HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-12-26, Page 3litisb Dirigible
400 Completed
`Pitess inspection Takes Place
in Hangar at Howden,
Differences in Construction
i{ rom R-101 Told by Sir '
'C. D. Burney
Howden, Eng.—Great Britain's pri-
vately built dirigible, the R-100, has
beep completed and underwent; press
inspection in her hangar here recently,
' The dirigible cost about $2,250,000
while the estimates on bee Govern -
moot MOH sister, the , R.101, were
about $2,870,000 with an additional
$265,000 dor engines.
One of the chief differences betiveen
the two ships is that the R-101 is
petioli -driven and the R100 oil -driven.
Commander sir Charles Dennistottn
Burney,who supervised the beetling
of the R-100, explained :there was lit-
tle difference between the two ships
outwardly, There were, bowever,
' many novel features about the R-100.
It has three decks compared to two
10 the 11.101. The two upper decks
are reserved for passengers and the
lowerone is allocated to the crew.
On the lower passenger deck is the
dining saloon, which bas seating ac-
commodation for 56 persons, Then
there is the lounge -deck : with an area
- of 540 square feet in the form' of a
gallery around the dining room.
For the ftrsb time a method has
been int}odueed by which the engines
may be, changed while the ship is at
the mooring -tower. Tbere are no
fewer than 15 gasbags, the largest .of
which has a capacity oft550,000 cubic
The ship will be brought out of its
ehed as soon as the weather is favor-
able, but as there is only one mooring
ttiower in the country, the R-101 will
have to be tucked in bedbefore the
R-100, under the command of Major
Scott, can make the trip to Carding-
The new ship is expected to be
faster than her sister ship. Her cruis-
ing speed is put at alma : 80 miles per
hour. The crew have a black cat as a
mascot, -
The 11-100 will attempt a Trans-
atlantic flight next spring, and it will
carry' no passengers:'
Simultaneously it w ds learned here
that the British .Air Ministry proposes.
to build two new airships fifty per.
cent. larger than any existing and
• capable of carrying 200 passengers at
a speed of 90 miles eh hour.
'The proposed dirigibles would be
1;000 feet long and carry- 7,500,000
cubic feet of lifting gas.
The Air lliinistry's: plans caused
little surprise, in view of oharges that
the R-100 and its recently"completed
sister ship, the R-101, would not fel-
Canada Shows Big Gain
In Auto Construction
Montreal. — Canada is exporting
twice as many motor cars as she is
importing. Further, the production
of automobiles in the Dominion: is
year on a larger scale than In any
previous year. It is true that both
exports and production were lower in
Qotober than in some et the previous
months while production itself was
lower than in Ootober of last year.
This phase of the situation, however,
is temporary and the cumulative re-
sults for the ten months are well ahead
of last year.
In the ten months of, the present
year Canadian automobile manufac-
turers exported 91,419 cars, as com-
pared with 64,317 in the 'same period
of 1928. Moreover, the number of
ears imported in the ten months this
year was only 42,618, as against 45,-
005 in the same period last year.
The total production of motor cars
in Canada for the first ten months of
the present year was 248,376, while
for the corresponding partof last
year it: was 221,188. The production
of ears in October et the present year
was a Iittle more than 20 . per .cent.
' lower than inthe same month of
1928. On the other hand, the Output
in the . early part of the year was
very much higher than it was in the
corresponding part of last year.
Extension of the "Dole's'
e London Daily News (Lib.) : TheUn-
employment Insurance Bill is a de-
pressing commentary on the failure of
Mr, Thomas to grapple with unem-
ployment. It is a stere continuation
of the fruitless policy ofttackling the
problem at the wrong end. The tinein-
ployment insurance fund is already
nearly 236,000,000•in debt. Hundreds
of :Melees of pounds have'geen spent
in lceepie g the unemployed idle. The
latest development • is to mark' a boy
down for the ".dole" the moment he
leaves wheel. :• What a prospect for
the coming generation! How long is
this policyof despair to be perpetu-
A tong lie 3s omethin to be thank-
s g
n and t m
fu T for, b re oso to those who
Sind Iittle to reti'et along the path .of
UM oat Chief
Meets Captail .
j le Captured
War Incident on Beautiful
Spring Morning off `Coast
of Great Britain
SUB AND Q. 51-hIP 3
Itondon,-.-Captain Bashagezt, a Gel,
mean II -boat conunander, has arrived
in London to meet a British ofileer
Wilton he captured et sea in 1917 and'
has not met sense,
Hie victim, now his friend, Is Com-
mander Norman Lewis, commander of
a "mystery ship" which ,Was sunk by
Oaptain Reshape. He cadre to Veg.-
land to speak on the some platform
as Conunendsr Lewis at a League of.
Nations Union meeting at Reading.
Captain Iclasb'agen is every inch a
sailor, even to his lusty, hearty voice,
and it would .bedifficult not to mis-
take him for a British naval officer.
"Good morning, my friend," he
saluted the "Standard" correspondent
m jolly fashion at an hotel.: It is an
unusual incident that brings me tin
England, I must adrnit.
"I can imagete that not so very
long 'ago we sailors who to}mxianded
German submarines were not the most'I
popular people in this country.
"But tines, thank Heaven, have
changed, In 1917 I sank one of your
Q boats (mysteryships) and captured
Norman Lewis, and now •twelve years
later I have come to London at his
invitation ,to speak with him at a
meeting in support of the League of
Nations at Reading,"
He laughed and nodded his head re-
flectively. '
"At our first sleeting 200 miles off
the Irish coaet neither of us could
have prediotd where our second meet-
ing would have been. We certainly
never would have guessed that it was
to speak in support for b world move-
ment for peace!
"I: vttli tell you how we met. �I had
just been• round the Orkneys and I
was coming into the English :Chan-
nel when, on a beautiful spring,.n:orn-
ing, I taw a ship in the distance. She
was flying`the merchant Slag of Eng-
land. The Red Ensign; I think; Well,
from the first 1 thought she was a wolf
in sheep's clothing.
"First of all, ships at that tints were
not flying Merchant flags, So I fol-
lowed this suspicious-lookingmerch-
antnman. •But the -day was eo bright
that 2 could only bob my periscope
above the waterat intervals.
+" I crept nearer to her very care-
fully, and then saw that my suspi-
cions were justified. She was a Q
ship with those dreaded depth charges
aboard. So I decided to sink her.
Just as I was releasing my tor-
pedo, Captain Lewis saw the bubble
of air which always arises when a
torpedo is beingtreleased.
"He quickly put his helm to star-
board and so, instead of hitting bis
ship amidships, I only struck astern.
I then cruised around the ship and let.
my periscope came :up for a second
to see what I had done,
"As I did so, the ship opened fire
on my periscope, but, fortunately, did
not hit it. Then, through my porthole,
could see the men being. ordered
their lifeboats as the ship was slide
"As soon as they were out, up I
cane at once, fired on his ship, sank
it, approached' the boats and ealied
for the captain.
"Immediately Captain Lewis stood
up and Balled to me 'I am the cap-
"So I asked hint to be, good enough
to come aboard. He cane and we look-
ed into each other's eyes for a second,
You know, at sea, men can tell at a
glance if another man is -a real man
or not. I saw that .Captain Lewis was
a real man and a gentleman.
"I invited him to have a drink!
"He laughed and accepted. We gave
his crew the course they would have
to sail to get back to land, which was
about two days away.- His 'crew were
actually picked up: halfway to land.,
"Por three weeks I had Captain
Lewis on board, and during that time
we had a number of encounters with
other ships."
Captain Hashagen smiled at ;he
"One day, a 'British submarine -de-
etroyer nearly got us. She spotted us
jus£as we came to the surface to
tackle another ship and fired on u5,
Down we went under the water but
she same to the spot where we had
submerged and dropped a few depth
charges, Our ship shook like •. a leaf
although it was not actually hit.
"Captain Lewis turned to me and.
said: "Do you know that nry,wife js
in a munition; factory making depth.
charges? It would be funny if I were
blown into eternity by one of the depth
charges made by her hands!' And we
"Well, three weeks later we, landed.
at Hamburg and 1_ said ,goodbye to
Captain Lewis. Since then 2 have not
seen him.
Wok as
"Bab a time a s a oo w
of arab-
atout the commandere written
marines during . the war, and
:o Said ]Faationed': "rain •Wrecking
Photogra h hese shows. derailed train ot the Chinese Eastern
a p ,
soar elanchouli, Manchuria.
Germans to respect each other as we,
Captain Lewis and 1, respect each
"I have some and I shall see my old
prisons again."
"You know it was just a matter of:
split ,seconds who was the prisoner.
If Captain Lewis had fired first I
should have been. the prisoner."
Unemploymentin Britain
Spectator (Londoii) : • It is easier
for a camel to pass' through the ewe'
of a needle than for a Government
with a great majority to get away
from the Party spirit. But now there
is room for accommodation and adap-
tation in natters which ought either
to: be removed from the :Party arena
or to be protected 'from the full bleat-
ing of the Party ,storms of passion.
One of these matters is unemployment.
The extent of unemployment
since the war has been an entirely
new pl.enomenon. It ,foes not yield
in any appreciable degree to the fa-
milies, fluctuations or cycles of trade.
There is only : one permanent
remedy, and that is Rationalization.
. If there is any common politi-
cal ground in .Great Britain today
here it assuredly is. All parties could
co-operate on this ground. Why should
not the Government frankly ask for
mebody may say, would
uurt to eat their
i knowled that Mr.
Thomas has'Wteed, If there is no
more valid ebjeetion than that every
man, in mar j idgtnente, .should be
ashamed to uo rtian it. We are in the
presence of a continuing national tra-
help? Th
be for the e
own words
Moneybags: "Daughter, has the duke
told` you the old, old story, as yet?"
Daughter: "Yes. He owes about
200,000 bucks."
Surely love conquers all; is im-
measurably above all ambition, more
precious than wealth, more noble than
names He knows not life who knows
not that he bath not felt the highest
faculty of the soul, who bath not en-
joyed it.
Ea)� thq sake in
Ne Se '• nought
Queer Upheaval
Century -old Road Moves Out
of Place, and Stream
Plunges Underground"'
Halifax, N, S. — The very old
road torn Ross Ferry to Kemp
has moved out 'of place; part of it is
a field and the rest of its journeyed
and plunged into the placid waters of
Bras D'or Lake.
Part of the old road with the mark
of the last automobile which passed
over it Is still intact but the greater
portion of the highway shifted its
position In the earthquake which
shook Cape Breton Island the other
day. .
Traffic Is almost impossible al-
though a way had to be made for the
mails but the entire surface of the
district for a short distance has been
A ravine has appeared where flat
land lay before and it may be a mat,
ter for :, e :aa• .'nnrts to decide
wheier the government highway has
swot trespassed on private ;and for a
goodly portion of it has gone over
into cultivated farms and fields and
all fences and marks have disappear-
Near Batilardarie a stream plunged
suddenly underground and did not re-
appear. The following day the
ground began to bump up with a low
growling noise until it rose to some
five fel-t.
Watchers saw the ground -stove
with a slow wave-like upheaval which
lasted for several hours and the
movement continued until the road
surface .had entirely disappeared.
The Middle West and Great
Prof, W. T. Morgan in the Con-
temporary Review (London: Amer-
icans forget that, having taught a
perfervid patriotism at the expense of
"perfidious Albion," theyemust expect
to reap where they have sown. As a
result of constant association, the At-
lantic seaboard has become convinced
that the British are not plotting nes-
chief against America, but a distrust
amounting at times to hatred of all
aliens, even of those speaking English,
still lingers in the illimitable stretches
of the hinterland. In estimating the
great influence of the Eastern States,
British statesmen tend to forget that
even in 1812 America event to war
against England, although the sea-
board was friendly. In these later
days, the trans 4,llegheny'region is of
vastly greater weight in formulating
public policy than it was a century
Confucius' Heir
Protests Move
To Seize Lands
Duke Kung "Felt, -Cheng, 77th
Descendant, Says Nan.
king. Plans. Unlawful
Estate Intact 2,000 Years,
Shanghal,—Duke ifung. Telecbeng,
seventy-seventh lineal descendant ot
Confucius, Ices issued a telegra ut ad-
dressed to the world at large protest•
ing against. the proposed confiscation
by the Nanking government of lands
and property,' which have been passed
on from one Confucian generation to
another for the last 2,000 years.
Certain members of the Ktuomin-
Dead Sea Yielding Garvinp
Valuable Minerals! Ia,Irio Call i .-wt q
Concessionaires to Produce To th'Empkk „`
Salt by 1930; Petroleum
and Potash Deposits
, found
Jerusalem—The Dead Sea is nevi
ing a tretigure trove /of valuable min-
eral deposits for tire. Angio -Palestine
:syndicate that obtained the eances-
sion for the Gait deposits,
Premninanl, experiments have ale
most 'been completed and an expan-
sion now is being planned: Produce
tion for the Eastern, market is to be-
gin in 1930. The experiments now
being made in tiro laboratories at the
Dead Sea aim at accelerating the pro-
cess of evaporation, • The boat of the
sun alone is• responsible for 75 per
cent, of the actual produetion at pies'
tang bave proposed taking over the Teo :,Palestine mining syndicate, the
land and properties and converting research department of the emcee,•
the one-time feudal holding into pale siouaries, also has extended its opera -
lie lands administered by the govern- tions to the minerals that lie ;in the
ment, The proposal is based on the land about, the sea. - Petroleum der
theory that the land wee originally posits have been discbvered,'but their
grhitted by the throne to Coufuclus as value and extent have not been 'de -
a feudal estate and since the day of termiued. It is not known whether
i;euddaalisnl and monareluy' in China etas
passed, the property should revert to
the present government.
Protest Addressed to World
The telegram of protest was.sent to
Chen Huan-chang, president of the
Confucian Association in Peiping, but
its text is addressed to the world.
In part 41 follows:
"Although the title of duke, sacred
heir of Confucius, has long been can-
celled of my own accord, the forest • mer might be met by transferring the
land attached to the sacred temple living quarters of tlie workers (Luring
n a cooler lace
o esls months •- the tt m s to
e� h
the land provided for theP
and e A
penses of worship of Confucius, the and driving. the men in cars to the
Iibrary and other properties have. site of work.
been hereditary property of the des-'
ceudants of ConEuciue . through ,suc•
forthe last 2000 Winter Preece Stops Work
cessive ,generations o ' Newest Port
years, On Canada's i`�evles
"It is therefore astonisbing that Winnipeg, Man. Where hundreds
Tsai Yuan -pet, delegate of the Nation••toE men crave toiled during the sum-
al government, contemplates confis• 1 mer mmrth:, plan iirtg cud building
eating my properties. and illegally dis- i Canada's u„west part. Churchill, 1,000
the petroleum is deposited In permear�
ble layers or in basins, Boring opersr pursued, We owed everything es the
tions are very costly, each trial bore war to the degree of our 'Union, Since
costing 820,000 to £25,000, • then we have been more split and
The potash deposits along the shore cross split than in any pre-war per€ocl
also are being investigated to deter- by :party compileatiens and class toe.
mine their value, It Is the intention tentions,
of the mining syndicate to set tip sep- The Surrender to 011
crate companies for' the exploitation Whatever else we fought about, a
01 each of the various minerals. National Program for neconsiruetion
The climatic difficulties that may and development, for employment and
interfere with the work in the sums Empire,' ought to 'have been framed
long ago, and carried forward by suc-
cessive Governments irrespective at
party. Here is where. we agree whole-
heartedly with the spirit and admire
the vision of; Mr. Lloyd ,George. To
his everlasting credit, his thought has
been faithful to the duty of construc-
tive patriotism bequeathed to us be
the war. One thing he sees—that the
greatest • economic mistake we ever,
made as a nation, except mu' decline
in agriculture, was our tame surreu-
miles not,h to Winnipeg, all is now
der to oil, instead of invoking anti en
posing of them. The right of heritage: c
The "King of Churchill,"
Georre tans to the utmost, no matter what
Kydd, :es€dezu enginteer of tete de -
cost, to conquer oil by the higher
pariment of railways, his retinue and utilization of coal whether in. Elie pub
builders have departed anti .only aver€zed form or otherwise.
The Vast Problem of Empire
Britain to Stand or Fall ok,
How She is Able to Con.
front Present Economic
Pleasure Craze Must Ga 1•,,
London.—J. I,, Carvin, famous edife
or of The London Observer,, pidll£she;
the following important article, in films
piro reconstruction and developnrentii,
'S a have to couteucl,with an nuex:
aligned number and variety of cons
fusions without and within. Tho disc
tt'aeticus el' Empire and the lone de.
lay in. settlingAnglo-American 'rela-
tions have relonatedly and eerie:n-1e
diverted ow attention from 'home
tasks. Worse,just when we required
the: strongest reelprncating action of
Government in the old way, our his-
toric two-party system broke up. A:'
three -party sytem is the most weak-
ening of all. 'Where there are :mora
groups, combinations are compelled
and, as.in France and Germany, a
more oontinuons national policy is
has been right enjoyed natnrallyanct' silent ouraging our scientists and toohnic-
is recognized by law. All people un-
der the Repubiic of China enjoy this
right and I cannot itnd any reason
why the family of the sage should not
enjoy the same right cE inheritance few pioneers remain to face what is
of property, hoped will be the last winter of "isola-
tion" for the Port of Churchill.
Asks Cancellation of Order 1 Last week the "Muskeg Special,"
"Therefore, I, Teh•cheng, lodge rets, the famous north country passenger
train of the Hudson Bay Railway,
which iras Churchill for its terminus,
left the port for The Pas, its last
journey of the season.
From now on, except for the arrival
of an occasional mall by dog team
from Mile 325, Churchill is shut off
from civilization until the builders re-
turn in the spring. Wind-blown
snows surround Churchill torday, while
October 29, 1929." the bay is frozen over and an ice coat-
The Confucian estate is estimated
at more than 16,000 acres.
complaint with the government and
earnestly request the government to
cancel the order refeer'iug to the Illeg-
al disposal of my proprtiss, with a
view of preserving human rights and
safeguarding justice. Your favorable
reply is respectfully awaited.
"Signed by Kung Teh-cheng, sev-
enty-seventh descendant of Confucius,
and others of that sacred family,
The Social Services
New Statesman (London) : The pro-
omess of democratic sentiment and the
advance of education have inevitably
strengthened the belief in, and the de-
mand for, a greater measure of econ-
omic and social equality, a higher
standard of life for the poor. The
difficulties in the way of getting this
may be great, but it is vain to pretend
that they are insurmountable. Nor is
the British worker likely to he kept
content with poverty and all its con-
sequences by being reminded how
much superior his lot is to that of a
Chinese coolie or an Esthonian laborer.
Equally unconvincing is the hallowed
truism that you cannot get a quart
out of a pint pot, e'er though the
pint pot will only.hold a pint, it need
not be emptied on the basis of one
man tatting three gills from it and
the other one.
Britain Builds Great Plane as Well as Huge Dirigibles
. w. l .f: tkf9a�Ni.. � � . a � �,� , •�cfrr ^ ,�7q.. � � i a'�'� <+ � "'�� a`''i3'i«;r�` 5 ,ns� i 1.
tt sem b
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' a' R
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•i 3 w (• .9 $d �.
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Youth, iiddo
it I rim e'cb phi ,z.
e on 1 r w.m °
"tlArain Lewis s?
g' . g agy , Ca gA'
P p
with all its life tSefore it, while think- he wrote x10 nix last June artd melted c' - ._- -- -- - --- - ---- -"R_.... .- , ---• --a�;
fug little of tm0 futures has yet one me 1f 1( would speak at dues mee6ing6-
• ambition that 'savors all the rest -the "My 11'nglish waebad, bwt sehe bsto 1AND '�t141 EF1
extension of its possibilities to the invited me, and I felt tbieib fit :srt6l AIR COLOSSUS ALREADY, TO TAKE 14 Ma ,Br
clot S ' 1 a !night,.frac and: perfect do in Ile'.oldru t'ha vconnds.od' ya`'a$' - . °%:d 111, rant all -meta] Royal Air Iros'e' Seapitne, just before it wee lapelled and ,piit through test at ouge,
lay p and bringing a19, IOn�glishn50s1 kind tet., recently. 7t Nen Carry 28 pereone. a
Jag has spread across the Churchill
"If a dentist were about to be swal-
lowed by a whale what do you think
he'd say?"
"He'd say, 'Open your mouth a
tle wider, please."
Nursery Schools
Saturday Review (London) : (Nurs-
ery schools for working-class children
are seriously needed.) The working-
man's home may be the working -man's
castle. But the street, a few bedrooms
and a living room provide poor school-
ing for working -men's children. In-
deed, unless unusual care is taken,
small homes, ignorant parents, and
unhealthy streets provide just the
kind of schooling to teach unintelli-
gent and intelligent children to mud-
dle along with habits whieh recognize
no delight in order or £n discipline, in
clarity or expression or in knowledge,
The money spent upon providing for
extra education at adolescence when
these children arrived at school with
the characters permanently deformed
by home surroundings is almost cer-
tain to be chiefly wasted.
British Industrial Progress
Wickham Steed in the Review of
Reviews (London) : re are convinced
that, given a spirit of co-operation be -
tweets wage-earners and industrialists,.
there are no limits to the improvement
that can be made in our national posi-
tion within a few years; and that the
force of the example thus set will be
felt throughout the world. Partly
beeause of the unquestionable diffi-
euiitios with which this cotltttry has
nee the wee, and partly
frees laced si a
n y
of nationel habit of tits -
because our a
eussine these difficulties downhearted-
jy, the impression has come to prevail
that England is but the shadow of her
former self: and is doomed to steady
decline. This innprescioit we believe to
be wholly misleading. England isnot
on the "down grade." Tho worst 10
Inver, but the best is still to come
As for the vast problem of the Env-
piro, there are two aspects to be con-
stantly remembered if we are to re-
adjust ourslves thoroughly to, new
needs and bring the whole force of
our statesmanship to bear on them.
Purely political ideas of closer
union are out of date.
Thera is the more need to organize
and encourage in every way closer
economic intercourse and mutual ser-
vice, both scientific and commercial.
The wide tropical dependencies of the
Crown offer an invaluable field for
systematic enterprise.
The other question, and it Is of pro-
found importance, concerns the .Bri-
tish birth rale and the future of -emi-
gration. Already the birthrate in
Great Britain has fallen below the
French—a thing that before the war
no one conceived, But in France
there Is a strong and useful fight
against the falling tendency, Some
greater movement of that kind will
have to arise here;, and the Dominions
responding will have to relax their
tariffs to ensure their growth fu the
decades coming.
Large Scale Organization
Behind it all there are the letei:ee-
tual and spiritual questions. It is by
the answers to them that Britain will
stand or fall. The intellectual i,M:z
is whether the English people who ex•
celled in the age of individualism can
rise generally and speedily to that
modern necessity for large-scale or-
ganization and consolidation filly
grasped and applied by both America
and Germany; and whether thewhole
of our future education is to be more
largely of a scientific character.
Craze for Pleasure
Above all, there is the spiritual
question. Throughout society from
top to bottom we mast restore a bet-
ter balance between the craze for,
pleasure, including all kinds of sport,
and devotion to work. The Iesson n8
that balance is the best lesson which
the Germans can teach -us to -day, for
with all their instructed diligence and
striving zeal for thoroughness, they,
are not a less happy people, Ey dee
votion to work they have •retrieved
all. In another way the famous
French energy is as keen as it ever
was, perhaps keener. This is deeply
a spiritual question, though not usual•.
11 tailed by that name. Finally, wri
must learn again to love our land ask
our forebears dill—to 'think of it al"
ways—to serve it always with our,
whole hearts and with our whole •
Hindering Britain's Export 11
Trade ;!)
London Daily Mail (Ind. Conte a, I
Our .manufacturers have dobe won.
dere, but we are bound to say that ail'
no point have they been helped by otre i,
pelitieians. At the present moment 1
i*resideet Hewer in the United States
is convening aconferenNe of busin
11101210 dal wltli the eltnation erewbe '
by the Wall Street Collapse, Though
that collapse mush O,f ect tbd0 country
we hear of no similes, mosseres hareZ.
On the contrary, both owe parties ate
busy bidding` against caw another
bribe the Britishi voter with xeektds
social service expehttki(urt,'5,