HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-12-05, Page 7'Gain in Autos
.Continues Over
Entire World
Constantly increasing Demand
is Shown by Reports of
Many Countries
People living in Canada : have OM -
MIRY visualizing conditions in many
other countries pertaining to automo-
bile transportation. In the United
States we read .reports to the effect
that there is one autonfobile to each
4,99 inhabitants, while theta Is about
one car for each 9 people in Canada.
'When these people go out fora ride
an a fair weather Sunday, they readily
conclude that the number of motet
vehicles here is even larger. It is
bard to believe that such a large and
very thickly populated nation as.
China,. with about three times as
many human beings as are found in
America, had fewer than 25,000 auto-
The area of fewest automobiles 15
bald to '+e the Solomon Islands, in the
South Pacific, which have altogether
only two of these motor vehicles..
There are millions of people who have
never heard el an automobile, muph
less seen one, There are only four
-countries in the world that have as
many as a million automobiles and
only one country that has more than
1,500,000. This country is the United.
States, with its approximately 24,800,-
000 cars.
Growth of Automobiles
Automobiles in use throughout the
world Increased 8.6 per cent. last year.
These figures are from the annual.
world motor census, made by the
American Automobile Association,
and are probably the most accurate
btatistice available, The total number
of passenger cars, motor trucks and
buses in operation in all the nations
of the world, as. of January lst last,
is placed at 31,929,952. By this time
this figure is doubtless well over the
32,000,000 mark.
It is interesting to note that the in-
crease in the slumber of automobiles
in countries outside of the United
States, as a group, last year was
larger than even in this country. The
gain in other countries amounted to
16.5 per cent, as compared to 5 per
cent. for the United States. However,
the total number of ears, motor trucks
and buses in operation in all foreign
countries was less than 7,500,000, but
was a million more than in the pre-
vious year.
Next to the United States, New Zea-
land has the greatest number of auto-
mobiles per capita, the figure being
bre for each 8.9 inhabitants. Canada
is third with one car to each nine
Persons. While 71 per cent, of the
world's motor vehicles are in the
United States this country has manu-
anefactured 83.5 per cent. of the world's
production of 'automobiles. Last year
European automobile makers pro-
duced nearly 600,000 cars and trucks,
which was a small advance over the
previous year. These figures do not
take into account the American auto-
mobiles which are assembled in sub-
sidiary plants in Europe.
Comparison of Numbers
Some idea of the contrast between
the number of automobiles in the
United States and in other countries
is found in the fact that the City of
Los Angeles alone has more than 100,-
000 more registered automobiles than
are to be found in either Germany or
Ausaralia. This American city has
twice as many cars as Adgentina, aout
four times as many as the whole of
Italy or Spain or Brazil or New Zea-
land, Inclia, with its vast population,
has only 131,000 registered oars.
Egypt, Sammie center of ancient cul-
ture and civilization, has less than 26,-
000 registered cars Poland has 27,-
Automobiles are said to be first In
exports .of manufactured products
from the United States. Last year,
according to the Department of Com-
merce reports, cars and parts valued
at more than $500,000,000 were ship-
ped to foreign buyers. It is evident
that the steady increase in the num-
ber of autdanobiles in various coun-
tries throughout the world, which is
bound to come, will be made possible
in the main by American care. Some
of the American automobile manufac-
tuning concerns have already estab-
lished enormous manufacturing and
assembling plants in some foreign
countries, and this sort of expansion
will probably pontinue.
Necessity for Export
In the mean time the exporting of
automobiles made in American fac-
tories is necessary to keep production
In large 'enough volume to keep the,
cost and' prises down for the benefit
of both the customers in this country
and abroad. Exporting is also essen-
tial to keep the more than 4,000 ,000
peraoDs. rij%eetI3, nr iprliretly employed
in tbie country at work,
It,; will be interesting to note the
changes which take place in some of
the large countries like China as the
number oof automobiles inereases. It
can be taken for granted that as.tbo
and as g
number of cars inc s
11be d
ways aro improved there w i p
advances in the use of modern im-
provemente now often not a•Gnilable,
Citizens will have facilities foe more
comfortable living and hl goat a 1
broads' view ^ of life, due 1 the more
extensive travel mr^'"o possible.
Is your daughter
enjoying fife?
TT is just in her "teen
•s- age" that, a girl should
be getting the most fun
out of life,l---Yet so often
it happens that girls of
sixteen - to - twenty have
outgrown their strength
—are quickly tired, pale,
nervouit, generally run-
down and unhappy 1
These are sure signs of
anaemia, . e condition that
results from thin, worn-out,
unier-nourished blood. Dr.
Williams' pink Pills have
corrected this in thousands
of girls. Hero is the actual
experience of Mrs. Ben
Nicholas of Briesu, Ont.
"My daughter was in a
run-down state. Sho was
easily tired` and did not wish
to associate with others. As
this was unnatural, I began
giving her Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and they soon
made a strong healthy girl
of her. Now she is as happy
a girl as one would wish to
Startcirc daughter
v g
this proven treatment now
by buying Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills at your druggist's or any
dealer in medicine or by
mail, . 50 cents, postpaid,
from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. s• 35
Honor Where Due
Generals rare Honored Why
Not Those Who Develop
the Empire?
In tipite of all precautions little ones
will take colds—especially 0001310 the
ie+'eohme1x4 I»111io>o pt Like Esquare alpira aMll 0 a s,toe or changeable days Of out Fall season.
about 157 times the area of England, When the first s Ym 1Monis appear
—t�cotlarub - and'. Wales, with a total sneezing, redness of the eyes: run-,
ning nose —Baby's ,. Tablets
population oR abont '950 millers -•an h ld' be given at eros TOY will
avers rapidly proak up the cold graven.
miles, 'cou�paredwltlt 485 per sgixare � li0ations,
ge of thirty two to the square s on Id and t i
mile for England, Scotland, ane mate serious comp
Mothers who keep a box
No More Tai Days --Perhaps
Cape Argue; The Saner that (Merl-
tiee' which have not yet ioluod the
Cape's extremely ear: on:fill Cont'
triunity Chest do so to sooner they,
and the citizens of Cape Town, will be.
relieved pf the irksome necessity Of
eeaseless street collections. All ef-
forts to raise funds for charitable
. purposes will thea be properly co -or.
tlinated into one period set apart for
the purpose and much dissipation of
energy will be avoided. Betted still,
what Is all too Often a matter for.'ir.
citation w111 become an annual effort
in which the citizens of the Cape Pen-
insula -can take both an interest and
a pride, The principle of the Com-
munity Chest has been amply vindi-
cated in other parts of the world, and
it ie' only a matter of time before it Is
universallyaccepted in South Africa,
Wales," writes Sir Robert.Hadfield
of Baby's
in.'t1e Empire Review. Owe Tablets in the home always feel
"Occupying some part of every zone safe. In feet they are like having a
from arctic to tropical, the British doctor in the house, They area gen-
Empire contains within Its boundaries Ile bat thorough laxative that sweet
almost every material 'required for
� en the etonlaeh and regulate the
Modern life and industry, I bowels, thus driving out constipation
the baby
Surely, it is' obvious that we at!oftthe tmany lcltildhoodlievieg ailments which
home and those in oversea parts or'are the direct result of a (slogged (s00-
tho Empire .have mach to gain from clition of the. Dowels or sour stomach.
closer and more intensive co•opm'a- They are absolutelysafe—being guar -
tion, The need of each is the oppor-
tatty 00 the other, At home, v o anteed to contain no drug at all harm•
have a crowded population and al
to even the youngest babe, They
sbortage of work. Overseas -there cannot Possibly do harm—they always
are vast British territories waiting
for development, There the need Is
not only, or even chiefly, for manual
labor; it is ,for edpital and organiza-
tion as well.
"At ome,we have •piehty of capital
resources 'factual or in the farm of
sound credit) and ample manufactur-
ing resources, bitt the difficulty is to
find suflicient profitable• applicatloll
for these to avoid the disastr'oas
course living .on capital. Given suit-
able facilities for employing our fin-
ancial 'and manufacturing resources
in Empire development, we should be
faced rather by a shortage of labor
than by any question of unemploy-
ment o -The health of such develop-
ment would • be shared . by oversea
parts of the Empire no Iess than 1)1'
the home country, for, whereas we
should reap the bench of increased
employment, the developments them-
selves would be in the oversea Do-
minions, to
din Y
minions, adding
wealth and power.
"Obviously, there would be In-
creased opportunities for the migra-
tion of manual and skilled labor ac-
ceptable to the Governments of the
developed territories, and the whole
Empire. would benefit from the in-
creased purchasing power of the Uni-
ted Kingdom.
"In order to bring about this parti-
cular and intensive development of
Empire 'resources and trades, my
proposal is that there should be form-
ed , an Empire Development Board,
composed of duly elected representa-
MISTAKES tivos from all parts of the Empire. It
We are bound to make mistakes, is hardly necessary to add that this
being human. When we make a slip organization should be a permanent
we can help the situation along by
frankly saying thatwo did not do the
right thing. If we express our re
grets, the chances are that people will
put all the more faith in us and give
us another chance. Surely this is bet-
ter than denying or -concealing our
One thing you'll have to give them
credit for Is that in Wailing Wali
Street tbey don't call it a holy war.
Ask Your Barber—He Mows
Messrs. Tanguay, Limited of
Quebec, Quebec, Beg to an-
The opening of an Ontario
Sales Office at 2834 Dundas
St., Toronto, under the direc-
tion of H. L. Spicer, former-
ly Secretary -Treasurer of
Empire Fertilizers Limited.
We can offer EXCEPTION-
ed Fertilizers, Superphos-
phate and Fertilizer Mate-
rials sold In carlots for cash
ONLY. Write above ad-
dress for prices, etc.
one. An Empire Development Fund
would naturally follow, thus offering
safe and sound sources of investment
within the Empire and battened by
those representing British interests.
"In this respect, I'.venture to sub-
mit that such representatives should
be - sttttably rewarded according to
the work accomplished. We rightly
reward our great generals and ad
mf als with . honors, and often with
large monetary sums, for success in
wars; why should we not similarly
reward those who introduced and
helped on: these much-needed develop-
ments of sour Empire2•Apart from the
work of the permanent staff, those
who devote. their time to the work
of the Board should' be ensured
spaoif1e ' honors as recognition of
their work."
do good,
Baby's Owh Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or will be sent by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville,
Orchard Land
0 f
, In .C. Valleys
British Columbia Pleased
With Keen Buying In-
terest in Irrigation Fro-
ject of Okanagan
Oliver, B.C„ Nov. 16—A land boom
is in progress hers, and finally the
$4,000,000,000 Government owned
Southern Okanagah Irrigation pro-
ject it own.. Dor-
corrin into s
je is g o
for the first few years after its
inception, in 1921, land sales have tun
into the hundreds of thousands of dot,
lars the past month .and every avail-
able lot of orchard and is rapidly be-
ing gobbled up by new settlers.
Eight years ago a solitude sprink-
led with sagebrush and greaseweed,
the sun turning its implacable rays
and direct flame, devouring it, a
solitude 25 miles in length, hollowed
out between rows of high stone
faced hills dotted with soldier like
pine trees, to -day, a gigantic basin of
earn -
verdure, planted to over 100,000 bear-
ing'fruit trees and surrounded by an
enormous ribbon like concrete ditch,.
filled to the brim with pure water.
Such is tb.e brief history of this,
one of the largest irrigation projects
in the Dominion. Pessimists, and
there were a large number, branded
the scheme with various cognomens.
The pioneer settlers, mostly men woo
had fought their country's battles
fought another battle here for a bare
existence until such time as orchards
became productive.
Looking • for a crop which would.
produce ready cash these pioneers
developed the Oliver Cantaloupe, now
sold from coast to coast, and eontld
erect the best cantaloupe produced
• Until last year the district had been
in the doldrums. Money was scarce,'.
land prices almot prohibitive for new
settlers, . interest on land purchased
was eating up all the money settlers
could make while waiting for their
orchards to Dome into production.
This year the government took ac-
tion, All summer long a reclassifica-
tion of land has been made, drastic
cuts in land prices recommended and
finally notified by the provincial gov-
Immediately the new prices went
into effect some five weeks ago, an
influx of new settlers commenced.
Large blopks of lana, one firm Pur-
chasing 340 acres which is now part-
ly and will all be planted to peaches,
have been sold by the government.
Over 75 ten acre lots, the standard
commercial orchard size for one man,
have been bought. New buildings
are going up in all directions and
new inclustries started.
The dream of the Iate Hon. John
Oliver, premier of British Columbia
and sponsor of the immense irrigation
scheme, has come to pass.
One of the most interesting astro-
nomical discoveries of the last century
was that of the discovery of Neptune.
For a long-time it was thought that
Uranus was the farthest planet from
the sun. But there was a strange
thing about Uranus. John Couch
Adams noticed that the orbit of Ur-
anus was regularly deflected from the
normal course; from Which he infer-
red the attraction Of some greater hid-
den body With the true instinct of
the scientist he set himself to find out
what the hidden body was which de-
flected Uranus 7n this. way; and away
In the unfathomable blue he • dis-
covered a great planet, eighty-five
brae the size of out earth, which was
subsequently called' Neptune He
found it because of the attractive in-
fluence which that groat hidden body
exercised upon the smeller.
Feet Sore? Use Minard's Liniment.
tall Street's bleat trick is to take ,
a lamb and make a goat out of WM
X4.0 MAwo..S
or to
due to Acid
the Aci.,<
etomacbe and
Sic r stomachs, sour
indigestion usually mean excess.
The stomach nei'vel are over-stitr2:
gated. Too much field makes the ?tom,
a011 an0. jnlgatrw�q deur,
Alkali kith acid Intently, 1'he beet
form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be.
cause one harmless, tastelese'dose
neutralizes many rimae its volume in
acid. Since its invention, 60 years ago,
it has remained the standard with
Iibydlcians everywhere, ti
b condition will r -ar;
unhappy l p , esa
five mi
c -7
in_Vel nitltest '�' ► � ,,ou will'always
'ltneW tial to do. Crude and harmful
methods will never appeal to you. Go
prove this for your own sake. It may
save a great many disagreeable hours.
Be sure to get,the genuine Phillips'
a ettoonful in•wate• and Your
Tunnelling of Gibraltar
Singapore Free Press; Franco is
getting ready to build a trans -Siberian
railway and to develop rapid com-
munications between. Oran Algiers,
and the ports of the Gulf of Lyons,
with a view to military transport in
ease of a future war. if she could ar-
range with Spain to use a Straits
tunnel for her troops, it would be so
extremely valuable to her as to make
it worth her while to revise or for-
eign policy in some respects. Such an
agreement would make France a
supremely interested party in the de-
fence of the,tunnel. The other Naval
Powers in the Mediterranean, Italy
and Great Britain, are equally con-
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phYsi•
In Memory of Botha
Johannesburg Times: If 07017 un-
biassed opinion of South Africa were
canvassed and. asked to suggest the
most appropriate site in the Union for
a memorial to Louis Botha, almost
every voice would be raised in 'favor
of Meintjes Iiop. General Hertzog
and his Cabinet withhold permission
for the erection of a monument th ore
because the shifting sands of fifty
years might alter South• Africa's atti-
tude towards her greatest son and
i not
memorial e
because the
In fifty years time the reputation of
Louis Botha will stand higher in the
hearts of his countrymen than it date
to -day. General Flertzeg might easily
remove this reason ,for the Cabinet's
refusal to giant a site for the mem-
orial by malting the monument a na'.
!tt6o v Atnn suis
Olo o
r L
e it.
ue ery s
Both s.
Thought moves like lightning, but
our thinking must be transformed in-
to action before it can sot the world
:clans for 50 years in correcting excess Ohl fire.
acids. Each bottle contains full (diva.
btf tions—any drugstore. w�:t'hllnarfYe Liniment relieves atiffnces,
Every package of Red Ane Tea is prepared with
the same cam—as if our reputation were to stan4 or
fall upon that single package,. s i
" is go od tea
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra tro. Oocl
A word can be the very light of life,
giving most welcome guidance in
hours of perplexity and Indecision, A
score of words may renew hope, re-
store lost confidence, cheer beyond
measure, -
We may not know much about
uaic, but we can know what it
means to live in harmony with one
When you want the most
economical & satisfactory
lumber cutters, write us'
for information & prices.
Montreal Toronto
Vancouver St. John
11- 29
seemed a urden
tat m.o
the real
must and 1 B
"I eel? u L y
7tLCU1LCrt Salts.. I'
benefit a is I derived from %
three years I as, which
road a everything, seem and nerves, whre)s made everything seam a
"After attending doctors on and off for this
period I commenced to take Kruseheo, and from
then t gradually got back to my usual Vats of
health. I have note roamed nay duties, and teorkd
ie ones more a Measure.
Iamcontinuing soitlhIrrus ltenSaits,audafter
being back at business nearly six Mob mr. 05"itt-
taining the Erusehen f ¢sling and recommend tau
nublia to take the ' little daily dose, and keep
themselves Rt these hustling days.
I shall always be pleased to answer 0tatt
Inquiries in praise of %rusellen Salts." —D. C.
Original tater 00 510 for WINDED,
I{rusohen Salts is obtainable at drug and
lspartmeot stores in Canada at 76a a bottle.
a bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 5,-
mouths—good health for halt -a -cent a dap,
NO tgR
¢tri atl¢rmpaa612:
s•msnetarnacHa D,Esa•
IlndlheStamachsana Baa+haf
Are yoti prepared fa render
first aid and quick comfort the
moment your youngster has an
upset of any sort? Could you do
the right thing—immediately—
though the emergency came with-
out warning—perhaps tonight?,
,Castoria is a mothers standby at
such times. There is nothing like
it in emergencies, and nothing
better for everyday use. For a
sudden attack of colic, or the
gentle relief of constipation; to
allay a feverish condition, or to
soothe a fretful baby that can't
sleep. This pure vegetable prepa
ration is always ready to ease an
aiiitr0 Voltorce+^r. It is lust as
No wonder this
is proud
heirniless as the recipe on the
wrapper reads. If you see Chas.
H. Fletcher's signature, - it is
genuine Castoria. It is harmless
to the smallest infant; doctors
will tell you so.
You can tell from the recipe on
the wrapper how mils it is, and
how good for little systems. But
continue with Castona " until a
child is grown.
Classified Advertisements
b,r 01tG MIEN WANTED CUlCli, rllt.I
11'2. pay. easy work, Darn whilelearn-
ing barber trade under famous' Moler
merlcan plan, world's most reilable
barber school system Write or calf Immediately for free eatslegUe, Maier
Barber College, 121 Queen West, Toronto,
and light sewing at ]tome, whole or
spare time; good pay; work acid any
distance; charges paid, Sendstampfor
aartiaulare. National ManuPacturin0 00.,
Chance ie but the pseudonym :of
God, for those particular cases which
Ile does not choose to subscribe
openly with His own sign-manual.—
Free Information
EN & E�ii
Patent Solicitors
Used by D s ct.Tr
Many doctors recommend fslin-
ard's as the best Liniment made,
They use it for many' ills.
B. Guild's Green Mountain Asthma
Compound sent on request. Origin-
ated in 1333 by Dr. Guild, snacialisb
in respiratory diseases. Ito pleasant
smoke vapor quiolcly soothes and re-
lieves asthma—also catarrh, Standard
remedy at druggists, 35 cents. 64
cents and 41.50, powder or oigarette
form. Send for PEES TRIAL .tek-
age of 8 cigarettes. Canadian ;7a0101 -
St. Paul St West '22001Dept. Can289
' d:, OR PI tb
t'77pp ,rY little son, Richard, was
ltl'1 troubled a lot with constipa-
tion," says Mrs. Ethel Evans, 263
Monarch Park `lioronto Ont.
got very weak, run-down and under.
weight, I gave him California Fig
Syrup; and in just a little while he
vvas eating heartily and gaining.
Now I'm ,proud as can be; he's so
robust, bright and active,"
Temporary relief should be far
from the first consideration when a
child shows b
bad breath,coated
tongue,biliousness, or a listlss,weak
condition, that he's constipated. Of
course, the child's system needs a
prompt cleansing. But the young-.
eter'a bowels also need tonng and
That's where California Flg Syrup
does its best work. It helps strength.'
en the bowel muscles; gives tone toa
weals stomach. That's why faulty
digestion improves with its use;
bowel movements become regular
and remain so.
i;verY child d Ioves its flavor its
cleansing action ispromptbut gentle.
1 product; danger
A purevegetab e p g
of causing the laxative habit. It has
full medical endorsement.
There are many imitations; but
the word California marks the
"I think Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is wonderful!
I have had six children of which' four
are living and my youngest is a bon+
nie baby boy now eight months old
who weighs 23 pounds: I have taken
your medicine before each of there
was born and have certainly to
eeived great benefit from itl I urge
ply ftiends to take it as 0 am sure
they will receive the same help I did."
"--Mrs, Milton McMufea;'_Vanessai
Ontario. -
6 �l
1 '
L dia Et `P nkha�,
.Ill 0���
�e-eta�I�.Ca p .,.
l9 dui E.,'P n0ham Mes,•Oo Lynn: Mao Br6, P:
cohecrt, O;roue, Can,da:.
- , ISSUE No. 477 -'29.