HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-12-19, Page 8EI RY NSALJ- Soiuueil Meeting ,.-The last meeting, s Ir lra the village ca t teal for the ear o£tc t l y 1 Monday 'lit with all the \I m la evening th hell cit g y member.. present. The minutes s of the c last' meeting were read and alppted on motion of Petty and .Cameron. A smaller of adjustments were asked for in the way of rebate on dog taxes hitt the council thought it better to leave the ineeting till the new council in Jauttary so as to give those a chance who wish t ,to appear the council �ar before in person pr send an a written notice of being wrongfully assessed. • A number. of accounts were presented and order - eel 'psid, 'Tax collector Hemphill was present and made a report to the council. He stated that there was still some $"1,000 of taxes still unpaid but the most of it would be paid with- in the next Jfew days. On motion of Ortwein and Sangster the roll was ex tended to finish •collection by January 1.13th. Before the council adjourned, Reeve Higgins thanked, the Council for 'their hearty eo-operation during the year and stated that during the seven or eight years as councillor and reeve, he never worked with a council where there was less 'strife than this year. It would be impossible for a reeve to give his best to •the imunicip- ality that 'he represented withotit the help of his council and no one knows what a hearty co-operation ineans in a council till he occupies the reeve's Chair himself. Two municipal drains have ,been put in this year at a very low cost, a lot of gravelling has been done, the town pumps and water tank have been pnactically rebuilt and a great amount of other work done, al- though 1 milt extra was charged up to the village for the provincial high- way, our rate.t'his year was 'half a mill less' than last ,year, which is a record for our council, Councillor Petty also spoke for a few minutes, touching on the splendid co-operation this year and hoped that the electors would see fit to give the council an acclamation for 1930. The council then adjourned Ivtrs. Alvin Hoslcins of Detroit is visiting at the home of her father, Mr Lawrence Heffernan. Mrs. Lee Hellen of Hamilton is visiting, friends in town and is also as- sisting at ,the postoffice during the Christmas rush. The last meeting of the hydro com- mission for the year was held on Fri- day evening last with all the members present and a lot of business transact- ed. The local comnnission have had some trouble over not having enough power some times for electric stoves during the rush hours of the day. The manager explained that the step-up transformers now in use to take care of the rush hours, would cause too much trouble at night when the pow- er use was low. A representative from Toronto was here for a few days late- ly to check up the trouble and has made a recommendation to the Toron- to Commission. The manager hopes to have the troubles satisfactory in a few days. A cheque for $250 was paid over to the town treasurer as a re- bate on the street lighting for .1928. Carmel Presbyterian 'Church intends holding- a Chirstmas concert in the town hall on Thursday evening, Dec- ember 26th. A fine program is being prepared. A short play will also be given, entitled "A Kiss in the Dark.' Miss Jean Elder of London is spending a few days at the hone of her .paaenta Mr. and Hrs. John Elder Mrs,, Wiri'.iG. Horton of Saskatche- wan and: Mr. -Sam Horton. of Calgary are visiting relatives in town The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's Anglican Church, held their meeting on Monday evening last. The meeting was presid- ..ed over by the president, Mr. Thomas Simpson, After the minutes, roll cal and general business, the Scripture was given by Mr. Peppier, after which a. reading entitled "Interest of music in the Home," was given by Mrs Goodwin, Mrs. Peppier gave a musi- cal number which was enjoyed by all The remainder of the evening was • spent in singing the Chirstmas carol. The firemen have erected their an- nual community Christmas Tree in front of the Town hall. The tree is nicely decorated with colored lights and has a handsome appearance, San- ta Claus will arrive here Monday a- round _.3 0.m, p and will have a pres- ent for every boy and girl and will have one also for the children who are unable to come. The public library will be closed on December 26, so as to allow the lib- rarian •a well-earned holiday. Thescholars of the United Church Sunday school will hold their annual Christmas entertainment in the Town hall an Monday evening. A splendid program will be provided, Next Sunday special Christmas ser- vices will be held in all the churches and special Christmas music will be furnished for the choirs. .Miss Eliza Newel spent the week end with friends in Exetex. Hiss Nellie Carmichael of Exeter is .assisting in the drug store during the Christmas rush, CHISELHURST. There is a concert being prepared by the children and young people of Chiselhurst on Friday evening, Dec. 20th with. a Christmas tree loaded with gifts, and Santa Claus will be thereto deliver the presents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright and children visited Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Kaercher on Sunday. The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting in the church Tuesday last. A good attendance was present, Miss Edna Brintnell of Seaforth is home spending a few holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Brin'tn•elh HULLETT. Mr. Geo..Biackburne of Clinton is Spending a few days with Mr, Thos. Troop, • Mrs, •A, Weymouth stili continues en very poor health; also Mrs, Geo, /Lawrence is not improving as her friends would wish, Mr. \Vm• Carter was judging- in Guelph and Oshawa last week. • The Christmas Tree for the pupils of S. S, 4 .will be held le the school house en Thursday evening. Come and ate Santa Claus, lir,,pla Snell was a successful ex- hibitar'et Guelph last week. .'Send .tts the names of your visitors. SAYFIELD, On Wednesday evening, December llth the members of Court Rose of. Q esters o b r Baan Order f Sharon. lana r tealon wives with vied few invited nil a e thu^o their guests had e banquet at the Ritz Ho- tel, An excellent goose dinner was provided by Mrs. T. Bailey,. which was greatly enjoyed by all, Later in the evening a Masquerade Dance was held in the Town Hell when quite a large number enjoyed the itadce and the good . music 'furnis'hed by the Lakeside • Enterta•itfers. There were nearly thirty in costume, The grand march was led by Mr, Sam Westlake, floor manager. Prizes were awarded es) follows:, Christmas Tree, Duey Woods; Witch, Mrs, John Turner; Old Time Bride, Mrs. Malcolm Tones; Page, Bernice Seed. Gents—Uncle Sain, Gerald Hamilton; Klu Klux Klan, 3, Wetson; Clown, W. West- lake; Old Timer, Lloyd Makins, The judges were Walter Jo'hnston,' Mrs. F. McEwen and Mrs, W. F. Metcalf. Court Rose of Sharon was organized in 1675. There is but one of the c'h'ar,. ter members still living, Mr. John Pollock. The present officers are, W. H. 'Talbot, Chief Ranger;: Archibald Armstrong, Vice Chief; D, C. Gala brait'h, Treasurer; George E. Green- slade, reen slade, Financial Secretary. Owing to the cold weather and condition of the roads there was not as large an at- tendance as there .might have been, Members, of L.IO.IL. 24, Bayfield, are having a progressive euchre in the Town II'all, Friday evening, Decem- ber 27th, for which good. prizes will be given, after which there will be. a dance, Miss Thelma Ritz, who spent the past two weeks as the guest of her aunt in Mitchell, returned home on Tuesday lesit. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sparks of London visited her father, Mr. J. D. Woods, recently, who returned with them for a visit. Mrs. J. Keys of Hensel] visitedlast week with her sisters, Misses Parke. STANLEY. At his home in Biggar, Saskatche- wan, on November 29th, there passed away an old resident of Stanley in the person of Mr. Eagleson Ester, at the age of 8'1 years. Until about thirteen years ago, when he moved to the West, Mr. Ester occupied the old homestead, which originally belonged to anis father, the late John Ester, and which is now owned by Mr. Sam. Gingerich. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Carnie visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Scotchmer at Bay- field on Friday last, Due to the recent snow storms ac- companied . by high winds the con- cession lines are in. very bad condi- tion for traffic. The main highways have recently been ploughed out, but the municipal roads lack the machin- ery to keep t'he'm in good condition during the winter months. - The annual meeting of the .Women's Missionary Society of Goshen United Church was held at the home of Mrs, Nelson Keys. After the opening de- votional exercises, leaflets were read as follows: Korea, by Mrs. D. J. Ste- phenson; North and West China by Mrs. Elgin McKinley; South China by Mrs. Ja•dtes 1feClinchey; India by Mrs. R. M. Peck; Africa by Miss Margaret \'IcKinley, Mrs, J. Arm- strong read the devotional leaflet. Mrs. R. McKinley gave a very splendid reading ent:tled "A Chris tm a s Thought." The text word chosen for January meeting is "Cheerfulness." Following this came the election of officers for the incoming year, resulit- ing as follows: President, Mrs. D. J. Stephenson; 1st vice President, Mrs. R. McKinley; and vice President, Mrs, Elgin McKinley; Treasurer, Mrs. Nelson Keys; corresponding Secret- ary, Mrs, B. Keys; recording Secret- ary, Mrs, R. M. Peck; Superintendent of systematic giving, Mrs, T. Robin- son; Associate helpers' Secretary, Mrs, J. McClinchey; press Secretary, Mrs, Elgin • McKinley; temperance secty, Mrs, Henry Erratt; literature Secty., Mrs, D. J. Stephenson; strang- ers' Secty„ Mrs, J. Armstrong; pian- ist, Mrs Herb. Smith. The meeting was closed by the President, Mrs. R. McKinley, pronouncing the Benedic- tion. A dainty lunch was then served during a social half-hour. KIPPEN. The S.S. concert will be held Fri- day evening, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m. Friends are sorry to learn of the illness of Rev. R. A. Lundy of Nile, who is suffering from high blood pressure. - Persian Balm invests every woman with subtle charm. Delicately frag- rant. Cooling and healing. Dispels all ' roughness or chafing. Makes skins delightfully soft -textured. Every woman should use this peerless toilet requisite. Daintiness—beauty—re- finement—Persian Balm achieves these 111 every instance. Softens and whitens the hands. Promotes clear and youthful loveliness. All women who care for additional charm unhes- itatingly choose Persian Balm. HARNESS. One set team h'arnes's; one set of single harness. We can arrange to do your repair now. Kindly bring it now and avoid the spring rush. 'THOS. D. WREN, Hensel', Ont. AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stocic and Implements at lot 33, con. 12, McKillop on Thursday. Dec. 19th, at 1.30 p.m, sharp, the fol- lowing: - 5 cows, supposed to be in calf; 2 heif- ers, 2 -year old; 4 heifers, 1 -year old; 1 young sow. implements. -1 Massey Harris mower; 1 cultivator; ,1 Massey Ilarris drill; 1 binder; .1 manure spreader; 1 Massey Harris rake; 1 wagon, set of sleighs, harrows, 1 land roller; 2 walking piows; 1 gang plow;. 1 brass mounted set of double harness, new; 1 gravel box; 1 oak barrel; light wagon; wagon box; scales, 2,0001be.; 1 Chevrolet -'touring ear; hay fork rope; 1 cutter aitd numerous other articles, Terms—Cash: All will be sold without reserve as the Farm must be rented. Mas. Rose Holmes ,and David Holmes, Executors for the estate of the late Robt, Holmes, Wm, Somer- ville, Clerk, Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. T SEA1'QR' f NEW: Christmas' nterIalnmenI S No. 5. N 31'z'IJCKER $MxT H P Sri ,\o, 3, 1uc 'ker si tfth 11 t Mill I>,oad School, is leaving their Christmas en- tertainment on Friday night, Dee, 20, 'at 8 o'clock, S.S. No. 2,,McXILLOP Ari entertainment and Christmas Tree will be held le Si S. No, 2, Mc- Ki•llop,.Friday evening, December 20, commencing at 8,45, An excellent pro- gram will provided. Admission 25c. Olive V. Medd, Teacher. 51 CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. \IcBrien and family wish to expresstheir sincere appreciation to friends and neigh'bors for the kindness shown to them in their sudden and sad bereavement. Aliso. to express special thanks . to Rev, T. H. Brown and the Orangemen of Seaforth an'd. to those who loaned cars, LOST. A dog, answers to the name of "Ted," yellow dog with a white breast, missing since Dec. 14th. Apply to PERCY J'OHINISTION, _ Lot 21, Con- cession 10, S'tan'ley, . • '54 NOTICE. 'Colclough Bros, have purchased a York Hog from Joseph D'olmage. Terms, 51!50 payable at time of ser- vice. COLCLOUGH BROS., lot 4, concession 7, Hallett, • - 551 NOTICE TO .CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that all Dred itors and others having claims against the estate of George Paterson Cardno, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, merchant, who died on the 27th day of October, 1929, are. required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned, solicitor for the administratrix, on or before the 20th day of December, 1929. And 'Notice is .further given that afe ter the said date the administratrix will proceed to distribute th'e estate, having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. Dated at Seaforth, December 12th, 1929. JOHN 5. HU+GGAR'D, Seaforth, Cat. Solicitor for Administratrix, VIM uleSDAY, DEC1T+#1W1RS ,1929. Strictly Cash and Carry NORTH STAR 019 FLOUR •. , , a Red Path Sugar • $$m479- Per cwt, , , m,, 4 Pounds Dates . . , , •29e 3 pkgs, Lux MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, per pound,:. 10 BARS P.&G,: SOAP 4 BARS LIFE BUOY SOAP „ 4 lbs..; WHITE 29c BEANS 39c 29c 29c YOU SAVE WHEN YOU BUY IN EGMONDVILi.,E J. FII 1. ��NIGpi NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Marion;Carn'ochan, Deceased. N i N I iE lieneb given that all as y g e persons having claims against the es- tate of Marion Carnochan, 'late of the Town. of Sieaforth in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of August, A. D. 19129, are required to deliver to 'Samuel A. Carnochan and Alexander Broadfoot, the executors of the said estate or their solicitor, on or before the 10tia clay o1 ljanuary, A:D. 1930, a ,,full statement of their claims together with particulars'thereof, and the na tune of the securities' if any, held bx ist the, alt duly verified y affidavit, AND TARE N'Or1Y];�IE .';hat after the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute' the estate of the said deceased among- st the persons en'title'd thereto having regard only to >such claims as they shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith., DATEID at Clinton , Ontario, this 17th day of December, A.D., 1929. iW. BRR'IDIONIE, Clinton, Ontario, 'Solicitor for the said estate. There may be other corn removers, bat you will not be completely satis- fied until you have used Holloway's Corn Remover. COULTER & GO• -EN O V L CK Seafdrth Agents for -International Harvester Co,, Manufacturers of FARM IMPLEMENTS, TRACT- ORS, THRESHERS and' TRUCKS See Our Tractors . and Plows and Compare Them With Other Makes. Horses fdr sale or exchange at all time's. Also late '25 Ford 'coupe for pale. PROPERTY FOR SALE House end - lot on Railway st. Good, comfortable frame house, 6 rooms with back kitchen with ''hard and soft water. / acre of grouted. Hen house with fruit treesand berry bushes,. all in good shape. J;O•SHHPIH HOG- GLAIRTH, Seaforth, phone 267 05 PIANO FOR SALE. ,Nordheimer piano in first class con- dition, for sale. Same may be seen at the Rectory. REV. T. PL BROWN. 51 Send us the names of your visitors. TIMBER FOR SALE. ° stietcs of timber, rock elnt, Qne -0 would' 'x other one Heel -0'2;10') ntticl nuke 0 4'• 1 5 ,,1 at te hinr shorter. Ot, 10t 3, G011., 9, 4cCt1toP O I S REGELEt R.R. 1 Dublin or phone 23r16Dublin,5f FOR, SALE; 3 tai&&les, suitable for store; 1,12 - inch paper cutter; • 1 counter show rase; 4 'scoops; 1 •coal heater; 1 iron pump with cylinder; hand made fancy _x'orlt; toys; ,games; Christ- mas cards; novelties; 'kitchenware. 'These can be seen any afternoon from now till Christmas, MRS. ROBT. SMITH, Goderich st,, east. Phone 3114. 51 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Three unimproved farms in Mani- toba, clear Torrens . title to each; all si eate in school districts; containing 160„ 160, end 240 acres respectively, more or less; will trade for Ontario property; prefers dwelling in a city or good tow*, or small farm 5 to 20 acres, with buil'dings; or may trade For hotel or other property. What have you to offer for one or all three? WI,IJLIIAM MURRAY, . Dauphin, Manitoba. 02 FARM FOR. SALE My time (being occupied by other business, I am offering my farm of 100 acres working land which is in a high state, of cultivation, / mile from Seaforth. Building situation ideal, well watered, A 'large dairy and hog business' been carried on for years on this farm and -thousands of dollarsof feed been bought and fed on same, Agreeable •ferms to • reliable party. J. A: McKIENZITE, Seaforth, Phone 25, or 143x211. •1' FARM FOR SALE. The Executors of the Robert Gib- son estate', offer the choke 50 -acre farm, l good condition, N$4 lot 16, con. 5, Mel:Cillop, all cleared and all seeded down. Two storey cement house, frame kitchen, all in good re- pair. Barn 50'x4'6" on a cement wall, cement stablingand water in the barn. Cement driving house' 24'x36'. Frame hog pen 16'x24'. Never failing well of choice water. Well fenced and underdrained with tile drain. Will be sold on easy terms to suit pur- chaser. For further particulars apply to CHAS, WRIGHT, Seaforth r.r. 5; or R. S. HAYS, Seaforth S GIFT ge tions For Mother9 Sister, Father and Brother MUFFLERS Our range is most complete. Some are squares, The silk muffler is an Ideal Gift, $1,50, $1.75, 32.25, $2.50, $2.95 SHIRTS Men's English Broadcloth Shirts; in white and fancy stripes. Separate or collar attached. $1.95. GLOVES • To suit every man, Done up in one of our personal Christmas boxes. Do not fail to see these Gloves. 75c, $1.00, $1,95, $2.95 NECKWEAR These ties are a very large range in hundreds of patterns, Ties are always acceptable, Each Gift Boxed. 50c, $1.00, $1,50 HOSE Interwoven' Hose for Men in silk and Wool and All -wool. Many patt- erns in a wide range of colors, 59c, 75c, $1,00 SUSPENDERS Give him a pair of suspenders this Christmas. Made from mercerized webbing with rustproof metal trim- mings. 50c, 75c, 31.00 SWEATERS Our range is very large in plain and fancy knits. Some have collars and others are pullover styles, 32,50, $3,00, $4,75, $5.00 BELTS , He will appreciate, one of these belts, sonic have your individual ini- tial, while others have fancy buckles. 50c, 75c, 31,00, 31,25 ARMBANDS, GARTERS Good quality armbands and garters, neatly boxed for Christmas, 25c, 35c, 50c Dresses $8,95 Highly pleasing, these intriguing styles of nice weight flat . crepe. In sizes 16 to 38. In this range you will find values to 515,00, See these before buying elsewhere. $8.95 NEW FELT MILLINERY $1,69 Very stylish and becoming are these Felt Hats, Every Felt Hat in. store included in this lot, Values to $3.50, Sale price $ 1®69 MEN'S OVERCOATS, $24.50 Tip -Top Overcoats are made to your individual measure. A wide range of cloths to 'choose from. Choose yours today. All one price • $24,50 MEN'S OVERCOATS, $14.95 Made of Blue Chinchilla and fancy overcheck cloths. Guaranteed all wool. These coats are sold elsewhere at $18.50. Made in all styles, sizes 35 to 42, Our price...,. $14.95 YOUTH'S OVERCOATS, $11.95' 9 only youth's Overcoats in Blue and Pawn shades. These coats are made in the Ascot model and are ex- tra well made, Sizes 33 tp 315, Values lo $16.50 $.11.95 BOYS' LEATHER CAPS Boys' "Aero" Caps are made from the best leather and well lined. These will keep his -ears warn'. 51.25, $1.50 FANCY SOX A large range of all wool cashmere and silk and wool socks. Make the Ideal Gift. 59c, 75c. 1111. WORSTED SOX An all -wool worsted' sox-. in black and lovat shades. He will appreciate these sox. Each gift boxed 50c BOYS'_ GOLF' SOX In fancy colors, made from all - wool Botany yarns, sizes 754' to .10. Each pair boxed, $1,00. BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS 'For ladies, in a very large range, Handkerchiefs make the Ideal Gift. 50c, 75e, 31.00 .' GIVE SOMETHING TO WEAR Each Gift Boxed PURE SILK HOSE Make an Ideal Gift. Each pair in- dividually boxed. All shades. $1,25 SCARVES A real range of haled painted scarves for women and make a won- derful`gift. 31.50, 31.95, $2.95. SILK AND WOOL HOSE A wonderful buy in Ladies'. Silk. and Wool Hose, a large.. range of shades, sold elsewhere .at 51.00. All sizes 79c Seaforth, eat. Every Gift Boxed PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Cd Ml cal. DR. 11.UG H HO t R SS I i leia 5 Y y and a Surgeon.Late of London Hoe - pita!, Loudon, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear: nose and throat, . Office ,and reside ence behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No, 5; Residence Pli9ute' 104. DR, F , J. BURROWS,' Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United' Church. Coron for the County of Huron, Telephone DR. C. MACICAY,—.C.. Mackay; honor.graduate o•f Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the 'College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario DR. F. J, R. FOIRSTER—Eye Ear Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi eine, University of Toronto 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Instit ;e, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. • At Cum -r ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is each month, •from ' 14 a.m. to 3 p,, DR. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate .f Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London, Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario, 'Office in A'berhart'a Ding Store, , Main St., Steer*. Phone 90. Dental. DR, • J. A. MUNIN, Successor to Dr R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, I11. li- centiate (Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over SIWs hardware,' Main St.,•Seaforth. Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECH,ELY,. graduate_ Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over • W. R. Smiths grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. office 18SW, residence 1855. ' Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B;A.Sc. (Tor.); O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada; Office, Seaforth, Ont. , Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Stile Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, F. W. AUH'RENIS, Licensed Auction• eer for Perth and Huron _Counties. Sales solicited. Terms on ;applies. tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farml Stock, chattels and real estate proper- ty. F. W. Ahrens, R. R. No. 4, Mitch; ell, let 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles east of Beechwood. Phone 634r6, Mitch- ell. • WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MSuccAINe ssors ST., SEtoAFORTH. ONames T All -kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND .ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N_L Y, INSURED Officers -James' Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D: F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. • .Directors—Wan. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; Ames Evans, Beechwood; M. ' Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-. ericb; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, W'altoat Robert Ferris, • Harlock; George Mc- ' Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; • Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch; rm. • 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray,: r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarneouth, Bornholm. • James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business' will; be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named -officers addressed' to their respective postoffices. SPECIAL First National's Superfilm of the Famous Old London Melodrama THS WHIP Racing Horses--Ritsy Women—Rac- ing Silks and Paris satins --Society's big thrill -fest --, Intrigue --Scandal . . —A Train Wreck The Sport of Kings at its sportiest climaxing in a censaa,'tfoi8al'finish—Der- by Day at'Epsum Downs. • • A iSp'lendid "Cast—A Wonderful •, Spectacle -A Rip -(Roaring Thriller THIS !WEEKEND CHRISTMAS WEEK SPECIALS THE DTJKE STEPS OUT featuring WIILIJIAM HIAIiNNE'S JIOAN C1TAWl17ORID•. • THE PATRIOT • featuring EMIXIL JI ANIHNIG'S,.LEWIS 'STONE, ELO'REN.OE VII'DOIR' PR1 a ss Sweet anti palatable, • Mother sGuraves'relyaWornudprot Emxterptly,;tnfitatot is aceep table to children, and it tl�oes its wohk '