HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-11-07, Page 8A41,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford
have retureedto their home after
spending the Past two monthe visiting
friende in London, Windsor and Des
Mr, and Aire Roy Webber spent
the week -end visiting frieeds le De-
Mr, Wellington Blatchford a Lon-
don epent the weekeeed with his par-
ents, Mr. an Mrs, Richard Match -
Mrs. Seined Steacy left Saterdae
for Detroit where be will reside with
her sone and daughters. Her . many
friends ere sorry to see her leave.
The young people of the United
Church held their meeting on Mon-
day evening leet With Miss Mettle El -
his in charge of the meeting. A solo
was giverr by Mrs. Annie McDonald,
followed by an instrumental by Miss
Greta La.namie, Mr. Scott Welsh gave
a violin solo, Topic wee given by
Mrs, Hugh Mama on "Forgive -
nese" The rest of the meeting was
spent in ntests elle games in charge
of Mr, C. Bowes.
Robert Higgins spent the
week end Visiting ,friends and relatives
in Deterat
A play was put on in the town hall
on Friday evening last by a company
of Young People from Benmiller, en-
titled "The Road to the City," ender
the empices of the Young People of
the Heesell United Church. There
was a •good croavd,
Mr. Warner of 'Teeswater has re-
cently purchased the barbering busi-
ness of Mr, Fred Lowry.
Miss Bella Sparks of Brantford has
been spending a few weeks here with
ter mother, Mrs, James Sparks.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
James Street United Church, Exeter,
when Mrs, Laura Latta, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Fee, was united
. in marriage to Mr. Ernest Harris of
Ailsa Craig, Rev, D. MdTavish offic-
Owing to the absence of Reeve Hig-
gins the regular mcinthly council
meeting was postponed from Monday
to Wednesday evening. '
A quiet wedding took place on,
Wednesday afternoon when Miss
Vera Smith, adopted daughter of Mr.
Alex. Smith of Stanley, was united in
marriage to Mr, Howard Lemmon,
son of Mr. Wm. Lemmon. After the
honeymoon the young couple will re-
side in Hemel
Miss J. Sterling left on Saturday to
spend the winter with her sister, Miss
Maude Sterling in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Neelin, who
spent a week in Toronto, returned
home on Saturday.
Mrs, J. MaoDonald of Sarnia is vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs. A, Newtan-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, Muriel
Ritchie, Elmvale, and Mr. Will King
of Toronto spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. G. King.
Mrs, Wilson and Miss Ruth Sues -
ton of London spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. S. Hueston.
Mr. W. J. Stinson took a carload of
cattle to Toronto en Friday.
On Sunday, November 10th, a.
Thanksgiving and Armistice Day ser-
vice will be held in Trinity Church at
11 a.m. All war veterans are cordially
invited to be present at this service.
In the afternoon at 2.30 a parade of
returned men of the county will be
held in Clinton, going to St. Paul's
Church. War veterrans of Bayfield and
vicinity are asked to participate in this
event which it is hoped to make a
yearly one.
The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church
are having a hot supper on Thursday,
November 14th. A play "Camp Keep
Off," will be given and music by the
Lakeside Entertainers.
McLaughlin-Manley.—A quiet but
pretty wedding took place in St. Pat-
rick's Church. Dublin, on Tuesday,
November 5th at 9 a.m. when Anna
Elizabeth Manley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Manley, was united
in marriage to Peter lvIoLaughlin, soh
of Mr, and Mrs, Patrick McLaughlin.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Father 13eicklin. The bride was given
in marriage by her father and was
gowned in brown flat back crepe satin
with cream colored trimmings and
earried a bouquet of white roses. She
was attended by Miss Helen Murray,
who was gowned in blue georgette
with silyee trimmings and carried
cream roses. The groom was sup-
ported by his brother, Joe Follo:wing
the ceremony the bridal party return-
ed to the home of the bride's pareets,
where a sumptuous dinner was served
to the Immediate relatives, after which
the bridal perty motored to points
east and returned in the evening to
the home of the groom's parents,
where a reception was given them.
Lunch was served to about 150 guests.
The evening was spent in games and
dancing. All left wishing the bride
and groom a happy wedded life, They
are going to reside on the groom's
fine farm, con. 10, McKillop township.
The presents were numerous e,nd cost-
ly aheeving the esteem in which they
are held.
Miss Mary Ellen DernPsee of
Guelph spent the week end at her
home here.
Mr. Wilfrid O'Hara left lest Tues-
day for St Joseph's hospital, London,
where he underwent at operation for
a minor injury he received last spring
and his many friends are pleased to
leen' he is recovering nicely.
Mr, George Steurnegle Was taken to
Loralon hospital lest week to receive
treatment and his Aster, Mrs, Finne-
gan, who has -been nursing him the
past three months, hes returned to her
home in New Yerk,
Testiees for Itself.—ler, Thomas'
Ecleotric Oil needs no testimonial of
its powers other than itself, Whoever
tries it for' cottglis, or colds, for cuts
or contusions, for sprains or. burns,
for pains in the limbs or. body, well
knees that the medicine Moves itself
and needs no:gtearenteeThis shows
why this 01 is in general use,
pa Eldon Ave., Torontch Ont
Tho Wor1e4 Department,
Nilena Laboratorlee, Limited,
tee eVolanSton et Wed,
Toronto, Ont.
Door Madam i --
While visiting my aleter a taw months
aro, see woe tollIng Me what Mane
had done for her, and gave ma soma
1 °t'avealstert earered Steat l'..P.-T1
every month, No one could hard'iy
baileyscra relief Mien* has given me.
I have ardly any pain now at all,
What a garotte° to what the pain used
to be.
Your. truly,
(Signed) Mrs, Switzer
Keating's Pharmacy.
At Your Local Drug Store or direct
'Misses Amy and Etta Parsons spent
the week end with their friend, Mies
Harriett Taylor, who is at present at-
tending the MadDonald College, -at
Guelph. Oe Friday evening, in com-
pany with their friend, they attended
the sophomore dance given by the
2nd year boys af the 0.A.C. There
were around 800 guests present. On
Saturday they visited the Prison Farre
and around the city, end.oying them-
selves immensely, returning to Strat-
ford 'Monday. Miss • Eam attended
Noranel School Monday with Amy
and Ena returned heme Monday even-
Mr. Bert Allen 15 at present on a
hunting trip up north.
Messrs, John Leiper and Bert Bea-
com had their tonsils removed Mon-
day in Clintou hospital, Both are do-
ing fine,
Mr. T. Colson and Miss Marjorie
Colson are et present visiting friends
near Bracebridge,
Mr. Fred Horton, Mr. Ben Horton,
also Mr. Moore, From near Goderich,
visited Mr. and Mrs, I. Rapson On
Miss L. Knox and Mr. 0. Lawson
ot Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. T.
Knox Sunday.
The Ladies' Aid of Buras' United
Church will hold their monthly meet-
ing at Mrs. D. Reid's Thursday after-
We are sorry to her that Mr. Peter
-Donald had the misfortnue to lose
a good horse one day last week.
Mr. aeries Parsona is at present
on the jury at Goderich.
Watch for the wedding bells which
are soon expected to ring.
Miss Mary Dorrance.—The death
occurred in Toronto on Monday, No-
vember 4th, of Miss Mary Dorrance.
Miss Dorrance was born in McKillop,
the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
George Dorrance. She has resided
in Toronto for thirty years. Her death
occurred in St. John's hospital, alter
an illness of about a month. Services
were held in Toronto, • the cortege
coming to Seaforth by motors, where
interment took place in Meitlandbank
cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Rev.
Dr, Little of Toronto accompanied the
funeral to Seaforth. Two brothers
survive, James Dorrance, of McKil-
lop, and Devid Dorrance, of Clinton.
Fortune 87. ,
jr. 11.—Aileen Murray 84, Margar-
et eterray 83, Florence Murray 83,
Robert Devereaux 65.
Sr. Primer—Frenk Devereeux 94,
Peter Nigh 90, Joseleh Eeen 80.
Jr. Primer—Madeline Fortune 90-,
Sylvester Ryan as, Jimmie Nash 85,
'Number on roll, 19.
Teresa Carpenter, Teacher,
The Varna Sunday school tvill bold
their -Christmas entertainment in the
Town Hall on December 23, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Harnevell have .moved
to theirnew home in Goderich, They
will be missed in thie lecality but
whet is Varna's loss will he Goderich'e
gain.' '
Mr. and Mrs, W. MeA-sh of Lan-
don spent Sunday with Iters, C.
Mr. and Mrs.' Ellwood oe Goderich
la company with Mrs, Hanley were
the .guests of Mrs. J. W. Reid on Sun-
Theyoung people .0 this commun-
ity enjoyed a social hop in the hall on
Friday night and all report a' good
Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty of
London spent Sunda,y at their home
Mrs. Sparrow, who has beenin
London for some little time visiting
with friends and reletives, has return-
ed home.
Miss Margaret Chuter has taken a
position in Goderich.
Mrs, Dewar of Berafield speut a dee'
with her sister, Mrs. Mossop,
Mrs. Weinless, who has been a resi-
dent for many years had a sale of her
hoesehold effects anci has gone to re-
side in Seeforth. Mrs, Wanless will
be much missed in social affairs and
the best wishes of her many friends
go with her.
Many of our citizens are sporting
Colds, which seem fashionable, though
not popular. .
While returning from Church Sun-
day night, Mr. R. Elliott and his sis-
ter, Miss Elliott, were thrown out of
the buggy when the horse frightened.
Miss Elliott had the misfortune to
have her wrist broken. Her many
friends will be pleased to know, al-
though serious enotigle it might have
been worse,
The many friends of Mr, Stelck will
be sorry toecnow he is confined to bed
again. Mr. Stelck has suffered more
or less all suminer, we are sorry to
Mr. George MdLinchey has been
under the doctor's care and is home -
what improved end we hope to see
him restored to his usual health soon.
We note some large loads af apples
passing through our burg enroute to
the station.
The service in St. John's Church
will .change from evening to morn-
ing on Sunday, Nov. 17th. Service will
be at 11 a.m. nstead of 7.30 p.m.
Members of the council met on
efondey. All members being present,
usual business was transacted.
Presentation.—The ladies of the
United Church, Varna, gathered at the
ho -me of Mrs. Alfred lags on the af-
ternoon of Tuesday, October 29th,
for the purpose of saying .goodebye to
one of their 'number, Mrs. John Wan-
less, who is soon to leave the com-
munite. Durieg the afternoon the
following address was read by Mrs.
George Johnston and Mrs, J. Spar-
row on behalf of the ladies presented
Mrs. Wanless with a handsome -pouch
"Varna, Ont., Oct. 29, 1929. Dear
Mrs. Wanless,—We the members and
Home Helpers of the W.M.S., and
friends, have met here this afternoon
to spend a social hour with you, on
the eve of your departure from Varna.
For many years you have lived among
as, always ready to extend a helping
hand to those in need. By your kind
words and loving service, you have
endeared yourself to all with whom
you have came in contact. In connec-
tion with the W.M.S. you have ever
been faithful. In the church end Sun-
day School you will be greatly .missed.
We will think of you as one who truly
kas "Let your light so shine before
men, that others, seeing your good
works, were led to glorify your Father
in Heaven." We ask you, dear Mrs.
Wanless, to accept this small token
of love and appreciation, assuring you,
that you will ever be remembered in
our prayers. •
"There is a place where spirits
Where friend holds fellewship with
Though sundered far, by faith we
Around one cominon mercy seat,"
We pray God's presence may go
with you to your new home.
Signed on 'behalf of Varna -Auxiliary,
Pres., Mrs, Jas. ItleClyment; sec.,
Mrs. Chas, Stelck."
After the presentation a delicious
teas was served which was much enjoy-
ecl by all. The afternoon was brought
to a close by singing, "God be witlh
you till we meet again," followed by
prayer by Mrs. Penrose.
The following are the results of S.
S. No. 2, McKillop, for the months of
September and October. The names
of pupil's who were absent for one or
more examinations are marked with
an asterisk. Honors 75 per cent., pass
60 per cent. -
Sr. IV.—Margaret Storey 74.8, Jas.
'McClure 62.4, Robt. McMillan 62.3,
Verna McFarlane 61.6, James More*.
Sr. III.—Margaret McClure 69,
Nelson McClure 618, Edith McMil-
lan 61.9, Eddie Storey 50.6*, Orville
Storey 50.2*.
Jr. III.—Isabel Anderson 76, Ar-
thur Anderson 60.
Sr. IL—Elmer Scott 64*, Bert Mc-
Clure 60*, Charlie Storey 55*.
1st class—Bertha McFarlane 70,
John Anderson 70 (equal).
Primer—Dorothy McClure, Elwood
Number on roll 19, average attend-
ance 17.66.
Olive V. Medd, Teacher
Report of S. S. No. 12,, McKillop,
for September and October. Sr, IV.—
Gretta Hulley 88, Agnes Dodds 79. Jr.
IV.—Agnes Case 83, Elizabeth Mc-
Farlane 73. Sr. III.—Bert MeSped-
den 84, Tillie Hulley 75. Sr. III,—
Margaret Hatbkirk 78, George Hab-
kirk 65. Sr. IL—Arthur McClure 58,
Sr. Primer.—Gordon Helley, good.
Jr, Primer—Lillian McClure, good.
Number on roll, el, Average attend-
ance 10.4.
Annie E. Strong, Teacher,
S. S. No. 6, McKillop.—The follow-
ing is the report of S. S, No. 6, Mc-
Killop, for .September and October,
These marked with an asterisk have
'been absent for one or more examin-
ations. Sr. IV—Meriee Finnigan 85,
Bather Duffy 78, tBrenton Godkin
68, Evelyn Sperling 68.
'Jr. Pryce 73, Iola Beer -
man 68, *Norine Little 64, *Gordon
Elliott 60.
Sr. 'Finnegan 75, Mauclie
Spading 73, Evelyn Hoegy 70.
Jr. MT.—Vera Duffy 80, Glen
Pryce 58, *Helen Elliott 56.
Sr, 11.--4Le5lie Pryce 81, Gerald
O'Hara 78, Reta Duffy 73,
Jr. II.—Mary Pryce, Beatrice Pryce
Everett 13euremann, Marie Hnegy and
Hazel Spading (equal),
Primer --Wilber Hoegy, Gordon
13euerinaen, Atidrey Beuermann, Billy
LitIle 13.0b Duffy, Alvin Betierinann.
Number on roll 28. Average attends
arise 25,
Attune Dale, Teacher,
The fotlewing is the report of S.S.
e'en. 1, MoKillop for the months of
September an-! October:
Sr. IV.—.Catherine Lane 69 per
cent., Mabel Nigh 63, Wm, Nigh 60.
jr. IV. --Francis Fortune 73, nor -
elle Nigh 71 Adelaide Murray 7-1,
Sr. IL—Ambrose Nigh 88, Jack
Report of St. Patrick's School for
October.--lSr. IV.—Catherine Kenny,
Cecelia Feeney, Francis Donnelly,
Margaret O'Connell, Bertha Dillon,
Arthur Looby, Rita Stapleton, Doro-
thy Donnelly. Jr. W.—Gerald Don -
telly, Mary .Molyneaux, Lloyd Mc-
Carthy, Ursula Flanagan, Agnes O'-
Connor, Norman O'Connell., Sr. Ile.—
Team 'McIver, Margaret Mayer, Ed-
ward Cummings, Margaret Dorrestyn,
Roselle Dillon, Muriel Looby, Agne-s
Rowland, Genevieve Feeney, yr. III,
—Leonard Nagle, Lawrence Dillon,
'Lillian Russel, Kathleen Cummings,
Joseph Donnelly, James Delaney, II,
Class—James Curtin, John Jordan,
Fergus Cummings, Camilla Donnelly,
Terese Krauslcopf, Joseph Evans,
Marcella Dillon, John Flanagan, Del -
ton Berea, John Maloney, Andrew
Maloney, Michael Feeney. Part IL—
Mary Evans, latnee Kyattakopf, Louis
N000by, Lucille McGrath, Rose Fan -
o, Leiden Looby, Marie Arnold,
Harry Cerranings, Angela Donitelly,
Kathleen 13rennan, Kathleen Staple-
ton, Thomas Dorsey, Sr, Primary—
Mary Jordan, 'Margaret Tyers, Aileen
,Jerclan, Louise Flanagan, Loretto
Feeney, Gerald Bern s. 1?1,imory—,
,Tentes Jordan, William Maloney, Earl
Nagle, Francis Dillon, Mary Dorsey,
Margaret Cummings, Veronica 0'.
Conner, Louis Donnelly,
10 -Day Rubber Sale
MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS ......" ......... .. i ...
EBER BOOTS ,..." , ., $2,49
MEN'S ROLLED EDGE ItUiF3BERS „..." „ $1.20
BOYS' ROLLED EDGE RUBBERS .. .... „ , . .... , . .„., .51,05
GALVANIZED PAILS ,, ,.., ., . . . ,,, ....,.,.,29c
1 Of Fenn Stacie Free W. Ahrens
lurs received instruetions from the un-
dersigned proprietor to sell by publie
auction at lot 5, eon, 8, 'Township of
MoKillope on Friday, Nov. 8t11, 1929,
the following:
Horns—Grey mare, Percheren, 19
yrs old, foal by her side; 4 year.. old
gelding bred by Lord Mansfield; grey
&alight gelding 8 yrs old; 1 hey
draught gelding 8 yrs, old; 1 filly ris-
ieg 2 yrs. old, prize winner; 1 filly
rising 2 years old, 1 gelding rising 2
90e years old, work or drive; 1 driving
mare, 14 yrs. eld, in foal to "Grattan",
Cettle--Trarhain cew to calve in.
Decerritier and; 1 cow, 2 yr. old, calv-
ed 3rd of Oct.; 1 spring calf, Hereford
and, Angee breed; 1 calf 4 months old;
1 pure bred Yorkshire hoar; 2 large
black sows, 1 due in November, 1 just
new; Mvs;4cOl'aeoiingclisnorif rilubftb,epre
Terms of Sale.—All sams of $10.00
and under, casee; ever that emiount, 12
months' credit will be given on furn-
ishing approved. joint notes or a dis-
count of five per cent, off for cash on
credit amounts. Philip Enright, Prop.;
Fred. W. Ahrens, Auctioneer.
It Will Pay You to Buy Your Root Wants From
The following is the report of S,S,
No, 7, Stanley, for the month of Oc-
tober. Those marked with an asteriek
missed one or more tests,
Sr, W.—Helen Anderson 78 per
cent., Irene Turner 56,
1Sr, 1111.--iDoreen Reichert 72, An-
nie Ceielile 711, Weiner Turner 70,
Jeanette McAllister 69, George Steph-
elen Love 86, Billie Reid* 70;
Stewart Turner* 46.
LA—eulene Stephenom 80.
I1B-Margaret Riechert 68.
Primer—Margaret Love, Ruth Mc-
T. S. Beattie, Teacher.
The following are the resells olf the
examinations of SS. No. 14,. Stanley,
for the months of September and Oc-
Sr, W.—Margaret McKenzie 80 per
cent., Laura Belle :Wright 70.4 Mebel
Talbot 58.
Sr, 111.I. --/Andrew efeKenzie 90.5,
Wilmer Jones 72.3, Mary Aldrich 70.7,
'Margaret Jones 656, Elmer Hayter
65.1, Alex. MdBeath and Wesley
Jones 64.1 (equal).
'Jr. IE.—Audrey Cochrane 71.2,
Herold Jones 66,0, Harvey efeeter•
66, Aubrey Farquhar 60, Mary °gime.-
ron 47.9,
2L—Mary Farquhar 95, Kath-
leen Jones 80, George Clifton 76.
Jr. I.—Eric Switzer.
Sr. Primer—efervin Hayter, Ken-
neth McKenzie.
The best spellers for the month of
'September were: Sr. IV.—Margaret
;McKenzie. 'Sr, Aldrioh.
jr. He.—Audrey Cochrene, Jr.
Mary Farquhar. Best wi
elter n school
for Septeneber, Mary Aldrieh. The
best spellers for month of October
were: Sr. TV.—Mabel Tallbot. Sr. ru.
—Mary Aldrich and Margaret Jones
(ties). Jr. II:Le-Harold Jones. Jr. IT.
—Mary Farquhar. Beet speller in
school—Mary Aldrich and Margaret
Jones (ties). Number on roll 211, ave-
rage attendance 20.5.
Jean E. efeKenzie, Teacher.
Mr. and Mrs, .F. Golding called on
Mr. and Mrs. H. Golding ,orf Sunday.
'Mrs. 13. Dingle and son Murray oi
Toronto spent the week end at the
home of Mr. Robert Sadler.
,Mrs. William Jefferyis visiting for
a few days with her sister. Mrs. Mc-
Vey, near Dublin. .
eefesers. W. T. Colquhoun, F. A.
Harnbley and Cameron Vivian left last
week with a, number from Mitchell on
their usua.1 hunting trip in Northern
Mr. and Mrs. A. Smale and Mrs. L.
Colquhoun spent Monday with Mrs.
W. Stephenson of Varna. .
Miss C. Dickson all Streeford visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colqu-
houn recently.
An enjoyable evening was spent on
Monday evening, Noveraber fourth,
when Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian
were host and hostess to Miss Iseeel
eldLellan prior to her marriage which
takes place this month. The bride -to-
-he was taken entirely by • surprise
when she entered the living room to
find many neighbors and friend's pres-
ent to extend to her their good wishes.
Mr. Cameron. Vivien then reed the
following address: 'Dear Isabel,—
We, your friends and neighbors, have
gathered here tonight to express our
congratulations and best wishes to you
on your coming marriage. We hope
that although you leave our commun-
ity you will not forget is. May thes
small tokens be a reminder of our
friendship whether you are in th-e kit-
chen or out hanging out your clothes.
Miss McLellan was then showered
with useful and costly kitchen gifts.
In a few words see expressed. her
gratitude for their good wishes and
gifts, after which a so'cial evening was
The Ileamily Herald and- 'Weekly
Star so well known as Canada's out-
standing hien ancl home paper is laun-
ching another of their ,popular Know
Canada Contests, in which $3000.00 art
being given as prizes. The fleet prize
is $1000.00.
Each 'week four pictures are pub-
lished and readers are asked to deci-
pher the Canadian post offices they
represent, et is a .1nost interesting
pastime combining a great deal of
real amusement and .entertainment
with an opperleueity of carrying off a
very nice sum of money in 'prizes.
It is -a eon -test that will interest
every one of our readers and details of
it e'en be 'had for the asking, A letter
to the 'Family Herald and 'Weekly
Star, Montreal, 'will bring you atl the
particulars and a sample copy- of the
paper too and of course, it dots not
obligate you in any way.
Miller's Worm Powdere will drive
worms front the system without Merle+
to the child. The powders are so easy
to take that the most delicate etomach
can assimilate them and weecome
them as speedy %sets of pain, because
they promptly kill the worms that
cause the pain, and thus the suffering
of the child is relieved. With so sterl-
ing a remedy at hand no child should
suffer an hour from worms.
Agents for International Harvester
Co, Manufacturers of
See Our Tractors and Plows and
Compare Them with Other Makes.
Horses for sale or exchange at all
stiatines, Mao late '25 Ford coupe. for
In memory of Mary -E. Gray, belov-
ed wife of John Forbes, who departed
this life one year ago, October 16th,
One year has passed and ,gone,
Since one I loved so well
Was taken from nay home on earth,
'With Jesus Ohrist to dwell.
The flowers placed upon your grave
May wither and decay,
But th-e love for you who sleeps be-
Seen never fade away.
You are not forgotten, Mary dear,
Nor will you ever he—
As long as life and meinary last,
will remember you.
—Sorrowing Husband.
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain Indent-
ure of Mortgage, Mike Will ,be pro-
duced at the time of sale, there will be
offered for sale by public auction by
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on the
premises, on Saturday, the 9th Nov-
ember 1929, at two o'clock in the af-
ternoon, the .following lands, namely:
Village lots nu'mbers -51, 52 and 53 and
the North 28 feet of lots numbers 57
And 56, all in Robert Donkin's survey,
of part of the Village of Dublin, in the
County of Perth.
There are erected on the said lands
and premises the following: A three-
storey solid brick hotel buil-ding, with
slate roof and hot water heating
throu-ghout. There are 21 bedrooms,
2 sitting rooms and a 'bath room,fully
equipped, anti an electricmotor to
pump both hot and cold ;tater. On
the ground floor there is a large room
used, as an ice cream and soft drink
parlor, one large sitting room, one
large sample room, one wash room, 1
large dining room and 1 large kitchen
with summer kitchen, wood shed and
coal shed Attached. There is a base-
ment under the whole of the house,
with four divisions. Also - large
stable, 1 large driving shed, ice house
and garage for two cars. Also large
pig pen, hen house and lawn at side of
house and a large garden.
This property is situated in the heart
of the thriving village of Dublin and
close to good public and separate
schools, continuation school and both
Catholic and 'Protestant churches, and
offers a splendid opportunity to any
one desiring to run a Hotel, the same
being without any opposition.
Terms of Sale — Twenty per
cent in cash on the date oe sale and
the balance without interest in thirty
clays thereafter. The puttee -see will
be required to sign an agreement to
complete the sale according to the
conditions and terms of sale which
will be made known on the clay of
sale and rney be had in the meantime
from the undersigned.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 2305
October, 1929,
Vender's Solicitor.
Thomas Brawn, Auctioneer.
Of Fifty Head of Cattle, Durham
and Polled Angus, at Walker's Hotel,
Brucefield, on Friday, November 8th,
at 1 p.m.
Consisting of 36 yearlings and 2 -
year -old heifers and steers, mostly
yearlings. Also six steers weighing
from 9 to 11 hundred; 3 heifers rising
3, dtte to freshen in ,December; 1 Hol-
stein eow, due to freshen time of sale;
2 Holstein cows due eo freshen in
December; 3 well bred Durham cows,
due in January; 1 Hereford due .Feb.
1st. These cows are ranging in age
from three to seven years old, except
one being- le yeees Old. The above
cattle are all in good tontlition and
are all 'Ontario cattle and will positive-
ly be sold as the proprietor has left
the farm and is giving up his grass
Terms.—Six months' credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
metes, Six per cent, per annum dis-
count allowed for cath, J. Elgin Mc-
Kinley, Clerk; GEORGE COLEM'AN
Proprietor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auction-
Wain acid Fee Sale Ade, 3 tittles 543e
Hemstitehing and Picket Edging at
reasonable prices. .MR1S. W. j, KNOX
Box 324, Seeforte. Phone 31. e6
'Cider press commences running on
Nov. 71h. J. A, MeKIENZIE, Seefoete.
With litter. ,Phone 311on 233. J W.
11.17.0. MOB.
The annual meeting 'of the, UTZ:.
Club will be held in Seise:mei on Nov.
15th at fi p.m.
Mitchell will be open on Thanks-
giving Day. This would be a good
time to have these Christmas photos
taken. Come early in. the day.
.Eighteen pigs, 7 weeks old. PERCY
McM110141AEL, Phone 23er23. 46
2 good dairy cows, one fresh; Ito
freshen in Jan, JOHN McNAY, R.R,
2, Seaforth. Phone1236425,
, Large size Quebec heater, burns
wood, coal or coke,•ingood shape. Air,
Orde St., Sealorth. 47
A good eight roomed frame house
with wood shed attached. Electric
light, furnace, sett water in the.house,
a good well, stable can be used as a
garage, large garden. Telephone
mom, or apply to MRS. W.
Seaforth RR. 3, Main street, Eg-
mond'vele. 46
Flour and feed business for sale in
Clinton. Apply to The News office. 45
At the Pair View Garden, Seaforth.
Prices right. Call and get them while
Seaford'', Ont. 45
DR 72, eIUGH ROSS,'-PhYSielset
and Surgeon, Late of London Hee-
peal, ,,London, Engleted, SPeefet
attention to diseases of the eye, ette,
nose Ante throat. (Mee enel Mete
once eelund Dominion :Bank. ,Ofeitez
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone lilt
Steel water tanks on hand --6'x23"
x24". Price $9.86. White Ash Ton-
gues '12' and 14' long. $1.50 each.
Beech stone boat plank, out with
turn on end, 2" x 12" x 8' long, $1.50
each or three for $4.00. Hardwood
slabs, 12" to e4" long, $4.00 per cord;
soft maple slabs, 12" to 14" long,
$3.50 per cord: soft wood slabs, 12" to
14" long, $2.75 per cord; wood prices
delivered. Also sell asphalt roofing
and siding and steel products of all
kinds. Call WM. DOIG, Jr., MR, 3,
Kippen, or phone 11.38r2, Seaforth.
On corner of James and Ann sts.,
seven -room house, town water in
house, electric lights, good basement.
Will sell very reasonable. One-fifth
acre. Stable on property. Good gar-
den. Property all in good repair. Ap-
ply to MRS. W. McMICHABL, Sea -
forth, 3511
One hundred acres, lot 11, con. 3,
McKillop, good frame house; barn
50 x 80, with cement sta•bles, water in
barn. drive house 20 x 30; 114 acres
good' orchard; 334 miles from Dublin
and 5 miles from Seaforth. Apply to
JOS. McQUAID, Seaforth r.r. 5. 415
The Executors of the Robert Gib-
son estate offer the choice 50 -acre
farm, in goott condition, N% lot 16,
con. 5, McICillop, all cleared and all
seeded down. Two storey cement
house, frame kitchen, all in good re-
pair. Barn 50'x46' on a cement Wall,
cement stabling and water in the
barn. Cement driving house 24'x36'.
Frame hog pen 16et24'. Never failing
well of choice water. Well fenced
and underdrained with tile drain. Will
be sold on easy terms to suit pur-
chaser. For further particulars apply
to OHAS. WRIGHT, Seaforth r,r. 5;
or R. S. HAYS, Seaforth
Wed, November 6th,
Butter, per lb. ,37c
22c, 35c, 40c
Eggs per doe,
Potatoes, per bag $1.50
Hogs, per cwt , ,,, , $1025-$10.75
The Proven Asthma Remedy. Since
atthtna existed there hes been no lack
of mech heralded reinedies, 'but they
have proved sh'ort livecl and worth-
less. The ever-growing reputation of
Dr, je D. Kellogg's Asthma Rentedy
has given it a place in the field of me-
dicine which no other can approach.
/t has never been pushed by sensa-
tional methods but hes simply gone
on effectieg relief mid making new
DR. F ..3, BURROWS, Seifortik
Office and residence,' Goderieh street
east of the elicited Church. Cermet
for the County of Huron. Telephone
No. 40,
DR. C. ' MACKAY.-ea. Meeeees
honor graduate of Trinity Univereley
and gold niedalliti -of Trtnity Medical
College; member of the College of
Physimans And Surgeons of Onterinu
DR, F. J. R. FORSTER—Bye, Eg
Nose and Throat, Graduate in 'Medi -
eine, University of Toronto Iferie
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instit lloorefiebie*
Eye, and G,c,lden Square throat 111016-
.pitals, London. ,England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is
each month, 'from 1.1 a.m, to 8 rm.'
MR. W. C, SPROAT.—Graduate
Faculty of Medicine, University. at
Western Ontario, London. Meatier
of College of Physicians an'd Sem.
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharta
Drug Store, Main St., Seifert, -
Phone 90.
DR. J. A. MUNN, -Suceessot toe
Dr, R. R. Ross, graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, 111. Les
centiate Royal College of Dental Sue-
geons, Toronto. 0116ce aver Silre
hardware, Main St., •Seaforth. Phone
DR, F. J. BECHFLY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeon*,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smaitets
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Peens%
office 185W, residence 1853,
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B,A.Se. (Ter.).1
0.L.S., Registered Professional Ro-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute of
Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont.
' -Auctioneer.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sele
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate .and satisfaction guarantee&
P. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction-
eer for !Perth and Huron Cot/Wife.
Sales solicited. Terms on apprica-
don. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farm
Stock, chattels and real estate proper-
ty. F. W. Ahrens, R. R. No. 4, 'lEti-
ell, lot 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles mai
of Beechwood. Phone 634r6,
(Suceessors to James Watsoo)
All 'kinds of Insurance risks effect
01 at lowest rates in First -Clan
Companies. •
THE McK11.41,0P
Militial:Firelaurance Gat
Officers—James 'Connolly. Gaffer-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beecham&
Vice President; D. F. McGregor.,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors—Wm. Rinn, No, 2, SCA"
forth, John Sennewies, Brodhagiorl
lames Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, Gee-
erieh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Waken;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George lifee
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Musser
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch,)-
r.r. 1, Mir
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmontie,
Bornholm. James Kerr and fees
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Partite
desirous to effect insurance or Ow -
act other business will be prompEY
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addresatel
to their respective postoffices.
See the blazing schooner go down
In a raging •storan—a beeutiful glee
cattght in the throes of a mutiny, a
lone sailor eghting to protect her froue
the murderous mutineers. And see
the strange lieppenings when beitle
are cast adrift ;nee rowboat with Imo-
g:roane,e gameness es their only sows-
pniFearless and Feared—Scrappy and
Happy—Never has Dick played a
more stirring role.
All Next Week
('See page I)