HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-10-03, Page 8II'AGE EJQ1 IENSALL, Mr. :still Mrs, Bertram). North of end with Eek the v Woodstock spent t W, c s p>tt relatives here. ''t iten- ' `i' of 3a. 1C Mr. fend the lrwe end at home of ce speeit week end at the o M. end Mrs. William Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Redden of Xem- ilton spent the week end with friends in town Mr. Alfred Smith of London was a 'Sunday visitor at his home here. Messrs. Fred and Jack Steacy and Miss Lillian of Detroit, spent the week end with their mother, ther Mrs. Samuel Steacy. Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Caldwell of Windsor are visiting friends and rela- tives in town; Miss Polly Moore of Woodstock, spent the week end with her sister, 'Mrs, Thomas Simpson, 'Messrs, William and Charles Pep- per cif Toronto arid George Pepper of London were visitors here last week Mr. and Mrs. th eir Thomase'pperer and mother the London Road. Mrs, Pepper, who has been confined to the house for some time with a broken thigh bone, was taken to the. Clinton hospital on Sunday for treat- ment, Mr, and Mrs Colin Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. David Kilpatrick. were Sun- day urd day visitors at the home of Mr. a Mrs. Frank Callum of Kirkton. Death of John Bengough,—A very sudden death occurred in Hensall on Thersday morning last when John Bengough dropped dead in Brock's blacksmith shop. As was his usual custom he took a walk down town and went into the blacksmith shop and while engaged in conversation he col- lapsed. Dr. Dougall was immediately sent for but Mr, Bengough was dead before he arrived, The coroner was caned but did not consider an.iuquest necessary as death was due to heart failure. Mr. Bengough was barn in Stanley Township seventy-six years age and with the exception of some years spent in the States, practically all his life was spent in this vicinity. His wife predeceased him some years ago. The funeral took place from his late home on Saturday afternoon to Grand Bend cemetery, where he was buried beside his wife. Robert Ben- gough of Midland and Fred Bengough of Hensall were brothers and Mrs. James Clark and Mrs. Wm. Anderson of Kippen and Miss Kate Bengough were sisters of the deceased. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Allen Webber of London; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ben- gough, of Midland, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, of Blyth.in Judge Lewis of Goderich was town Monday holding a court of re- vision on the municipal voters' list, A number of names were added and several struck off. The judge will be here again on Friday afternoon of this week revising the list for the coming provincial election. Mr, George H, Elliott, Conservative candidate for South Huron, was in town on Monday. Mr. William Coates of Usborne was in town Tuesday on business, Mr, Samuel Steacy is visiting with friends in Detroit for a couple of weeks. ;Rally Day was observed in the Sun- day Schools last Sunday and fine pro- grams were prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren of Varna, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. L. McLaren and family. Liberal Convention.—The Liberals of South Huron held a Convention here on Tuesday afternoon to nomin- ate a candidate for the Provincial leg- islature. Quite a large crowd was pres- ent. Mayor Golding of Seaforth; Dr. R. R, Ross, of Seaforth; Dr..Shaev, of Clinton; Owen Geiger of Hensall and John Govenlock of Seaforth were no- minated. The first three withdrew their names, leaving Owen Geiger and John Govenlock in the field. A bal- lot was taken resulting in Mr. Goven- lock securing the nomination. Sir. Urquhart of Toronto was to have been the speaker of the afternoon but failed to arrive es his car broke down, The death occurred at the home of Mrs. Hannah Workman on Wednes- day afternoon last of Mrs. Herbert Seale of Staffs., Mrs Seale has been in poor health for quite a while and came to Mrs, Workman's home some time ago to take treatment, Mrs. Workman being her cousin. Mrs. 'Seale was formerly Miss Marian Southerly of Hensal'L The funeral took place on Saturday morning, in- terment in Staffs cemetery. Mr, Harold Scruton, who has spent some time at St. Thomas, has return- ed home. 82 Won Ave., "Toronto, Ont The Wom4en's Department 1 M120. wet n*ion St, West, I Toronto,' Ant, Rear Madam:— While visiting Marie sister a few months age, she was telling me whataMariehad done for her, and gave me some Ito try, I have always suffered great a pain every month. Noono could hardly. behaveMimic the relief hA sgiven 1 have hardly any pain now m e. all. What a dtrtorenon to what the painin used to be, Yours truly, (Signed) Mrs, Switze SQ‘D AT YOURDRUoSisrr SOLD BY Keating's Pharmacy •T3 ter severni seeks' ellteess, Marion I f ntimely, 'beloved wife of Herbert .` tamale, ut her 59th year lit and Mrs. .\\'',' F. . 1 lcN aught a u PI Chicago, t and Mrs. N. laip t bell of atZn and lr and Mrs, Cleo. Bltr1were Taa t.Thursday last at the tonic of Mr and Mrs. Frank Tuf- dn. Mr, nee! Mrs, W. 1', McNaughton left Friday to motor back ' to their„ home in Chicago, , Misses Ida and 1florence Cooper of Seaforth spent last weeks with their. 'sister, Mrs. F, A, IJanabley. SEAFORTH At Your Local Drug Store or direct. airs, T, Bailey spent a few days last wreck With her daughter, Thelma, at Hat J. n Mrs. Chas. Toms ,Mrsrs.. J. Toms and motored to Detroit on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald and two sons who spent the week end with Mrs, C. Toms. Miss Dunn of Ingersoll vceit d s Mrs. R. Scotchmer recently. l mer returned with her and visited for a week. Mr, and Mrs, Wighttnati who spent the summer at their home here re- turned to Detroit on Friday. Mrs, John Woods, who has spent the pant month at Saskatoon, return- ed hone on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Erwin of Kit- chener spent Thursday and Friday as guests with their aunt, Mrs, F, H. Edwards, Mr, and Mrs, Baker, Eugene and Kenneth Baker, of Toronto, and Per- cy Biggart, Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. A. Biggart, Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held on Sunday next, October 6th, at Trinity Church, Bayfield, 11' a.m., St. James', Middleton, 3 pen.; and St. Johns, Varna, at 7 p.m. The ser- vices will be conducted by Rev, Can- on Naftel of Milton. MAI`?I,E - 5r, Miss :Maria Murray is attending the Stratford Normal School this term. Mr, George Stuernagle had a suc- cessful auction saie of furniture last Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Stuer- negle are leavisrg in a few ,days for whereNew York State' he leas pur- chased a 165 -'acre deity farm, His many friends here wish hint success in his new undertaking and no doubt he will at he was a successful farrier here. • The oounty stone crusher has been placedin MoNaught gravel pit and gravelling the balance of the boundary read through the pine swamp will be completed this fall, for the ideal dry weather suited the job. !Mr. George Welsh, who engaged with Mr. Thomas McKay to help to do the Fall work disappeared last week. As he is of a roasting disposi- tion he will likely turn tip enexepect edly, S.ores Flee 'Before It,—There are many who have been afflicted with sores and have driven thein lawa 1 with Dr. Thomas' 'Eclectric 'O , IAl similarly troubled should lose no time in appllying this splendid remedy, as there is nothing like it to be had. It is cheap, but its power is in no way expressed by its low price. HARLOCK. Miss Lois Robinson of Blyth visited her friends, Misses Amy and Ena Parsons over the week -end. airs. A. lir'. Beacom and Misses Kathleen and Edythe Beacom visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, G.'Wiatt and 'baby vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid Sunday. Mr. Ward Knox and Mr. Harold Tomlinson visited Mr, Wm, Knox on Sunday. Miss Isabel Reid visited her cousins, Misses Helen and Marjorie ,A'IoEwing Sunday. Miss M. Rapson visited her friend, Miss Agnes Carbert Sunday. M.r, and Mrs. D. Stevens and family visited air. and Mrs. E. Stevens of Seafot'ah Sunday. Anniversary services will be held morning and evening at Burns church, Sunday, October 13. Rev. Mr. Scobie of Belgrave will conduct the service. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will he observed in Burns church, Sun- day morning. Preparatory service on Thursday evening. Young people's meeting will be held at Burns church Friday evening. The officers are: President, Miss Lydia Reid; vice president, Mr. Ernest Knox; secretary, Miss Ena Parsons; treasurer. Miss Isabel Reid; press sec- retary, Miss M. Colson. Mrs. Hackwell and Little Marjorie, of near Walton, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Reid, also Mrs. I. Rapson were Sun- day wsitnrs of Mr. and Mrs. A, Reid. HAYFIELD. Mr.s C. Widcombe and Mary re- turned eturned home on Monday from Wind- sor, where they visited Mrs. A. Pope for several weeks. Mrs. J. H, McLeod and Miss Lucy Woods, who spent the past two weelcs at Port Stanley returned home on Monday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Harmer, Mrs, F. Harmer and Mrs. Young. Miss Baigent, of Ingersoll has been engaged to substitute in the junior noon of Bayfield public school for Miss Anna Woods, who has been granted a year's leave of absence by the Sdhool Board owing to ill health. Mr and Mrs. 'J. Mustard and fam- ily of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage and David Dewar of Toronto was at his home for the week end, Mr, and Mrs. W. Jowett and Miss Ethel Jowett spent the week end at Port Huron. Mr, and Mrs. Aikenhead and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs, E. Manness and son; Mr, and Mrs. C. Will and Agnes and Bdh Will of London spent the week end at their cottages, Mr. and Mrs. W. It Shannon, who spent the past month at their cottage, returned to Toronto on Thursday last, Mr, R. Moorehouse of London is the guest of his sister, Mrs, J. Fer- guson, Mr, and Mrs, F. G, Neelin left on Monday to spend' a few days at 'Sea - forth, tMrs. Reid, who has been visiting. her sister, Mrs, W. Johnston, return- ed to Sarnia on Sunday. STAFFA. Mrs. Pat Ryan and children have returned to their hone after visiting several weeks with her parents in De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. James Hill attended Goderich Fair on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, William Campbell and children, London, visited with friends on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Luxton and Mr. and Mrs. W. Tunes of Stratford spent Sunday with the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mors. R. Sillery. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil O'Brien and babe, of Ridgetown, and Mr. Harold O'Brien, London, spent the week end under the parental roof. Miss Vera Treffry, London spent the week end with her aunt, Miss Tref- fry. William Sadler Hamilton, is visiting with relatives. Mr, C. Perce, Miss Jennie and Mrs. lefeLay of Fordwich, visited Mrs. G. Tuffin over the week end. The United Church anniversary will be held on Sunday, Octdber 13th and a fowl supper on Tuesday night. The YiP.S. met in the Club rooms en Friday and elected the following officers: President, Mr. Victor Din- nin; lst vice president, Miss Vena Leary; 2nd vice-president, Miss Ma- bel McDonald; 3rd vice, Mr. Cameron Vivian; 4th vice, Mr. Clarence Nor- ris; secretary, Miss Mary Drown; treasurer, Miss Sylvia Tuffin; organ- ist, Miss Vera Flanbiey. Miss Vera Leary will have charge of the meet- ing Sunday night at 7:30 p.m, Rally. Day services will be observed in the United Church Sunday morn- ing. The children's choir will furnish rnu.sic, A meeting of the Ladies of the com- munity will be held at Mrs. J, M. Wordents on Friday evening, October 4th at 8 p.m, ,for the purpose of re- organizing the Women's Institute, All the ladies are urgently requested to be present. Mr, Norman Persona met with a serious accident last week when the horse he was driving became unruly and threw Mr. Parsons from the stone boat with which he was drawing po- tatoes, breaking both bones in his leg, Miss Mary Drown is visiting with relatives in Stratford. "There passed away in Hensall ace IN MEMORIAM. PI'NK•NEY,—In loving memory of oar little daughter, Eileen, who fell asleep, October 2nd, 1925. Only a tender flower, Lent us to rear, Only a life of love, While she was here; Only a girlie small Now at rest, Small, but how dear to us,, God knoweth. best. —'Sadly missed by Daddy, Mother, Sister and Brother. IN MEMORIAM. BENNETT—In loving memory of little Kenneth Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, who passed away four years ago, September 26th, 1925. "Quickly and suddenly came the call, His sudden death surprised us all. Dearer to memory, than words can tell The loss of •a baby we loved so well." --Ever remembered by Isabel Eaton SEAFORTH NEWS,' CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks to all friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness extended to us during the recent death of a lov- ing wife, Mrs. Charlie McDaid, also for the nian.y floral contributions and spiritual bouquets and loan of cars, —Husband and family, another, Mrs. T. Burns, Sisters and Brothers. FOR SALE. A number of bred'to-lay Barred Rock pullets for sale, four months old, from the hatchery of J. A. Switzer, of Granton. Apply to J. B, HYDE, Kip- pen, Phone 86r1l, Hensel]. 40 ew Laid Egg WE WANT STRICTLY FRESH EGGS We will pay 45c in Trade for New laid Extras .,; NORTH STAR FLOUR,,.,.,., ,,.4 9 , RED PATH SUGAR ,..••.••••..';•'`••' 5179' IT WILL PAY YOU TO DEAL WITH I l�' n`A � W. J. J ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 1927, R.S.O., CHAP, 8, AND ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS ACT, 1927, CHAP. 7 —'Date of sittings Oct. 8, 11 arm,, in C0ULT L 1Townshtp WestWawanosh. Clerk of 'Revising Officer, 'Durnin (Phillips, Lucknow. 'Last day for •complaints, 'Oct, 4bh. GIODIEBIIICH T OWIN--Dete of sit- ting, Oct. 1, 2, 3, 4 at 10 a.nt, the Court House, Goderich, Clerkof ,Revising 'Officer, Miss 'Rubena V. Naegele, Gbderich. Last day for complaints, Sept, 27th. WI,NIGiHAM TOIWN—'Date of sit- ting, (Oct. 16th at 11 a.m., its the 'Town Hall, Winghem, Clerk of .Re- visinEg Officer, W. A. ,Galbraith, Wingham. 'Last day for complaints, Ootober 12th, B'RUS'SETJS VILLAGE—Date of sit 'Ong, Oct. 2nd, at 11 a.m., in the Town Hall, Brussels, Clerk of Re- vising Officer, 'A. H, _'Macdonald, !Brussels. Last day for complaints, 'Septem'ber 28th. BELYTII•I VIIIIJI.+AIGE—(Date of sitting, October 17th at '11, a.m. in Com- munity Hall, Blyth. Clerk of Re- vising Officer, Jas. D. Moody, tBlyti . Last day for •cohnp'laints, Oc- tober 14th. HURON SOUTH. H1AY TOWNSHIP --<Date of sitting, October 1115th at 2.30 .p.m. in "(town- ship Hall, Zurich. Clerk of Revis- ing Officer, A. F. Hess, Zurich, Last day for complaints, Oct. 111Th. HUIL'LLETT TOIWNISI111P—+Date of sitting, Oct, '5th at 3 pan., inc 'Com- munity Hall, L tidesboro. 'Clerk of Revising Officer, John Fingland, L'ondesboro. Last day for 'com- plaints, lOot. 2nd, GOIDER'I'ClH TOWNISIH'IP—(Date of sitting, Oct. 7th, at 3 p.m. in Holmes' 'Hail, Hoim'esvtlie. Clerk of Revising Officer, IR, G. Thomp- son, Clinton. Last day for co'nap- laints Oct. 3rd. McKfaLLIIO1' TOIWINStHIIIP--!Date' of sitting, Oct. 14th, at '3 pee. in the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth. Clerk of Revising Officer, John McNay, Seaforth No. 2. Last day 'for complaints, Oct.'10th. STANLEY 'TOWNSHIP—Date of sitting, Oct.Sth at 2.30 p.m. in the Township Hall, Varna. Clerk of Revising 'Officer, J. E. Harnwell, Varna. Last day for complaints, Oct. 4b'h. STEPHEN TOWd SHt]i?—^Date of sitting, Oct. 9th at 1 p.m. in the Township Hall, Crediton. Olerk of Revising Officer, H. Eilber, Credi- ton. Last day for .complaints, Oc- tober 5th. TIJi0KIERISM'ITH !TOWNSHIP — Date of sitting, Oct. 'T2th, at 3 p.m. in 'Walker's 'Hall, Bruicefield. Clerk of Revising Officer, D. F. McGreg- or, 'Seaforth No. 3. Last day for complaints, Oct. 9th. USBIOIRNE TOWNSHIP—Date of sitting, Oct. 18th at 2.30 p.m. in the Township Hall, ,Elimville. Clerk of (Revising Offfcer, 'Henry Strang, Hensall No. 1. Last day for com- plaints, October 15th. OLIINTON TOWN --Date of sitting, Octolber 3rd 'at 2.30 p.rn., in Town Hall, 'Clinton, Clerk of Revising of - finer, D L, MadPhersoit, Clinton. 'Last day for complaints, Sept. 30. SEAI1ORITH TOWN—Date of sit- ting, Oct. 11th, at 12.30 p.m. in the Town Hall, Seaforth. Clerk of Re- vising Officer, J. A. Wilson, Sea - forth. Last day for complaints, Oc- tober 8th. EXETER VIPLLAGE—Date of sit- ting, October 16th at 2.30 p.m., in Village Hall, Exeter. Clerk of Re- v12tisingh. Officer, Joseph Senior, Exe- ter. Last day for complaints, Oct. IIENSALL VQQJLAiGE—lDate of sit- ting, Oct, 4th, at 1.30 p.m., in the Town Hall, Hensa'll, Clerk of Re- vising Officer, John Patterson, :Hen- sall, Last day for complaints, Oct. 1 The County Judge is the Revising Officer for all 'Municipalities in North and South Huron.. All persons are called Upon to ex- amine the Voters' Lists to ascertain ho;gany parlour shite, 1 marble top that their names are correctly entered table, 2 sets velour window drapes„ therein. 12 pedestals, 1 oak dining room suite 'AND FURTI TIER TAKE NOTICE 6 chains and table; '1 oak sidelboard that any voter in any of the said mu- nicipalities who desires to complain that his same or the name of any per- son entitled to be entered on the said list for that municipality has 'been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who are net entitled'to be voters have been enter- ed thereon, may as above set out ap- ply, complain or ap'peell to have his name or the name of any other per- son entered on or •removecl from the list. ;AND FURTHER TAKE ,NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed from (in duplicate) signed by the complaict int, and given to the Clerk of the Revis- ing Offi'csr, or left for him at his ad- dress as Stated above, The lists of voters may be seen at the office of the Clerks of the Revis- ing Officer in each municipality as stated above, (For 'further information write to: Mrs. 3. B. Reynolds, Box 444, Gnde- rich, Clerk for the Election Board, of the County of Huron, S. N. LtEWSS, Mother Graves' 'Worm Extermina- Chairman foe the Election Board tor will drive worms from the 'sye- of the County o'f Huron tem without injury to the child, Ibe- Da'ted at Goderich the 18th day of ratite its action, while fully effective, September, A, 'D., 1929. s mild. The Ontario Election, Oct. 30th, 1929 Take notice that the sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose :of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters'. Lists to be used at the pending election of a' member of the Legislative Assembly for each of the Electoral Districts of Huron, North, and Huron South, will be held for the respective municipalities in said Districts, at the following tithes and places, mentioned in the schedule below, with the names of the Olerk of the Revising Officer for each Munic- ipality, and the last date for snaking complaints or appeals to the said Clerk. HURON NORTH ASHIl+IELD TOWlllSIkITP.---Date of sitting, Oct. 7th, at 11 a.m. in the 'Township Hall, Ashfield, Clerk of Revising Officer, C. E. McDonagh, Lucknow, No. 3. 'Last clay .for ,com- plaints, October 3rd. COLBORNE 'TOWNSHIP—Date of sitting, Oct. 10, at 10.30 a.m. in Township 'Hall, Carlow. Clerk of Revising Officer, Ivies. I. Hether- ington, •Goderioh. Last day for complaints, Oot. 7th. GREY TOIWINIS!HIIiP--lDate Of sitting Oct. 1'lth, at 11,30 ani. in Toevn.ship 'Hall, Ethel. Clerk of (Revising Of- ficer, J. H. Foal, Ethel, Last day 'for complaints,Oct. 8th, i3O(WII'CK TOWNSHIP — Date of sitting, 1Oct.'5th at 1'1,30 am., in the 'Township Hall, •Gorrie. Clerk of :Revising Officer, George W. Walk- er, Gorrie. (Last clay for complaints, October 2nd. MORRIS TOWNSHIP -0 ate of sitting, Ott, 12th at 11 a,tn, in the Township Hall, 'Morris, Clerk of (Revising Officer, Alex, MadEwan, iBluevele. Last day for complaints, October 9th. TUIR'NIBIEFRRiYI rJ7OWN,5ggIIP—,D,ahe of sitting Oct. 14, 11 a,m. Township Hall, Bluevale. Clerk of Revising Officer, W, R. Cruickshank, Wing - ham, ,Last day for complaints, ()e- tcher 10th. EAST WAjWANOSH Ti01WHS!H.IP Date of sitting Oct. 15th at 11 a.m. in Foresters' ,Belgrave. Belgrave. Clerk of Revising Officer, Alexander Por- terfield, Belgrave, No, 1. Last day for complaints, Oct, llth. WIEST WIAIWIANO'$H i OIWN'StIiITI' GnVE NLOCK V Seaforth Agents for International Harvester Co., Manufacturers of FARM IMPLEMENTS, TRACT- ORS, THRESHERS and TRUCKS Horses for sale or exchange at all tines. Also late '215 Ford coupe for sale. MORTGAGE SALE Of Dwelling and .Lands in the ToWn of Seaforth—' Uncler and by virtue al the powers t of ' •i u dent ire m,ttl Seaforth— of sale contained Miurtgvlge, which will. be ltrodttdid at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on the premises, on Saturday, tkte' 2�6t1a day of Qetober, 1929, at two o,leek, its tin afternoon, the following lands and premises, namely:— All and singular ,those certain par - cols or tracts of lased and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of lots nemhers four '(4), five (5), and six (6),' on the East Side of Jarvis Street, according to George IWOP/tillips Flan of ,Block ",H" of Andrew' Bay's Survey of part of farm lot eutuber eleven in the. First Concession, Huron Road Survey, of the Township of Tucleersinitlt,, and which said McPhillips Plan was reg- istered in the Registry Office for the County of Huron on the Eighth day of April, A,'D, 1869. There are erected on said lands a good, comfortable frame house with cement cellar, electricity and excellent well in good state of repair, also 'frame barn and fine henhouse, Terms of Sale, --Melt (10) per cent. in cash on the clay of sale, and the ,balance without interest ' in Twenty (20) days thereafter. The purchaser will be required to sign an agreement tocomplete the sale; Fudbher :conditions of Stale will be made known on the day of sale and etay be had in the meantime from the undersigned. 'Da'ted this 3rd day of October, 1929. JOHN J. HUUGGiARD, Seaforth Ont, Ven•clor's Solicitor, Thos. Brown, AUotioneer, Seaforth, Ontario, SDAY, OCTOXIER 3, 1929. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Medicate DR. II, HUGH R'QSS, Physiein* and Surgeon, Late o F London n IIp x- atAl Rtdpn England, Special ention to diseases of theye, eat' euea d dreat. Office and re id- ebehind Dominion Benlc. Office Phone No. 5: Residence Phone !G4 AUCTION SALE • Of Farm Stook andu Implements. Mr, Geo, H. Elliott leas received in structions hoot the undersigned to sell ,by public auction alt Lot 19, Con, 6, McKillop, . on 'Tuesday, October 15th, alt 1 o'clock sharp, ,the following: (Horses—'l driving horse, work single or double; heavy draught colt, 1 yr. old. 1eabele--1 coo, 6 yrs. old, bred Mar, 26th; Registered cow, 6 yrs. old, bred ilay 23rd; 1 heifer, bred April 29th; 1 heifer bred April 1'3th.; 1 cow, 4 yrs. old, bred Aug. #h; 3,steers 1- yr. old; 2 heifers 1 yr old; 2 calves. Implements —1 mower; 1 sulky rake; 1 side rake; 1 fanning mill; 1 walking plow; 1 set harrows; .1 •haylaader; . 1 stone boat; hay car and 480 feet rope; 1 trip for slings, set scales 2,000 lb. capacity; 1 circular saw; 1 wagon box and stock rack; 1 gravel box; 1 scuf8ler; 1 set sleighs; 2 cutters; 2 rubber•tired bag- gies nearly new; 2 steel tired 'buggies; 3 horse -power gasoline engine; 1 'Coleman grain crusher; 2 set heavy harness; 1 set single harness, nearly new; a number of horse collars; quan- tity of lumber; 12 steel fence posts. 3 logging chains, 1 set fence stretcher; 1 Melotte creast separator, ,hag truck, forks attd other articles too numerous to mention.: Household Effects. -41 dozen kitch- en chairs; 2 tables; 1 large churn, 40 gall, coal oil tank, 1 copper boiler, '5 gal. coal oil can, 1 mattress, 1 feather tick, 2 large pieces carpet, a number df crocks. Terms. --A,11 suits of $10.00 and under, lash; over that amount, 1'1 months' credit will be given on ap- proved joint notes; 5 per cent. dis- hount allowed off for cash. George iii. Elliott, auctioneer. Wilson :Camp- bell, proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Desirable House and Lot and Contents of Same in the Town of Seaforth. The Executor of the Estate of Re- becca Wood, late of the Town of Sea - forth, widow deceased, has instruct- ed G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, to sell by public auction on Saturday, Octo- ber '5th, 1929, at•2 p.m. sharp on the premisesthe 'following desirable ,pro petty: Lot Number 188 in Jarvis' Survey of part of the 'Town of Sea - forth and situate on the west side of High Street, on said Lot is erected a fine 1% storey 'brick dwelling con- taining 7 rooms and bathroom, heat- ed by hot air furnace' and lighted by electricity and having town water and cistern, having been shingled three or four years ago and freshly painted this year and the interior hav- ing been decorated but a short time, the property is the choicest offered in Seaforth for ninny years. There is also a one car garage aid henhouse on said lands. At the sane time and place the following chattels will be sold by public auction:—'1 ,three piece ches- terfield suite, 3 large axminster rugs, 5 small rugs, 1 V•ictrola, .1 Gerhard- Heintzman piano and bench, 1 table lamp, 1 library table, 1 leather cover- ed Morris chair, 1 mantle clock, 3 wickerwork veranda chairs and fern- ery, 2 ottomans, 1 small lamp, 1 par- lour china cabinet, 1 four piece ma - and china cabinet, '1 set drapes, 1 walnut telephone stand and seat, '1' oak hat rack, 1 five piece french wal- nut bedroom suite, 1 two piece wal- mat :bedroom suite, 2 tables, 2 rocking chairs, 3 mattresses, 1 oak two piece bedroom suite, 12 chairs, 1 'sewing mae'hine, 1 vacuum sweeper, 3 mit- rors, 1 kitchen table, '5 kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 'kitchen range, 1 three plate electric stove and oven, 1 kitchen linoleum, 1 electric- washer, 1 •secretary bookcase flat wear, dis'hes and bedding and other .goods too numerous to (mention, all to the fittest condition and some never used. Terms on property:—Ten per cent. of purchase price on day of sale, bal ante within thirty days. Terms on chattels Cash. For 'further partiouiars and condi tions of sale apply to J'OH'N J. H'UGGARD, Seaforth, Ont. ,Solicitor for Executor. G. H, Elliott, Auctioneer, Dated 'September 18th, 1929. HOUSE FOR SALE. On corner of James and Ann stt., seven -room House,' town water in house, electric lights, good basement. Will sell very reasonable; One-fifth acre. Stable on property. Good gar- den. Property ail in good repair. Ap- ply to. MRS, W. McMICHAEL, Sea - forth. 35tf LUMBER AND KINDILING. Have you got those boards or planks—those pieces you so often need but have not handy. Get them now. A few more loads of kindly, E. L. BOX, Seaforth. ' 33tf DR, F . J.BURRO S, Seafortk. Office and residence; Go erioh street east of the United Church. Coroner far the County of Huron. Telephone No, 40. FARM FOR SALE. One hundred acres, lot 1'i, con. 3, McKillop, good . frame house; barn 50 x 80, with cement stables, water in barn; drive house 20 x 30; 1% acres good orchard; 3yt miles from Du'blin and 5 miles" from Seaforth. Apply to 305, McQtRAIID, Seaforth Toro 5.' 42 DR, C. MACICAY,--C. Macy.' honor graduate of Trinity 'University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member .of the College bt• Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, FOR SALE,. ,One secondshand Fordson tractor and one Ten -Twenty; Titan tractor for sale. 'Apply. to Humphries, and Co., Watton.. FOR SALE. A number of good cauliflowers and beets at the Fair View Garden, Sea - forth. Prices right. Call and get them while they last. EDMUND STAF- FORD Seaforth, Ont. DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTERTEye 'ESE Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi cine, University of Toronto 1 .'7,' Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Instit e, Moorefeld7s Eye, and Golden Square throat hoe- pitals, London, England. At Coarse- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd ilionday is each month, from 14 a.m. to 3 p.m. NOTICE. Please take notice that itis illegal for ,bicyclists to 'ride on the sidewalks. Also .for children to play on the streets. W. G. W. FEE, Chief Constable. HOUSE FOR SALE. Good frame house, 2 storey, seven rooms, good well. electric ligii't, large garden, fruit trees, garage, chicken pen. -Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply to A. D. SUTHER- LAND Reel Estate, 'Etc.., Seaforth. 42 DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University- of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Stu'- geons of Ontario. 'Office in A'berharfe Drug Store, Main St., Seafer& Phone 90. Dental. IYR. J, A. MUJNIN, Successor to Dr, IR. R. Ross,, graduate : of North- western University, Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Stir geons, Toronto. Office over Sabra hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 151. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the Estate of Joseph Nicholson, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of Jos- eph Nicholson, who died at the Town- ship of McKillop an the 13th day of July, 1929, are required to send to the undersigned on or before the First. day of October 1929, a statement in detail of their claim or claims veri- fied by affidavit. And further bake notice that 011 and after the said last mentioned date the. Executors of the said Estate will pro- ceed to distribute the same amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as shall have been received by them. Dated this 5th day of. September, A.D. 1929. LO:FTUS E, DANCEY, Solicitor for the Executors. 40 HEIFERS FOR SALE. Shorthorns, three heifers, • one due to calve Oct. 13th; other two not 'bred. Colors, red, roan and white. JEAS. Mc- I,NTO'SH, r.r. 3, Seaforth.. 41 FILLY FOR SALE. For sale, filly ready to wean. SAM. REGEIJE, Walton, r.r. 2, Phare24r8, Dublin. 40 FOR SALE Registered Aberdeen Aligns bull, aged five years, register number 36145:7. Mso first class driving mare. Apply to ANDREIW KiIR'K, Phone 150r3, Seaforth. NOTICE Caven United Church, Winthrop, anniversary services on Sunday, Oct. 6th, Rev. C. A. Malcolm, of Eg- mottdville United Church, will be the speaker. Fowl' supper on the fol- lowing Tuesday, Oct, 8th.. Program and play by Young People of Bel- grave United Ohitrch, entitled "The Coloney's 'Maid," Admission 25c and 75c, ROOMS TO RENT. Comfortable rooms in Beattie Block, Apply to BEATTIE BRO.S,, Seaforth, 37tf Corns are painful growths; Hollo- way's . !Con* Remover will remove them. DR. F. J. .BFCHRLY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office over W. R. South's grocery, Main. St., Seaforth. Phones, office 183W, residence 185J.. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B,A:Sc. (Torp; O.L.S., Registered .Professional ]iia- gineer and Land Surveyor; Associate Member Engineering Institute elf Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. - Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, 'Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sidle Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND RMD'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENC' (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT, .All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rases in First -Latae Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire e usuragce Cep FARM AND ISOLAFTED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. • Goder- ich; Alex,. Jaynes Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—tWstt. Rinn, No. 2, Sezr forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagena James Evans, Beechwood; M. Me- Ewen. James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J M. Sholdice. No, 4, V'/altoet Robert Ferris, Hariock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmoutb, Bornholm. James Kerr and Jolae Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trast- act other business will be_promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. FARM FOR SALE. The Executors of the Robert Gib- son estate offer the choice 50 -acre farm, in good condition, N 4 lot 116, con. 5, McKillop, all cleared and an seeded down. Two storey cement. house, frame kitchen,: all in good re- pair. Barn 50'x416' on a cement wail, cement stabling and water in the barn, Cement driving house 24'x36', Frame hog pen 16V-14'. Never failing well of choice water. Weil fenced and underdrained with tile drain. Wiih be sold on easy termsto suit pur- chaser. For further particulars applyto OHA:S, W1RISiGIHT, Seaforth r.r. 5; or R. S. HAYS, Seaforth SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Oct. 2. Butter, perlb.. .. ..¢ Eggs, per doz. 22e, .35c, 44e. Pobatoes, per bag $1.50 • f�"j" Hogs, per cwt. ..........611.715-$12 ,Hyla HERE ALL THIS WEEK By its Sweep, Its Magnitude, Its humanness Has flown straight and true into the category of. THE BIGGEST OF PICTURES Ask those who have already seen it and COME EARLY 8.15 p.m, Sat. 7.15 and 9.30 p.m Admission 25c and 15c RJ 1 1 S