HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-12-26, Page 2very Oily l y leaf is a
orehouse of . flavour
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AR'r u1., B. R;E Rvir
ire. , —7
by Tarrytown so wonderful ray the old
day ?"
Georges motioned thesis to a little
table, clapped his .sands sharply and
a waiter appeared on rubber heels,
took an order and they settled them-
selves, "Now for the mystery of the
piral to the top of a bus and jolted dancing men," whispered Garrick to
• !And swayed across to Fifth .Avenue, Dick just as Georges turned, .There
then uptown in blocks of motors and was just a shade of contempt in. Gar-
taxis. Everywhere were bay crowds, rick's tone of raillery. At • a glance
jelinost as if New York were itself a he had taken an estimate of the char-
Iseritner resort. -
Sauntering slowly, down Forty-
lhVintlt:Street, they found the address
lef the Inner Circle, a big .,id brown-
gtone housetuidwsy in the block west
ref the Avenue,' back of a high iron
ffence with plain brass knobs setting
Of the sections. Heavy grilled doors
'opened, -into an English basement.
rrwo or ' three smart motors were
!strewn up along the curb.
"Recherche!" nodded Dick, hesitat-
ing a bit.
Garrick turned h. at the gate and
'pressed a button by the side of the
moors. "Aren't I select enough for the
Inner Circle?" He straightened with
ltrue British swank.
• The door swung open. Garrick in-
Yjuired nothing, explained nothing.
Pe inclined slightly toward Dick to
(precede him, and they passed the Am-
pricaitized butler. It had been a mag-
ttifieent ge: time on Garrick's part. The
itiost difficult thing had been accom-
plished on sheer nerve.
He might have owned the place as
-e led the way up the short flight of
Lairs from the former basement. -
G -f'Monsieur Georges—as I live!"
1 Garrick grasred the hand of a thick-
itet, erect, very dark Frenchman with
le black, pointed mustache. He had
peen standing just at the head of the
"Ah -h! It is Monsieur the Ad -
'Wren" The Frenchman grinned
pleasantly, displaying rows of splendid
teeth. Indeed he seeped in fine trim.
Before them openee a little alcove
eception room; Garrick paced on into
t b, followed by Georges, and intro-
uced Dick.
I- "You must know, Monsieur Dick,
*ho made the old Chateau Rouge up
THE 2NNGlt CRRene.
• They caught the afternoon train for
4.;he city,
It was a perfect Slimmer evening in
uneThey mounted the breakneck
1itself tea fine eidjuettitent. She open -
a door and admitted sham Nee a very
pink room,
"Wait here a minute, Doesanyone
know you are here?"
"No one but Georges," '
Sho went out into the hall again,
.closing the doer softly.
Garrick, running true to form, open-
ed a cedar chest between twocloset
doors. He beckoned Dick. "A radio
freque.Uy amplified" he muttered to
Dick. • "All wired up. Abouts forty
feet of wire placed behind the pieture
wire. The receiving outfit in a cedar
chest where no one can sec it,
Reuel!" 1' ••
Garrick closed t'heechest and looked
keenly at the color scheme of the
longe Pink-Pinkey. , I was just
up there, , , I gather that the threat
or wt<rning came over; this wireless—
from. the `Bacchante: It's running
through my mint: '5-22-22 260 cases
S. S. Aroyo. CI{GG,' This is CKGG.
Do yeti begin to get it?"
Ruth opened the door quietly, mys-
teriously. She seemed to be laboring
under high nervous 'tension. She
beekoned thein out into, the hall, "Of
course, I can't show you around up.
here, You see, these are the lodgings
of abnnt half a dozen members and,
believe me, they pay. That was a
lounge, really for ladies." She was
leading then back down the thick -
carpeted hall, "Theie's one thing you
might be interested in." She opened a
coor and they followed her down a
flight of stairs, then down. another
flight that led to the former basement.
Luscious odors of cooking smote their
nostrils, • They emerged' into the kit
chert. Ruth opened another door and
disclosed a stairway down into the
cellar, in which a light was burning;.
She started down, and the door closed
behind thein, Ruth was moving to-
t'ard the front of the building. "I
suppose you've been wondering," she.
said, "where the things are you usu-
ally find in a cellar." She paused
and open a door in the front, then,
with a twinkle added, "The heating'
Dials's' face fell and Ruth laughed
outright, ' "That was a mean orie,
Dick, Disappointed? 'I get you. Well,
as I was saying, the most interesting
part of a house nowadays is the
She winked and stood before a lit-
tle iron door. This must be what you
expected, The vault ... only this is
built out under the sidewalk. Now
. , gloat!"
She swung the door open. It was
dark and dank inside and cobwebby.
The light from). the cellar did not shed
any ray into the vault. Ruth held the
door, and sealing, gently took Dick's
arm and guided him in, then Garrick.
"Strike a match—if you want to see
some good stuff!"
Mink struck a liglith As he did so
a rush of air extinguished it and back
of thein clanged the iron door. There
was a grinding .of .a bolt.
A gong began ringing stridently. It
seemed as if the very floor on which
they stood was moving. Garrick ran
his hand up over his head. Here, was
a heavy iron bow. The top of the U
seemed to be parting iron doors on
either side.
"Hang it," growled Garrick, "the
:ash lift!"
They stepped off the lift, • Slowly
the platform began to sink arid the
iron. doors close down over the U,
Back of thein was the iron grill of the
Inner Circle. Dick looked at the fence,
then at Guy, and laughed foolishly.
Just as the lift doors clanged shut
there came a voice merrily from the
depths: "You can't slide down my cel-
lar door!"
.(To be continued.).
doter of the place.
For ten or fifteen minutes Garrielc
reminisced of the old days before and
during the war. Gradually Dick
pieced together the drama of the pre-.
It seemed that a group of rapid
young people, many of then his own
acquaintances, had started what they
called the "Fifty Club." There had
been a split of some kind, reducing the
stalwarts down to twenty. The twenty
had tried to go it alone. But it had
been too much for their allowances. It
had been a bit too exclusive. •
Now it was really a private club run
oy M. Georges who had catered to the
elite of a generation at the Chateau
Rouge. Mostof the twenty had stuck,
and enough of the selected elect ad-
mitted by card kept the Inner Circle
The long, wide, high-ceilinged par-
lor of the old house had been remodel-
led into a dining room with a beautiful
dance floor. Outside they could hear
the plaintive rhythmic notes of the
club's own Hawaiian orchestra of
three performers.
As nearly as Garrick could make it
out, M. Georges was making an ex-
cellent thing out of the revolt against
In a hill of the conversation and
above the- soft Hawaiian strains float-
ed new voices from a table outside.
"Well, Glenn, here vie are, alone—
for once,"
Dick peered cautiously out through
slightly -parted portieres and nodded
to Guy. It was Vira,
"It does seem good, doesn't it?" she
was saying. "No Rae, no Ruth, no
rumpus. Let's have no worry. You've
been looking nervous lately."
"Viva, you're great tonight. That
violet tweed is slick. If I stole a
kiss ... would' you register anger?
That's the word they use, isn't it?
Register?" Glenn chuckled contented-
ly as they toyed with thin -stemmed
glasses. "It's mighty fine of you,
Vira, to noticeiight. I haven't
looking q g
you cared any more for rte than for
the rest of them. To tell the truth
I am worried .... but I can't tell
anyone "
"I don't believe it's over exams.
You don't seem to be carrying your
I Horace or calculus around in your
pocket. You're not in love, are you,
Glenn?" Vira gave him a look that
would have thrilled the audience of
any mt,vie palace from coast to coast.
Glenn reached over, tools her hand,
passed his foot under the table and
1 laid it gently over her dainty ankle.
"Honest, Vire, I love you!" Then he
added fervently, "I want to get you
in nay racer, soon, and we'll motor out
to some nice quiet spot, like Canoe
Place used to ... and I'm going to
Stell you all about it. Will you let me
tell you?"
i "Dear boy, I'mi just dying to go on
Ithat ride with you."
"Make it tomorrow, Vira," Glenn
Itook her hands and toyed with the
ring finger on the left hand.
"Well you dumbelis I" laughed Rae,
suddenly poking pretty .piquant
face around the corner. "What are
you doing, Vera? Rehearsing a scene
on Glenn? You're not failing for it,
are you, old Clear? With three cock-
he would say
the same
thingVire,s to te
sitting down, Rae turned
to her companions: "I have some int-
pertant news for you, I've been hunt-
ing all over for you.
Her voice dropped to. a "bzz-bze-
bee." Garrick and Dick strained their
ears. "I was just up there.. And it
cane in over Pinkey's wireless from
, It said, `Watch out for Garrick
and Dick . , they got ashore ... to
New Yorit Get them out of the
This thrilling war novel Is the book
of the year, over one million copies
"It has certain marks of genius
which transend Nationality. There
are moments when the narrative
rises to 'heights which place it in
the company of the great, nor are
these always scenes of battle or
horror, Herr Remarque Is undoubt.
edit' a great writer," — London
Journals Alarmed
At Insect Invasions
Redoubled Warfare , on. Fruit
• Fly Held Necessary
Both "Nature" (England) and ,"In-
dustrial and Engineering Chemistry"
have recently expressed alarm over the
increased difficulty of insect control.
"The recent invasion of one more in-
sect, the Mediterranean ., fruit fly,
serves again to gall our attention to
the, never -ceasing warfare between
man' and these tiny competitors. We
confess that dere is almost enough in
the situation to make us' pessimistic,"
says the latter journal,"Nature" is
concerned chiefly with the spread of
the buffalo fly in Australia. This in-
sect was brought in from Java. Con-
ditions them 'tuake the insect less de-
structive than in Australia, where the
plan of cattle raising—the cattle being
rounded up but once ih a year, or even
two years -makes its control next to
impossible. "The raising of fat cattle
for slaughter is rendered almost int -
possible at certain seasons, and, indeed,
it seems possible that this pest may
prove to be a• main limiting factor in.
beef production in the northern areas
of the commonwealth. In view of the.
avorld position in the beef industry, the,
situation is disquieting from au empire
point of view," says "Nature."'
The Beaver Canada First, Canada's
Greriest National Weekly, has
made special arrangements with
the ptolishers of this great war
novel whereby they are able to
make this moat liberal offer.
"The Beaver Canada. First"
For One Year and
"All Quiet on the Western
a Lk of Montreal
President and General Manager Re-
view the Great Strides Made by.
The auntie.' meeting or the Bank of
Montreal, held at the Head Office of
the Bank, was marked by interesting
addresses by Sir Charles Gordon,:
President, and Mr. H. B. Mackenzie,
General. Manager.
In a comprehensive review of the
commercial situation in Canada, Sir
Charles remarked: "It should be kept
in mind that there have been five
years of almost uninterrupted expan-
sion. In that brief period Canada
has achieved a degree of development
Both For Only $2,45
A Saving. of $1.05 '
You must take advantage of thin
liberal offer at once, as we can only
eecure a' limited number of copies
of ndin yorderar bto-day fo
Send`in your
',Ile Beaver Canada Firsts,
159 Bay SStrepie
Toi'fDn±d, Ont,,
quite unprecedented. Not in one or
two directions, but practically in .all,
remarkable material progress has
occurred—lis agriculture, in many
lines of manufacturing, in mining,
forestry, trading, water power reduc-
tion, and building construction. ,
No Inflation In Baste Commodities,
Among the other favorable features
in the sitttatiou, he mentioned the
fact that there is no inflation appar-
ent in any of the great basic "con
modities such as wheat, sugar, cotton,
steel, and other, raw materials.
Unfavorable features in the situa-
tion were, first, the small crop of the
Prairie Provinces and the slow move-
ment of the grain toward the sea-
board, and secondly the crash in -the
stock markets.
"Tbere never was a time in the his-
tory of Canada," said Sir Charles, In
summing up conditions, "when busi-
ness as a whole has been at a higher
peak than during the year under re-
view, or when the developed sources
of our wealth were more wide and
varied than they are to -day, and never
a time when the earning power of
OUT people was sustained in SD many
channels of production. We must not
allow a temporary reaction, the re-
sult of a purely speculative orgy in
the stock markets, unduly to distort
our Time-
iew.aGeneral Manager's Address.
, This Christmas,' serve
Christie's Puddings
and Cakes, Their whole-
some goodness will
, delight young and old,
Chri T yes
Christ as
uddi i. s
Tse elfantla evtopaeziateigzee /J.53
ni41.144 . IA
"\ecking io au o, i:uie term to
some but most people don't mind
be -
in in the dartabout it,"
the crop h
e Prairie
iuces but
0o be
made of one
.�Lllirl The Circle
West ie'a country of
The other evening I was at a very Proved ctutu
ing 18 more
Jolly party, and one , of the chaps dependablethlln:richnes
s and over aI
I t of tut oats'seedtime n with this lit- series of and harvest.' I
In reviewing the business of the
Bank, Mr. 11, B. Mackenzie, general
manager, drew attention to the fact
that the balanco•sheet showed assets
aggregating $965,000,000 against $873;
000,000 a year ago, au increase of $92,-
000,000. He also pointed out that de-
posits aggregated $772,000,000, an in-
crease of $50,000,000, despite the fact
that desposits eater notice" bad de-
creased $18,000,000, the last a reflec-
tide. principally' of withdrawals for in-
vestment in securities. The last year
had been exceptional in that respect,
and the Savings Department would
probably now. resume its normal
Ample Ground for Confidence.. 1
Summing up, ;be said, "A review of
trade conditlon3 iu the various pro-
vinces exhibits, upon the whole, not
a banner year for Canada nor a quite'
cloudless sky but sound basic condi-
tions and, allowing for a temporary
lull in business; amtnte ground for con-
fidence in our future growth and pros-
erity. The chief disappointment is
o �. r.WEA$'NV1
I Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished
,with Every Pattern
By Annebelle Worthington
A delightful version of seeni-
lsports styling, in printed silk crepe
in tweed pattern in lovely rust tones,
!revealing interesting wrapped treat-
,ment'in skirt.
It is a one-piece type, too, that
makes it so attractive for home
seamstress, as it is so entirely sim-
ple to make, even though one may
be an amateur at sewing.' The back
is in one-piece. Left -side front in
one-piece, with circular skirt sec-
tion attached to right -side front.
The fronts are joined to backat
sides and shoulders and cross in
surplice effect. 'An inset cross-over
vestee of plain harmonizing silk
crepe finishes the neck edges of
front, The straight edge of side
closing is trimmed with buttons.
Belt shows slightly raised waist-
line. Long sleeves are fitted with
darts below elbows.
Style No. 2936 is designed in sizes
16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches
It is stunning in navy blue crepe
satin using the dull surface with
vestee in white crepe silk.
Black crepe satin with vestee in
eggshell shade with the circular
right front skirt section, miffs, belt
and buttons made of the dull side of
'crepe is very smart for immediate
and Fall wean
Dull black silk crepe with vestee
of eggshell is another lovely sugges-
tion very popular with younger set.
Tomato red crepe de chine, wine
red canton crepe, slate blue crepe'
ptarooain beige and brown checked
irheer woolen, and Royal blue silk
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
Tasty Recipes
Piste course In a Hurry
Drain off bite ell from a tin of sari
dines, sorapo the skin gently from
the fish, dip each in seasoned:flew%
Heat up the 011 in a frying -pan and
fry the sardines pale brown, ' Drain
well and serve on Eugore of toast.
spread with anobevy butter, ailewing'
two sardines to weds plebe of toast;
Garnish wltls cut demon. If in a
great hurry plant butter mai' ba
spread on the toast.
kidney Ramekins
Soak four •sheep's kidneys its bolt -
Ing water fat' two minutes, r801110ve
the skin and cores and slice the ltid•
Heys. Brown a chopped sltailot or
small onion in 11 oz, of butter, add
the Icidneys and brown lightly, while
stirring, Draw 'then, tou tits side of
the pair, shake in an ounce of dour
brown, thea stir in a half cup of stook •
or gravy. If none be available die -
solve some meat or vegetable extract
in a half `a IMP of water.
Boil up, stir in tee kidneys and
simmer very gently 5 to 8 minutes.
Season, add a spoonful of table sauce
or mushroom ketchup; and put into
small warmed "ramekin cases of
cltlua or fireproof glass. Sprinkle
with chopped parsley and serve.
Marmalade For en Invalid
An invalid sontetins s fancies a 'lit
Ile marmalade, especilbllyi1 sent up
on his breakfast tray' in a tiny
"sample" pot, A way of making It -"-
suitable fora delicate digestion is as
follows :
Required: 4 lbs. Seville oranges, 2
lemons, 4/ ' pints water, lump sugar.:
Wash and wipe the fruit and came -
fully grate off the rinds. Remove
all the white skin and cut the fleshy
part into small pieces. 'Put it into
the preserving pan with the enter
and broil for half an houj,, stirring free
quentlY, Strain through a jelly bag,
allowing the juice to drop without
pressure. •Measure the liquid and
put it into a clean pan with the grat-
ed rinds, and a pound of lump sugar.
to every pint of juice, Bring to the
boil, and boil for ten to fifteen mln-
uteri, or until it: will jelly when teat-
ed. Skim well and pour into small
patterns as you want. Eneloee 20e in
stamps or coin- "rcoin preferred; wrap
11 carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 7h West Adelaide Ste Toronto.
Patterns sent by an early mail.
The East Wind
Moozllight, and one bright star
O'er a lone field,
Sheep with their young lambs are
Cropping the yield.
Soft calm and still- spring night
March night of gray,
Gone the clean East Witill's might
That held the day.
Beaceful the cleansed flocks are
In a Great Gare,
Watched by a shining star,
Breathing' soft' air.
Has the East Wind that drew
The flock's sweet breath
Gone proudly sweeping home
To Nazareth? •
—F. Julia Bolton in The Irish tion oe observations having been made
Statesman. through the keyhole and that the jury
might like to test its possibilities for
ilapplaess does not distil -fa' un' Aster e, careful survey of contem-
mouey or leisure 01 soci0r even.o
health; it depends on oety ur relatlou ta o perary husbands, we feel that a wo-
toose we love. man who shoots her husband can not
very well plead insanity.
tie catch.
—ti t much should not b
lean e
ar. The W.
e y
•fol moth
1 1 ,
caused h. quite a o • . es, --
Ile first of all told the other boys A Snow Hymn '
Lite could draw a circle young any i itnow not ho?t 1t, blows and sifts
thethat rant and roar;.
In n
he couldn'tj
one of them, so
out of it, although the chole would • t only know it; always driers
not iie more than two feet from his i The deepest ;at my door.
way for good;,' fest.
I b ill of etirte said that it Minard's Liniment for Chapped Hands
and Garbiek w their feet in a i drawn on the floor,
( h wevei
Whole Truth
To Be Known
Peach puffs_
Required: Rough puff Pastry, slic-
ed peooites. Cut the pastry . into
pieces from two to three Inches
square. Bake them in ,.very quick
oven. When cooked, press the cen-
entres' .gently down and arrange the
Panes in a neat line in the cases
thus termed. If preferred, puff pan-
try may be used, brut it is rather
mare expensive and, much more trou-
ble to make. Rough puff pastry Is ex-
cellent for mice pies, so it would
be seise -to practice it new.
London. -000 of the Most curious
exhibits ever seen in an English court
room was produced recently when a
keyhole was introduced in evidence in
a divorce case so that the jury might
Judge how much could be seen by
peeping through it.
'The keyhole was completely sur-
rounded by a drawing room door and
Mr, 'Justice Hill allowed the whole
door to be placed is evidence upon the
plea of counsel that there was a ques-
Oat Cake
Required: One pound of niodiunt
oatmeal, 2 ounces of butter or good
dripping, a small teaspoonful of salt,
water. Put the oatmeal and salt into
a basin, rttb the butter into it. Then
mix in enough water to make it tato
a smooth, stiff dough. Sprinkle some.
oatmeal over your board and rolling -
pin. Put the mexture on your board,
and roll out to the desired thickness,
about the thickness of a 50• cent piece
Cut, into pieces about four inches
square and then cut again into tri-
anglbs, or, if you prefer, stamp out
into rounds with a cutter. Slightly
grease a -frying-pan. Put in a few
cakes and bake over a slow fire.
Turn thein over once. Put in a sieve
to cool. Serve in a toast -rack stride
Savory Steaks
I leve to lie abed till ten
And yet I must confess.
,: t _: , ., me
My conscience somalim e
:r r.,
My dreadful laziness,
Bat Stili, it lsii't'really Stich
A matter for regret;
Ththe, : d a swish ;7f sonicane ens.-+ i` ' t I.
vary o ,
ing the,: door. It was Roth, Dick couldnt be dorso, thinking, of a circle Neuer Satisfied
ere on
mentent, quietlys, down the hall after:+ This boy, o just took a piece
iter, up the stairs to to second floor, of chalk and drew a line round the
Sho teener' as she heard their steps, I body of one of throe thet re,flonot
',Remit by Money 0rdet, Ii " "What are you boys doing Isere?! than two feet from
J 1 i' again? .It s a gal klea. And, n0 matter how hard he trlod,
;in g ' lie couldn't Jump out of the circlet
--�-- p "Show ug ✓around, Rath. - i rn Crary
about this shao'it" l _ In rd's Ltntment,
Iger • ightning inlitd seeli?dd to bunt .iror Toothache M a
SUE No, 1700—'29
1 animal the only
from regret.
Longs for rain when all is dry, hates
it when it's wet. I
¶,Vouts the summer when he's cold,
the winter when he's• trot;
Always longing for the thing that he
For, if I weren't so lazy', think
How tlred I should get,
As the Governor of Porto Bello ars
rived, a cannon was run out on the
pier. "Are you, men preparing a re-
volution?". ""No, Governor, tee have
berates enough powder tor a salute."
Exclusive achooI, tb learn
Culture. Refined surroundings, oho
or mord subJeets taught—easy
terms. Inspection . invited;
12 Queen St East Toronto.
international Aviation 8,ltool0 have
Just opened. in Toronto, a new and
highly modern School and ie equipped
to teach Aviation In all its branches
under too guidance ' of ex -Imperial
ground- and flying Instruetoro, There
15 a tremendous. demand .Poe trained
Aviation mode, at Very' high Wq181•
ice, If you contemplate or have plan -
nod Aviation es yourtuturo profe0alon
got.. to touch With 0e at ono, tree
cmploymont 0000103 while loathing and
rertato0 manedto h
ly paid OA -
tions, Day
and' rvenlng cl3Aoos nor/ w
kohl formed, Dan In parson or WO,
157.144 Wellington Street West,
'reroute, Canada.
Required: et of a pouud of lean
veal. ?i, of a pound of bans or bacon,
2 ounces of suet,,( onion (chopped),
3 teaspoonfuls of chopped parsley,
the grated rind of a lemon, 1 egg, salt
and pepper, 3 ounces of dripping.
Chop the veal and bacon finely, also •
the suet. Mix these together ,with
the copped parsley and onion, and
salt and pepper to taste, Beat up
the egg and bind the mixture with It.
Shape it into small neat, flat capes.
Melt the dripping in a frying pall;
when a bluish- smoke arises from it,
put la two or three cakes 'at n time
and fry them a nice brown on each
side. Arrange a neat bed of mash-
ed potatoes on a hot dish. Press
the steak's firmly on to this, patting
a slice of Iemon between each ' steak.
Garnish with fried patatoes, and hand
with this dish a tureen', of good
brown sauce.
Foods That Go Together
Baked oysters dud spaglietti, fried
hominy, vegetable salad and apple
dumplings with vanilia sauce.
Codfish balls, sauce tartare; Sara-
toga potatoes, lima beaus, lottuce and
beet salad and butterscotch pudding.
Rangers Snare Wolf,
Long Terror o� Peer Herd
Toronto.—A large gnggraywolf, which.
for months has terrorized the large
Berets of deer roaming through Algon-
quin Pare, is. dead.
Traps had been set in vain until it,
appeared he would never be caught.
Jim Shields, chief park ranger, fin:
ally outwitted the wolf by placing ti
cunningly laid trap fastened to a four-
inch pole. Visiting the snare one day, .
Shields found the trap gone. Tho
wolf had gnawed through the thielf
pole and taken the trap sway with
him. Shields and his assistants lot.
lowed the trail and after twenty-seven
miles of tramping came upon the bay
of the •wolf with the trap still fast to
its foreleg.
Lady (to tramp)—"Aud you Hay you
are an educated man?" Tramp.•.•" Tei
ttlii'am; I'm a roads' scholart"