HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-11-14, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVFhMBB i4, 1929
This will announce the affiliation- of two new Superior Chain stores
in Seaforth with the largest and strongest Group of Independent Mer-
chants in Canada, w.hieh has its own Wholesales buying i1t large.
quantities and 'distributing economically aridefficiently thus enabling
your own local Merchants to 'match or ,excel any fair competition,
These a ressive Merchants, whose reputation for fair dealing has
gg ed the iniiplirit confidence of their
stood the test and who have enjoy
many customers, now bring to Seaforth all the advantages of Messed
buying power,
Int this Mammoth Organization .of nearly .1,000 stores, every Man-
ager is the owner, an alert, experienced grocer, rendering personal ser-
vice, always guarding his customers' interests and realizing fully t
he is judged to -day by his ability to serve and that keener competition
demands new, advanced methods of merchandising;
In these stores, a pound means sixteen ounces and quality is never
sacrificed for price. Each week they will offer many we'll -chosen
Specials, which wilt mean real savings to you and their regttlar prices
will always be competitive.
'Superior Chain Stores are now estStrat-
all over London, milton
ford Kitchener. Seaforth, Waterloo, Guelph, Brantford, Ha
Toronto, and all over,Ontario, -with one or more in over two hundred
cities, towna and villages,
Watch for our. Weekly ,Specials -.It will pay you.
7 Deliveries all over town Every Day. •
We Ms Stewart
Phone 77
• Sproat t
Rhone 8
We.pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to ourp atrons are the best that can be given.
Do not sendY your cream to • other Creameries; we want
it here.
reamer _ we need your co-operation._
To operate a C y
In return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We are agent for • the Mellotte te Cream Separators. Come g ..
in and see the new. Models. .
• Creamer Co, Seaforth,
SeaForth Y
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Wt Jo Walker 86 Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Llowe y
Residence -James St.
Of Wingham will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Just Tri It
When you feel. tired and
drowsy, slip around the
corner andget a• massage
You may come in with
a grouch but will go out
with a smile.
Phone 125.
" 'The folldwing is the report for S.S.
No. 7, McKillop, for the months of
September and Oin
Sr, Irv,=Mclvil'le Shannon 82 per
cent, Helen Talnliison 79.
Jr, IV. -'Everett' Perdue 81, Walter
Somerville 715. 5 Ivin
Sr. IIIIL-'B;byd Driscoll fi ,
Shannon ' 76, Jimmie Balfour. 70:
Sr, I!1.-Kablileen Leering 7L; Har-
old,Htrdie 70,
f 'rnries•--Willie Leeming, I•$
Thatner (good).
The , leant' number of mistakes- in
spelling -Sr. IV„
Melville. Shannon;
Jr. IV., Everett Perdue; Sr, III.,
Boyd Driscoll; 'Sr. I'I., Kathleen
Leeming. Number on roll, Ill. Ave-
rage attendance 10.05,
Cora F. Strong, Teacher.
The following is the report of R. C.
S. S. No. 1, -McKillop for the months
of September and October.
Sr. IV. -Jas, Downey,
Jr. UV. --Mary . Downey, Albert
Krauskopf, Marie Burns, Hubert O'-
Reilly, Clarence Ryan.
SST, LII.. -Wm. Flanagan, Barbara
Carlin, Mary Walsh, Michael -Wals-h,
Loretta O'Rourke, Clarence O'Reilly,
Richard Downey.
Jr. PIL-Cecilia 'Kraskopf, Gerald
Burns, 'Clement Krauskopf, Margaret
Walsh, Dorothy Nolan.
'Class II, -Mary Givlin, Margaret
Kratiskopf, Joe Burns, Jos. Givlin,
Harold Ryan, Tom Flanagan, Denis
Nolan, Aurae 'Downey.
Class I.= -Rita Ryan, Leo Carlin,
Lorne Flanagan, Jack Walsh, Lorne
Primer -Mary Nolan, Mary Kraus-
kopf, Leo 'Ryan,
Mary E. O'Rourke, Teacher.
The anniversary services of this
church held last Sunday were large-
ly attended the church filled both
bines. Rev. Mr. Anthony of Thames
Road' ,preached rousing, sermons
Which were greatly .appreciated. The
music was furnished by the choir,
and male quartette. The church was
very peetttly decorated with plants
and flowers. A free will offering of
over $600 was received. Among the
visitors who attended the services
were Mr. and Mrs. Telford -Howe and
daughter of Toronto; Misses Bertha
and Winnie Smithson of St. Thomas;
_Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock of
St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Hawkins of Seaforth; Mrs. Jas. Haw-
kins of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs, 0,
Cann and Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Pym and daughter, Misses Myrtle
and Lila Pym, Mr. and Mrs, Rolland
Squires and children from north of
the Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs.
George Squires and children and Mr.
and Mrs. Brooks of Whalen.
FALL. -In Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, on Sunday, Nov, 10th, to
- Mr. and Mrs. W. 5• Felt, Staffa, a
daughter (Lois Elizabeth).
OOLBLERT-In Hamilton, on Satur-
day, November 9th, 1929, to Mr.
and Mrs. Clen. Colbert, a son,
urday, November 9th, in Bloor St,
United Church, Toronto, by Rev,
'G. C. Pidgeon, D.D., Mary Camp
bell Crosbie, formerly of Seaforth,
'Ontario, to Hodson Usher Wood-
ruff, of St. David's, Ontario.
A 'hot supper will be served in the
-Orange Hall, Varna, untl•er the aus-
pices of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety of the United Church, from 6 to
8 p,ni., on the evening of Thursday,
November 2' th, The strapper wilt be
followed by a short program. Every-
body welcome, ' Admission 35c and
Mr, W. T. Grieve and family, wish
to thank all those who kindly assisted
during the funeral of the late John G.
Grieve, and for the teeny expressions
of sympathy,
.Mr.' Percy .Hoag of Hagersville vis-
itedwith its Barents over the week-
Miss Margaret Armstrong, of Wes-
tern University, London, spent
Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr:
and Mrs, A D. Armstrong,
Miss Mary; .Armstrong.
of Toronto,
has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. R.
Scarlett and Mrs, J, R. Scott.
Mr. end Mrs; Names Kerr, Mrs, J.
Aitcheson and MISS B4ith Hi lenwere
in Toronto over the week end
Miss Marjorie Brown and Mr. Wm
Godfrey of Toronto were holiday
guests at the Rectory, with the form -
Mr H
ers parents Rev, and s. T ,
Mr, Rob. Willis, of Toronto 'Unt
ver•sity, spent the week end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, G. Willis,
Misses Marjorie Biekell, Gladys
McPhee end .Bertha Beattie, of Tor-
onto, spent the week end with their
parents here,
• Miss Blanche Wheatley of Toron-
to spent the week end with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. George Wheatley,
Mr. and Mrs, Sara Gottschalk spent
the week end visiting friends in Dash-
Miss Anna Sutherland of Toronto
was a holiday visitor with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, A, D. Sutherland,
Miss Laura McMillan, of Carlisle,
spent the. holiday with ,her .parents,
Mr, and Mrs, W. F. McMillan.
Mrs. William Freeman, who under-
went an operation for goitre in Lock-
wood hospttal, Toronto, ronto returned
ho'inc Friday and is doing nicely,
Mr, and Mrs. W. E, Chapman spent
the week end and Than'ksgivin.g at the
hones of their sons in Bridgeburg,
Miss Irwin and •Miss Lee, of Tor-
onto, were Thanksgiving visitors with
r P Lane,
Rev ..Mrs, A s, W.
i rHenry 'I r n
Mr. �r and 'Mrs. Het rte and
m'of London were' test for
family, g t s
Than'ks'giving with the. former'b mo-
ther Mrs, Jos. Fowler.
'Misses Grace Scarlett of Burgess -
Ville, and Marion Scarlett, of• Kippen,
were,,holiday •guests with their par-
ents;' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scarlett,
Dr. Aubrey Crich, Miss Gertrude
Crich;' Mr Fred Crich and Mrs. Earl
Smith 'and little son, all of Toronto;
and Mr. Jack Crich, of Guelph, spent
The week end with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Crich.
Mr, Thomas Nolan of Toronto Uni-
versity,, spent Thanksgiving under .the
parental roof.
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Pringle, of
Hamilton, visited' their son, Mr, A.
M. Pringle, and Mrs. Pringle, over
the holiday.
-Mr, and Mrs, J. A. I,Vilson and
Miss Dorothy Wilson spent the wee(:
end with Dr. Tweddle at Fergus. .
Mrs. Joseph Grimmett is visiting
her 'mother, Mrs. Hutton, at Kincar-
Mr. George Coleman was in Hamil-
ton last week attending the funeral of
the late Mr, Bea Johnson,
Mrs. M. Smith of De'troit spent the
week end at the home Of her ,sister,
Mrs. M. C.arbert,
Messrs. Charles Evans and Ed-
ward Evans and Miss E. Miro, of
Hamilton, were Thanksgiving guests
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Evans, Wilson street,
Miss Ethel McKay, of Thedfard,.
and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Mason
and daughter Marion of Blyth, were
holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Mr. Ronald McKay, who has spent
a couple of weeks at his home here,
left .on Monday for Toronto.
Mr. and Mfrs. Robert Dundas and
children of Toronto were visitors ov-
er the holiday with the former's ano-
ther, Mrs. W. A. Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCabe and
daughter Noreen and Mr. and Mrs.
Thurlow of Godeirch, were visiting at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Stir-
ling on Sunday,
Mrs. George Sparks left this 'week
to spend the winter with her sister,
Mrs, Edward McAsh in London.
• ,Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Govenlock at-
tended the.funeral of the late Mr. Ben
Johnson, in Hamilton last week,
Mrs, Horton of Goderich is visit-
ing at. the !home of .Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Stirling this week.
Mr. Jos. Carhert and Mr. A Mc-
Connell of Detroit spent the week end
with Mrs, M. Carbert,
L. McIntoshand sat Geor
) I g,
of Dornoch Farms, Derby, N.Y.,
were guests of MT, and Mrs. J, M.
Henderson over the holiday, Mr. Mc-
Intosh is not yet fully recovered from
severe injuries received some Months
ago, when he was hit by an automo-
bile while classing the street in Buf-
Mt-.: and Mrs. Will Hogg and
family of Stratford spent the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Habkirk.
Misses Evelyn and Hazel Starling
of Dublin underwent tonsil operations
in Scott Memorial Hospital on Wed-
Mr, 'Wm. Laing of Queen's . Uni-
versity and Mrs. Laing and family of
Milverton spent the week -end with
the foriner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.
C. Laing,
Mr. T. J, Wylie spent the week-
end at his home in Toronto.
Miss Leona C. Purcell of T.oroosto
spent Thanksgiving at her hone ,here,
Miss Mary McFadden of Toronto
spent the holiday with her,. mother,
Mrs. T. 'vie/Fadden.
Mr. and Mrs. Urban D. Clark and
children of Toronto spent the week-
end with Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J, C. Greig,
Miss Siegel who was injured in an
auto accident on Oct 27, is iriaprov-
Mg favorably in the hospital.
.Mrs, John Wanless who has been
a resident of.. Varna for the past's'ixaty
years, has given up her home and
moved to Seaforth to live with her
daughter, Mrs, E. Turnbull,.
•Mr. W. H Little of Norwood spent'
Thanksgiving with his father, Mr, A,
Utt'le„ -
Mr. Bt•il Archibald of the O,.iA,C.,
Guelph, s,p�_e_nt the holiday with his
.parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Archi-
bald; •
Mr, Jack Hinohley of Brantford
spent the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. J,. D. ilinohley, •
Mrs. Burdge and her mother, Mrs.
McKay, of Hantiltott, spent the boli'
day with M'r, and Mrs, W. F. Mc -
The cheapness of Mother Graves' Millan,
Worm •Extetrmittator puts it within Miss Bessie Grieve of Chatham
reach of all, and it can he got at any spent the week -end at her (come
T - H Mli and M'Ire. 1 iltn Love attended
f tyy �1 r� �o e! the funeral in Hensali on Wednesday
Christmas Cards Taylor, 1•;.ve's sister, Ytrs, Jahn
Friends will be sorry to know thstt
Mrs, Wm, Strutt of Brucefietci, who
suffered a stroke recently, is still very
ill. Mrs. Scott is a sister of Mr. John
•Mrs, Wtni. Chesney of Grosse Isle,
Mich,, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex.
Miss Nell McDougall •and Miss
Helen Stewart visited friends in Gods
A large range of fine greet-
ing garde, with envelopes,•
and printed name on card,
priced at $125 per dozen,
Mrs. Ross J, Sproat and Mr.e, Earl
Heron are at present recovering nice-
ly from injuries they received when
the former's ear skidded off the pave-
nien•t near St. Coluunban about 2,30
Friday afternoon, while driving to-
wards Mitchell. Mrs. Sproat suffered
a broken eallar bone and Mrs. Heron
received injuries to her back, The car
struck a tree and was badly damag-
ed, Mr. and Mrs, Heron had arrived
from Toronto only that morning on
the noon train.
Mrs, John Mil'Ison was a visitor
in Detroit for a few days last week:
Mr. B. C. Rising o8 Toronto is
spending the week with Mr. and Mrs,
John Webster,
Amon those from a distance at-
tending the funeral of the late John
G. Grieve on Tuesday were: Mr. and
Mrs. Rab'ert Tuesday
Mr, and Mrs, Will Grieve Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Kelly ,and daugh-
ter, Morris; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Scar-
lett, Leadbury.
Mr. and Mrs. 2ywple and sen of
Londbn, Mr, and Mrs, Will Ander-
son and children and Miss Mildred
Stewart,, of Torottto, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart of Eg-
mondyille aver the week end.
Mr, and Mrs.:Sttanley Gray of Strat-
ford anti Miss Laura MoMilian were
its f Mr. and Mrs. W.M
gt s o
Millan in Egntondville. '
Misses Ida and Eva Love of Tor-
onto`spent'bhe holiday at the-
paren-tal home of Mr, and Mrs. John Love,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Camenotn•and chil-
dren of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Riley
of Bradford, were guests of Mr. anti
:Mrs. John Pinkney over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomson of Kinloss,
Mr; ain't Mrs. George Snell of Aub-
urn and daughter Elsie, were visiting
at the home of Mr. and' Mrs, John
Pinkney over the week end.
Mrs, Reginald Sykes left on Thurs-
day last for her home in , ,Shel•ton,
Washington state. •
Mr. anti :Mrs., R. N.. Rissoinette
moved to Stratford this week. • . Miss
Maybelle Rends accomlpaoied• "them
and will remain until•they are settled.
Messrs. Angus McRae and ' Will
Faulkner spent Than'ksgivin'g, at
On Wed„ Nov. 13th, Mrs, Hudson,
of Hensall, observed her 89th birth-
day. During the past year a gather-
ing of the family was held at Seaforth
at which five generations were repre-
sented. Mrs, Hudson is extremely
active "for her age and her many
friend's join in wishing her "Many
Happy Rettu•ns o'f the Day."
Mr. T. Barnett spent a few days
last week in Detroit.
Mr, Keith Lamont of Detroit was
a holiday visitor at the home of his
father, Mr. Alex. Lamont. •
-Mrs, J. 5. Merner of Windsor was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Case
during the wee(: end.
Mrs. L. C. Jackson spent the week
end in Toronto, Mr, Fred Jackson of
Merrickville also spent the week end
at Toronto.
Miss Mary Jackson of Thedford
spent the holiday at her home.
Messrs. Ckoss and Day of the Col-
legiate staff spent the week end at
their homes in Aylmer and Toronto.
Mr, Alex. Finnigan and Miss Long-
ford of Toronto vent the week end
with bhe former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W. J. Finnigan.
Miss Hellyer and Miss .Fennell of
the Oolregiate staff spent the week end
at their homes in Waterford and
Grand Valley respectively. Miss Sin-
clair spent the week end in Toronto.
Mr. an dMrs. Roy Consitt and
family of Kippen and Mr. and Mrs,
Chas, Farquhar of Brucefield spent
the holiday with Mrs. John Consitt.
Mrs. G. D. C. Harn spent •the week
end with her daughter, Mrs. Wegg,
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckert have re-
turned to Burlington to resume their
duties for the Ring Construction Co.
Miss Margaret Purcell left on Wed-
nesday for London to have her eyes
treated by a specialist, as her sight is
in a precarious condition.
Mr. and Mrs. R H. Sproat spent
Thanksgiving in Preston.
Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Wigg and fa-
ntily spent the week end at Durham.
,Miss Gretta Ross of Weston teach-
ing staff, spent the holiday with her
parents, Dr, and Mrs. R. R. Ross.
Mr, William Elcoat and daughters
Misses Hazel and Jean. Menet, spent
the week end with Dr, and Mrs. Glen-
field at Waldacetown.
Mr. Carl Aherhart of Toronto Uni-
versity spent the holiday at his home
Mrs. Henderson and Mrs, Delaney
left this week to spend the winter in
Miss MaCorcl of Toronto, Mr. R.
A. Coates and Miss Gertrude Coates
of London spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs: William Ament. Mrs.
Coates, who spent too weeks here,
returned with them to London. ,
'Messrs, Arthur and 'Carl Ament of
Toronto Spent the holiday at their
home here.
'Mr. George- Hutchison of London
and Miss Doeo•bhy H•uteh•ison of St,
Catherines, spent the holiday with
their .Barents, Mr, and Mrs, F. D.
Mr, and Mrs, George Wilson of
Staffa called on friend's in Seaforth
on Sunday.
'Miss Beatrice Seip, Miss Dorothy
Robinson and Miss Hilda Ashton of
London spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs, Geo, Selo.
Mr, aaud 4,r5. 12. 0, Lucichar:t and
family and Mrs, 5. I+ Iratzentneir of
New Hamburg were Thanksgiving
guests at the home of Mr and Mrs.
George Seip,
MissE'learta• Snider, who has been
organist of 'Egntondville 'United
Church, la lea wing to be organist of
Cltntott Presbyterian Church, •
Dr. and Mrs, A. L. Hays of fort
Erie spent Thanksgiving with the
former's p'alents, Mr. • and Mfrs. Jas,
ertoh township over the holiday, •
Miss Florence Beattie sang e solo
int the Presbyterian Church, Clinton,
on Sunday evening.
Mr. Gibson White of Western Uni-
versity, London, spent the week -end'
at his hotne,
Mrs. J. R. Hillis and son Donald,
Miss Mildred Turnbull and Mr, Arn-
old Turnbull, all of Toronto, were
holiday visitors with their moyther,
Mrs, G. T, Turnbull.
Miss Alice Arehihald spent the
week -end in Tgront.).
Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Beattie of
Toronto were visitors over the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jahn Beattie, Mrs, Beattie wilt re-
main here for two weeks.
De, and Mrs, Wm, A'ber.hart, of
Mitchell, and Mr, and Mrs. Sam
Petrie of Milverton were Thanksgiv-
ing ,guests o•f Mr, and Mrs, 5. C,
The handsome sum of 11175 was
realized by the Canadian Legion on
Poppy Day for Seaforth and Walton.
Miss Mary Hays and .Miss Mary
McTavish of Toronto are visiting
with the former's parents, Col, and
Mrs, R. S. Hays,
A large shed was moved this week
from the late D•r. Scott's property to
Mr, W. Free's lot for a garage,
'Mr, and Mrs. Peter Kerr called on
' cousins, M. and
thetat e• s o s
tt g
aret Robertson on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr, .Mr. and
Mrs, James Gillespie and on Neil,
of Toronto, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie over the
week -end.
Mr. Thomas Smith of Windsor vis-
ited at the home of his mother. Mrs.
Stark, over the week -end.
Mr. and •:Mrs. Wesley Free and Mr.
Jahn Mc'Le'llan attended the Butten-
ham-MMcLellan wedding at StafEa .on
Master George Hays of the Tech-
nical school, London, spent Than'ks-
giying under ,the parental roof.
The Home and School Association
will hold its regular monthly meeting
Monday aiternoont, Nov. 25th at 4
p:m, in the teachers' room of the pub-
lic school, Miss Saralbel MacLean
will take the subject for diseassion.
A cup of tea will be served. Alt mem-
bers are invited to attend and 'bring
a friend.
.Messrs. A. D. Coutts, W. R. Shol-
dice, W. C. Bennett, Aden Forbes,
W. T. Elliott and Ed. Miller attended
the Armistice church parade in Clin-
ton on Sunday afternc'on,
-(filler's Worm Powders will not
only expel worms from the system,
but will induce healthful conditions of
the system under which worms can
no longer thrive. Worms keep a
child in a contintt'al state of restless-
ness and pain and there can be no
comfort for the little one until the
cause of suffering be removed which
can be easily done by the use of these
powders, than which there is nothing
more effective.
Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft and two
children of Whitechurch, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Robinson and daughter
Frances of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs.
Lyon and daughter Ruth of Losndes-
boro, and 'Mr. Arthur Lyon, teacher
of Kitchener, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Kirk over the holiday.
Mr. Arthur Jackson is visiting with
his mother, Mrs. J. Jackson.
Miss Marjory Hay .had her tonsils
removed in Scott Memorial Hospital
last week.
Mr. and Mfrs. Jno. Elgie spent a few
days last week visiting' friends in
:Lis Jos. eL ellen is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Ivan Forsyth,
Miss Hazel McLaughlin spent the
week -end in Exeter.
Mr. Wm. Patrick of Toronto spent
the holiday with his parents, Mr. and
nIrs, M. Patrick.
Mr. Sandy Doig.of Kitchener spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Doig,
Miss Gladys. Shillinglaw, , Mrs, I.
Hargraves and family visited with
their parents over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Oke and Miss
Carrie, of Egntondville, spent Thanks-
giving at Ah. Peppers on the 2nd con,
Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Levitt of Inger-
soll spent the week end at Thos. Cole-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Rogerson of Oon-
nce, spent last Friday at Mr. Teb-
Mr, sand Mrs. Smith of Sarnia spent
Thanlcsgiving at Mr. Russell Cole-
The Misses Vietta and Pearl. Cole-
man and Master Francis Coleman
spent Thanksgiving at their grand-
parents', Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman.
The rmers here are -busy getting
the fall work finished,
Mrs. Lee and children of Wheatley
spent last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Crich,
Mrs, J E. Ball and her sister, Mrs.
\Vim, McDoealcl of Washington State,
are visiting their sister, Mrs, Mode -
land of New Liskeard.
,Mr, Harold Crich of London spent
the week end at his home here,
Mrs. 5: T. Crich of Clinton spent
the week end with relatives here,
Died in Goderich.-Since the time of`
his visit to his brother in Sacramento
a couple of years ago, Mr. Melvin J.
Clark had been in poor health, corn-
ing home from the trip ill, and on
Thursday, October 3lst, he passes{
away at his home on Collborne street,
Goderich, in his 7lst year, Mr, Clark
bad been 'a resident of Goderich for
the past fourteen years, he .and Mrs.
`Clark (formerly MTS. Whitehead)
e::ntiitg her* on 'heir marriage Mr.
Clark was horn at Battersea near.,
Yingston, and came as to child with
hisparettts (the late Mr, .arise' Mss,
Sparton aand
Marconi l
Some good buys on used Battery Machines.
Also a good line of Batteries and Goodyear Tires
A. Wo Dunlop
Seaforth, Ont.
Phone 187
Reuben Clark) to settle on the Huron
road west, at 'Alma in Tuckersnith,
where he continued to reside until
going to Goderich 14 years ago. Two
sisters predeceased him about a year
ago and now the brother in Sacra-
mento (aged 87 years) is the only sur-
vivor of the family, and 'Mrs. Clark
survives. The funeral took place from.
the 'home in Goderich to Clinton Ifor
interment. The services were con-
ducted by Rev, R. C. MCDermid, pas-
tor of Knot Church, Goderich, of
which the deceased was a member,
and the pallbearers were Messrs.
Thos, Livingstone, Herb. Taylor, Mat,
MdDermad, Herb, rLamphrey, Chas.
Whitely and Isaac'Curwen. The fun-
eral was largely a'tte'nded, including
many friends from near Clinton, A-
mong friends frpm a :distance who
were present were
Mrs. McLaughlin, i
of Chatham,a niece; Mr. Gilbert
Clark and to
sis'tens of Sarnia, neph-
ew and nieces; Mr. Aaron Coats and
Mr, Wm, Coats and family, of Bramp-
ton; Mr, and •Mrs. Mc'Gugan, of De-
troit; Mr. Wm, Sharman, of Hamil-
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Knox and dau-
ghter Eileen of Caledonia,
Miss Annie Moore of London, Mr.
Davis Moore of Toronto spent the
holiday with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, I. Moore,
School report for S. 5 .NO..9, Tuck-
ersmith for &etcher. ,
Sr. IV-MI•argaret 'Hay 82 2-3, per
cent, .Margaret iBroadfoot 73, Mac
Chesney 48 2-3, Roy Hodgert 45 1-3
(absent for an examination), Marjory
Hay(absent for examinations).
Jr. TV. -Anna Love 79, Irene Mc-
Kay 74 1-3, Jack Consitt 67, •Lorne
Hay, 65 1-3, Jean Irvine 65, Russell
Hodgert 45 2-3, ,Billy Dalrymple 39
Jr. IIL-Riobert McLachlan 74,
Glen Houston 57 1-5. •
Sr. IL, 'Stewart Love 69 1-3, Kate
Dalrymple 50 2.3, Bobby ,Gemmell
42 2-3(absent for examination).
Sr, L -Jack MacKay 92, .Billy Hod-
gert 73.
Primer -Helen Houston.
Class V. -.Helen Ups -hall 60,
Number on roll 21; average atten-
dunce 19.
Margaret E Grieve, Teacher,
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 6, Hullett, for the months of Sep-
tember and October:
V. -Gladys Leiper 70.5, Alvin Stev-
ens 66:5.
!V -Helen McGregor 84.6, Marg-
aret Beatty 73.2. Jack McEwittg 67.
IIT, -+Harry Rapson 692.
Sr. II,-iWillie Taylor 82.8, Ida Lei-
per 78.
Jr. Tit, TVatsota rReid 72.2, Jimmy
McEwingg 622.
I �\\rilma Shepherd d9.6,- Roy Hol-
land 86, ,Gordon McGregor 53.3. -
Sr, Printer, Laura Leiper,
'Jr. Printer, Alvin Nicholson,
•Number on roll 15, average attend-
ance 14;9.
Lydia. L. Reid, Teacher.
Mrs, Elliott of Blyth spent the
week end and Thanksgiving day with
her daughter, Mrs. Bert Allen, return-
ing to Blyth on Monday night.
Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Toll visited the
former's sisters, Misses Ella and
Ruby Toll of Toronto over the week
end, leaving Mr. Harold Wheatley of
Clinton in charge dining their ab-
Mr. and Mrs, James Watt of Blyth,
Mr. James Watt and son Owen, of
Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, C, Parsons,
also the Misses Amy and Elea Par-
sons were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Watt on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. James Scott of Tor-
onto, Mr. and Mrs. Simon MoVittie
and Duncan, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt
and family and Mr, and Mrs. Kellaand
MoVittie spent Thanksgiving day at
the hone of Mr. and • Mrs. Nelson
•Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston of De-
troit, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Johnston of
Chath'am 'and their mother, Mrs. D.
Johnston of London, also Mr. and
Mrs. J. Scott of Toronto were.guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mc- .,
Vittie an Sunday.
The Ladles' Aid held their Novem-
ber meeting at the home of Mrs. Da-
vid Reid with a good attendance. The
afternoon was spent in quilting after
wfich a dainty lunch was served. Lt
was decided that bhe Ladies' Aid
would assist the Young People in
ting tip a programme for the Christ -
Inas tree,
Mr. Thomas Knox purohased a
coach car last week. We wish them
every success and enjoyment ' with
their fine car.
Quite a number attended the sup-
per in Londesb'oro on Thanksgiving
night and report gettine a good sup-
per, also enjoyed the programme.
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Scott returned to.
Toronto on Tuesday, callinglling
on Mr,
and Mts. Leo Vat thetr
Mr.' and Mrs, Kellanel IvIcVittie vis-
ited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, S,
McVittie Sunday for dinner and en-
tertained company in their own (tome
Sunday afternoon. `s`r
Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Rapson and
Marie entertained friends on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Juo. Watt of Blyth,
Mr. James Watt and Master Owen of
Toronto visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Leo Watt on Sunday after-
Miss Lavine Knox, Miss Agnes and
Mr. Robert, Leiper, Miss May. Platnil-
ton, and Miss Florence Knox,. all of
Toronto, ,spent the week end and hol-
iday with their parents and friends.
Mr. Fred Grey visited his family in
Orillia over the week end and Thanks-
giving day.
:Miss Ably Parsons motored to
Stratford Tuesday morning in cam,
piny with friends,
`Mrs. Bert Allen and her another,
Mrs. A, Elliott of Blyth visited on
Sunday at the' home of Mr, and Mrs,
Thomas Neilans. •
We are sorry that Mr. Lorne Toll
has not been very well for the last
couple of weeks, but glad he is feel-
ing better again.
Miss Marie Rapson spent Sunday
afternoon and evening with friends
near 'Clinton,'
We are glad to know that Mr. John
Leiper and Mr, Bert Beacom, who
got their tonsils removed last week
are getting along nicely.
Mrs. James Leach of Owen Sound
who has been visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Tre-
win for the past two weeks, left far
home on Tuesday in company with
her husband, who motored here on.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Rosa and little
daughter, of Toronto, visited at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Trewin
on Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and fam-
ily of Toronto visited their mother
and 'bro'thers, Mrs. Joseph Taylor,
and Messrs. Peter and Willie. Taylor,
on Sunday and :Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Watson visited
at the home al Mr, and Mrs. Albert
Trewin on Sunday,
Mrs. A. W. McEwing, Miss Helen
and Master James MeEwing, Mrs.
Jas. Leiper. Miss Agnes Leiper and
Mrs. I. Rapson called on Mrs. Marg-
aret Watt and family of 'Clinton Ott
Saturday evening.
Mothers Value this Oil. -.Dr.
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monial for its power other than itself.
Whoever tries it for coughs or colds,
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