HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-10-03, Page 4E FOUR - anc A.0,1LVV, HALL VVALTON 'FRIDAY, OCT. 18 BLYTH 5' PIECE- -0Re11)4,:ritA , mtui$$1.= $1.00 WALTON. Mr. wed ailra..jeo. Clark aecornallane :led by "Mie.and Mrs. Thomas Clark of : •,Listoveel visited frieade in Meliaillolp • teeently. Mr, and Mrs. Jna. Walliameon ated lainily-• motored to Stratford recently .on a business trip, The Brown Medicine Co, have been Putting ois free con•certe, in th•e holt every night to big ceowds. - Miss Marjorie Reid of Salford and Mies Edna Reid of Beaten -ler spent ' the -weelc-end at the hOme of their parents. Mr, and Mrs, Reibt. Reid, Miss Annie MeTaggart of Stanley -spent the week -end at her home. Miss Margaret McKinley of Stan- ley was the week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid, Services in Walton United Church are withdrawn for Sunday owing no anniversary services in the Monerieff • clench at 11 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. The -Anglican Ladies' Aid met at -the home of Mrs. WM. Stewart on 'Wetine•eday, Oct, 2. Mrs, Win, MeGtivin and tile:Misses Driscoll visited at the •home of the former's brnther, Mr. Wm. Rion .00 "Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, MeGavin were gueets of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce at Cro- . 'sleety on Sunday, Mr, George Jackson has bought the 75 acre lot en the 13th concession, Me - Kahle, of the Dickson estate. There •are no buildings on this farm bat Mr. Jackson will work it along with the farm he is living on. Mr. Jack Marshall and family are settled in their new house on the gravel. Mr, and Mrs. D. Solder and Ken- neth, Mr. and Sirs. C. Sellers and Clayton anti Mrs. C. Bennett and Ron- nie spent the week erid visiting .friends in Heidelberg. • Mr. ana Mrs. W. Balton and little daughter of Rochester, N.Y., is visit- ing the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs.. I Bolton and other friends BLYTH. Mr. and Mee. Russel Braashaw of Jamestown were guest; of John and -Mee. Grasby an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hollinger visit- ed Mr. Nelsen Nicholson Senday af- ternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Williamsoo of 'Brussels spent Saturday with John and Mrs. McNichol. Mr. and Mrs, Christopher Rogerson and children were Stratford visitors, Mr. and alre, Thos. Shoebottom of .Belgrave epteet Thursday evening. with 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas, .Nicholsbn, Miss Iona Johneton spent a couple of days with her aunt. Mrs C lin Fing- -land of -Walton. afieeee Stella Richmond and Nellie Fear of Stretierd Normal spent the week cad at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace and afr. aral Mrs. Moreland. of Newark, NJ.. were gueete of Mr acid Mrs. Geo Potter an Thursday Miss Ruth Barit'ay spent the week • end with her perente' he London. Mrs, Cameron nf Gerierich visited witn her sister Mee. Henry Richmond last week. Mr. ana Mrs. N. Garrett Were Lon- vant visitors t,ver the week end, adatatiotie. The arreet 00 'Friday aternoon ay Provincial •Cohetable An Whiteside ana Connty Constable Gentdry Of Geo. Markley, 20, -of 'Wa•terleo. Walter Renwick, 20, Waterloo, ar;t1. Walter McLellan, 22, of' qtratford, solved the nye resent robberies in this district, The arrests were neetle at the home oa a relative ol 'Markley ln "Howiek towee ship, The three are said to have cone fessecl to the rolbberies et Lyddiatt's garage, Blyth; Rdbert Megay's gar- age, Blyth; Moffaat's hardware, Wro- xeter; the •private garage of !Gordon 'Gibson at NV1roxeter; arid the general store at Dromere, near Durham, Me- Liahan VMS runt implacted in the last robbery. The police are 'making fur- ther inquiries into the robberies of gas stations at ,Eneter and •Goderich, Ben- der's ,etort, Blyth, and a shoe store, Clinton, The three appeared M Police Court Saturday mornieg and were re- manded to 'the jail for es week when they will 'appear again. Mr. Elmer Pollard who 'keeps leis transpert 'truck le Lyddiate's garage, heard the men as they left the garage. It is thought they ' ottempted to also 'break into Mr. William Beelines residence 'where Mr, Berling has been 'confined for over a week with a double fracture of his leg, Miss Bertha (Brogden of London speat the week -end with her ssiters, Mrs, D. Floody and Mrs. W. 31. Lyon. Mrs. John -Pette visited her daugh- ter Miss Hazel Petts in London for a Few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Cole of To- ronto were visitors with the hitter's parents. Dr, and Mrs. Milne, Me. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit of Au- burn, and Mr, John Nesbit, were gamete of their sister, Mrs. Thos. Grasby an 'Sunday, Mrs. Chas, Nichoason tied Gordon epees •Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Simon Hallahan. Mr. and Mrs, John •Graeby vigted Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnetoe Sun- day evening. The Women's Institute meeting is being held on Thursday, Oct. 3, in Memorial Hall, 'Topic, "Training the Canadian Girl," Mrs, (Rev.) Weir; piano solo, Miss Elizabeth Mills; roll call, "The Month I like Best"; ar- rangements for the fowl supper. THE SEAFC!RTH Masseygliarris QUEBEC SULKY PLOW • tgaltuebeC 51.113at) Plow This is the'snost Molar sulky plow •Qt1 the market. It is gas- ity handled—a boy can operate it,. Users declare it does as good work as a walking plow. See us for full particulars. We also have WEED COP, the famous non-poisonous weed killer. Gallop 84 McAlpine Agents fcir Massey -Harris Implements and Repel Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment IVIetallic Roofing Frost Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS rs M.P.), Tem:heron O1aee-3 yr, ola4 Thos. Seam/dem E. J Willa:el 2 yr: old, F. Coleman an. 3, R. Ster iog; 1 year tilde la. Coleman Garnet Teytor; foal, Thos. Suowdea, j, R. Sterling. Agetenitural CUss- 11ood mare, Sam McBride, Thos. Snowden. (Prize by Bank a Come meree). Foal, Sam. Me'Bride. Gelding or filly, 2 yrs:, Nelson Keys & Son; year old, Neleen Keys & Son; team, Ralph $ tep hens on, , Percy 3 ohnston. Heavy Dratight-113ro0d neare—g, R, Sterling; filly or gelding, 2 yrs. old, Nelson Keys & Son; team, LontS Rader, E. 3, Witlert. (Prize by W. 0: Medd, MalaaPa. Roadster Class -- Brood mare, Wm. Decker, Orval Me- Clinchey; foal, Orval McClinehey; gelding or filly, 2 years, C Truemeee & Son., Silin Hey; 1 year, 3, A. Man- son.; single roadster, Witiord leacLean, Fryfogle, Curlane' Class—Foal, WM, Deeken Single •carriage horse—Gar- net Taylor, Nelson Xeys & Son. Gen- tlenean's outfit, Fryfogle, Wilford, Lady driver, Mrs, Birch, Wileoed Mc- Lean. 2 yr. old—B. j. Walker, Robin MeOlinchey. Beat horse it harness— Veallford McLean. Best 3 heavy horses --Louis II, Rader, Percy aohnston, usiMillook oeaux, Agnes O'Conitor, Kathleen akr, Keith Love of Emmanuel Col - Burns, Agnes lika.loney, Edwin Staple- lege, Toronto, gave a very ieteresting ton, discourse on missionary work irt Nor - Sr III.—Muriel Looby, Genevieve thern Ontario on Sunday last in St. Feeney, jean -McIver, liaargaret /Yee, Leonard Nagle, Margaret Dor- restyn, Lillian Russel, Agnes Row- land, Lawreace Dillon, 'Edward Cum- mings, Rosetta Dillon, jr. Me—Catherine Cummings, Jas, Delaney, Albert Donnelly, Joseph Donnelly; Fergus Stapleton, Joseph Dorsey, Charles Xrauskopf, and Class.--james Curtin, Fergus Cummings, join 'Jordan, Camilla Donnelly, Dalton Burns, John Malon- ey, John Flanagan, Joseph Evans, Marcella Dillon, Michael Feeney, Ter- esa Keettskopi, Andrew Maloney. 'Senior Primary.—Mary Evans, Lor- een Looby, Louis Looby, Harry Cum- mings, Rose Feeaey, Marie Aruold, Angela Donnelly, Jas. Krauskopf, T. Dorsey, Kathleen Stapleton, Lucille McGrath, Kathleen Brennan, Primary 13.—Mary Jordan, Loretto Feeney, Louise Flanagan, Marganet Tyers ,Aileen Jordan, Gerald Burns. Primary Aeaaanillie Maloney, Earl Nagle, James Jordan, Francis Dillon, Mary Dorsey, Veronica O'Connor, Margaret Cummings, Lonis Donnelly. -Miss Lizzie Reim spent the week end with hea mother, Mrs, Pat Ryan. Mr, William Gormley of Hamilton, visited friends in this vicinity over the week end. Mrs. Pat Ryan Jr. and family and Mr. and Mrs, Blood motored from Detroit on Saturday. Mrs, William Jordan arid Pa a spent Sunday ia Stratford at the • home of Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Ryan. Miss Loretto Delaney s.peat .Sunday with her friend, Miss Nora McGrath, Master John Mero of Seaforth spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey. Miss F.oberta Rice called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Matthews and son Joseph of Detroit spent the week end the gueet of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle. Mr. James Racho arid Mr. Norman Byers spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hertnan Brodhagen. Mrs. William Smith is visiting with friends at Dunnville. Mr. Anderson of Lucknow called on friends in the village on Satur ay, Mrs. John Scotchmer of Stanley Mr. and Mrs, Judge and fallibly left visited friends in Zurich one day last fior their new home in Detroit on Mon- week. day. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Judge Mr. and Mrs. Will Scotchmer and success in their rim home. family visited friends at Goderich on Sunday, Mr, Noel Laporte, son of Cities. La- porte, aad Miss Irene Dueliarme, will be married early next week, Miss Nora Rau of Detroit is visit- ing her parents for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Ducharme of CONSTANCE. Mrs. Miller MATTIS had some beau- tiful petunias growing in garden bas- kets at her home as late as October let, which are indeed a joy to .all who have had the pleasure of seeingthern. One bloom ii particularly pleasing to the eye of the beholder, purple in color with a grey throat, and measuriag ap- proximately sin itches across. The following from the Toronto Star will be of interest to many friends the bride being a niece of Mrs, Cole 'lough, of Constance: "A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, September 2,1st, in Rosedale United 'Church, Toronto, by Rev. Ronald Mc- Leod, D.De when Luna Youngest laughter of Mrs. E. C. McIntosh and the late John McIntosh, became the bride of Stuart Smellie, only son of Mr, nintl Mrs. William Smellie, The bride; who was given away. by her heather John. looked charming in a gown of white satin. lace and tulle. Her bouquet was Of butterfly roses, lily of the valley and baby's breath. The bridesmaids, aliss Evelyn and arise Florence, sisters of the bride, were attired in green chiffon and pointe cl'esprit, with felt hats to match. They carried shaded American beauty asters. The groom was sup- merted by- Roy Greer of Midland. W. Stark and K. McIntosh, brother of the hride, acted as ushers. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Jeanette Stevenson Gilbert sang, "All joy Be Thine." A reception was held at the home oi the bride's mother. Later the happy couple left for a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec. On their return Iney will reside in Toronto." Mr. Clifford Colcimarth was taken to Seaforth hospital on Friday to under- go an operation for appendicitis. His e mdition has been serious but his many friends hope for improaeinent neon. The Ladies' Aid were invited to the nersonage at Londesboro by Mrs. ;Johnston on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Wm. Carter returned Friday night from Detroit where his son is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson and Mr. and alrs. Leo Stephenson attend- ee Goderich Fair on Tuesday. Mrs. Leo Stephenson and Donald epent several days last week at Blyth. Andrew's Church, Mr, Joseph Dayman has purchased a new Chrysler sedan of the latest model. Mr. John Doig of Detroit spent the week -end with his parents. The choir are busy practising spec- ial music for the anniversary to be held on Sunday, Oct. 13th. Messrs, A, Anderson, Jas, McDon- ald, j, Cochran e artd 5, W. McLean spent last week in Tobernioryaancl re- port a splendid time. IVIrs. 'W. W. Cooper .spent last week in London and Glencoe. Miss Janet Doig entertained her friend. ;Mrs W. H. Green on 'Saturday evening at birthday party, A sumptu- ous supper was served to several guests. A beattlful 'birthday cake il- luminated with brilliant candles ad- orned the centre of the 'table and the guest of the evening was presented with a 'fine present from the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rush of Strat- ford visited the former's sister, Mrs. Jonah Green on Sunday. Mr. Periso and two children from Grand Bend visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs, llonah Green, Mr. John C. Doig Detroit visited his parents over the week -end. . T IFIZSDAY, OCTOBVIR Mr,. John Yeo epent a counel of days laet week with her friend, Miss Jennie Austin. Rev. j -nes -Bateman Goderich coniticte.1 Thanksgiving services in Trinity Anglican Church Sunday. Servieee were held morning and even- ing. Rev. and Mrs. A. Shore went to London on Thursday laet where they intend to remain for a few weeks. Mr. jlAin Emigh and Mr. Will Emieh a Gram!, Valley were here re- newing aegtaintanees timing the week. Mr. Wm, Barr Detroit spent a few dare at hie former home in Blyth. visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Nichot of near Seaforth is spetding several weeks with her sis- ters, afre. John Denholin and Mrs. Collinson. Things have .been lively the pa.st week between robbers and runaways, for the police, but the culprits have been caught. Mr. and Mrs. C.,Burling. leave Sun- , day to spend a two weeks holiday in ' Detroit. Cartwright -Bryant. —A pretty aut- man wedding was solemnized at 3 p.m. on Monday, September 30th, when Dorothy Sarah Bryant, clangh- ter of Mr. and. Mrs, William Bryant of the Morris,Hullett boundary, was united in marriage to F,dwin James Cartwright, son of 'NTT. and Mrs. jamas Cartwright of Hunan. The ceremony neat perfernied by Rev. Dr. Barnby at his home in London. Mies. Melds McElroy of Western Univers- ity was Inideetnaid and Mr. Donald Snell of Londeaboro was groomsman. The bride was prettily dreesed in cre- ton crepe trimmed with inecassande lace and velvet. The groom's gift to • the 'bridesmaid was a ring and to the groomsman a pair rif cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Carawright left immediately for Toronto, the bride travelling in a heaver ensemble suit with hat to match. On their return they will re - Aide in William McGowan's house in Myth, the groom being a prosperous young barber in this town. Their many friends extend beet wielies10 the happy couple. A reception will be held cm Friday night upon the return of Mr, and Mrs. Cartwright at the benne of Mr. • and Mrs. Bi•yant. On Thurdsay night Itiet the Youtig People'e Society and the Sunday school: class of Landes- hot'o United church peesen•ted t•hein vvith e.• magazioe rack and handsome electric floor lamp, the, presentations • being made: at Mr, Harvey Moon's. M•ise Dora Viodden 'read an address knd Miss Mary Woods made the pre- Cattle—Grade Class _Milch cow, Miss Brownett; heifer 2 yrs, old, Miss Brownett; heifer 1 yr., Dr. Metcalf; beilfer calf, Clifford Keys, C, Pym & Son; steer calf, Roy Pepper & Son a•nd 2isci steer calf, a yrs., Miss 13rownett and 2nd; steer calf, Roy Pepper EL Son, Miss Broavnett; fat cow, heifer or steer, Miss Brownett. Heifer, 1 yr,, C. ?yin Rs Son, Clifford Keys; heifer calf, C, Pym at Son, Clifford Keys; hull calf, C. Bynt & Son, Ben Rathwell. jersey Class.— Mitch cow„ Dr, Metcalf. Eaton special, four steers, • RoY Pep- per & Son. Sheep--1Leicester-aRam, ..Roy Pep - pet' & Son, s'hearling ram, R Pepper; i.a.na lamb, R Pepper and 2n.d; ewe, It Pepper; shearling ewe, R. Pepper; and 2nd; ewe lainb„ R. Pepper and and, Lincolits--Shearling ram, Thos. Snowden, Geo. Penhalc; ram lamb, Geo, Penhale, Thos. Snowden; ewe, Geo. Penhale and and; shearling ewe, G. Penhale and 2nd; ewe lamb, G. Penlvale and 2nd. Oxfords—Ram, W. 11, Henry, Thos, Snowden; shearling, W. Henry, J. Pyrn & 'Son;'ratn larrub, W. Henry, j. Pym & San; ewe, W. H enry, J. Pyin; shearling, W. Henry, J, Pym; ewe lamb, W. Henry, 3, Pym. Shropshire—aam, W. M. Remy, J. A. Manson; shearling, W. M. Henry, J, A, Manson; ram lainba W. IlenrY, J. 6.. Manson; ewe, 5. A. Manson; shbarling ewe, 3, A. Manion & San; ewe Iamb, W. ialenry, 'J. Manson.; anther lamb, W. Henry, Roy Pepper & • Son. Best • fat sheen—RoY Pepper, 11. Henry. Pigs --Boar, brood sow; young ,baar and young sow, Thos. Snowden. Red P igs—Boar, Thos. Snowden., J. 'A. Mattson; brood sow, young boar and young sow, J. A, Manson, Best boar, any breed, Thos. Snowden; best sow, any breed, J. A. Manson 85 Son; pair bacon hogs, J. A, Manson. • Poultry—arahmas, dark, hen, Riehl Doan; cock, T. C. Wils,on. Coehins— Cock, hen, T. C. Wilson, Riehl Doan; cockerel, pullet, Rieht Doan and 2nd; Langshans—Cock, T. C, Wilson, hen, T. C. Wilson and 2nd; cockerel, Reihl Doan and 2nd. Barred rocks --Hen, -• VVOLVERION FLOUR MILLS CO. LTiallTBD • SETIFoRTF1, ONTARIO ----...=.1`1•11"'anamama • WE ARE PAYINe FOR ORAIN Wheat, Standard .,• „ , ,, . . $1.28 per Bus, Oats, Standard or over ,58 per Bus. Barley, Malting Grade ..... , , , .72 per Bus. Mixed Barley & Oats., ........... ,$1,50 per 100 lbs, These prices are for clean, dry grain delivered at the We cannot handle Buckwheat, . STANLEY, Mr. ancP Mrs. Levett visited Over the week and OtelVIrr Elmer Webster's. Little Leone Webater Who was ,ta- ken suddenly. ill teat week, is much improved. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster at- tended the TurneraRobins,on wedding at Clinton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Beaton vis- ited at the home of Robert Webster on Sunday, - :Mrs. Murdoch McPherson, who was visiting her niece, Mrs. Robert Web- ster, returned to her home 'near Rip- ley on Wednesday. Mr. Harold-•Penhale, Miss M. Pen - hale and Mt. and Mrs. Alfred West- lake motored to St. Thomas for the week end, returning Monday, H-arold Penhale, S. J. , ' d J St -1 P td• s Kitchener visited friends in Stanley Hello' 311d - ' . Sterling, Robt. Penhale. .Mann -4 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scotchiner et' cotkerel, W. 11, Henry; pullet, W. M. and. White Rocks—Cock,. •6, J. • el ,a . • h d tut hen, Wilmer Blair, Thos. snoituen, Richardson, L. Scotchmer. N. Spies, J. cockerel, Geo. Greenslade, Willi:1, er Richardson, J. R.Sterling King of Snowden; Rocks, any variety, cocker, Thompkins, J. R. Sterling. L. Scot- el, Greenings—•Robt. Penhale, j. Blair; pullet, M. H, Tnos. el, Riehl Doan, T. C. Wilson, Riehardson; Rabston pippins, J. Rich - White 'Naryandottes—Caekerel, pullet, _.e,a0n, Riehl Doan, M. H. Vollick; Wyarre a'ala 1 R. Sterling; 20 ounce pip- pin, R. Pentetele, J. R. Sterling; Tel- dottes, cock and hen. T. C. Wilson, man Street, R. Penhale; Wagners, j. cockerel and pellet, R. Doan, T. C.5 Sterling, R. Pentiale; Golden rue - Wilson, Buff Orpingtons—Cock and t R. Penhate, J. R. Sterling; hen, Nora Ferguson; cid, end pullet. Blenheim pip -pins, J. R. Sterling, R. al. al, Vollick; a.o.v. Orpington—A11 classes, T. C. Wilson. Silver Grey Dorkings—Cock, R. Doan, T. C. Wil- son, heti, T. C. Wilson, R. D•Dan; ckl and pullet, T. C. Wilson and • 2nd. Brown Leghorns—Cock and- hen. R. Doan; ckl and pullet, T. C. Wilson and 2nd. White Leghorns—,Cock, Geo, Greenslade, T. Wilson, hen, ckl, mad millet, Geo, Greenslade and and; Ao.v. Leghorn.s, CockeR. Doan: T. C. Wilsee; hen, ckl, T. C. Wilson, R. Doane pullet, R. Doan ved ancle RI. Redsa-Ckl, jt C. Watson, M. Hi Vol - lick; 'pullet, M. H. Vollick, T, C; Wil- son. Anconas—c & h—G. Greenslade, M. H. Vollick;' c &t laym & Sans, Vollick. :Ca'amines--C & h—Mrs.•Metcalf tutd 2nd; c Selp—T. C. Wilsen, Mrs, Metealin Black 'Span- ish—c, ckl and p—T. C. Wilson. Black minoreas--hen and, pullet -a -M. H. Vollick. Andalusiens, c & h, R. Doom Silver hamburgs, all classes, T. C. Wilson. Black harnburgs, hen, R. Doan. Houdens—c & h, R. Doari. Game .bantams, c & h, R. Doan, T. C. Wilson; p, T. Snotyden; game, any variety, 5, R. Doan; c & p, T. C. Wil- son, R Doan. Bantams, a.o.v., c, &p --T. C. Wilson. A.o.v. fowl—Cock, T. C. 'Nilsen, R. Doaa; hen, T. C. Wilson, IL H, Vollick; ckl, M. H. Vallick, R. Doan; p, T. C. Wilson, M. H. Vollick, Chinchilais, Young Pair, Walter Westlake and 2nd; old pair, Don. Murray aad 2nd, Indian runner ducks, eld, R. Doan; youeg, R. Doan; Muscovy duck, old Wilmer 13tair, Har- old Penhale. Pekin ducks, young, W. M. Henry, M. H. Vollick; Ronan duck eld—a2.. Doan, T. Snow.clen; young, M. H. Vollick, R. Doan. Geese, old and young, R. Doan. Bronze turkeys, yeung, H. Penhale; old, H. Penhitle. A.o.r. turkeys, ,young, and old, T. Snowden; pair pigeons, Dr, Tillman and 2nd. Dairy Prodtrec—Butter, salt, R. S, Reid., Rose Snowden; in 1 lb. blanks, R. 5. Reid; Garnet Jacobe; Crock, R. S. Reid. Rose Snowden, fancy print, Garnet Jacob. Cottage cheese. Mrs, BRAN, in bags SHORTS, in bags MIDD,LINGS, in bags PHONE 51 *15.00 Per ton .. ........ „ $37.00 per 1011' $44,00 per ton 'Joe Itichardson, John Rwthwell; gin- ger hermits, Ed. Foster, Mrs, Metcalf; cookies,. John Rataiweal, Mary Reid; muffins, Garnet Sandhi, Mrs..Woods, scoleee, Mrs. Woods, Ed. Foster, -meat loaf, Mrs, Woods, Mary Reid; Apple pie, J. R. Sterling, Mary Reid; lemon, foe Riehordson, Mrs. Woods. Baked beans, Mary Reid. Cold Intechr- Mrs, Metctlf, Garnet Jacobi; pickles, A• Johnston, Mrs. Metcalf; jelly and marmalade, A. Johnston, Mrs. W. H. Trembley; catsups and meat sauces, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs, Trembley; canned fruits, A. ,Johnston, Mrs,' Treinbley; canned vegetables, A. Johnston, Mrs. Metcalf; canned meats, Mary Reid, Grain an•d Seeds ---Winter wheat, white, Thos. Snowden, C. Truemner; red, Milne Rader, C. Truemner; spring wheat, "allele Rader, C. Truemner; large white pea.s; T. Snowden, small, C. Truernner, Radar; barley, .j. R. Sterling, Milne Rader; white oats, C. Truemner, J. E. Pollock; red clover seed Milne Rader, C. Tauerener; sweet clover seed, T. Snowden; thno•thy seed, Milne Rader, T. Snowden;• dent cornnairs. Tremblay; sweet corn, Joe Ritharelson,• Mrs. Trembley; ia.tay. Dorn, Miss 'Drone -tette field beans, G. Greenslade, C. Truemner; garden bevels, ales Metcalf, , • Fruit -6 bunches grapes, Mrs. Met- calf, Mrs. Trembley; coll. grapes, Mrs. Mitcaff, F. Barker, plate 12 peaches, Wm. Sparks, Milne Rader; plums, C. Trueinner, Peter Haberer; prunes, Wm, Sparks, C. Truemner; yellow crabs, J. R. Sterling; red crabs, J. Richardson, R. S. Reid; •coll. pears, named, J. R. Sterling, Penhale; pears, Rose Snowden, Wm, Hey, winter pears, F. Barker; coll. fall and Winter apples, also coll. 'of winter apples, J. R. Sterling, Lloyd Scotchmer; box of spies, J. Richard- son; coll. fell apples, J. R. Sterliag, L ,Soot•chmer. Apples — McIntosh Harrison, Me.tcalf; outline stitch, Jean 'Harrison, Wm. Hey; cross stitch, Mrs. Metcalf, 'Mr's . Howrie; drawn work, Mrs, :Metcalf, Miss Livingetone 'Tea eldth—fEtnbroldered, G. 'Jacobi, Miss Livingston;', crochet, 'Mrs. WDocis, Mrs. Howrie; aa•ce, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs, Metcalf; tea .cosey, 'Mc& WOOdS, Wm, Hey; sofa cushion Wan. Hey, Mrs. 'Metcalf; •hnitdamadc'hand- kerchief, Miss .Liviiagaton, ,Wm, Hey; hancl•kerchiefs, Miss 'Livingston, avIns. Met -calla; teasing:, Mies Livingston, '0, Jacobi, curtain.s, 'Livingston," Mrs. Metcalf; runner, Mrs. lI-Iowrie, Miss Livingeton; centrepiece, Mrs. Mete -oaf, aVlies Livings•toc; •cen•trepiece, colored, jean Harrison, 'Miss 'Living- ston; bed linen, Miss Livingston, 'G. Jaco'bi; emlbroidered towels, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs. Howrie; crochet towels, Mrs. Woods, Miss Livingston; towel, Wm, Hey, Miss Livingston; under- wear, Hellen Seeds, Miss Livingston; cotton shirt, .Mrs„ 'Rees, Miss Living- ston; applique bedspread, John Rath - well, child's dress, Its. 'Metcalf, Mrs. Ross; .14^0,Men'S dregs:G. allacolai, Miss Livingston; saneple of d'arning, Mrs. Metcala, Miss .Livingeltone .patch, G. Jacobi, Mrs. Woodse darning sox, )..Irs Woods, .G. Jacobi; .patched Milne • Rader; gooserlovvn comforter, Helen Seeds, .Milne Rader; , hooked mat, • Milne, Rader, Peter Haberer; handbag, Helen. Seeds,. 'Mrs, Woods; mending on worn table linen, 'Mrs. Woods, Miss Livingston; buttonholes, Mrs. Wood.s, Mrs Ross; laundry shirt Mrs. Woods, Mrs, Ross; dyeing garment, -Mary 'Reid, Mrs. Woods; sewing, t)..lary 'R.eid, Garnet Jacobi; ' cap, 'Miss Livingston, Mrs. Ross; lat bor savin.g derice,19trs. Metcalf, NIrs. Ross; beading, Mrs. Ross; laundry bag, •Mrs. Ross, Miss 'Livingston; cloth, 'Mrs. Howrie, Miss ;Livingston; cushion, Jean linerison, !ales. Howrie; lamp shade, Mrs. 'Woods, Jean Harri- son; collection needlework, William Hey, Mrs. Howrie; camisole, Miss Livingston; embroidered, bedspread, Viam. Hey, jean Harrison; child's play dress, Helen Seeds, Miss Livingston; library ..;et, 'Mrs. aoss, .Mrs. Howrie; luncheon set, Wm, Hey, G. Jacobi; buffet set, Wm, Hey, Miss Livingston, fancy ,coinforier, Mrs, iRoss, Garnet .Tactabi; dressitag table set. Mrs, How - de, 'Miss 'Livingston; table .mats, 0. Jacobi, Wm Hey; crochet lace, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. IIoweie; ribbon novelties, Helen Seeds, Mrs. Ross; crochet aloof McKILLOP. Miss Eileen Beirnes spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dickson. Mr. .Eart Dickson is away visiting at present. Mr. Jas. Storey anti Miss Clara Stnrey vteited friends here on Sunday 'set. Barn Burned.—The large bank barn ,1 Mr. Lorne Hulley on the llth con- cession north-east of Winthrop was aeetroyed Tuesday morning shortly after 5 o'clocle. The 'blaze started when a colt knocked a lantern from the wall of the stable into a pile 01 hay, the flames instantly passing up through the hay -chute to the mow. air, Hence. was alone at the time tend was scarcely able to get some Mats out of the barn, He tried but failed to ..get the wagon off the 'barn Flo o• eo fast did the fire spread. A full barn of hay and grain were lost. Mr. Hulley was to have threshed an Thursday of this week. His loss is partly covered by insurance, The heavy white frost Monday night which covered the roof of the frame house prevented another disaster, The north-east wind was blowing almost directly from the barn to the house, Mr. Finney had led the team into Ole stable and elle colt •foilowed. As it made a bolt to go out again its head struck the lantern from the wall. VARNA. Most of the citizens took in the Bayfield Fair on Thursday last. Miss .Roxie Palmer of Hamilton has been visiting her cousins., arr. and Mrs. W. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weekes and Detroit are visetiag his father: company motored to Blyth on Wed- Mr. Philip Sedate. of Tilbury was nesday. Mrs. Glenn, of Seafortta who has been visiting friends here left for `Hen - sail to spend a few days. . Mr, John johns, who is at his sis- ters, Mrs. Hutchings, Godericb town- ship, is not as well as his many friends would like. Mr. Johns has worked with Mr. Frank Weekes for the past thirty years. Varna School Report—The names are in order of merit, ' Sr. IV.—Vera Steep, Doris Chuter, Elliott Chuter. Jr. IV.—Ida Chuter, Lillian Elliott, Hazel Hunking, Bill Anstin. Jr. III. McAsh, Elmer .Johnston, Harvey Chuter. jack MeClinchey. Sr. lst—jean Reid, Bessie Muter. Gor- don Horner, Bernice Steep, Charlie Flunking, Ford Johnston, Jennie Hun - king. Jr. let—Murvin Johnston, jr. Pr. — Roy Elliott, Donald Keyes (ecina!). Perfect Spelling — Bessie C'nuter, Willie Mc'Ash, Perfect At- tendance—Doris Chuter, Elliott Chute er, Lillian Elliott, Ida Chuter, Willie cAs'h, Bessie Chuter, Jean Reid, Murvin Johnston. Gordon.' Horner, Charlie flunking, Roy Elliott No. on re11-21. Av. att., 19.d. R. I. Taylor, Teacher. the guest of Mr. Joseph 13edour, also Mrs. Frank Denomtne of Chatham. Mr. A. Bedew. of Detroit was a Sunday guest at Joseph Bedourls. Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Hess of Hen- sel' spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mac. j. A. Connie. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heard of Bayfield visited at Mr and Mrs. J. Hohner's on Sunday. Miss Gladys Douglas of Blake, who is training as a nurse at Seaforth hos- pital, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N, Douglas. 'Bean threshing is the order of the day at present. Yields from ten to twenty bushels per acre are reported, Friends extend congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of the marraage of Miss Louisa Jane Turner, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Turner of Clinton to Mr. Samuel Archibald Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson, a prosperous young fartner near Blyth, the wedding taking place on Saturday last. The bride trained for a nurse in Clinton Hospital. Miss Gladys Douglas was home Iran Seaforth over the week -end and likes her new work as a nurse -in -train- ing in the hospital fine. CHISELHLTRST. The Chiselhurst United Church an- niversary was a real success. There was a large crowd at both the after- noon and evening services...The anni- versary offering amounted to $241.00. Mr, Garnet Dalrymple arid Len - wood Purdy have purchased a bean mill, They are getting along well with it and making a good job. Mr, Percy Harris and Miss Pearl Harris left Monday morning for New York state where they intend visiting fin a week or two with their uncle and aura, Mr, and Mrs. Charles 'Harris; also their two cousins, Mrs. Floyd Foss and Miss Elsie Sarris, Mr. 0. Slavin has returned from vis- iting his uncle in Detroit, Mich. • DUBLIN The following is the report of St, Patrick's School, Dublin, for Septem- ber; Sr. IV,--aionours, Francis Donnel- iv, Cecilia, Taeettey, Arthur Tnooby, Bertha Dillon, Catherine Kenny, Mar- garet O'Connell. Pass.--alteta Staple. tan, Matilda Darrestyn, Dorothy Don- nelly. Jr, DV,—Lloyd MeiCartliy, Ursula Flanagan, Rose Arnold; Mary Moly- KIPPEN. The farm of the late John Mc - Daman wee coal by ellen sale on Tueeday to "Mr. :Herbert Jones. Mrs. 'fcf<ibbon who hag been visit- ing 'tele sister, Mrs. Henry Ivison for some weeks, has returned to her home in Londen. .\t -a. R. Hopkais ma Mese R. Noble of Chicago who have been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. H. laic- BAYFIELD PALL FAIR. The minuet Fall Fair was held on Wednesday and Thursday last arid had a very large crowd and good ex- hibits. All classes were good, hearses, cattle, sheep, swine and pouttry. There was a wide variety of indoor exhibits all of good quality. :Music was fur- nished by 'Seaforth Pipe Band, whlch was much anpreciated. judges-elHorses, James Norris, of Mitchelt; Alex. Sinclair, of Kippen. Cattle.—W, H. Coates, Exeter; John W. Saikeld, Goderich; sheeP.and -hogs, G C Pettyt' Hensall; Humphrey Wig- gin Clinton. Dairy, Jas. Connolly, Mecalt, A. E. Erwria. Ham—Mrs,N. Snell, Clinton. Poultry, j. A. Goderieh; Ross Scott, Brucefield. 1111% W""`Ii'• Bac`10/ grs, N. W. Domestic Science, l'irs. Connolly. of oaWizelAci,. alzfr.a.erf.,evtinallf(irelagrsde,(11/tfriisi.ckMenest-, Goderich; Jennie Burke, Goderich. Grain awl Seeds, Les. Williams, Zee. Mrs, W,. -/Ii. fagge, white shell, R. S. tch. Fruit, R. S, Smyth, Clinton; Chas. Ralf'1, Wm. SPRe.akpaoli:12:::allhaohneeyll: 115., SE.. VcPbail, Goderich; vegetablee, Wm. 1144,, P's giChard5On' dieninY bee 5. johnstm, Zurich. Lacliee' Week, 7,..,rrle,,te, 5. F. E Beattie: Seaforth; Mrs. Wm. wr'';::::: lrins7rf:alc4ievvrnhni,tc,a,filvnaebaRmad,egr,r.js: Gteen Goderich; Mre. 5. Noble, Go- It Steal:114. f:Idge, Mrs, Metcaif, Mrs. (1°Hricabr.l's„. ee.:1.,,,eere./ puere.)ae• an team Weele; nut bres,l, Mr. Woods, Mrs. ing or filly, 3 years, Wm, Decker, J, well, Mary Reid; • layer take, white, Percy Johnston, 3, R, Sterling; geld- l',N,Irars'a,awif;,gritria8h.arGnaritini:tffinisla,conobl: Rdeatrlik.., A, lafansoe at Son; 2 years old, Wm. Garnet Jacobe, Mary Reid, Fruit (take, Tohn Rathwell, Mrs, J, W, Reid; buns, Ed. Foster, Mee. Woods; tea biecuits, Penhale; Snows, a. Richardson, L. Seotchmer; Ontarlos, Wm. Sparks, J. mat. Ed. 'Foster, Mrs. warm, Richardson; Wolfe River, J. R. Siert- ber Tug, Mrs, Ross, Garnet Jacobi; ing, Don. Murray. Vegetables --.Potatoes. early Cob- bler, Milne Rader, F. Barker; early potato, Milne Rader, G. Greenslade; Green Mountain: Milne Rader; late potato; Morris Switzer, Milne Rader, Mangolds, long red, Ed. Foster, C. Truemner; yellow globe, F. Barker, Thos..Snowden; intermediate, Milne Rader, C. Truemner. Carrots, field, F. Barker; long. F. Barker, Mrs, sleeping garment, G. Jacobi, Ross; tea towels, Miss Livingston, Jean Harrison; assortment of kitchen accessories, Mrs, ,Metcalf, G. 'Jacobi. -Plants and Flowers—large bouquet, Peter Haberer, Mrs. Woods; small bouquet. Peter Hberer, Mrs. 'Woods; c011ection of sylvia, Mrs. ,Woods; dah- lia's, 'Mrs. J. E. McLeod; • fusehias, Mrs, J. 'H. MdLeod; pansies, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. W. 'H. Tremblay; tub - 'M Trembley; ehort, F. Barker, A. E. erous begonias, Mrs. , Erwin. J3eets, long, Milne Rader; McLeod; fibrous rooted begonias, turnip beets, F. Barker, R. Simwden. Mrs. -McLeod; 'ferns and Soliage beg - Parsnips, R. Snowden, Milne Rader. lonnias, Mrs, 1.1eLeoci; geraniums, Mrs Field ternips, al. Rader, Ed. Foster, MeLeodMiss Beownett; asters, Mrs. Sugar beets, Miss Brownett, C. Tructener; winter radish, T. Snow- den; salsify, Ia. Barker, R. Seowden; oallabage, 'F. Barker, G. Greenslade, cauliflower, F. Barker; muskmelons, Milne Rader, A. E. Erwin; watermel- ons, John Penhate, T. Snowden; citrons,• G. Greenslade, F. .Barker; Murtrie, have renamed home, • Decker and 2ild; l year old, Rol t. e - Miss -Etta Ile of London spent the ciineeee. Team,Wim Beewe week end with her parents, Mr. and ,s,tovora (aerie, ay. Thost nigegnate Mrs. A. 3301. ptimpkita A. Johnstone Barker; W. H. Trenebley; .pettinias, F. Barker, A. E. Erwin; house plants., 'Peter Ha - beret Mrs. McLeod; codens, F. Bar- ker; gloxania, Mrs :Tremblay, liars. Woods; annuals, Mrs. Tremblay, F. Barker; cosmos: Mrs. Tremblay, A. E. Erwin; zinnias, Bert Donn, Mrs. Tremblay; verbenas, lvirs. Tremblay; ladiol.'Mrs. McLeod, special rose squash, C. Truemner•'argeat pump- collection. Fe Itaberer. kin, C. Trueniner, T. Snowden; potato onions, A, Johnston, G. jacobi; white onions, F. Barker, red Onions, F. 13ar- leer; yellow onions, F. Barker, Wm. Hey. 'Tomatoes, red, Geo, Greenslade, R. Snowden; yellow, F. 13arker, irtrs, Metcalf; large, R. Sno•wden, G. Green- slade; peach tomatoes, R. Snowden, Mrs. Tremblay; -sunflower, G. Jocobi, Mrs. Tremblay; garden. herbs, Mrs. Teernblay, Mrs. Metcalf; peppers, G. Greenslade, A. Johnston; cucumbers, 0, Greenslade, Miss Prownett; vege- table marrow, Milne Rader, Miss Brownett. Hubibard squash, green, A. ,Tohnslinn, John Penhale; yellow, M. Rader, Ladies' Work—Knit sweater, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Livingston; crochet, Miss Livingetou;.knit, cap, Mrs. How- rie, Mrs. Ross; crochet cap, Mrs. Ross; men's sox, 0, Jacobi, Miss Liv- ..ingston, flee sox, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Howrie'," plain mitts, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Ross; knitted mitts, j. Jacobi, Helen Seeds; bedroom slipper, 0. Jacobi, Miss Livingston; knitted jack- et, Mrs, Howrie„Miss Livingston; crochet jacket, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Roes. Bootees, crochet, Mrs. Ras.q, Wes Telyingston;• knitted, Mrs, Ross, Mise Livingston; -collar and cuff, Miss Livingston, Mrs, Ross; collar 'and cuff set, Mrs, 'Metcalf, Mi -89 Livingston; Dillow sties, Mrs, Wood, .Jetin rison; trimit lace, Miss Tavingsten, Mrs. Howrie; fill et la ce, 3tiss Li vi ston,Ntles.1110sv, apron, jean Harrison, aacobi; kitchen apron,, Jean Ear - deem, Mrs. 'Metcalf; enibroldery,Wm. Hey, 'Mrs. allo•wrice leut-werier Jean Fine Arts—ilaanciscape, . sers. Metcalf, Miss Livingatat'li still life, oil,. Miss 'Livingston, Mrs. •Roes; fruit, water color, and flowers, Miss Liv- ingston; pen and ink drawing, Wm. Stephenson, Miss Livingston; water color painting on silk or setin, Mies Livingston, Mrs. Metcalf; hand paint- ed china, Miss Livingston, 'Mrs, :Met- calf; fruit and flowers, in all, Miss Li- vliigstop, 14frs, Iloweie; pencilsketch, M.rs. Ross, Miss Livingston, Mantifecttires.—Skein twisted yarn, Milne .Rader, ;S•kein woolen yarn, Milne Rader; soft soap, Miss Browne ett; herd soap, +Maty Reid, Mrs. - Woods: corn husk door irat, Milne Rader, 'Miss larownett; homemade ar- ticle of 'furniture, F. Barker, Mrs. Ross. +Sc*hool 'CITildren.--lBest essay of "B'aylneld Fall 'Fair," Bernice Seeds, Elizabeth Snowden; hand -sewed gat- ineut, Elizabeth Snowden; bird house, ilh 51 r!lili'g. Tpitabing was Won laY A. C, 'Brandon of tBaylfleitt and John Snider of Brucefield, Ifirslt; and Nor- . man Nichol', Sealforth, and William L,eitch, Goclerich, second. • Baby Show, best baby boy under 11) months, . llt•o'it Pearson, son of Mr. end Mi'S. John Pea,nson; John Mc- Kenzie ICannabell, son of Mr, and Mrs. Cone Campbell, oa ,Stanley;" best. baby oil.' tinder 10 months, Lois Middleton, daughter sil Mr. and Mee, Jobe Mid- clletoii, Goderich towlishipl Mel -vine Stele:mon, daughter of Mr. and MI'S. W, Sturgeon, of Bayfeeld,