HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-10-24, Page 2he History of Vaccination
This is the'First of a series o Thirty Articles ou Health,
Secured by. Your Newspaper for Weekly Publica-
tion and Compiled by the Canadian Social
Hygiene Council in Ca -operation with
Many of the Most .Outstanding
Public Health Authorities
in Canada
Six Osier,
,i&ePoyswhile so
oat tau, (Mee remarked' that, small -Pox in. serieue Prportion,+
is always a groat) at indlvlduala in lucre ias net metal.
So then
y ug see,
every commuttftY of that peculiar or• a n •Se tlen day
hto Y'of reason to be grate -
caof mind which rendet'a them in - we have plenty
capable at sane judgment and who fel to Dr. Edward. Januar, the lenge
sack in every way to oppose vaccina• nehmen who gave vaccination to the
Con and re•vaoeinatiou ,not (ply for worrld.
aecinatlon wee discovered by Sen
thentscivee but also for others."
We have found this to be so itt Her an Englishman. About 17b0, -a
Canada, dou and wet a sma not the
mb c,: edttt yens
stedent reaming uear ed oJenner
est doubt that if a 1 I Although she was suffering ttone a
-were to make its ghastly presence".
Reit to-morrrw there would bo the, rash, she confidently asserted that it
usual handful of people to raise a, was not passible tor her to get smell --
hue and cry against vaccination, 1pox because she lead already had the
Yet vaccination is recognized by all coW-POi little incident had the same
public health administrator's as be -
fug the only eficient means by whish effect R Januar as the
allinglat est
this dsoase can he' combatted. And
had.it is ovally true that ventilation.' started
t o ed lieukiwnags and
it was
srnot loug
properly performed le absolutely de-( bscientist, Asa result of his owne-
vtLt of danger b to into
or health, meats, six years later, he inoculated
Let ns look bath into ttte pagess of art eight-year-old boy from cue of
on b and
t was years
passe . liie mild Patlents 'who
at cow -pox aensued with h no
we Rntt that Hat ten passed serious effects. Two months later
during the seventeenth cendtury Gingth- the boy was inoculated from a pus
out lite occur small ot it Et ops,
epidemics c f smallpox it Europe, tale of a Patient suffering from smal!-
•Small-pox was the king of diseases pox No illness resulted and it was
prior 1 thA dt encu otiL vaccination
o1ousieue illeated, When effects, 1110 youngfswas setentistl1 Jen-
in 17911 A trench writer, h iter lomat that he had discovered
de la Condamine, said that it was the
ntit of all the deaths something. Ile gave Iiia knoawle
cause of one-tenth o the world in the Corot o paper
l,lt d
on e don.
am ..
Macauley the 'Mittens h
in, his c hr. published
s t continent the first vaccine -
about a havoc
in his boun-4
pla sate: "Tete havoc re the BlaonnhpsOCowrn11ssontl`eBaatotl, Boylston
tLague plague
been far more rapid, but ` after this he inoculated 247 peo-
ohs pwithi visited our shores (ally
yearieand every one escaped the tor-
vi New
living engulfed
the g u tt
within a e
tt that o
e t I i tri.
epidemic c
the smntl•pox utas always present, t L l
fitaun the churchyards with corpses
leaving on diose whose lives were
spared the hideous traces cf its pow-
er turning the babe into a changeling
at which the mother altndderd; mak-
ing the eyes and cheeks of the be-
trothed maiden objects ot horror to
her lover."
In fact, Macauley concludes, "Small-
pox is the most terrible of all minis-
ters c0 death."
Mexico was stricken with an epid-
emic itt the sixteenth century, and
3,500,000 of its inhabitants died, leav-
ing scarcely enough people in some
cetltree to hury the dead, The his-
torian Codlrey records that 2 000.000
citizens 00 Russia died ot small -pox
in a single year. Whole tribes of
[learth ians were
by the scourge.
Before there was vaccination in the
British navy, cue -fifth of all the en-
listed men died of small -Pox, Sir Gil-
bert mane tette us in his writings.
in 1052, whole races of men in Brazil
eat by iithet o diesas0n. Iceland
aeve *smitten ttinles
ior to 1707. In Crantz's Greenland we flue that n that year
18,000 people died ot small -It x out of
a population ot 80,000. The dead
d the streets ileuses were de-
17ngland at that t me.
Of course ,there was a violent de-
monstration against Dr. Boylston—as
might be expected, Elven some meet -
bars of his own profession turned
West him, From the pulpit he watt
railed caging aud treated with cone
tamely. Every method of interfer-
ence was used. just es they are used
to -day. Ben Jchnson was one b£ the
scoffers and he wrote that, "I will
ne'or ewe my health to a disease,"
Benjamin Franklin opposed vaccina-
tion with a facile pen, but when he
Yost his own son through small -pox
be became a statutch advocate and
to his autobirgraphy bitterly lament-
ed the fact that .ite had not had the
boy vaccitmted.
You will readily see that vaccina
tion has tts support itt historY, 00
well as Lite support of virtually every
doctor of standing on the continent.
From the time when it was first dis-
ocvered, vaccination has steadily
proven its value to sten.
There is an abundance oC evidence,
to be obtained for those People who
sincerely want to weigh the facts be,
tweet!. the dangers ot small -pox as a
disease, and the harmlessness ot vat -
emotion. as a preventive. People ct
sound jndment will not besitete which
line t'
populated misery was everywhere. to choose,
ADAMSQN' ! , pyE1 TI ES icy O. Jacobsson
Duchess Te11sd Samarkand!
nitbul, Singapore,
Stories of KY's
Edward's Days We propose to voature a kind word
ne,a.fr_and to stied a toot for iia da
for the donde art of erenchajr Jour -
20 Lady of FashioYl Spent ta�dettceIcor as wo lotto trio ari; sa wo
20 Minutes Putting o'n mourn its passings it is anti of the re'
Her mat I Vete-able facts of to•dttY that imag;
tnatl0u finds 'Wolf diverte
d into
Manx entertaining Stories ot Kipg strange
stew channels and into more
Edward's day0;' when aladY of fashion materltiUstic grooves,' while, moat un.
had';to spend 20 minutes putting on fortunate of ail, it inereasingiy'iiude
her itat, are boit! by the DI1c1ISSS of its reached bhwat'ted by, trio current-
Ihnpreleta, a groat -aloe of the ex- temper, which frOWna upon such of
lilmprass 10itgeuie, ,in her attractive ito manifestations tie d y-dremiug as
books of reminiscences, "Things Pest' 1 in
Consonant with the prevailing
fkiutchhisoti), published with a tore, tempo•
W#trd Uy Mr, ttoliert, tlIohens, Well, wo are not ono lightly 10 dealt
`Tile duchess was the reigwen with the joys of vicarious jonrueying.
entity of home, and was as well Malty a time have wo trod tris Royal
known in London. No smart party Road to Romance by way ot our arm,
was complete without her; and these push', wibh a gorgeous daydream.
pages testtIV .to her unfatliug zest for mood paying all fares. Personally, wet'
lite, RaYor a groat ovorstuued lounging'
At Farnborough Stilt, ttie ox•pm' , chair, ,nootteoivably large, Inconceiv+
Tess s o m• "'Pee" Rot aim
p house she often met the o ably tngenloue in its
p ser Dame Ethel Smyth, who nod
pie joy
in its bulging yielding'
have bean dreamed}.
Dominion Ia its Seaport Nan -orlon I Coach, with ire two trained nurses in
at Halitag, Saint John and Quebec 11 charge, has brought to the two or
has for years given welome, a cheer,
lag cup of tea and good advice to the
women and children from immigrant
ships, Thousands have passed through it. iia four bads, iCs 'medical sup•
the Nurseries and as part of the fol-iw with
tis Cour be for the sick and ire
low -up work which it had long been plies,
evident was needed on the frontiers .hard-working nurses it has spelled
the Red Cross Outpost I-Iospitate were safety for men, womtlu and children.
instituted in malty' provinces. To•daY, Nor has its use ended within its own
forty-four of these useful Institutions! borders. During' Me time it has Peen
are scattered throughout remote sot' travelltng to attd fro the nurses have
tlements in our hinterlautts. Nor is made 540 visits to, tate homes of set•
this all I dere, have see many babies into the
"Gold Fouud at Red Lake!" 'Pour world, have visited 18 schools and ex.
years ago the uewepaPers all overiamine'd 203 school children and have
Canada blazoned forth this news as met all emergencies is the district.
to -day they are giving giaat headlines
t the discovery of lignite to Norther
three thousand families in the locality
tltat0.ctital,help 'artd sense of securitY
which come only when hospital faoili-
ies and nursing care are available,
But now has Come a further eve
ttoa. Suet a year after the Coach
moved tato Kakis a a, a
0 r , ,
to bicycle over from her cottage deltiha there
change into evening clothes behind mighty dreams — adventures hay
b i the park
Oa one occasion,
were assembled in'
running and Surto
tbite, the a•esnit bei
Mel -
game leaps, Ami
beckoned to me an
mend Mitis Smyth
n been lived quite decently comparablq
wkien -the guests
to those of `Trader Horn and his• illi..
the drewing•roOm, I 13th what we really set out to say,
she advanced towards' her hostess was this: that these journeys are int,
ging et the eat" their most delightful momenta cont
ng a settee ct Ilan- l cerned with names—namo5, we belt'
nute later my aunt 11Seve, even more than that of whittle
d whispered; `Elft they
aro merely the symltols, Note
of arrange un pen to [ie sure, ordinary, prosaic namesb
so robe," such es New York, Paris, London;
Whereupon obeyed and a certain Vienna: these conjure up things oe es-
manual:ot. hitching up went on iu the sentially materially aspect -enormous,
long gallery outside, buildings, cafes, fogs, Our journey,
"My dear," said the great musician, lugs, however, are slot concerned with
still breathless and wriggling, names evoking definite images, but
tell you what's the matter, r bought 'rather with those that from them-
e, new pair of stays at the 'grocer's and I selves breathe forth an ineffable
I believe he sold me a bird cage by charm.
mistake." And herewith we record three such
A Pathetic incident names, of which, for us, not one is
The,duchoss recalls a pathetic Met -I greater than the others: Stambul,
dent, She was being Shown a saddle e Singapome clue Samarkand,
o ur FiE Find, if You
with u broken stirrup leather; . their sibilant ion tea'
leather broke when the `Prince Imperial , these names in
tried to mount lets horse a few mime tion, in their Orienkinte them right, iii the
utos before he Was killed: richness of a s
leaking at it a shad- tura,' in motion picture thrillers. To
While we i .indif-
ow'fell across the open doorway, and the raison d'etre. we a.e wholly
there Stood the black figure of the 'forma Our•conoern is with the de-
Bmprese. She saw what we were 'light ot sweet sonde
andt their secrettation,
looking at and covered her face with 'haunting, evanes e
her hands. "Cacltez tela,"- no older-' Stambul, Singapore, Samarkand 1
There is little of the substantial that
these names evoke. Stan-Mid—per-
haps the dirge of a weird flute; Singe-
Pore—perhaps a babel' of strange
toupee; Samarkand -= perhaps the
The Explorer
With the first antarctic flight al-
ready to his credit, together with the
discovery of the iuealar 'charater of
Graham. Lend, Sir -Hubert Wilkins
again has sailed southward. His ;va-
cation from polar exploration included
a jaunt around the world in the Gaal
Zeppelin. Now he goes back to the
Job where the seasons are revbrsed
and, when his "summer's" work Lo
done, ire wit return to accompany the ed
Graf on its projected Polar voyage,
The flight in the antarctic whin. Sir
Hubert made in December of last year Destroyingg
was virtually a reconnaissance, al
o n
flu at Churchill, b k 1 December, though It defined hitherto unknown Now is the •time of the year to pro- throbbing of a great brass cymbal.
Ontario or the gold d I that the bouudat'ios of Autaratica. This sea -
But this time Warndesnaing-
regarding mus the peopl¢ decided tl Y arks on a far more ambiti- beet your. possessions agalast the tea- Those quite conventional images
he latter are warning against the must have a permanent Outpost. The son he embarks more than 2000 ages of moths. Since we know that and nothing more palpable,
t I tauti community busy anti td -day ells. plan—et flight of o
ofrush Co' the d s whole co P h , nothing is more offensive to moths: But what vague, intangible wonders
dangers o any I - Au -. - miles between -Hearst Land, which a li ase. it is easy to 0iseour- haunt those names! Just the breath
goldfield at this time of the Year and tits 2s as accomplished tact, to Aug.., t than clean n _
hazards run hY hist 21st the Hial[ab°ka-ioapital wast ctiseovec¢d last year, and the .Bay of Gage th¢iit from parking iu our favorite of three wordst -and eshto threeworldsorllds
are 'emphagold s the h I u
individual.ctagold sealers who brave the peened, It has two wards of four' p. Byrd
where 'Commander Riehatd belongings• Everything that is .wash- have opened
no coie
Why? wBecaus
ss at this season. bode, a baby ward and a reoeptioual >;. Byrd has 1115 base. able, from velour hangings to chiffon ! quest, Provocative named Names
The babyward was furnished ''Sf Hubert's proposed Flight would dresses, sltoutd be washed with soap of vast allure! Stambul, Singapore, Why? Because atter the. excite-ts.1room, T s the bottom. of the world them with
load Samarkand .. respectfully, o
WL Y i 0lttil'LL by the ICitvauians ot the Twine trace acres laud water.• Pack t all who are sue
moat incidental to the Reil Lake dial 3
u thousands ot prospectors Cities, many other furnishings were la frau similar to that which he blazed as tees" will need pressIilg • tater acuity, wechallenge
covers who ti donated Ionia,' and today the build- across the arctic baslri in the spring an how Things I Rciently intrepid to submit any they
Pushed their way to the goldfields late d nl debt of six ma of 1928 with his brilliant 2200 -mile sltoukd be
ing stands with o y a
dred dollars against it. From the night from Alaska to Spitsbergen,
small boy who rained his pet rooster I The vigor with which SirHubert
to raise a few dollars tar the Outpost piles hie geographical research ex -
the largest givers the whole cone- Icites admiration tor file explorer hi
C;. aching for Health
,Canadian National Red Cross
Hospital on Wheels
Serves Pioneers
By Anne Anderson Perry
kn the late hours oC a frosty night last
a that cannot be laun-
deredbrushed thoroughly,
lectured and aired in the sunshine. Be
sure not to leave any sorted spots, for
it is upon these areas that the moth
is most likely to concentrate.
When everything is as clean as you the Incorporated Secretaries' Ag60ei8^
bcan make it, the son the
are ready to ,tion at Cambridge, Mr. I', W. Goode -
D packed away g cul shell. The
' Hough, chairman of the Government
Department a Agriculture Bulletin,' Committee on Education for Sales-
Glothes Moths and Their Control," manehip, speaking of the need for ef-
ficient indoor staffs, said:—
"An ill-mannered, impatient, hard -
voiced telephone operator is au abem.
Motion which should not be tolerated
is the year, extrema hardship, etck-
nems and often death itself faced those
who had staked their clalme, Real
disaster threatened, but the Red
Gross stepped in to prevent the most t"
corse uences of their tiara- =rutty has shown that it was "sold" self, but also focuses
attenttou upon which
serious q li • entirety to the idea that a hos- the new tools transportation
hood. d abali 00 rustled the Direct- to itss of
or and Staff of the Ontario Red Cross�Pita1 is indispensable in any and all
�thos who venture into tie unkncwn.
to the scene and plans were at. once places.
made to meet the needs. The Cana -1 So t0 mOrCoach oche iag is getting Sir Hubert has fields of lobo i them in the rale eof one of the world's
thou National Railways cceoperated'readyy to most outstanding commuters, This
at once by'placing a fully equipped lite frontier sections. An engine will
hospital coach at their disposal. This 'carry it away lust 00 soon asorthe
But new Itself
self Is not meantime ontriand bpacentoho bbs-
the Siding at I -Hudson, a Outpost is in fait g
was. drawn to
it Ito another sense it will novel: "move thin Science Monitor.
winter when the thermometer regis-
tered many degrees below zero. The
nurse responded quickly to the call,
though it meant a lonely theme mile
walk to the shack of the fdreignor
who was reported ill. On arrival she
Gena a
d heart -breaking scene. Q,huge
man, with face contorted by pain, lay
Ever since the days when Dick Tula moaning in deliriant on a cot beside
Pin or other Picturesque highway Wil- (which sat his distressed wile trying
caching a romantic, ad-, his hands, which were
venturous and hazardousswathed to oil -sea
point nearest to the Red Lake era
and there the Red Gross aurses began 'on." It has done its work in a double
their' ministrations of mercy which sense. As a hospital it has well served
lasted during the rest of that mentor- the people for whom it was intended.
able trek. IAO a misSiona0Y it has spread an idea.
With the gradual settlement at the and educated a whole community and
Reil Lake district tate need of the `inthe permanent Outpost 'which has
Coach Hospital passed, but the G.N.R. Il taken He place, and whleh will grow
was so greatly pleased with tete ser- with the needs of Ratcabeica it has left
vices it had been able to perform Otto- the best kind of material.
laths mads of c to hold
quiet ing the gold rush that tits poach was es,—
undertaking, iced rags She could offered to the Red Grose permanetly IDLENESS
the very word '`coach" etas Uaen and speak little English, but from the , for use where needed. Front this gen-
is so tusttpportabie to man
notated in our minds with clanger frightened e.ildren some idea of what Brous offer has arisen the travelling. ag to be completely Idle. For he. then
the perils of the open road. To he
had hapPaued, was gathexed. The hospital, which, after a survey of the Bels allbe hie nothingness, all his weak-
re now that horse-drawn vehicles man, two days previously, iu attempt- Thunder BaY District, has disclosed nese, all rile thingnese, At s we ra
are almost a thing of the past and our ing to light the are with the sill of how urgently such a utility was re his 'Menem Sed from the deeps of lits
Dick Tut Dins have falcon bo the far ,gasoline, had burned bout hands to1gttirod in that area of widely scatter- lsoul, there wih arts weariness,
in. lucrative profession of
shooting lite bone. Ills Wife, new and ignorautt i erl settiemeat, was sent into that re.l soul,, sadness, voxa rise disappoint,
up bunics, HameChing of theft flavor of 1 t' d them � ag 1
romance has Sown from bite
av glop three
Years a. he preaches,.
coach, d of as
coach hospital, t to to went, despair.—Pascal.
up AH befit Rho could, but the nurse Haw Moving up and down rho line, the ,
to ;that gangrene t.reateued if 1C I •••---^"" . .
deem superior. — Christian Science
The Voice at the Telephone
At the third annual conference of
lists naptha, paradichlor0•benzine and
camphor as belpful egoists is dis-
heartening the moth. However, these
substances are only helpful if inclosed
with the articin in tightly sealed
The Crisis he Australia
Loudon Financial Tiniest The poll -
tical difficulties (et Australia) are
viewed with the more sympathy .and
regret in this country id that they
have come at a time when a deter-
mined effort was being made to cheek
the unduly lavisli borrowing which
has peen .taking place and to put the
Commonwealth an a sounder economic
basis: Whether this sound policy
will be carried to a successful Conclu-
sion will he largely dependent upon
the result of the fresh election and
whlclt, must in any case have an .un-
settling effect cn local business,
The superior man practices before
but oven motor coaching omlees
parry On all or more of the old traitrade.fuss
Inot already prei0nt. It wins evident I
tion of hazard. that the patient must be got to the Not a day passel+ that the news' hospital at fort William and at once
I same fait to record incidents on thekf his life was to be saved. lexplaiu-
highwaYs spiced whitI
adventure, don- • ing laUortousiy to his tulle, sluing
ger Or actual tragedy in which the .11er consent, sending word to the sec-
motot' mean has played a premier I tion mnu to gag the Winnipeg fast
part. We have become accustomed to i train, preparing the man for tate jour-
visrt but. ' uo ever thought that a i rimy anti getting hint to the flag Ota-
.0uere'"ra000 y coach, in ire day atter 'tion on a ra+ car tvcre all hard tastes,
day ordinary service could stand as a ' but in an hour they were all ascotn-
sud cbe for the deepest thrills of lite I lish00 and Jan was speeding out hie
and death? Yot that Is exactly what ,way, in care of the aurae, toward Port
a unittue Canadian National coach in
the Thunder Bay district has berm do-
ing for the past three years, where it
has travelled Slowly ou its beneficent
,way from hamlet to hamlet among
pioneers in that, epaceely settled sec-
tion ot Northern Ontarto in which,
heretofore, d0ctars, aurses and hos-
pilafs have been. almost unknown
The Comedian National Rahway has {railway save pini a jolt as Ragman
trot attempted ilii, week alone. The "anti today the family Is / ari hli to t
Red Crots has been its handmaiden of l as a going concern with the sturdy
etumaultarianism; tate Red Cross l childrou growing up in tits knowledge.
shelve, resident in 'the- coach, had that the now L'anadian is valttOd'and
n what that ward may mean in aided as a national asset for whom
lbs dangerous of 5urremo from stlifertng when . rho Red Cross and many other halt^
trig' hirrit atiin accituredent,
0t picaeesre 1 tutions and people care,
ing has resulted in accidet, illn
qr Indeed over etude the close of the
"Mart Man very sick down the track at war the Red eticataway 10 been tmeettthe
No. '1, Stetter," attttounaed a Odin. In a very p'&
I:jtnd at trio door of the hoepltal 0oac11 worst Hoods of the new comers to the way,
William. Hero amputation of bn
ponds was found tc be imperative but
eventually the man's lite was saved.
Meantime the nurse returned to her
coach and to look utter the bereft
family in whose behest site enlisted
the aoSstaace et social agencies; the
Mothers' Allowance Board and local
aympatitizers. When the maimed man
vac discharged from the hospital the
.Getting Reay: for Nesot Year "s Sig Rush
Two Iceland a:Sheraton. spew skill by building steam traWler on banite of,Neison river, near
packages Crom white the fumes cannot : in any oitlee, The 'vaioe' that teo the
escape. They cannot be relied upon i customer rePreeehta the whole ftrmi
strewa about on cloeet shelves or in
and reflects its whole policy should be
agreeable to the ear, convey ironed-
ately a desire to serve and sympathy
with the customer's troubles, and
make the customer realize that he or
she was regarded as being at the first
importance, and one whose opinion
and custom the firm valued highly.
"'The Soft answer turueth away
wrath: should be printed on a card
and hang on every telephone in overt'
business house; he added. 'Every
telephone operator should as selected
with as much care and for the same
qualities as a broadcasting announcer;
and everyone who speaks to a easterner
A friend calked upon Michael Angelo on the telephone should try to be, an
Uncle Rex 00 au AuntSophia,"
when he was finshing a statue. Sev
bureau drawers.
Heavy wrapping Paper or several)
layers of newspapers make effective
covering if folded over at the edges
and fastened securely with gummed
paper or strips of adhesive tape. It
is advisable to wrap up the articles as
soon as they are cleaned. As a final
setegltaril, scrub the closet shelves
with strong enema. It is doubtful
if even the most enterprising moth
could break through these precau-
oral days later the friend called again
The scalptor was still at his work, The Simple Life
but it -appeared that nothing hall been Johannesburg Sunday Times: 'rite
' �.accomPlisited 01000 the last visit. The sitnple lite, it seems, is not all it has
Metal, looking at the ague, ex- peen cracked up to be, Instead of
claimed: ensuring a peaceful old age, there is
"You have been idle since I saw a stuistersomOthkng in simplicity that
you Met," worms, itsway into the system until
"By no moons," the sculptor re- eventually the average simple -lifer
plied. "I have retouched this part, starts wearing straw iu his hair. No.
and polished that. I have softened body Itas explained exactly wkly tris
this feature, and brought out 'that should be, Perhaps it to that the
muscle.I have given more expression simple life engenders a simple men-
to this lip, and more energy to this tatty. On the other hand, it niay be
leg" that the simple lite is not always uo
"Well, well, but all.thoaa are le iaee;" simple as wo aro Iced to ',eliOve. Agama
said the friend, there may be some truth in Professor
'It may be so," replied Angelo, "but 111rskkne e dictum that "It yea live In
reollect that trifles make perfection, ce country cottage there is a grave
and that perfection Is no trifle." ,, danger thatyou will look at yourself
and become neurotic,' There are
GREAT MEN many to whom that might welt be eta
A mate must have either great mein plicable, but somehoty it seems too
unaatteeiug for general aceeptanee.
or great objects before kiln, otherwise
s poos
his powers degenerate as the meg-
net's do when it has lain tor a long A GENTLE PATIENCE
time without being turned towards He who walks through lite witkt an
bbs right ornate; of the world,—Sean even. temper and a gentle patience,
patient with himself, patient with
others, patient with cli0ioulties and
°rogues—he hoe an everyday great'
Hess beyond that which 15 won in bat,
Vent P. Richter.
Mayne the fruit and vegetable mein
iiudsOlt Bay tail t 1 ide Who should trotted¢ the tie Or shunted In cathoth'ats,—Dr. T)ew•
are merging because that is the only
way 'o c ec
cantaloup,--Neisot (110;) blows. , eY.