HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1930-01-02, Page 1;`t ng ;pili! is'',oying t 'e vflght; ild bells, Iid let hie_ 8 f1OLE SERIES ,VOL, 52, No 1, Candies fbr the' New Year AT OLYMPIA" tT f Christmas Mixture , Fancy Mixture French Creams ...... ..... .c ..,:,... ...... Family "Packages' , • . Chocolates,'; Creams and Ca mels, mixed... Fancy Family boxes .. .... ............. ,... Smiles'! Chuckles .. • • • • • • •. . SEE OUR'WINDOW DISPLA ALL KINDS 15c per lb, ; .30c per lb. ,30c each ...35c per lb. 75c and,up . ,. 60c and up FANCY BOXES ym la p confectionery d Restaurant auran t' esire TO• O CLOSE THE 'YEAR OUR. CUSTOM- * OUT THANKING r t id; :i: • :k d :R.. •ERS.:COR PAST PLEASANT • RELATIION'S: WHICH•HA'S MADE s •if k J: A * :r• CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.•-4Pastor, v. W. P. Lane, B,A. undaa ran. 5ith 1930 y 1 a.m.--,Public Worship Subject, e Distinctiveness oft the Christian Q p.m.—,Sund'ay School and Bible Clses. • •, yp.i.Pulic Worship. Subject, ct ' Tdtinin Higher Values."1I ' tNISIOTHER SUGGESTION.. Tote Ed5for bf The News,-- Har,1 1H'ear f' Pro 'Bono Pu'biic0• S ,' of it Your ore:- our citizens will s er sig •tiotr (Since the a>ictdre_ of our Solda's \femor,xt i/tonument is on the aaw letdacs.•uf "bine •of our principal ncip a l t bank"would it not, bet1tting for our bunc'1 fo put_i some sesting cconlodation, a drinkingfountain and'`: tcomenodation' such as you speak„i making the park both t=eeful, find bertilf8l:' ., ' IMO „` ' uUINtt1usf t . r. I f� ASS''N, HO AND SCI300� `. and to- Januy,1930 has air forthians are wards ,ilei end of it al treat, a eon - cert t ly 1,,ofiessor Ander- given t` tPlic school. Ev- ;,for its success th at 4 p m. in !e.„tibiae school -77 SF,AFORTII,ONTARIO; TF URSPAY, JANUARY 2, 1930. UNION WEEK OF PRAYER SERVI'C'ES. \Ipliilay,, January bili 8 p.m,—, Meeting in St Thomas' Anglican O1,ureh Rev. W. P. Lane will give the-4'1dress ' ['1. day r' a, 7bh 8 p.m.—Meeting ui Nlorth Side to -i..,r,but ch. Rev. I. B: Kahle will preach. ` (Wed., Jan, &ill, 8 miin.—inFebitmass in •Egenond'ville-United Church. Rev, T II:.Brovvu :will speak. Thurs., Jan. 9th, 8' p:m.- 1n. First Presbyterian Church: Rev, C. A. Malcolm willgive the address. The, public are cordially invited to attend -these special services. A DANGEROUS' PRACTICE. Chief Fee a's'ks .1he News t8 draw; to -the attention of parents the danger ops''praotice df their children throwing 'snotybal'is:: During the' mild weather this' week a horse•was Struck : by ' a unmanageable, snowlUal,l and became ani g running away- wi81' the cutter. For- tunately the drive? escaped without in- jury, n jury,abut the incident might have ended' sertonsly i Children should be (impressed that: they must, not "peg” 'people on the street, and that if they happen to damage prtoperty their par- ents will be called Ion to settle bills for' damages. , a.-A`FORMER pZESIDENT. Word 'was receiJ,ed by: friends in town from:Major\Eabkirk of. Winni- peg,• that itis” inother,r lErs. John .S ab - m f ed aw t the hoMe A hadass ata k irk Y P er Hu hes her d'aughter,;: Mrs. 1�adt g, Buffalo on Supd.S, t�feetnber. 22, and the ifuneeailooas held tui Winnipeg on Thursdry ,December 2¢. 'Mrs. Hab- i.,rtS; was Fortuerll• Miss,Mary Cowan, of Seaforth, a sister to the late James Cowan of town, and a member of the Ar it Corps.Mrs. Salvation' i call Sa 10 Si Habkirk, who wa' in ,her 85th, year, left Seaforth' ,maty years'ago. Her husband, predecea ed..,hea. and she is ^sdw s of j ct h...Hector, s ury ve Y i f h5ca a. W!nnnipeg;• t o G goj W 17Sr�m; =an • ante f _ Whew. s o Van. o0. risk• 1. J om'�'+ and'. one'd'augh•ter, Mrs. Briisa- -w rr ,Hughes, of ,Buffalo. • A i!rnemorial,:service will be held in respect of her memory an the Seaforth Salvation Army hall on Sunday Jarm- an/ 5th. pronvist a great n o ton'.sP is of} .aP, ery ,effo wild ^aae Ina on. ' vatar, Jan. land the teaclit's' room at THF PAST YEAR OUR BEST a meetul w111 be,,designing„Rntt :is-- -1 :f a x p i3f g 0 he`' c:ostutnes of the . per- " . ''•sinew, Mothers, te'achers," all, YEAF.'WOULD I'VE A DEBT( s}^ho are i c,ested are invited at a slightly la date an evening will be: * * ' k 5 1' OUR det-ot d la taking the costumes. UNPAID WE {PPF. t. '',k . WEIL I.EQDS NATION•AI:.., E $ Tliat Gdc}ey(Qtaltil>)'Weiland a'sc'oile of rite best �'oal� eaters in hark ' is again 'Fein prd'veu.. "Glia to11oymg T k'b 't s a` * 'iteni,appFa 1 in the Toronto:'Globe; On Friday: - ,+' g it • • `'Boston, ss;,, Dec. '26. --- Little' Merry Christmas' Cooney Weiind,. Boston'Brains cern'-- • ire, bceame,ihe National Hockey { ' ),,ague s leadl scorer here last night AND WILL HAVE A win.the vvdki,, champions won their t Happy ekhth consec y.. game by humbling Jt'he Torobto Anil° Leafs, 6-2„ 'Wet- �I Year. land scored twa.,e, timely boosting his fatal to 13 goatsInd 12 assists or Z5 `'WHICI-I WILL PROVE TO B points, one'1ndre, tan ,Frank Boucher. . of the New York, •angers. ,. x ATRO $""tf VE HAD A g eY THEIR BEST YEAR 43.50• '11-107C1-11 1 Phone Phor Plioo I 166 f your rote _'' and- infruence1;�rcespectfully scitei ao id. rservices l ren FO; rev. FOR 30.'., a )'osperous ear ONLY THREE COUNCILLORS. Of -fourteen nominees for Council in Seufarth, only three' lead ejsalified,' instead of six, when .the time ,lini,t ex- pired at 9 o'clock .Tuesday night Those qualifying were:^t1saac I'i'udson; Robert Smith and Wullram J. Rickel!,. and 'being, a sufficient numper to be declared elected under the Statute,, will call another election to complete soon as possible; The 010011011 on `.v,,•, ;'•-�•-i. ,.ext wil'l;, there- fore be for Mayor only. - MRS. RICHARD, BABE. • Mrs. F D. Hutchison was called _to Mitchell - this week,: ,owing, to the death of her mother,: Mrs. Richard Babb, of that place. The follo'w'ing reefers to her life: In the'dea'th of Mrs: Richard Babb, whicih took place at her home, Riverview villa, in Mitchell, on Monday morning, that town was deprived of one of its pioneer resid- ents. Mrs. Babb was born in Devon- shire, ago, and -had shire England', 95; years g , g resided in M:itehell For 75 ears. She es cY Was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,'Jlantes Dawe, who were highly respected citizens iflor many years, and her husband pissed away a num- ber idf years ago•.. ,Mrs„,Babb had a severe illness about°;;.year ago, but bad recovered From • this,and enjoyed. fairly good -health until a few -„weeks of the: -ice - . ,member� ego. he wast11 S g odist ,church and later of the United church. She - was a life member of the W.M.S. She is' survived' r by a family of nine children,. five sons, ifChicago; Wesley and, Cecil Babb o Harry Babb, of Toronto; Richard Babb, of Hamilton, and Norval Babb, of Stratford; and four daughters, Mrs. F. D.Hutchison, Sea'forth; Mrs,Eliza Tucker, Mrs. Ecltra Boyd, and Miss Lily Babb, all at home. Mrs. Babb t circle of was beloved bya wide will learn with regret, • nits who w 1of friends, her death. The funeral Was held in Mitchell on New Year's • day, inter - in Woodland ceine- in inter- ment beingmade e tory. LONDESBORO. ,'6ronto who Among 10 g thnse�Zas holidays at their spent t1ie�.c"'•, hene:84 us+X� • ,r homes here trete the Masses Esther and Mary Tamresen, `Macy Hall Gert- rude Roberton end• Myrtle Grainger, ail returning to. Toronto last'Tleurs-' The, street light committee are put- ting an anold ,tinte dance in Cont'{nun= ity hall ori Tuesday night, the • alst. Receipts w>:11 go- towards paymefrt on • Misses Gladys Mountain and Helen. Youngolnt spent the week end with Goderi h friends, ' - 3dr .antis Mrs. Stevens returned! to t'heu Seaforth after e pleas- ant visit w�rt trteetw. eaa, and at. Her - lo ck. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Ball spent Christ- mss with Mr. and Mrs. Josling on the eighth of Hulleft. Mr. Joe Shaddick of Crossfield, Al- berta, is' home for the winter; Mr. Harold Snell of, Toronto Var- sity is spending his holidays at his home here. ” Mr. and. Mrs. Armstrong and Dor- een acid Mrs. 'Taman spent Christmas at Watertown. Mr. Armstrong re- turned d rt Thursday., e o to _ da With Mrs.C. Rudd'e11 spent ,Saturday v p Mrs. Norman Hun'king of Clinton. Misies Mains of Chicago spent Christmas at their home here. They returned to Chicago on Saturday, ac- companied by Mrs. Mains:: and Miss Lizzie who will spend the winter months in that city., - We are •pleased;to know :that Mr. n in the has been Louis heddmk who Lo isS� 'Clinton hospital since Dec. 2.388, is much improved and' expects to be'able to come borne early in the New Year. . and er ere s en d- Rev. 1lrs. Forrest P in this week in Srnia. g i a 'Miss Helen Johnston spent Sunday with •,her cousin, Miss Way6Ziouth, of Barth, ck. Mer. • s TUC KERSM ITH. cefin of •Art. the annual school � g No. 4f School marl;. Fr -rv!a err was el- �t three .ears. ected trustee for ??c-ne, y • A few bf ilei residents here are laid *1, ere colds, up 55!"Hgrotd Crich of London spent Christmas at his •ho to here. -... Mr. Neil Matheson .is : spending the holidays at his home here. Mrs. Fletcher To.wnSetd visited rel- - Mayor for .e Contestants �r e R. 0. Parke NOMINATION MEETING, .•.A large 'crowd tvt,ea.'i0.,,.;,M.at ""- t ,,,, eld in the Town ^ nomination mee, IIall on \Ioi =arty night,' December 30.' 13 qr lists ct1 camhtlates 4 were named for g s he offit,aS of ;mayor said councillors. :At Vit close'. of the nominations, Reeve �Ft'a ie movetlthat,Town Clerk,' J. A. Fie itt ' be 'chairman, and ''Yhaj'/ spe hes shotil'd"not last �longer 'abht ten air -rules. -Mr.•13. G. Parke sal 'wigs in the field for mayor.e has fier of ser >d on the council for a nni yea s and would like a tern in the 11i1our's chair. The fire bride k'ass'. rolling a neve alarm sy tem • cost of $3,200, and when was`torn- pietcdM, would he the ingot efficient in Western„ Ontario. lira Parke' also paid' a grte,eful trtho,e'to Mayor Gol- ding's ad'iithlseration : of. the town's• affairs durin alae past•years. He also: referred 10 the oss-the town lead sof- ferrea in the "de 1i. 05 o,ie of the coup cil,meinlbers,t'Mr '"eorge Cardno., tv'ho. slw^ay carried. outt'yny duties he .had been called upon to Crfol m, efficient 1y. F. Dal y arlct another mill;;•13 rate, e and that the "- ex'commis- add. tis '.toil had. bp,' ,amg at x,600: The �a local c�v't ut tins °c2rryy out as ntakt k c,r,, as posy ale, hut, ^yec,l cep the tax. rate clown. Mr. Si, 1'.,. Box and Mr. P..,b Smith,: spoke briefly, being: undecided' vhc hat the would t Y � told' li '` 1 c m the field for Tical Mi cta� 'Merton Reid was not. iii 9re fills is,r council, . As due of. the �fown auditors, he leantbeen over" the .town's accounts' and tbeti,ht_.the tax. Ma. John 1. Daly d, he would likely be in tiie field fortmayer, I --Ie has 4erved 'on the utihtriA and the -coup ,l .for,a large nnttlber of,'years, and hhs business record' was alSa!goo'd. '35 elireted to ,the office of • rnayer he wottll'give'the town„tlir saris! careful,, a'ttent on and service.':' -- .yli A D, Sutherland said he was in the ii ayori'lby field win 'Or -lose. He as t rn in. Seaforth ,fifty fcur:years ago nd 115st%hasi consider ah e' public' cx Berl`. ire .111 it svt ] i't'esley Beattie t•han,eed the cieciOr, for h ving him an atolalne-. tile..;