HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-12-12, Page 8PAQ14 la ,xv,a.F?x,., Connell Meeting. -The r t alar utr- tit1Y rt u'~ ,f the u 1 a ecouncil 1 held I ki, day evening vith all the members present nt exe pt Council lot Camden The intones ofthe last meeting were read aid adopted on ntc,tion f Petty and Ortwein, A com- munication was received from the Children's war memorial hospital, London, asking kr assistance. A grant, of $10 was given. The road com- mittee reported same more gravellln • done but owing to the snow there we 'not enough .put on the main road east of the London road, but if the weather moderates this will be finished. The northwest drain which; the Council uu- dertook to put up at far as Mrs. Mc- Kenzie's corner, is finished and the residents along Queen street are now' doing their psrk.• The town hall corn- mittee reported on the condition of the ceiling over the stage in the hall and have received prices kr its repair which will probably be undertaken im- mediately. Bylaw No: 6 was read, appointing officers for the coming el- ection. For poll No, 1, Joseph Hud- son will D.R.O.. Gordon Parker, poll clerk; poll No. 2, Nelson. Blatchford will he D.R.O. and Wm. Shepherd, pall clerk. Nomination will be held on Monday evening, Dec, 30th and if a poll is necessary the election will take place on Mon, Jan. 6, A number of accounts were presentedand ordered paid. Reeve Higgins gave a short re- view of the work done at the County Council during the last session. He stated that the road commission had kept well within its estimate of 2 nulls, The Reeve also gave a review of .the work of the Old Age Pension Board and stated that the cost to the County of Huron for the pensions issued in November was $1,135, and that $840 had been returned to the County treas- ury from pensions issued to the people in. the Huron Co. home. $2 a month will be allowed to each one in the county home receiving a pension, to be spent on them by the inspector or matron. The meeting then adjourned to meet again for its final meeting on AIon., evening, Dec, .16, Miss Nora Follick spent Thursday of last week in London. Mrs, Samuel Steacy and son Jack of Detroit spent the week -end with friends in town, Reeves Turner of Goderich, Hender- son of Morris and Kennedy of Tuck- ersmith and Mr. Robs, Johnston of Goderich were in town Wednesday af- ternoon last while returning from the funeral of the late C. B. Snell of Exeter. Mr. Lawrence Heffernan was in London on Tuesday where he went to get an X -Ray examination. Mr, Hef- fernan has been in poor health for some time and his many friends here hope fora speedy recovery, blr, Chris Rau t of Crediton was in the village on Ttresdby visiting friends. The many friends of Mrs, Henry Cook are sorry to learn she is not en- joying the best of health. Mrs. Janet White spent Thursday in London. The choir of St. Paul's Anglican Church went to a Deanery Thanks- giving at Goderich. Rev Archdeacon .Arthur Carlyle of Montreal was the speaker. The annual meeting of the W. A. of St. Paul's Anglican Church will be held on Thursday at which the elec- tion of officers for the coming year will take place, • The many friends of Mrs. George Case will be sorry to hear she is con- fined to her room through illness. The W.M,S. of the United Church held their annual meeting and election of officers on Thursday afternoon of last week After the devotional exer- cises, Mrs Dougal read a paper on Temperance Mrs. J. McDonnell read the devotional leaflet. The election of officers resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, Vice -Pres„ Mrs, Sinclair; °Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. E. McQueen; Corr. Sec'y, Mrs, J. Elder; Treas., Mrs. Hemphill Misionary Monthly, Mrs. A. McDonald; Press Sec'y, )frs, Merner; Pianist, Mrs, C. Cook. The annual Thankoffering of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held an Sunday morning last when Miss Florence Rawlings, returned Missionary from West Africa had -_. charge of the services and her address was very interesting. Mrs. Coxworth of Strathroy is vis- iting for a time with her daughter, Mrs. A. Scruton. The Mission Band of the United Church held meeting on Friday even- ing last The special feature of the evening was lantern slides of Canada. Mr. Wm. Beaver. accompanied by the Rev. Arthur Sinclair and Mrs. Sinclair were in Seaforth on Tuesday visiting Mrs. Beavers who is seriously ill in the Scott 'Memorial hospital. Mr. Gibbs of Windsor spent the week -end visiting at the home of ,Mr. end firs, Robt. Bonthron. 'The firemen intend having their an- nual community Christmas Tree again this year and it will be eagerly waited for by -the kiddies of the town. Mr. Howard .Lemmon was taken to a London hospital suffering from a severe, attack of appendicitis. :Geo, eo, °Hudson has treated him- self to a new radio. Miss Gertrude Higgins, bookkeeper for the Ross & Taylor Co„ Exeter, has been at 'her home here for a few. days suffering from a severe attack of tan silitis. Fowl will be reasonably priced this Christmas as the market is very slow. Owing to the early cold weather in the West the fowl season has started out there earlier than usual. The Wes- tern pools have started to market their poultry and some 140 cars of dressed poultry • are already rolling towards the Montreal and Toronto markets. Turkeys, which are usually high at Christmas, seem to be a drug on the market and will ,be unusually low this year,. Mr, Orville Beaver of Exeter spent Sunday visiting friends 10 town. Our snow plow was out for the first time on 'Wednesday of last week ow- ing to the deep snow. Mr.' John Miller of Exeter visited friends in town on Friday, Mr° and Mrs, Roy McLaren spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, MCLar- en's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cor- bett, of Hay. Miss Ruby McLaren spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. 5 'Wei, Verner, of Clt;seliutrst, M. Otto Itesteneger of 'Dashwood vk as in the village on Monday uvea irr visiting friends, Mr. Resteneger some 18 years ago was employed here , s ttinsmith MoD tnell Bros. z. by c i The children of the dnlerent Sunday schools are busily engaged getting ready far their annual Christmas en- tertainments. Mrs, (Dr.) Dougall and baby son returned home 00 Tuesday evening,. Mr. Roy Smelt, ' after visiting for a couple of weeks,at his home !sere, re - tamed to Windsor, hfr, VVin, Consitt was in Toronto last week, • - �a,F en,i iaugtleu Abs F•u, 4u.+.+.b .... as to modulate her Gone. "More the terrier—His Mistress' Voleel" 'Come now—pout your lips, Glenn," e from the loud speaker followed a •laugh—then an unmistakable ra- klas, Disconcerted after his ardent atten n to Vira, Glenn for once looked as he would have dropped through lnto e hold. Ruth glanced quickly from 'Glenn's agrin to Vira's stony face, then saw e humor. "Never mind, Glenn. She kissed a plc of thousand on that wave length nl„ 'T" APORTX WI ((themes Entertain encs BETHEL 8,8, �, 'The Bethel Sunday .e,tool are itold- int, their annual Christmas Tree and Concert on December 19th, CAVEN S, S., WINTHROP Annual Christmas Tree at Caven Church,. Winthrop, on Wednesday, December 18th. S, S, No. 3,TUCICERSMITH S.S, No, 3, Tuekersniith, Mill Road School, 'is haviug their Christmas en- tertainment on Friday night, Dec. 20, at8 o'clock, S.S. No. 2, McKILLOP An entertainment and Christmas Tree will be held in S. S. No. 2, Mc- Kiliop, Friday evening, December 20, R'e commencing at 8,116, An excellent pro - by gram will provided, Admission 25c, exp, Olive V. 'Medd, Teacher, 51 the S.S. No. 10, McKILLOP ottt A Christmas Entertainment will he held at S.S. No, 10, MclCil➢op (Win- throp) on Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 17th, aft 7.45 o'clock, Everyone elcome. Admission' 25c, children freew, CHAPTER III, • S. S. No. 14, STANLEY tS,S, No. 114, Stanley, are hiaving their THE 'MYSTERY CRAFT. Christmas entertainment on Wednes- day evening, Dec. 48, in the school, Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c I house at 8 o'clock, The Finest Choice of c �iffor is Xmas Giving Our Diamond Rings are finest Qua- ty®r Her lity. Real value for your money. Wrist Watch, Dinner Ring, Pearls, Compact, Cabinet of Silver. Come in and see the latest -A Dia- mond set Signet Ring. Possibly he would prefer a Pocket Watch, or a For �LR2 beautiful Waldimar Set consisting of Cuff Links, Waidimar Chain and Knife all to match. We can show you a won- on-.derful variety of Strap Watches that . derful will keep accurate time. For Mother, Dad, Sister or Brother, whether you prefer a small gift or an expensive one, we can give you good selections. J. A. Westcott - Open Evenings. JEWELLER. Phones 64J 64W Weekly payment plan if desired. A small deposit reserves any article for you. trictIy C;iSh and Carr NORTI'I STAR FLOUR,,.. n 29 Red PSugar 5° Per cwt.ath.'.'. $5.7 9' 4 Pounds Dates , . , , , , 29c 3' pkgs. Lux 29c MAXWELL HOUSE• f C COFFEE, Per pound.,,440 10 $ OAP BARS P,&G, c ._•.,,..., 4 BARS LIFE BUOY SOAP , .. , Mao, C 4 lbs. WHITE �® BEANS ., ,,. YOU SAVE, WHEN YOU BUY IN EGMONDVILLE W. FINNIGAN CARD OF THANKS. To the Ratepayers of the Township of McKillop. Ladies and Gentlemenr° 1 wish to thank all my' supporters for 'the good support they gave me and to extend my congratulations to the ratepayers for the council -elect. JOSEPH O'ROURKE. CARD OF THANKS. To the Electors of McKillop, Ladies and Gentlemen: 'I wish to thank all the eiectoans who turned out and voted for ore on the day of the election. ''ours truly, J. M. ECKERT THE BURGESS S PORTRAIT Studio, Mitchell, can please you in Portraits of the children, the family, or the Wediding party. Whet about a family photo when all are home at Christmas :time. FOR SALE. Scotch Collie pups.' Priced at $2 and $3. Apply to R. FROST, 'Sea - forth, 50 FOR SALE. Cutter, nearly new, piano case. Ap- ply to JIOS, BIROOMiE, Phone 236r15. 50 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Three unimproved farms ' in Mani- toba, clear Torrens title to each; all situate in school districts; containing 160, 160, and 240 acnes respectively, more or less; will trade for Ontario property; prefers dwelling in a city or good town, or small farm 5 to 20 acres,5. with. bund to s • or maytrade ads for hotel or h other property. What have you to offer for one or all three? WL /LIAM MURRAY, Dauphin, Manitoba, 02 Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns, 'The knowing ones apply Holloway's Corn Remover and get relief. COULTER -& R GOVENLOCK Seaforth Agents for International Harvester , Co., Manufacturers of FARM IMPLEIVEENTS, TRACT- ORS, THRESHERS and TRUCKS. See Our Tractors and Plows and Compare Them with Other Makes: Horses. for. sale or exchange at all tidies, Also late '25 Ford coupe for sale FOR SALE A number of thorobred Wyandotte Roosters for sale, Apply to WIL- LIAM STIORLEY, Phone 249r45, 50: TIMBE°R FOR SALE. 2 sticks of timber, rock elm. One would make 50'x'10'xi10' other one something shorter. 00 lot 3, cop. 9, McK.ildop. 'CHAS. RIE'GEUE3 -R,R. 1 Dublin .or phone 23r116, Dublin,. 511 FOR SALE, ' Pure bred Bronze turkeys, exeep tionally fine young gablers from show stock that was never beaten, IGoblers $5 each for quick sale. !Apply to HAIROIIJD, PEIN1HALIE, Bayfield., NOTICE: Car 'Alberta' Coal will be here this week. R. J. McMIILLAN, ,Phone 120, Seaforth. • 50. FOR SALE. 3 tables, sui4hble for••••4;12- inch •. _ store 1 1 2 inch. paper cutter; 1 counter .show. case;. 4 scoops; 1_ coal heater,; 1 iron pump with cylinder; hand,made fancy work; toys; games; Christ- mas cards.r novelties;. 'kitchenware. These can be seen any afternoon from now till 'Christmas, MRS. RIOBT. SMITH; 'Goderich'' st:, east. Phone 3114. 51, THURSDAY TOSALE, Of !sarinAUCStocIk anNd Implements at ut 33 i I u t 1 oda r M tt lc ou 1 h t . � s l ar i p 11,u)) tis 1 I 1 t t at 1 30 p nt sit uta the fo kt tviat 511 eo s supposed to be in calf 2 bail- ers, ?-year wear old; 4 heifers, 1 -year old; • -Implements.-1 Massey Harris 'cower; 1cultivator; 11 Massey I•Iarris drill; 1 binder; 1 ntamtre spreader; 1 Massey Harris rsslce; 1 wagon; set of sleighs, harrows, 1°land roller; 2 walking plows; 1 gang plow; 1 brass mounted set of double harness, new; 1 gravel box; 1 oak baerel 1i ht wagon; wagon boat; scales, 2,000148,; 1 Chevrolet touring, car; hay fork rope; 1 'cutter and, numerous other articles, Terms—Cash. •All will be sold without reserve as the. farm must be rented, Mrs, Rose, I-Iolities and David Holmes, Executors for the estate of - the late Robt, Holmes, Wm, Somer- ville, Clerk. Thos, Brown, Auctioneer. CATTLE WANTED TO FEED. ' Could take up to 42 head, Apply to WM. T. ELL'DOTT, r,r, 2, Walton, Ont. ` '50. ' PULLETS FOR SALE iAbbut 60 ^Barred Rock pullets for Salo. Apply to HARRY TY'NIDIALL, phone 1456n3, Seaforth., 50 NOTICE. Hem stitching and picot edging at reasonable prices. MRS,: W. J. ICNIOX, Box 321, Seaforth. Phone 34. 50 PIGS FOR SALE. '10 good chunks and 30 good Rock Pullets, Apply to ,-HARRY OHES NEY, LR. 4, Seaforth, Phone 106r4. • 50 PIGS FOR SALE, Nine weeks old. .,Apply to PERCY McMI'OHAEL, Phone 233 80, 50. FARM FOR SALE My. time being occupied by other business, I ,am, offering my farm of 100 acres working land which is in a high state of cultivation, r/q mile from. Seaforth. Building situation ideal, well watered; A large dairy and hog business been carried on fot years on this farm and thousands of dollars of feed been bought and fed on same. Agreeable terms to reliable party. J. A. McK'ENZIIE, Seaforth, Phone 25, or 143124. 1 • FARM FOR SALE. The' Executors of the Robert Gib- son estate offer , the choice 50 -acre farm, in good condition, N•% lot 16, con. 5,. McKillop, all cleared and all seeded down. Two 'storey cement house, ficin e kitchen, al m1 '• - good r e a�fr; Barn am 50'x46 on a cement wall, cement . stabling and water in the barn. Cement driving house 24'x36'. Frame -hog pen 16'x24'. Never failing. wellof choice water. Well fenced andunderdrained with tile drain. Will beaold on easy terms to suit. pur- chaser. For further particulars apply to CHAS. WiRIIIGIHT, Seaforth r.r. 5; or'R, S. HAYS, Seaforth tL^-111. Canadian C5 t+ aller 149 a ti Pro Trade Commissioners' Offices in Great Britain LONDON: Harrison Watson, Canadian Building, Trafalgar Square, B.W. 1, London, England. J. Forsyth Smith, Fruit Trade Commissioner, Walter House, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.2, London, England, LIVERPOOL: Harry A. Scott, Trade Com- missioner, Century Buildings, 31 North John Street, Liver- • pool, England. BRISTOL: Douglas S. Cole, Sun Building,' Clare Street, Bristol, England, GLASGOW: Gordon B. Johnson, 200 St, Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scot- land. GREAT BRITAIN wants more Canadian foodstuffs. The plain fact is that the increase in trade in some of our food exports to the old country is not keeping pace with the growth of demand. Britain's markets are wide open to Canada. Because of the exhibitions of Canadian products, the activity of our Trade Commissioners, and the effects of our advertising, the British consumer is more familiar with these products than ever before, and consequently more inclined to buy, ("food will in Great Britain towards Canadian products never has been at'a higher point than now. All the facilities of transportation for all classes of products from Canada to Great Britain have been provided. Shall we Canadians overlook or neglect the oppor- tunities for increased export trade which are thus laid before us? Just because domestic markets are good, shall we 'as producers be so short sighted as to fail to satisfy so large a market which is more: favourably inclined towards our pro ducts than ever before? THE 'DEPARTMENT o' TRA OTTAWA FION. JAMES MALCOLM, Minister c rs 410 Not yet is there among our producers an adequate realization of the opportunities for increased production which present conditions in the British markets afford. If you are a producer or dealer in foodstuffs, you can assist to your own profit in gaining a larger share of this market. Almost every community in this country stands to benefit. The result can be attained by: 1. Producing more of the kind of products the British consumer wants. 2. Keeping up a constant supply. 3. Maintaining quality standards. Through its Commercial Intelligence Service, this Department will render valuable assistance to any exporter. Our Trade Commissioners' Offices in Britain are especially well-equipped and strategically placed to handle any export problem on behalf of Canadian exporters, Enquiries re- garding British Trade receive prompt attention. Write to the Commercial Intelligence Service, Ottawa; E DTILE , F. C. T. Oi'W 3 RA, Del'uty ivlinistter 810 ro , ev r•„. cs s Wim: �rxTrrvs • DECE1VIER 12, 1929,', PROFESSIONAL OARI Medical. a DR, HUGH GII ROSS, Physieias and Surgeon, Late of L g a e London Hoses pita!, London, England. Special. attention to diseases of the eye, ear; nose and throat. _ Of0c and resid, encu behind Dominion tank. Office Phone No. 1; Residence Phone 104, DR. F , J. Bi7.12R'O'W'S, Seaforth,. Office and residence, Godertch street, east of the United •Church. Coroner) for the County of Huron. Telephone No, 40, DR,' C. MACI(AY,—C, Mackay, . honor graduate of Trinity University. and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College;' member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. D.R, F. J. R. FOIRSTER—Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. '.Graduate in Medi- cine; University of Toronto 1$9 Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Instit' ',e, Moorelieid's Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is . . each month, from 11 a.m, to 3 •p.as. DR, W, C. SPROAT,—Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physician's and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart'si Drug Store, Main St., Seaford'. Phone 90. Dental. DR. J A. MUNN, Successot to Dr. R, R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate IRoyal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Sill's hardware, Main -St, Seaforth. Phone 151. DR.. F. J. BFCHELY, graduate Royal. College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smit'h'a grocery, Main St., Seaforth: Phones, office 185W, residence 185J. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B,A.Sc. (for.), 0,L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member -Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer : for. the . County of Huron Arrangements can be made for 'Skle Date The eSef Seaforth News. s. Clt a es moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. AH'RENS,. Licensed Auction. ser for Perth and Huron Counties. Sales solicited, Terms on applies, tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farm! Stock, chattels and real estate'proper- ty. F. W. Ahrens, R. R. No. 4, Mitch- ell, lot 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles east of Beechwood. Phone 634r6, Mitch- ell. WATSON AND REID'S` REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY - (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., $EAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -:Class Companies. ,.. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 NL Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhageat James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-' eric'h; Alex. Broadfceot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, No, 4, Walton' Robert •Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- - Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents—Alex, Leitch, r.r. 1, 'Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r:- No, 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Ja`rmouth; Bornholm, James, .Kerr and Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business Will be promptly attended to by application to any of the -above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. Gary Cooper WITH LUPE VELEZ Wolf Song When Kentucky Was the Frontier Come and see .he gay, exotic, lively stepping "tigress” LUPE I See the he- men of the mountains,' wolf men, trap- pers led by Gary, See them -woo her rougl'hy, madly. Fight for leer and then—make" whoopee l THIS WEEK END: Mon,, Tues,, Wed;. Star BUDDY ROGGERS of Wings and Abie's Irish Rose with MARY BRIAN and WPLLIANM AUSTIN "SOMEONE TO LOVE" In which "America's Soy Frienil" in befits en exchnsive girls' school; I RINeSS SEAF.ORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Dec, 111th, Hogst per cwt, $110,,?15-$3111a2.5 4��