HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-11-21, Page 4pA,c,4B voint
8oawdop. BroSi,' Publiehees,l
Death canie soddenly on Friday,
Nov, 8, toThomas A. Clack, at. the
borne of his brother, j:ohri Clark,
death being , dee to engine pectoris.
Xr. Clark lied ority been it` resident of
Listowel since' last Jula,..nleiving 'here
• from Wal•tori and residing With hie'
son. one Rikglau street. lip was, i11. his
sixtyeninth year, . • .
The deeeased VMS bOril on the .17th
coneession,of Grey Township, epunty
',of Huron. en •October .10, 1861, and
was the oldest of a faith pi •13, Qo
January 14, tUni
a97, he was. ted in.
marriage to Miss Flora McNeil,' Who
is left to mourn his loss, along with
two sons and ode daiighter: :George,.
of Listowel, Wesley, of StratfOrd, and
Mrs. A. Solder, of Walton, Another.
daughter, Mrs, Thosaflackwell, is de-
ceased. Be is also surviyed by three
sisters: Mrs, Metz, of New Hamburg;
Mrs, J. Williamson, of Walton? Mrs,
j. Seigler, ol Cranterook, and seven
brothers: Edward and John, of Lis-
towel; Archie, Roibeet, Harry and
Will, of Walton,, and •Joseph, in the
'Zr. Claelc resided in Trowbridge
for eight years, and in Palmerston for
four years, before moving to Walton,
where he has lived for many years,
being engaged in blacksmithing until
about a year ago, when he was forced
to retire, owing to ill -health, He was
a member of the Walton United
Church and was well .knowit in that
district and Mach respected. •fo.r. his
sterling qualities.
•A shont service was conducted en
Monday at 12,30, at the home of his
son, George, by Rev. E. F. Armstrong
and then the renea1ns were taken to
the United Church at Walton where
Rev. W. 3. , Mathes officiated. An
appropriate anthem was sung by the
choir of that chinch, where the .de-
ceased had 'been a faithful member.
Interment was made in Brussels Cern-
etery. ,His six brothers, Archie, Will-
iam, Robert, Harry, John andEdward
acted as pallbearers—Listowel Banner
Mr. and .Mrs. j, W. Morrison of De-
troit, visited with Mr. and -Mrs. W. We
Hoy and other friends.
A number . of people attended, the
barn dance at Mr. Lorne liulley's last
Friday night and all reported a good
time. .
Mrs. H. Clark's Many friends are
glad to see her arOund after a eerious
•operation a few weeks ago. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bishop are spend-
ing it few. days with their daughter,:
Mrs. R. Alderson of North Bay.
Miss E. Cairn of Stratford spent
the week with 'qrs. A. Sohier.
The regular monthly meeting of W.
M.S. of Duff's United Church, was
held in the school room of the church
'with twenty-six ladies present. Mrs.
A. McCall presided and conducted the
devotional exercises. Mrs. Manning
read the first chapter in the new
Study Book, "From Jerusalem to
Jerusalem.' Miss Simpson' read a
short article on ",New Canadians."
Mrs. Gardiner red an article- ldn the
"Jews in Canada," and Mrs, Bryares
dealt with the "Strangers within our
Gates." After the •roll -call, which was
responded to by a Thanksgiving
verse, the annual election of officers
took place. as follows; Hon. Presid-
ents, Mrs. Moines and Mrs. Berry;
Pres., Mrs. Beyans; 1st Vice Pres.,
Mrs. Turnbull; 2nd Vice Pres Mrs.
McCall; .3rd Vice Pres., Mrs, L.
• Leeming; Treas., Mrs, W. Davidson;
Sec., Mrs. J. McDonald; Supply Sec.,
Mrs, R. Bennett; strangers' sec., 4Iiss
Simpson; helpers' sec., Mrs. J. Ben-
nett; press sec., Mrs. Lawson; lit.
sec., Miss R. Simpson; missionary
monthly sec., Miss A. nohnstrint or-
ganists, Miss Leila Lawson; Mrs. W.
The following are officers elected
for the Ladies' Aid Society: Hon.
Pres., 'Nies. R. Reid; Pres., Mrs. H. B.
Kirkby; let Vice Pres., Mrs, W.
'Murray; Ltd Vice Pres., Mrs. A.
Coutts; 3rd Vice Pres., Mes, J. Mc -
'Gavin; supply nee 'Mrs. Woods. The
meeting was closed with prayer by the
The Gleaner Mission Band of Duff's
'church held a very successful concert
on Friday evening, Nov. 15. The base-
ment of the church was well filled•and
th.e neat sum of $18,80 was realized.
The following ,program was presented
by Mission Band members: Greeting
song by Mission Band; President's
address by Harvey Bryans; address
by Mr. Maines; secretary's report,
'Wallace Shannon; 'treasurer's report,
Tom. Kirkby; piano solo, Mary Hum -
Varies; recitations by the following,
Jack Drager, Helen Turnbull, Stuart
McCall; chorus by six girls, motion
song; recitations by Willie Turnboll,
Willis Farquarson, Anna Ennis, Caa:
tharine Leeming; song by Jean
iDonald, Helen and Dorothy; Turnbull;
chorus by boys, "We're going to take
Angola for Jestts,"; rec., Dorothy
Murray; pageant, senior girls, "Tired
of Missions"; song, Jean and Marg-
aret Murray; rec., Helen Farquarson;
rec., Jack Trnbull; chor., Sr. girls,
"Dark Angola"; piano solo, Alvin
McDonald; rec., Melvin Shannon;
pageant. Africa, "Xanjendu" or "For
fear of the Enemy" by senior boys
class; sang, African spiritual. "Steal
Away"; closieg song, "The Lord's
Prayer" set to the tune of "Morrie
Sweet Home." The pastor dismissed
the audience With prayer. • '• •
Messrs. Stanley and Russel Doughs
•erty have sold their two farms on the
17th concession of Grey; the east 100
acres eo Mr, Alvin Stimore and the
•home farm to Mr, Earl Mecham pos-
session to be .given March lst,.
Mr. Lorne 'Poll has sold his 225 acre
farm, lot 3, concession 12, Mullett, to
'Mr. Will Roe, possession to be given
•at once.
Mr. Wes Clark spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. D. Sohier.
Mr, Colemao of Mitchell has rented
•the Clark blacksmith shop and has
taken possession. We wish him slice
Mr, 'and Mrs.. George Wells and
Joata of Toronto, aad. MissBeth Shan-
non of Mckillop, 'spent the week end
with gr. and Mvs. I-1.• Shannon,
Quite it number from this vicieity
attended anniversary services in Sea -
forth 00 Sunday, ••
Mrs, William. Hoy' is Udder etlie
weather at oreeent bat we hope soon
t� hear of oup:roveinent in health
i Mrs. 1?. 13.`'i5esi'diner was ler Streie
fOrd thet week pud. 1,
The,eitineal. bazaar' to be held is
'De, 4, under the auspices. of St.
;GeorgeisaAaild prornises to be one of
the best that they have had. No pains
are being. spared In making preParae
times to satisfy 'lite •nubile in the line
of sewitig.and Epley work, also a good
,sunPar to, be served front 4 to 8 ,re -
clock, Watch for •the ennouncement
in next week's paper.
'Looks as though winter might come
any time from the appearance of the
snow cm 'Dtiesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Sellers spent the
week end .with Mr, and Mrs, Sellers
of Morrie township.
The Leadies'^Aid• Of Queen Street
United Church will hold it bazaar and
supper and also it fariner'e booth la
Memorial hall on Saturday, Novem-
ber 30th. Bazaar will open at 3 pm.
Supper, from ,5 to 8, Admission 25e,
. Mrs, George Garniss was a Wing -
ham vieitor OA Sunday.
Miss la jenkihs of Walton spent
the week end with Mrs. George Gar-
Mr. Al, ,Molfon, of ,Blackhorse, near
Lucknow, is taking over the brick
yard and has rented a house near the
C.PM. from Bainton Bros.
Mr, and Mrs. James 'Morkem of
Lucau visited Mrs. E. Kelly for sev-
eral days. .
Miss Hetet Leslie returned Mon-
day after, visiting relatives M `Hamil-
ton. .
-Mr, ''Pliateepsoh has moved his shoe
repair shop to Mr. George 1feet-tan's
,.Dies at Ripe Old Age.—In his 96th
year, Mr, Thomas Ballantyne, a gnand
old resident of Blyth, passed to his
reward at 5. o'clock Sunday morning
His death came after a year's illness
at the home of his daughter, Mrs
James Davis, who patiently cared for
him. Mr. Ballantyne had iived on-
wards of fifty years M this place, ply-
ing his trade as a weaver for a grea
many years in his shop on Queen St
He was born in Scotland land some to
this country as a young man. Mrs
Ballantyne died twenty-five years ago
and for some years he lived with his
family in• London, Brussels, Toroato
and Birth. Not oantil he suffered :the
paralytic stroke a year ego was he
unable to be about. Only his strong
healthy constitution kept the Spark- o
life alive Within him so long after he
was stricken. He is survived by three
.sons: Andrew; of 'Toronto; James, a
Brussels, and' jack, Chicago; and ti)A0
'daughters: Mrs, J. Graves, London
and Mrs. james Davis, Myth, •
,On Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 his
funeral took place from his late resi
dence, Rev. Eric Anderson, of Queee
Street United Church officiating. The
pallbearers were; James Sims, Thos
Sloan, Jas. Dodds, James Lockie, Ed
Laundy and Herb McElroy. Inter-
ment was made in Union cemetery
Attending the funeral from a distance
were: Mr. Andrew Ballantyne anc
datighters, Zelma and Laverne, Tor-
onto; Mr. an.d Mrs, James Ballantyne
Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest
Conclon., Toronto.
Friends of Mrs. Robert Newcombe
are pleased to hear she has been do-
ing splendidly since her operation in
Clinton hospital last Wednesday,
Three deer arrived Monday via
C,P;Re got by Messrs. Bert Allen
Robert Watt and White Bros. in
Northern Ontario.
•Mr. R. E. Sillib and Miss Alexand-
ra, of Brantford, were week end vis-
itors with Mrs. George Collinson
Mrs. Sillib returned to Brantford af-
ter a two weeks' visit here.
Presentation,—An at home was
held by Myth Orange Lodge on Fri-
day night, as a farewell to Mr. ,Har-
vey Robinson, who is going with his
family to Seaforth. A console bawl
was ,presented by Mr. Eldridge Johns-
ton on behalf of the Lodge and the
following address was read by Mr.
Charles Barrett. Mr, Robinson then
expressed Ms gratitude for this token
of goodwill and fellowship, with the
belief that this spirit would always re-
main. After a social evening lunch
was served.
Following was the address: "Bro.
R. IL Robinson,—It is with regret we
gather on this occasion to tender you
a farewell, our esteemed brother. We
have always found you loyal, courte-
ous and ever ready to help. 'We val-
ued your wise counsels when this
Lodge was almost down and out. You
put your shoulder to the wheel and
ably assisted old 963 to get on her
feet. We will miss mir wise coun-
sels, we will miss your shop to run
into, we miss yourself and estim-
able wife at our sociat gatherings.
We know wherever you go you will
always be true to the principles of
Orangeism. In tendering you this
token of our, esteem, we assure you
if one sincere wish of happiness and
prosperityfor yourself and wife and
family. Signed on behalf of officers
id members of LAIL. 963, 'C. Bar-
Miss Amy Toll visited with Miss
Alberta Richmond 'over the week -end
Ma,ple Ridge.
The Thankoffering held on Friday
wening by the McLean Mission Band
,vas a very great success. Those taking
+tart did exceedingly well, they bein.g
principally the yoenger members of
the band. The proceeds amounted to
,he sum of $40.00. ,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Toll Sr. spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. 3.
Mrs, A. Jackson: and Miss Hood
Fri Nov 29
.9 •
•11-14 nADsolitzi Nmvs,
See it, liar it. You'll agree it has the PUNOI-L, Finely attuned,
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Gallop & McAlpine
Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repairs
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were visitors at the home of Mr, Jas,
Richmond last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs Iry,ine Wallace and
family and Mr and Mrs. Leslie Hit-
h•orn and fatmily visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Robeet Wallace on Sunday,
Ma and Mrs, John Caldwell and
family wert guests of Mr, and Mrs,
C. Rogerson on Sunday.
Miss Mildred Hilborn spent' the
.week end with her sister, Mrs, Robt,
Wallace and her friend, Miss Mindie
Yeo. •
. Mrs. T. Lyon and Mrs. R, Wight.
Man were gueats of Mrs, S. Leslie on
Sunday. •
Miss Amy Toll spent ehe week end
with her teacher, Miss Alberta Rich-
The regular meeting of the W. M.
S. was held on Wednesday, N,ovember
13th with the President, Mrs. (Rev.)
W. A, Bremner, presiding. Miss E.
Bowey read the Scripture lesson and
Mrs. C. Haugh offered prayer. The
roll call showed attendance of eight-
een members and. was answered with
a verse on'Grattiude." IThe Treas-
urer's report ,was given and each mem-
ber was asked to make a special effort
to make up the allocation before the
close of the year.
Mrs. W. !R'attenbury, leader of
Group 9, took charge of the program
and a leaflet, entitled, "The ,Blessings
of Peace" was read in responsive
reeding. Mrs. Riattenbury read, the
Devotional Leaflet; Mrs. J. Thomson
read, "New Canadians" and Mrs. H.
Zaphe gave as her topic, "What ,re-
teption is given to the Foreigner or
Notiee.—Maple Leaf Club of Bruce -
field will ihold its 1st midnight dance,
Walker'e Halt Beucefield, on Mon-
day, November 25th, commending at
8 p,m. :Admission 50c couple. Every-
body welcome within the three mile
radius.—J. K. Cornish, Sec.-treas,
Mrs, J. McCowan and sons John
and Kenneth spent a *eek at Hamil-
ton and Toronto.
Miss Teha McKay of Buffalo spent
a couple of days last week with her
uncle, Mr, John McCowan.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Walton of Lon-
don were Sunday visitors at Mr. A.
lair. and Mrs. A. Hendrick of Grand
Bend visited Mrs. J. 'Taylor 00 Sun-
day. -
Miss Clete, Pepper has gone, to To-
ronto for a few weeks,
Reports of the Sunday School, Con-
vention held in Zurich last Friday will
be given next Sunday by the dele-
gates, Miss. Grace Pepper, Miss Edna
Thompson and Mr. Elgin Thompson.
T WO auto loads of members eof the
United Farm Women and friends were
to London last Thursday night to the
play given by the young people of
Centennial church. This play was
composed by Mr. Frank Aldridge,
who is tio stranger to Eirucefield.
These young people will put on their
play in Mensall in the near future.
Mr. F. Aldridge and Mr. H. Vine
assisted the choir at the morning ser-
vices last Sunday.
Next Tuesday a concert will be giv-
en in the church here. A treat is n
store for all who will come. Concert
is to be given by the people of Cen-
tennial Church, London.
A most liberal thankoffering was
given this year by the members of the
WIVES. and • Assieciate Helpers,
amounting to $140.00.
Miss 'Mamie Swan returned home
last week after visiting friends its
Hamilton and Toronto. She was we-
com•panied home by her sister, Mrs.
C. Ham and son Wesley.'
Mrs. D. Tough returned home last
week after spending , a week with
friends in Stanley, •
Mr. Vine and Mr. Aldridge of Lon-
don spent the weekend at the home
of Mr. and Miss Gibson.
Miss Murdoch and. Mr. Aldridge
sang a duet at the morning service in
She United Church, which was much.
Mr. and Mrs: John Pearson have
sold their farm on the second con-
cession of Stanley and have moved to
the home of Mrs, Pearson's brother,
Mr. John McEwen, on the Bayfield
road. We welcome them to our midst
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thornton and
son Kenneth were visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs,'G. Kintner on
Mr. Lorne. Hulley has erected a
new steel barn which is a fine struc-
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Regele were
visiting the former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. C. Regele on Sunday.
Mrs, W. Mitchell of Carlingford
-mein last week visiting her daughter,
Mrs, L. Leming,
Mrs, T, teeming Sr. spent last
week visiting her daughter, Mrs, J.
A large crowd attended tliV. barn
dance at Lorne Hulley's on :Friday
nening last.
Mr, and Mrs. C, Regele are visiting
.n1 the city of Tororito.
Corns canitot exist when Hallo.
BLYTH ORCHESTRA way'S Cris Re MOM' is applied to
them, because it goes to the root and
-yeeeree.meseeeeesi.sei.eierseesemainerrissaro leille the growth. '
Mis!3ertha Haggett, who has
been visiting friends near B•rucefield
recently, returned home the beginn-
ing of lest weelc. ,
Mr. Lorne Toll sold his 225 acre
farm one day last week to Mr. Roe of
MeKallop, We wish Mr: Roe every,
success on his new farm.
Miss Florence Watson and Mrs: I.
Repoli visited on 'Wednesday of last
i'eek at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Farq.ulear of Clinton,
The ibeef ring members attended
annual beef ring meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, William Grey •on
Thursday evening last,
Mr, and Mrs. Charkes Mann of the
Huron Road visited. at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, A W. McEwing oa
Mrs. James Williamson of Grey,
Mrs. George McTaggart and MitS
Annie Johnston of Walton and Mrs,
Peter Kerr of Toronto spent Satur-
day with their sister, Mrs. 8. 34c-
yittie. •
Mr. .and Mrs. Charles ParSons and
Miss Amy spent part of Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt,
Miss Mary Vipond, who is teaching
near Wingham, but whose hOme
near Atwood, visited. over the week
end at the ,home of her aunt and uncle,
Mr, and Mrs, A. W. Beacom. •
Mr. and Mrs. T. Knox enterteined
friends on, Sunday. .
The Young People's meeting was'
held in Burns United Church Suaday
evening with a .good attendance. '
Mr. and Mrs.• Leo Watt and family
had a short visit on Stinday at • the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. McVittie.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Lyora Mr. I.
Ranson and Master A. Keox. 'were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A, W. Beacom Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Fred Grey returned. Sunday
evening after a week's visit at his
home in Orillia. , .. • •
Mrs; Joseph Addison of Brucefield
visited on Sunday at the, home of.Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Hoggart. • .
Mr, Simon leftVittie has completed
his work of delivering taie inetiCeb. for
this year. .
On Sunday, November 24111, Rev.
B. $. Smillie, BA., returned missi;Cm-
ary from India, will speak, in St_ An-
drew's United Chuech at 11 ,a.m.
Mrs. Andrew Bell and Miss Etta
Bell and son Bill spent the week end
visiting relatives in Toronto and Pet-
Mr. Colin 'McGregor of Port Huron
and Mr. W. M. Doig motored over
and spent the week end at the latter's
home here. ••
Mr. Andrew Doig of Wroxeter has
taken a position with his uncle, W. M,
Doig, on the farm.
,Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Seaman of
Kitchener and son were recent visit-
ors with the latter's brother, Mr. Ro-
bert .McGregor.
A large number from Kippen at-
tended the Sunclay school convention
held in Zurich Evangelical Church
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homey visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferguson of Chisel -
burst on Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Ivisonhas gone to
London to visit her sister, Mrs..Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot have
returned hbme from their honeymoon
and are settled down to the stern real-
ities ioif
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McDonald meter-
tained a number of their iteteinate
friends on Friday evening last.
. Mr. W. W. Cooper spent the week-
end in London with friends.
Several from this community at-
tended anniversary services at North
Side United Church on Sabbath last. -
Mr. Henry .Forsyth is improving
nicely after his recent severe illness.
Mr. and. Airs, McClymont .spent a
few days at the home of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Terryberry.
Mr. and Mrs. McGill of Stratford
were calling at the hoine of Mr. and
Mrs. John Wookman during the week,
Miss Merle Carlisle spent Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs, Albert Harvey,
Miss Grace Cooper hae .returned
from visiting her aunt in Peterboro.
'Dhe C.G.I.T. will meet Wednesday
night to plan Inc the initiation otE the
The Y. IP. of St. Andrewis United
Church will meet Friday evening to
make arrangements for theiC Christ -
etas enteetainment,
Miss Alice Kyle is visiting het sis-
ter, Mrs. John Delta, of the village.
The snow makes one ehink of
Ohrietrnas. Willy not make soime one it
present al a robe You Can get thein
cheap at John Workinati's harness
‚shop, Kippen.
The kiddies of our village were very
elated on Saturday morning to see
Santa and give their orders.
Persian Balm is the onc true (tunny
aid for skin health arid beauty. Aids
the inother itt additienial lavelinesa,
Protects the tender skin of the child,
Delight the father as a flair 'fixative
Or cooling shaving lotion. No,metter
to what use it is put, it is always
beneficial to the skin. Every woman
ahould use it. Persiam Balm coora and
caresses the skin and creates complex-
ions of sunpassing lovelittess,
; ' Ca.! ll-iCENDPSBQRO,
Mrs. Wilkin of Galt is a guest af
home of 1.1and Mrs. W. TI Breetts2 and 11 rS.',N'AiTells' and:Mrle Mitin';'
and „Itiss'etazile retarned ' Wm° haat
Thuesdartroila Chicago After la nleea-
ant Week% visit with the Miseels galas
of ThaV,eity, . t ' , I
Mr, and Mrs, Mania were, Fiord.
wich guests on Sunday., .
' Mess Esther LyOn IS VISkil* Lack -
now friende this week,
end Mrs. Ben. Tyerinart. of
Seaferth and Mr. and Mrs, W, Hiles
of.Cliaton spent, Sionley with'ISIraand
Mrs, jes..Eialey in the, viliage. ,
Miss, TeabelleNott is visng with
her, sistbe, Mrs, 'Stevens', of Seafotth,
:Kr. afyd ,Mrs,' A. Welts MRobt.
VVells Mrs,..Mains and. Ars le Lizzis
spenE'Soaday with 'Centralia riends
Mr, :Lawson and Miss I nox, of
..ECrileinfhaltdo,ita;:d0.1emi.e,,,tr:S.et,Rndo:ty, yatuttihget ihitotne!ea,nodf
Mr. Willie -Matintain, ..
family Anent Sunday wit Gorrie
Mrs, 4, Lyon. aad Miss Ida is
spending a" vaeek with Exeter friend's.
. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Ball spent San -
day' in London. . . • . .
Istiss Arnett was •a •Clinton visit.pr
on Sunday. . '
Mrs. Taman returned to her benne
here on Stmday after it few days' visit
with Myth friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Carter of Waterdown
are ,Spending their holidays in our
btirk.., . •
Mr, and 'Mrs, 'John' Noe spent
Tuesday with' Seaforth, friend4,
. :Mr, and 'Mrs, Armstrong and babe
were the guests !oil Mr. and Mrs, Hol-
lyman of Blyth Sunday.
Mr. James McCrea .of London spent
the week end et hie home here,
While at ClIntote on Saturday night
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cowan of tine 13t1t
of Hallett had . unwelcoine •/\callers
who came in through the cellar 'win-
dows helping themeelves, lo fruit, 'plc..
baking," tobaeco and other arti-
cles. Every drawer in the house was
raneaolced, also all Mr. Cowan's,pook-
ets turned inside out. It's too bad tlie
thieves could not be found 'out and
made pay the penalty. ee
Mrs. D, D. Roberton spent Tuesday
and Wednesday of this Week with
London frienels.
• • , .STAFFA., • •
We areglad to see 'Mrs. Roy Mc-
Donald at 'her aromee.ageln. 1.,.. .
Mise..,•alehel McDonald .epent the
week at the Mime..of :tier „pellet in
TuCkeesMitlo• • • • . '
Dont forget 'the fWomen's Institute
on IWedneeday' ,afternoon, Nova.2.7th,
in the hall at 2.30 ,p.m..,Beingyour,25c
areicle for the exchange ofegifts,
'-.1.I.,esers, Russell, Worden, Clarence
Noreis, Joe, IThatings .are attending
the Winter Fair at Toronto.
Presentation—The Ladies" Aid met
bit Thursday afterno.dit lest in the
basement of the. thineh. During -tha.
alternates a presenthticsn' Was Made to
Mrs. George Dale, 'prior toehereleav-
lag for here new. home near Seaforth.
-The presentationeof a beautiful wicker
phsis was. ennde by Ars,. WP1laite, B
ton, ; The .folrowing addiees, was. read
by Mrs.. Robert Rogerson: .
"Dear Mrs, Dale: --As members of
the latedies'.Aid ofConstanee Chureh,
We idelatliat it WPM& be fittieg
that you should leave this community
end -seven:Tour ecomiection .With•.this
•seeiety, rwithout. an attempt:a-on oiir
part to convey tre. you Mosoena tengible
way., our appreciation ,not,onlk .ef, the
services rendered hy..yeitinak a mem-
ber of the aociiety, lint also for, the
kindly' aes/ociations enjoyed 'by us,
whiely have 'iiideed been moist pleasant.
We deeply regreratheir severance,but
are glad to kaow that your removal is
not. far distant, and trust.,that•. under
the providence of Gad, .when, .com-
fortably settled in your new home,
you may find a like sphere, where the
opportunity will be yours to aid in.a
similar work. We ask you to accept
this gift as a ,remembrance of us and a
token of our love and esteem. Signed
on behall,of the Ladies' Aid." .
Mrs. Dale in a few :words made,a
very suitable reply. s
Wise Thelma Dale oE T:oeontO is
spending a ifew;weeks' at borne owing
oltitehe illiseas of ,Ylief mother' iaIrs.
biiss Elva Wheatley' was the guest
of lier,sistealMiss 'Blanche Wheatley
in' Torotate for a. few .days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mann spent
Monday afternbon with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Grimoldby.
pul,NrrIhTres.y..a;iligrs.R. iGie:Sr. went to Go-
oisge Dale moeed
last wee,k to their new home in Her-
derich t
t Saturday where she !has
taken a position there.
Mr. "Will•iant Moore spent Sunday at
the holine of Mr. and 'Mrs i 'C. Dale;of
the Huron Road. • ' ' •
Mrs. Adam Glazier of Clinfonespent
the week end with her sister, Mrs. T.
.School Report. The following are
the results -of examinations of S. S.
No. 3, Millen for September and Oc-
tober, The names of the pupils who
were absent for one or more examine
ations are marked with an asteriala
Honours 76 per cent., pass .60' per
"SI: 'IV' i4CMIC Sunderc.ock al.4 per
cent., Isabel Jamieson 79.5, Hazel
Michael* 61:6, Doreen Clarke. 5\2.6.
Jr. IV.--Mittee Armstrong 80.5,
Doris Lawton 72.2, Bernard Riley 67.9
Edith Brittan. 69 '5 't
, .
The Troubadors
in a program of Chorosea, Duets,
. Quartettes, Readingeo Solos and
, Piano Numbers
8 R tie tn, IF 1 E
A won clirful b,utich of siegers ia• a
• geotl programme, .
Pianists, Mise 'Fowler' ,and Mr. Vine
Wheat, 41artclard , . ,, „ ,,, . „ • . . . . $1.20 per but.'
Oats., Stenclard hr better , per 'bus.
Oats, under standard .55 tpec bus.,
Baa.ley, Malting , .70 per bUs.
Mixed Grate , . . ..... . . .... $1.50 per 100 lb.
ISilyerkin,g, Best Manitoba Patent .... .—$4.65 per bag
Keystone, Best Pastry Flour .,...,.,,,.,,..l3.80 per bag
Whole Wheat, Stone Ground • .... $4.45 per hag
If this flour does not prove satis,factory in ever74.9,7 -
dealers are authorized to refund full purchase pride 'on '
rehire of unused portion of bag.
Bran, in bags ......„ ..,..., . . ... ,,..,..$35,00 per ton
Shorts, in bags ........ ..,..... ... . . $37.00 per ton
leliclelliags, in bags $45.00 per ton
'Screenings chop, in bags ' $1,75 per bag
No, 6 Wheat Chop, in bags 52.115 per beg
'Mixed Chola in bags . . .... . . ..... $1,90 per bag
Oat Chop, in bags 52425 per bag
Sr. III,—Hazel Jamieson 63,6, Ethel
:Dexter 58n, Kelso Adams 55S,
Charlie Stindercock* 48.6, Ella Dexter
48,4, Freddy Riley 48.1.
Jr, John Thompson* 64,
Edna Armstrong . 54;1. S Jean
Wakefield 53, Alex. McMichael 40:
ISr, H.—jean Anderson 75, Elva
Stindencock 75, Olive Grineoldiby 69.
Grace McMichael 65. Alvin Riley 60,
Kathleen Yungblut 56, Reggie Law-
son 54, Mary Thompson,*
First—Viola Dexter 68, Stella Arm-
strong '66, Marion Lawson,* Kenneth
.Primer—David Anderson, Ellwood
Clarke, Charlie McMichael.
Nut -Aber- an the roll 33; average
attendance, September 30.3., 'October
Ida I. Medd, Teacher.
.Mr. 'and Mrs, Secord MoBrien and
Maxine spent Sunday with'Brueefield
friends, '
Miss Mary Slake has returned home
after spending the past fortnight with
Goderich friends.
Mrs. Michael McCauley of Strat-
ford spent a few days last weelc visit-
ing relatives here.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Percy
Gibbings lost a very valuable cow this
and Mrs. Dominic Flynn Spent
Tuesday At the home of Mr. Owen
, Miss' Kate Rey.nolds has returned
?home after spending the ,past month in
'.1aIra. T. O'Connor is at preset with
?her Asper, Mrs. Jas. Flynn of Clinton,
team,. we are sorry to learn, is On the
sick: list.
4Mei, john Gibbings and Mr, War-
ren Gibbing -s are visiting the fot'aner's
\daughter, in Detroit this week, ,
. '•
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Edwards and
children ,and • Mr. and Mrs, Stephen
Edards 'of Toronto visited at Mrs.
Ed, AM.'S Iatitt Sunday.
Little 'Miss Betty 'White is recover'
ing from .an attack of tonsilitis.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Hodgert and
childre'n of near Seaforth visited at
his. Bruce Cooper's last Sunday.
AbOut two hundred were present at
a dance at Mr. John Brocies last Fri-
daY night. '
Mr:Joshua Johns was able to return
home, last :Saturday afternoon from
the hbspital where he '•seient nearly
two weeks receiving • 'treatment for
blood poison.
T. Louis Fisher called on Mr.
and hirs, Bert•Bick Sunday last.
Mr. Jack Souter of Detroit was
home for the week"eed visiting at the
hdme of his brother, Mr. James
Souter. •
11,Ite. P. Grummett was a Sunday
visitor at the honie 'of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Allan. .
.. The 'friends of ...Mr. John' 'lvfurray
will be glad to know that he .is im-
Mrs. James Dallas has been very
sick for the past two weeka , but is
slowly improving. .
, Miss Isabel Graham Was a Sunday
visitor at the home of Mn. arid Mrs. T.
Grieve, Egenondville.
Vie 'and Mrs. jos. McLellan of
Georgetown spent the week end with
Mr, and Mrs,ScanForsyth, .
Mr. and Mrs, James Hay are visit-
ing .with Mr and Mrs, Lorne Pepper
of Niagara Falls. • •
Mn. Wren Eyre of Sarnia is visit-
ing his mother, Mrs. Silas Eyre.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles elIcKay were
in Wallon last week .attending the fu-
neriel :el the late T, Clark.
Mrs, Louis Telebutt is iti at the
home of her brothers in Tuckersinith.
ILaaies' Aid No. 1 in connection
'with Egmondville United Church Met
at tl,it home of Mes. Andrew 'Kirk on
Tuesday afternoon. Patching quilts
anddiscussing problems was the pro -
grain' Chicken supper was served to,
etghteen ladies..A ,good collection was
given •!for church expellees.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McWattan and
children, Chester, and Ethel, from
Dungannon, spent one' slay last week.
at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Andrew
Kirk.; •
Mr.; and Mrs. 'Peter Krauelcopf of
Dublin spent Sunday at the home of
Mn, and Mrs. William Morris of St.
Columbara •
We are very glad to hear Mai:Mae
Thos, Gormley IS able to 'be around
hljs. a J. a oney .of Dtihlit
spe n j SU:111day a fte risco° ' with he
,fricnd; Miss Eleanor Gormley, of Hib-1
hart,' ,
...‘Mr.,Thomas Coyne of .Dublin
ad at the home 01 his uncle, /4s.
Dokie, of St.. Columben, •
and Mrs, Dan. Costello ol Dab
tin spent S.undiee with Mr. and Mrs, `,
Joseph Donnelly,
. Some twenty-five of the High
School girls assisted in the selling of
poppies on Poppy Day. Their efforts
did much to :make Seaforth's contri-
bution to the PopPy-Day fund for the
returned men, one, of 'the best in pro-
portion to population of any place in
People who .posi the 'Collegiate be-
tween one and' one -thirty hear the.
strains of sweet msisic, the words of
svhic'h they may or may not be able to
understand. This is the One O'Clocic
.0hors.l. Club practicing Latin and
French songs for CoMmencement,
Observations in varions schools to
the South ha ve shown eta t oold
lunches are not the very 'beet thing
for health and efficiency, and tests
have shown that limns are happier
and healthier when sganething hot is
provided far those who bring their
lunches to schopl, 'At the Collegiate
this season committee's of boys and
girls have taken • the matter In :hand,
and Making use of the, oil stove which
was formerly'used only for,special re-
freshment§ for evening celebrations,
have arranged to have a. hot .drink for
the. pupils who bring their touches.'
The cost per cup for tea, coffee or
cocoa with cream and sugar, is ,fottad
to be about One cent. The committees
wash 'up the dishes and everything is .
clean and orderly with all the miles
'cleaned •sup long •before .the Choral
'Club assembles at one 0.'clock. •
The, publishing of school or form
papers is engaging some attention.
he ..WHOOPIEE," edited 1.
'Form DV. started the movemen
with "Tip
,Lorne Pinkney andallarry MdLeod.
The editors wooked hard a.fid late
one night printing the paper on the
sehool duplicating .Ina,chiele, and left
it all ready Inc'clistribotion. Great
was their amazement.when the papers
were gassed ane next .roorning, to find
that an entirely new front page, simi-
lar in .general appearance but quite
different in matter and containing
some good • natured banter ha.d been
stibtsituted by on'e of the teachers who
enjoys a joke. The joke. was equally
-.enjoyed by the editors.
.Now Form III. are busy on a form
paper that promises to be a `hum
Far the benefit ,of solicitous par-
ents, it should be remarked that innch
:poetic licence is customarily 'allowed
the editors of sehool papers. and it is
in fact 'often considered bad form to
report in a school paper any joke
which any teacher actually .did make
in class. The jokesattributed to
•inenebers .of • the staff are usually
'cribbed' from some other • school
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Neeb of Steph-
en wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter Erna E. to • Mr. R.
Gordon MciDonald, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. McDonald, of Tershorne,
the marriage to take 'place the middle ,
of November. . .
'No child should beallowed fo stiffer
an hour from worms when prompt re-
lief can be got in 'a timple but strong
remedy --Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
Tuesday, Nov. 26th
Will display a complete line of
Ladies' and Gent's
Hair Goods
including Patent Structure
Advice on all Scalp Ailments and' the
use of Inecto Rapid
Phone Hotel for Appointment
129 Yotige St., TOrotzto, Oritario
. •