HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-01-16, Page 8kr PAGE EIGHT THE SEAPORT H °NEWS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930. HENSALL. Council. Meeting. --The village coun- cil met for its first meeting on Mon- day at 11 o'clock with all its members present. The reeve and council took their baths of office and then adjourn- ed until 8 o'clock in the evening. At eight o'clock the• council assembled again with Reeve Iliggiiet in the chair.' The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of coun- cillors Petty and Ortwein. A' • com- munication was read from Owen Gei- ger,. claiming the reeve's chair, stating that Reeve Higgins was not qualified to act on account of him being a mem- her of the :County Old Age. Pensions Board for ]929: The letter was ord- ered filed. 'A communication was also read ,from the Ontario Good Roads Association which was also ordered filed. A communication from the Sick Children's H'osp'ital, Toronto, asking for a grant; for 19130, was read and an motion of Petty 'and Cameron $10 was granted. Tax collector A, W. E. Hemphill was present and made a re- port to the council that there was still $447.00 to collect, ant:est of which he expected in within- a few days. The time for collection was extended until Feb. 3. Mr. Munroe, manager of the Bank of ;Commerce, was present and asked for `the same business for his bank for 1950, that the town had given to them for the past years, which was granted by the council. A number of account's were presented end ordered paid .on motion, of Consitt and Ort- wein. By-law No. 1 was given its se- veral readings, appointing officers for the town for 1930, at the same salaries: as last year. The officers are as fol- lows: Clerk. Jas. A. Paterson, treasurer, C. Cook; collector, A. W. E. Hemp- hill; assessor, Colin Hudson; manager M town hall and constable, Geo, Hud- son; caretaker of town hall, Mrs, Geo. Hudson; poundkeeper, Colin Hudsien; sanitary inspector, Nelson Blatchford; Board of Health, The Reeve, Dr: Moir and the sanitary inspector. Mrs. Henry Arnold was appointed on the Library Board: Joseph Hudson and Ray McArthur were re -appointed au- ditors and Mr. Henry Horton was ap- pointed to act with them in an advis- ory capacity, as the council wish a thorough audit of the town books. Bylaw No. 2 was given its several readings and passed, authorizing the Reeve and treasurer to borrow such sums as needed up to $3,000 to carry on the business of the Corporation for 1930. Quite a discussion took place over some of the assessments of the village, but as the hour was getting late the Reeve suggested that the mat- ter be left over until the February meeting, On motion of Consitt and Cameron the Reeve and Councillors Petty and Ortwein be the road and street. street lighting and charity com- mittee; on motion of Ortwein and Petty, the Reeve and Councillors Con- sitt and Cameron be the town hall and firemen, community shed and po- lice committees and the whole council to b the finance acommittee.The council then adjourned to meet again the first Monday in February. Mr. and Mfrs. Roy McLaren spent the week end with the latter's parents, lir, end Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Hay. Mr. Ray Pfaff, who has been in Stratford for some time has returned to his home here. Mrs. Earl Wiles of Detroit is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. C Munro. Mrs. Henry Arnold, Mrs. Basil Ed- wards, Mrs, John Dallas, MIrs. Robt. Cameron, Mrs. David Nicol were in Clinton on Tuesday attending a meet- ing there. Mr, George Clarkson, who has re- sided for a number of years at Hills - green left on Tuesday for Clinton and will spend the winter in the Huron County Home. Pension Board Members Eligible.— On Mfnnday morning during the first session of the council Owen Geiger handed in a letter to Clerk Paterson protesting to the Clerk against Reeve Robert Higgins taking oath of office on the ground that he was not quali- fied to act on account of him being a member of the Huron County Old Age Pension Board for 1929 and completely ignoring the fact that the Reeve was the choice cif the electors at the late election. At the last meet- ing of the Pension Board at Goderich the matter of qualification was taken up as at the June session of the coun- ty council when the appointments were made it was never thought that any such quetsion would arise any more than for any other committee of the county council. It was decided that as it was the wish of the Attor- ney General that Huron County ap- point acommission 10 administrate this act, it was up to the Attorney General to give the views of the de- partment as to the qualification of the members of the hoard for re-election, County Clerk Holman was instructed to write to the department and the following answer was received: "Department of the Attorney Gen- eral, Toronto. It is the view of the department that members of the Old Age Pension Boards do not become Officials of the municipalities and are eligible to be elected members of the louncil and to sit and vote therein. ((Signed) T. A, Huinphries, Solicitor Attorney General" City Solicitor Meredith of London, through the press gave the same view at the Attorney General as it ef- fected the mayor and several aldermen of the City of London. Attorney General Price also stated to the press that, if necessary, he would bring in a bill at the first session 'of the Legis- lature authorizing memlbe_rs of the county. councils to act as members of the Old Age Pension Boards' and the said Act -to revert back to the first of the year. Under these conditions Reeve -Hig- gins and dozens in other municipali- ties .qualified and were elected, with the whole province satisfied, with salt and it is unfortunate for aur vil- la a that its fair name be again ain g g i made the laughing stock of the province, Mr, Peter Buchanan of Toronto spent the week end visiting with his mother' and sister here. lfiss Nellie Carmichael has return- ed to town and has accepted a posi- tion in Mr. A W. E. Hemphill's drug store, Miss Carmichael's many friends are glad to see her back again, ;Mr. Walter Hahkirk still continues .very poorly at his home here, A number of the boys in town ser - NOTICE Re HULLETT, TP, FINANCES In view of certain rumors .re atv5 the financial coidrton of Hulled Township; the past Reeve; Ernest Adams, and Councillors Leiper, A2og- ridge, Forbes and Lawson have copied the ` following report' from, the Township Clerk's booles, which will explain themselves to the readers. The township's 'books ,are •open'to inspection by any ratepayer at any time and the township's financial condition need not be in doubt. ASSETS. Value of road machinery.,.$.4000.00 A quantity of 18" Mile 650.00 $ 4650.00 Available Assets. Unpaid taxes .. $ 41369.14 Govt. grant due in March .. 4504.30 $ 5&73,44 Total Assets $10523,44 LIABILITIES. Dne Goderich Twp, - $ 220.63 Due McKillop Twp. 25,.79 Due Morris Twp89.54 Unpaid accounts 6.00. Unpaid debenture on crusher 2864.80 Cash due banks 4417.00 Total liabilities $ 17603.76 P ' .1 50 Leib' 1921. 1922 1928 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 $14911,80 198'55.00 12063.70 120183.70 14140.50 '15940.20 153139.00 15339.00 17895.50 7 6 6 '6 7 8 7 7 9 6-10 640 2-10 2-10 2-10 2-10 9.10 9-10 2-10 $10686.56 97'59.15 6777.30 9153'.81 6723.20 79931.62 11410.69 10395.07 14410;19 '4/ 5$ 5 5541 ' 456 . 4K 1 454 454 4% $2100.41. 3235169' 1113.46 221'3.69 480.47 2462.021 654.63' '141.38 ' 4417.00 . $1'755'.76 4974.69 -1981.26 '11504.96 1869.67 11810.015 2462.76 3288.12 0282.75' 4504.30 (Signed) EIRINEST ADAMS J'AS. UE[IPE1R 1H1ERBIER'T iMOGRPDGE JAMES FOIRBES ROBERT LAWSON enaded the Reeve and newly elected members of the Council one evening last week and the boys reported very generous treatment. Miss Mabel Whiteman of Kippen visited with Miss Emily Morrison for a few days last week. 'Mrs. Brown of Eddy Mills is visit- ing for a few weeks with her son -in - kw and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. R. Dougall. Mr. McManus has again resumed his duties at the Hensen bake shop after being laid off for some time suf- fering from an attack of appendicitis. A meeting of the South Huron Ag- ricultural Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on Fri- day afternoon of this week. WEST BRODHAGEN. )Jr. and Mrs, Henry Koehler spent Sunday y las • with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. t Reg ele. There died in McKillop on January 7th, Mr. Fred Koehler on the same farm where he was born and had liv- ed nearly all his life, with the excep- tion of a few years, Forty-four years ago he was married to Miss Mary Fisher of Fullerton township, who died in 1906, leaving a young family of five girls and two boys. In 1909 he was married to Mrs. Christena Messerschmidt, and this union was blessed with two girls and one boy. Mir, Koehler was a thresher for a great many years and he was well known all over the township. He was a man of a quiet disposition, always willing to help anyone out in a pinch. The fun- eral was held on Friday last in West Brodhagen, It was largely attended, friends being present from Preston, Kitchener, Stratford, Wellesley, Wat- erdown, Milverton and Rostock, Rev. L, Gross of Auburn officiated at the house and grave and took for his text, Phil„ chap 1, verse 21. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and nine children, one boy having died in Lon- don in war time. The sympathy of the whole community goes out to the bereaved family in this their loss of a kind father and husband, HARLOCK. Miss Isabel Reid spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott of Toronto are at present visiting at the home of the latter's parents. 3fr. and Mrs, S. MfcVittie, Mr, Addison of Orillia and Mr, Ad- dison of Brucefleld visited at the home of their uncle, Mr, Wm. Addison, also their aunt, lire. Andrew Hoggart, part of last week. Mr, A. W. Beacom spent a few days of the week in Clinton. About eighty of the friends and neighbors gathered on Friday evening at the home of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson and pre- sented them with individual presents. A very pleasant evening was spent in dancing and euchre. After lunch Mr: WSratson gave a very appropriate ad- dress thanking the people for their presents and also, for welcoming' the bride, which was responded to by a hearty clap of the hands. After which dancing continued until the wee sma' hours of the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear, also Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd entertain- ed company Tuesday evening. Mr, Edward Reid returned home Friday evening. ;,Miss Edythe Beacom visited her friend, Miss Beth Slholebrook, Friday afternoon of last week. Miss May Hamilton of 'Toronto, and Miss Anna Hamilton of near Ot- tawa, who were holidaying at the hone of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, returned on Friday to their positions. Miss Amy Parsons left Saturday for Stratford where she is at present attending Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown enter- tained company Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen entertain- ed company Friday evening, Miss Kathleen Beacom visited her friend, Miss Marie Rapson, Friday" Mr, Edward Reid left Monday for (Windsor• where he intends• to learn the garage work. Mrs. Albert Trewin returned home wr Saturday after visiting her daughters' at Toronto and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Reid and Lydia, Mr. and Mrs, James Watt of Blyth, also Mrs. Robert Watson, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. 'George Watt on Friday afternoon, The Young People's meeting of Burns' United Church was held Sun- day evening. The Ladies' Aid of Burns' United Church held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas. Neilans with a good attendance. The people of the neighborhood were very much surprised on Friday to hear of the approaching marriage which was so near at hand, in the per- sons of Mr. Robert Watson and Miss Spafford, which took place in Blyth on Saturday, We join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Watson a happy and pros- perous,wedded life, Prayer services was held in Burns' United church on Tuesday and Thursday evening lest week. Internal parasites in the shape of worms in the stomach and bowels of children sap their vitality and retard physical development, They keep the child in a constant state of unrest and if not attended to, endanger life. The child can be spared much suf- fering and the mother much anxiety by the best worm remedy that can be got, Miller's Worm Powders, which are sure death to worms in any shape. MEETING OF " HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the County Council Chamber, Goderich at two o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day, the 28th day of January, 1930. All accounts against the County, and applications for Old Age Pen- sions should be in the hands of the Clerk an or before Saturday, the 25th inst., to ensure action. at this meeting of the County Council and the Old Age Pensions committee, Applicants for O.A. Pensions should sea that all questions are properly and plainly answered and all forms prop- erly executed. Be sure your POST OIFFI•CE and the Municipality you live in are correctly given. Municipal Clerks are asked to send by mail as soon as possible Certifi- cates of Election of Reeves and De- puties. 04 GEO. W. HOOLM'AN, County Clerk. Goderich, Jan, 10th, 1930. Annual Remnant Sale OF MODERN WALL PAPERS Papers suitable for LIVING ROOMS, DIINING ROOMS, KITCHENS, BED ROOMS, NOW is your chance to get an up-to-date paper at half price with the Border free. These papers are put up in Bundles and marked in plain figures. Come early. Be sure and measure your room, GRAVES WALLPAPER STORE SEAFORTH I'= grnondvilk „ WHERE QUALITY AND REASONABLE ( PRICES . RULE 4 Pounds CHOPCE WHITE BEANS 4 Cakes INFANT'S DELIGHT SOAP 3 tins PORK AND BEANS 5 Pound Pail EDWARDBURG SYRUP 10 Pound Pail EDWARDBURG SYRUP 29c 29c '29c 35c 65c 4 Cakes LIFE BUOY SOAP .,...,,,_.,,.;,,,, 2929 c 10 Bars P. & G. SOAP 39c .11001113 W. J. FINNIGAN CARD OF THANKS. Mr. James MoConnell and family ,wish to thank their many friends for their kindness and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Fred, Koehler and family wish to express their sincere appreciation to neighbors and friends for the kind sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement, also for floral tributes. ROOMERS AND BOARDERS W'A'NTED. Girls or ladies. Apply to NIES. F. GALLOP, East William St.; near the High School. 03' ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON SOUTH Statement of election expenses of George;;H. Elliott. Printing and advertising $134.40 Hall rent 303.00 t elephone and telegraph 94,60 Postage and express 6.20 Transportation . . . . . . .. 142.150 $4'10.70 MORTGAGE SALE. Of Valuable Farm Lands, Under and by virtue of the powers contain- ed in certain' mortgages, which will be produced atthe time of sale, there will be -offered for sale by Public Auc- tion, subject to a reserve bid, on Sat- urday, the 18th day of January, 1930, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon et the Hicks House, Mitchell,- Ont, by Thomas Brown, auctioneer,.the h e Eo1- g property, rop ort namely: Y Firstly. Al[ and Singular that cer- tain parcel and tract of land and pre- mise s situate, lying and' ybeingin . gthe 1 Township of Logan in the County of Perth and (Province of Ontario and being composed' of Lot Number Twenty-two in the Thirteenth Con- cession of the said Township of Lo- gan, containing one 'hundred acres of land more or less. Secondly. All and Singular that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and pre- mises situate, lying and being in the said Township of Logan and being composed of the Southerly twenty- five acres of the Westerly three-quar- ters of Lot Number Twenty-two in the Fourteenth Concession of the said Township of Logan. There is situate on the said firstly mentioned parcel a dwelling - house and bank barn. The properties will be offered for sale in separate parcels. Terms.—Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further terms or panticulars apply to the auc- tioneer or to E. G. THOMPSON, 59 Ontario St., Stratford, Ont. Vendor's Solicitor, Dated at Stratford this 31st day of December, A.D. 1929. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Jan. 15th. Butter, per Ib,. ....... 33c -38c Eggs, per doz. . 40ee50c Potatoes per bag $1.Z Hogs, per cwt ...$12.00e$1'2.50 Persian Balm—Invaluable to the whale family, To the mother, a flaw- less aid to loveliness, To the child,a soothing, healing balm. And to the father, a splendid hair fixative and cooling shaving lotion. Persian Balm tones and refreshes the skin. Makes hands delightfully soft and white, In- dispensable to dainty women. A little gentle rubbing and it is absorbed by the tissues, making the skin truly rose -leaf in texture. Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c COULTER & ••G OVEN LOCK Seaforth Agents: for International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of FARM IMPLEMENTS, TRACT- ORS, THRESHERS and TRUCKS See Our Tractors - and Plows • and Compare Them with Other Makes. Horses for sale or exchange at all times. Also late '25 Ford coupe for sale. DOG LOST. Lost on Sunday a Small Collie -dog, black .and white, left eat and eye are brawn,-bolbbed tail,;answerc to name of "Pansy.” Apply 14 op 170. MRS. THOS. AIDA,MS, 013 NOTICE. If the person ,wh'o shot a police dog on Monday morning will; give their reasons for. doing so, they will save trouble and expense. BOR SALE. • ;Buckeye •In'cubator, 600 -egg capa- city. 'Just used one year. (Reasonable price for quick sale as I have installed a Mammoth Incubator and have not room for it, AllelDIREW A. MOORE, Seaford'. Phone 137r '3. • 04 ONTARIO BREEDING STATION. Specializing in Barred Rocks. This is our second year of .Breeding Sta- tion supervision. Plant trapnested in R.O.P. pens s h ead'ed ,with pedigreed i reed males from R. .P: and registered hens whose records run from 203 to 265 eggs. We have already booked for 1930 930 deliver y, esi. of our last year's entire chick output, Place your ,order now for quality chicks et last year's prices. J• M. SCOTT • Sunny Crest Farm Seaforth Phone 32-251. HARNESS. One set team harness; oneset of single harness. We can arrange to do your repair now: Kindly bring it now and avoid the spring rash. THOS. D. WIREN,Hensall, Ont, PROPERTY FOR SALE House and lot on Railway st. Good, comfortable frame house. 6 rooms with back kitchen with hard and soft water. % acre of ground. Hen house with fruit treesand berry bushes, . all in good shape. JOSEPH HOG- GARTH, Seaforth, OGGAIRTII,.Seaforth, phone 267 05 - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Three unimproved farms in .Mani- toba, clear Torrens title to each; all situate in school districts; containing 160, 160, and 240 acres respectively, more or less; will trade for Ontario property; prefers dwelling in a city or good town, or small farm 5 to 20. acres, with buildings; or may trade for hotel or other property. What have you to offer for one or all three? WILLIAM MURRAY, Dauphin,', Manitoba. 02 VIOLINS VIOLINS REPAIRED AND REBUILT Also repair work done on other Stringed Instruments and violin bows repaired. 'Satisifactory job gua'r'anteed. Violins a specialty. JOSEPH T. 14UG1LL Phone 236r21, Seaforth Central. CALL IN AND SEE THE NEW 1930 Sparton. and Marconi Raidi®s Some good buys on used Battery Machines. Also a good line of. Batteries and Goodyear Tires CHEVROLET GARAGE W; Dunlop Seaforth, Ont. Phone 187 UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE of REGIST'D AYRSHIRE CATTLE Alsg Hogs and Horses,'at lot 13, con, 2, H R,,S„ Tuckersmith, ' 1 mile southwest of Seaforth on Tuesday, January28th, 1930. Sale starts at 1 p m. Sale of cattle commences at 2 p.m. Lot No. 11— (Brownie of Cedar (Springs -62741; female. Bred by J. A. McKenzie, 'Innerkip, Ont, Bred May 16th, '1929. • Lot Not 2. B,nolwnie of Cedar. 'Springs 2nd 82450, female.. Bred by J A, McKenzie, :Iainerisip; Ont. Bred Aug. 6th, 1929. • Lot No. 3 --Rorie of Cedar Springs• 470514, female, Bred by J. A. McKen- zie; Innerkip, Ont. Bred June 19, 1929. 'Lot 24o. 41—Cedar Springs Floss 2nd -928716, female. Bred by J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Innerkip, Ont. Bred April 30th, 1929: Lot Nb. 5. --Cedar Springs Brownie 3rd -92742, female, Bred - by J, A, Mc- Kenzie, Inneikip,"Ont. Bred April 30th 1929. Lot No, 6—Cedar Springs Brownie 4th -92743, female. Bred by J. A Me Kenzie, Innerkip, Ont. Bred Apr. 29th,, 19'29, Lot No. 7 — Earlston Brownie - 123391, iennale. Bred by J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth Ont. Fresh Dec. 8th 1929, . Lat No. 8.—'Cednr''Springs Last Brownie ---144678. Bred by J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth, Ont. Bred June 14th, 1929. Lot N". 9—Eiarlst'on` IBrorvvnie 3rd 416380, ,female. Breed by J. A. Mc- Keitzre, Seaforth, Ont. •Bred, July 51111,• 1929. Lot :No. 10,—,E'arlston Brownie 6th -123352, ;fem'ale. Bred by. J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Seaeorth, Ont,` Bred -Aug. 14th, 1929. Lot No. 11. Earlston lRoxie - 123355, female. Bred by'' J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth, Ont. Bred. Aug. 23rd, 1929. Lot No. 42—iEarlston Floss 423353, female. Bred by J. A. M Kenzie, Sea - forth, Ont. 'Bred Aug. 20th, 1.929. iLot No. 13-(Earlston Bro•t s ie 5th -1233154, female, Bred by J. A Mc- Kenzie, Seaforth, Oiet. Bred Aug, 14th, 1.929. ' Lot No: 44.- tGlen Campbell De- borah -124234, female. Bred F. C. Biggs & Sons,)Dundes, Ont. Bred Dec. lids, 1929, Lot No. 13—Glen Campbell Mar- guerite -124856, female, !Bred by Ers- kine McQuat, Brownsburg, Que.; calved the property of F. C. Biggs & Sons, Dundas, Ont. - 'Lot No. 1'6—Glen Campbell Prin- ciple =14255, male. Bred' by F. C. Biggs & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Lot No. 17—Earlston Brownie VI•I, Bred by J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth. Lot. No. 18—Earlston .Rbxie 2nd, Bred by J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth, Lot No, 19—Earlston Brownie 8th. Bred by 3.' A. McKenzie, Seaforth. Lot No, 20.—Earlston Brownie 9th. Bred byJ. A.McKenzie, ' e ie Seafor h. Jt No. •— Lot 1 7✓arl stun Floss 2n . Bred byd 7 �_ lfoKenzie, Seaforth. Lot Ao, 2 Earlston Brownie 104h. Bred by J A. McKenzie, Seaforth, Lot No. 23,—Earlston Brownie XI. Bred by J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth, Lot No. 24-4larlston's Victor. Bred by J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth, Ont Horses -3 general purpose work horses, 1,250 to 1,450 albs. Pigs -6 'York broad sows, bred; 1 Berk: boar; 44 shoats two to three mon't'hs' old. 18 hogs 180 lbs •(if not previously, sold). lluiplements-1 Fleury grain crush- er; 12" power New Hamburg cutting box; 6 lengths of galvanized pipe, new, 20' x 2"; 1 London gas engine 2% h.p.; 1 line shaft with adjustable hangers. Terms:--Cattle—Cast; credit will be given up to 8 months to parties, giving approved security, with inter- est at six per cent per annum. Other stock and chattels—All sums of $10 and under, cash, over that amount, 8 months' credit upon giving satisfac- tory security. 4 p.c. straight discount for cash on credit amounts. All ani- mals -will be at owner's risk as soon as sold, but will be cared for until ship- ping time and loaded free. Nothing can be removed 'until satisfactory set- tlement has been made under terms. Apply for catalogue. Announcement, - "In offering our entire herd of Ayrshires for sale it is only fair that we give the reason. My timebeing taken up withother busi- ness, to avoid neglecting them I have decided that they be sold. With the exception of three, all have been bred' by myself. These three came from the accredited herd of P. C. Biggs. The rest have never been tested but are a good healthy, strong, vigorous herd and I havenot had a case of abortion and no trouble to get in. calf:" G. H. Elliott, J. A. McKenzie, Auctioneer, Pro rietor: p Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator will drive worms from the sys- tem witliout injury to the child, be- cause its action, while fully effective, is mild. THURS., FRI., SAT. THE HERO OF BEN HUR Ramon Novarro —in— Pagan Love A Romance of the tropic seas and strong men in struggle • THIS WEEK -END PRINCEss PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical, DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. :Late ofLondon Hos- pital, London, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear;, nose' and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 104. DR. F , J. BURRONVIS, Seaford'. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church. Coroner for the County of Huron. .Telephone No. 40. DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay; honor 'graduate of. Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DIR. F., J. R. FOIRSTER—Eye, ' Ear Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1897. Late ,Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Instit' ie, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, 'London.. England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday.lu each month, from 14 a.m. to. 3' p.m. DIR. W. C.-SPROAT.-Graduate of Faculty of ' Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in A•berhart'e Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone .90. Dental DR. J. A. MUNN, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate (Royal College of Dental:Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Silfs hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Pitons 151. DR. F. J. BFCHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smit'h's grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. office 185W, residence 185J. - Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Torje O.L.S,, Registered Professional'' En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont, Auctioneer. GEORIGE` ELLIOTT, Licensed' Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for •Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. AH•RENS, Licensed Auction- eer for P girthnd a Huronou C uric s. Sales solicited. Terms on applica- tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. arui Stock, chattels and real estate proper- ty. R: R. YNo 4,Mitch- ell, lot 24,' con. 4, Logan, 5 mles east of Beechwood. 'Phone 634r6, Mitch- ell. WATSON AND REID'S "REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to` James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORITH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect." ed at lowest rates in First -Clain Conipanies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance -Co FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich;' Alex, James Evans, Beechwood,' Vice ;President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Win.. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagent James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James. Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot No. 3 'Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. I o. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George, Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray' Gibson, Brucefleld, Agents -Alex, Leitch, r.r, 1, Clin- ton; E. 5Iinchley, Seaforth; r. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm, James Kerr and ''John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be prom ptfy. attended to, by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective'postoffices, FARM FOR SALE. The Executors of the Robert Gib- son estate offer the choice 50 -acre farm, in good condition, N5 lot 16, con. 5, McKillop, all cleared and all seeded down,' Two storey cement house, frame kitchen, all in good re- pair. Barn 50'x46' on a cement wall, cement stabling and - water in the barn. Cement driving house 24'x36'. Frame hog pen 16'x24'. Never failing well of choice' water. Well fenced and underdrained with tile drain.. Will be sold on easy terms to suit pur- chaser. For further particulars apply to OH'AS, W1R8IGIHT, Seaforth r.r. 5; or R. S. HAYS, Seaforth Dread of Asthma melees 'countless thousands miserable. Night after night g the attacks return and even when brief respite is given the mind is still in torment from c-ontinual an- ticipation, Dr. J. D. Kellog's Asthma Remedy changes all this. Relief. comes, and at once, while future at- tacks are warded off, leaving the af- flicted one in a state of peace and hap- piness he once believed' could' never enjoy. Inexpensive and sold almost everywhere. Items of news always welcome,