The Seaforth News, 1929-09-26, Page 8OUT
Twu DAY, TMBR 26, 1929
Mr. and Mrs. Win, to :le 'and sem
Billie of London slava the week -anti
at the home of Mrs -Thos. SiMpson,
Mr. Alfred Smith' of London spent
the week-ena at hi sS home here.
and Mrs. Lee Hedden Ha-
milton spent the•Week-end with friends
in toe n,
The Young People 1,Elhe Presby-
terian church held their Meeting 00
Monday evening last. The meeting
was openea by the singiag of a hymn
folilowed by the Lord's prayer in un -
'son. The Scripture lessoa was read
by Miss Beryl .Pfaff after whiCh the
inmates of the hist meeting were
read. Hymn 775 isms then sung follow -
Natty the roll call, The topic, "What
d7es jesaa Meatt by cross hearing,"
was given by Miss Ruby McI,aren. A
talk on Summer schools held in To-
ronto Was given ,by MiAt; Alice Walk-
er after which hymn 425 was sang fol-
lowed by the Mizinah benediction.
'The Young People of the United
Church head a weiner roast on Mon-
day evening last at St. Joseph. Amus-
ing games were played after 'which
hot dogs were nerved.
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Welsh of Ex-
eter spent Monday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Robt, Higgins.
Mr. ROM, Higgins was in Goderich
Tnesday on besiness,
The services in the Carmel Presby-
terian church were largely attended on
Sunday last with Rev. Mr. McIlroy
occupying his awn pulpit.
Misses Florence and Sarah Petty
have reterned front a pleasant motor
trip and visiting some of the summer
eesorta in northern Ontario.
We are pleased to Aee ale. W. A.
McLaren, hardware merchant, able
to take his place in his store alter a
couple of weeks' serious illness.
Mr. and Mrs, John Dick of Orillia
are spending a few weeks with friends
Rally Day is to be held in the Sens
day schools on Sept. 29th, and fiaie
programmes are being prepared.
Miss Beatrice Curb -Imre of Toronto
is spending her holidays at her home.
Miss Mary McGregor is spending a
few weeks with friends in Toronto.
'Quite a number attended the Exe-
ter fair last week.
The services in the United Church
on Sunday were well attended. Rev.
Mr. Scrible of Belgrave delivered a
fine sermon in the morning. In the
evening the service was withdrawn be-
cause of the at seraece at
The Presbyterian young people in-
tend holding a weiner roast on Friday
• evening. Sept. 27. at the home of Mr.
Robt. McLaren Sr, The whole con-
gregation of the Presbyterian church
is especially invited.
Quite a umber attended the an-
nual fair at Zurich this week,
Two representatives of the Ontar-
io Hydro Commission were ie town
Wednesday last taking up the matter
of some improvements to .,nr local
plant, with the Reeve and manager.
For some time the service to the stove
users of the village has not been very
satisfactory and our local commis-
sion has been taking the matter up
with the Provincial authorities. The
trouble has been that the voltage has
not been high enaugh on the line
coming up from Exeter. This will be
remedied immediately by a new wire
being run up from Exeter. The pro-
vincial authorities have assured the
Reeve that this avi.11 be done immed-
iately and we will then have a splen-
did service.
The Htiron Caninty Old Age Board
have up to date over 300 applications
for pensions. A large number of these
have already been dealt with. Forty-
six inmates of the Huron County
Home who are over seveety years of
age, have been granted pensions. The
ailment of these pensions will be
transferred back to Huron County.
Mrs. Wm. Robt. Henry of Bruce -
field is spending a few weeks visiting
friends in town.
Mr. Elliott, the Conservative candi-
date is a resident of Clinton, a former
farmer aud is a well known auction-
eer ancl is very popular in the north
end of the riding. Mr. Fred Ford of
Clinton will be the returning officer
and Robert Higgins of Hensall, elec-
tion clerk,
On September 20th the death oc-
curred of Robert Love in London,
where he had been for nearly the past
year, and his remains were brought to
the home of his on Milton, and were
interred in Bird's cemetery Monday
afternaon. The funeral was private
Deceased was the second eldest son
of the late Hugh Love of the town-
ship of Stanley and had resided near
near Hillsgreen ail his !ife time until
last year. He was for many years an
elder of the Presbyterian Church at
Hillsgreen. Snrviving are his wife
and four sons and two daughters. The
sons are:. Bilton, Ross, Grant and
Glenn, and the daughters. Mrs. Albert
Keys, and Mrs. John E. McEwen.
He is also survived by three brothers,
namely, William, Andrew and James,
and three sisters, Mrs. Alex. Melafur-
trie, Mrs. Peter Fisher and Mrs. Ran -
dell. Deceased was in his sixty-ninth
Why Suffer
Periodic Pain?
eieroBasen relieve'perkelle Paha,
heada,e4es, backaches, 'weakness,
retools, sleopleeenetsa, irritability,
antl many other 841mm:start= which '
few women are entirely tree. A aeon.
dealt' reconstructive Bevy° Tonio.
NILENE cam be obtabaed in either
liquid or tablet harm at $1.00 per
bottle or box.
126 Wellington St Meal
Toescitneo 2, ONT., CANADA
Keating's Pharmacy
At Your Local Drug Store or direct.
hat, Thc., house Wee prefusely decor-
ated with beautiful gladioli, the britlet
;able being centrea with the .staters;
and '.the r Rotuma flowers end. the
manystiered, handsomely decorated
tyedding cake. Following the reCep-
tion Mr. and airs. Myna left by motor
for Montreal, the bride travelling ,in
a dress of sand ilat erepe, and hide- ,
Peadent blue coat, with Queen Anne
collar of saoleskie, hat to match and
skin shoes, In the evening they
boarded the Washington Atlantic, 00'
their wedding trip they visited Wash-
ington, Atiantie City and New York.
Oa their return they will reside at
'7536 Qaerbes ave.. Montreal. The
'bride received many beautiful gifts;
amongst which were a silver tea ser-
vice and tea wagon and other gifts
'from the 'Columbus Rubber Co., in
'which firm she had been employed for
several years a ennboard end kitchen
shower from girl friends on the staff,
and. a •miscellaneous Shower. Pie
groom was presented with a chest a
fiat salver from the Claims' dept, of
the C.N.R., Montreal, with which he
is connected. Amongst the guests
'from out-of-W*1i were Mr. and Mrs.
Dominic Flynn, Mise Tena Flynn and
Thomas ,Flyna, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
John Curran, Miss Loretta 'Flynn of
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn .of
Detreit, Mieha Mr. and Mrs. j, Bruce
DeRochle, Massena, Mr, and
Mrs, Herman Keefe, Tropt River, N,
Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaRose,
Montreal; Mrs. M. 1. McCauley,
Mise Jessie 'Metcalf of Detroit visit-
edher parents, Dr, and Mrs. W, F.
Meteala over the week -end, having re-
turned a week ago from Europe where
she spent the summer,
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Mustard
and family of Toronto spent the week
end at their oottage.
Dr. and Mrs. Shields and family of
Kitchener spent the week -end in Jove-
ett's Grove,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameronand
family of Detroit spent the week -end
with Mr, A. Cameron. Miss Elizabeth
Cumeron who was visiting at Detroit
retarneti -home with him.
Me and Mrs. G. M. Fisher who were
tbe formers atuit, Mrs, F. A'
Edwards, returned to Waterloo on
Rev. F. 11. and Mrs, Paull who were
visiting at Galt,'Brantford and To-
r',nto returned home on Saturday.
Mr, Harold Weston and wife of
Detroit are spending their vacation in
the village, the guests a the former's
father and grandparents.
Mrs. Reid of Sarnia is the geest of
her sister, Mrs. Wm. Johnston.
Mr. Mullen and son of Detroit mo-
tored here on Friday. Mrs. Mullen
who spent two months with Miss N.
Ferguson returned home with them
'on Sunday. •
Rev. R. M. Gale, Mrs. Gale and
Miss Gladys Gale who spent their va-
cation at Chatham,. Sarnia and Bay
City returned hoose last Thursday.
Mr. Garrett of Toronto is visiting
)Jr. Louis Thomson.
Miss Helee Cameron went to Gode-
rich on Sanday to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamilton of
Carlyle spent the week end at the Ritz.
Mr, G. Hamilton of the Bank of
Commerce visited friends in Owen
Sound on Sunday.
"Mrs. John Davison was the guest
last week of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Kerr
st Walkerton,
lir, and Mrs. Heary Weston retern-
ed home on Sunday with Mr and lire.
Percy Weston with whom they visited
at Kitchener the Past week.
The Harvest Thanksgiving services
will be held the first Sunday in Octo-
ber in Triuity Church, Bayfietld et 11
a.m.; St. James'. Middleton, at 3 tallie
and St. John's, Varna, at 7 p.m. The
special preacher for the occasion will
he Canon .Naftel of Milton.
Mrs, A. Newton -Brady returned on
Saturday from Ottawa where she was
visiting her brother. Mr. McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Scrimgeour of Strat-
ford, spent the week -end at their cot-
Mrs, S, Stacey of Hensall spent tbe
week end with Mr, Win. jarrott.
Mr. Geo. Stephenson of Walkeaton;
Mr, C. Alton of Lecknow spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. Robt. Steph-
enson. •
Rev, Mr. Maines of Walton preach-
ed two able sermons in Hillsareen on
Senday last, being their anniversary.
Special mask was given by the choir
assisted by Mrs. E. Elsom of aldose
Jaw. Fine duets were given lby Mr.
Carlile and Mrs. Elsom; also Agnes
Love and Martha Carlile.
. .
We will pay 455 in Trade for New laid Extras
NORTH STAR FLOUR ...... „ , „. , $4.49
—Date of sitting, Oct, 8, 11 a.m., in
1Township 'Hall, 'West Wantanoshl
Clerk -of Revising 'Officer, Durnin
Lucknow, Last daY for
complaints, Oct, 4th.
.GIODERICH TO,WIN—Date of sit-
ting, Oct. a, E, 3, 4 at 10 a.m. in the
Court House!, Goderich, Clerk of
Revising Officer, 'Miss 'Rubena V.
Naegele, Goderich. Last day for
complaints, Septr27th.
-WHIGHAIVI TOWN—Date of sit-
ting, 0.ct, 16th at 11 Lino in the
Town Hall, 'Whigham. Clerk of Re-
vising Officer, W. A. 'Galbraith,
Wingham. 'Last day for complaints,
October lath,
ting, Oct. 2nd, at la, in the
Town Hall, Brussels, Clerk of Re-
vising Officer, A. H. Macdonald,
iBrussels. Last day for complaints,
September 28th,
BILYTIH VIDDLAGE—Date of sitting,
October 17th at 11 a.m. it Com-
munity Hall, Blyth, Clerk of Re-
vising 'Officer, Jas. D. Moody,
iBlyth. Last day for complaints, Oc-
tober 14th.
HAY TOWNISHIP—Date of sitting,
October T5th at 2.30 pim. in Town-
ship Hall, Zurich, Clerk Of Revis-
ing Officer, A. F. Hess, Zurich.
Last day for complaints, Oct, Ilth.
sitting, Oct. '5th at 3 p.m.. in Com-
munity Hall, Landeaboro. 'Clerk of
Revising Officer, John Fin,gland,
Londeshoro. Last day for Com-
plaints, Oct. 2nd,
sitting, Oct. 7th, at 3 ,p.m. itt
Holmes' Hall, Holmesvalle. Clerk
of Revising Officer, R. G. Thonm-
son, Clinton. Last day *or . comp-
laints, Oct. 3rd.
sitting, 'Oct. l'4th, at 3 pan. in the
'Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth.
Clerk of Revising Officer, John
McNay, Seaforth No. 2. Last day
for complaints, Oct. 10th.
sitting, Oct. 8th at 2.30 p.m. in the
Township Hall Varna. Clerk of
Revising 'Offacer, J. E. Harrewell,
Varna. Last day for complaints,
'Oct. 4511.
sitting, Oct 9th at 1 p.m. in the
Township Hall, Crediton. Olerk of
Revising Officer, H. Eilber, Credi-
ton. L:ase day for 'complaints, Oc-
tober 5th.
Date of sitting, Oct. T2th, at 3 pm.
in Walker's Hall Brumfield. Clerk
of Revising Officer, D. F. McGreg-
or, Seaforth No. 3. Last day for
complaints, Oct. 9th.
sitting, Oct. 18th at 2.30 in t e
theee or four years ago and freshly
Township Hall, Elimville. Clerk of
Revising Offiter, Henry Strang, par bteedenthdisecyoeraarte' adridbutitteainstheorirotr thimaive:
tHensall No, 1. Last day for corn-
ulthe property is t'he choicest offered in
plaints, October 15th.
OLINTON TOWN—Date ofsitting, Seaforth for many years. There is
Octolber 3rd at 2.30 p,m., in 'mown also a one ear garage and henhouse
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of
Duff's Church will hold tk,air meeting
at the home of Mrs. Percy Smith on
Friday afternoon at 2 pau,, Sept 27th.
Miss Edith Storey has come from
Crystal City, Man., and is now at the
Stratford Normal,
Mr. Samuel Storey, Sr. visited at
the home of Mr. Wm. Storey last
Mr. John J. Storey has now finished
harvesting his beans.
Miss Edith Storey visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hogg on
Sunday last.
Mr. aud Mrs. George Dickson are
away visiting at present.
Mr. Walliain McClure is having se-
nient stabling put in which willobe a
great improvement,
'Bethel Ladies' Aid is holding a ba-
zaar in the Workman's Hall, Walton,
on October 16th. Homemade baking
and other articles will be sold. They
are also serving a chicken supper.
Like at Grip at the Throat, For a
disease that is not classed as fatal
there is probably none which causes
more terrible suffering than asthma.
Sleep is impossible, the sufferer be -
conies exhausted and finally, though
the attack passes, is left in oneeasing
dread of its return, Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Asthma Remedy is a wonder-
ful remedial agent. It immediately re-
lieves the restricted air passages as
thousands can testify1 It is sold by
dealers everywhere.
Miss Rose Marie Burns of Cleve-
land returned home on Saturday after
spending the past couple of weeks
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Flynn, Miss
'retie Flynn and 'Mr. Tom Flynn mo-
tored to Cornwall to attend the wed-
ding di Miss Louise Quesnell and Mr.
'Leo Flynn of Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. las. Medd spent Sat-
urday in Stratford, where they pur-
cliased a new car.
lair. 'William Carter was in Detroit
this NN -cele with his son Charlie, who
is not as well as his many friends
Nvout like to see him.
Mrs. Owen Flynn returned on Mon-
day after spending a few days with
Toronto. Islington and Clarkson
Mr. Jos, Nagle and Mr. Jack Bren-
nan of Dublin are busy building a
concrete bridge at St. Jobn's.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Montrose of De-
troit, Mrs. Jas. Evans, Beechwood,
Mr. Jas. and Misses Teresa and Gene-
vieve Atkinson .04 Hibbert spent San -
day at the home of Mr. Owen Flynn.
Flynn-Quesnel. — (Despatch from
'Cornwall Freeholder), A beautiful m.1.-
4111510 wedding took place on morn-
ing of September 21 at 8:30 o'clock in
the Church of the Nativity, East
Cornwall, when Rev. Father a Mc-
Donald united in marriage Miss
Louise Quesnel, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Quesnel, 412 Weter st east,
and Mr. Leo D. Flynn of the Claims'
dept. of the Can. Nat. Rys., Montreal.
The bride, who was given away by
her father, looked charming in her
wedding gown of monet blue geor-
gete trimmed with transparent velvet
of a darker shade, and wearing a hat
of motet blue soleil felt. She cried a
bouquet of Ophelia and Briar Cliff
roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Beatrice
Quesnel, sister 'of the bride, wore a
sand georgette dress, with hat to
match and carried a bouquet of Pre-
mier roses, Mr. Thomas Flynn of
Clinton, bother of the groom, was
hest man. During the ceremony, Mrs.
A, Aim% presided at the organ, play-
ing the wedding music, and Mrs, Her-
man Keefe, of Trout River, N.Y,, sang
"0 Promise Me," e.nd Bruno's "Ave
Marie." After the marriage service, a
reception and buffet breakfast was
held at the home o'f the bride's par-
ents, the bride's mother wearing a
dress of navy georgette, with cream
lace trimming, a hat to match and fer
neck piece. The groom's mother wore
a gown a black crepe -hack satin,
trimmed with' sand crepe and black
Sister Martha of Chatham visited
her mother and brother, Mrs. Thos,
O'Hara and Jerry °Sara last Sat-
Mrs. McLellan, formerly known as
Miss Minnie Manley, and her son, of
Detroit, were visitors in onr ,berg
during the week. She left her 40
years ago and finds a great many
changes eince that time. She is one
of !Huron's girls that has made good in
Uncle Sam's domains.
tMr. and Mrs. Henry Mayor and
family and Mr, and Mrs. j. M. Eck-
ert and Mr, Matt. Lynch and his sis-
ter Kate were visitors at the home of
Mr. W. Manley last Sunday.
Quite a number from here attended
the Ettcharistic congress at St.
Tames' Cherch, Seaforth Wednesday.
The late froats have cut dowe all
perishable vegetables and has made
potiato digging the order of the day.
'The crop Is of good quality,
'Corns cripple the feet and make
vralleing a torture, yet sure relief in the
shape of Holloway's Corn 'Remover is
within easy readh of ail,
Want and Var. Sale ads, 1 that 15
The Ontario Election, Oct. 30th, 1929
Take notice that the sittings of the
Revising Officers for the purpose of
hearing complaints or appeals with
regard to the Voters' Lists to be used
at the pending election of a member
of the Legislative Assembly for each
of the Electoral Districts of Huron,
North, and Huron South,will be held
for the respective municipalities in
said Districts, at the following times
and places mentioned its the schedule
below'with the names of the Clerk of
the Revising Officer for each Munic-
ipality, and the last date for making
complaints or appeals to the said
sitting, Oct, 7th, at 11 an. in the
'Township Hall, Ashfi.eld, Clerk of
Revising Officer, C. E. McDonagh,
,Lucknow, No. 3. 'Last day IOT COM -
plaints, October 3ed.
sitting, Oct. 10, at 10.30 a.m. in
Township Hall, Carlow. Clerk
Revising Officer, Mrs, I. Hether-
ington,.Goderich. Last day for
complaints, Oct: 71h,
GREY TOWNSHIP—Date of sitting
Oct. I'lth, at 11.30 a.m. in Township
'Hall, Ethel. Clerk of Revising Of-
ficer, J. H. Fear, Ethel. Last day
for complaints, Oct. 8th,
HIOIWICK mowNskur — Date of
sitting,10ct. 5th at 11.30 aern., in ehe
'Township Hall, 'Garde. Cleelc of
Revising Officer, 'George :W. Walk-
er, Gc,rrie. Last day for complaints,
,Getolber End.
11011eRIS ITOWN,SEIda—D ate ol
sitting, O'ct. 12th at 11 a.m, in the
'Township Hall, Morris, Clerk af
Mr. Thomas Brown, hat received
lastrectioas from the andersigned to
sell by pehlie attetion at lot 30, Com
3, Hibbert, on 'Thursday, 'October 3,
1929, commencing et rine o'clock
sharp, the followiagi .1, driving
hasse., Cows -1 cow 5 years old; stip-
posed to be in ealf. Three yearling
steers and 'heifers, 2 yowler <tows and
eelf Innalentents • —1 McCann-
Agents for International Harvester
Co., Manufacturers of
Horses for sale or exchange at all
times, Also late 505 Ford coupe for
• —
Ten choice Yorkshire white pigs
five weeks old. Phone 234r14, Seaforth
central. 39.
ick Ihieder, good as new; 'Masseye
Harris, mower, 6 ft. cut, nearly new;
Noxon seed drill, Massey-Iiarris
cnirlaator, dump hay-srake, disc har-
row; four section diamond harrows;
fanning ntill; root politer, hay fork;
couple (et bobsleighs, lumber wagon,
tete buggy, open buggy, Portland
cutter, set of single harness, set of
stales, forks, ditching tools, sledges,
sager kettle, grindstone, add other
articles too numerous to mention.
Also a dinner set, knives, forks,, 5 -gallon stone, crock, hang-
ing lamp, quantity of lumber, cream
sepeeator, new, extension ladder, hay
Terms—Alt sums of S10.00 and
under, cash; °vet, that amount; ' 12
months' .credit on approvedrt, joint
;totes; 5 per cent. .cliscount off for
cash on redit amounts. 'No reserve,
as farm is 'sold.
T. Brown, allele: Peter McCann,
s te
f Farm Stock at Lot 57, Con. 8,
Killo,p Tp., 2 miles east of Win -
p, on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, at
sharp, 'consisting of tile follow -
25 two year old heifers rising 3
; 9 yearling steers and. heifers;
rham grade heifer with calf at
; Holstein heifer supposed to be
calf; Holstein cow rising 4 yrs.,
king good, due March 41h; Hol -
in cow 9 yrs. old, freshened 2
nths, heavy .milker; aged driving
re, quiet and reliable. Six of the
ve heifers are supposed to freshen
November and December. This is
hoice lot of Ontario bred stock,
stly Durham, Polled Angus and
reford grade in good condition,
will be positively seld without
erve as proprietor has no winter
d. Terms. -7 mouths' credit will
given on furnishing approved joint
-Citable !paper or a discount of 3 per
t. straight will be allowed for 'cash.
harles Little, proprietor; Geo. II.
iott, auctioneer.
DR H. HU ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of , London H-
pilal Londott, England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose • and throat, 'Office And reside
enee behind Dominion Bank, 'Office
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 104.
DR 111 t J. BURROWS, Seafortle
Office and residence, Goderich street,
eget of the -United Church, Coroner -
for fife County of Huron. Telephone
No, 40.
Of Furniture andt Household Ef-
fects end Poultry. Fred W. Ahrens
has received instructions' from the un-
dersigned proprietor to sell by public
auction at Lot 6, Con. '8, Township
of McKillop on Tuesday, October let,
1929, commenting at 2 o'cleek s.hare,
the following: About 40 White Leg-
horn hens 1 yr. old, 25. 13arred Rock
pullet's, Furniture — 3 beds with
Seringe end mattreee, a iron lbed with
spring and mattress, 1 dresser, 2 wash
stands, 1 five -piece parlor seite, 1
small table, 2 sideboards, 1 dining
room table, 6 dining chairs, 1 couch,
1 •kitehen table 1 glass cupboard, 6
kitchen chairs:1 small table, 1 hang-
ing tamp, 6 small lamps,iars, :crocks,
dishes, • pictures, 1 church' shed at
tbe Lutheran ehurch, Brodhagen;
about 8 'cords of maple wood 16
inches long, a quantity of cedar rails,
25 cords Of pine roots cut short, 1
grind stone, and a hoit of other eeiti-
des around a home too nomerous to
mention. 'Terens.—Ail sunii of 7500
and under, eash; over that, amount 3.
months' credit will be given on furn-
ishing approved joint notes or a dis-
count of 3 per cent. straight off for
cash on credit amounts. Geo. Stetter-
nagel, proprietor. Feed W. Ahrens,
DR, C. MACKAY.—C. ManIraY,
honor graduate of Trinity "Univerelty -
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of °Mutat,
Of , Desirable House and' Lot and
Contents of Same in the Town of
The Executor of the Estate of Re-
becca Wood, late of the Town of Sea -
forth, widow, deceaaed, has instruct-
ed G. 11. Elliott, Auctioneer, to sell
by public auction on Saturday, Octo-
ber 5th, 1929, at 2 p.m. sharp on the
premisea the ifollowieg desirable ,pro-
perty; 'Lot Number 188 in Jarvis'
Survey of part of the Town of Sea -
forth and situate on the west side of
High Street, on said Lot is erected a
fine, PA storey brick dwelling con-
taining 7 rooms and bathroom, heat-
eri by hot air furnace and lighted by
electricity and having town water
and cistern, having been' shingled
Hall, Clinton, Clerk of Revising of-
ficer, 0 L. MaclPherson, Clinton,
Last day for complaints, Sept. 30.
SEAPORTS 'TOWiN--Date of sit-
ting, Oct. Ilth,•at 2,30 p.m. in the
Town Hall, Seaforth. Clerk of Re-
vising Officer, j.. A, Wilson, Sea -
forth. Last day for complaints, Oc-
tober 8th.
EXETER VILLAGE --Date of sit-
ting, October. 16th at 2.30 p.en., in
Village Hall, Exeter, Clerk. of Re-
vising Officer, Joseph Senior, Exe-
ter. Last day for complaints, Oct.
6 Chair's and table; 'I oak sideboard
them Oct 4ttt, at L30 p.m., in the and aldna cabinet, '1 set drapes,
.Revising Officer, Alex, MacEwan,
on said lands.
At ehe .satne time and place the
following chattels will he sold by
public auction:—I. :three piece ches-
terfield suite, 3 large axminster rugs,
5 small rugs, 1 'Victrola, 1 Gerhard-
Heinteman piano a,nd bench, 1 table
lamp, 1 libeery table, 1 leather cover-
ed Morris Chair, 1 mantle clock, 3
wickerwork veranda chairs and fern-
ery, 2 ottomans, 1 small lamp, 1 par-
lour china cabinet, 1 four piece ma-
hogany parlour suite, 1 marble top
table, 2 sets velour window drapes„
2 pedestals, 1 oak dining room suite
DR. F. 3, R. FOiRSTER—Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-.
sine, University of Toronto' 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthale •
rnic and Aural Instit e, Moorefield's.
Eye, and Golden &Nue throat h.os-
pitals, London. England. At Comm—
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday
each month, from el a.m. to 3 p.n.
DR. W. C. SPROAT—Graduate al
Faculty of Medicine, University nf
Western Ontario, London. Member -
of College of Physicean's and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhartta,
Drug Store, _Main Ste Seaford',
Phone 90.
In the Estate of Joseph Nicholson,
TAKE NOTICE that all persees hav-
ing claims against the Estate of Jos-
eph Nicholson, who died at the Town-
ship of McKillop on the 131h day of
July, 1929, are required to send to the
undersigned on or before the First
day of October 1929, a statement in
detail of their claim or claims veri-
fied by affidavit.
And further take notice that on and
after the said last mentioned date the
Executors of the said Estate will pro-
ceed to dietetbute the same amongst
those entitled thereto, having regard
onlyto such claims as shall have been
received by them.
Dated this 5th day of September,
AID. 1929.
Solicitor for the Executors.
w.alout telephone stand and seat, 1
Town Hall, Hensel]. Clerk of Re -
teak hat eack, 1 five piece french wal-
vising Officer, John Patterson, Hen -
Get. 1 nut bedroom suite, 1 two piece wal-
sail. Last day for complaints,
nut 'bedroom suite, 2 tables, 2 rocking
The County Judge is the Revising
chairs, 3 mattresses., 1 oak fwo piece
Officer for all Municipalities in North
bedroom suite, 2 chairs, .1 sewing
and South Huron. machine, 1 vacunu
um sweeper, 3 r -
All persons are called Upon to ex-
rors, 1 kitchen table, 5 kitchen chairs,
amine the Voters' Lists to ascertain
1 kitchen cabinet, 1 kitchen range, 1
that their names are correctly entered
three plate electric stove and oven,
therein, 1 kitchen linoleum, 1 electric washer,
that any voter in any of tile said mu- 1 sec"r'etarY bookcase, flat wear,
dishes and bedding and other goods
nicipalities who desires to complain
too numerous to 'mention, all in the
'that his name or the name of any per -
finest condition a,nd some taper used,
son en.titled 'to be entered on the said
Tenets on peopertyi—lTen per cent,
list for that municipality has been
omitted from the same, that the of purchase price on day of sale, bal-
ante within thirty days.
names of any persons who are not
Terms on chattels—Cash.
entitled to be voters have 'been enter -
Por 'further particulars arid candi-
ed thereon,may as above set out ap-
tions of sale apply to
ply, :compain or appead to have his
name or the nurse of any other per-
Seaforth, Ont,
son entered on or eemoved from the
Solicitor for Executor.
Dated September Itith, 1929,
G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
that such appeals must be by notice
in writiog in the prescribed from (10
and given to the Clerk of the Revis-
duplicate) signed by the somplein tut, t
DR. 3. A. MUNN, Succeseer to.
DT. R. R. Ross, graduate of North—
western University, Chicago, Ill. Li-
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur--
geons, Toronto. Office over
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone --
BENNETT—In loving memory of
little Kenneth, wbo died four years
ego, Sept. 26th.—Ever retnesnbered
by Mother and Daddy.
ea ers
+alluevalle. Last day for complaints, ing Officer, or left !or him at his ad-
Octolber 9th.
crf sitting Oct. 14, 11 a.m., Township
Hall, llluevale. Clerk of 'Revising
Officer, W. 'R, Cruickshank, Wing -
ham, Last clay for complaints, Ot-
tober 10th.
Date of sitting, Oct. 1.5th at 11 a.m.
in Foresters' Hall, Selgrave. Clerk
of :Revising Officer, 'Alexander Por-
terfield, 13elgrave, No. 1. Last day
Inc complaints, Oct.,
dress as stated above.
'The lists of voters may be seen at
the office of the Clerics of the Revis-
ing Officer in melt municipality as
stated above.
Rot itirther information write to
Mrs, 3. 13. Reynolds, Box 444, Gode-
rich, Clerk for the Election Board, of
the County of Huron,
Chairman for thEe.leciten ILS;rd
of the County ref Huron
Dated at Goderiett the 1,8th dey of
Seffitemther, A. D., 109.
You can have your feather bed
made into a sanitary roll mat-
tress or doyen comforter, Drop
a card to
Our agent will call.
DR. F. J. BFCHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's -
grocery, Mein St„ Seaforth. Phones.
office 185W, 'residence 185j.
Consulting Engineer,
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor)i
0,L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute ef•
Canada, Office, Seaforth, Ont.
The Treasurer of McKillop Town,
ship will receive cash payments on
Hillen and Winthrop drains at h
, is of-
fice Lot 26,•Con. 4, on :Friday even-
ing, Sept. 27th, or Sat. forenoon, Sept.
39 JOHN MaNIAY, Clerk,
The popular dietrice fair at Gode-
rich, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
September 30, October 1 mid 2. Full
program of ra'ces and grandstand at-
tractions Tuesday and Wednesday.
Entertainment by Cowan Concert Co.
in Opera House Wednesday night,
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Salt
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
Furnished house to rent. Apply to
A. D. SUTHERLAND, Insurance
& Real Estate.
(Successors to James 'Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Claw
Shorthorns, three heifers, one due
to calve Oct. 1311s; other two not .bred,
Colors, red, roan and white. JAS, Mc-
INTOSTI, r,r. 3, Seafonth. 41
For sale, filly ready to wean. SAM.
REGELE, Walton, r.r. 2, Phone 24r8,
Registered Aberdeen Angus bull,
aged five years, register nuunber
36107, Also drat class driving mare.
Apply to ANDREW KIRK, Phone
150r3, Seaford'',
Mutual Fire Insurance Cot
Officers—James Connolly. Goder-
ich; Alex,. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors--1Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagent
;antes Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erieh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. M, Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, 13rucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Chn-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holtnesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Cavell United Church, Winthrop,
anniversary services on Sunday, Oct.
651. Rev. C. A. Malcolm, of Eg-
monclville 'United Church, will be the
spealcer, Fowl supper on the fol-
lowing Tuesday, OM. 8th. Progrem
and play by Young Pebple of Bel -
grave United Church, entitled "The
Coloney's :Maid," Admission 25c and
A good eight roomed 'frame' house
with wood shed attached, electric
light, furnace, soft water in the house,
a good well, stalble can be used as a
garege, large garden. Telephone
16041, or apply to MRS, W. OLIV-
ER, .Seeforeh RR. 3, M:ain Street, Eg-
On ,corner of James and Ann sts.,
seven-roorn house, town water ira
house, electric lights, good basement.
Will sell very reasonable. One-fifth
acre. Stable on piroperty. Good gar-
den. Property all n good repair, AP -
ply to MRS. W, MeMICHABL, Sea -
forth, 05'0
Have you got those boartle or
planks—those pieces you so often
need but have not handy. Get them
now. A few more lead:e of kindly.
E. L. Box, Seaforth. 3311
Dry soft elm wood for sale. JOHN
A. MURRAY, Phone 3740, Doblet,
The Executors of the Robert Gib.:
son estate offer the choice SO -acre
teem, in good condition, lot 16,
con. 5, McKillop, all cleared and ail
seeded down. Two storey cement
house, frame kitchen, ale in good re-
pair. Barn 50'x416' on a cement wall,
cement stabling and water in the
barn. Cement driving house 24'x36'.
Frame hog pen 16'344'. Never failing
well of choice water. Well fenced
and underdrained vvith tile drain. Will
be sold on easy ter= to suit pur-
chaser. For further particulars apply
to OHAS. WRIGHT, Seaforth r.r, 5;
of R, S HAY1S, Seaforth
Wednesday, Sept. 25.
'Co rof oRrtOabOlerroToPmeB1334101% Beattie BEtiglgtse,r'peprerth'ilzb'' • .. .. . ..''''''' 'Ute
Block. Apply to :BEATTIE Baas , Potatoes, per bag '''' ' '
Seantith, 117{3f Hogs, Per cwt.