HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-11-21, Page 6Sir William Cope
Says Turner Valley
Viers Possibilities
Another Sphere Where Can-
ada's Natural Resources
Will Help Build Up
the Country
Calgary, Alta, Nov, 2. -Oil fields ins
Southern Alberta offer 'themselves
possiiailitiee, Sir William Cope, pro-
minent Britlslt Stender, stated More
on his return from a visit to Turner.
Sir William has beeu in the Calgary
district` for the past fortnight, and
during that time made an exteusive
study of the valley, fieldand of other
oil structures in the southern part of,
the province.
"Southern Alberta offers the most
wonderful possibilities I know of in
the British Etitpire as au oil field," de -
dared Sir William,
"Its potentialities have only been
scratched as yet, and I confidently
look forward to its early development
on a large scale."
After mentioning that he had spent
the past two weeks in studying the
Alberta oil situation, Sir William de-
clared that he had also visited the oil
fields lying just south of the border in
"Trom my observations there," he
added, "nave no hesitation in saying
that the Turner Valley shows the best
indications of oil wealth."
Sir William, on his retina to Eng-
land, intends to report the result of
his enquiries to other British capital-
ists who are interested in the de-
velopment of Canadian oil fields.
For many years Sir William has
been interested in the development of
mineral resources in Great Britain,
and has been a director of the Al-
bion Colliery and of the Welsh Col-
liery company.
As a director of the Electrical
Power Distribution Company, he has
also been associated with the de-
velopment of power resources.
Business Good
Despite Crash
Of Stock Values
one of Memory, ttr Our War Coolants
1.,:‘'``,.•<••• is5
Where 800'Canadians, killed in the battle around this famous war centre are 'buried, to'gether'wtth a hundred French soldiers.
Illegal Radio Station Leads
U.S. Authorities to Liquor "Ring"
Ottawa,—There is nothing iu the
general situation in Canada to war-
rant any panic in the stock market,
according to Government officials who
have to do with the banks but not
diretly with the stock market. In the
absence of the Minister of Finance no
official statement is made, but, speak-
ing unofficially, other officials of his
department said that the public ought
to be reassured. Conditions are
thoroughly sound, it was stated.
"Busines is exceptionally good, and
even if it only reverts to normal,
everything will be satisfactory, Bank-
ing conditions were never on a firmer
basis. What is happening now is only
a phase—this one restricting itself to
the area of stock speculation 011 mar-
gin. With so many people in the mar-
ket they have ruts up stocks to levels
out of line with the interest returns
and when the structure gets top heavy
it is bound to come down sooner or
"The intrinsic value of Canadian
stocks to -day is just as high as it was
a week or a fortnight ago. The whole
future of Canada is ahead of these
corporations the same as it always
wee. The trouble, as everyone knows,
is the unwarranted and exceptional
Participation in the market by weak
holders, operating on margin, and hop -
lag to make some easy money. The
real conditions do not warrant any
Panic whatever."
Unlicensed Transmitter Used by Bootleggers Traced by De-
partment of Commerce- Engineer; Decipher Code and
Uncover the Secrets of Rum Violators
An unlicensed radio station, operat-
ing on 'a short-wave length, contri-
buted largely to the undoing of one of
the most exteusive liquor-runutng
"rings" which the U.S, government has
enouatered, it was discloeed following
the malting of raids along the New
Jersey and Long Island coast, which
resulted in the arrest of thirty-two
leen and the seizure of large quanti-
ties of liquor.
Operating la the band of wave
lengths used largely by amateurs, it
is possible that the station might
longer have escaped detection had it
not been for the fact that it was in
operation over long periods, some-
times as much as fifteen to eighteen
sult in the immeciate closing down of
the station, for Redfern took over the
key, and using the rum runners' own
code sent out messages which result-
ed in one of the liquor boats proceed-
ing to a point where a Coast Guard
vessel was waiting to take it over,
Although authorities are inclined to
withhold information relative to the
radio apparatus both a the central
New Jersey station and aboard the
rum-ruuning vessels, it is generally
believed that it all was of amateur
construcion and assembled by an ex
pert. The equipment discovered in
New Jersey was composed 01 various
parts available to amateurs.
It is also believed that the Jersey
hours at a time. Search of license station was the control of the eutire
records failed to show any station ring and receiving operators at all int -
with the call letter's which were being portant headquarters and aboard all
vessels of the ring. The station is re-
ported to have maintained an eigh-
teen -hour -day schedule and is believed
to have been in constant communica-
tion with vessels at sea.
From time to time radio officials
have been informed that "private sta-
tions were in operation and have run
them down. Usually, however, they
were found to be experiments by
amateur set. builders, who had no in-
teution of deliberately evading the
license requirements, but occasionally
unlicensed stations have been found
which were being used for malicious
used, nor were its messages under-
standable, being in code.
Engineer Runs Down Station
In an effort to run down the boot-
leg station, Forest Redfern, formerly
an engineer of the Signal Corps and
now a radio engineer in the New York
office of the radio division of the De-
partment of Commerce, was given the
assignment of locating the station and
deciphering the code. Virtually, it
was Redfern's detecting which led to
the routing of one of the greatest
liquor rings ever encountered by the
prohibition officers. When the strange
signals were reported in central east-
ern New Jersey, Redfern, with a staff
of radio experts, set out to find the
station with a directional radio re-
ceiver installed in au automobile. Al-
though deciphering the code was more
difficult titan locating the station, Red-
fern soon solved the fairly simple
cipher used by the station. Messages
were copied for several weeks prior
to the raid and the translations of
messages turned over to the Federal
During the course of the raids the
radio station was included and it was
found that not only was the station
unlicensed, but the operators also had
failed to comply with the Department
of commerce's regulation requiring all
telegraph operators to be licensed. In-
asmuch as the law provides penalties
running as high as $5,000 fine and five
years' imprisonment for owners of un-
licensed stations or for unlicensed
operators, the man found at the ]ley
when the raid was made is about in
as serious a predicament as those
taken with liquor in their possession.
The rum ring's station at Sea Bright
consisted of what is said to be a most
modern amateur installation. The
transmitter was a short-wave type
having a power of approximately 100
watts. Several short and longwave
receivers as well as a precision wave
meter were obtained in the raid, as
well as apparaturs for listening to
Coast Guard stations and a copy of
the Coast Guard code cipher. The
antenna for bout transmitting and
receiving were located inside the
building, apparently to conceal the
location of the transmitter,
Call Letters Withheld
Several well known radio amateurs
is central Now Jersey reported re-
peatedly hearing the station and ire-
queatly wondering What curious mess-
ages the strange coded signals con-
tained. The call letters which wore
issued by the illegal station were
withheld by the authorities, but it is
generally believed that when a sign
DO -X Plans No Atlantic
Flight Before Spring
Adtenrltein, Switzerland.—No Atlan-
tic flight is planned for the DO -X,
giant Dornier airplane, before next
spring, backers of the huge ship have
made known. Distance trials how-
ever will be held in the near future.
Those connected with the Dornier
organization and residents of the
Lake Constance area alike were de-
lighted with the performance of the
giant craft, which carried 169 pas-
seagers and crew aloft for an hour's
remarkable flight.
Those who made the flight were
uuanicons in praising the comfort of
their trip, and ease of the ship's tak-
ing off and allghting, and the remark-
able speed of 106 miles an hour, The
craft's twelve motors developed 6,000
horsepower ' and lifted the fifty-one
tons easily, An altitude of 1,200 feet
was reached.
Two sister ships, the DO -X-2 and
the DO -X-3 are now half completed
on Italian orders, The Fenah gov-
ernment ale° has shown an interest
in the type of craft for use across the
Medltterranean between Marseilles
and Algiers.
Girls to Teach Soviet Councils
Moscow—Tisa Soviet government
las just graduated 17S young wom-
en from a special course designed to
train Client for instructing 'village
councils in Soviet pollcies and Politl-
cal methods. They were scattered
among the provinces,
Italy's Big Boss
Sore at France
Italian Papers Incensed at
France for Harboring
Anti-Facist Exiles..
Loudon, Nov, 2.—The British oath.
orities are watching with some
anxiety the attacks being made
against France in the Italian press,
following the attempt ou the life of
the Italian Crown Prince at Brussels.
Itis even suggested that naval oon-
versations between Italy and France
will be imperilled by resentment felt
throughout Italy against France.
France is accused in Italian news-
papers of sheltering the man DeRose,
when he crossed the frontier without
a passport, and giving him a police
card which enabled him to leave Paris
for Brussels.
Previous to this incident, consider-
able friction had developed between
Italy and France which had cropped
up when attempts were made by the
Italians resident iu France on the
lives 01 prominent Fascists, including
Premier Mussolini.
Italy has frequently demanded that
the shelter given by France to anti -
Fascists must cease.
Hitherto, the French have retorted
that if they take steps to deport the
anti -Fascists they will have to deport
the entire Italian,colony resident in
France, which Mussolini does not cer-
tainly desire.
One Italian newspaper assts bluntly
if France wants war but the majority
of attacks on, France, while bitter in
tone, are more moderate in statement
than this, The Giornale d'italia says,
"For her own defence, Italy has a
duty to do by making a categorical
declaration that the protective toler-
ance hitherto given to anti -Fascist
exiles on French territory has become
one of the fundamental problems 01
Italian relations with France. It really
seems as if France has no intention
of regulating her debt of loyalty and
peace to Italy.
"We asst, theyefore, this time, does
France intend to continua to sponsor
a movement whose aims are directed
against the Italian State? Today, no
one can quibble any longer that it is
not the friendship of the two nations
that Is Involved but a clearing up of
the Franco -Italian situation.
Naval Parity
Glasgow Herald (Cons,): In other
words, so far as the two great Eng-
lish-speaking Powers are concerned,
their naval problems ae virtually sol-
ved. They have agreed on parity
in the proper sense of that much mis-
understood word—that is to say, they
have recognized that parity means
not necessarily identical tonnage, but
equality of strength when due regard
is paid to the essential tasks which
each Navy has to perform. This is
a very great achievement, 'and the
highest credit is due and will be glad-
ly given to those on both sides of the
Atlantic who have made it possible,
Lakehead Storage
Sets New Record
High Piled Bins Contain 76,-
062,000 Bushels of
Working Margin of Ten Mil-
lion Bushels Encroached.
on' for First Time
Rumanian Royalty Silver Fox Fanning
A 'Distressing Scene Growth; -of New' British In-`
Queen Marie, Interferes with
Young King Michael and
is Evidently Asked to
Leaye Palace
Berlin — A report' recetvotl Isere
from authoritative sources in Bu0 t'
areert said that Dowager•Queteu Mario w/tat' Sas proved iu most cases a very
of itumaata had fled from the Royal profitable form of steep rearing: Con
Palace at Baichik beoanse of dlsson trary toexpectation, most olimatee,
siou in the Royal Fantlly, stroll, as that of Dartmoor and the.
Rumors of strife between the Dow' I-fighlands, tame proved eatisttaotory,
ager'Queeu and others of ' the family) and polls better than tiro best :Amerce
have been current for some time,. It can pelts are now produced there;'
was declared that several of. the tarn I From a humane standpoint, silver•
fly were opposed to her inclination to fox farmitig'has much to recoutdlene
it as opposed to all forms of trapping.
Instead of meeting a liugering and
painful death la the iron jaws of;'a
trap, the fox can be mercifully chloro-
formed. Also, the breeder can pelt
the fox when its pelt isat its bust. As
regards Health, silver foxes aro hardy'
and remain free from disease pro-
vided that strict attention is paid to
feeding and sernpuloue•cleanliness 1
adhered to,
The capital outlay is considerable, a
pair of first-class cube costing anything
from £100 to 2200. But when it
remembered that an average of time
cubs per pair in a year, selling from
£60 to £200 per pelt, may be looked
for, the return' on capital is,sezn to
be considerable.
To protect the interests of British
silver fox breeder's the Silver Fos
Breeders' Association was termed.
This aesooiation holds an anisear
show, the next being from Navembei
id to 15, at Oxford, and also registers,
and inspects all stook.
At present the supply of good pelts ,
cannot keep up with the demand.
Even if the present number of silver
fox farmsisdoubled or quadrupled -
witltin the next few years it is antici-
pated that the beet truality pelts will.
•always, command a good pries.—Lon-
don Times.
'TIie problem of rearing sliver Teams
suooessfully in oaptiVity was not
Owed until 1880, when the Prince 1i4-
ward strata was established; but It
was not until 1620 that the possibill,«
ties of fox'farming in Great I3ritaiu
were realized. Since Hien, some .30
farms, holding a total stock of over
500 pairs of 'foxes have started on
nterfere with the regency which pre-
sides. over, Rumania on behalf ef' her
grandson, the boy king, Michael 1.
Only recently Princess Meana, 20 -
year -old daughter of the. Dowager
Qlieeit, setting out in her yacht, the
Istrava, to visit her mother at 'Dal-
chik narrowly escaped disaster when
the yacht struck a reef near Agrigas,
The• yacht Wae pulled oft' by a gun-
boat and • towed back to Constanza,
its starting point.
Was Ejected, is Report
An unconfirmed report stated that
Marie was actually ejected from Bal.
ohilr after an intermediary, actingon
behalf of the Princess Helena, moth-
er of the boy' King, requested the
Dowager Queen to leave the Palace.
Tinder the terms of the testament of
the late King; Ferdinand, the Palace
belongs to young. Michael. Marie re-
fused to leave. She hid in a small
wing of the Palace, but continued to
use the main entrance.
Furniture• Thrown Out
Several days ago, Queen Marie was
astounded to find several piecee of
her furniture had been moved into the
courtyard. The situation was ag-
gravated by numerous intimations
which she then received that her re-
moval had become imperative.
After the furniture episode, the
Dowager sought refuge in the wing,
and the royal archttect advised her
that he was commanded to build her
a separate entrance.
The incident is another in a series.
of .discordant episodes -which recently-'
have forced the Rumanian Royal
Household lino the limelight, among
them being the sensational street
fight between Marie's son, Prince
Nicholas, and the chauffeur, John
Winnipeg.—Swelled by au added
store of more than half a million
bushels of grain, storage at lake-
head elevators pushed onward to an
unheard:of mark for the season. The.
record et .76,062,000 bushels in the
high -piled bins showed an advance of
656,000 bushels over recent figure
which was itself a new high mark
for the season. •
The new figure established by ris-
ing contents in elevators at Port
Arthur and Fort William encroaches
far the first time ou the so-called
working margin of 10,000,000 bushels
but the larger working margin is
stated to be necessary for conveni-
ent handling of the. grain.
Rise in lakehead figures came in
spite of a substantial shipment of
1,360,000 bushels eastward by four
boats recently. The increased stor-
age showed as its result, however,
that cars awaiting unloading at head
of the lakes elevatcrs were decreas-
ed by 200 to a total of 4,200 cars; and
lakehead uuloadings outnumbered ar-
rivals in 7,222 ears to 505.
The • number of cars waiting to be
emptied into the Port Arthur and
Fort William elevators are the low-
eat figures for two full weeks. Mean-
while, car loadings at prairie points
showed a slight decrease to 707 cars;
and marketings by- country farmers
increased a little to 1,098,000 bushels,
stili a comparatively low daily figure.
Though half of the storage space
in prairie elevators still remains un-
filled, an increase of only 9,000 bush-
els was ne.ted in the country storage
in tate last 24 hours. Present figures
1 are 66,166,000 bushels.
To despise money on some occa-
sions is a very great gain,—Terence.
What can money do to console a
man with a headache?—George Mac-
Many people take no care of their' was ueed it was shriller to those as -
money 1111 they come stearin to the signed telegraph amateurs in the dice.
end of it, and abets' do just tile sgt (,a tact.
with their time,—Goethe. ..5 °`� I Arrest of the operator did not re -
Crowds gathered to watch deet of tugs endeavoring
de Fuca.
to get Empress of Canada eff' roosts
S trail%
Carol in Trouble
Paris—With rumors arriving via.
Berlin and Bucharest that his mother
had been ejected from the Rumanian
Royal Palace at Baichik, former
Crown Prince Carol found himself in-
volved in distressing troubles of his
On the 'complaint of his landlady,
the justice of the peace has issued
an order requiring Prince Carol to
pay $500 to cover not only damages
to the apartment in which he lived,
but also unpaid coal bills.
Prince .Carol protested the order,
and it was. announced that he would
appear in court on November 7 to
appeal from the decision.
Prince of Wales 'Urges
Britain Buy Own Beef
London—The Prince of Wales is a
farmer himself and he believes in ad-
vertising the roabt beef of 01d Eng
During a visit to the Smithfield
Meat Market in London recently the
Prince personally marked some sides
of British beef and advised London
housewives to ask for national meats
"and see that they get them."
Received' by the Lord Mayor M Lona
don, Sir William Waterlow; Noel
Saxton, Minister of Agriculture, and
market officials, the Prince made a
tour of the Sniithlield district and in='
spected the system by which home
killed' beef is marked and graded un-
nder the "national mark" stamp,
He asked for a marking instrument
and reached up andmarked a huge
side of beet with the stamp; "Prime
Home Killed," which also shows an
outline' map of England.
"In the interests of British agricul-
ture and as a farmer myself, I hope
London butchers will take full ad-
vantage of this scheme," the Prince
then said.
China is Rev.:. ged.
By Fleeing TroopsAs Rebels Triumph
10,000 Nationalists Desert,
Others Reguse to Fight
Hankow—The Japanese military in-
telligence stated that the ICuofinchun,
or "People's Army; had scored a
decisive, victory otter Nationalist
troops along the northwest border of
the Provinces of Ilupek and Henan.
Near Laohokow, Httpek, Cheng, Chow
despatches said, 10,000 Nationalist
forces deserted and began ravaging
the countryside, while an equal num-
ber refused to fight...
Further 'reports told 61 wounded
Nationalists flooding into Chang Chow.
from'the wast. The majority were
suffering ,from sword and bayonet
wounds, indicating that the ICuomin-
chun were engaging in hand -to -liana
combat to conserve ammunition. 01-
ficials of LaohokoW were fleeing in
confusion as the invaders neared the
The Japanese despatch said: "The
Kuominchun crushed the Nationalist
forces, the victory'iesulting in great
confusion. Laohohow officials aro,
British Industry Urged
To Develop Canada TMde
London, --That British manufactur
ors and exporters are not taking ad-
vantage of the opportunities awaiting
diem is Canada is eniphasized by C.
W. Rowley, English Industrialist, in
an interview with "The Financial.
Times.' "Empire Shopping Week"
was cited as an example...
"The Empire Marketing Board sup-
ported us admirably with a splendid.,
display of: posters and the British
Trade Comtnisioners were wally in-
defatigable in their efforts, but the
co-operation of British producers
was lacking, They had a fine change
for a well -organized selling campaign
is a highly favorable, atmosphere, but
did not avail _tlsemselves of 1L"
It isn't every girl that bathing sults,
and sail fewer that bathing -shite do,
The persons who have the most sub-
lime. contempt . for money are the
Juan same that have the strongest appetite
offor the Pleasures It :enables them to
proctn;e,—Sliens tone,
Reign of Terror
Helsingloorn, Finland.—Throe groups
of Russian refugees, including one
woman among the 12 persons, were
found by Finnish guards on the Lap-
land frontier in a state of almost com-
plete longion by , overland ps of
their long,, overlandjou neyfrom
the Soviet prison on Solovyetsk Is-
land in the White Sea.
While working in the forest they
had knocked down and overpowered
their three guards, • The beginning
of their march to Finland, through the
north country, was accompanied by
great hardships from cold and lack of
They described conditions as a
"reign of terror," and said that pris-
oners were dying daily,
"Women can get up stairs easily in
the kind of dressed they swear now"
"Get up stares?' I'll say they cant!"
A flirt Is a girl who has made up
her mind not to make up her' rand.
The most difficult courage of all 1s
not -the two o'clock in the morning
courage we have heard so > mach
about; it le the courage 'that will 000 •
a tiling through, --D, Lloyd George,