The Seaforth News, 1929-11-14, Page 8PA O V
Colara Mating, -- The regul
monthly meeting cif the village coo
' eil was held .J11 Wednesday eveni
last with all- the members. preset
•'1a he Minutes of the last meeting we
read and adopted on motion of Pet
and Ortwein. Mr. Charles Wol
was present aud gave an estimate
the commit as to the coat of fixing,
the atige of the towo hall. The taa
' hall committee were given anthori
to get estimates on the work • T
• Reeve suggested that sortie marc gr
'vet be Placed an the road at the es,
of Hansen from Sherritt's gateway
tthe London Road and also that t
intersection at the hotel corner •
fixed as it was getting in an onsa
condition for the loaded tracks whi
were passing over it. This w
agreed to by the council. Couneill
Ortwein reported that some of t
• lights in the catomuniayo shed we
about burnt out and he was ,given• a
• thority 16 replace them, A numb
of accounts were passed, Bylaw N
5 waa given its several readings a
passed, placing a license fee of $150.
an all transient•traders who wish
do business in the village. The mee
ing then adjourned;
First Payment of Pensions, - T
Huron County Old Age Pensio
Board held another meeting on Tue
day when quite a nurriber more a
plications were dealt with. Soma 42
applications have been received
date and about 325 granted. The
have just been two applications refu
ed by the Toronto Board of a
those passed by the local Board at
these were made special oases. A
applications by Nov, lith will receiv
the November cheque. Niter that th
• next cheques will be issued in Decem
ber. All applicants who have bee
passed by the Huron ,County Boar
will receive their first cheque of $2
during the next few days. After tha
one a .month as long as they live.
Miss Annie Consitt who is teachin
school in Stanley township, spent th
holidays 'at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Manley jinka ars
babe of Detroit are spending a fe
days at their home 'here.
Mr. Alex, Meafurtie af Torom
spent the holiday visiting at the hom
of his mother.
Mr, and Mrs. Bertram North le
Woodstock spent the week -end wit
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and childre
of Clinton spent the holiday visitin
relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins an
Miss Alice Higgins spent Sunday vis
iting friends in Kitchener. •
Mr, Laird Joynt of Toronto spen
the 'week -end at his home here.
Mies ,Mildred Me/Donnell of Guelp
spent the holiday at her home here.
Messrs, Thos. Welsh, Jaok Pass
mare, David Cantelon and Fred Hes
are spending a few days fishing and
sboating at Pike's Bay,
Miss Stella Ingram of Detroit spen
the holiday at her home here.
rMr. Russell Leichman of Algoma
spent the week -end with friends in
A pleasant evening was spent on
Friday evening of last week at the
home of Mrs., James Sangster when a
miscellaneous shower was given in
honor of Miss Bertha Corbett. The
evening was spent in music, contests
end games, Lencheon was served af-
ter which the young people retired to
the kitohen where a fine display of
gifts for the bride -elect was displayed,
'Services in the United Church were
largely attended. In the morning
Rev. Mr. Conner of Kippen United
Church conducted the services. Spe-
cial music was given by the choir at
both services. In the evening ,Rev.
A. E. Doan of Clinton, a former 'past-
or of the church, conducted the ser-
Services in the Carmel Presbyterian
Church were well attended with Rev.
Mr. Goodwill of 'Blyth con.ductin,g
both services and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron
rendered a very pleasing solo. In the
evening a sextette was given compos-
ed ,of Messrs. R. Y. McLaren, W. A.
McLaren, Jas. A. Bell, 'Clifford Moir,
Jas. Bengough and Orville Taylor.
The leagae meetings were postpon-
ed on Monday evening on account of
Hensall Public School Report for
September and .October. -Room I, -
Jr, IV. -Norman Sinclair 84.4, Mild-
red Follick 78.7, Minnie Sangster 70.3,
Dorothy Drummond 75.5, Ruth Coles,
74, Katherine Drysdale 67.9, Annie
Huiser 67.9, Irene Smale 65.3, Harold
Higgins 63, Olive Brock 62.7, Marg-
ret Kennings 61,7, Ross aferiroy
1.1, *Isabel Saundercock 60, Olive
Lertimon 452.
Sr. IV. -Harold Foster 76.9, Aldon
Appleton 74.5, Emma Wurm 73.6,
Herbert Hedden 73.5, Helen Glenn
72.5, *Bella &male 71.4, Mabel Fee
70.3, Mary Hemphill 70.3, Anne Mc-
Tntyre 63.7, *Vera ,Saundercock 61.6,
Roy Brock 60.0, Stewart Bell 60,
*Edythe W'olffe 59.8, Bob Passmore
59.7, Jack Farquhar 68.5, Harvey Hud-
son 58.1, Janet McIntyre 54.9.
C. H. Blowes, Teacher,
Room I11.-0. Hedden 83,
D. MoQueen 82, B Glenn 76, M. Hud -
'Son 72, M. Little 69, G. Sandercook
67, H. Bonthron 66, E. Wurm 61, K,
Munn 66.
Jr. III -J. Foster 71, R. Peck 71,
I G. Wurm 69, L. Bell 68, W. Fee 64. la
Kipier 61, R. Drysdale 56, D. Deters
:Sr. H. -M. Wolffe 81, E. Werra 73,
D. Sangster 72, E. Sanclarcook 72, M.
Glenn 70, M. Shephend 70, R. Bell 70,
E. Kipfer 67, K. Passmore 55,1 *.H.
Drumnrond 53, 1. Sint111011S 52, K.
Buchanan 47, *L. Brock 41, M. Hud-
son 38.
M. A. Ellis, Teacher.
iRoom In -Primary Room, --Jr, 11.
• Wilma Green 436, Mary Clark 431,
. Elva McQueen 426, Stanley TocIcer
403, Alice Pfaff 402, Jack Coles 398,
Douglass San,gstee 392, Herman
Wolff 300,13arbara Shepherd 351, Rus-
sell Haden 345, Ray Foster 208, •
La -Laird nucleon 418, Shirley
Twitchell 417, Geo, Sangster 369,,
Sr. Primer: -Cecil Kipfer 344, El -
nine Peck 339, Audrey Twitobell 334,
Gerald Passmore 326, Billie Higgins
312, Norma Cook 311, H
oward Striate
Jr. Pte -Harold Wurm 320, Preston
Lernmon 312, jack Shepherd 310, June
Seonelercock ,3W, Billie Coles 289, Sid-
ney Tucker 287,
jeesie j. Buchanan, Teacher.
82 Eld011 Ave., 'Toronto, Ont
The Women's Department.
Nilene tAtheratoritis, Limited,
126 Wellington St, West,
Toronto, Dot,
Dear Madonit
While visiting my sister a taw months
ago, she 10a telling me what Mine
had done for her, And 85150 rati some
to try,
i have always suffered great ' pain
every month. No one could hardly
bejteafi The relief Merle has given rne,
hardly any pain now at all.
Wh difference to what the pain osed
to be.
Yours truly,
(Signed) Mrs. swam,
Keating's Pharmacy
At Your Local Drug Store or direct.
Mr. and Mrs, 13. G. cronaar of To-
ronto spent the week -end .at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McIntyre.
Miss 0. Eacrett oi Toronto spent
the holiday at her home here,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott of Toron-
to visited over the week -end at the
home of air. and Mrs. G. C. P,etty.
The Death of Mrs. Jas. Taylor. -
There passed away at the residence
of her daughter, Mrs, John L. Wren,
Toronto, on Monday laet, Mrs. Jas.
Taylor, aged 78 years. Mrs. Taylor
was almost a lifelong resident of elte
district and has lived in lie,neall for
35 years. Before coming to' Heneall,
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor lived in Tuck-
ersrnith on the farm owned now by
Mr. Howard Wright. Mr. Taylor
predeceased her about 10 years ago.
About a inonth ago she went to
spend the winter with her daughter,
Mrs, J. T. Wren and since going to
Toronto she has been in poor health
and passed away on Monday. The re-
mains were brought to Hensall on
Tuesday and ehe funeral took •' place
from her late home. Interment was
in Hemet Union Cemetery. She
leaves to mourn her loss one son and
two daughters, Mr. Jamey Taylor and
Mrs. j. T. Wren of Toronto, and
Mrs. John Shepherd of Tuckersmith.
Mr. Orville Twitchell has rented
the house on Queen street west own-
ed by the late Mr. Hill,
arr. and Mrs. Reba McLaren of
the London Road, intends shortly
moving into the house recently vacat-
ed by Mr. Jas. Simpson.
Dr. and Mrs. Smith and son of St.
Marys spent the week -end with Mr,
and Mrs. G. C. Petty,
Mrs. A. Sermon and family spent
the holiday with friends in Strath-
Miss Thelma Hudson spent the
holiday at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudson.
A sale oa work and home cooking
will be held in the basement of St.
Paul's Anglican church, Hensall, on
Sat. Nov. 30th. Sale to start at 4
p.m. Supper will be served from 5 to
7 p.m.
'Word has been received of the pass-
ing of Mre. David Day, of Chilliwack,
B.C., formerly Miss Elvira Cosens.
She had beeri in failing health for
years and was totally blind. She was
sister of Mr. A. Cosens, Wingham,
and cousin of Mrs. James McQueen,
Thanksgiving visitors: Misses Ir-
ene and Kathleen Snider and Ina
Scott, of London; Mr. and Mrs, West
of St. Thomas; Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
McQueen and daughter of Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter and family ol
London, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan, Munro; Mr, aod Mrs. Mon-
teith and family of London were the
guests of the latter's mother, Mrs.
Janet Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and
little daughter visited the latter's par-
ents on Sunday last.
Mrs. Joseph Thornton is nursing
Mrs. D. McNichol.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Leeming visited
friends in Monkton Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Murray of
Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Edw. C. Regele,
• Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Thornton visited
the former's sister, Mrs. H. Rrodhag-
en Sunday afternoon of Dublin.
Mrs, Mary Thornton is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. H. Brodhagen of Dub-
lin for a few weeks.
The death occurred in London on
October 29th, of Florence Holland,
wife of Herbert L. Wise of Goderich
Township, aged 37 years and 8 months
She was born and spent practically
her whole life in Goderich Tp., She
was a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 'Geo,
Holland and is survived by her par-
ents, three bnothers, Norman and
13rtiee of Goderich Tp. and Cliffond of
Harlock, and tvvo sisters, Mrs. Zinn
of Lucknow and 'Miss Violet at home.
Her sorrowing 'husband and three
young children also survive. ,
The funeral took place from the
home of her husband an the 16th con.
on Thursclay, Oct, 31, the services
being cooducted by Rev. J. E. Hogg
of Wesley-aVillis United Church, Clin-
ton, of which deceased was a member.
The pallbearers were her three bro-
thers and three brothets-in-low,
W. W. and C. E. Wise and H, Clark,
Teose from a distance who were
present for the funeral were: Mr. 5, 2.
Lobb, Galt; Mr, and ,Mrs. Wein
Zinn, Taucknow;• 'Mrs, H. Walker and
Miss Verna Vance, London; Mr, and
Mrs. Kempton and Mr, and Mrs. Mc-
Tavish, Ripley; 'alre. E. 11. Davie,
Toronto and Mrs. Bert Potter, Wind-
• Mr. and ' gra. J. Tippet, alrso a't
Les. Elliott and, l'ean Dun
motored. to DetrOit and Mt, POMO*
,O11 Saturday and spent the halida
with friends.
Dr. and ;gra la, P. Lewis, of Tor
onto motored to the viliage (311 Fr
dayand.spent the week end with Dr,
uod Mrs. ,,N, W. Woods.
• Mr, Jas,. Cameron and S011 •Eyous
Cameron of Toronto spent 'the week
end and holiday with the former'a
brother, Mr. John Calneron.
Mr. and Mrs. j. L, Dixon arid Miss
Carrie Dixon. of .London sent the
holiday with their daughter, alrs.
.H. Paull,
Miss M. Baigent spent the week
eud and holiday at ,her hotoe at Ing
. Mrs, D, Dewar a,nd Dewar lei
oa Friday to visit her daughters a
Miss Ruth Elliott of Varna ha
been spending a few clays with he
uncle, Mr, G, W. Elliott.
'Mrs. W, Heard, Miss Nina Heard
and Mr, Fred He,ard spent Thanks
giving at Kitchener and Anther,
Miss Alma MacKay of Toronto
came home on Friday to recuperat
after her recent illness.
Mrs, D. Prentice and Mrs. Reid
of Toronto were Thanksgiving visit
ors with Mr. ancl Mrs. W. J. Stinson
Mr, Gerald Hamilton spent the
week end and holiday at his home at
Mrs. F. W. Baker went to Toronto
stet r, oric.
1 yr iday t 0 visit her daughter, afrs,
Mr. and Mrs. II, Ahrens. of De-
troit, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. D.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Stewart of Hamil-
ton spent Thanksgiving with Mr, and
Mrs, J. Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Finout of. Flint,
spent Thanksgiving at their cottage.
Mrs, J. McDonald, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs, A. New-
ton-Illrady, returned to Sarnia on Sun-
day, Her daughter accompanied her
and will remain for a visit.
Mr, Sid Castle of Niagara Falls
spent Thanksgiving with his mother,
Mrs. G. Castle.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King ,of Sar-
nia spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Parker.
air. 0. Kalbfleisch spent Thanks-
giving at his home at Mildmay.
Mr. David Dewar of Toronto spent
the week -end at his home.
Miss Anne Elliott spent Thanks-
giving with he* aunt, Mrs. J. Fraser,
who returned to Toronto with her Ion
Monday and will spend, the winter
Mrs. Chas. Gemienhardt of Claflin,
Kansas, is visiting her brother, Mr.
Fred Gemienhardt and other tele -
tires in the vicinity. It is thirty-six
years since Mrs. Gemienhardt has
been here. •
Miss Gladys Davidson oi London
is spending a few days this week with
her mother, Mrs, j. Davison.
Mr, and Mrs. A. F. King, Douglas
King, Mies Nina Proctor and Mr.
Wm. King of Toronto spent Thanks:
giving with Mr. and Mrs. G. King,
Miss Jean Woods of Galtspent ehe
week -end and holiday at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright and
Miss D'orathy Wright, Misses C. and
H. Drew of London were Thanksgiv-
ing guests with Rev. and Mrs. F. H.
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. R. Jowett left on
Tuesday for Stratford to attend the
!Nt'edding of"their daughter Ethel to
fr. Roy Poth of New Dundee. Af-
terward they all ,proceeded to Florida
where Mr. and Mrs. Poth will spend
their honeymoon.
A social under the auspices of St.
Johns' Church, Varna, will be held in
the hall on Thursday, November 21,
which Will be followed by a humor-
ous play put on by the young people
of Trinity Chinch, Bayfield, entitled,
"Camp, Keep Off."
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reid, in Qom-
pany with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer
Reid, motored to Toronto Saturday
to spend the holiday with Dr. and
Mrs. Reid.
'Holiday visitors: Mr. and Mrs, W.
MoAsh, Misses Irene and Mary Cho-
(er, Misses Gladys and Emily Beat-
ty, Mr. and Mrs. Tooley, London;
Mr. R. Woods, of Listowel has re-
turned home after spending some
time with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs, F. Weekes.
'The inany friends of Mr. William
Dennison of Thamesville, will be sor-
ry to hear he is in the hospital seri-
ously ill. '
Mrs. C. Weekes, in company with
Mr. and Mrs. McAsh of London, Ma.
and Mrs. Phynaught, of Flint, spent
the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. F.
The freewill workers of St. John's
Church met Friday afternoon. Mem-
bers of the W.A. also met for the
purposeof packing their bale, after
which all partook of a dainty lunch,
served by Mrs. John Beatty and Miss
Mr, and Mrs. A, Austin, in coro-
pana with their family, motored to
Blyth Sunday.
Miss 'Margaret Ohuter of Goderich
spent Sunday with friends.
Mr. George Beatty, in company
with Mos. John Beatty and Miss Mos-
so!) called on friends in Brussels on
Sand ay.
A moat enjoyable fowl supper was
served in the Orange ball asi the 5th
inst. The ladies deserve great praise
for the excellent supper proyided. Af-
terwards a pleasant time was spent,
music being furnished by the Boyce
and Varna orchestras, Old time songs
were sung in splendid voice by Messrs.
George Connell and William Logan,
and delightful recitations were given
by Mrs. George Johnston, Mr, John
Rathwell occupied the chair is his us -
al pleasing way, and short 'speeches
were given by the 'brethren.
Mr. and MTS. Fred J., Austin and
Mr, Alvin Russell. Austin of Flint,
Mich., motoredover to s,pencl the
week -end and holiday at the horse 'of
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Reid of 'Nina,
Mich, spent the holiday with their
many friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Watson Webster. has return-
eal hom,e, having spent the peat six
TklumsDAY, NOVEIVIDER 14, 1920
10 -Day Rubber Sale
MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS. . .. .. . . . . . ...... .,..83.29,
WOMEN'S RUBBER SOOTS • .,.....,02.49
MEN'S ROLLED EDGE RUBBERS ........ ..,..., , .$1.20
BOYS' ROLLED EDGE RUBBERS .... . .. ... , , ..$1.05
WOMEN'S OVER RUBBERS ,, .,...,... ......... . . . 85c
It Will Pay You to 13uy Your Foot Wants From
Agents for International Harvester
Co,„ Manufacturers of
See Our Tractors and Plows and
Compare Them with Other Makes. .
1-1Orses for sale or exchange at all
times. Also late '25 Ford coupe 'for
sale. •
week's at Lucknow.
There will be no Y.T.S. meeting
this week as it has been withdrawn
on account of ehe Sunday school con-
vention at Zurich, •
. 'Miss Thelma Dawson left on Mon-
day for Flint, Mich., where she in-
tends spending a few weeks. •
Drives Asthma Before It. The
The smoke or vapor from Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy gives as-
thma no Chance to linger. It eradi-
cates the cause. Our experience with
the relief -giving remedy shows how
actual' and positive is the succor it
gives. It is the result of long study and
experiment and was not submitted to
the public until its knew it
would do its work well,
FOR cyst,ERsgAs.
. ,
is a query heard as the Christmas sea -
.son approaches, but if the average
Canadian realizerhow much our big,
jtticy, red apples are appreciated and
enjoyed by people overseas, the prob-
lem would be Immediately solved.
Canada's luscious rosy apples are
relished by yoong and old alike.
Ilh,ey symbolize our 'brilliant sunshine
an,d warm summer clays •and they look
Christmasy and cheerful. Northern
Spies, McIntosh Reds and Baldwins
are the best and most popular to carry
your kind .thoughts and good wishes
across the sea and standard, boxes and
barrels ,of choice hand picked and
hand pecked fruit, iGovernment in-
speeted, are procurable tit reasonable
prices "from any grocer, while the
matter Of shipment iit as simple as the
mailing of a card. • .
EXPRESS willcall for• your apples,
transport them by quick service, to
any station in Great 'Britain, Ireland
and most European Countries, giving
them 'refrigeration service on fast
passenger steamers.
IThe transpolation charge 'from
Montreal and Mebec tip to Novem-
ber 28th or front Saint John, 'N, 'B. and
Halifax, N. S., thereafter, by direct
steamer to points in Great 'Britain,
Ireland and the 'Channel iIs1ansis is $3
per standard box and $6 per standard
barrel, including- refrigeration.
:For rates to Canadian , Ports,
through rates to ICOntinental points
and other particulars, , consult any
Oanadian National Express Agent,
The annual meeting o,f the rate-
payers of the Towrnshipof MOICilicep
will be, hald at the Wintaeop .Hall. on
Monday, Nov. 25th, 1929, for the nom-
ination of a Reeve and four Council-
lors, for the year 1930. Nominalions
Will be receiVed from the hour.of one
o'clock till two o'clock in the *later-
ShOtild there be more persons nom-
inated than are required to, fill the
several offices, an election will be held
on Monday, the second day of De-
cember. Plolls will be open, from 9
a.m. till 5 pan. at the following places:
Poll Diy. No. 1 -Jas. Carlin's house,
Lot 10, on, 5. Jas, Evans, D.R.,0.;
Thos. Moylan, P.C.
Poll Div. No. 2--Ijos. Hogg's house,
Lot 25, Con. 4. John McDowell, D.
R.O.; Mrs. 'Geo. Eaton, P.C. •
Poll. No, 3 -Jos. Smith's }loupe, lot
10; Con. 12. John Leeming; D. R.
O.; John 'Murray, P.C. ,
Poll Div. N. 4 --School House No. 7,
lot 26, Cora 12. John 'Balfour,
o.; Willis Dundas, ,P.C.
Returning Officer,._
In the Estate of Samuel McBride
• Stinson, Deceased.
'Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against ehe estate
of Samuel 'McBride Stinson, late of
the 'Township of Stanley, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, yetaman, deceased, who
died on or about the twenty-third day
of July, AM. 1929, are required to de-
liver to John MclAsh and Archibald
Galbraith, the Executors of the said
estate, or W, Bryd,one, solicitor, on or
beeore the thirtieth day orNavember,
A.D., -1929, a full statement Of eheir
claims together with particulars there-
of, and the nature of the aecurities if
held by them all duly verified by affi-
And take notice that after the said
last mentioned date the said Eiceou-
tors will proceed to distribute the et -
tate of elle said deceased amongst the
persons entitled thereto, having regard
only to such claims as ehey shall have
received due notite and in accordance
'Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 12th
dey of Nlovember, A.D. 1929.
'Clinton, Ontario.
Solicitor for the said estate.
. . to save time
and avoid "wrong number"
rrELEPHONE numbers are tricky things to
reniember. Often when you think you know
a number you have really transposed the two
inside figures. It is so easy to say 3264 instead
of 36241 The result is that you get "Wrong
Number". You are annoyed and so is the other
person. You have wasted your own time and his.
/t is safer and quicker to use tilas directory before
you call a number, because fe,g Number" is
one of the chief tnses of a calls a day in
Ontario and Quebec which go wrong - tie up
traffic - cause irritation - block business.
Some of theae are operators' errors, and some are
mistakes by the person making the call. He may
ask for the wrong number - he may speak in-
distincty'and be Misunderstood.
We want you to have the best passible telephone
service. We are constantly striving to provide it
by reducing our own errors and by improving ,
equipment.* But it takes three people to com-
plete a cal '
Use the directory - Speak Slowly and distinctly
- avoid wrcmg utunbera save time - help
business efficiency.
"To keep a step in advance
of gentand, anti to intkrove
factlities, will involve an
outlaY thi8 pear in access
of $27,000,000.
Farm Property, Farm Stock and
lumleinents,-On Lot 29, Can. 8,
McKillop, el mile west of Winthrop)
on Tuesday, Nov. 26th, at I, Pan. sharp
'Horses -1 aged team, 1 driving
gile°s'12r$old,IrtiingrisYheiag3,vveWllb°r1"Olg°ke[1. drivel
Cattle -1 red cow, to freshen the
New Year, I grey cow tb frealien in
heifers,all about 1e100 lbs.; 5 oneeyear-
old heifers; 6 one -year-old steers; 3
spring calves. I
Pigs -1 brood sow with litter at
foot, I .brbod sow, 8 pigs about nine
weeks old, le store hogs, around 200
pounds. '
• 50 Barred Rock hens, 3 duelcs and
Imp1ementa-1 Masseyalitieris
in -
der 7 ft. out; 1 Noxon seed ,drill with
grass seed attachment, 1 34:110. 14 -
plate disc, 1 cultivator, 2 sets 4 -sec-
tion harrows, 1 farm tvagon with gra-
vel, box, I 5'54 -foot mower, 1 Massey
Harris hay loader, 1 164root hay oa,c1c
with eliding plaeforrnp 1 pair bob-
sleighs, 1 Chatham fanning mill with
bagger attachment; 1 6 -hp, Massey
Harris engine; I 974 plate MAI, grin-
der with mane set Of plates nevetr
used; 40 feet of belting, 6 in. wide;
small circular saw with 'frame, com-
plete; 1 pump jack, 2 walkiag plows,
1 Cotleehtitt riding plow; 2 -furrow
gang- plow, 1 scuffler, I root pulper,
'1 cutter, 1 IIHC cream separator, 1
large sugar kettle, 1 feeding crate for
chickens, 1 set of team harness, 1 set
of plow harness, 1 set of driving har-
ness, 2 Buffalo robes, 6 kitChen chairs,
1 000k stove, kitchen cabinet, elitun,
waahing machine, organ, chains, ,forks,
shovel's, 120,feet of hay fork rope, hay
fork saings, car and pulleys; 3 ton of
hay; 600 bushels mixed grain, 150 bu.
seed oats, 1 heater, 1 cooking stove.
Terms.-IFlay and grain, cash. An
sums of $10 and under, cash; over that
amount, 12 months' credit on furnish-
ing approved joint notes with land
owners for s.ecunity. Positively rig
reserve as the proprietor is giving up
farming. Five per cent. discount for
cash on credit amounts. '
At the sante time there will be of-
fered for sale forty-two acres on the
141h concession, part of lot 23. On the
farm there is it 4-roorned cottage,
built 14 years ago, and stable and hen
house. Terms to be made known day
of sale.
GoH. Elliott, Auctioneer; THIE-
00,CYRE HOILLAND, Proprietor,
Forty pure 'bred Barred Rock ,pul-
lets, hatched in April. 'Vac each. Ap-
ply •to ROY 'LAWSON, ,Clinton, P.O.,
Phone' 241 rtel. 46
I • ."
2 sows, white strayed, ahout Oct
28th. Finder please notify JOHN
LANE, Seaforth, RE. 5, Phone 461414,
Dublin. • 46
A pei sone! Christmas Greeting, .for
as many friends as you may• ohoose to
favor. Send your 'PhotograPb. Bar -
gess Portrait Studio, Mitchell will
make you the best portraits you ever
I had.
!Auto Knitter machine for sale. 'Ai
most as good at' neva Apply to MRS.
CHAS. NICHOLSON, R.R. 2, Blyth,,
Cana 46,
• Hemstitching and Picket Edging at.
reasonable prices. MRS:W. J. ICNIOX
Box 321, Seaforeh, Phone 51. 46
" -
DR, II, HUIGI-IdiRgtiOISS, Physician
hpliitdai,Surfeociniciton',DateEnogf iaLliodudonspHozt
attenticin to diaeases of the 4ye, tar,
hose and throat. Office and reskl-
ence behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No, 5: Residence .Phone 104
DR, F . J. BURROWS, Seefortk.
Officeand residenee, Goderich etreeta
east of the United Church. Coroner
for the County of Huron. Telephialm
No. 40, '
DR, C. MACKAY.---C Mackay.
'honor graduate of•Trinity University
and gold medallist of Trinity Medicai
College; member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Outer*,
DR. F. 3. R. FORSTER-Eye, Fair
Nose 'and Throat Graduate in Med&
eine, University 9f Toronto WA.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instit Moorefield',
Eye, and 'Golden Sq,:are throat hoe -
vitals, London. England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in
,each month, from Id a.m. to 3 p.m.
DR. W. C. SPR:OAT.-Graduate of,
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geona of Ontario. ,Office in Aberhares
Drug Store, Main St., Seaford".
Phone 90,
DR, 3. A. MUNN, Successor to
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of Nan&
vvestern University, Chicago,
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over San
hardware, Main St., SeafOrth. Phone
DR. F. j. EPCHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeon,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
grocery, Main St, Seaforth. Phones.
office 185W, residence 18.5j.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tet)i
0.L.S, Registered Professional Ea-
gineer and Land Sitrveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute ad
Canada, Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Auctioneer for the County of Harms
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The 'Seaforth News, 'Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
E. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction-
eer for !Perth and Huron Countiec.
Sales solicited. Terms on applica-
tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farm
Stock, chattels and real estate proper-
ty. F. W. Ahrens, R. R. No, 4, Mitch-
ell, lot 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles *it
of 13eechwood. Rhone 634r6,
(Successors to James 'Watson)
' All kinds of Insurance risks effect
• ed at lowest rates in Pirst-Clays
ir.F.O. CLUB.
The ainina,1 meeting ,of the TJ.IF.O.
Club Will be held in Seaforth on Nov.
ltath at 8 p.m, ' •
Eighteen pigs, 7 weeki oid. PERCY
Mck0I01-PAEL, Phone ,233r21.' 46
large size Quebec heater, barna
, wood, coal or coke, ingood shape. Ap-
Orde St., Seaforth. - 47
A good eight roomed frame house
with wood shed attached. Electric
light, furnace, sat water in tile house,
a good well, stable can he used as a
garage, large garden. Telephone,
160r01, or apply to MRS. W. OLIV-
ER, Seaforth R.R. 3, Main street, Eg-
mondvelle. 46
• Steel water tanks on hand -6'x.2"
x24". Price $9.&5. White Asb Ton-
gue's 12' and 14' long. $1.50 each.
Beech stone boat plank, out with
turn on end, 2" x 12" x 8' long, $1.50
each or three for $4.00, Hardwood
slabs, 12" to 114" long, $4.00 per cord;
soft maple slabs, 12" to 14" long,
$3,50 per cord: soft wood slabs, 12" to
14" long, $2.75 per cord; wood prices
delivered. Also sell asphalt -I -roofing
and siding and steel produets of all
kinds. Call W1/1. DODO, Jr., R.112, 3,
KipPen, or phone 1'38r2, Seaforth.
The ExecutorS of the Robert Gib-
son estate offer the choice 50 -acre
farm in good condition, N34 lot 16,
con, '5, McKillop, all cleared and,i11
seeded down. Two storey cement
house, frame kitchen, all in good re-
pair. Barn 50'x46' on a cement wall,
cement stabling' Snd water in the
barn, Cement driving house 24'x36'.
Frame hog pen 16'x24'. Never failing
well of choice vvater. Well fenced
and underclrained with tile drain. Will
be sold on easy terms to suit pm -
chaser, For further particulars apply
to CHAS. W1RI1GHT, Seaforth r.r. 5;
or R. S. HAYS, Seafortli
Vtlectnes.clay, Nov. 13th,
Butter, per lb. ,37c
Eggs, per dor, .... 22c, 35c, 40c
ilootgastaeAr p cerwtb. aff.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 tirries 50c
Mutual Fire Insurance Cue
Officers --James Connolly, Goder-
ich; AlexiJames Evans, Beechwood
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer,
Directors-41Mm. Rinn, No. 2, Se&
forth, John 'Bennewies, Brodhagesis
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; j'aines Connolly, God
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No, 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Ilarlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Muni
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agents ---Alex, Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth;, J. A..
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, liolmesville; R. G. jarmolith,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlopk, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect indurance or trauma
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Don't 'Wait' -- Come To -Night.
Come Early
.p.m. Saturday 7.15 and 9,20 pm.
Admission 25 and 15 cents
• Mon., Tues., Wed.
Now appearing as "Able"
and two of Paraniount's favorite
ccanedy men, jult Oakie and.William
Austin, in