HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-11-07, Page 1Not here l'' oh yes, c.ir hearts theit• r 'presence feel: Viewless, not voiceless, from the deep- est' shells On Metttory's shore, harmonious echoes steal: And flames which in the days gone by were spells • Are bleat with that soft =isle," ,Sf WHOLE SERIES, .VOL. 51, No. 45. eaf�ith Ne eammocianaimammiximMoNour SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929, thele dwells The spirit here , :r rc'lntry's fame to spread, VV'hile every broast with joy and triumph swells, And earth reverb'rates to our measur- ed tread, { Banner end trrer} li slinn1: navn our ' rtrrrrci:re for ,hc,den 1 Phone 84 DINNERS and SUPPERS' Regularly �. HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Crosse & Blackwall Products are recognized high quality pro- ducts. We have put in a fairly com- plete range of their goods which we have on a self serve display stand, embracing: Pork and Beans, Orange Marmalade, Prepared Mustard, Cat- sup, Branston Sauce, Chow Chow, Sweet and Sour Mixed Pickles, Salad Vinegar, Malt. Vinegar, White Onions, Sweet • Piccalilli, Sweet Gherkins, Bramble Jelly, Strawberry Jam and Branston Pickle. To purchasers of four packages a jar of C. & B. Must - 'rd is given FREE. OINIONS-8 lbs. for 25c. 60 lbs. $1.69 1100 lbs. $2.69. These are firm dry stock and in view of.the scar- city of local onions we expect higher prices. Be wise and anti- cipate your wants. FEEDING MO!LASS'ESis scarce and hard to get owing to scarcity of feed in some sections. We have a limited supply in barrels and -half 'barrels, barrels, BAKER'S SINO1WDRIIb1T OO;OOA- IUT, fresh stock 25c lb. MINCE MEAT, Choice quality, 2 lbs. 25c VALEN'CIFA R1A'ISiI'NS . , .2 lbs. 25c RICE, 4 lbs. 25c CHEESE, two years old, 35c A'YLMER BRAND OH'OT'CE bOM- B'ARD PLU'M'S- is 15c BURIFORD PEAiRiS is 18c F. D. HUTCHISON' Phone Phor Phood, 166 COAL QUALITY -'SERVICE E LBOX 43.:. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church. --Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, Nov. 10th. 'Public worship at 111 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes at 2:00 p.m. Thanksgiving services both morn- ing and evening, RECOVER DAMAGES. Two actions, the first brought by George Bruce Tudhope and E. and S. Currie Limited of Toronto, against John. Henderson and Mary Hender- son of Sea'forth, for $6,000.00 damages arising out of a motor collision which occurred 2% mules west of Seaforth an the King's Highway on the 12th June last, and the second action brought by John and Mary Hender- son against Tudhope and Currie to recover the damages suffered by them were tried at the Godericb Assize's before the Honourable Mr. Justice Wright on Tuesday, the 5th instant, The action brought by Tudhope and Currie Company was dismissed and judgment was given in favor of John and Mary Henderson in their action against Tudhope and Currie Company for $3,'500.00 damages with costs. R. S. Hays, of Seaforth, acted for Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and Messrs. Hughes & Agar of Toronto acted for Tudhope & Currie Co. 'JUNIOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The November meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held 'on Friday, Nov. ;1st at the home of Mrs. Wafle,ce Archibald. The meeting opened with the president in charge. The Institute anthem was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison; Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted and quite a •few other items of busi- ness were brought up. Miss Lillian Richardson gave a very pleasing in- strtumental. Misses Velma Elgie and Elsie Landsborough were appointed to attend the Institute convention in London this week. Lunch was served and the meeting brought to a close. The ,members who have not handed in the article made from a flour sack are requested to leave them at Wallace Archibald's of- fice, Main street, before the next meet- ing. NORTH HURON, OCT 30th, 1929. RECAPITULATION. Robertson .I Whitely Ashfield 498 339 Blyth 189 163 Brussels , 242 718 Colborne367 283. Goderich , , 774 11681' Grey , 690 189 T-Iowick 871 467 Morris 513 932 Turn berry 432 192 E. Wawanosh , 378 1190 W. Waiwanosh . 396 284 Winghant .. 475 502 . 3795 4340 Majority for ,Ro,bertson... 1455 A. J. Goldthorpe, R.O. SNAPPY SHOES for Men, Women and Children 410 For Ladies, we have Pumps. Strap and Ties, featuring the new Sun -tassel shade of blonde. Also new shades for Brown at prices from $2.95 to $5.00 Misses and Children's Shoes with Buckles, following the line of older ladies at prices from $1.15 to. $3.00.. Oxfords for Men. -Good quality, featuring new lasts. $4.95 to $6.50 LOOT{ OVER OUR RACK OF SPECIALS at $1.49$1,87' and $2.95 F. W. WIGG BOOTS AND SHOES SEAFORTH AN OULD FR/ND HEERD FRUM Misther Editur,- Since ye heerd frum the ,befoor, a grate deer av wathur wud hav flowed under Egmondvillc bridge, so it wud, only the crit has bin so dry awl summit-. Faithe, I cud not lave awf enny longer wroitin' to say how glad I am Premier Ferguson and us Tories wun, an' it Shure does warrum' the cockles of the hart of an ould Tory loike me, so it does, 3 kin sh'pake ane feelin's freely, beets the •missus dont :know I'ut 'wroitin' this, Me .prisint woife an' I Bit along foine on 'iyery't'hing ixcipt pollyticks, an' this campain 'wus, is pishully a hawt wan fur me, I do be telling ye, the metsy widding bells cud still be heerd afther I set sail on the blissful see of mabterm'ony, so to slapake, whin me hair began to pull out on top, an' I 11hried iviry rimidy known to .mankind an' the doctor, but widout avail Most t av me hinds had the same ixparience manny, manny years ago, so they 'did, Since thimikr s shtarted this talk a av empties an' sich loike, iviry ergy- nilitt wid me darlin' ended in my patryarkal dome sitoinin' through more eat' more conspickuously. I am not used to nioine yit, but they tell me a littul baldness is awl roight, becus it is nice an' cool in th' sum- anur an' 'be•soides, the missus can't obtain the same hoult av it She cud at furst. Iviryl oud has its sil- ver lomin', so to shpake. 'T1s my guess intouely, theer wus in awl Ontario a no mower joobilant lawt av Tories than in Soot' Huron lawst Wednesday noaght My, it was jilt Braun. Whin shillalah they .dug in tooth an' claw, au' the rotditt slid in 'spoite of `'thim, 'Fur mesilf, I tick the farrumers shud hav a chanct to hilp run oor counthry sante as the town arr city fella, Afther travellin' arownd and seeing sunt av the wurruld, I wus ttnkin' jist th'other noight, iv T had me Joffe to live ovir Agin, I'd be a farrumer, not ioikesome I have kno.ved, but wid my farrum paid fer, an' well shtocked, -an a few tousand dollars in the bank, an' a inargage arr 2 mebbe on sum - buddy ilse's farrum. Nivir up befoor 4 in the marnin', an' to bed with the fowls, what with tracktors, an' spred- ders, an' hay lowders end unlowders, an' ilictricity an' milkin' machines in the ,barrun, and the wimmin folk ac- ceptin' awl risponsibility fur gittin' rid of yer money, who wuddn't be a farrumer? D'ye know I wus discussing wan ting an' anither wid an ould toimer wance, and e foine farrum he had in his day, so he had. Now, theer's awl koinds av farrumers, e s, sex he, Theer ifs the farruiner who has ibisiness in town about six days in the wake, an' mark my wurrud, sez he, he atlas makes a spishulty ev saw thistles arr mustard arr woi'ld carrots arr some ither wade. Thin cheer's the farrumer who droives his car into town iviry sicind day, but mixes more grain wid his wades. This is called mixed farmin', he sez. And third is the Farrum r eick who shticks tt s to bisiness. That is my idee, bedad. Av coorse, I don'.t !blame •ennybudy, no mabther mat be his pollytickle stroipe fur backin' Misthers .Ellott and Ferguson, beeus iv T wus home an ilickshu t day a y m y vote w:hav bin I heerd Gawrge Ellott wusn Fa ilickted ir thim ntesilf..Fur I'd loike ye to thet roidin' wheer iviryb'ody is a know I'll nivir change me pollyticks, iv I lose iviry hair in me ould bade, becus I'm allus the square. Yours, taytotaller, sez I to myse'l', sez I: "'rheer's no mage but Gawrge Ellott cud havw un. (Bent on the lake, wid plenthy of good fresh wathur is partihly the ray - sop we don't be needin' ticker, widout doubt, the same. as Prince Idward Oisland, I figyttre that's wheer we got a lawt of votes, The lake ain't so tempting at this tainte av year. Faithe, whin I wus at thelake two wakes agone, it remoinded me av the wintiher tointe, whin the *bather luks loike a grate big 10 acrefield widout a fince around it. The lake nivir seems to me notch av a success as a sumntur ra'isort in • winther toinae, an' purhu'ps the pay'ple av Sout' Hu- ron felt that weigh aboot voting for BOWLERS' AINNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting off the Seaforth Bowling Club will be held in the Car- negie Library at 8 p,in. on the even- ing of 'Tuesday, Nov. '12. 'Officers for the year 1930 will be elected et this meeting and business of importance will be discussed. As the outgoing executive is anxious to clear up all business of 1929, it is requested that members pay up all fees owing for the current year, also any accounts against the Club should' be handed to the sec- retary, Mr. Geo. Haigh, or to the lake wathur at this sayson whin the treasurer !Postmaster Sills at the Post Office„ as soon as possible. Practically all the 'Club's indebted- ness has been met and with all fees paid, the 'financial statement should show a wonderful yeer's,achievement under rather trying conditions. All members or prospective members are ,therefore cordially invited to attend the annual meeting and make 1930 a banner year for the Bowling Club. cowld nort' winds will soon be blow- in'. And 'bedad, just tink av Sayforth poilin' up 130 majarrity fur the guv- ermint. - If me mimiry didn't go wid me hair, that's' the 'biggest Tory vote Sayforth ivir give in its whowl hist ry, so it is. 'I kin rimimbir way back befoor Gawrge Ellott was barn, as the fella sez, whin 1225 arr 1'50 Reform majarrity was iviry toime in .Sayforth until let me see, it wud be in 1904 tare '05, I rink it wus, the late Misther B. B. Gun wun by 25 arr theerabout in the good ould town. An' whut a toime we had, begorra. The rafthers shuk in Cardno's opery house as they irivir did befoor arr since. As. the retirns wus read out, wid majarrity after majarrity, heats floo in the air an' ivirybudy yellin' bike woild in- juns, and whin his eli'cksh•un wus ooncald'ed by someting over a hunn- eed, Misther Gun wus forced to git on the platforum and give us a spaiteh. The byes knew 'h'o'w to silly- orate in thim days, so they did, Fire- works and firewathur were both plentiful. be held in Hygeia (Hall, Elm Street, on D'ye sippose sum ev our Reform Thursday eventing Nov. 14, at 8 o' frinds will 'be afther sayin''they were clock. A good programme will be slippin a toothpick 'bitween the ribs furnished and refreshments Will be av theer mild alloys, the Farrumers? served, Valuable prizes will be award - I haven't awl the insoide infirmashun ed to the winners in Euchre and yit, but I'd lay ye me last yea'r's Bridge. HURON OLD BOYS' ASSOC- IATION OF TORONTO. The annual meeting of the above association wi•14-be held in the auditor- ium, Y. M. C. A, College St, Toronto, on Friday evening, Nov. 29th, at eight o'clock for the election of officers and transaction of general business. An address on the topic of "The Huron Old Boy Abroad" will be delivered by Chas, S. McDonald Esq., e Bayfield Old Boy.. All 'Huronites in the city and sub- urbs are invited' to be present. The annual Euchre and Bridge will ANNIVEISARY SERVICES North SIIIe United Church SEAFORTH Sunday,. Nov. 17th..‘. SERVICES AT 11 a.m. AND 7 p.m. Conducted by REV. D. N. McLAOHLIN, D.D., OF TORONTO Secretary of the Department of Evangelism and Social Service . SPECIAL MUSIC by THE CHOIR Fowi Supper & koncert THE FOLLOW/NG EVENING Monday, November 18th Supper served from 5.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.The following artists will take part in the program, consisting of Vocal and Instrumental Music Miss Treleaven, Lucknow, Miss Fowler, Clinton; Miss M. Scarlett, Seaforth Mr. Chas. Boyd, Walton; Mr, Sam Scott, and Mr. Jas. M. Scott, Seaforth ADULTS 65c CHILDREN, under twelve, 35c MEDD ELECTED BY . 26 MAJORITY, The official count at Clinton Tues. day night resulted as follows: SOUTH HURON, OCT, 30th, 1929, (Official Figures.) USBORNE, 1 Elliott Medd 62 2 .. 27 79 4 ,53'5 84 6 .. 35 36 7 ., ,.,,,,,. 48 73 262 439 Maj. 477' STEPHEN 1 .. 74 71 2 45 32 4 " 52 105 6 ., 98 74 7 ,. .. , 22 42 9 .. 449 89 89 455 552 Maj. 97 HAY 1. , . 22 41 2 .. ,....... 116 60 3 .. 90 X1,12 4 .. 99 68 32 32 6 97 57 7 ,...,.... 23 30 8 52 31 1. 431 .. STANLEY. . 431. 2 .. 0 60 3 .. 38 58 4 ..144 62 2 5 .. '67 37 6 148 50 7 .. 28 9 8 , . 131 36 943 Maj. 182 361 GO!DDRIICH TP. 1 118 49 2' 77 34 3 1108 39 4 85 19 5 .. 64 76 6 , 492 41 1 .. 504 258 Maj. 246 HULLETT, 68 2 .. 53' 3 .. 42 457 '5 33 6 ,. •47 7 ., 45 76 345 496 Maj. 151 McKILLOP. 1 .. 69 2 .. 95 3 .. 77 4' 90 90 44 119 21 63 331 'Maj. 21 OL'INTO'N. 1 127 2 171.. 3 .. '154 4 .. ;130 Advance Poll '19 601 Maj. 173 1 SEAFOR] 6H. 2 .. 76 3 .. 62 4 .. ....... 77 5 .. 72 6 .. 81 20 120 69 101 310 92 133 113 88 2, 428 79 85 40 30 29 .1 434 304 Maj. 130 EXETER. 1 .. 72 274 2 .. 52 3 40 4'.. 51 424 477 'Maj. 53 'HEN S'AILL 1 , , 79 90 2 73 109 151 199 Maj. 48 TUCKiERSMIT'H, 1 „ 72 78 2 .. ...,.53 84 3 27 100. 4 .. 49 98 5 . , 38 104 6 .. 86 63 2715 527 Maj. 252 Total Vote 4756 4782 Majority for Medd •... • 26 54 53 95 83 77 87 28 ARMISTICE CHURCH PARADES. The veterans of Seaforth, Goderich, Clinton, Exeter, Bayfield, Hensall and Wingham will hold en' Armistice Church Parade on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 10th at Clinton. The veterans of Seaforth will assemble with the Winghein veterans at the public lib- rary, Clinton, as .near 2.30 p.m. as pos- sible, and will fall Is on Aubert street ready to move off at 2.45 pm, sharp. The parade, headed by the Clinton Kiley Band will march to divine ser- vice in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Major (Canon) Cltnff, Chaplain of the Perth Regiment, will preach and the tablet in memory of the men of St. Paul's who fell in the Great War will be decorated. Following the church service, the parade will re-form in Savauge's Annual Dollar SALE With Christmas just a few weeks away, this Sale affords to you a real 0PBortnnit to purchase Your smaller Christmas stmas gifts at very special prices. Below, we are Sisting just a few of the many won- derful values we are offering. See our windows this week, for it is thegreatest $1,00 Sale we have article is from regular stock, no damaged or adead enstock in this offering, Silver Butter Dishes with Knife ... .....$140 ?'5 Doz. Teaspoons, regular value $7.75 .... . , .t$1.00 Doz. Silver Salad Forks Value 2'- �00 $ $1.00 Silver Salt and Peppers • Just a few pairs .,$1.00 Cut Glass Salt and Peppers with sterlingtops e ,rg. $2.50 ,$1.00 Cigarette Boxes Value up to $2.00 -$1.00 Meads, all varieties, reg• up to $2:00, at. a....$1.00 'Teapots, reg. up to $2 at $1.00 'American Alarm Clocks, Value $1.150, at $1,00 Sugar and Cream s, reg. 1.50 (Brass Dinner Sells end .$1,00 .Bowls , . 1,00 Pocket Lighters 11.00 Waldimar Pocket Knives 1.00 Cut Glass in various prices up to $3.00, at . $1,00 ,Gold plated Atomizers, band painted $1.00 1 Al00 g ds shown are regular "Savauge" quality and will make both useful and beautiful gifts, and a splendid opportunity'to purchase. many of the little Christmas gifts that are so necessary, at a very much reduced price. Fred S. Savauge JEWELER OPTOMETRIST THE GIFT SHOP Phone 194 Res. 10 M. ROSS SAVAUGE, R.O., Eyesight Specialist. front of the church and march to the postoffice where the Clinton Branch. will decorate their own memorial, af- ter which the parade will march past the memorial tablet and proceed to the town hall and dismiss. On Sunday evening, Nov. 10th, the veterans of Seaforth and vicinity will fail in at the southeast corner of Main and Goderich streets at 6.30 p.in. end march to St. Thomas, Anglican Church, where the rector, Rev. T. H. Brown, will preaph. Members of lo- cal fraternal organizations which suf- fered losss in the Great War are in- vited to join the veterans at the church. For Armistice Day memorial ser- vice, veterans will fall in at the south- east corner of Main and Goderich streets at 10.30 o'clock, Monday morn- ing, and march to Victoria Park where a wreath will be placed on the monu- ment and a .memonial service conduct- ed by Rev. Capt. Edwards, assisted by local clergymen at 11 a.nt. The pub- lic is invited to attend. Dress for all parades: Civilian clothes with medals. UNITED CHURCH MEETING. Four hundred representatives of the congregations of the Presbyteries of Perth and Huron of the United Church set down to a splendid ban- quet in the spacious Sunday school rooms of North Side United Church on Tuesday evening, Nov. 5th. The ladies of the congregation deserve spe- cial praise for the sumptuous repast served with such efficiency. After the banquet a mass meeting. of the .representatives and general public was held in the auditorium where the work of the church was presented by Rev. Peter Bryce, D.D., of Toronto. Mr. Norman Slater, pro- minent business man of Hamilton, and Rev. Duncan McLeod, D.D., missionary on furlough from Form- osa. Seldom has such a combination of able speakers been heard in one evening and the inspiration of the ga- thering was apparent everywhere. Adding to the pleasure of the even- ing was the singing of the Listowel Male Quartette. The numbers were happily chosen and lifted the hearts of the congregation to a survey of the higher realities of life. At the close, the verdict heard on every hand was that it had been a wonderful evening. -to be held in - WALKER'S HALL Br eefleId -on- Friday, Nov, 8th DANCING FROM 8.30 p.m. to 2 a.m. COLLIN'S ORCHESTRA Admission 750. Lunch Free ALL NEXT WEEK ANNE NICHOLS' ABI E'S IRISH ROSE AMAZING MIRACLE OF THE STAGE that packed the Republic Theatre, New York, for five and a half years. Doubling the life of any production -drama, Comedy or spectacle - in the history of Broadway. And with a record of twenty odd weeks at the "Grand Theatre", Toronto. NOW ON THE SCREEN with its wonderful story of tolerance told in Comedy, Drama and Pathos, with a master cast of artists including. BUDDY ROGERS, NANCY CARROLL, JEAN HHRSHOL'I', FARREL MacDONALD, and many from the original play. Starting Monday 6 Day Shown. 8.15 p.m, (Except Saturday, 7.15 and 9.15 pm.), Admission 25c and 150