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The Seaforth News, 1929-12-12, Page 5
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. oosommiliam CALL IN AND SEE THE NEW 1930 0 Sparton and Marconi Radios. Some good buys on used Battery Machines. Also a good line of Batteries and Goodyear Tires CHEVROLET GARAGE A. W . Dunlop Seaforth, Ont. Phone 187 e.R E1%M We pay thehighest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation, In return for you co-operation we will give you of our. best in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in: and see the new Models,. Co.Seaforth, Seaforth Creamery C . S a , Ont. C. A. BARBER, Prop. W, J, Walker 84,Son UNDERTAKING —and -- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, 'holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67: Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired aired Chas. A. Howey Residence—James St. D. H. McInnes Chiropractor OY Wingham,. will be ;at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used: Just ' Try It When you feel tired and, drowsy, slip around the corner get et a Massage . at Sl D's H© 5 You may dome in with a grouch btet will go out. with a smile. Phone 125. L ive':Horses Phone us if you have an old one you want to sell. We'll send our truck and pay a fair price. WILLIAM STONE SONS, Limited Phone 21 Ingersoll Phone 215W Woodstock :Millet"s 'Wor'm ,Powders will eradi- cate -the worm evil 'that bears 5o heavily ort children and is (believed to clause many. 'fatalities. They are an accepta'ble medicine to children and can be ftilly relied uponn to clear the. food channels' thoroughly of. these. 'destructive parasites and restore the inflamed and painlful surfaces to hcalehfulpe5s, Theyarc an eceellent remedy for these evils. Want and Fol Sale Ads, 3 imes SOc DUBLIN. Death of 'Annie .McGrath. — The death of Miss Anna- McGrath; form- erly of Stratford, occurred at the home of her sister; Mgrs, John Murphy in Cayuga on December 4,1h, follow - Mg an operation from which she nev- er 'fully recovered. •Miss MdGrath, who was the youngest,' daughter of the late Mr, and, Mrs, Patrick Me- Gralth, was born in Mitchell, but 'res- ided in Stratford for several years. Of a 'bright and cheerful disposition, she had -many warns friends who will re- gret to learn ofher demise. She was an ardent member of St. Joseph's Church and a member of the Catholic \VQmen's League and the 'Sodality of the Blessed Virgin. She is survived by three sisters, Sister Catherine •of the Sacred Heart Convent, Halifax; Mrs. M'umphy and Miss Bridget of Cayuga, and three brothers, Matthew, of .Ot- taw•a; Patrick of St. Columban, and John, of Dublin. The funeral was held . on Friday morning from the hone. of her brother, John, to St. Pat- rick's 'Church, ah-ri,ck's'Church, where Requiem High. Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father 13ricklin, after which interment was made in the family plot. The pall- bearers were Frank McConnell, Jas. Shea, Michael Durkin, Patrick Feeney, Patrick Maloney and Joseph O'Con- nett. We are pleased to know, that -Mr. Fred Forester is improving, though very slowly, His friends will be glad to .see Fred out and at the station. ':\'Ir. John Dorsey spent 'Monday with hisfriends ends in Dublin. Mrs. Wm, Curtin spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horan, o'f Stratford, 'The annual .meeting of the Ladies' Guild of the St. Mary's Church, Dub- lin. will be held at tih•e home of Mrs. Archie Forbes on Thursday, the 12th. Alt ladies welcome. Mrs. Tom Moylan spent a- day last week with her aunt, Mrs. John Car- penter of the village. Mir. and Mrs. John Brennan spent Sunday at. the home of Mrs. Tom Barns of the village.: ,We are pleased to know that Mrs. Leo Murray is inch better and that great hope is held for her recovery. The CJW.L. held their meeting on. Sunday last and it was largely atten- ded. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Q'Oonnor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Dan Burns. , 'Mr. and Mrs. August Ducharme spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs, Ro- land Kennedy. ST. COLUMBAN. The Catholic Woolen's League are making preparations for the Christmas social which will be held in the parish hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 26th. The members of the Holy Name Society and the Catholic Vioineu's League wish to express their sincere appreciation to all thole who assisted in any way, and particularly to th'oee • who kindly loaned -dishes and glass- ware, at the Jubilee celebration held here recently, CROMARTY. 'Mr, Joseph Speare is visiting his son Lorne at Harriston. ,Me. and Mrs, Andrew McLellan en- tertained a few of their friends .00 Friday evening last. Mr. Russel Scott is attending the winter fair at Guelph this week, Mr. Satn Gill has rented .Mr. Geo, Wil'son's farm for e term of years. Mr. Toni Scott acid Miss Grace Mc - ,Lachlan attended the Jr. Farmers' Conference at Guelph, ,on Tuesday of this week, STAFFA. Miss Vera 'Leary .:spent the Week end with Mitchell ,friends,' Mt. Russell Wbrden is attending Guelph Winter Fair., !The W. M, S, stet at Mrs, Jahn Leary's for their amuiai meeting.. The fo•liowing officers were appointed --President, Mt's, B. Snell; secretary. treasurer, 'Mrs. : Jim, Leary, TOWN TOPICS Messrs, Thomas Livingston and R, J, McMillan attended the-U,F.Q. con- vetttioo last week in Toronto, Mr, Edward Neubauer and sisters Ciera and Martha of Niagara Falls, N.Y., were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, William Kruse. Miss Mabel Kruse returned to Niagara Falls with them, Miss Rivers, R:N,, returned Wednes- day thin week from spendingthree weeks in, Goderich, Mrs. S, MdGeoch is in Bay City, 'Mich., where she will spend a month with her sister-in-law. d;Ier litany friends are sorry to'hoar that Mrs, i^s Wylie, Victoria street, has S been very ilh Mr, and Mrs. Robert Pgrter'field deft Wednesday for Los Angeles, Cal„ bo spend the winter with Mr, and Mrs. 'Gordon Miller. Mr. W. R. Smillie who underwent a serious operation in General Hospital, Toronto, on Nov, 26, is improving splendidly but will be unable to 'return .hone until after Christmas. Miss 'Muriel Collins of Quebec City who has been visiting at the home of Mrs, R. G Parke for the past three weeks, left on ,Monday for Waterloo, Mrs, W. T. Martin of Midddeport w'a's the guest last week of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. (W, N. Knechtel, 'Rev. Mr. .Bremner of Brucefield conducted preparatory services in Eg- mondville Church last Friday evening, There were 13.new communicants put on the church roll, Mr, \><t'il't Charlesworth of Toronto was calling on friends in Eganond- ville. Miss Rena 'McKenzie of Stratford, spent the- week -end with her mother, Me. John Pinkney has had his home tilt ,Goderich street remodelled and a furnace installed. • Mr. Gallop, of the firm of Gallop & lafeAlpine, and his mother, have mov- ed into Dr, Munn's house, corner of Victoria and George streets.. Mrs. F. Johnson, 'Main street, left Wednesday for Exeter, to stay with her daughter. , Mr. and Mrs. Allison have moved into the Broderick apartments. Mr. Richard Rogers was severely injured about the head by falling through a trap door. He was. taken to the Hospital, Mr. George Eber'hart was in Gode- rich this week. ;EGMONDVILLE. The regular meeting of the Egmond- vi•Ile 1.IP.IS.C:E. was held on Monday evening' and was in charge of Alice Thompson,. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Mal- colm and a pleasing solo by Jeannette Finnigan Was followed by the Scrip- ture heading by Raymond Nott. Topic was taken by Glace Coleman and a pleasant half hour' was, spent in inter- mission. A few well known hymns were illustrated by lantern slides and we're sung. McKILLO'P, The' McKillop .Branch of the United Church \V.M,S., met at the home of Mrs, Jno. Kerr on Thursday, Dec.'5. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn, Mrs Dale presiding; There was a reading by Mrs. Hutchison, a sato by Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Willson sang a duet. This was the closing meeting of elle Mc- Killop Branch and, Mrs. :Lane in a few well chosen words d ex resse the expressed desire that all the ladies would join the Seaforth Society. Mr.:Laneclosed the meeting with- prayer. The collec- tion amounted to $6.50. Lunch was served and a social hour spent. MANLEY. .The many friends of lir. J. A. Eck.. ert are pleased to learn he is recover- ing from an attack of pneumlonia. Mr. Wilfred O''Hara has returned frau St. Joseph's Hospital, London, alter a second operation for an injury caused by a blow from a seed drill lever. He is much improved though he has still to. take treatment. The many friends of :Mrs Jerry O'- Hara are sorry to learn she is again on the sick list and hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. John Deitz is recovering from her late illness slowly, and' her many friends hope to see her around again soon. .. ELIMVILLE. What might have been a disastrous fire was prevented by prompt action last Wednesday morning when the ceiling of a room in Mr. Jackson Wood's home caught ,fire front over- heated pipes. The fire alarm was giv- en onthe surrounding telephone lines and a longe number of neighbors were soon on the scene. Fire extinguishers and buckets of Water were brought in- to action and the fire was gotten un- er control in the one room. Although considerable damage was done to the ceiling and, contents of the room. ev- eryone was thankful exceedingly that it was no worse. The Winchelsea P.IS. is holding a Christmas concert at Elimville church on Dec. 20th. BORN. 1,DAIIIN,-,At Mount Hamilton Hospi- tal, on .Dec. 4, 1529, to Mr. and Mrs. 'W. W. Main, Hamilton, a daughter, GARINi0!OIPAN—In Clinton Hospital en December 8, 1929, to Me, and 1[rs. James G Carntocitan, of Tuck- ersntifh, a son. PeisianiBe,lati is magical in creating alluring complexions. fA little gentle rubbingand yotir skin is invigorated and touched .with the true• beauty of youth,; 'C'harmin'gly 'fragrant. De- lightful to use. iC•olls and caresses the skin, (Relieves all.- roughness and chafing caused by weather conditions. Tones and stimulates. Enhances and protects • the Ii'oye'liest complexion. Unrivalled as a perfect aid to beauty altd charm. Cards s ,Christmas C A large range of _fine greet- ing 'cards, with envelopes, and printed name on card, priced at $1,25 per dozen, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Mrs. Duncan formerly Miss Alice Harrison will be at Pullman's Barber Shop D--ECEIVIBER 13th and 17th DECEMBEE 20th and 23rd For all the latest Curls Phone '125 for 'appointment COLLEGLATE INSTITUTE EXAMINATIONS. Collegiate pupils have received their examination reports for the first two months. These reports are intended. to give parents and guardians some 'idea of the work and conduct of the pupils at school, The gradings are as follows; First Class, 75 per cent or 'over; second class, 66 ,per cent,; third class. 60 per cent.; credit 50 per cent,; failure, be- low 50p er cent. Form V. 'First Class—Margaret Ralph, Edith Welsh, Annie Hhmea, Ferne Wheat- ley, Kathleen Ca'l'der, Janus Johns- ton, Second class—.Eleanor Burrows, Margaret Forrest, Margaret Patrick, Annie MdNaug,hton, Margaret Shin - en, Third Class—IRossi•e - Patrick,. Margaret Ferguson, Wm, Lane, Clar- enceTrott. tort. Credit T. Govenlock, Maisie Purcell, Failures—T. Cluff, Elizabeth McLean. orm IV. 'First Glass --,Mary Drover, Jessie Archibald, ,Helen Anten't, Florence Ryan. Secottc! Class—Margaret Mc- Kellar, Gordon Rennie, Mervin Keys, Iva Nott, Muriel Beattie, Neil Tyn- dall, Errata Workman. Third Class— Jeannette Finnigan, Lorne Pinkney, Beatrice Aberh'art, Isabel Forrest, Norma Habkiek. Credit—Arthur Fin- layson, Mary Reid, Robert Aberhart, Gearge • Parke, Ignatius O'Leary, Margaret Cardno, Alda Bolton, Made- line Hothaut, Glen Gemmel, Norma Bolton, Gertrude Matthews, Joseph Williams, Harry McLeod, • Form III, 'First Class—Elitvor Evans, Earl Gil- lespie, Alice Sientan, Anna Wallace,' Irene Wankel, Dorothy Wilson. Sec- ond Class—Mary Watson, Kathleen Stewart, Vera Nolan,. Frank Dever- eaux, Evelyn, Golding, Mary Barber, Ian McLean, Gladys Butson, Margar- et • Ross, Mary Thompson. Third Class—Eugene Duncan, Hazel Dixon, Dorothy Driscoll, Glen Hays, John McKenzie, Leo Hagan, Verna Mc- Gregor, Louis Purcell, Elizabeth. Ralph, Jean Frost, Jaines Habkirk,, Raymond Nott. Credit—Margaret McLennan, Kathleen Webster, Marg- aret Crich, D',Orlean Sills, Anna Ed- munds, Margaret McDonald, Mary O'Connor, Mary Haigh. Failures— George Crich, Mary Kling, Jean Mc, Lachlan, Andrew Calder, One Nich- olls. Form II. First Class—W. Kruse, A. Eokert, E. Drover, E. Drover, B, Malcolm, C. O'lLeary, M. Forrest, R. MacLean, D. Farquhar. Second Class J. Gem- mel', S. McSpadden, G. Taylor, B. E'dgar,_H, Scitater, E. Chapman. M. Broadfoot, E. Broadfoot, M. Reid, F. Dundas, H. Rankin. Third Class—H. McLachlan, H. Somerville, 13. Dorr- ance, M. Cudntore, D. Adapts, G. Free. Credit—M. Dunlop, R. Hugill, R. Al- len, C. McNay, O. Stirling, J. Cardno,. R Shinen,K. Rutledge. Failure—A. McLeod; . Cudmore M. Bolton, C. Eckert, A. .Broadfoot, M. Welsh, C. Ferguson, H. Beattie, J. Murray, K. Harrison, G. Perdue, E. Hawkins. Form I. Class I.—Winnie Savauge, James Scott, Tan MacTavish, Harry Sheffer, Betty Southgate, Jessie Smith, Bessie Eckert, Alice Devereaux. Class II. -- Evelyn Nott, Helen- Britton, Gladys Coleman, Jeannette Watson, Flossie Butson, Elizabeth Broadfoot, Lee Joynt, Jack Stevens, Rose O'Connor, Girvin Anderson, 2fargare't Smith, Harvey Hiller, Clarence Coleman, Kenneth Beattie, Neil Patrick, Wilson Little, Earl Leybourne, Jean Murray, Ross Rennie, Hilda Kennedy. Glass PUI.—(Andrew O'Leary, Edith Fergu- son, Frank Archibald, Margaret Ir- win, Marion McGregor, Winnifred Nott, Evan Rennie, John Wright, Wiltiam Flett. 'Credit-Willfant Cud more, Marion Little, Margaret Fink beiner, Robert McCartney, Corinne Ho.tdva: ii, Marge rat Case, Gondar Wright, Iva Crowell, Freda Webster, Reginald Little, James Flannigan, James McGregor, Fred O'Leary. Fai- lure—Carrie Oke. Graduation Diplomas. Under the reguliations, pupils may receive Graduation Diplomas who have passed the following examina- tions: British History, Canadian His- tory, Middle or Upper School papers on English Literature.. and English Composition, and eight other • papers of which five must be on subjects of the Middle or Upper Schools. The diploma indicates in each case every subject taken by the candidate for ex- amination, and if a pupil who has been awarded a diploma subsequently passes on additional papers, these ad- ditional papers may, on application, be recorded.on the graduation diploma, The following pupils who were in attendance at the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, who 'are not in attendance this year, have stet the requirements for graduation diplomas andit is hoped that as many as possible of then will be present at the Com- mencement, Thursday, December 19th at Cardno's Hail, to receive them: 'Erma Broadfoot, 13. J. Duncan, Jessie E. Finlayson, Vera M. Gardin- er, Frank Hogg, Dorene Hudson, N. V. Jefferson, Helen Irene, Grace I. Mason, John D. McDonald, William McDonald, Gordon C. McGloniglc, Ev elena F. Nott, Thomas J. Nolan, Mary Ritchie, Grace Scott, Nora M, Sills, Nara Stewart, Bruce Stewart Marg- aret W. White, 'Ernestine 'W. White. The following pupils who are ,con - Uniting Upper School'wor'k at the Col- legiate have qualified for graduation diplomas: • Elinor .Burrows, Kathleen Calder, Thomas R, Cluff, M'Iangaret Ferguson, Margaret Forrest, Thorns Goren - lock, Annie Hanna, Elizabeth Mc- Lean, Ann McNaughton, Margaret Patrick, Rossic Patrick, ,Mary Pur- cell Mildred Shinen, Clarence Trott, Edith Wolsh, Perna Wheatley. VARNA. The many friends of Mrs. John Rathwell will be sorry IA) know site had the misfortune to slip on the floor of her sunroon Saturday and broke her arnt Mrs. Rathwell is now as comfortable as possible under the cir- cumstances. It is our sad duty to report the death of Mrs. Robert Colclough, God- erich Tp., who• passed away SaturdeY evening. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Clinton cemetery, Rev, Mr. Penrose offieiated at the service, Traffic is not so plentiful these days owing to the bad state of the toads, Mr, and Mrs. Chuter, Mrs, Reid and Mr, Logan attended the reopening of St. George's Ch trot, Goderich, on Aionday night, ,Miss Welsh of Ripley is renewing acquaintances in our vicinity. The young people had their dance in the hall Friday night. \i, It, Elliott shipped live stock to Toronto Saturday, The township council will hold the last meeting of the year on Sat. Nov, loth. The many friends of Mrs, John Rathwell cll will be to sorry know she i ko had the misfortune to slip on the floor of her sunroont Saturday and broke her arm. The doctor was .soon in at- tendance and Mrs. IRathtwell is now as comfortiable as possible under the circumstances. It is our sad duty, to report the death of Mrs, Roberti Colclough, of Goderich township, Who passed away Saturday evening. 'Dhe funeral was held on Tuesday to Clinton cemetery. Rev, Mr. Penrose officiated at the fu- neral, Tnaffie is not so plentiful these days owing to bad state of the roads. STANLEY. Mr. John Cowan of London spent the week -end with friends on the Beottson line, Mr, John Kernic'k, of Winnipeae Man„ who spent a week with his niece, Mrs, Harold .Pen'hale, has re- turned hone. Mr Archie Armstrong delivered a fine bush horse to Mr, John MbGra•th of Dublin. Mr. William 'Talbot' attended the funeral of Mr. Thomas Keys of Step- hen `Township on 'Sunday last. The many friends of Mrs. :Chas. Marks who has been in Goderich hos- pital will be pleased to hear that she is doing well. The stork called at Pete Gingeriah's early last Thursday morning and left twin boys, Mr. , H. D. Steckle is at present laid up with a sore land. . • Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Carnie visited the former's sister, Mrs. J. M. Tough, at Bayfield on Monday. As a result of an unusually dry sunnier malty farmers are experienc- ing a serious shortage of water for their live shock. Municipal council of the Township of Stanley decided to hold their last meeting oo Saturday, Dec. 14, owing to the 15th being Sunday. 'Those having road accounts please hand in to Mr. John Rathwell on or before Thursday, that the work may be checked over, It is also the last day for all taxes to be paid in order to save the ad- ditional 3 per cent. • Secretary -Treasurers may receive their ordersfor the ,school honeys also on that day if they come for them otherwise they will be mailed to thein. 'John E. Haritwell, Clerk. WINTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. Mie: Clarke spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, E. Epps of Varna. MLr Ridderford of Hamilton, organ- izer of the Grand Orange Lodge. will -address the numbers of L.O.L. 813, Winthrop Hall, Monday evening, Dec. 116th. . Miss Isabel Eaton spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Kennie Ben- nett of 'Walton. We are glad to hear that Miss Nona Dale is able to teach school again af- ter several days' illness. 'Aare are, pleased to hear that Mrs. Leo Murea'y is improving after her serious accident. Mr@. George Eaton is spending a few "days with her sister, Mrs, H. Smaildon, of Walton, who is on the sick list. ISS. No. 10 are, holding their Christ - ma's concert next .Tuesday evening, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton enter- tained the Glee Club last Wednesday evening. Several hours were spent in progressive euchre. Mrs. Jospeh Little won ladies' first prize, a sandwich tray, Joseph .Dolnage won men's first prize. a neck soaaf; the consolation prizes went to Miss Tillie Storey and Mrs. Ferg. Bullard; after which lunch was Served by the hostess. BRUSSELS. Surviving his pannier in life by just three weeks, Peter Scott, a lifelong re- tident of towns; passed away at an early hour Tuesdlay morning in his 79th year. Deceased' conducted , a blacksmith 'business in Brussels for a great many years and was always a great lover of fast horses, being known to harness horsemen far and wide. He was the last surviving member of the family of fhe late Donald ,and ?,lrs. Scott, three brothers, Finlay S. Archie and Walter .passing away in recent years. The surviving nten,bers of his family are: !Brine, of Toronto; Stewart of Hamilton; Cline, •of Re- gina; ,and Mrs. Fred Burchell of Betts sel's, from whose home the funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon with interment in Brussels cemetery. Rev. F, G. 'Fowler, pastor of the Presbyter- ian Church, will conduct the service, HILLSGREEN. Mr. and Mrs, W. Carlile and daugh- ter spent a dtty fist week visiting their niece, Mr. and Mrs, J. Stuart and ram- ily, of Farquhar. • Mrs, Roht, Stephenson is not im- proving from iter recent illness as quickly as her friends wish for. 'Mr. and Mrs, W, Turner were tip to Clinton one day last week to nee, Mrs, Stephenson, who is very low at pres- ent. PAGE i E4TTI B'Sehristmas News Stop !! Shop !! Save !! —OUTSTANDING YEAR END SPECIALS— DINNER SETS.--+su'bject to Special Discount, You will be de- lighted with shapes and ,colors and patterns. Truly a great i lay, ds ) A FANCY CHINA—Owing wing to late delivery we were able to place this in stock at a very low price and pass it on to you at wholesale prices. KIDDIES' MOTTO CHINA arriving for holidays. You will like it. STAT1OtNE'RY.- Every year we do dust a little bit better and this year just beats all. TOYS, DOLL'S, BOOKS and GAMES,--1We are known as the Santa Claus headquarters in'Sea'forth. We are ready. HA'NDKERyCHIEFS.—Always a big feature at this store, ' CHRISTMAS DARDS,--Biggest value ever Offered. 12 cards, lined envelopes to match, boxed, worth $1.2'5..... ..: 59c JEWELRY ASS R TMdNT.—ltt ea Shipment. A big saving h re: ,Wrappings, TISSUE PAPER. --112 double sheets for 5c., \�i rappings, cords, seals, tags, etc., in endless variety. Other items are: Covered Aluminum Roast pan for 59c; Yellow and white .enamel ware. A good gift line. The store that makes Christmas Shopping areal 'pleasure. Stop—Shop—Save BEATTIE'S CHINA AND GIFT STORE d����1�''�,P n � � �t1� ry.r��u� ' `^IaC ��ftl'"'�I11�J11 tt 2N2311 $RUCEFIELD. The Brucefield Public Library will be closed until further notice on ac- count of chicken pox, Mr. Peterson, shoemaker, who has been working in our village for the past few months, left this week. for his home in Kincardine. Miss Grace Addison has gone to Toronto where she has secured a position. The many friends of Miss G. Marks will be glad to hear that She is re- covering from hes recent illness. Miss Irwin of Wingham is *the Mrs. t guest of MIs, and MZ s. HighBerry this weak, Mrs. (Rev.) Bremner and Miss E- dna returned last week after spend- ing'a week with friends in London and St. Thomas, Mira. Addison of Londesboro.is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryant visited Mr. J. McCowan and family last week. Mr, Walter Baird and Mr, Frank \'[cCowan spent Saturday at London. Mir. and Mrs. P. Moffatt were Sun- day visitors at Mr. A. Cald'well's. Mr. Goldie Graham has had the Hydro installed in his house and barn. Mr. John Johnson passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. T. Camp- bell, on Sunday, Dec, 1. The remains were laid to rest oa Tuesday, Dec. 3, at Baird's cemetery. I•Ie leaves to mourn his loss his sisters, :firs. Camp- bell, Mrs. Woods of Agatha, Miss Charlotte and Mrs, Metcalf of Lon- don. The community extends their sympathy to the family, Mr, John- son will also he greatly missed by his neighbors and .friends. Recognized as a leading specific for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm , Exterminator has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails. School Concert and BOX SOCIAL in S.S. No. 10, STANLEY TUESDAY, DEC. 17th at 8 p.m. DRILLS ! SONGS 1 HUMOROUS DIALOGUES I Ladies kindly bring boxes, 2nnouneement Invitation to all to visit W lker's Furnitpre 'va IWe have a wonderful line of all kinds of Furniture. Chesterfields, Dining Suites and Bedroom Outfits. All our staple lines are complete. Along with the best selection of smaller lines suitable for Gifts. such as OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AND TABLES DINNER WAGONS DESKS TELEPHONE SETS SEWING CABINETS CEDAR CHESTS SMOKERS MAGAZINE RACKS Lamps a Specialty, at Very Low Prices Agents for Fada Radios and Sherlock Manning Pianos, We have also a few slightly used pianos, ROCKERS CARD TABLES FANCY COVERS AND NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS • 'Please call and look things over early and let us hold your choice for Christmas Delivery. At least call and see what we ran show you. Our window display is only an indication of what is throughout the Store WE INVITE YOU YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging' and Repairing' all snakes of Batteries, used parts of if of new and d feteut male A good line es of cars If your car is in need of repairs, give Its a call Studebaker Sales and Service :a ._ ei�s Garage RHONE'167W