Mammoth Incubatorand have not room for it. ANDREW A. MO.ORE, Sea:forth. Phone 137 r 3, 04 ONTARIO BREEDING STATION, Specializing in Barred Racks. This .is our seeond year of Breeding Sta- tion supervision. Plant trapnested in R.O.P. pens headeri with pedigreed males from R.O.T. and registered hens whose records run from 203 to 265 eggs. Our 12 -page illustrated 1930 catalogue is just off the press. It contains valuable infoainatiba oft feeding poultry from chick to layer. We will gladly and you a copy free. J. M. SCOTT Sunny Crest Farm ,Seaforth Phone 32-251. PROPERTY FOR SALE House and lot on Railway st. Good, comfortable frame house. 6 rooms with back kitchen with hard and soft , water. 94 acre of ground, Hen house 1 with fruit trees and berry bushes, all in good shape.' JOSEPH '.HOG- GARTH, Seaforth, phone 267 05 CALL IN AND SEE THE NEW 1930 Sparton arid Marconi •Radios Sorne,good buys on used Battery Machines. Also a good line of Batteries and Goodyear Tires CHEVROLET GARAGE . Dunlop Seaforth, Ont. 1.11•111111111•MMIIIIIMIMMInnalii•ft., Phone' 187 UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF REGIST'D AYRSHIRE CATTLE Also Hogs anti Horses at lot 15, con 2 1-I RS, Tuckersnilth, 1 mile southwest of Sea for th no Tnesday, January 2Sth, 1930..Sale starts at 1 p, Sale of cattle commences at 2 p.m. Lot No I 1131 ownie of Cedar Springs -62741, female. Bred by J. A. MdKenzie, Innerkip, ,Ont Bred May 16th, 1929 Lot No ,2.---B•nnwhie of Ceder Sprigs 2n6 -82459, female. Bred by 5. A McKenzie,; Innerkip, Om. Bred Aug. 6th, 1929. ' •Lot No. 3-5Roxie of Ceder Springs -47054, female: Bred by J. A. McKen- zie, Innerkip, Ont. Bred June 19, 1929. Lot No. 4-1Cedar Springs Floss 2nd -92876, female. Bred by I. A. Mc- Kenzie, Innerkip,, Ont. Bred. April 30I11t, 1929. Lot No. 5.—Cedar Springs Brownie 31-d -92742, female. Bred by J, A. Mc- Kenzie, Innerkip, Ont, Beed April 30111 1929. . Lot No, 6—Ceder Springs Brownie 40h -92743, female, Bred by 7. A. Mc- Kenzie, Innerkip, Ont. Bred Apr, 29th, 1929. • Lot No. 7 — Barlston Brownie -1133351, female. Bred. by J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth Ont, Fresh Dec. 8111, 1929, • Lot No. 8.—Cedar Springs Last Brownie -114678. Bred by J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth, Ont, • Bred June 14th, 1929. Lot No. 9--Earlston Brownie 3rd -116380, female. Bred by J. A. Mc; ICenzie, Seaforth„ Ont. Bred, July 5th, 1929. • Lot No, 10.--E'arlaton 13rownie 6t1,1 -123352, female. Bred by J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth, Ont, Bred Aug. 14th, 1929. Lot No. 11. -- Earlston Roxie 123355) female. Bred by J. A. Mc- Kenzie,‘Seaforth, Ont. Bred. Aug. 23rd, 1929. Lot No. 42—Earlston Floss -423353, female. Bred by J. A. McKenzie, Sea - forth; Ont. Bred Aug. 20th, 1929. Lot No. 13--Earlston Brow.nie 9th -1233514, female. Bred by J. A Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth, Ont. Bred Aug, 141h, 1929. Lot No. 14. --Glen Campbell De- borah -11241314, female. Bred F. C. Biggs & Sons, Dundas; Ont. Bred Dec. 111th, '1929. Lot No. 1.5-1G1en Campbell Mar- guerite 424856, female. 1Bred by Ers- kine. McQuat, Brownsburg, Que.; calved the property of F. C. Biggs & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Lot No. 16—Glen Campbell Prin- ciple -124216, male. Bred by F. C. Biggs & Sons, Dundas, Ont. , Lot No. 17—Earlston Brownie VII. Bred by j. A. :McKenzie, Seaforth. Lot No. 18—Ear1ston Roxie 2nd. Bred by J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth. Lot No. 19---,Earlston Brownie Sth. Bred by J. A. AiciKenzie, Seaforth. Lot No. 20.—Ear1ston Brownie 9th. Bred by j. A. McKenzie, 'Seisforth. Lot No. 2.1.—Earlston Floss 2nd. Bred by 5, A. MeICenzie, Seaforth, Lot No, 22--Earlston Brownie lOth. Bred by J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth. Dot No. 23.—Earlston Brownie XL Bred by j. A. McKenzie, Seafortia Lot No. 24--Earlston's 'Victor. Bred by J, A. McKenzie, Seaforth, Ont. 11orses-3 general purpose work horses, 1,250 to 1,450 lbs. - Pigs -6 York brood sows, bred; 1 Berk. boar; 44 shoats two to three months old. 18 hogs 180. lbs, (if not previously sold). Implements -1 Fleury grain crush- er; 12" power New Hamburg cutting box; 6 lengths of galvanized Pipe, new, 20' x 2"; 1 London gas engine 21/2 h.p.; 1 line shaft with adjustable hangers, Terins.—Cattle—Cash; credit will be .given up to 8 months to parties giving approved security, with inter- est at six per cent per annum. Other stock and chattels—All sums of $10 and under, cash, over that amount, 8 months' credit upon giving satisfac- tory security. 4, p.c. straight discount for cash 011 credit amounts, All ani- mals will be at owner's risk as soon as sold, but will be cared for until ship- ping time and loaded free, Nothing can be removed until satisfactory set- tiem.ent has been made under terms. Apply for catalogue. -Announcement. — "In offering our entire herd of Ayrshires for sale it is only fair that we give the reason. My time being taken up with other busi- ness, to avoid neglecting them 11 have decided that they be sold. 'With the exception of three, all have been bred by myself. These three came from the accredited herd of F. C. Biggs, The rest have never been tested .but are a good healthy, strong, vigorous herd and I have not .had a case of abortion and no trouble to get in calf," G. H. Elliott, J. A. McKenzie, JAuctioneer. Proprietor. —SPECIAL— Cohens and Kellys --in— Atlantic City IT'S A RIOT! Even a Gibson girl' couldn't blush at the line of bathing suits Manufactur- ed by Cohen and Kelly, but business became a ,pleasure when they discov- ered that the shorter they made 'em the more money they made. High jinlcs at America's Playground when the famous partners with their wives and families resume business You've seen them in New York— you've seen them in Paris—but you'll see more at the seashore. THIS WEEK END PRINCESS PROFESSIOkAli. CARDS. Medical.. DR. IL HUGH ROSS, Physiciau and 'Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London, England. ... Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat, Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 104. DR. F . 3. BURROWSSeaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church.' Coroner for the County of Huron. Telephone No. 40. DR. C. IvIACICAY.—!C, honor graduate of Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medics' College; member of the, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DIR. F. J. R. FORS'PER—Eye, Ear Nose atid Thrfiat Gradhate in Medi- cine, University' 'of Toronto 1897. Late Assistant ..New York Ophthal- ;mic ancl Auraldinstit ;e, Moorefield'* Eye, and Golden Sq..iare throat hos- pitals, London. England. At, Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.n. DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate Faculty of Medicine, University a Western Ontario, 1.;ondon. Member of 'College of Physicians- an'd Sur-' geons of Ontario. Office in Aterhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seater*. Phone 90. ' Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN, •Successoi to Dr. R. R. ROSS, graduate of North- western University, Chicago,5 Ill. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over, Sill's hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental 'Surgeons. Toronto. Office over „W. R. Smitis'a grocery, Main St.; Seoforth. 'Phone& office 185W, residence 185J. Consulting Engineer: S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A,Sc. (Tor.) 0.L.S., Registered. ProfessiOnal En- gineer and Lind Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of . Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, F. W, AHRENS, Licensed Auction.. eer for Perth and Huron Counties. Sales solicited. Terms, on aPPlicn, tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farm Stock, chattels and real estate proper- ty. F. W. Ahrens, R. R. No, 4„ Mitch- ell, lot 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles east of Beechwood. Phone 634r6, WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGRNCY (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect. ed at lowest rates in First-Cles. Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Col FARM AND ISOLATED' TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSUR.ED Officers—James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, 13eechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors--1Wm. Rinn, NO. 2, Sea - forth, Jofin Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfaot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, VValtorii Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray GI bs on, Brucefield. Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r, 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seafortb; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. 0, .j,armouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance 'or trans- act other business will be .promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. FARM FOR SALE. The Executors of the Robert Gib- son estate offer the choice 50 -acre fanm, in good condition, N1/2 lot 16, con. 5, McKillop, all cleared and all seeded down. Two storey' cement house, frame kitchen, all in:good re - pm. Barn 50'x46' on a cement wall, cement stabling and water in the barn. Cement driving. house 24'x36'. Frame hog pen 16'x24'. Neer failing well of choice water. Well fenced • and underdrained, with tile draM. WiiI be sold on easy terms to -suit pur- chaser. For further particulars apply to CHAS. WRIIGHT, Seaforth r.r. 5; or R. S. HAYS, Seaforth . 1 Cause of Asthma. No one can say veitili certainty exa,ctly what causes the establishing of asthmatic conditions. Dust from the street, from flowers, from grain and various other irritants may. set up a trouble imPossible to ir- raclicate except through a sore prepa- ratio.n such as Dr. J. D. ICellogg‘s As- thma Remedy. Uncentainty may exist as to cause, but there can be no un- certainty regarding a remedy which has freed a geaeration of asthmatic victims from this scourge ofithe bron- chial tubes. It is sold everywhere. Items of news always welcome.