HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-01-09, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1930. VperiOrChainSIO're WE DEPEND UPON YOUR CO'NIFIDEN'CE • That's why, when you 'phone your order to a Superior Chain Store you know that you are going to obtain the best that can be had --and in mos''t cases :we can supply you with the best for the least money. The six hundred Superior Chain Stores in Ontario are at all tines str+ivin:g to merit: your confidence. Your satis8falebion is our first consideration. WE SELL T'HE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Ending January 15th,_ 1930 13 S. THIOMIPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 lbs, , . , , ..23 c H. S. KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. 25 c MAPLE LEAF CORN, 2's .. ,., , , .2 for 29 c JEWEL SHORTENING, l's , , , , , , , ,,, ... ,,Per Pkg. 17 c GOLDEN H'ALLOWI DATES ,.,,,,, ;,,,,,.,,,., 2lbs, 21 c HARVEST CRABAPPLE JELLY 40 oz, jar 31 c and Beans, Medium for 25c a L .. ara 23c . Clarks Pork.g .Durham Gout Starch ... ........... . ... per pkg. 10c ,French's Mustard, 8 oz A product of;Keen's each 14c each 10c 3 lbs.25c 3 bottles 25c per •tin 25c each 50c • 3 for 25c' per pkg. 19c per tin 20c pints 69c $1.99 $1.99 . 25c 3 lbs, '$1.50 Cherry; Grove or Cardinal Molasses, 15%'s White Canadian Beans Extracts, all flavors Red Pitted Cherries, 2's, H.S. Pure Glover Honey, 4 lbs, 8 ozs. Pimentos - • Table Figs,8 oz, pkgs. wrapped' Aylmer Jumbo Sweet Peas, 2's Johnson's Liquid Floor Wax ... - Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, rep. gal. tins Heinz Spanish Queen Olives,, rep. gal. tins, Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, large size tin Choice Japan Tea, per lb, 53c Ross J. Sproat W. M. Stewart Phone 8 Rhone 77 eREll We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to. other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will give you of our best in, service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come ' in and see the new Models. YCo, Seaforth Creamer Sea Ont. � C. A. BARBER, Prop. WJ, 'Walker &Son . UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. amplummmi Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired ai� Chas. Howey y Phone 3274. Centre St. H, McInnes Lhiropractor , Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used, si STANLEY. Mr, Bert Peck, Babylon. Zine, was Monday Where his rolled .to Hensel!Y father, Mr. Nathan Peck, is serio.us- ly ilh Mr. -Frank 'McOincltey - left 37r4i'n- day to take a short course- at the Send us the names of your visitors. LONDESBORO. Mrs. E. Lyon, hasgenie to visit her at Ottawa andc daughter 0 t a ex a ts to be I A away two months.. Mr, Robert Armstrong of Detroit is visiting with his nephew here, Mr. J. W. Armstrong. hiss Mae Hamilton returned to To- ronto on Friday last where she has a position. - ,Rev. J. C..and Mrs, rPiorster return- ed on Thursday 'last after spending New Year's with their daughter at Sarnia. Mr. A, Lyon returned to his school at Kitchener on, Saturday last. Mrs. Fingland is spending a few days the guest of her son at•Walton, Mr, E. Gray returned to Stratford Normal on Saturday last after spend- ing the holidays at his home here. .Mt, Jas. Elsley spent last Friday in Clinton. - Miss Alice tFingland spent the week end with Wingham friends. .Miss Brigham returned to Windsor ,on Saturday alter holidaying at her home here. ' - Miss Esther_ Jamieson .left for Tor- onto on Saturday where she will re- sume teaching. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Sid. Lee a'ho is in Clinton hospital having been operated on, is getting along well. Miss Olive Lyon returned to Luck.; now after visiting at her hone here. Mrs. George Moon spent Sunday with her friend, Mrs. Townsend. Mr, Fred Johnston of the C.NJR, is hotne on holidays ,firs: T. Nott has returned after'vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs. Smith, of Summerhill: ,Mr. and Mrs. Less Ball spent New Year's with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. II. Ball, ,of near Auburn. MANLEY. The many friends • of Mrs. Jerry Ot.Hara are,,piea'sed to learn she is im- proving from her late illness. Mr. Fergus Horan is wearing a smile since the 27th ult., when his, wife presented him with a baby boyQGer- old Edward). - Rev, J. M. Eckert left this week for his home in Hiawthorne, N.Y., to continue his missionary work in the Eastern States The late Thaw has - almost cleared the roads of the snow and will make wheeling possiible with the exception of a few drifts which are to be levelled down, ._ The fields have been cleared of snow which is unseasonable and is 11 he in- jurious to the fall wheat crop and the fresh seeding down and if we do not get a new blanket of snow soon the s:, expectations of a bumper crop will be ,� tis slim TOWN TOPICS Mr• Richard Meeters from Owe dale, Mich. is spending a .few de with Mr. arid iblrs. John Love. - Miss Aileen Flannery returned Toronto on Saturday after apendii Christmas and -Netiv, 'Ye'ars with .h parents. - Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Somerville Toronto spent the week -end with h sisters, "Mrs: Whittaker and Mi Somerville.. 'Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Shannon Vanguard, Sask.. are visiting Mr. an Mrs John Love for a week. Mrs. !W. H. Wadla.nd, of Stra,tfot 'and baby Jeanette are the guests Mrs. Neltsorn 'Governllock, Winthro for a few days. Mr.- and Mgrs. Sant Chesney of T ronto are visiting friends in Egsmon� vine and vicinity. • MT. flake Sproat is back from T rant° where he spent several days. Sirs, Annie Verson of Toronto; w was a holiday guest with her •siste Mos. Catherine McDonald,left Mot day for her home in the :city. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Simpson Egmiondlville entertained,. a party* friends on New Years in honor their daughter and son-i:n-law, and Mrs: Harry Caldwell. Miss Bellla C. Sproat was called 'lloronto to attend the funeral of h brother, Jas. B. Sproat, who passe away on 2nd of ;January,. following stroke.' The many friends of Mr. W. Dickson, Jan -lea -street, are sorry . lonow that he,lyas,been confined to h home the past week, Miss: Dolly Carlin, who was in 11 neilton,•,returned to town last week an after spending. a: few days, she le for Calgary where she will spend th winter months with- her sister, Mr (Dr.) ISwartzlauder: Miss Nora, Lane of Toronto ha returned hone after spending a wee with her cousin, Miss Helen Lane. 'Miss Mary Dodds was hostess to jolly dance on 'Friday night when th Midnight Rovers Club met at he home. There were about forty pre _sent. .Mr. Harold Cummings of-Kitchene arrived Monday to spend a couple o weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs John Cummings. -.Keep this date open, Friday even big, January 24, dance in Cardno' Opera Hall 10• aid of the. Seafort Girls' Softball 'Club. See next week' papers for orchestra and other par oculars. Miss Verna Adams left last wee for Welland after visiting her parents Mrand Mrs. Miller ,Adams. Mrs. R N. Hays returned to he home in New York Monday. He sister Miss Helen -Campbell, returne with her. The Ladies' Aid of Northside Unit ed Church will give a Valentine sup per in the schoolroom on Friday, :Feb 14tls. Keep the date in mind. Mr. and Mrs. John Quail of Clinton visited at the home.of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, J. Sillery Egmondville, last week. Mr. Tom Nolan has returned to Toronto University after spending the holidays at,hishome here. Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Vanstone o Stratford were New Year's visitors a the home of Mr. and Mrs, -L: G. Van. Egmont, Mrs, S. F. Carron left last week fo Flint, Mich. Mr. Jacob Weber, whose illness took a very serious turn recently, is somewhat improved, Mr, Clifford Trott who spent the holiday with lis parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Trott, has returned to his school at Schomberg, Miss Catherine Lloyd and brother Leonard, ii d, of Strafford, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hohfbein. Among the teachers returning to their schools were Miss Ria Hills to Oshawa, 'Misses Ida and Eva Love and Miss Bertha Beattie to •Toronto, Miss Bessie Grieve to Chatham, Miss Eleanor Burrows left this week for L'ond'on to attend school, Mr, and -Mrs. Johnston McElroy moved to Milton on Wednesday, Mr. Wilson Allen moving their furniture. Dr. Mackay and Miss Minnie Mac- kay have returned from Toronto after visiting friends there during the holi- days. Mr. George Black who itas been ill with scarlet fever suffered a relapse in the Isolation hospital, Toronto, - and has had to remain there•. He had ex- pected to return home on New Year's. :hiss Lillian Whitfield, R.N., of Stratford, spent New Year's with her sister, Mrs. Jack Currie, of town. Miss Dorothy Webster, R,N., of Toronto,'spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Web- ster. Mrs. Irving B. False returned on Tuesday alter, spending the holiday season with her parents, at Englehart, !Rain has been the predominant fea- ture of .the weather during the past week and has removed much of Dec- ember's surplus snow. The highway was opened to motor traffic after be- fog closed for a couple of weeks, the snow plow going west about 2 o'clock Friday morning, Hydro suffered somewhat on New Year's night when several breaks occurred in -the lines. Mrs. S. Johns •received' a'ntessage+ o7 Sunday telling of the death of, her sister -'in-law, Mrs. H. Canfp'beil, at Mentor, Ohio, on Saturday, Jan,' 4. Mrs. Johns left Monday to attend the ftnkeral. Mr, Jack Currie received word of the death in ,Blrussels of his uncle, Mr. Andrew Currie on Monday. Mr. Currie at one time was a resident ,of Harpur'hey. The funeral was held Wednesday to St, John's Cemetery near London. •Mr, Will Brine of T' routo spent the week -end' with his sisters, Misses Brine, Mr, Roy, Butts is holidaying with his brother, •Mr, John Butts, in Flint, M:iMr, Thomas Hudson of Marlette 'Mich., is visiting his sister, Mrs. John' Consitt. :The Misses Kennedy who spent the 'Christina's holidays with their sister, •.\Mrs. Reynolds in Stratford, return- ed Rosie on Friday, Mrs. Roland Kennedy, of Tucker-. n,i'•tlt, was called to Detroit during e week where her daughter is seri • THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE £ve(yde. byt/th Sit quw ie a 6ovenv � t TORONTO BRANCHES: Cer.Bayand Adelaide Sts.,Cor. Danforth and Fenwick Avenues, 2048 Danforth Ave., Cor. University Ave. and Dundas Street. Other BRANCHES at: Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, New- nnarket; Ottawa,Pemb'roke,Owen Sound, Seaforth, St. Catharines, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock, From Early to. Late Alt Toronto branches are open from 9.30 a,m. to 5 p.m. daily. On Saturday, all branches are open from 9.30 a,m. to 1 p.rn. Branches at Danforth and Fenwick and at 2048 Danforth Avenue are also open Saturday evenings .from 7 to 9 p.m. Branches outside Toronto are open Saturday afternoon and evening, IP VERY DOLLAR you deposit in the Province - of Ontario Savings Office is SAFE! The Government of Ontario, the banner province of Canada—this is your guarantee ofabsolute security. And with all this safety, not one iota of banking service is sacrificed. Withdrawals are in order at your command. Interest begins from the momentof deposit. The hours are extended for your convenience. Start now on the highroad to financial independence by depositing $1. or more. - L_______ROVINCE OF A, \AVINGS OFFICE EVERY DEPO5TGIAa ANEEE � ONT RICOOMWENT HEAD OFFICE �`pfgRl� �T P La O a��> l g FiDELi, 2 ously ill with pneumonia. - Miss Mary McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McMillan, Tuck- ersmith, has entered a convent at London. Universal regret was felt in town when it was learned that Miss M. W. Mackay had resigned froni' her posi- tion on the staff of the Public school. Miss Mabel Turnbull is supplying for her. The many friends of Miss Annie Lawrence will be pleased to know she is improving though she will be con- fined to the hospital for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W, Free were in Brantford over the week -end owing to the illness of Mrs. Sidney Free there. -Mr. Glen Gemmell, son of.- Mr. David Gemmell, of Tuckersmith Tp., who attending isSeaforth Collegiate, underwent ars operation on an injured knee bone. The injury resulted from a kick by a cow. Dr. Gemmell of Stratford, his uncle, performed, the operation on Saturday, in the Scott hospital. - - Mr. and Mrs. 'Daman of White- wood, Sask., were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. Butts and left to visit in Kincardine. ' ST. COLUMBAN. Messrs. Thomas McQuaid and Charles Malone have returned to Windsor after spending the holidays at their homes here, 'Quite a number from here attended the 'funeral of Mr, Thomas Moylan, who died in. Dublin, on Sunday and was buried on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Purcell and little daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lame. ..Miss -Margaret MbIGrath spent a couple of days with her. friend, Miss Mary O'Sullivan, Miss Bridget McGrath is visiting her brother, Mr. Patrick V. McGrath: 'Miss Margaret Purcell of Seaforth, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Michael Parry. Misses Mildred and Gertrude Mc- Grath have returned to :their schools at Guelph.. -S S No 3. McKillop and Hibbert. —Form IL -French, Elizabeth Carlin 89, (Bridget Delaney 81, John Mc- Quaid 79, Lticy Eckert 74, John Hol- land 74, Vincent Eckert 71, 'Rose Me - .lady 71, Mary Delaney 64, Form L—French, Vera O'Reilly 83, Elate Flannery 81, Alice Flannery 61, Form II—Latin, John McQuaid 79, Vincent Eckart 74, Lucy Eckert 72, john Holland 67, Bridget Delaney 62, Elizabeth Carlin 60, Mary Delaney 50, Rose Malady 45. Form I.—Latin, Vera O'Reilly 90, Catherine Flannery 82, Alice Flan- nery 53. Entrance Class—Agnes Delaney 76, Loretto Holland 70, Alphonse Cronin 65, Hanna Crinin 63, Kale Holland 61.3, Edward Hartt 60, Florence O'- Sullivan 59, Mary McQuaid 57, Mary Hart 40. (Those With less than 60 per cent. are failures:) Jr. JN.—Ssbary. Murphy, Mary O'Sullivan, Mary McGrath, Irene Mc- Quaid, Thomas Meetly, Fergus Me - lady, Edward O'Sullivan. ISr. Ir.—Lillian Miles, Margaret Murphy, Ella O'Sullivan. Benny Hol- land, Albert Hart. !Tr. ITI.-Louis O'Reilly, Toe 'O'- Reilly. Mary Hart, Jack Cronin, Ed- ward Roach, Isabel Roach. Jr. I'I.- Class—Jack Roach, Wilfred McQuaid, Francis O'Reilly, Con Hol- land, Angeline Ruston, Ralph Murphy, Pat. Cleary. Jr. I. -Lizzie Roach, Pat McGrath, Pat O'Sullivan, Joe Hart. Primer—Mildred Murphy, Mary Murray, Mary O'Reilly, Doris Ruston, Jim Roach, Jim Cleary. - KIPPEN Mr, Andrew Bell who has been vis- iting relatives at Glen Allen, returned hoarse, looking well after his pleasant visit. Mrs. Beverly Beaton and son, of Detroit, who have. been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jonah Green, is now visiting friends and relatives in Seaforth. :lirs. W. 3. Doig returned from Stratford after having spent a very pleasant visit with friends and rela- tives. - Mrs. Pybus and three children from the West are visiting the fornter's mo- ther, Mrs, .Ricker, Miss Etta Bell of London spent Nen' Years with her parents, lir, and Mrs. A. Bell. - Dr, and Mrs, Jarrott of Ailsa Craig spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott. Miss Etta Jarrott has returned to Toronto and Mr. G. Jarrott and Mr. Clarence lVICLean have returned to London University. Miss Rose McLean of Cobourg, has returned to h'er school there after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mc- Lean. Mr, and Mrs. John Jarrott gave•a dinner to a large number of relatives on the occasion of their fifteenth wedding anniversary, Mr. Gordon Fowler and itis mother, Mrs. Fowlef, have returned to Toron- to after spending their holidays with relatives here,, -- Mr. G. Sinclair of the West is visit- ing his mother Mrs. J, Sinclair, who is at present very poorly, - The annual meeting of the' Kipper Horticultural Society will be held on Tuesday evening, Jan, 14 at 8 o'clock at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Bot•ay. All members are cordially invited to be present. BRUCEFIELD, The annual meeting of the Horticul- tural -;Society will be held iu. the school room of the Church, Thursday, Janu- ary 16th, AA full attendance is re- quested. The public library that has been closed for the past three weeks will be re -opened this week and a number of new books will be ready for circula- tion. irculation. The membership fee will be the same as is former years. Mrs, A. Moore, of Egniondiville'; spent a few days last week at the borne of her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. MoKenzie. Mrs. George Hills is visiting at the home of her son, Mr,' G. Hill of Strat- ford, at present. Miss Ina Scott of London spent New Year's Day at the home of her mother, Mrs, A. T..Scott. Mr. Welter ,M'cBewttt, formerly of Stanley, who has been. spending- they past fest Yeats in the 'West Is 'visi•ting at the home ,p1 itis daughter, Mrs,' John .Murdoch and other friends in:the vicinity at present, - ` The Misses Annie and Alice Mus- tard of London spent New Year's Day at the home of their parents, Mr, John McIntosh, a former er Brucefteld boy, gave a most interest- ing account of his experience on his mission field last summer, in the Un- ited Church last Sunday evening. He was stationed thirty-five mites from Moosejaw at Wincrest and Oldwives, seventeen miles apart. He preached at both places every Sunday and also conducted Sunday School. The ser- vices were held in schools. He also conducted Sunday School at two oth- er places ,on weeks days after school hours. The closing services, which were held in September found the schools well filled, showing how much his services were appreciated: The United Church opened up fifty-two new stations last year. A Good Animal -Mr, 3. S. David- son 'received during the past st week a young :Shorthorn bull, 15 months, purchased from Mr, James Douglas of 'Caledonia. He is a son .of the Browvndale Coronet, and from the Good Missy Family on the darn's side, The Browndale is one of .the leading families of Shorthorns of the present day, so he should prove a good sire. Mr. Humphrey Snell and Miss Charity- Snell of Hulled spent New Year's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snell. .. Mr. and. Mrs. Angus McKinnon and Misses Mary and Elizabeth Harrigan visited at the ,home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Lane on New Years Eve. - Mrs. John: McKnight, Clinton, Spent the week end at the hone of their son, Mr. Glen McKnight. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nott visited at the home of Mr. Walter Layton on New Years, - Mrs. Loucks and baby Albert visit- ed at the home of Mrs. George Fal- coner on Thursday of last week. •The London ,Road Community Club are holding their January meeting at the home of Mrs, William Stanbury, on Wednesday, January 8th, Mrs. George Falconer spent Christ- mas week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Rathburn of ,Sombra. The rams early in the week has spoiled the sleighing. :Large cognregations were present at the church the last two Sunday ev- enings to hear Mr. Lance Norris and Mr, Jlohn, McIntosh tell of, the work dote on the mission fields in Saskat- chewan where they labored during the summer months, The need of this work is great in our Canadian West. Last Friday while Mr. T. Richard- son was assisting his mien in the bush in Stanley, he was hit on the head by a falling tree. Medical aid was called and a few stitches were required: On Monday he was roved to his home on the Mill Road where he is. now rest- ing. Mr. Richardson's many friends hope to see him about soon. The following have returned to their studies: Mr. L. Norris, Mr. John Mc- Intosh, Mr. Carman Haugh and Miss - Anna Haugh to Toronto; Miss. M. Pepper to Stratford and Mr. G. Knight to London; Miss E. Broad- foot and Mr. E. Stackhouse to Guelph. 12r. L. Boyes has returned to his school at Embro; lfr. R. 1feNau ton to London, Miss E. 'McDonald t Palermo. - \Veek of prayer is being observed in the church here. On Tuesday, January 14th, et 2 o'clock the United Farm men and wo- men will hold a joint meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. Tough. All interested are invited. Report of con- vention will be given. The Men will also elect their officers for the year. Just' Try It When you feel tired and drowsy, slip around . the corner and get a massage at SID9S SHOP You may come in with a grouch but will go out with a smile. Phone 125. `VOCCE IU)TO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and.Service Charging p and Re- air ng all makes of Batteries A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars. If your car in need of repairs, give us k call . Studebaker .Sales and Service Ikesae e s Garage PHONE 167W