HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-10-17, Page 8AGE
Miss Annie Cousin of Hosea11 was
ele to
epresident of
he Wes/t
Teachers' Association at the euttven-
:refer last
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held 'ie
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Thersday antiFr
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• *r' 1 son 1 a P
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peon 5
Mr. p
Me fine brick resldenee of, Mr. Ab-
raham %rime on South Richmond
Mrs, Donald Grassiek, who re-
eently sold her house to Mr. Harry
Harmon, is' holding an auction, sale of
her household effects on Saturday
The young people of the United
Church held their meeting on Tuesday
evening with a good attendance. The
meeting was opened by singing hymn
87; after which Rev, A. Sinoleir led
prayer, Rev. ler, Holmes, a,re'turned
missionary .from Japan was present
anti gave a veryinteresting address
on "Japau,»H
Hymn 90 was
which Misses
Grace Brock and
Gladys Passmore gave a piano duet,.
, The 'meeting, cloJ'ed by singing Hymn
92 after which Mr, Suuciair led in
'The services in the Carmel Pres-
byterian Ehurch were- largely attend-
ed with Rev, Mr, Mcllroy in his own
pulpit, • I P, W.
The many friends of M r,
Foss are pleased to hear that he is
recovering nicely from .4 severe at
tack of erysipelas,
Miss Amy L'aimnie of Toronto is
visiting at her :home here.
No school was held Thursday and
Fridayof last week in the Public and
'Cschools se the teachers
were attending the teachers' conven-
tion in Exeter.
Mr. and etIrs, :Earl Palmer ,of Wind-
sor are spending a few days at the
home of Mr, and 'Mrs,'L, Palmer.
An oyster supper and concert was
put on ander the auspices of the mem-
bers of the 'Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Monday evening in the
church, From 6 to 8 o'clock supper
was served in the basement after
which a concert was put on in
auditorium. The entertainers of
evening were Mr, 'Willie Bell, ,Scotch
comedian, and Miss Kathleen- Eng-
land, soloist and reader, of .London,
Services in the U'inted Church were
largely attended on Sunday last. Rev.
Mr. Butt of Goderich conducted the
services both morning and evening
and also rendered two very fine solos.
Mr, and Mrs, Jobe Passmore spent
Sunday visiting friends and retative's
in Exeter.
14A 'ORT' NJ WS.
TI vRsDAY, OCTf3BEPv 17, 1921
r v..
n2 e o
•ria Wemvn's Department,
Nlleno batt9ratorlw, {,lethal,
t i,ti oronto,'te Rt. wat,
Toronto, 'tent,
Door Madam).-
Willie Via/tang my sinter (thaw moniho
lad. don, far tolling gave me hat *term
to try,
I have always. su(ferad Great pate
ovary month, No, ono ooald hardly
behave the raper Ndena has ,Wan me,
1 haia. h@prdty any rain now at x11.
What adit'yranae to what the pain used
to be.
Yours truly,
(filmed) Mrs, Switzer
h na..
Keatrrtg Y
The Wenten's luetittIto will meet n
Nov. 6 instead of Oct, 23 as stated,'.
notice tater.
lFurthert ee
Tim fowl supper on TTee$day ey4fl l
'ng was well attended. Talent frog,
eeaE rth Stratford and Hickson stip-
program, rain,
!i g
I Golding,
r, n '1Lrs I�.
'l at
,� d
visitedwith Mr. and Mrs. H. Golding
on Sunday,
At Your Local Drug Store or direct.
San congregation on Sunday after-
Mr, F, G, Nee]in is spending a few
days in Toronto. o' St. Themes
Mr. J'im Catling f
spent the week end with his grand-
parente, Mr. and :Mrs, Jas. Sturgeon,
Mrs. M. I3rown and son John reev-
ed to Verna Last Saturday where they
intend to spend the winter. Their
many friends regret 'their departure
front the village, Mrs. Brown has
posed of her home on the Satible Line
to Mr, and Mrs. 'Chas. Knuckey of
Toronto who will take possession of
it in the Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Sharman of Leth-
bridge are visiting the le'tter's brother,
Mr, D, H, McNaughton.
Rev, and Mss. F. H. Paull, Mr.'and
Mrs Wni, Scotchmer, Mrs. C. Wid-
combe, 'Sam and Mary Widcam'be,
Miss E. Cameron 'and Miss Lucy
Woods attended the semi - annual'
meeting of the Deanery of Huron held
at Hensall on Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon and
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm, Knox of Seaforth
attended a shower given by members
of the Club of which the bride and
groom, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Baird,
(formerly Mrs. Ethel Anderson) were
members at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Sturgeon, Grand Bend, on
Thursday evening,
Mr, and Mrs. W. Hall of Toronto
are spending a week's vacation with
the letter's father, Mn, YVtn, Hall.
Mr. J. Howard, E. A. Fetherstone
and C. Parker who have spent several
months in the West, returned home
on Thursday last,
Miss Grace Jowett of London spent
the week -end at her home.
Mrs. M. Ross and Mrs. H. Golub of
Toronto were in the village on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon of Galt were week end
guests with Rev. F. H. and Mrs, Paull.
Mrs. D. Harrison of Goderich and
Mrs. J. Calderwood of Ottawa visited
Mrs G. King on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Campbell and Mr.
and Mrs. 'C. Elson of Parkhill were
week -end guests with Miss M. Mc-
Miss J. Grant of Clinton is visiting
Miss J, Reid.
Mrs. Stonehouse and Miss Vida
Stonehouse of Chatham were guests
of Mrs, R M. Gale on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald of De-
troit spent the week -end with the for-
mer's aunt, Mrs. J. Toms. Mrs.
Toms and Mrs. Chas, Toms who vis-
ited with them in Detroit for two
weeks, returned to the village with
them on Saturday.
Mrs, A. Weir w,ho visited her sis-
ter, Mrs. J. Tippet, returned to Lon-
don last week.
Miss M. Baigent attended the Tea-
cher's Convention at Exeter last week
and spent some time at her home at
Mr, and Mrs. W. Somerville of
Waterloo spent the week -end at Jow-
ett's Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Grey and Mr. Wm. L.
Cameron of Detroit spent the week-
end with Mr. A. Cameron and Miss E.
Cameron. On their return they were
accompanied by Miss Helen Cameron
who has been visiting her father and
other relatives since her return from
abroad early in the summer.
Miss Sara Reid of Stanley T,p is vis-
ititt�i�:relatives at Dashwood this week.
Mitt. and Mrs: Downs and daughter
Eleanor of Thed•ford were guests with
Mr, and Mrs. C. Widcombe on Sun-
Miss J. Stirling returned home on
Sunday having spent a week with her
sister, Mrs. H. Mc'L'aren at Port El-
Rev. and Mrs, T. B. Howard of Lis-
towel were guests on Friday last with
Rev. and Mrs, F. H. Paull,
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Burt and three
children and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ber-
ry of London were guests over the
week -end with Mr, and Mrs. F. W.
Rev: R. M. Gale spent the week-
end at Kenit'Cen�tre where he conduct-
ed anniversary. services in St. Paul's
'Church, a former charge, Rev, II.
Lawson of Kent Centre, conducted
the services in St. Andrew's United
Church, on Sttnday. T -Ie was apoom-
panied 'by John McNeil and were
guests of Mrs. 1't. M. Gale while here.
Mr, .1, W, Jowett and Mn.'Walter
Westlake left Tuesday morning to
spend a few drays hunting at Tober-
Rev, Mr, Koine of Seaforth con-
dudted the service for the Presbyter.
\Little Stella Armstrong was taken
to 'Seaforth hospital last Thursday
where she underwent an operation to
have her tonsils removed.
Mr. and Mrs. George Riley spent
Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Riley of Tuck-
ersmith spent Sunday at the home if
Mr. and Mrs, Robe Grimold'by.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson of
Brussels visited friends in the village
on Sunday.
Mr. 'Robert Moore and son of Strat-
ford visited the fornier's mother, Mrs,
Wm, Moore, last Saturday,
Mrs. James Dale is visiting friends
in Toronto at present.
Mr. Walter Willisou's many friends
are sorry to know he is on the sick
Mr, Ed. Britton and Mr. Leo Steph-
enson were in 'Listowel on Thursday
where the latter got a load of chick-
ens and •ga'mes,'from Lou Cole of Lis-
Mn. Alvin Dale was in Chatham for
a few days this week on 'business.
Mrs. J. D. Hinohiey of Seaforth
spent the week -end at the homes of
Mn. and Mfrs. Ed. 'Britton and Mr,
and Mrs, Geo. Wheatley.
W. M. S. -The monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. was held at the hone of
Mrs. Peter Lindsay last Thursday af:
ternoatt, Oct. 10. The President, Mrs
Ray Lawson, was in charge. Meeting
opened with hynrn, "Rescue the Peri-
shing," Mrs, Rogerson then lead in
prayer and the Lord's prayer was re-
peated in unison. The minutes were
read and adopted. It was decided that
we have Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto
to speak to us on Sunday afternoon,
Nov, 3, on behalf of our th'ankoffer-
ing. A devotional reading was given
by Mrs. Rebt. Clarke, followed with a
reading by Mrs. Wm, Britton. The
president gave a few thoughts on the
convention held in Egmondville re-
cently. A well rendered solo was
sting by Mrs. Simmons. The study
book was taken by Mrs. Edwin Brit-
ton, "Drams in the Darkness." A
verse of a hymn was sung. The meet-
ing closed with the benedia'tion.
Lunch was served.
Misses Hazel and Isobel Jamieson
spent the week -end with Miss Emma
Jamieson, Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs,
R. Anderson, Miss Jean and Master
David spent Sunday with Mt'. and
'Mrs. Fred Flunking of Exeter. •
Miss Annie Taylor is spending a
week with his sister, Mrs. Wm, Mc-
Millan at London.
Mn. Wm. Jamieson and family of
Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and
errs. Ro'bt, Jamieson.
Misses Isabelle and Hazel Jamie-
son spent the week -end with Mr, Wm,
Jamieson and family in Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. •Goodison and son Bil-
ly, .Mrs, Smithers and daughter Sttn-
ny, Ronalda McKay of Flint, Mich.,
called at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Matt, Armstrong Sunday.
A number of Constance people took
in the anniversary service at ,Burns'
United church last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson land fam-
ily visited Mn. and Mrs. •Robert Jam-
ieson last Sunday.
Miss Ella Armstrong spent a couple
of days with her brother John at Lon-
desboro last week.
Don't forget Constance anniversary
on the 271h of October. Special music
by the choir.
There was a family reunion at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hog-
garth last Stmday.
Miss Emmaami 's fKitchener
J e on o
spent Sunday with her girl friend,
Miss Ella Armstrong and other
Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Brussels
spent the week -end with her daughter
Mrs. George Garter,
Mfrs. James Dale, who has been vis-
iting her daughter in Toronto, has
returned home.
Mr. Fred Armstrong spent the
week -end in Toronto.
Mr. James Rapson, Mr. Wm. Jam-
ieson and son Clifford of iKtohener,
spent Sunday with old friends around
the neighborhood.
Mrs, Matt. Armstrong and daugh-
ter Ella attended the funeral of Mrs.
Rotht. McKay in Egmondville last
Hunter -McLean,--• Hensel! United
Church parsonage was the scene: of 'a
suet wedding on Saturday, October
�2, at 10.30 ane, when Grace, young-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John
ALoLean, Tuekersmith, was united in
marriage to Richard Harold Hunter,
youngest son of Mrs. Hunter and the
late Mt•, Phineas Hunter of Usborne.
Rev, A, Sinclair officiated.
The bride looked charming in e
pis -de-
n of b
• c t model aw
lavl 'Fr ti 1 i
eY e g
rose -georgette with rich lace insets
and embroidery trim'min'gs, with a
lovely hand p,ain'ted -.velvet rose at the
shoulder, and wore blonde kid shoes
with bronze buckles and hose to
Match. The bride was attended by
Seaforth, who
Miss Anona Dale, of S ,
was \becotringly gowned in a sand
beige crepe dress• -with nigger brown
trimmings, wearing brown fog fur,
brown shoes and brown felt'hat. Mr.
Glenn 3trLeran, 'twin brother of the
bride, snpp'orted the ' groom. After
the cereneotty the young couple left on
a motor trip to Niagara, Toronto, De-
troi€ and other points, the bride trav-
elling in a le .Mannier French model
het of brawn felt and a Scotch tweed
coat in shading tones of brown, wear-
ing the groom's gift, a beautiful
brown fox fur. Her shoes were
brown suede with kid tritnmiugs and
brown suede gloves and purse comp-
leted the costume.
'011 their return they will reside on
the groom's fauhn in Usb'erne.
We, are
s Wanted
eying 50c in Trade for New Laid Ext
WOMEN'S SHOES, to clear, at..,., ,• ,•••,•• 99c
MEN'S SOCKS, to clear at ,, , . , ,', , „200
BED SPRINGS, to clear at ,..,.••.•., •••,••,•„ $6,00
It Will Pay You to Buy From
M s1
Of Dwelling and and in the Town.
of Seaforth
Under and by virtue of the powers
r e of
, It Inde
nt incl
in a
a sale Co a
be produced
will .fort a
o which
be offered
t r will 1 there u
the time of sa et
A i0tt
'111an ti
for sale by Public uck by
re ices
> nt ,
Brotvu, , [icGiaueer,. on the i
on Saturday, the 26th day of October,
9129, at two o'e]'ock, in the afternoon,.
he following, lands and premises,
All and singular those certain par-
cels or tracts of land and premises
elevate, lying and being in the Town
of Seaforth in the County of Huron
and Province of Ontario, and being
composed et lots titttnbers four (4),
five (5), end six (6), on the East
Side of Jarvis Street, according •,•�tro.
George MnPhilli s Plan of ,Block "OE "
of Andrew Bays: Survey of part of
farm lot number' eleven in the • Firstt,
Concession, Huron Road Survey, of
h an.
I krsnt d
F 1uc e n
the Township o ,
which said McPhillips Plan was reg-
istered in the Registry Office for the.
County, of Huron on the Eighth day
of April ASD '1869
Mr. John Dalton of Hibbert and
Mir. Joseph Jordan of Hibbert have
each bought tractors from Coulter St
Govenl'ock, Seaforth,
The following is the report of Hib-
bert Separate School No. 4 for the
month of September, Names are in
order of merit as to work in school,
examinations, deportment and discip-
Sr, IV.-Josoph Morris, Ellwyri
Morris. Jr. W. -Catherine ,Williams,
Marie Feeney, Fergus Feeney, Mary
Jordan, Joseph O'Reilly, John O'-
Connor (absent), Joseph McIver (ab-
sent). Sr. Illi: -Mary .Morris, Marg-
aret Atkinson, Marion McIver, Mar-
garet O'Reilly, Joseph O'Connor. Jr.
III -•\Mary Fitzpatrick, Hanna Wil-
liams., Anna Jordan, Mona Feeney
(absent). II. - Teresa Atkinson!,
Louis McIver. Pt: 'N. -Tommy
Williams 88 punches; Gerald (Mon -
nor S7 punches, Tota 'McIver 75
punches, Genevieve Atkinson 58
punches, Matthew Coyne 5'6 punches,
Clare Jordan 544 punches, Margaret
Fitzpatrick 44 punches, Edward Mc-
Iver 32 punches, Carl Feeney 1'5
:Best. spellers -Sr. IV., Joseph Mor-
ris; Jr, IV„ Mary Jordan; Sr, 1d¢„
Margaret O'Reilly; Jr IIT2., Anna Jor-
dan; II., Teresa Ahkieaon.
Perfect attendance --Joseph Morris,
Mlarie Feeney;' Mary Jordan, Cather-
ine Williams, Margaret Atkinson,
Mary Morris, Marion McIver, Mary
Fitzpatrick. Anna Jordan, Hanna
Williams, Genevieve Atkinson, Tone
McIver, Matthew Coyne, Margaret
'Lucy Burke, Teacher.
27o better protection against worms
can he got than Miller's Worm Pow-
ders. They consume worms and
render the stomach and intestines un-
tenable to them. They heal the sur -
laces that have become inflamed by
the attacks of the parasites and serve
to restore the strength of the child
that has been undermined by the
draughts that the worms have made
upon it, and that their operation is als
together. healthegiving,
Many people are almost crippled
with corns. But it is needless suffer-
ing which can be speedily ended with
Holloway's Corn Remover,
The family of the late Mrs. William
Lowrie wish to thank the neighbors
and friends for the many acts of kind-
ness in their bereavement.
Ruddy Canadian Apples for Overseas.
RY?" is a query heard as the Christ-
mas Seasotn, approaches, but if ,the.
average 'Canadian realized haw much
our 'big, juicy, red apples are appreci-
ated by the people overseas, ,the prob-
lem would be.immediately solved,
Canada's luscious rosy apples are
relished by young and old alike.
They symbolize Baur brilliant sunshine
and warm summer days and they do
look Christtnasy and cheerful. Nor-
thern Spies, ,M''elntosih'Reds and !Bald-
wins are the best end the most pop-
ular to carry your kind' thoughts and
good 'wishes across the sea and stand-
ard bastes end barrels of choice hand
picked and hand packed fruit, Gov-
ernment inspected, are procurable at
reasonable prices from any' grocer,
while the natter of shipment is as
pimple as the nailing of a card. r
EXIBIRIESS will call far your apples,
transport and deliver 'them by quick
service, to any sbation in' Great Britain
Ireland and most European Countries,
giving •then, refrigenation service on
fast passenger steamers.
The transportation charge ifronn
Montreal and Quebec up to Novem-
ber nth or from Saint John, N. B.
and Hailifax, IN, .5„ thereafter, by di-
eect steamer to points in Great Brit-
ain, Ireland ,and Channel Islands 5s
$3,00 per standard box and $6.00 per
standard barrei, including refriger-
Par {rates to Canadian Ports,
through rates to Continental points
and other ,prarticulars, consult any
Canadian National IExpres's Agent.
Steen water tanks on 'hand --6'x23"
xs24". Price $9.85. White Ash Ton-
gues '12' and 14' long. $1350 each,
Beech stone boat plank, out with
turn on end, 2"-x-'12" x 8' long, $1:50
each or three for $'4.00. Hardwood
slabs, 12" to '1.4" long, $4.00 per cord;
soft maple slabs, 19"to 14"long,
$3150 per cord; soft wood slabs, 112" to
14" long, $'3,00 .per cord; wood prices
delivered, ?'iso sell asphalt roofing
and siding and steel products of all
kinds, 'Call WM. DQOIIG Jr., 'RJR, 3,
Kippen, or phone 1138r2, Seaforth,
Of Farm Stock and Implements. -
The undersigned auctioneer has.been
instructed to sell by public auction on
Lot 7, 'Con. 8, MRS., Tuckersmith, tl
mile east of red school on Friday,
October 18th, 1929, at 12.30 sharp, the
f, g
Horses -3 good work mares, quiet
and -reliable; 1 gelding rising 3, well
Cattle -41 oow 8 years .old freshened
Oct. '1st; 1 cow 4 years old, due; 1
cow a5 years old due Jan. 20th; 1 cow
8 years old due Feb. 10th; 1 tnilch
cow 3 years old supposed to be with
calf; 2 heifers 1 year old; 2 steers 1
year old; 4 steers 2 years old; 2 spring
calves; 1 calf two weeks old,
(Hogs -44 pigs 8 weeks old,
Poultry --'SO barred rock pullets; 1f5
year-old hens.
Implements -=1 Massey Harris bind-
er 6 ft. cut; 1 Deering m'o'wer, • 6 et.
curt; 1 Deering disc drill; 1 Massey
Harris cultivator; 1 Kemp manure
spreader; 1 Deering hay rake 2 set
harrows; 1 disc; 1 land roller; 1
Oliver ,riding plow; 1 walking plow;
1 turnip sower; 1 wagon; set bob
sleighs; 1 stuffier; stock rack; Clinton
fanning mill; Massey-tHarris root
puiper; Portland cutter; wheel bar-
row; 36 ft. extension ladder, set dou-
ble 'harness, set single harness; 20
grain bags, forks ,and shovel's,
Household Effects - 1': Britannia
steel range, new; 1 Quebec heater,
new; 5 piece parlour suite; kitchen
table; kitchen cupboard; 2 rocking
chairs; kitchen chairs; 3 bed steads;
parlour table; linoleum '4x4 yd., new;
washing machine, oak barrel; Daisy
churn; 'DeLaval cream separator and
numerous other articles. About 15
ton choice timothy and al'fa'lfa hay;
155 cord dry wood. Terms -,Hay, wood
and ;poultry and household effects,
cash, 'All sums of $10.00 and •in•der,
cash; over that amount 52 •months'
credit will. the given on furnishing ap-
proved joint bankable paper. 5 per
PARCEL NO. 1 --'Lot Number 9
on Centre Street and Lot Number 9
CM {Vater Street; both in the Village
of Egmoindville in the County of Hu-
PARCEL NO. 2 -Part of Lot
Number 1.1 in the 2nd Concession,
Huron Road Survey, of the Township
of Tnckersmith in the County of Hu-
ron, containing 2A acres of. land,
more or less;
will be held at the premises nn Tues-
day, the 29th day of October, A.D.
3929, et 2 o'clock pan.
At the same time and place will also
be offered for sale a number of house-
hold articles including a melod'e'on, 2
small parlor tables, 1 Morris chair, 1
arm chair, 6 rocking chairs, settee,
extension dining table, cupboard, din-•
ingroom chairs, clock, couch 2 burner
coal oil stove with oven, small "Na-
tional" heating stove, nook stove, kit-
chen table, small clothes horse, 1 .bed-
room suite, 1 wooden bed, 1 iron' bed,
watch stand's, bureau, stint] bedroom
table, springs, mattresses, a quantity
of bedding and linen, bedroom dishes,
smell unit ]lr in
a a ata .f •ewe sewing
machine, desk, books,)s'mall cuptb'aard
Brussels carpet sweeper, small con-
goleum rug, carpets, floor matting, 4
small floor rugs, pictures, cushions,
window curtains, a quantity of dishes
and cooking utensils, stepladder,
lawn mower, small quantity of coal,
shovels, and other articles.
On Parcel No, 1 there are said to
'be created a comfortable 154 storey,
6 roomed frame dwelling house, with
cellar, and electric lights, and a barn,
Parcel No. 2 hies been used for cras-
h -Wage but is available for agriculture
or gardening,
tate, 10 per cent. at time Of sale, bal-
ance in thirty days, Sale subject to
reserve bids,
TERMS OP SALE -Of chattels,
!For further p%articatlars, apply to
ANY, London; Ont„ Administrator
of the Estate of Elizabeth' Ann Hicks,
deceased, or
W. T:iRYIDOtNIE, Clinton, Ont., Solici-
tor for the Administrator,
Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer.
:Person desiring to' inspect the pre-
mises may do so by applying to Rob-
ert McGonigle, Egmondville, Oust.
E &
Agents for International Harvester
Co„ Manufacturers of
Horses for sale or exchange at all
tunes. Also late '25 Ford coupe for
cent, discount allowed off for cash,
Positively no reserve ,as the proprie-
tor is giving up farming, Joseph E.
MoLellan, 'Proprie'tor. 'Geo, H. El-
liott, auctioneer.
Mr. 0, PI. Elliott has received in-
structions from the undersigned to
sell by public auction on tot 2, con.
1;8, Grey, adjoining Walton, on Fri-
day, Nov. let, at 1 o'clock sharp, the
Horses -2 nares 9 years old; 2
drivers; 1 aged eters with colt at side.
Cattle -4 caws supposed in calf,
Polled Angus; 3 calves; Durham heif-
'er,'2 years old, due time of sale.
Pou'lbry-Ahnout 50 hens; 2 ducks
and drake, Hogs -ll Tamworth sow;
10 pigs ready to wean et time of sale.
Implements -1 set team h'arnes,s; 1
set driving harness; 1 set single lean-
ness; 1 third set harness; 1 wagon;
1 set sleighs; 1 walking plow; 1 two
furrow plow; 1 set harrows, 3 sec-
tions; 1 disc; 1 drill; 1 binder, 6 It.
cut, Massey Harris; 1 mower, 5 ft.
cut, Deering; 1 dump rake, 12 ft.; 1
buggy; 1 cutter; 1 robe; 1 horse
blanket; 1 fanning mitt; 1 set of fence
stretchers; 5 water bowls, never used;
1 pulper, '1 churn either power or
!nand, 1 create separator; I '!wheel
c in
barrow; 1 sling chain; ha s, forks,
whipletrees, neckyakes, and numerous
other articles; carpenters bench; 1
hay rack, 14 ft.; 1 buggy pole; 1
1 hanging lamp, ,other lamps; I
sideboard, 1 lounge.
Terms, - IAIl sums of $10.00 and
under, cash; over that amount 6 mos,'
credit given on approved joint notes;
land owners for security; discount ref
5 per cent. per annum for cash on
credit amounts. G. H. Elliott, Auc-
tioneer; W. H. Sholdice, Proprietor.
There are erected on said lands a
good comfortable frame house with
cement cellar, electricity and excellent
well in good state of repair, also frame
barn and fine henhouse.
Textus of Sale. Ten (10) per cent:.
in cash on the day of sale, •and ; the
'balance without interest in Twenty
(20) days thereafter: The purchaser
will be required to sign an agreement
to complete the sale.
Furibher conditions of Stale will be
made known on the day of sale and
May be had in the meantime from the
Dated this 3rd day of October, 1929.
Seaforth, Ont,
• Vendor's Solici'bor,
Thos. Brown, Auctioneer,
Seaforth, Ontario,
H. I•TUG'II FOSS, Physician,
0 on
and Surgeon, Late of London H I
ora En land 'S ec 1
nal L g P
p ,
i the e e
to aces of e e a
se Y ,
o t Office .t reside
and t! 0 end a
nose If a, 1
encs behind Dominion Bank. Offlee
Phone No, 5: Residcttce Phone 1t1
In Township of McKillop.
Under and by virtue of the Powers
'of sale contained in an Indenture of
Mortgage, which will be produced at
the time of sale, there will be offered
:for sale, at public auction, by Thotnas
'Brown, Auctioneer, on Saturday, the
2nd of November 1929, at two o'clock,
in the,a'ternoon, at The Queen's 'Ho-
tel, Seaforth, the following lands and
premises, namely: - Lot number
,Twenty -'five (2.'5), in :the Third 1(3rd)
Concession, of the 'Township of Mc-
1Cillop, in the County of Huron, •con-
taining by admeasurement one 'hun-
dred acres of land he the same mbre
or less.
There are erected on the land a
large frame bank barn, with stone
stabling underneath and a pig and hen
house and two (2) dwelling houses
and the land is all cleared and tillable.
This farm is situated on the County
Highway about one utile North of
Seaforth andl offers a splendid oppor-
tunity to any one wanting to secure a
arum advantageously situated.
TERMS OF SALE -20 per cent,
in cash on the day of sate and the
balance to 'be paid in cash and.withoult
interest thirty ('30) days thereafter,
The Purchaser will bre required to
sign an agreement .for the completion
of sale according' to written conditions
of sale, which willl .be made known on.
the day of sale and may be had in the
meantime \from the undersigned,
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 14th
Octolber 1929,
Vendors' Solicitor.
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.
Having taken over the plant of the late Gordon Thompson, the
business will be carried on as usual.
We are putting through a shipment of Buckwheat at present, and
anyone having same for sale, phone 25 Seaforth, or 143 r 24 evenings.
The business of all old and new customers respectfully solicited.
Car of Corn in now. Expect Cider Press will he working in
about 'Ten Days,
A. McKenzie.
DR, F , J. 'BURROWS, Seaforth
(Mee ' and residence, Goderioh street,
east of the United Church, Corotaer,
for the County of Huron, Telephone
No.' 40.
Tlfe undersigned will receive ap-
plications, in writing ftp to Saturday
the 26th inst, for the position of Mat -
ran of the Children's !Shelter at Gode-
rich, deities to begin November First
'Applicants to state qualifications,
age, if married, or single, and give
GEO. W. 1-330LTvMIN,
Goderich, Ont.
Goderich, Oct, 1.5th, 1929.
DR. C. MACKAY.: C. Mackay.
honor graduate of Trinity Universlt7
and gold medallist of Trinity Ipfedicel
College; member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons. of Ontario,
q'ER•--E e �
F. R Y .
in Medi-
Nose and Throat,
cine, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instit ;e, Moorefield's.
Eye, and Golden Severe 'throa't har-
,pitals, London.' England, At Coma-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday 5a
m11a.m.to3 p.m.
'each month, fro
DR. W. C. SPR.OAT.-Graduate aE
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of .Physicians and Sus
•geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's
Drug "Store, Main St., Senior*,
Phone 90.
,Flour and ,feed business for sale in
Clinton. A'p'ply to The News office.
A -sum of money lost on Fri-
day morning, 'between the rear of
Da'ly's garage and corner of Main
and John Streets. {Finder please leave
at the News O,ffic'e arid receive reward
Sevdn pigs, six •weetks old, for sale.
Apply, Sat 29, Con. 9, Morris. 'Phone
1181.9, ,Brussels. 'GIIILBIERT. iIMoQAL-
IJUM, Walton. 42
Ram Iamb for sale. Well bred Lei-
cester. BENJAMIN SNELL, tele-
phone 233 r 13. Seaforth No, 2.
(House for rent on John 'Street, se-
ven rooms, electric lights, hard and
soft water. Apply to WIIJBERT
A number of Barred Rock pullets,
also White Leghorns. Apply JOHN
T. ELGI'E, phone 134531.
DR. j A. MUNN, Successor co
Dr, R. R. •Ross,, graduate of North
western Univeratty, Chicago, Ill. Fri.
centia'te Royal College of Dental Sus.
aeons, Toronto, Office aver Sift
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phoae.
DR, F. J, BECH,ELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith%
grocery, Alain S't., Sea'forth.. Phones.
office 185W, residence 185j,
Consulting Engineer.
Frame bungalow at corner . of
George and Victoria streets. All mo-
dern conveniences. Apply to Dr. J. A.
MUNN, or phone 531w, S'ea•fo•th,
Cook stove, burns coal or wood,
also 7 pipes and elbow, $'12.00, 3 sets
woven bed springs at $11;775. Coal oil
heater. Brass - trimmed' iron 'bed-
stead, $3.450. Mattress $1.00. Iron
pump $2.75, Quantity gaiv. piping at
half price. Galvanized tank (50 gal-
lons) $3.75. Gabv, ,tank (100 gal.) $5.
One hundred acres, lot 11, 'con. 3,
McKillop, good frame house; barn
50 x 80, with cement stables, water in
barn; drive house 20 x 30; 134 acres
good orchard; 3 mites from Dublin
and 5 miles from Seaforth. Apply to
TOS, McQtJAtiD, Seaforth r.r. 5. 42
A number of goad cauliflowers and
beets at the Fair View Garden, Sea -
forth. Prices right. Call ,and get thein
while they last, EDMUND S'TtAF-
PORtD, Seaforth, Ont.
Good frame house, 2 storey, seven
rooms, good well. electric light, large
garden, fruit trees, garage, chicken
pen.'SV911 be sold on very reasonable
terms. Apply to A. D. S•UTiiIER-
LAND Real Estate, Etc,, Seaforth.
The Executors of the Robert Gib-
son estate offer the choice 50 -acre
farm, in good condition, N'% lot 16,
con, 5, McKillop, all cleared and all
seeded down. Two storey cement
house, frame kitchen, all in good re-
pair. Barn 50'x416' on a cement wall,
cement stabling andwater in the
barn. Cement driving house 24'x36'.
Frame hog pen 26'x524'. Never failing
well of choice water. Well fenced
and underdrained with tile drain. Will
be sold on easy terms to suit pur-
chaser. For further particulars apply
to CHAS. WIRaGI11T, Seaforth ter: 5;
or R. S, HAYS, Seaforth
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B,A.Sc. '(Toss}
O.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute of
Canada.' Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Wednesday, Oct, 16.
Batter, per lb. ,....37c
Eggs, per doze 22c, 35c 40c
Potatoes, per bag .. , , . gg1.50
Hogs, per cwt.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The 'Seaforth News. Charges.
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors: to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rases in First -Class
Mutual Fire lnsur
ace Gee
Officers -James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor.
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagens
James Evans, Beeehwood; M. IAc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
eridh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No, 4, Walton)
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefieid.
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r, 1, Ms-
iemton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth;' J. A
Murray. r,r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. it
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmoatlx.
Bornholm. James Kerr and Jolts
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly'
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
On corner of James and Ann sta..
seven -room house, town water in
house, electric lights, good basement.
Will sell very reasonable. One-.Sftft
acre. Stable on property. Good gar-
arden. Property all in good repair. Ap-
ply to MRS. W. McMICHA'FJL, Sea -
forth. 35t5
The Screen's New Comedy Sensation
A vaudeville troupe --a 'be'autiful
S'outhern estate - an old fashioned
blood feud -a S'otenhern belle and a
scowling blue-blooded ,colonel daddy
in a merry melange of rip-roaring
comedy -drama.
55 it Hurts You. to Laugh Don't come
Mon., Tues„ We&
Paramottnt's gripping :drama of the
lero'ritl-!vise show girl and the lone-
some city
ciity awed kid.
.._< RIN E