HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-01-16, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930, THE SEAFORTI-I NEWS. PAGE FIVE ChaioStOFOS. Superior QUALITY IS ECONOMY 1 The modern housewife is quick to recognize any savings that are to be effected on high quality products—abut she also knows that it is not true economy to buy inferior brands' to save a few cents. The Superior Chain Stpres at all times offer you the' highest quality al . consistently low prices, but in no case do they sacritfuee quality for. price. Use your phone to order from us—we deliver. Item's for 'Week Ending January 22,•1930. CHIPSO large pkg. 18c CRISCO l's 22c P. & G"THE WHITE NAPTHA SOAP' . 10 bars 39c CAMPBELL'S SOUP.... 1 tinVegetable and 1 tin Tomato 25 c McLARE'N'S JELLY POWDERS ..... ........ 4 pkgs 25c CANADIAN STANDARD PEACHES, 2's, HS. ...per tin 23 c s Silver Gloss Stanch 2 pkgs. 25c Hawes' Lemon Oil large bottle 23c \ Interlake Toilet Paper 3 rolls 23c Snowflake Ammonia 2.pkgs, 15c Flus'ho For sink or toilet per tin 23c Zebra Liquid Stove Polish per bottle 150 Kthovah Lemon' Butter "A Spread for Bread 40 oz. jar 49c Flowerdale Finest Orange Pekoe Tea , .•:;, , , , ... , . half -pound 43c Kara Coffee, "The Secret Blend", half pound 35c pound 65c. French Mushrooms small tin 19c Singapore Pineapple 2 tins 25c Aylmer=Torn atoes,`"i's squat 2 tins 25c Wrapped Figs, 8 oz. pkgs. 3 for 25c Old Colony Maple Syrup small bottle 35c Dried Peas •in pkgs. • 3 for 25c Wheat Germ 2 lbs. 15c Bulk Cocoa per lb. 19c Lily Chicken Haddie per tin 23c Grape .Fruit Juice, equal to 3 grape fruit per tin 10c WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Ross Spro ct [Phone 8 W. M. Stewart Ph°IIe 77 R B74 We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given: Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will give you of our best in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Create Separators, Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth Lreainery Co, Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Prop. Iw NORTH MCKILtOP. Mrs. L. (Leeming who was visiting hecp arents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mit- f rd then of Carling has returned o J, Walker Son home Mrs. I{ate Leeming is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bella Boyd, Friends and neighborsgathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R :Buuk, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 7th. Pro- gressive euchre was played until mid- night. They danced until the wee sena' hours of the morning. All left, reporting a good time. Mr. and Mrs. David Watson spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, L. Leeming. UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment' diploma and license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. Pianos Tuned; Cleaned and Repaired al r Chas.owe A, � y Phone 327-J. Centre St. D, H, McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seafortb Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated., Electricity used. BORN. Ell GI'E-'In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, 'Seaforth, on Wednesday, an 151th. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie of Ttckersnnith, ,a daughter" DIJNIIhOI'.—'In. Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on Thursday, Jan, 9, 4930, to Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Dun. lop, 'jpf Seaforth, a daughter,;, STANLEY. Township Council. -The firstmeet- ing of the township council for 1930 was held at Varna on Monday when the following officers were appointed: Clerk, Chas. Pilgrim. • Treasurer, George Beatty. 'Assessor, Joseph Hood, • Collector, Wni. Reid. 'Auditors, Lorne Manson and Alex. McEwen.E. 1l has . been Harm we clerk of Stanley for a number of years but owing to hisremoval to Goderich it was necessary to appoint another clerk. Born.—In Stanley, on Saturday, Jan. 1l h, to •Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnston, a son. Mr. and Mrs, Len. Talbot spent Sunday at the home of Mr. William Dows'on. Mr. Frank MoClinchey leiftlast week for Guelph. He intends taking a course at the O'A.C. Mr.• George Cbleman of ,Egnvond- villo' spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. Elgin McKinley ' We ere sorry to report the seribus illness of Mr, Nathan Peck of Hen - sail, a Fortner resident of Stanley. Mr, Ben. Keys has treated his fam- ily to a radio. ,Sacramen't of the Lord's supoer vides observed in bite Goshen, Blake and Varna, United churches last 'Sun- day. Corns are Painful growths, Hollo- way's Corn R.etnover willremove thein. HOT 'SUPPER. • The Ladies' Aid Society of First Pres'byteriah Ohurch are serving a hot slipper in, . the !basement 01 the church on Monday, Jan. 20th, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. A general invitation is ex- tended to all. Admission 40e. TOWN TOPICS Miss 'Gladys McPhee left last week to ,enter the Ontario College of Edo cation Toronto Mrs, A. D Armstrong was in Mit- ellen on Friday, visiting Mrs. (Dr) Armstrong. . IRemetnlber .the ,annual meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society in the Carnegie Library, Friday after- noon, January 17th; at 2.00 p.m The success or failure o1 our fall fair de- pends entirely on. the inte'res't taken by the citizens of the town and vicin- ity and the turnout on Friday should be a bumper one :Keep the date of January 31st open for a real treat in Cardno's hall An- nouncement later. Mr. Ernest Girvin of Godericltvisit- ed several days. the past week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Kirk. Mr, Jos. Doyle returned Thursday to Detroit. Mrs, F. S. Jackson of Arkoma is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Sarah Pullman. "Mrs, Mc!Culla celeibrated her 93rd birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart, North Main street, on Tuesday, Jan. 14. • -Miss Jessie Bethune arrived, home from Vernon, B:C., on Saturday after an extended visit with her sister there, Mr. Alexander Campbell's litany friends were sorry to hear of his bak- ing seve'ely,ill on Sunday. 'Mr, and ,Mrs, B. W. Carlile and dau- ghter Annie of Hillsgreen spent the week -end at the home of Mrs, John Gonsitt. Mr. Thos. Jarman left Friday for his home at Climax, S'ask.,,after visit- ing his parents, Mt. and Mrs, Jarman, in town. Mr, Jarman came to Toron- to before Christmas with a car of fine horses from'his ranch, and disposed of them immediately at an excellent price. - 'Frieuds'of Mrs. Robert McKinley will regret to learn she is very poorly, having suffered a light stroke. Mr. Will'vam Elcoat, who has been very ill at his home on John street, for two weeks, is somewhat improved. Mr. Henry Fowler of London spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs, Joseph Fowler, Huron Road, who has been poorly. Miss Guerra Browit left ' Tuesday for Toronto.. Mrs. Fled Dutton of Stratford visit- ed her friend, Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Harold Large and son Joseph returned to their home in London af- ter spending a couple of weeks with her parents ,here. ' The Collegiate 'basketball teams— girls' team and boys' team—went to Clinton Wednesday evening to play the Clinton Collegiate teams. Mr. Robert Aberhart ent last week w to Meaford for an extended visit with his brother, Dr. Aberhart. Miss Belle Jackson is the guest of her cousin, Miss Margaret Jackson. Miss Vera Dodd's, who was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. M. McKel- lar, left Tuesday for her home in To> ront0, Mrs. Sherman of Vanguard,Saslc., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Sam- uel Hanna on Friday last. She also visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swale. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Nutt of St. Marys attended the funeral of the late Mrs, ID, Ferguson on Wednesday. .At a meeting of the Public School Board on Wednesday evening, Trus- tee J. 1J. Robertson was elected chair- man and 'two appointments were made by the;Board; Mr. Thomas Dickson' to the Collegiate Board and ;Rev. W. P. Lane to the Library Board. C. 6. I. T. The weekly meeting of the Marion Keith C.G,tI, C was held Wednesday evening, Jan 15, 1930, in the basement of the Northside United Church, 'Sea - forth, Officers were elected to take the places of those who have left town. Arrangements were made for a skating i ito be held next Thurs- day e eing partyt the Rink, after which a hot lunch will be served, The meet- ing closed with the C.G:LT, benedic- tion.. MRS. DAVID FERGUSON. The death of Mrs, David 'Ferguson occurred at the home al her daugh- ter, 'Mrs. (Dr.)' Grieve, on Monday, following a prolonged illness of four years. `Since October last her health had More rapidly failed. For nineteen .years Mrs. !Ferguson has lived in 'Sea Forth. 'Formerly I3annah Louise Hyde, a daughter of the late Thomas I-Iyde, she .was 'barn 75 years ago in Blanshard township where her early life was spent. After her ntarria'ge she lived on the 9th concession, Tucker-. swath, untilconning to Seaforth. She is survived by one son, Mr. Thomas Ferguson, aqui .Mrs. Grieve, both of town; also one brother, Mr, Wm. Hyde, Tuckersmith; two brothers and two sisters predeceased her, The funeral which, took place from. the residence'of Dr. John 'Grieve, Go- derich street, on RVednesda an. 15 was largely 'attended. Rev.1,J S. B. Keine Of .First 'Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. Following the service at the home the funeral pro- ceeded to Staffa• cemetery wrhere the remains were Illaid to rest. The pall- bearers were George Aherhart Wm. Elgie, Wm. Morrison Robt. Hogg,,,.M. McKcJllar, :john :Henderson: BRUCEFIELD. The meeting of time Women's as- sociation was held Jan. 2nd at the home of Mrs. ((Rev.) \'V.'. A. Breen-. ties. The first pant` of and meeting 'was spent in sewing and social inter- course. The meeting proper' opened by singing hymn 697: ' Standing at the Portal Of the, opening year Words of comfort meet us, Hushing every; fear. Ila the absence of Mus, Wm. Ratten- bury,. our Devotional leader, Mrs. J. McQueen acted in .ber place, taking the Scripture reading, Prayer was of- fered by Mrs. QRev.) W. A. Bremner. The president, Mrs. Alex, Broadfoot, then took charge of the meeting., The secretary;s and treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Roll call re- sponded 'to.New Year's resolutions. A most interesting topic was read by Mrs. T. Chapman, subject, good re- solutions for the New Year. The next meeting will be held at the home of .Mrs. David Tough, Feb. ah, at 2:30. The subject for roll call will be "Pa- d mil tt�;.;3-t 7tr i Olt k 4u1 1 it 11 hl � next Surnmrs l h.:Iiday ARE YOU HOPING to take a voyage next Summer on one of the wonderful Canadian lakes or rivers -or perhaps you desire to go abroad Whatever your holiday ambition, you can make it come true with the help of a Savings Account. Do this tomorrow ask any official at a Province of Ontario Savings Office how little you will have to deposit each week to have the necessary balance by June. Make your Savings Account here a gang- plank to travel delights. -'.i------- TORONTO BRANCHES: Cor. Bary and Adelaide Sts. Cor. Danforth and Fenwick Avenues, 2046 Danforth Ave., Corner University Ave. and Dundas St. Other (BRANCHES at: Aylmer, Brantford, Hamil• ton Newmarket.t O tawa Pembroke Owen Sound Seaforth, St. Catharines, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock. PROVINCE OF qkkg .g thMS S FF ICE WIRY %EPOSITs%fAi`��dCnCif,AVeaellt0e:T HEAD OFFICE / x?;w; Pitlto•�QRGSr From Early to Late All Toronto branches are open from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. On Saturday, all branches are open from 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Branches at Danforth and Fenwick and at 2048 Danforth Avenue are also open Saturday eveningsfrom7to9p.m. P3ranches outside Toronto are open Satur- day afternoon and evening. Hence." The meeting closed by all re- peating the Mizpah benediction in unison, after which the hostess served a dainty lunch. TUCKERSMIT;` 'Ladies' Aid .het Tuesdr - ton at the home of Mrs. ,James . 'aetvot with a good attendance, Mr. Will Black delivered three very fine horses to a buyer in Clinton last week. The many Friends of George Black will be pleased to hear he is improv- ing end hope to see hent house soon. ,Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, Mrs. Thos. Coleman and Mrs. Eph, Clarke and Russell Coleman attended the funeral of Mrs. Ernie Pfrimmer at Benmiller: last Friday. The many friends of David MdLean were sorry to hear of him being con- fined in the Memorial Hospibai, Sea - forth having underwent an operation for appendicitis, but hope soon to hear of his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chesney of Tor- onto were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sproat, also Mrs. Robert Charters, Mr. and Mrs. T. Grieve and others in this neighborhood. Mr. John Murray is again on the sick list. •Mr. Thomas Richardson was well enough to be removed to his home on the Mill Road and is slowly progress- ing. Mr. rogress-rnMr. George Black, who has been in the isolation hospital in Toronto for scarlet fever six weeks has been un- fontuna'te enough to have to undergo two operations within one week. We all hope for some improvement in the near future. Miss Margaret Brown had the mis- fortune to fall on the ice and fracture her jaw. 'Messrs. D. Papple and A. Kennedy .rade a business trip to Kitchener re- cently. Mr. end Mrs, J. McElroy of Eg- mondv'rlle have moved to Milton where Mr McElroy has seemed a good position. Rnternally and Externally' it is Good —The. 'crowning property of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is that it can be used internally for many com- plaints as well as externally. For sore throat, croup, whooping cough, pains in the chest; colic and many kin- dred ailments it has qualities that are unsurpassed. A bottle of it costs lit- tle and there is no loss in always hat- ing it at hand" CROMARTY. Mr. Alvin Dodds, teacher, spent the week -end with, his parents in Seaforth. :Mrs. Jack Kemp and her two chil- dren are spending a few days with her parenits, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Houghton. The 'W.M:S. was held at the hone of Mrs. Ken, McKellar's last 'Friday afternoon. Miss Annie Speare returned to To- ronto after spending the holidays with her father, Mr. Joe Speare. Gladys Hamiltpn of Toronto spent the holiday's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Hami,ltan iMr. and Mrs. Alex, ivlc'Kellar's fam- ily were alt hone for Ne'w Year's: Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar and fam- ily of Seaforth; Mr and' Mrs. Wilbur Miller and :family, Stat£a; Mr. and Mrs. John IT=11ton. Cromarty. The dearth occurred suddenly in Aneroid, Sask.,, of Mr: Lloyd Dow, son of Mrs, Wm. Dow of Hibbert, following an opeoation. The remains Were brought to Mitchell and inter- ment was made in Roy's church cern- etery. The late Sir, Dow was born 40 years ago in Hibbert and lived here until he went nest at sixteen years of age. Besides his 'widow and two Chil- dren, he is survived by his mother, three brothers aiid three sisters: Clifford and Stanley, of Hibbert; Roy and Bessie, at home; Mrs. Bert Rus- sell, of Russeldale, and Mrs. Dal- rymple of Hibbert" His father, the late Wm. Dow, died a number of years ago. McKILLOP. At the inaugural meeting of the Township Council held in the Carne- gie Library,Seaforth, on Monday, the followingfollowiug officers were appointed for the ensuing year: Clerk, John Mc- Nay; treasurer, F. Bruce Medd; ass- essor, James O',Sullivan; collector, George 3lcIKee; medical officer of Health, Dr. F. J, Burrows; sanitary inspector, John Balfour; school at- tendance officer, John McNay; audi- tors, Alex. Cuthill and Thomas Moy Ian, P community was deeply shocked when Away in McKillop. — The the news of the death of Mr. Fred Koehler was announced. Mr. Koeh- ler, who had been ill for about three weeks but was again able to be up,. took an attack of heart failure and died very suddenly on Tuesday after- noon. lir. Koehler was horn about 70 years ago on the farm where he died. and where he had lived all his life He was an active member of the Evangelical church from early youth and always interested in the welfare of the community, His first wife pre- deceased hint about 25 years ago, leaving a family of two sons and five daughters. One son died with the flu' while in training during the war. He was again married about 20 years age: and leaves his widow and two daugh- ters and one son, also three step- children, to mourn his loss. He is also survived by one brother, Mr. Henry Koehler, in lictKiltop, and one sister, firs.. Peter Wilhelm, at Shake speare. Tfie 'family are: Mrs, Henry Hoegy, Grey; William Koehler ',Nil's. Fred Beuermann, on the 9th, McKil- lop; Mrs, Ezra See'baeh, Fullerton: Mrs. Louis Benneweis, 10th Logan: 'Mrs. Herman Maedea, Waterd'o'wn; Irene, Marie and Harvey -at home; Mr. Lawrence Messersch'ntudt, of De- troit: Mrs, Jerry Doerr, at Restock; Mrs. Norman Benneweis on 8th Lo- gan; also 15 grandchildren. The following is the report for S. S. No. 12, McKillop for the months of Noreniber and December. Sr. iV.—Gretta Hulley 88, Agues Dodds 74. ` Jr. IV. —(Elizabeth McFarlane 79, Agnes Case .Sr. I:I'L-1Bert McSpadden 78. Tillie Hulley 76, Jr, 1;I11. -- Margaret Habkirk 7S, George Habkirk 70. Sr, II. --{Arthur McClure 45. Jr. T. --(Gordon 'Hulley 68. Primer --'Lillian McClure, good, The Highest in stars for spelling in each Claes Were: IV. Sr.-'Gretta Hul- ler Jr 117. --Elizabeth McFarlane. DI1 Sr 'Lillie Hulley and Bert Mc- Spadden (equal), Jr III.— George Habkirk, Annie E. Strong, Teacher. CONSTANCE. Mr, Wm. Carter, Gov't. judge of poultry went to Timmins on Monday and front there to the Soo. Mrs, Robt. Clarke went to Listowel to spend a few clays with her son, Mr, Clarence Clarke. Miss Vera Dodds, who spent • a couple of weeks with Mrs. J. Fer- guson returned on Tuesday of this week. lir. and firs. hack Ferguson are spending a couple of days with the former's sister, Mrs.' Noble of Wa- wanosh. Mrs, J, Medd and son Jack return- ed last week after spending a few days with Mr. and firs. John Medd of Exeter. Andrew Snell went to Blen- heim on Wednesdays of last week to visit his sister, Mrs. Latimer. W. W. M. S.—The M. S. held their 11 e tet meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson on Thursday. The meeting opened with silent prayer, after which the President led in prayer. A hymn was sung after which prayer was offered by Mrs. Clarke, .firs. Snell, Mrs, Wheatley, and Mrs. Lindsay. Hymn 170 was sung, fololwed by priayer by Mrs, E. Adams and Mrs, E, Britton, Minutes were read and adopted. The Sec'y- Treasurer gave a very satisfactory report of the past year. Plans were then discussed for the coming year, after Which we sang two verses of "I am Dying, 0 Lord." The dexo tional leaflet was read by Mrs, Robt. Clarke, after which was sung as a prayer, Breathe on -Me Breath of God. The scripture lesson was read by !Mrs. Robt. Lawson. (Readings were given on `The Birthday of the Church" from the study hook "Jerusalem. to Jerusalem." by Mrs. E. Adams, firs. Wm, Britton, Mrs. B. B. Stephenson, and Mrs Wheatley. Mrs, Roy Law- son then told the story of "B'lind Chang" showing g what the Holy Spirit can accomplish with 'a surren- dered life.' 'Meeting closed with pray- er by Mrs, Robt, Lawson. Lunch was served. Miss Phoebe Wakefield returned house from Stratford last Saturday af- ter spending three weeks with friends 4110111116, there. 'Mrs. Thomas Pollard visited with friends in Clinton on Sunday" Miss Mary Cook of Goderich town- ship, is spending her holidays at the hone or her sister, Mrs. Joseph Riley Jr. Mr, Ben. Snell had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week. Miss Vera Dodds of Toronto has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. John Ferguson, for a couple of weeks, Robt, Armstrong has been vis- iting isiting friends in the vicinity. Mr. Wm. Evans • is spending his holidays at the home of Mr. Wrn. Clarke. Little Olive Grimloldby had the mis •fortune to break a bone in her aria while playing. Olive is very unfort- unate, this being the third tune she has broken her arm in ave years: OLD TIME ,Forrester's Hail, Constance, Friday, Jan, 17th. Ladies bring lunch, Ad- mission 25c. 1 Try V It When you feel tired and drowsy, slip around the corner and get a massage at S I EYS 5Iop You may.come in with ... aroueb but will go out g ,. with a smile. Phone 125. YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires 'and Tubes Battery Sales and Service and d'Repairiag all makes of Batteries Charging P A. good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars If your car is in ,need of repairs, give tis a call Studebaker Saks and ` Service • Realer s Garage PHONE 167W