HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-10-24, Page 8PAGE E10i
Mr, ,batt 11 r Earls Sierra of Tor-
onto ".sere recent visitors. with- the
hisses Mary' and Emma Juhn
•d Church
t '
The 9ery Civ ': .1 the l.,ni.,.
Were largely attended both morning
tend evening on Sunday last, Rev, A.
„rai:teleir cendueted.the services. In the'.
evening. special =sic wase given by.
the choir and solos were givell by Mr.
S. Rennie, Mre. Fred Penwarden and
Mr, Thos. Shcrritt,
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Nicholson of
1)rhtgham were recent visitors with
Misses Johnston.
Mrs, Hawthorne of Sasie., who spent
the lasttwo months visiting friends
and relatives in this district as leavieg
this week for her home in the West,
1% auction sale of Mrs, D. Grassick
on Saturday was ,well attended. The
house was purchased some time ago
by Harry Harman.
Mrs, Samuel Steacy intends holding
-an auction sale of her household el-
u fects an Saturday afternoon next• Af-
ter the sale Mrs. Steacy intends to
move to• Detroit where she' will spend
' the winter with her eons and dattgh-
Mrs, L. Sullens of ,Detroit returned
to her home ,aftera few weeks visit-
ing;at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hudson and other friends.
A plowing match will be held on
the farm of Mr. A, B. Rowcliffe, south
of the village on Thursday afternoon,
Mrs. McGill and Miss Mae Mc-
Naughton 'of Toronto spent the week
end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Dan
Mrs, Samuel Steacy Vent Monday
with friends and relatives in Hills -
Field Day was observed by the pu-
pils of the public and continuation
schools on Friday 'afternoon last in the
recreation park. Jumping and racing
and other sports were held after which
two bell games were played: Hensall
and Clinton girls and Zurich and
Hensall boys,
Mr. John Steady and son Lloyd of
Simooe spent the week end with
friends in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Knight of Kit-
chener, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight of
Buffalo and Miss Florence Knight of
Seaforth spent Sunday with friends in
eters. Robert Beatty and Miss Lizzie
Harvey of Seaforth visited with Mrs.
John 'Murdock hast week,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sheffer of
Toronto spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. 'Sheffer,
Mr, and Mrs. Maniey.Jinks ref De-
troit, spent the week end with friends
Mr. Wm. Siinlpson and Miss Mae
Simpson of Detroit spent , the, week
end with their grandparents, 'Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Bonthron.
Dr. and Mrs. Murray Fisher of
Gravenhurst visited at the home of
Mrs. Peter -Fisher.
The Young People of the Carmel
Presbyterian Church held their meet-
ing on Monday evening last with Mrs.
Ruby -McLaren presiding, The meet-
ing opened by singing hymn 441 after
which all repeated the Lord's Prayer
in unison. The Scripture lesson was
read -by Miss Alice Walker, followed
by the minutes of the last meeting.
Hymn 571 was sung and Miss Marg-
aret McLaren gave an excellent ac-
count of the life of Daniel Livingston,
after which Miss Mabel Workman
read an account of the rally which was
held in Seaforth. The meeting then
closed by singing .hymn 577, followed
by the Mizpah benediction.
The Young People of the United
Church held their meeting on Monday
evening last The meeting opened by
singing a hymn. Scrilpture was read
by Ellie Murdock and Florence Mc-
Donald gave a very pleasing . piano
solo. Topic was taken by Rev. A.
Sinclair followed by a solo by Miss
Alice Joynt. The meeting closed by
the singing of a hymn, followed by the
Mizpah benediction,
Mrs. Alex, McIntyre is visiting her
sister in Peterboro and also friends in
Reeve Higgins attended the open-
ing of the Scott Memorial Hospital at
Seaforth Tuesday.
Mr, F. G. Neelin and son E. A.
Neelin and friends of Toronto spent a
Few days in the village last week, Mr,
Neelin returned to Toronto with
Mr, and Mrs. J. Stewart spent the
week end with Mr, and Mrs. 3, Pol-
lock, who returned home from Ham-
ilton with them,
Mr. Brough of Sarnia is the guest of
his niece, Mrs, A. Newton -Brady.
Mr. T. A. Yawley of New York
was a guest last week with his aunt,
Mrs. H. A. Stott.
Mr. W. J. Stinson spent the week
end in Toronto.
'Mrs. Xing, Betty King, Mrs. Chipp-
man and Mrs. Hunt of Detroit spent
the week end at the former's cottage.
Mr, T. Mustard and D. Dewar of
Toronto spent Saturday in. the vil-
Rev. Mr. Dugan of Clinton con-
ducted the service on Sunday after-
' noon for the Presbyterian congrega-
tie 1.
Mrs. W. Brock and two children. of
Port Dover are visiting with Mr, affil
Mrs, W. J. McLeod.
Miss Ruth Hueston of London
spent the week end at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. ;G..K,night and Charlie
Genieinhardt of Toronto spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gem-
einhardt. Miffs Doris Gemeinhardt
returned to Toronto with them for a
Miss S. Barr of Londesborough
elient. Sunday with her sister, Mrs, G.
Mrs. J. Ferguson motored to Lon-
don on Friday and will visit her son
Mr, and Mrs. G, Patterson of Tor-
onto spent a few days this week with
Rev, and Mrs, F. H. Paull.
Mr. Harry Baker of London spent
Sunday at .hie home,
' Mfss Marion Davison visited her
sisters at London last week.
Mrs, T. King and Mr. and Mrs,
Hugh. Harris' of - London called on
friends -in the village on Sunday.
Corns are caused by the pressure of
tight boots, but no ane need he troub-
led with them long when so simple a
remedy as Holloway's Corn Remover
is available,
02 Eldon Ave., Torentq, Can
This Women's Department,
NUene l,aboreterle$,. Wonted,
120 we0ington Et, West,
Toronto, ret,
Dear Machin:•^'
while visitinsty al4ter a few menthe:. eg9. She was telling me what Nnene
hod' done for her, and gave nm some
to try,
ay Nouone suffered
ballvg the relief Nllene has given me.
1 have hardly any pain now at all,
What a difference to what the pain iised
to be..
Yours truly,.
($!sued) Mrs, 6witser
Keating's Pharmacy
At Your Focal Drug Store or direct.
Bennett -Eaton. --On Thursday, Oc-
tober 10, 19129, Northside United Par-
sonage, Seaforth, was the scene of a
quiet but pretty wedding when Mar-
garet Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr,
and 'Mrs. George Eaton of Winthrop,
was united in marriage to John Foster
,Bennett, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Bennett, Huron Road, Mc-
Killo•p, Rev. 'W. P. Lane of North-
side United Church, officiating. The
bride wore a dainty frock of peach
georgette and was attended by her
sister who was becomingly dressed
in pink silk 'fiat crepe. The groom
was supported by Mr, George Wheat-
ley, Following the ceremony the wed-
ding party motored to the home of
the bride's parents, where dinner was
served by Mrs. Harold 'Saualldou,
Mrs. Ferg, Bullard and Miss Velma
Hoist, after which M•r, and Mrs. Ben-
nett left amid showers of confetti
and rice on . their honeymoon trip to
London, Courtright, Sarnia and Port
Huron, the bride travelling in a sand
dress, hat, shoes and bag to match,
and navy broadcloth coat, beaver
trimmed. On their return a reception
was given in the hail in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Bennett, about 225 being
present. The bride and groans receiv-
ed many beautiful gifts. They will
reside on the groom's farm on the
Huron road. We wish them many
years of wedded life and prosperity.
'Mts. •George Little has returned
home after spending a month with
,her !brother, Mr. ,Will Robinson of
• Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Wade of
Belgrave .spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ferg. Bullard.
Mr, and Mrs. Mel, Clarke spent
Sunday in Varna.
Mr, and Mrs. Hudson of Hensall,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hudson of ,Strat-
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Stone of Fiord-
wich and Mr. and Mrs, George Dale
,f Hullett spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Sol. Shannon.
lirs. Dave Holmes visited her sis-
ter, Miss Eliza Betts, .a few days.
Iles. Joseph Little is spending a
few days at her home in Belgrave.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson 'Govenlock
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Dale, Heron Road.
The showers are very much ap-
preciated as a number of wells have
gone dry.
Presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Harn-
well.--On Tuesday evening last the
members of Varna United Church as-
sembled in the Community hall for
the purpose of spending a social ev-
ening with Mr. and Mrs. Harnwell
before they take their departure for
their new home - in God'erich. After
the opening prayer by the pastor, Mr.
Ralph Stephenson who acted as chair-
man called Mr. and Mrs. .Harnwell
forward and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson
read the following address" and pre-
senting thein with a handsome pair
of rattan rocking chairs as a slight
token of appreciation of their services
in the church and community. "Mr.
and Mrs, J. E. Harnwell. Dear friends:
We, the members of Varna United
Church, have met to spend a social
evening with you before your depart-
ure for your new home in the town of
Goderich. For some years you have
seen considerable. responsibility in
.connection with our church as choir -
leader, president of the League and
Adult Bible class leader. It gives you
much pleasure and satisfaction in do-
ing this work for the Master. We
realize that often there have been real
discouragements to face but you have
not faltered and the Church as a
whole has profited' by your loyal ser-
vice, especially in 'the competent and
faithful teaching of the Bible Class.
We will miss you both very much
and regret that circumstances ere
such that you will take your departure
from our midst: We wish you to ac-
cept these two chairs as a small token
of hive and esteem, And sometimes
when yeti are enjoying a well earned
rest, we trust you may recall with
pleasure the many friends. you have
left behind in Varna congregation,
Wishing you every success in your
new undertaking, we trust your life
and influence, by God's blessing, may
always inspire others to a higher ;plane
of Christian duty. Signed on behalf
of Varna congregation, Ed. Foster,
Ralph Stephenson."
Mr. and Mrs. Harnwell were deep-
ly moved by such expressions of love
and esteem and in feeling terms he
thanker, them heartily on behalf of
Mrs, Harnwell and himself for their
loving words and handsome gifts. He
assured them that they would both
remember with grateful hearts their
association and companionship with
the congregation of Varna United
Church and when opportuniaty came,
would muse over the past, while tak-
ing ease in the tbeautifttl autumn which pleasant reminders of the f
will he s I
sociations In Varna, and invited them
to call while in Goderfch and also oc-
ctypy the. -easy chairs, That their
home is open any time to receive
their friends. Rev, James Penrose,
pastor, then spoke of their services in
the church and community and wish-
ed then every Success in their new
field of labor.The ladies "then served
lunch, which fairly surpassed' a high
marls of excellence for which the
laiiies'of Varna are famed, The pleas-,
ant and enjeyablc h0111 was then
mused by singing God Save the Bing,
Mr, and Mrs. Robh`r McAllister,
3' C:111ia r ' itt�;id d" 1
Mrs. '11 at7 I to e the
funeral of the,latter's brother, kir.
Alex,Melllister of Marlette, Mich,
Mr, and Mrs, : John McNaugletoli
and- family were visitors at \Ir, Fran-
cis Coleman's on Sunday,
Mr. 'Wm. Pl, Stephenson ands" son
Orville 01 Marlette, Mich were visit-
ing friends, here over the week -end.
Mrs, Hawthorne of Moose Jaw,
who has been, visiting friedrs here for
the past -two months,retura;ed home
on Thursday of this week,
The young people's meeting was
postponed on Monday evening to a
later date.
Farm. Fails with 25 Men and 185
Horses --Success with 5 Men and
5 Tractors,
"From Canadian Tractor Farming:,
Mr. Claude A. Newman' typifies the
young i-9meric'au immigrant, He came
to Canada froir Illinois in 1915 and
started fanning, From 1915 to 1922 he
straggled along on a ho'mes'tead near
Pon'teix with very indifferent results.
In 1922 he pulled into Swift Current
district with $400.00 in cash, six head
of horses, one .pig, one spring wagon
and two harm wagons loaded with
equipment -this represented his en-
tire worldly possessions. He'a•cquired
more and more land until finally at
Lawson, Sask., he was farming 2,000
acres. This farm he still owns. Now
he has moved to a flarni of 6,080 acres,
eleven miles from Tompkins, where he
is making a spectacular success of
small grain production. Here is an in-
teresting thing: This farm where he
now resides was formerly under the
management of a syndicate and then)
passed en to an individual owner.
Both syndicate and owner attempted
to farm it with horses. The operations
on the farm up to two years ago re-
quired a regular staff of 25 men and
185 horses, Mr. Newman has prac-
tically cliscnrded horses and does all
his work with five McCormick Deer-
ing 15-30 tractors, five r'egul'ar nien,
and the necessary power equipment to
go with the tractors, It is rather re-
markable to know that Mr. Newman
prepared, seeded and harvested 2,800
acres of land, that be broke from naw
prairie 800 acres, and he plowed and
prepared 1,400 acres for the next year,
with only eight horses on the place,"
Of Fanuc Stock and Implements.
W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will offer for
sale at the farm on she Provincial
Highway east, adjoining 'Seaforth, on
Monday, October 28th, at 1 pan. sharp:
Horses -One pair matched brown
geldings, 8 yrs. old, 3,000 lbs.; 1
black Percheron gelding, '5 years old,
1,600 lbs.; 1 brown Percheron gelding,
7 years old, 1,600 lbs, 1 dark grey
Percheron filly, 3 years old,'1,:675 lbs.;
1 black mare, general purpose, 6 yrs,
old, '1,400 lbs.
Cattle. -418 head dairy cows; 10
high grade Jersey cows, springers and
milkers; 2 heifers, due time of sale,
Holstein and, Guernsey; one Guernsey
cow, milking; 1 ;Shorthorn cow, due
March 7th; 1 fresh !Holstein cow, 1
Holstein cow, due April 26th; '1'H'ol-
stein cow tbred Sept. 10th, milking
well; one 'black farrow cow,
1 Jersey heifer, eligible for registra-
tion, bred Sept.'lOth to registered Jer-
sey sire; q Jersey and Guernsey ,heifer,
bred Sept. 18th; 1 ,grade Jersey heifer,
bred Sept. 10th.
Four Jersey heifer calves, 1 eligible
for registration; a few young calves.
Implements --A full Zine of imple-
ments will be'sol•d.
Terms. --All sutus of "$10 and under,
cash; over that amount 111 moieties'
credit on approved bankable paper. 5
per cent, straight off for cashon cre-
dit la -mounts. No reserve as the pro-
prietor has given up farming. In case
of disagreeable weather the sale will
he held under cover. Dale Nixon,
Proprietor. W. E.7 A'I'RN, auctioneer.
Lender and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain Indent-
ure of Mortgage, which will be pro-
duced at the time -of sale, there will be
3ffered for sale by public auction by
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on the_
premises, on Saturday, the 9th Nov-
ember 1929, at two o'clock in the af-
ternoon, the following lands, namely:
Village lots numbers 91, 52 and 53 and
the North 28 feet of lots numbers 57
,and 58, all in Robert Donkin's survey,
of part of the Village of Dublin, in the
County of Perth.
There are erected on the said lands
and premises the following: A three-
storey solid 'brick hotel building, with
slate roof and hot water heating
throughout. There are 21 bedrooms,
2 sitting rooms and a bath room fully
equipped, and an electric motor to
pump both hot and cold water. On
the ground floor there is a large room
used. as an ice cream and soft drink
parlor, one large sitting rtoom, one
large sample room, one wash room, 1
large dining room and 1 large kitchen
with summer kitchen, wood shed and
coal shed attached, There is a. base-
ment tinder the whole of the house,
with four divisions. Also - large
stable, 1 large driving shed, ice house
and garage for two cars. Also large
pig pen, lien .house and lawn at side of
house and a large garden.
This property is situated in the heart
of the thriving village of Dublin and
close to good public and separate
schools, continuation school and ,both
Catholic and Protestant churches, and
offers a splendid opportunity to any
one desiring to run a Hotel, the same
being without any opposition.
Terms of Sale, --2O per cent. per an-
num in cash on the date of sale and
the balance without interest ie thirty
days thereafter, The purchaser will
be required to sign an agreement to
complete the sale according to the
conditions and terns of sale which
will he made known on the day of
sale and may be had in the meantime
from the undersigned.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, tins 23rd
October, 1929,
Vendor's Solicitor,
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer,
gg Wanted
We are Paying 50c ie Trad
for New Laid Extras,
MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. $3.29
WOMEN'S SHOES, to clear, at.... , .... , ... 990
MEN'S SOCK, to clear at, .., „ , , ...... . . ,.,20e
BED SPRINGS, to clear at ; $6.00
(Y sJ.
It Will Pay You to Buy Froni
Of I+arms, Foran IS:tock and Imple-
ments. -Mr. Geo, H, Elliobt has been
instructed to sell by public auction on
Tuesday, November 511s at 12.30 o'=
clock sharp at lot 9, con. 9, h,r,s,,
Tuckerstnitlt, the foll'ow'ing:
'Horses -4 Percheron .horse 34 yrs.
,old, weighing about 1;5150 lbs.; 1 mare
1'6 years old, 1 gelding 5 years old!
sound, weighing about 1,480 • lbs.,
general purpose horse, •
Cattle --Red cow 4 yrs. old due to
freshen in February; 1 cow 9 yrs. old
due to freshen in Abprtl; 1 cow; 7 yrs,
old due to freshen in May; 1 gray
cow 7 yrs. old due to freshen in Feb-
ruary; 1 holstein cow due t0 freshen
in April; 3 2 r'ld, 2 hrs
rising ail
yrs., 4steers yearylis.ngs,o6 sprineifeg
Pigs -4 sow just bred, 5 pigs 2 mos.
Implements -1. wagon, 1 set Bain
sleighs, 1 Massey Harris cream :sepa-
rator 500 Abs. capacity, good as new;
1 single furrow Quebec sulky riding
plow, good as- new; 1 Cockshutt
walking plow, 1 seed drill, 1 set 3 -sec-
tion harrows, 1 disc harrow, 1 hay
rack, 1 gravel box, 160 ft, Of new hay
fork.rope, 1 set of double harness, 1
set' of, plow harness, d set single har-
ness. A quantity of carpenter'•s tools
and nttinerous other articles, including
140 -egg Wisconsin incubator and 1
Belle City brooder.
Terms. -Ali suns of $10 and under,
cash; -over that amount, 12 months'
credit on approved joint notes. 5 -per
cent. discount for cash.
'Also .the Farm,' containing. 100 acres.
Ten acres of bush land. Some fall
plowing done. Has a frame house, a
good 'barn 64x53, on stone foundation,
cement floors. Implement house.
Also the 50 acre farm of the late
John Huliston. Brick house. • Barn
with stabling underneath, 5 (acre
bush, rest seeded to grass.
Terms on farms made known on
day of sale.
Henry Forsyth, proprietor; GEIO.
H. ELLIOTT, auctioneer.
Of Farm Stook. Fred W. Ahrens
lids received instructions from the un-
dersigned proprietor to sell by public
auction at lot 5, con. 8, Township of
MoKillop, on Friday, Nov. Sth, 1929,
the following:
,Horses -Grey mare, Percheron, °10
yrs. old, foal by .her side; 4 year old
gelding 'bred by Lord Mansfield; grey
draught gelding 8 yrs old; 1 bay
draught gelding 8 yrs, old; 1 filly ris-
ing 2 yrs. old, prize winner; 1 filly
rising 2 years old, 1 gelding .rising 2
years old, work or drive} 1 driving
mare, 14 yrs. old, in foal to "Grattan",
Cattle --Durham cow to calve in
December and; 1 cow, 2 yr. old, calv-
ed 3rd of Oct.; 1 spring calf, Hereford
and Angus breed; -1 calf 4 month's old;
1 pare bred Yorkshire ,boar; 2 large
black sows, 1 due in November, 1 just
1 McLaughlin rubber tire buggy,
new; 40 cords of 4 ft. pine root,
Terms of Sale. -!Ail sums of $10,00
and under, cash; over that amount, 12
months' credit will be given on furn-
ishing approved joint notes or a dis-
count of five per cent, off for cash on
credit amounts, Philip Enright, Prop.;
Fred. W Ahrens, Auctioneer.
Economy Cook Stave, size 9-18,
'burns coal or wood, with pipes, $112.00;
coal oil heater, $2.75; bed -stead, frill
size, $3.50; galvanized tank (50 gal-
lons) $3:7+5; galvanized tank (dil0gal-
lons) $5.00. F. D. HU` CHISO'N.
'Persian Balm is irresistible. Frag-
rant as summer flowers. !Cool as a
mountain spring. Wonderfully invig-
orating. 'Softens and whitens the
Bands. Makes skin soft textured .and
youthful. Used by women as a
powder base and as a ,peerless aid to
lovely complexions. Used by men as
an effective hair fixative or shaving
lotion. And for children, nothing
soothes and protects their tender skin
likethe delicately cool Persian Balm.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c
Agents for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
See Our Tractors and Plows and
Compare Them with Other Makes.
Horses for sale or exchange, at" all
times; Also late '2+5. Ford cowp•e for
Will "arrive next week. Prices. off
.car, 40'c per 'hundred. Come and bring
your . bags, THOS. DICKSON,
Phone 113, Seaforth. 43
Stir. G, H. Elliott has received in-
structions from the undersigned to
sell by public auction on lot 2, Don.
18, Grey, adjoining Walton, on Fri-
day, Nov. lit, at 1 o'clock sharp, the
'H,orses-'2 mares 9 years old; 2
drivers; 1 aged mare with eolt at side.
Cattle -4 cows supposed in calf,
Polled Amgus; 3 calves; Durham heif-
er, 2 years old, due time .of sale.., ,
Poultry Albout 50 hens; 2 dunks
and drake. Hogs -1 Tamworth sow;
10 pigs ready to wean at time of sale.
Implements -1 set team harness; 1
set driving harness; .1 set single 'har-
ness; 1 third set haeneas; 1 wagon;
1 set sleighs; 1 walking plow;.1 two.
furrow plow; 1 set harrows, 3 :sec-
tions; 1 disc 1 drill; 1r binder, 6 'ft.,
cut, Massey Harris; 1 mower, 5 ft.
crit, Deering; 1 dump rake, 12 ft.;' 1
buggy; 1 cutter; 1 robe; 1 horse
blanket; 1 fanning mill; 1 set of fence
stretchers; 5 water bowls,, never used;
1 pulper, 1 churn either power or
hand,. 1 cream separator;. 1 wheel
barrow; 1 sling chain, chains, forks,
whipletrees, neckyokes, and numerous
other articles; carpenter's bench; 1
hay rack, 14. ft,; 1 'buggy pole; 1
1 hanging lamp, other lamps; 1
sideboard, 1 lounge.
Terms, - bAll sums of $10.00 and
under, cash; over that amount 6 mos.'
credit given on approved joint -notes;
land owners for security;; discount of
5 per cent. per annum for cash 'on.
credit amounts. C. H. Elliott, Auc-
tioneer; W. H. Sholdice, Proprietor.
In Township of McKillop.
Under and by virtue of the Powers
of sale contained in an Indenture of
Mortgage, tvhich will be produced at
the time of sale; there will be offered
.for sale, at public auction, by Thomas
,Brown, Auctioneer,. on Saturday, the
2nd of November 129, at two o'clock,
in the, afternoon, at The Queen's 'Ho-
tel, Seaforth, the following lands and
premises, namely: - Lot number
Twenty-five (25), iii the Third 1(3rd)
Concession, of the Township of Mc-
Killop, in the County of Huron, con-
taining by admeasurement one 'hun-
dred acres of land be the. same more
or less.
There are erected on, the land a
large frame bank 'barn,' with stone'
stabling underneath and a pig and hen
house and two '(2) • dwelling' houses
and the land is all cleared and tillable.
This farm is situated on the County
Highway about one mile North of
Seaforth and offers a splendid oppor-
tunity to any one wanting to secure a
,arm advantageously situated.
TERMS OF StALE-20 . per cent.
M cash on the day of sale and the
balance to be, paid in cash and without
interest thirty (30) days thereafter,
The Purchaser will be required ' to
sign an agreement for the completion,
of sale according to written conditions
of sale, which willl be made known on
the day of sale and may be had in the
meantime (from the undersigned.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 14th
Octreber 1929.
Vendors' Solicitor.
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.
Having taken over the plant of the late Gordon Thompson, the
business will be carried on as usual.
We are putting through a shipment of Buckwheat at present, and
anyone having same for sale, phone 25 Seaforth, or 143 r 24 evenings.
The business of all old and new customers .respectfully solicited.
Car of Corn in now. Expect Cider Press will be working in '
about 'Ten Days,
J. A. McKenzie
Of yelling and Lands In the Town
Of Soatot.'tlt.
•1, irlen rad by virtue ot the powers•
or sale contained" in An Indenture of
ro uced at
l0 i which will be d
a t, el e wt w p
the time of sale, there will be•atlere'd•
for sale by Ptrtblie Attetlon, by Thomas
Brown, Auettoneer, on the premises,
on Saturday, the 20th date of October,
1929,: at two o'eloolc, in the afternoon,.
the 'following lands and premises,
All and singular those certain par-
cels or tracts of .land and premises
situ'ate, lying and beiug in the Town'
of Seaforth in the County of Huron
and Province of Ontario; and being
cottiposed of lots;-ntutbers foto' (4),
five (5), and six (6), on the East
Side of Jarvis Street, according to.
George McPhillips Plan of ,Block "H"
of Andrew Bay's Survey; of part, of
farm lot number eleven in the First
Conoessien, Hur`oii Road Survey, of
the Township of Tnekersniith, and
which said McPhillips Plan was reg-
istered in the Registry Office for the
County of Miran on .the Eighth day
of Aerie A.D. 1869.
There are, erected on said lands it
good comfortable frame house with
cement cellar, electrierty and excellent
well in good state of repair; also fume
barn and fine henhouse.
Terms of Sale. --,Ten (10) per cent,
in cash on the day of sale, and the
•balance without interest in Twenty
(20) days thereafter, The purchaser
will be required to sign an agreement
to complete the sale.
• Further conditions of Sale will be
made known on the day of sale' and
niay be ha'd'in the meantime from the
Dated this 3rd day of"Oeto'ber, 1929.
Seaforth, Ont.
Vendors Solicitor.
Thos. Brown, 'Auctioneer,
Seaforth! Ontario,
M:r.'and 'Mrs. Henry Forsyth and
family wish to express their thanks
to the many citizens of Selaforeh and
vicinity for the kindness shown to
Mr. Forsyth during his recent illness.
We want to specially thank for the ef-
ficient professional services rendered:
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ictoLennan and the
Memorial Hospital staff for the splen-
did services and tender care given to
him. '
We also wish to thank all those who
sent flowers and the mlany kindnesses
of our:friend's and neighbors, • •
Mr.. and. Mrs, H, Forsyth,
-At the Pair View Garden, Seaforth.
Price's right. Call 'arid get them while
they 'lash. FJDIeFUND SITA F1OIRD,
Seafort•h, Ont. " , 49
Good rooms and hoard, convenient
to Main street. Apply to MR,S.
-Oxford ram.Ianibs. Eligible for reg
iatnation, Prfces right. FRANK
W+EEKiEIS, Varna. PO., Phone Clin-
ton 622r31, 43
'Eighteen pigs, 7 weeks' old. PERCY
MCMI.OH+AIEL, Phone 2363123. 43
Sale advertised for 29th October has
been postponed.
From Lot 4, Con. 4, Tuckersmith, a.
red 'steer, 'weight about 1400. Please
notify W. V. IMMERSION, +Seaforth
Steel water tanks- on 'hand -6`x23"
,e24". Price $9.&5. White Ash Ton-
gues '12', and 14' "tong. $1.50 each.
Beech. atone ,boat plank, cut with
turn on end, 2" x 12" x 8' long, $1150
each or three for $4.00. Hardwood
slabs;' 12" fel "14" long, $4,00 per cord;
soft maple slabs, 122" to. 14" long,
$3150 per cord; soft wood slabs, :12" to
14" long, $3.00 per cord; wood prices
delivered. -Mao sell asphalt roofing
and siding and steel products of all
kinds. •Call WM. DOIIIG, Jr., R.R. 3,
Kippen, or phone 1108r2, Seaforth.
,Flour and feed 'business for sale' in
Oliniton. Apply to The News office:
Ram lamb for sale. Well bred Lei-
cester. BENJAMIN SNELL, tele-
phone 233 r 13, Seaforth No. 2.
Fiume bungalow at cornea of
George and Victoria streets. All mo-
dern conveniences. Apply to Dr. J. A.
MUNN, or phone 15,1w, Seaforth.
One hundred acres, lot 11, con. 3,
McKillop, good' frame house; barn
50 x 80, with cement stables, water in
barn; drive house 20 x 30; 1% acres
good orchard; 3f miles from Dublin
and 5 miles from Seaforth. Apply to
JiOIS. McQIUTAID, Seaforth r.r. 5. 45
A number of good cauliflowers and
beets at the Pair View Garden, Sea -
forth. " Prices right. Call and get them
while they .last. EDMUND ' STAF-
FORD, Seaforth, Ont,
The Executors of the Robert Gib-
son' estate offer the choice 50 -acre
farm, in good condition, Nee lot 16
con. 5, McKillop, all cleared and all
seeded down, Two storey cement
house, frame kitchen, all in good re-
pair. Barn 5046' on a cement wall,
cement stabling and water in the
barn. Cement driving house 24'x36'.
Frame hog pear 16'w24', Never failing
wet! of choice water, Well fenced
and underdrained with tile drain. Will
be soldon easy terms to suit par
chaser. For further particulars apply
to CHAS, W1l11GHT Seaforth r.r. 5;
or R,' S. HAYS,' Seaforth
•' 'Wednesday, Oct. 23,
Butter, per ib ... ,
Eggs, per doz..... 22c, 3Se 40c
Potatoes, per bag .. , , ., $1:50
Hogs, :per cwt $11-$112
DR. II. 1:11,105 ROSS, Physician
and Sur con. Late of London
pital London England, Spacil
to diseases of the a e, ear,
nose and throat. 'Office and resit-
encs behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 104;
DR. F .3. BURROWS, Seaforth,
Office and. residenoe, Goderich street,
east of the Uriited Church. Coroner -
for the County, of Huron. Telephgaer
No.40. -
DR, C. MACICAY.-C• Mackay,
honor graduate: of Trinity: University
and gold medallist of Trinity. Medical.
College; member of the• College orf•
Physicians and Surgeons • of Ontario,.
DR.F. J, R, FORRSTER-Eye, Ear-
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi
eine, Un]veiSity of Toronto 1897:
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instir'e, Moorefield's•
Eye, and Golden Square throat hos-
pitals, London. England. At Comm
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is
each month; from 11 a.rn. to 3 p.seL
LAR. W. C. SPROAT,---Graduate of"
Faculty of Medicine, University df'
Western Ontario, -London. • Member-
emberof College of ,Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office' in A+be:hare&
Drug ` Store, Main St., Seafortk.
Phone -.90.
DR. 3, A, MUNN, Successor to.
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of Nortbs-
western University, Chicago, .111. Li -
centime Royal College. of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto, Office ' aver 'S11'Y•e•
hardware, Main St, Seaforth. Phone.
DR, F. 5, BFCH.ELY, graduate.
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's'
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office 18$W, residence 185J.
Consulting Engineer,
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A,Sc. (Tor:),.
0.L,S., Registered Professional En-.
gineer and Land Surveyor, .Associate:
Member Engineering Institute ,s
Canada. Offrce, Seaforth, Ont.
GEORGE ELLIOTT, "''ieensed
Auctibneer for the County of 'Huron
Arrangements can be made for "Bele
Date at The Seaforth News.. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
IF. W. AIHRiEN'S,.Licen+sed Auction-
eer far Perth and Huron Counties:.
Sales solicited. Terms on applica-
tion, Satisfaction guaranteed, Farm;
Stock, chattels and real estate proper-
ty. F. W. Ahrens, R. R. "'No. 4, 'Mitch-
ell, lot 24, con. 4, Logan, 5 miles east
of Beechwood. 'Phone 634r6, Mitch-
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in Fust -Class
Mau Fire a� Fire i •
nsurance Coy'
Officers -James Connolly, Goder
leb; Alex, James Evans,Beechwood,.
Vice President D. F. McGregor,.
Seaforth, Sec. Treasurer. •
Directors -Wm., Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth,. John Bennewies, Brodhagepl
James Evans, Beethwood;• M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly; God-
erie'h; Alex, Broadfoot,. No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. •M7 Sholdice. No, 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harloek; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield. •
Agents Alex.'•Leitch, r.r, 1,-Clsl-
ton; E. 'H•inchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will. be, promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
On corner of James and Ann sts.,
seven -room house,:, town water in
house, electric lights, good 'basement.
Will sell very reasonable. One -'fifth
acre. Stable on property. Good gar-
den. Property all in goad repair. Ap-
ply to MRS. W. McMICHAEIL, Sea -
forth. 35tf
Stairs of Sand
A desperado, who takes w'ha't he wants
meets a girl who outwits hint. Meet
Guard Lar.cy, Zatc Grey's picturesque
Western character,
Mon., Tues„ Wed,
from the hovel, "The Setitimentalis'•ts,",
h Dale Collin
t, ltns featuring
PylPhials Haver, Alan Hale, Fred Kolker
A tremendous story of the sea -of a
frail girl, two lawless sea captains and
a balbe in arms, ,