HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-12-19, Page 5" IURSl7'AY, IiECEMiIER 19, 1929. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAO CALL IN AND SEE THE NEW 1930 partofl and Alarcon' Radios ,Some good buys on used Battery.Machines. Also a good 'line of Batteries and Goodyear Tires CHEVROLET GARAGE A. W. Dunlop Seaforth, Ont, Phone 187 eRi3' We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send :your creamto other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In- return for you co-operation we willgive you of our best in service and prices, We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth . Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. Son W. J. Walker 86a Alir UNDERTAKING, —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W, J•• WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A. Flowey Phone.327-J. Centre St. TUCKERSMITH. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLellan of Mil- ton spent the week -end with Mr, and 'Mrs. H. McGregor of Kippen, Word was received here this week of the death of 'Miss Margaret Elgie, youngest daughter of the late John and Mrs, Elgie, formerly of Tucker - smith. Air. and 'Mrs: Jas. Hay_ spent Sun- day at the l ome: of Mr, John Hay ,on -the Mill 'Roads S.S. No. 9 school are holding their annual Christmas .concert on Thurs- day evening; h Dee. 1 9t . D Air;' Wes Richardson, Walker Car- lile and Miss Muriel Carlile s.pent a day bast week at the home of 'Me. and Mrs. Wm, Lands'borough, Mr. Thos. Coleman received word last Monday that his niece, Miss Mar- garet Elgie,youngest daughter of the late, John Elgie had died the day pre- vious of meningitis of the brain at her home in Los Angeles, Cal. , S:S, No, 6 is practising for their en- tertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClyinont of Kip:peu visited relatives here last week, Turners' Sunday school are busily engaged in preparing their annual concert to be given in the church on Mon., Dec. 23 at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all the friends to be present. As the last Wednesday of the year falls on Christmas the annual school meeting of S. S. No, 6, Tuckersmith, will be held on Thursday, December 216th et 2 p.m. for the transaction of business pursuant to the statute and to the rqling of the education department as published in ,the newspapers, A good attendance of ratepayers is de- sired. S. S. No. 9, Tuakersmi'th, is having an entertainmenyThursday, Dec. 19th. Prize Winners at Guelph, -Among those who won ribbons at the Guelph winter Fair were: 'Stallions, foaled in 119214, 2nd, A. & J. Broadfoot, Sea - forth; stallions foaled in 1929, 3rd,. A. & J. Broadfoot; snare foaled in 1929, 9th, A. and J Bcoadfoot; 7th, D. Foth- eringham and Son, Bruceifield. Among the Clydesdales were: Brood mare, foaled previous to January 1, 1926, 4th, .R. J. Scott, Cromarty; 66• A and J. Broadfoot; 9th, D. Fotheringham and Sons; mare foaled in 1.927 -15th,. C. Roy Toll, Blylth; three get of sire, 3rd, .A. & J. •Braadlfoot, H, H. Mcllines . chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial. Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Afternoons , Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. MANLEY. Mr. John Messerschmidt, formerly of this place and now of Stratford, made a business trip to Seaforth last week. All cars are tied up for the present until .the weather man • changes Isis tactics but somepeople would have us believe to keep the roads open' would pay for quick transportation, but as it is the taxes are high enough and there Was a time when the producers had a lot of teaming to do, who had to make the besit of it to make ends meet. We are told we have to keep up with the times, which is very true, but by so doing we are driving the young off the farms for when they see all tho.se who have easy jabs they fall in line and at the clip the world is going now this country will be owned by foreigners who are willing to do the. work. We are told the country, never was more prosperous—if that is true why are there ,so many farms for sale and no one to, buy them, even at the price the buildings cost, Ward has been. received . of the death of Mrs. Win. Purcell ' in De- troit this week. The funeral was held in the city b'ti Wednesday. She was formerly Miss.. Kehoe - of Logan Pp. and is survived by her husband, who -formerly lived at Manley. HIBBERT. The regularmonthly meetnig of the Hibbert 'Connell was held,. in Town- . ship .q'Iall, Staffa, on Monday, Dec 3'6, all the meunibcrs in attendance and the minutes of the previous nneeting read and adopted. ;By-laws, No. 313'6 re• the Broadfloot Creek Dr en "and No. 3317 re the 13'ig Drain received 'their third readings aid were finally passed, Orders were issued for the ,paynnent of the Cou» lty aceaunts, ISch'ooi re'qui- -itions, debent Yes dine and all Road Expenditure a r ti general accounts .to wind up 'the btp mess .for tilts'y coir 1929. The ntectin'g then adjourned, Mrs, Kathleen Feeney, Clerk: McKILLOP Tho regular monthly meeting of Duct's Church W, iiD1. IS. and Ladies' Aid Was held on Decenvber 10th at Mrs, Finlay McKerclter's, ,Hymn 1712, and afterwards roll call. Mrs, John Henderson gave a report of hhe Dr. Bryce meeting in North Side United Church, Seaforth. Mrs. (Rev.) Smith gave a paper on southern Alberta con- ditions. Both were very •much en- joyed by all the ladies. It was decid- ed to hold the next meeting at ,Mrs. Robert Hogg's. The ladies quilted before the meeting. The following evening, Wednesday, the weekly pray- er meeting was held at the manse, HILLSGREEN. 'W.M.S. 'held their birthday party on Wednesday afternoon in the base- ment of the church. After the usual meeting the election of officers was held for the coming year, During the lunch hour each one produced •t. photo of themisetves when young and it was veryanutsing to guess who were, and a social half horn' was spent. Officers elected are as follows: Presi.deht, Mrs, J. C, Cochrane; 1st vice Pies., Mrs. R: Stephenson; 2nd vice Pres., Mrs H. Turner; Secret- ary, Mrs, R. McAllister; Treasurer, Mrs Webster Turner; Messenger Sec, `Mrs. W. Carlile; supply Sec., M1s. Chas. Stephenson; prest Sec„ Mints Anitie Jnarrott; stranger's Sec., Sirs. R. ItfnAll'ister; Organist, Mrs, G. A'ntlerson, The friends in this neighborhood were sorryy to hear of the illness . of Rev. Mr, t.isndy of Nile, but hope he will be around again soon. Mr, Ralph Stephenson received word of the death of his mother, M's. Annie S'tephetrson' of Clinton, . on Tuesday, Funet'al arrangements were root completed at time of writing. W(iit and For Sale Ads,.3 times 50c TOWN TOPICS Miss For of Blyth was a week -end guest of Mrs, J, Li, Martin. Mrs, Duncan of Woodstock, Ont., who spent the past month with her sister,. Mrs. Wm, McMichael, will re- turn oil Monday next. Mrs. McMich- ael will acco'tttpany her and spend several months In Woodstock, Mrs„ . ('Rev,): iKaine leaves on Thursday to spend. a month with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Inglis et Engle- hart. Mrs, Douglas Beattie of Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Johtt Beattie. The Sunday School entertainment and Christmas Tree given by the scholars of St, Thomas' Church, will be held on Friday night, commending at 7.30, in the parish hall, Mrs. Finlayson, 'Sr., John Street, has been quite .ill, having suffered a slight stroke a few days ago. Mrs, Finlayson's many friends will be pleased to learn that she is now 101 - proving,. Mrs. Ross Scott and baby girl re- turned to Brucefieid on Wednesday this week from, ta'1. Scott Memorial h os i - The C,WIL, gave a very pretty tea at the halite of Mrs, McMillan on Wednesday to help pay for the C.W. L. room in the Scott Memorial hospi- tal. Christmas decorations of silver and red were very effective, - Col. and Mrs, R. S, Hays are smil- ing since the arrival of a fine young grandson has been announced. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bechely and two children, Peggie and . Biddle, were week -end guests of Air, and sirs, R, J. Sproat, Peggie is remaining to spend Chris'tm'as with her aunt, Miss Mary Louise Hays of Toronto, Art S.chpol end Mr. George Hays of the Technical School, London, ar- rive Thursday to spend the Christ- mas' vacation with their parents, Col, and Mrs, R, S. Hays. • Mrs. R. E. Coates has returned from Toronto where she has been for some time, Mr. Will Govenlock is in Toronto this week. A number from town attended the dance given at the. home of Mr. end Mrs, James Carter, Huron road, on Friday evening, Mrs. R. N. Hays and Miss Nellie Campbell of New York are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Jackson James street, and a're: remaining in Seaforth for a week 'or two. Friends will be pleased to . know that Miss R. V'anstone of Stratford, who has• been visiting her sister, Mrs, L. G, VanlEgtnond, is recovering after a severe attack of blood'=poisoning in her hand, Santa Claus to C nus v>ill 'visit the -Lions Community Christmas Tree at Sea - forth on Friday, December 20th at 3,30 p:m. 'Considerable quantities ofy Christ- mas poultry arebeing delivered these d ays. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McDermid and Miss McD'enmid left Tuesday for Cleveland to atttend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Briggs, (form- erly Jean ..MdDesmid) which will take place on Thursday. Mrs, Briggs' death occurred on Dec. 1d two weeks after going to Arizona for her health. Her son Charles attending Oxford university, England, has been delayed on his return owing to the recent storm. The. Mail and Empire had a splen- did" account of the rese'arch work of Mrs. H. B. Maitland, formerly Miss Mary Cowan of this co'mmunity. Arrangements have been made to have Main street decorated this week, Mr, Jack Broderick who has had much experience in' this art. is in charge of the work, DUBLIN. C. W. L. Social eventing, Friday, Dec, 27ith, 1429. Altar Society social evening, Fri- day, Jan. 3rd, 1930. Orchestra. Lunch. Splendid evenings assured and all are welcome. We are glad to see Fred Forrester able to be around again after his ac- cident. Miss Annie Ryan spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Pat. Ryan, We are pleased to hear Mrs. Leo Murray is gradually improving. .Misses Teresa Carpenter, Dolly Cronin and Angela Shea spent Satur- day in Stratford. Mr. Ralph Dill of Detroit is visiting Mr. and Mrs, P. Dill. The annual' meeting of•the Ladies' Guild, St. Mary's Church, Dublin, was held at the home of Mrs, Archie Forbes on Dec. 12, for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year. Because of faithful service, the same officers were all re-elected. President —Mrs, Archie Forbes; 1st vice Pres„ Mrs. JiolJilrn Moore, Logan; Secretary Treasurer Mrs. Joe Moore, Logan; Buying coin„ Mrs. John Darling, Mrs. Frank Smith; Floral com., Mrs. Les- lie Moore; Mrs, Frank Moore; Cor,, Mrs. AIex, Darling, Mr, L. J. Looby was in Stratford on Saturday on business, Mr, and Airs. John Jordan visited at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Gormley on Sunday. Word was received on Monday of the death of Dan, Wafters, son of the late Jahn Walters of Hibbe'r't, who died' in California, Mr, James Shea made a business 'trip to Toronto on Monday. 'Miss Dottie Cronin returned from Kitchener last week, after having vis- ited there, Mrs. Duncan formerly Miss Alice Harrison will be at PullmaII 's Barber Shop DECEMBER 20th and 23rd For all the latest Curls Phone '125 for appointment OLD TIMER NEW TINIER, OLD YEAR NEW YEAR eardno's Hall, Seaforth New Year's Eve, Tins., Dec. 31st T. CIRCASSIAN CIRCLE. -9 o'clock NEW YEAR FROLIC 12 o'clock NEW YEAR FROLIC CONNFETT'I, STREAMERS, BALLOONS, SONGS, etc. MUSIC. CULLIGAN'S ROYAL TROUBADOURS OF STRATFORD SIX PIECES P, M. Chesney Herbert Fowler Hugh M. Chesney Earl VanlEgmond Harry Charters Ches, Dolntage Floor Managers. Admission=One dollar a couple, Extra Lady : 50c, Spectators' Gallery 25c, EVERYBODY WELCOME All proceeds to Seaforth Agricultural Society Committee—Edwin Chesney, Ross McGregor, Gurdon McGavin, H, Blanchard E. LIVI\'GSTON, President A. D. SUTHERLA'N'D, Secy.-Treasr. I'NSTALLATIO'N. At the regular convocation of Mal- loch Chapter, R,A,M, held on Monday evening the following officers were duly installed for 1930 by ' Ex:Comp, Harry E. Jeffery: Z,—Ex, Com. James E, Keating. Ex.lComp. (Chas, Adams. H., Ex. Comp, R. N. Bissontette, J., Ex. Comp. 1Vm. J. Shannon, Treasurer, Ex.•Comp. J, G. Mullen. S iN , Go'mp, C,•FL Venner, S)E., Ex. Comp. Arch. M. Barton. P.S., Comp, T. lt'r. Scribbens. S.fi.. Comp, H. B. Plumsteel, 7.'S., Comp. Dalton Reid. ' • MA.V., Ex. Comp. C. A. Barber. A.. VEt: Comp.Geo Jefferson. M.3 V., Ex,Cpmp,A. D:' Suther- land. . .Comp, Dr. Janes Munn. D. ,of C., Ex: Comp. S. T. Holmes Jan:., Comp. James Rankin, Auditors, Ex.Comp. Chas, Aber - hart and Ex. Comp, A. D. Sutherland. W. J: McBRIEN. !.Following a brief illness, the death occurred suddenly from a heart. attack, of William John MclBrien of 'Hullett, early Friday morning, Dec. 13th. Mr. "MoBrien was born 72 years ago in Hullett, where he spent his entire life, son of the late Mr, William MOBrien. In 1684 he was married to Eliz'a'beth Miller 01 Hallett, who sur- vives. There also survive, four sons and three daughters: Garnet of De- troit, Alfred of Saskatoon, Eldred of ,Detroit and Secord at home; Mrs. T. E. Mason ,of Clinton, Mrs, Fletcher Gibbings of Kindersley, Sask. and Mary of Essex. .He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. H. Heslop of De- troit. In Mr. McBrien's death,- Hullett loses one of its most worthy and re- spected residents, 'Mr. MdBrien idles a Conservative in politics; an Orange- man, being a member .of Seaforth Lodge, and was a valued member of St. 'Thomlas' Anglican Church, Sea - forth. • The funeral which was held on Sun- day at 1,30.o',olock at' his late residence was very' largely attended.' Rev. T. H. Brown of ,Seaforth conducted the ser- vices, which were in charge of Sea - forth and Clinton Orange Lodges. Interment took place ih Clinton Cem- etery. The pallbearers were six nephews: Ogle Miller and Win. Miller, both . of Goderich; Edward Miller of Hamilton; Elmer and Rus- sell Miller of Stratford, and Frederick Miller of Royal Oak, Mich. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr, ansI Mrs. W. F.. Miller and fancily of Royal Oak, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. A. R, MciBrienand family, •o'f Essex; Miss Mary A'faBrien of Essex; Mrs, H. Heslop, Messrs. G. R. and E. M. MdBrien, all of Detroit, besides many from Goderich, Varna, Auburn and front all the surrounding community.. LADIES' AID. 'Tine election of .officers of the Ladies' Aid of North Side United Church was held at their December meeting when very encouraging re- ports were heard from each depart- ment, 'Fourteen meetings were 'held during the year, while 1138 visits were made on newcomers and shut-ins; 95 were remembered with fruit and flowers; -36 .cards of sympathy were sent to bereaved members of our con- gregation, During the year the treas- urer paid out278.7'5, leaving a 'balance on hand of $636,115, 'Following are the officers elected for the coming years 'Hon, Pres.— Mrs. Thompson: 'Pres,—Mrs. Mc - Gavin; ilet Vice-Pres,—Mrs, 'Bur- rows; 2nd Vice-Pres,=Mrs, Chiff; Recording Secy—Airs. Glew; Cor- responding Sec'y Mrs. Hudson; Treasurer—Mrs. Finlayson; Prop- erty Committee Conv, Mrs. Consitt; Flower 'Con,—Mrs \'InIntosh;, Visit- ing Con,—Mrs, 11-rost• 'Kitchen Con,— Mrs, 'Stark; Audi tors—Mrs. Borrows and Mrs, Archibald. STAFFA, The annual Christmas ' tree concert will be held in the hall on Monday, Dee, 23. A fie program will be pre. seated, Mrs, Xi, Gray, spent the week -end with Stratford friends, Mr. Roy 'Kerslake who is visiting at ,his haute here from the West, was operated on for appendicitis ih Sea- fiq'tcth hospital recently. EGMONDVILLE. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of Egmondville United Church was held on Friday, Dec. 13th. Mrs. Mc- \Iilban presided and opened the meet- ing by hymn 364, last three verses, Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Mc Millan, Mark 16, The devotional leaflet, "The Region Beyond," was gi- ven by Mrs,. James AlIeu; vibe also led in prayer. A very gratifying annual financial report was given , by the treasurer, 'Mrs. James Brown;. dedica- tory prayer by Miss Mactavish; study topic, 'Overseas News," introduced by Airs. McMilbant The different parts were taken by the following ladies: Trinidad, Mrs. James Brown; Japan, Mrs. Malcolm; Korea, Mrs. Shilling- law; hilling law; North China, Mrs. John .Love; South China, Mrs. P. M. Chesney; West China, Mrs. McGonigle; India, Miss Thome; West Central Africa, Miss Charters. Mrs. ,Central closed. The officers: Hon, Pres.. Miss Afactavish, President, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie. 1st vice, Mrs. McMillan lard vice, Mrs, Chesney Sr. 3rd vice, Airs, James Allen. 4th vice, Miss Thonts, Secretary, -firs, Stewart. Treasurer, Mrs. Brown. Home Helpers secs., Miss H. E. Geurniell and Mrs. Malcolm. Temperance Sec„ Mrs. P. M. Ches- ney. Press sec., Miss Charters, Alrss. Mou•thh Sec., Miss Mact'avisb Stranger's secs., Airs. Routledge and Mrs. Stewart Pianist, Mrs. H. Moore, Mission Band Pres., Miss Evalena Not. The meeting was closed by hymn 390 and prayer. The regular meeting of the Young Peoples Society was held on Monday evening with the third vice president Jean Smith in charge, The meeting was opened by hymn 1911 after which Mr. Coleman led in prayer. Alice Thompson read the Scripture lesson and Mr. Lane gave a very splendid and interesting talk on Citizenship. Miss Ethel Jackson rendered a pleas- ing solo and the orchestra gave two num'bers. After a short intermission, the- election of officers for 1930 was held and will be as follows: Honorary President. Keith Webster, President, Jean Smith. Tst vice pres., Vera Crozier. 2nd vice Pres„ Evalena Nott. 3rd vice president, Jeanette .Finnigan 4th vice president, Margaret Patrick Rec. Sec„ Grace Coleman, 'Press sec., Rod, McLean. Corr, Sec., Alice Thompson. Assistant sec., Robert Tyndall. Treasurer. Rossie Patrick, •Pianist—Violet Tyndall. Assistant pianist, Mrs. Chesney, The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpalt benediction. C. G. I. T. The weekly meeting of the Marion Keith GGrI,'T. was held Wednesday evening, Dec, 111th in the basement of the North Side United Church, Sea - forth, The meeting opened with a CeGa,T, hynnn, followed by the Lord's Prayer, The arrival of Santa Claus at this juncture caused much excite- ment as he dis'tributecl gifts among the C:G.LT. girls, The year book was read by jean Frost and the Sripture by Jean Pincher. Then a story, The Legend of St. Christopher" was read by Helen Britton, followed by a duet by Helen Lane and Bessie 'Clttff, A piano solo was given by Anna 'Hanna, The (Other Wise .Man" was read by Winnie 'Savauge, A quartette •w•as given iby Helen Lane, Margaret Cud - more and' Bessie Olttff, Florence 'Knight , sang a solo.: Refreshments were then served and a very interest- ing eventing was brought to a close by repeating' the benediction in unison, ROBERT NELSON HAYS. The death of Robert Nelson Hays, formerly of Seaforth, in New York city, Friday night, Dec, 13, came as a shook to his relaitives and a .host of friends,who had looted forward to. the semi-annual visit of Mr, Hays and his wife, He mos 59 years of age, and was horn in McKillop. After tom- pleting his education he taught school Por ':a few years in McKillop, after which he tient to Chicago, where he entered the book publishing business, Eater he went to New York; where, with GeorgeDoran, he ' organized the eur; e Doran Company, ono of the largest book publishing 'houses on the ,continent. Some years ago, whoa the Doran company sold out to an English first, he withdrew, and had contem- plated retiring to his old home in Sea - forth, Re leaves his wife and two sisters, Mrs, John M. Govenlock of Seaforth and Mrs. Agnes. Munro of Regina, and one brother, William T. Heys of Edgerton, Alta, Mr Bays taught in Kinburn school and in S.S. No. 4, M'cKillop.. The funeral took place et the residence of Mr, J M, Govenibck, E, William street; at 2 p. nt, on Tuesday, The services were condltcted by Rev, I. B ,Kaine of the Presbyterian Church, Two beautiful selections were rendered by Messrs. Rennie, Reid, .Stewart and Willis. The pallbearers were: Wm, Black, Albert Sperling, Thos, Stephens Jr., Nelson Govenlock, Nelson Cardio, Joseph Scott. Interment was made •iii Mait- land Bank Cemetery. Many beautiful floral tributes were received; includ- ing those from the Comfne'rciaf Trav- eller's Assoc. of New York; Doran, Doubleday dy Co. New York; • Associat- ed r New Boole Co, Xork; Mr and vlrs, Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler, A friend, Mr. Caldwell, Dr, and Mrs, Chas. Campbell, New York; Mr, R, H. Jackson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Reid, S'tra'tford; R. Jackson and j. Cardio, Mr, and -Mrs. J, M. Goven- lock, Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Munro, Regina. LISTO'WEL, -Bitch alarm has been felt by many investors is till's district during the past week, fearing,the loss of money invested in first mortgages on prop- erty on the Hamilton -Toronto high- way. Many and varied reports have been circulated, and while there is a large treasure of truth in these reports, nothing definite can yet be learned, About $250,000 is about the amount that has been invested by people in this district. This movement started some 1.6 or 17 years ago and 'Mr. J. Cecil Hamiitm, solicitor, has acted as ag- ent for the firm Hobbs and Hobbs, Limited, of Toronto. The money was invested in first mortgages :at seven per •cent, in houses and lots in and 'around 'Torotta, but particularly on the highway. No trouble has been experienced during these years, in- terest being paid regularly and in some cases a portion, of the- prin- cipal paid off. An insurance, policy was given each investor'for at' least the amount of the' loan, '1uring this year, however, diffictthies:have arisen, interests were not paid'and the in- vestors became sus iciu is It is now found that on some. of ,these properties no houses have been er- ected. The insurance company states that, considering the value of the property an'd the security, inspec- tion of the dwellings was not nec- essary. Mr, Hamilton has himself invested largely in the scheme, hay - Xmas Dinner There Is nothing better titan lAPoN A pair of these birds would be enjoyed by all, MILK FED, CRATE FATTENED LAR(r'F., PLUIYIP, tEIt4$Elk nr Order now as'I only have a few. 0. P. SIEGRIST Centre Street, Seaforth, Phone 304 iug every confidence in the invest- . meat, dnvestors are now looking into the aatter, some having gone to ,Toron- to n - to to inspect their property, which possibly should have been done years ago. In some cases everything is all. right and the investor is more than covered by the value of his !holdings. In other cases particulars are not available'and the loss is not definite- ly known. ivIr. Hamilton visited the Attorney General's department in -To- ronto on Wednesday of last week, spending several hours there going fully into all details of the matter Listowel Banner, Greetings To convey to all our kindest remembran. ces and best wishes for a Merry Christ. alas and a bright, r happy and Prosper= ous New Ve'ar. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 33W Seaforth, Ontario ors 5;':' aft. ra Tin ouncy meat Invitation to all to visit er's Furr St re We have a wonderful line of all kinds of Furniture. Chesterfields, Dining Suites and Bedroom Outfits. All our staple lines are complete. Along with the best selection of smaller lines suitable for Gifts. such as OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AND -TABLES DINNER WAGONS DESKS TELEPHONE SETS SEWING CABINETS CEDAR CHESTS SMOKERS MAGAZINE RACKS LampsSpecialty, Very a S ecialt at Low Prices Agents for Fade Radios and Sherlock Manning Pianos. We have elk, a few slightly used pianos. ROCKERS CARD TABLES FANCY COVERS AND NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS Please call and look things over early and let us hold your choice for Christmas Delivery. At least call and see what we can show you. Our window display is only an indication of what is throughout the Store WE INVITE YOU AUTO YOUR Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries A good tine of new and used parts of different makes of cars If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call Studebaker Sales and Service. Reoier's Garage PHONE 167W .