HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-10-10, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER
o, 14zg,
Barrels, solid White Oak,' hold about 20 gallons each$1.50
Also 41 gallon Oak.�Barrels, 6 -hoop, air tight, each $3,50
Onions, large fancy cooking, bushel $2.09; bag 100 lbs. ,$3.50
Very scarce lay in your supply no.w.
Black Leaf 40" Nicotine Sulphate, per 'battle, .. , , .. ... $1,25
Dills pleat and poultry lice,
Karpol, "Car Polish," made by Rickett's Oveaseas, tin ....35c
'Your ear ,aleaned and polished witdottt water,
Noodles, Catelles Eggweat, new and tasty, Virg
Over 10,000'sold, -London Exhibition
Lux, a very special price, 3 pkgs ............................2c
Dates, fresh and juicy, 3 pounds for 29c
WE M Stewart Phone 77
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
tea• •,r't > ,
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we will give you -of our
best in service,and prices.
We are agent for the Mellotte Creatn Separators. Come
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont,
• C. A. BARBER, Prop.
W. J. Walker &I Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of 'Go-
vernment diploma and license..
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Flowey
Residence -James St.
D. H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Just Try It
When you feel tired and
drowsy, slip around the
corner and get a massage
You may come in with
a grouch but ,will go out
with a smile.
Phone 125.
:Always Ready and Reliable.=Prac-
ti'cally all pains arising g frons inflam-
mation, can be removed with Dr, Tho-
mas' Eclectric Oil, -(Singly rub it on
the sore sport and it is quickly absorb-
ed by the skin, Its healing power is
conveyed to the
inflamed tissue w
is quickly soothed. This fine old re-
medy is also a specific for all manner
of ants scratches, bruises and sprains.
Beep a 'bottle handy always,
Haveour eyes y y s examitled by our
,veld known and ;painstaking specialist,
Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex-
pert For Keats, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan & Co., Montreal, 30 ,years'
experience, 19 years coining to Sea-
forth. You are assured of the best
optical work to be obtained 'and at
very moderate .cost. We furnish all
the late styles of mountings. The
best make of the best makers and our
prices are from $4.00 up. , Two days
only, Tuesday, Wednesday, October
15, 16. Close Wednesday at 4 p.m.
Come early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth,
To a very large congregation, Can-
on Naftel of Milton conducted harvest
thanksgiving service in St. John's
Anglican Church on Sunday evening.
The service, truly appropriate and a
sincere thanksgiving, was the nsost
successful • and pleasing in many
years. Special music by the choir
was splendidly ,rendered, Canon Naf-
tel is a forceful and appealing speak-
Mr. and Mrs. Robertson of Wal-
laceburg visited Rev. and Mrs. Pen-
rose this week.
Misses !Lary and "Irene Chuter of
London spent the week end at their
home. .Irene is remaining home for
a while,
'Township council met on .Monday
Miss Emily 'Beattie of ,London spent
the week end at her home.
Mr. Harold Elliott of London was
a week end visitor at his 'home.
A car driven 'by Mr. Wild of the
Bluewater Highway ran into the
ditch on Sunday in front of Mr. El-
liott's, A young girl they picked up
on the road was cut across ,the face,
by glass when the windshield shat-
tered. One wheel of the car 'was
broken off. -
Mr. and Mrs..Frank Seeley and
Mrs, M. Seeley af' Detroit, formerly
of Varna, and Miss 'Grace ISee'ley and
girl 'friend of London visited at the
Noone of Mr, and 'M'rs. Alfred Austin
on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs, F. Elliott spent the
week -end with relatives in Windsor,
Mims, J Turnbull has returned
home to St. Marys after visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gold-
Don't forget the Anniversary ser-
vices on Sunday neat at 1!1 and 7.30
when Rev. A. C. Menzies of Fuller-
ton will preach, A hot fowl supper
will be served on Tuesday evening,
W.I. Organize. -The ladies of the
community met at .the home of Mrs,
J. Al. Wlorden on Friday, evening for
the purpose of reorganizing the Wo
teen's Institute. The following Of-
ficers were elected: President -Mrs,
Jas, Hill; 1st vice -!Miss Margardt
Davis; 2nd vice 'Mrs, C. Bowman;
secatreas,--Miss Vera H'ambley; di-
rectors Mrs, J. M'Wo•rden, Mrs. A:
A, Colquhoun, Mrs. F. A, Hambley,
Mrs. A, McLellan; District Direct-
ors -Mrs. C. Bowman; pianists -
Mrs, L. Colgtihottn and Miss Jean.
Colquhoun, Mrs, Hill invited the
ladies to meet at her house 00 Oct,
23. After the discusiiott, we listen-
ed to the following' program -Instru-
mental duet, Mrs. L. Colquhoun and
Miss Jean Colquhoun; solo; Mrs, 13,
Snell; instrumental, 'I,41ss, Jean' Col-
quhoun, Meeting closed with ,national
anther, after which a sooial half hour
was spent,
'Wise mothers who know the virtue
of !'[other Graves',Worm Extermina-
tor always have it at hand, because it
proves its value,
Miss Theresa M. Siegel dramatic
reader, was the guest of firer friends,
l Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, while
M town,
Mr, and Mrs. F. Lorne Hutchison
and son Peter, of Toronto; Mr, Geo.
C. Hutchison of London and Mr, and
;Mrs, McLean and Miss Lillian Babb
,of • Mitchell, were Sunday visitor's In
Miss. Margaret Wilson, RN,,who
has been matron of Seaforth Memorial
Hospital for several years, has resign-
ed her position, having been engaged
as matron of the Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, which opens Oct, 22nd,
Mr, and Mrs: Garnet Wilson, Mrs.
Mand Sloan and. Mrs, Frank Nendiolc,
all of Toronto, were •guests Thursday
last of Mr, and Mrs, R F, Jones,
Mrs. Kathleen Carlin of Dulblitt vis-
ited a few days with her friend, Mrs,
J. J. Shine,
Mrs. Cole of Toronto and Miss Ria
Hilts of Oshawa will spend this week-
end with the"'former's brother Mr.
George Hills. Mr, and Mrs, Hills
will return with them to spend a week
in Toronto.
Form I and FormI'I of the Colleg-
iate held a weiner roast 'at the school
on Wednesday evening this week,
M•r. James Smith of Guelph. spent
Sunday here with friends,
Mgrs, Wm. Charters of Texas is 'here
visiting her sister, Mrs, Anderson of
Varna and calling on friends in town,
Mrs,: Honer Hunt spent several
days in Loudon recently,
Miss Bessie Grieve sof Chatham
companied byMrs.Harry Grieve c and
Master Torn Grieve of Windsor spent
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs.
Thos. Grieve,
The many friends of Mrs. James
Spa -oat who was taken suddenly ill on
Sunday are grad to know she Is doing
so well as can be expected.
Miss Mae Aberhart, Miss Margaret
Elgie, Mr. George Eberhart and Don-
ald and two friends of London and
Mr. Murray of Windsor were guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Abe'rliart on
Sunday last.
Mr. Ross McGonigle returned to
Kitchener Sunday after spending a
week's holidays with his parents,
Mr. Rich, Snaith, of Lansing, Mich,,
'rId Mr, David Smith, Miss Nora'belle
Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Willis De
Witt of Williamstown, Mich., spent
last week the guests of Mr. David
Smith's brother, 1'ir. John Smith.
Mr. John•. M. •Eckert ahs been laid
up with an attack pi pleurssy, His
many friends will be glad to know he
is improving,
Mr. Fred Broadfoot of Seattle ar-
rived Saturday to spend a week with
his mother, Mrs, J. H. Broadfoo't,
Mr. Alex. B,raa
who has spent
two weeks here, returned to Moose
Jaw on Monday,
Mr, John Robb of Detroit, who
took ill in. Toronto while visiting
friends. there, after visiting his broth-
er Mr. James Robb in town, is still
too 111 to 'be reproved to his home, -
Cooper Brothers and Air. Robert
Pinkney left Monday to spend two
weeks at Mrs. (Major) Sloan's apple
orchard at' Bayfield.
Miss Margaret McMillan of the 0.
A.C., Guelph, spent the week -end with
her father, Mr. Thos, McMillan M.P.
The 'Public school closed on Wed-
nesday•afternoon in preparation for
the Teacher's convention for East
Huron which will be held in,Seaforth
on Oct. 10 and
Mr. and Mrs, A. Al, Kirk visited
with friend's in Lucknow and Wing
ham Wednesday of this week.
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Legg and
Willard of Stratford spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex, MdGavin,
Mr. W. E. Kerslake has purchased
the residence of the late Mrs. Re-
becca Woods, High street.
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Peterson mov-
ed on Monday to their net' home in
Among those from a distance who
attended the funereal of Mrs, Robt.
McKay an Wednesday were: Mrs.
Jas. MdK:ay, Mrs. Geo. McKay, Mr.
Alex, MdlKay and .!Liss Margaret Me -
Kay of Toronto; Miss Jessie Somers
and Mr. Fred Somers, Blyth,
Mrs. J. 'Wesley Free won a silver
in the Committee Rooms
in the Queen's (Hotel
at 8
The meeting is foorganization
MR. 'GEIO. H. ELLIOTT, the 'Con-
servative . candidate, will 'be present.
In the vacant Store in the
Thurs., Oct. 10th
Sale begins at 3 o'clock.
Auspices of the Catholic Women's
• League.
Give us a call
Euchre & Dance
The Ladies of the Bowling Club
are having a Euchre and Dance,
in the G,W,V.A, Rooms, on
at 8.15 sharp.
There will be a lucky number
prize given out among the first
100 guests, so be there early,
This is Your Invitation.
Admission fee 50c
Good lunch, Good music. Good time
cup at the Brussels Fall fair for a
loaf of breiad. This is the second
cup in succession which she has \von
at Brussels, -
Mrs. Rodgers of Goderich suffered
a fractured arm in an automobile col-
lision on Huron :road east, in front of
Mr. Leo Fortune's, Sunday night ab-
out eleven o'clock. The Rodgers were
driving. towards Goderich and Mr.
Looby was returning to. Dublin when
their ears collided,
Mr, George Hays has returned to
the Technical school in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Free and son
George visited Mr. and Mrs, Free
'here the beginning of this week, The
former took a photo of the Scott
Memorial Hospital,
The Seaforth Fire Brigade took the.,
antiu4•rl fire drill on Tuesday of the
three schools,
Collegiate, e Public wand
found everything very
satsfactry in all particulars,
Mrs, Lawrence Melville is on the
sick list,
Mr, E, R. Crawford is moving this
week to his new home on Centre st,
The following write-up of Mr, Geo.
H.paper: Elliott, is taken from a Toronto
"South Huron Conservatives have
selected a popular candidate for this
tiding in the person of George H. El-
liott, of Clinton,
Mr, Elliott was raised ori a farm
albout two miles from Clinton and is
a practical farmer. Some ten years
ago he moved into Clinton, taking up
the agency for The Canada Life Ins-
ur.ance 'Co„ and auctioneer. In both
of these lines he has been very suc-
cessful. Every year he makes the
$1'x,000.00 Club of his company, and
is today .known 'from one end of Hu-
to the e ath
er as r '
t5 most
popular auctioneer, Mr. Elliott will
make an agressive candidate and
should place South Huron in the Con-
servative column,
Asthma can be cured. -Its"suffering
dure. 'After its many years of relielf
of the most stubborn cases no.suffer-
er can doubt the perfect effectiveness
of Dr, 5. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rem-
edy. Comfort of 'body and peace of
mind return with its use 'and nights of
sound sleep come back for good.
Ask your druggist; he can supply
The Women's Association of Bruce -
field congregation will hold a sale of
home made Baking in Seaforth on
Saturday, Oct. 1,2th, hours front 2 to
6, in the vacant store south of Mr, W.
Willis shoe store.
A very successful meeting of the
Ladies' Association was held on 0e.
tobcr 3rd at the home of Airs. Rattan -
bury with about 25 ladies present. Af-
ter an hour spent in sewing the busi-
ness part was taken charge of by the
President, Airs, A. Broad'Foot. A very
interesting paper was read on "Hone
Making," by Miss Marks, Mrs, Ad-
dison invited the ladies to hold their
next meeting at her home At the
close the hostess served lunch,
Communion will be observed next
Sunday, Oct, 13th at the morning ser-
vice. Preparatory service will be held
on :Friday evening at S p.ns„ when
Rev. Mr. Malcolm o'f Egnlond'ville,
will preach,
Mr. George Knight of London
spent the week -end at the home of
lei Wright 414, Ivan 'T'aylor 391, *Ro-
bert Watsuu 381, Milton Taylor 235.
Prs lvta1 500, Audrey Waiters 409,
*Hazel Wilson 408, *John Cainill 340,
*Preston Dallas 337,
The highest marks for daily spelling•
was obtained by Elsie llobiis, Those
marked with an asterisk had perfect
M, McNaughton, Teacher,
The twefth annual seltooi f
Hibbert Township held at Staff
September 23 was one of the
suocessiful'rural school fairs this s
There was a splendid shawin
a on
g of
tend -
was a
r of
S, S.
o. 6
o. 3,
f S.
i•n g.
a rl
nit -
Col n,
r -
Work by the Pupils, and a large at
anee added to the success Of the
The ,public speaking contest
feature of the afternoon's progra
and drew a large number, The
ner of the contest was Miss 13
'Norman, 5. 'S. No. 2, who will r
sent (Hibbert Township in a
County contest to be held later 1
fall, The winner of 2nd, ,prize
Miss Jean -Rodney, No. 1. 0
winners in order of merit were:M
Hazel Norris, No, 6, 'Beatrice Dr
No, 7 and ,Doris :Sararas, No. 7
8, S. No, 6 wan the prize for
school parade despite keen cot
ition, The other schools in orde
merit were 2nd, S.S. No, 2; '3rd,
No. 5. 4th, S.S, 3,
In the 'Strathcona exercises, N
WOR '1St; INo. 2nd; No, 5, 3rd; N
The 1', Eaton trophy was aw a
to Earl D
r o� er of S. S. No.7, Hilbi
donated by
Co, were won by Doris Sararas •o
S. leo, 7 and third prize 'by 'Gla
Mifler of :S, S, No, 2.
iThe judges for the various cont
itions and for the public speak
were: Mr, 'J, 'H, Smith, sdhool
speotor and Mr, W. I, Carroll, 'P
cipal of 'Mitchell High• :School.
The prize winners areas folio
'Poultry--11,lrhite- 'Leghorn -cock
Harry Dineen, Earl Drover, ;Beat
Hurley ; pulle'tt Harry D'innin, E
Drover; pair, Laura Dinnin, E
Drover, (Harry Dinnin, Earla 'Tref
Barred 'Plymouth 'Rocks-coeke
Anthony Allen 'Iva Leary, Willie 13
son; pullet, Iva 'Leary, Nellie ,Buts
Anthony Allen; pair, Thomas Co
per, Doris Docldng, Willie Buts
Iva' Leary, !Earle. Treffry, 'VV
Wyandotte- cockerel, Dorothy
Laren; pair, Dorothy McLaren, P
utility fowl, other Than those mentti
ed, Marie Docking, Norman Docki
Gladys Miller, Geese --pair, Rob
Carbert, 'Gene Norman, ,Beatrice H
burn, Helen ,Smale, Robert Gandhi
Live `Stock-JLight Colt -under o
year,Harry + D'
) Trained a
ro re .
g a ed colt -Harry Dinnin. Cal
under one year, pail fed, Robert C
bert, Nelson Dow; raisealon cow, Ro
ert Carbert, James Antis, Pigs -p
under 3 months, !Wilma 'Hamill
Robert Carbert, Jaime Annis, Nor!
Swale. Bacon (Hogs-:J.ames Asn
Best Pet -;Roes Houghton, Rab
Car'hert, ;Tack Malcolm, Russell Au
tin, 'Hazel Norris.
'Potatoes - Irish Cobbler, Jo
Chappel, Lorne Hay, Ross Seale, I
Leary, Donald 'Colquhoun; Gre
!fountains, Jean Colquhoun, Isab
Colquhoun, Carroll Vipond Eld
Barbour, Cecil 'Wakon; :Dooleys,Ke
neth 'Burns, Lorne Hay, Doris Doc
ing, Arthur Small, Earl Drover.
'Grain - Spring l?\'ieat, Beatr•i
TIarburn, Ross Hoggarth, Eldo
Allen, Arnold Barbour; Fall Whea Drover, Wilfred Annis, Barle
Anthony Allen, Willie Pullen. 'O
pint Marquis wheat, Ross Hoggart
Beatrice Harburn, Eldon Allen, E
st 'Harburn, Clifford Norman. ba
c, 0,A.C. No, 21, Earl Drove
me '(-lay, 'Haler Norris, Ross Col
n, Russel Austin. Ensilage Corr
real Norris Harry Drake, Wilfr
Ms, Jack Annis, Alex, Hackney
regeta'bles,-Carrots, Lorne Ha
ank Scott, Gladys Miller, Iv
ary, Eldon Allen, 'Onion:, Nory
rris, Isabel Drake, Sarah Iilarhitr
en Allen, Freda Harburn, Beet
Leary, James Annis, Isabel Tens
man, Norval Norris, Jean Roney
snips, (Willie 'Harburn, Ernes
rburn, Tomatoes, 'Gladys Miller
trice Drover, Earl Drayer, Erl
ffry, Norval Norris, Green cue
hers, 'John Chappel, Erla Treffry
fired Annis, Arthur Barbour, El
Barbour, S'weet Corn-Arthui Norval Norris, Willie (Butson
les Annis, Jack Malcolm. Pump
1 --+Gladys :Miller, Wilfred :Scot
y Pullen, Beatrice 'Harbu'r'n, Nor
Norris, Cabbage-+Beatrice'Drov-
Earl Drover, Ross Hoggarth. Cit-
--Willie Butson, Doris Docking,
stir Harburn, Beatrice Drover
PAOle pus
you should
BY the time this woman finishes her hand of
bridge and reaches the telephone the party
calling will have given up. The tardy bridge -
player will be told "Sorry - there's no one on
the line now, Madam".
Both of them will be annoyed -the person calling
and the person called. Both' of them have wasted
time. Remember -it takes three to complete a
call --
There are over one million local calls in Ontario
and Quebec every day which fail to get through.
These uncompleted calls mean two million min-
utes a day wasted -congestion of traffic -constant
irritation -a handicap to business.
Some 8 of them
un void
a able
and some r
are our own errors. But many of them are mis-
takes made by the person calling or the person,
called. It takes three people to complete a call.
We are constantly striving to reduce our own
errors. We are now pointing out some of the
common errors in telephone usage because our
aim pis to provide the best possible telephone sere
vice and in telephone service, co-operation is
Answer promptly when your telephone rings. If
it is not conveniently located in your home, con-
sult us about it. And when you make a call, wait
a reasonable time before giving up and causing a
' No one on the line now".
"Extensive new construc-
tion and replacements of
both local and long die•
tone telephone dant will
meads an outlay an 1828 of
more than $27,000,000.
Clarence Norris.
Manual Training - Miniature aero
plane -!Robert Cartbet, Earl Drover
Clifford Norman, Arnold Barbour,
mallet -Calvin vin trier'
C re Earl
Drover, Robert Cartbet Ernest' Har-
burny 'Willie Harburn. Milk stool -
Harry Drake, Leslie Miller, Wilfred
Scott, James Annis, Albert Diatnen,
Tie rack -Arthur Dinnen, Earl Drov-
er, John Chappel. Wood collection -
Ross McPherson, Alvin McNeil, Alex,
Hackney, Earl Drover, 0, Christie,
Leaf collection -(Rena McNeil, Aileen
Colquhoun, Earl Drover, Jean Roney.
Weed seeds John Chappel, 'Doris.
Writing, - Class d -Jean Tuffin,
Donald (Gray, Isabel Drake, Jean
Venner, Rhea Roney. Class 2, -Ina
Cooper, Jean Aileen, Ruby Mahaffy,
Aileen Colquhoun, Irn1e Gray. Class
3 -'Ross McPherson, Jean Roney, Ina
Leary Ross Houghton, Betty Hodge.
Class 4 -Marion Drake, Bessie Aus-
tin, Muriel Drake, Mildred' Quincy,
Mary Do'w'. Primer --Isabel Colqu-
houn, Arthur Barbour, Jean 'Cairns.
Art -Class 4 -Ross 'Hoggarth, Dor-
is Sararas, Betty Hodge Murray
Christie, Beatrice Drov' ,. C:as- 3 -
Hazel Dow, Carmen McPherson, Earl
Drover, B. Harrison, John' Chappel.
Class 2-Errna Treffrey, Erna Gray,
Allen Colquhoun, Jack Malcolm, Har-
old McPherson, Class 1 -Rhea Ron-
ey, 'Dorothy Dow, D. Tuffin, G. Nor-
man, •Dorothy Harris,
Sewing, Etc. -Doll's sweater -Bea-
trice Drover, Birdie Norman, Patch-
ing -Beatrice Drover, Doris Sararas,
Janet Scott, Sarah Harburn, Freda
Harburn, Kitchen towel --Doris ,Sar-
aras, Jean 'Raney, Mary Hamilton,
Beatrice iHaiburn, Marion Scott,
Dressed doll -.Laura Dinnen, Kath-
ryn MdNicol, Rena _lfc\icol, Hand-
made edge an handkerchief -Doris
Sararas, Beatrice Drover, Sarah Har-
burn, Birdie 'Norman, Mary Hamil-
ton, Darning with wood -'Beatrice
Drover, Doris Sararas, Sarah Har-
burn, Birdie Norman, Freda Harburn.
Apron -+Doris Sararas, Isabel Temple-
man, Beatrice Harburn, Agnes M,ili-
er, Gladys Miller. .Laundry 'bag -
- Beatrice•Hatiburn, Doris .Sararas, Ag-
nes Miller. Embroidered centre piece
Isabel Templeman, Gladys Miller,
Mary IHatnilton, Florence Malcolm.
Special iris'
P hour
s. dress. ess, an:
IChappel.Cooking-Fancy cookies -- Isabel
Templeman, Gladys Miller, Marion
Scott. White Bread -Janet Chappel,
Pumpkin pie -Bessie Austin, Dark
layer cake -Hazel. Colqu'homi, Doris
Sararas, Isabel Templeman, Doneada
Gray', Agnes Scott, Light cake -Mar-
ion Scott, Jean Roney, Birdie Nor-
man, ,Donalda Gray, Isabel Gray.
Mullins, -!Rhea ,Ronev, Mary Dow,.
Madeline ''lVallcons, Pearl Houghton•,
Birdie Norman. School Lunch, -Earl
Drover, Isabel • Templeman, Mary
Dow, Isabel Gray, Iva Leary. Plain
cookies -Agnes :Miller, Beatrice Har-
burn, Beatrice Dreyer, Gladys Miller,
Isabel Templeman,
Canning - Jelly - Gladys Miller,
Hazel Norris, Janet Scott. Pickled
cucumber - Doris ;Sararas, 'Beatrice
Drover, Beryl Norris, Erla Treffrey,
Birdie Norman, Canned corn - Erla
Treffrey, Beatrice Drover. 'Canned
pea• -Gladys Miller, Canned Beets
-:Gladys Miller.
Sports :Girls' race under 3 -Jean
Tuffin, Donalda Gray, Isabel Drake.
Boys under 8 -Harold McPherson,
Roy Chambers, Eldon Allen. Girls,
Older 10 -Ruby Mahaffy, Jean 'Ttif-
fin Donalda otalda Gray. Boys under 10' -
Clarence Tuffin, Wilfred Scott, Har-
old McPherson, Boys under 12
Frank Scott, Laurie Colquhoun, Clar-
ence Tuffin. Girls under '15 -Myrtle
Pridham, Sarah Harburn, Bessie
Austin, Boys under 15 --Frank Scott,
Laurie Colquhoun, Arthur Dinnen,
Girls' three-legged race --!Rhea Ross
and Jean Smile, Ethel Elliott and
Sylvia Tuffin, Helen Norris and J.
Drake. Boys' three -'legged race -
Frank Scott and Allen Austin, Arthur
Dinnen and Rpss McPherson, C.
Pullman and 'Clarence Tuffin. Wheel-
barrow - Harry Drake and Frank
Scott, Wilfred Scott and Allen Aust-
in, C. Pullman and Clarence Tuffin,
A n
Mr. and Mrs, John Watson, er'
Mr. Allen McKenzie of uba and non
Mr. John McKenzie of Detroit spent Art
the week end at the house of their
parents, lir. and Mrs. R. McKenzie.
Mrs. Smith and 'Mfrs. Morrison are
visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
Hugh Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Pollock and
sots Floyd visited Mr. and Mrs, L.
Taylor on Sunday.
Mrs George Hill,Mrs, Sinclair and
sail Will were week end visitors at
Mr. and Mrs, William Tepper of
Hensall spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. A. Caldwell,
Miss Elda Steffen of Hillsgreen
spent Sunday with Miss Jean Camp-
bell. •
Mrs. J, Bryant of London visited
her !brother, Mr, 5, McCowan last
Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper accom-
panied Mr. and Mrs. 'Hay on a motor
trip to Niagara Falls to visit Mr, and
Mre Lorne Pepper,
The school report of S.'S, No. 3,
Tuckersmith, based on daily work and
weekly examinations, Sr, PV (Total
872), -!Evelyn Wilson 660, *Jean Wat
sou 659,. Willie Papple 5138, Nelson
Forrest 429. Sr, L15. (Total 872), -
Bobby Dalrymple 638, *W. D. Wil-
son 631, Mary McCully 614; Arthur
Wright 611, *James McCully 587,
*:Earl Papple 5135, 'Beatrice Arm-
strong 490, Howard Walters (absent),
I -I
. d (total ta1872
a 13.. McDou-
gall 709, *Flora lvic:Dong'all 678, Mo-
tile Papple 649, \Layne Watsan 604,
*Gertrude Walters 601. *Mac 'Wilson
548, '*Alice'
438,Delbert Tay-
lor 413. ft, -Total 672Donald liac-
dye 4:46, Isabel Armstrong' 4119. Haze
t, -Total 572; Elsie Robins 315, varix',
yrtle Papple 495, *'Grace Dalrympple489ss
Ruth. Walters 465, *Morley len.
Wright 4177, Erwin .Sillery 455,:*.btur-
Earl Drover. 'Sgnash-Earl Drover,
Beatrice Drover, Jack Malcolm, ,Foss
Fruit -'Spies - Ross Hoggarth,
Marjorie Hannon, John Chappel, Isa-
bel Drake, Beatrice Harkin. Bald-
wins - Isabel !Drake, .Earl Drover,
Beatrice Drover, 'John Chappel, Ross
Hoggarth. Russets--JJean Calqudloun,
Donald Colquhoun, 'Beatrice Har-
burn, Iva Leary, Clarence Tuffin,
Mary .Dow', Lorna Kay, Ross Hog-
garth, Lloyd Crawford, Greenings-
Ross Hoggarth, Hugh 'Currie, Iva
Leary, :Marion Drake, 'Bea'trice :Har-
hurn, Kings -John Chappel, Iva
Leary, Janles Annis, !Beatrice Tinebtn•n, Freda Harburn, Alexanders -
Clarence Tuffin, Dorothy Tuffin,
Lloyd Crawford, James :Anrn'is, Hazel
Dow, Talman Sweets - Marjorie
Hannon, Dorothy Tuffin, Donald
Colquhoun, Clarence Tuffin, John
Chappel. Fall Pea s --Arthur Barb-
our, Ross I•Ioggat•th, Gladys '1'VadI,w,0s
Cecil Walkonl, Jack Malcolm, Coll, of
Apples -Mary Dow,.John Chappel,
Lloyd Crawford, 'Earl Drover, Bea-
trice Harburn. Apple nailing contest
iDcir is .Sararas, Helen Norris, 'Ross
Mahaffy, Willie Chambers, Clifford
Flowers -Asters, plain - .Spencer
Jeffrey, 'Beatrice Harburn, Norval
Norris, Earl 'Drover, Willie 'Butson.
Mixed aster, Marjorie Ifiaunon,
Earl Drover, Beatrice Harburn, Zin-
nias-+Gledy, 1•Filier, Calendttl;c--Ross
Hoggarth, .Willie Butsnil, Eldon \l -
lett, Careopsis--Iva Learv, Cnsm se
-Marjorie Hannon W41.fie Butsoi,
rlys \'Filler, African Marigolds---
Norris, Phlos-,Rus, H.1g-
Allen.Colquhoun. Verbena -
HogGl iiiolus-4t-t' tt'oiid rth. ta'�FcPhaersitt,
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
btocd gravy oozing through, gives
ane a foundation. It just makes one's
necuih water to think of it. How
was that last piece of meat we sen
you? Wasn't it fine,
Your Butcher,
Phone 58 Seaford].
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Battery Sales and Service
Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries
A good line of new and used parts of different mattes of cars
If yottr car is in need of repairs, give us a call
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