HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-01-02, Page 2ember ^'^.: tip Threw %t9; Hebr, rex—Ae h; Preto rhe ay�< cel aro. �. Pealttr 122. L a'stP talsst0t; 2 Matt, 21 Imnonuonmi 41ly "worthship Bone of its oa. recognition of k redigio.s sense,* means doing hon our King, our whose power, g see lthe highest , our minds . have, knowledge, It 1 1?ivine personalis, Lord Jesus Ch, valu es Tho Cln r feIlowship., tinea alone 'athered ab. eame more, love, until' into wash' W0. parte e disciple, others 1.1,e1 circle, whi were _ Cone. spirit wi' stedfastj to chi an itreakink Acts 2: spread g"• ofthos' e endeavor' were fo' ppreaehet lewship of the •-a-•rY "N COM1. Psa Each i 3n worshi our con55 dndivfdua prayer we get the'nt God for th But there: company C ourselves, • satisfying a, more eonseio,' and the powe, are exception true, but it se that rpr{,i worship is neer enter into the life. The story of. rather series 4 ' conducted by Melt. 8: 1-18) . Bible was not i; now, in every n. the people of .3 r were ignorant ch. and their to themfront tire. as a teacher. No multitude he reads• law," and his eon) explaining what t themselves .under Therefore, in the the scriptures, is tt 9,s, and sin, k brans of the no! Psalm 122 is Pilgrim Psalm', sung by, pilgrims city of Jerusalem annual festivals.' inchmentexeursr,4 of th3y. t. city and the sar, - "eomp u t' in ver' ]re t :0151aietl "fe was rhe federate,. )tinging equaLly t, people' of Israel, been in the Mani chose the Jebusj made it hi: wapiti TJea eeming up of sa ter ' tI zneDS . to , the high courts, t mens" Therefoi "pray for the peg 'i~a their own and t and for the e, sanctuary. The passage t the Hebrews (c at earnest exl elle eebfp .and, al sumer,-tnt.,h((�� ,vritee, have Their High Prie, epee of God, a Fr Life changes all=otir thoughts al I-Iea_ I/ yen; At first we think of streets of gold, Of gates of peu^1 and dazzling light, IOf shining wings and robes of white, HURON COUNTY'S WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 15 SEAFORTIT ONTARIO, THURSI DINNERS and SUPPERS.. Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES. i Confectionery and Restaurant TEA REDUCED SALADA, RED ROSE, AND LIP- TONiS formerly 60c now 50c lb, BULK TEA, 40c for 35c BULK TEA, 50c for 45c BULK TEA (Orange Pekoe Special..5Q C CH'OI'CE SAGO AND TAPIO'C'A, usually 2 for 25, special 3 for 25c CCHIOICE TOMATOES, Nature's Best 2's 4 for 25c FRESH CRISP BROKEN BIS- ' 3lbs. -25c •MaCOR'MLCK'.S AND DOERR'S (BISCUITS 2lbs. 25c BfROOMVI'S from 25c to 100 and our dollar brooms are the cheapest. OLD CHEESE, special .. ...20c ib. FIGS, .arge umbrellas, reg, 25c for .. ........ ...... 2 for 25c GENUINE BRISLING SARDINES regular 18c to 20c 1 0 Ci per tin ROYAL PURPLE'GARDEN SEEDS at Sc or 6 for 25c' These gave splendid satisfaction last year. P,ANStHINE, special 10c MAPLE LEAF FLAKES. These are guaranteed to do all that package soap flakes will do :(that cost up: to 40c lb.) Special......21bs 25c F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phood 166 CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev.W W. P.Lane, B,A. Sundby, April li7t'h. . 11 a.m.—Public worship. : Subject, "Fitting 'Symbols of Divine (Manifes- tation. No. 3. 2.30 p.m.—(Sunday Scihbol and Bible Classes. 7 'p.m.—'Public Worship. Subject, "Same fell among thorns." 3rd in series on the Parable of the Sower. THE NEW FORD. On Monday and Tuesday Daly's garage was the centre of attraction, when a New 'Ford V-8 sedan was on display. Much favorabie interest was! expressed in the new car, and it is understood that a number of orders were placed, Y. P. S. The Young People's Society of 'Northside United Church held their regular weekly meeting on Tuesday evening, April 12, with Mr. A. West- cott presiding. The meeting opened by singing several C. G. I. T, songs. The Scripture reading was given by Vera Mole, after Witich Mr. A. West- cott led in prayer. burs. Snell then gave an interesting reading followed by a number of selections by the •Rin- toul boys, which were much enjoyed by all. hiss Dorene Hudson favored us with a reading entitled "The Chal- lenge of True Patriotism," After a couple of unique contests a very dain- ty lunch was served and the meeting was brought to a close by repeating the 'Mizpah benediction. LIONS CLUB An exceptionally good illustrated address was heard. at the Lions Club. regular meeting on Monday night at the Commercial Hotel. Dr. Aubrey Crich, of the Lockwood Clinic, To- ronto, was the speaker, and a very able and thorough discussion on the Reiationalshp of Dental 'Infection to Health was given. The attendance at this meeting was slightly over fifty, there 'being about fourteen guests present from surrounding places, Go- ' 'derich, Clinton, Zurich, Hensall and Dublin, and. about the same number BORN. RYAIN.�In McKillop, on Thurs- day, Manch 24th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, a daughter ('Joan Elizabeth). F,EIL'L.—IIn- Scott Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, April 6, 193'2, to Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Fell of Staffe, a SOD. 113EA•Tt0'N,—Int Scott Memorial Hos- Irital, on Wednesday, •March 31st, '4932, to 'Mr. and Mrs. A, 11. Bea- ton, df Seaforth, a daughter. By Popular 'Request I. The Ladies' Aid Society of First Presbyterian Church will repeat "The Strike of theLadies' Aid" sties A Because SO many persons were unable to she this amusing Comedy in two acts, in which some '(fifteen members'. of the society take part, the ladies will repeat it in the School Room of the Church' on Freda April pril 15 Curtain .rises at'8f15 p,m, Admission 25 cents. of guests from town. Dr. F. J. 13ech- ely and 'D'r, J. A. Munn were in charge. Community singing -compris- ed the musical part of the program. The speaker of the evening, Dr, Crich, is a son of .hfr, and Mrs. W. A. Crich, MEMBERS INQUIRE' (:Front (Hansard) Mr, BEIRT'R•AI-ND: 1, (Were the sup,Jlies to relieve the •western people purcha'sed by the Dominion relief committee? 2. 'Were these purchases authoriz- ed by said committee? 3. 'Lf so, 'how, where and by whom were they made? 4. How many carloads ; of supplies were purchased and sent to the west 5, Were said car loads' of supplies carried free of charge by the rail ways? 6. What was 'the ;chief merchan dise tints supplied? Mr. IGiOrTIT: Of Ontario's donations of food to the west, what •percentage was sent y rhe residents of tH'uroti (South? Mr. IBfEININIErT'T: 'tWi'th -,respect to ESSAY WINS PRIZE Mise Winnie Savauge receiyi Iwotd on Wednesday from the Lios Ilnternation'al essay contest heal quarters at—Chicago 'that her essa "Suggestions "for a Civic Servie Luncheon Club,',had w'ose secon prize in Ontario, and a subs'tanti cheque accompani'ed the letter. Th q'eSay tyshic,h Was ypitblisJue4;o1f" fir' y\r'esys ";,5[y -Lone entries in the essa ton'test conducted by the Sea'fort Lions Club, and was then placed i competition Pet tion with the prize-wnai'inl essays of ot'her centres. The achieve event bears considerable honor, there fore, and Wnmaie's Many friends joi in heartiest .congratulations. ST. TAMES' ARTS CLUB. Mr. Wan. Hantry was guest spealc:e at the regular meeting of St. Jame (Arts Club held in the ,parish 1ia97, o Thursday evening last, with Miss Ma delta to Williams' in charge. The he sb u ject of his interesting address wan "Beautifying the Horne Grounds." II Was illustrated by lantern slides Misses Mar and b• Y Margaret Finkbein or presented a one -act comedy ski and Mr. Bill Nig gave a talk on "Th National Euchlaristic` Congress. a (Dublin, Irel'and." Fldllo'wing the bus iness discussion, themeeting' came t( a close, LADIES' GU•I'LD The L'ad'ies' Guild of St. Thomas Church held their annual meeting last Tuesday at 3 o'clock. The meeting was opened with the president, Mrs., Case in the ,chair. After a prayer, Thiel reports were given, which were very! encouraging. Then carie the election. of officers, Mr. Myers taking that' chair. Mrs. Charles. Holmes was -el acted president Mrs. A. Case, vice president, and Mrs. W. Archibald second vice 'president; Mrs. Parke', sec: treas, Mr. Myers gave a few re- marks in regard to the work of the'. Guild, the 's'p'lendid work they hada done in the past year and thanked the members for the help they hadgiven the church. The naetnbers then dis- cussed sed and planned n work ].for the corn- ing year. The meeting closed with rayer, Mr. Myers .pronouncing the enedictioit. This meeting was post. - Ported through illness, so many of the' members being sick with the flu. 'n BARBARA KIRKMA'N. Members of the Barbara Kirkman Young Women's Auxiliary were hos-1 teases to the Canadian Girl's in Traiii- ing at a mbanquet ost enjoyable held) in the schoolroom 'of First Presbyter- ian Church on Thursday evening at which 100 young women were pre- sent. A toast to -Canada was pro posed 'by Mary Haigh and responded, to by singing "'0 Canada." Eleanor )Evans con'tribu'ted a well -rendered piano solo. A toast to 'the : church was proposed by Norma }labkirk and. responded ted P to ,by Rev. I. B. Klaine. A chorus by the C,GII.IT, girls was fol..' lowed by a reading "'A Mother's, Thought," by Mary Reid. A toast; to our mothers was proposed• by' Margaret Carrillo and resp'ondecl to by Mrs. J. Sclater. A chorus 'Mother," by the C.IG.ff.T, girls; a reading "Sir Walter Scott's Toast," by Margaret McLennan and a solo "My Mother's Kiss," by Anna Ed- munds, were well received. Club' swinging by some of the girls proved an effective feature of the program. Miss Jean Cowan, girls' work secret- ary for the Presbyterian Church in Canada, gave an naspi •ring talk and after -singing of "Taps" the meeting closed with God Save the King. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. The 'devotion and business meeting - of the Women's Auxiliary was held in the parish hall at 3 o'clock with a good attendance, the pre'sident, Mrs. VanlEgntond in the chair. ' The meet- ing opened with Bible reading by Mrs, Myers. Rev, J. F. ,Myers, read the Litany and prayer; the several reports were given and adopted. The roll was called. The W.A. hale had another appeal from tthe•West and they decided to send a bale as soon as they can make it u'p. The members' regret very mu'cli the removal of burs. I11. Evans, a valued member of the 'W.A. and Guild. ' Delegates to the annual meeting held in London in '\fay from 17th to 19th were•dtscussed •hut left over to another meeting, Bus- iness completed, the meeting closed by all repeating the m.embers'• pray b questions 117 and 18, may I say. that the contribution of food made to the relief :commis'sion in, Saskatchewan and to other portions of western :Can- ada were made without reference to the federal government, and we are not in a position to answer those question's: The relief commission in ISzsl:afchew'an was appointed by the provincial authorities, I can give later, if it is so idesired, a report as to the number of ` carloads that were shipped, but I cannot undertake to indicate in detail what the cars con- tained nor the points at whic'h they Questions ,dropped, Sr at+, asp iPt 155'1 yt of, In unison, Mr. buyers pronounced t L0'f,'. iienediction. Lunch was served by e .committee and a soci Ial half ha• spent among the members. 9;' lia ti mom THE S'EAFORTI3 NEWS. THE SEArF.ORTH T V(WAL' TON. Miss Grace .Broa'd$oot of 'Stratford is making her home ,with Mr. and Mrs. 21. IShannon. Miss Ruby Young ofVarna spent,' She week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Young. I, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. 'Clark have -mov- ed into John McArthur's house, Don't forget .the play put on by the iWWA. of St. George's -Church on Ap- ril 22nd (Further notice next week, 14 splendid concert was pres'ented in Duff's Chvreh on Findlay evening,. Ifsipril 1st, under the auspices of the IGleaner's Mission Band. Stuart B•ry- au's was chairman for the evetteng,and did his part well. The foll'o'wing was the program for the evening: Chorus, "Sending the Word," Script, reading, 1 Cor, 13,_chap ; prayer, by, the pas- tor; chairman's adldness; recitations, Edith Hackwell, Willie John Leen- dg, Buec'u Farquharson;uharson; Kath - teen Leeming; song, "Three Little Maida foam Japan; dialogue, "10 Little ' Indian; chorus, "Hark, heck,"; mon- •ologue; Jack B'ryens; song, "Coarse with us to Korea Land," dialogue, "In Far Korea;" Easter pageant, 'The'Utts'hadowed Cross," which was followed by- an illustrated lecture on Korea by Rev. C. Cumming. Pro- ceeds were $16.50. Mr. 'Sato Patterson, West bound- ary, is at present under the doctor's tare, suffering from pneumonia. Mr, J. W. Morrison called on friends in Walton before returning to 'Toron'to, He was in Seaforth atttend- ing'the funeral of his sister, Mrs. R'o- $ert Ferguson. The Houston Bros. have sold the farm on Lot 9, con. 15, formerly own- ed by Annie Douglas, to Mr. J. Smith of the 4th line of Grey and will move to it in the near -future. Mrs. Nelson Fulton and three chil- dren of London is at present visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fulton. Messrs. Andrew Coutts and Percy Taylor entertained their friends to a dance in the Workman's hall on Wed- nesday evening of last week. All re - 'port a good time. BLYTH. Tihe following is the report of US. S. No. 12, Morris and Hullett. Sr. LV,—Gerald ,Heffron 79.1%. Sr, VIII. — Katherine McDonald 137.8%, Ivan Wightman 80.9%, Marg- aret Heffron 75.7%, Ecln McDonald 687.6%. Sr. I'I.--)Harry Bryant 72.5%. Printer--tItsa'belle McDonald (:pro - mot ed to Jr. I•) Ca t era rse MciD on- ald received the highest number of stars in spelling. Edythe L. Storey, Teacher. 'Aged Resident Passes.—John' Ar- mour died at the hoarse of Robert Nesbitt on Friday, April Sth. The late Mr. Armour had been making his h'ome with hlr. Nesbitt ,since January and although in declining health he was able to be about until a few days before his death, when he passed peacefully away at the age of 86 years. kle was born in Darlington township, in the county of Durham. He spent twenty years of his life in the Vlres•t; he was school teacher at 'the Button's school on the eighth -Cane of Morris for five years and the. remainder of his life was spent in . Blyth. He was a Liberal in politics and in religion ,Presbyterian. The funeral al wasvat r' • t e p on Monday Y tint I a (Rev.) Geo. Weir having charge of the ser- vice. Burial took place at the Union cemetery. Pallbearers were John D•ingtwel'l, T. D, Stalker,. Robt. Pow- ell, Samuel Creighton, Wm. Nesbitt, J'ame's Lockie, Mr, .and Mrs. C. L. Burnside were visitors with the latter'.s mother, Mrs, A, Colcl'ou'gh, on Friday. Mrs. .0Dr.) Ross of Palmerston is visiting her mother, Mrs, Neil Taylor, Mrs. Taylor has been suffering from 'flu, but is able to be about again. Women's Institute, -_ The regular monthly meeting of the Women's In. stttete was held in Memorial hall on Thursday, April 7th, with a goad at- tendance. President, Mrs, R. R'ich- m'ond, 'presided• After the routine business was transacted a pleasing. (feature of the meeting Was the pres- entation of bank books, it being the custom of the Institute to give every Ibalbe r'hose mother is a member, a bank book with $1.00 deposit, The :recipients this year were Helen :Louise MciGee, Margory Lrene How- att and John .Stateley ,Sibth'orpe, Int- eresting readings, "Take Time" and. 'How to Be Popular," were given by Mrs. A. Bender. This was followed Eby a duet by Mrs. R. Wigh'tntait and 'Mrs. R. Newcombe. The topic, "Planting" was taken by , Mrs. R. Newcombe, Who gave a splendid talk stressing the plantin'g of trees and 'flowers to beautify tie home sur- „woundings. An excellent address was given by .Mrs. Robert Davidson of :Dungannon, district,president of West Huron W.I. She said our motto is "For Home and Country,," our slo- gan, "Better hoes, Better Citizens.". '&nging "The Little Brown Ohurch its 'the Vale," followed; roll call was an- , 1'wered by house cleaning hints, some Come in and See _ Our New and Used Cars 1 Am Agent For Durant Cars S Rugby Trucks Massey=llarris Machinery y and Repairs JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE All Repairs and Labor Cash. • SUPERTEST GAS and OILS ; hHe1epefluin1 gsucgogseesdti ys sbinignigagbrtohue sh tat tioftn t 'Mr. Geo. Coleman made e a shipmentVARNA, al anthean, 'Group 'committee served of live stock from Brucefiedd to Tor- a dainty lunch. Mrs. R. Wi,ghttman, onto Saturday, IM•rs. E. Munro, M'rs, W. H. McE:I- Mr. E. ,Chuter is busy decorating roy and Miss M. ,Fate. the house in Seaforth recently pm - Women's Association and W.M.S. chased by Mr. Frank Coleman. A joint meeting of the Women's There are still a -few cases of flu in Association and the W.M,S. of Queen our district, Street United -Church was held at the Mrs. Chas. Ra'thw-ell has returned home of Mos, Dr. Tall on Tuesday, from the Coast When Mr. and Mrs. 'April 5'th with a splendid attendance. 'Rat'hwell will again resume their Presi n Mrs. I de t "VI s. J.W. Mills Presided f arming on their tarn on the Babylon for the Women's Association meeting line. It is to be hoped Mr. Rathwell which opened with singing hymn 'will still improve in health, 'Blessed Assurance," after 'whichh• t e Miss Jean and Francis Mosso p (Lord's prayer was repeated in unison, 'spent a day in L'on'don last week. Meeting was brought to a close by -Mr. M. Elliott made a shipment of singing hymn 42 to allow the W.M.S. tire stock to Toronto Saturday. to proceed with their Easter Thank- The ratepayers are glad to hear the offering meeting. President, Mrs. A. song of the s'cho'ol bell again and also M.Colclough, presided. Mrs. Slater •pleased to know Miss 'Cook is able to offered prayer, the devotional leaflet, be back at her duties once more. "'Simon Zelastes", the man w"ho was Mr. and Mrs. Adams of ' DetroFt a flame of fire, was read by 'Mrs. S. were week end- visitors at the home 'Wh'ite. The '• Easter worship service, of Mr. and Mrs. F. Weekes. "What Shall I Do with Jesus which 'Mrs. Fulton of Sarnia spent Sunday is Called Christ," was led by the press with her . si's'ter, :Mrs. L. Beatty. idem and w^as',ca'rried out without bre- 'Mr. H. Elliott motored .to London eking the continuity. Roll call was an- Saturday. swcred by the name of amissionary now serving in Japan. Dele'ga'tes HURON ROAD WEST'. were appointed to the annual meeting Mr. and Mrs. Vanderburg are laid of the Huron Presbyterial of the W. up with the flit. M.S. to be held at Wingham on Tues- Mr. Stewart Ballis home from day, April 26th. Mrs. Wm, Hesk, Oshawa for a few days. Airs. Nellie Leslie, Mrs, (Rev.) And- ' ;S.S. No. 1, Hullett,, is closed for erson gave the dedicatory prayer af- this week on account of flu. der Easter offering. Duet "There, Ne- Mr. Jim Riley ;is helping Mr, Noble ver was Love like Jesus," by Mrs. D. Holland 'ma'ke syrup. 'PLoody and Mrs, H. McElroy. Our Mrs. Detrain of Goderich has come guest speaker, Miss Sybil R. Cour- to spend the summer with her daugh- tice, on furlough from Japan gave an ter, Mrs: Welly Crich. 1 u excellent address on missionary work, 'Miss Courtice will ret na to Japan its BRUCEF IELD elle a:tl° Ib s'e Its sect 3, b vis') fUohI N calif Jlacc the Tim R'o'l and goo Iron He; mon L and his wit gan Mu wet Ytidt ia Crit cha Jor: 'han rho b fror s'pet Pip. Sun Nia the b1 turn day. seecl r thricyl August, Mrs. R. Wightn'an then led The postponed hard times social of all in prayer. Hymn, "Take My Life and the Women's Association will be held essa Let It Be," was then sung and the on Friday, April 16. Everybody srel_ crfm president closed with the benediction, come, lunch served. as r Group committee, served a ten -cent The Woman's Association of the plats tea. • Brucelfi'eld United Church held their they ,Richmond-McGuire.—A quiet wed- April meeting at the home' of Mrs. en tl ding took place Monday in Belgrave Dhvicl Tough. The topic, Pauline ental when Ila McGuire, daughter of Mr. Johnston, Lias -taken by Mrs. Walter ednoth s and bIt's. John McGuire, of Belgrave, Moffatt.'The roll call wars responded ed n was united in marriage to Ifervift by a quotation of Pauline Johnston. fasci 'Richmond, son of Mr, and Mrs. Rus- After the meeting the hostesses for agail set Richmond, of Blyth. Mr, and the afternoon, Mr. Thos. Chapman, 'they Mrs. Richmond left on a honeymoon Mrs. A. Caldwell, Mrs. Cleve' Coch- a 31 trip to Niagara Falls, N.Y., where rare and Mrs. ' Jc o. Cornish, served a was, Mrs, Cecil Mines and family. On will be held at they will visit with the bride's sister, delicious lunch. The May meeting carate :the- home, of Mrs. T. drag; their return they will reside on a farm B. Baird. chart east of Blyth, Anniversary Services. - :B•ruceifleld Plot, Young People's !Society will hold sena HIBBERT. their anniversary services on Sunday, harm Hibbert Council met in regular ses- 'May ls't. The Rev. Keith Love, B.A., strop sign on Monday, April ltlth, all mem-. of St. Thomas, will conduct the ser- murd bens present except John IW. Hack= vices both morning and evening, they •ing. The minutes of the previous Mrs, Sparks of London was the 'ton I meeting were read and adopted and guest of 'Mr, and Mrs. Tough last IDetec several communications satisfactorily 'week. recon diaP'osed of. Mr. and 'M'rs. Monteith and family, Timid The Court of Revision- was resumed of London visited at the home oft , Ifhe a on the Shepherd Creek Drain and the lady's mother, Mrs. Janet Ross, last 'all, foli'owing reductions allowed: W/ week. lot 25, con, 10--•$6.40; lot 26--$16.00;, Mr. Alex.. Addison and' bIlas Irene EEA :27—•$1'2,001 W'% 27 14.90; E 4 Snider of London spent the weekend 28-41:00; 'Con, 11, lot 2/6—$1:50; 27— at their respective :homes in the vil- $6,50; 28-47.00; Con. 5, lot 30—B116.- 50; 0-$116. 50; Concession Rd. 10-11—$2;00. The Court was adjourned until 'Monday, May 9, .at ,1 p,ni, and the clerk author- ized to make. the necessary alterations in the bylaw: A delegation from Usborne town- shilp was present to make arrange- ments . for a permanent division of the South Boundary. A satisfactory agreement was arrived at. John Hock- in'g was appointed ,poundkeeper sub- stituting H. W, Currie, who resigned the office, A bond for $2000 for the tax collector was applied for. The Clerk was •instructed to radvertise for tenders for crushing and .hauling gravel either by truck or teams, Ten- ders to he received -by' the Clerk up. to 3 p.m. on Monday, May 9th,' at Staffa.- General expense , orders -for ,$413,90 and Road Suiperintendent's or- eters for $19!715 were issued. The ineet- ing adjourned until• Monday, May 9, at I:D ,a.m.—Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Toaysship Clerk, Tooth'ache and. neuralgia are in- stantly relieved with Douglas'' Egypt_ •alt Liniment. A quick, sure reniedy.' Also recommended for burns, sprains, ores and Inflammation. WEST BRODHAGEN. IT'arold Deitz, 9 -year-old son ; of Mr. and Mrs. •Chas. .Deitz ,of the 8th' concession,' while • going home from school on Friday' evening last,, t; ,, while alone, was playingarouliWO door of bfr, Peter Eckart's driving shed, which is at the roadside, and in some manner the roller door which•• was not on its\ tracks, fell upon the boy when he loosened the supporting prop. Harold's screams were heard. by Joe Ecicart, who ran out and lifted the door off 'him and carried him house. The boyhada nasty gash from the back of his -head over and down his forehead to the :eyelid, ex- posing the skull, which fortunately was not fractured • Dr. Mac'Gregor'. of Dublin was, called and he was' ta- ken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, where fourteen. stitc'hes -were required to close the wound. The young lad was .able to return, home 'Saturday night. IW. G. Siemon on the 10th cone s cion is not doing very web in ' b e Kitchener hos'pi'tal where he was 4 - ken 'last 'week. 'He wigs given , tikk (blood tlans'fusions' to try to give "till? Put now Canac Billet, Donde S:hado tarnet settituf she g w lrich trays in the tislt C o Ikotase, Lid pl again for sot Colum) vel ta'1 has aha prediica 1S'he kit tblwt ;p esoirom vel sit books' ; interest to!w home,' wholesa ter wlhi product wise, th taking t • Itis