HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-09-26, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEiVLBER 20, 1929 HE SEAPORT JrI N W,m. AG FIVE CHAIN RED & WHITE mp OUR SPECIALS FOR ONR WEEK FROM TODAY: White Beans, hand .picked, very fine, 3 pounds 28o 'Pilchards, 1 pound tin 180; two For ...,,.,,,,,,..,,,,, „ 35c Hawes Floor Wax,.1.potuid tit 43e Gem .Lye, 100 p.c. pure, tin 10c 'Chicken, I3oned, Aylmer brand, tin. 43c. rRidgeway's 5 o'clock: tea in bags, 2 for 5e; half pounds, , , 48c Fly Coils, you. hang titent up, per doz. 25c W. M. Stewart Phone 77 Ross J. Sproat Phone ‘ta uakt alW)igs hu Iter than Price" eR EI4M We pay the highest prices for good' cream. Our services to our patrons are the best tilat can be given. Do not send your creatn to other Creameries; we want it here. Creamery we need our co-oAeration. Too crate a C nler y y: our In return for you co-operation we will give you of our best in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. W. J. walker 8, Soak UNDERT.t1KING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W, J. WALKER, bolder of Go- vernment diploma'`.and license. Flowers , Furnished. Night or day phone 67, Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired aired Chas. A. Howe y Residence—James St. D. H. McInnes chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the _ Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons . Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. .Electricity used. TUCKERSMITH. Messrs. H. and S. Carter of Bridge - burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Carter • of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. R. M'aGeoch .and Mr. and Mrs. ,J, McLellan were Sunday visitors at the home -of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilson Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Layton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sears and daughter Elsie, all of Exeter, were Sunday visitors at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bick. • Miss Margaret McLean, who spent three months at the coast, ,returned recently. Mr, and Mrs. Donnelly and fancily of Mitchell visited a't the home. .of Mrs. J. McIntosh recently. Mrs. Dave McLean, Miss Seip of Seaforth. and :lir, and Mrs, .Raibin- s011 motored to London to visit Mr. and Mrs, Walter Robinson for a few clays. Miss C. MctBurneY and, Mr. John M.d13urney of Wingham, called on their niece, Mrs. A. Nicholson Satur- day 'last, Mr, anti Mrs. 'A. Broadfoot, Miss Mary Broad'foot and Mr. 'James Al- len all motored to 'Wingham Sunday last to visit friends. Mt, Wilson McCartney has puroh- saecl an Overland touring car. Mr. and •.ibtrs. Pullman are in Monk - ton helping their son-in-law who has had his 'barn burned and is rebuilding again. Mr, anti Mrs. Jas, Hay and family spent Sunday visiting friends in Blyth. Mrs, Jas. Chesney who has been visiting her son Mr, T-Iarry Chesney and ofher.friensl.s, left for 'her home itt Toronto on Saturday. kir, Henry Forsyth. is improving as well as his friends can exipeot IMcssrs, jack. and Hugh McMillan have returned from spcn:dittg a few days int Detroit. Quite a number from here toolc iu the. Seaforth (fair last week. There was a large attendance the day being. Auto Insurance PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISION Let us explain the coverages and the amount of protection afforded for small premium, EVEN A MINOR ACCIDENT WILL COST YOU MORE THAN THE PREMIUM ON A POLICY. Prompt settlement of all claims A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth, Ontario. ideal. Mr. Kenneth Jackson has gone to 'Guelph to take a.'business course. VARNA. Several from this vicinity took in the Seaforth fair and all report a good fair and a good time. 'Threshing is fairly done now and the song of the bean thresher is to be heard. Our worthy Conservative represent- atives attended the convention in Hen - sail on Monday. A goodly tnunber attended the Zur- ich fair. 'Mrs. Glenn', of Seaforth is spending a few days at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty. Mrs. Sparrow is visiting relatives in London. The Varna L•brary met at the home of Mrs Steik nday evening for the ur oee ofsele4n new books. p p g eo 'A meeting of"'the WA. of Sof, Johns `Church was held fn the Hall Thera - day while the nen of the congregation worked at repairing the church. The ladies dill mission work. Mrs. Mossop served an appetizing isnch, Mrs. Ada Reid is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith. Mr, W. Beatty of Mount Brydges and Mr. R. Woods of ,Lisfowel mo- tored to Varna Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Campbell, Miss Jean, Miss Chariotte Johnston in com- pany with Mr. John Johnston were the guests of • Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty Sunday. A considerable number o'f sheep in the community have been worried by dogs. It is to 'be hoped the guilty can, ines may be captured. Mr. Elmer Webster's .new residence is nearing completion and adds great- ly to the appearance of his fine farm. Mr. R. Woods olf Listowel .is visit - Mg with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F, Weekes. Mr, and Mrs. John Beatty in company with Miss Mossop, , Mrs. Glenn and Mr. G. Beatty attended the 4,5t11 wedding anniversary of Meg. Beatty's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, in Hibbert, on Friday night, CONSERVATIVE MEETING on Friday, Sept. 27th. at 8 o'clock itt the Towtt Hall Important business will be brought before the meeting. TOWN TOPICS Mr, W. H, Little of Noland spent the week -end with his father, Mr. Andte,v 'Linin, Miss Mary Jaeksou of 'lhedford,' spent the weekend at her home in town, Rev. T. H, Brown left Sunday ev- ening. for Meaford to oFfteidte at the fiutcral of a former .parishioner there, Mr. Jack Ifinohley of Brantford spent the week -end at his home. Mr. Jos. Carbert and M. A. Mc- Qonuell of Detroit spent the week -end et the home of the feriner's mother, Mrs. Culbert. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Slio.bbrok and Mr. 'Bert. Shabbroak and Miss Vora Vodden of Londesboro were visitirs with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Morrison on Sunday. Mrs, Robt. 'Webb return- ed with them to ILondesboro. Mr, Fraser Oliver who spent the summer with his parents, has returned to Toronto to attend McMaster uni- versity, Mrs. F. Oster of Blyth and Mrs. Moon of Lottdedb,oro vidited at the home of 'Mrs. R. H. Ferguson. Fire broke out in a small frame shed owned by Mr.. Thos. Stephens at the rear, of F. D. Hutchison's grocery store, 'Monday afternoon, Discovered by Mr. Dick Bradley the blaze was soon checked b.y the firemen from spreading to a tteanby icehouse. A bonfire of waste paper near the shed earlier in the.day may have been the cause. A number o'f crates Nere stor- ed iu the building, Insurance covered the lass. Mrs.-T•h'os. Adams accompanied by Mrs Napoleon Lebe'au, London road, have been visiting in Windsor and also in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whaley of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson of Auburn were guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Finlayson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans, Mrs, A. E. Stark and lir, Jack Smith visited in Hamilton on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Way was in Auburn to act as bridesmaid at the wedding of her cousin, Miss Mildred Roberton. Ivfiss Mae Tunbridge, Toronto is visiting Miss .Mae Webster, Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Bristow and children of Detroit were guests of Mr, and Mrs. 'Wilbert Webster over the week -end. Several thousand people from all pants of the diocese were here on Wed- nesday attending the Eucharistic congress at St, James' Church, :Ninety- five priests took part in the congress. Dr. Chas. Mackay went to Toronto on Tuesday .to take treatment in Wes- tern hospittul there, recovery from blood poisoning. from which the doc- tor w tar has been suffering for a month, being very slow. No word has yet been received of the results of the coaysultation. He was accompanied by his sister Miss Minnie Mackay and by Dr. Burrows, the latter return- ing Tuesday evening. Miss Ethel Beattie is substituting for Miss Mackay at school. Mr. Alex. Broedlfoot of Moose Ja'w is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. H. 13 road•foot, The Misses Cresswell are spending this week in Toronto, • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grassie who have spent three weeks visiting friend's here, left on :Saturday for their home in Vancouver.. Mrs, (1Dr.) Mulligan of Grand Forks N. Dak., arrived Thursday to spend a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Thos. McQuaid. Mr. and Mrs, John Robb and son Fred and niece of Detroit, were week end guests of tee former's brother and sister, Mr. Janes.Robb and Miss .Rabb ,Little Jean Dale had her arm brok- en on Saturday when she fell from 'a horse while visiting her cousin in the country. The kiddie's having admired the riders at the Fair 'on Friday, at- tempted horseback riding on their own account, with unfortunate results, Miss Ruth Wheeler o'f Spokane, Wash„ was visiting the 'Bradford fanc- ily in McKillop and was the guest of Miss Ena Holmes Fair day. Mr. Raymond Glinske and daughter Jeanette of Detroit, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sykes of Tacoma, Wash., who are spendittg their vaca- tion in. Detroit and Seaforth, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. John Sproat and Mrs. G. C. Dale. :Mr. and Mrs. Gallop and family have moved into Mr. Jeffry's house this week 'front N, Main street, Mr. E. Dineen of Egmondville has re'cived the contract of building a sohool. for SJS. No. 5, Turnlberry, near Wingham. The former school build- ing was burned recently The trus- tees of the school wIio inspected the. on'e Mr. Dinner has just completed at S.S. No..l, H'ulls'tt last week, were un- animous in their praise of the work- manship and the plans of the struc- ture and decided to erect a similar one slightly smaller, to be completed ear- ly in. December. Mr. Dinned will commence work the tarterpart of this week, Mr. Gordon Wright left on Tuesday last for Guelph where he intends tak- ing up a four year course. Mr. and Mrs. James Montrose of Detroit are visiting Mrs. Montrose' father, Mr. James Evans, Beechwood. Miss Iva Chesney of Toronto is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and: Mrs. Wm. Sproat, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hays, Miss Lucy Eckert of Detro'it, and Mr. Chas, Hays and son Stanley of Wind- sor, were visitors at the home Col. IR, S, Hays and Mr, and Mrs. Con, Eck - art last Sunday. Messrs. Thos. Nolan and Norman Jefferson left for Toronto this week where they will enter University, ,ibfr. and Mr's. Frank Hall and sant Bernard of Llondesboro were visitors with Mr. Hull's sister, Mrs. W. L. Keys, on Sunday. IMr, and Mrs. H. Weber and family of Woodham spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Sant Hanna, Miss Bessie Grieve of Chatham Vocational school spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Grieve, Nies, Deitz of Klippen is visiting her niece; Mrs. Geo. Hills this week. Mr, Sam. MtGeoch ,has been quite ill for a week, Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Sunday, 'Sept. 29th. Holy communion at 0.30 a.m. and 11 children's service, 3.'p,ut.; evensong, 7, Mr. and Ins. Chas, Clark of Ayl- HOME COOKING L The 'Ladies' Aid Society of First Presbyterian Church are hawing a home cooking sale on 'SATURDAY, SEPT, 28TH in the vacant Store two doors north of Mr, Kerslake's. Sale starts at 3 p, m, AFTERNOON TEA will be served from 4 to 0 p.m. mer visited r. Clark's mother, 'Mrs. R. Clark on Tuesday and Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. HarryCurtis and Mr, and Mrs. John Curtis were guests with :Mr. and Mrs, W. D. 'Manson on Sunday, Mr, John Cluff was in Toronto the first of the week attending a meeting of the lumbermen, Mr, and Mrs, P. C. Calder o'f St. Catherines and Miss Mary :Hays of Toronto are spending this week with ivlr. and Mrs. Adam Hays, Mr. end Mrs. Earl Ross of 'Science Hill were guests of Mrs, Maud Dal- ton and Mrs. Hugh 'Wright. Mrs, 13, MoGaeachie and 'Mrs. M. McGaeach'ie of Ferndale, Mich„ were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Stewart, Mr, and IMrs, 'Edwards of Brigdett and bi. and Mrs. Gordonn and familymilY of Stratford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stewart, Mrs, .Eltner Reid and children, Strat- ford, are visiting at the home of iter parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jno. Grimoldby, Mr, Elmer Reid of Stratford spent ' the week -end alt the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Grimoldby. 'bars, George E. Lindberg is here from Minneapolis, Minn,, visiting her brother, Mr. Jno. Gr'itnold'by, and Mrs, Grim'olldby, Mrs. Lindberg was born in Seaforth Misses 'Mayne Chapman and Pearl Pepper spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge. WINTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. (Hogg and Mr. Melvin Mariann of Goderich spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mr. Jack Pethrck Jr. of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eaton. Mrs. Nelson Govenlock and chil- dren are visiting friends in Stratford. We commend Miss Storey, teacher of S.S. No. 10, McKillop, on .securing second prize in the school parade at Seaforth fair. Little Ruth Campbell received a gold ringfor bent the v g youngest pupil in the parade. Mr, Gordon Hulley has the con- tract of deepening the ditch south of the village. Mrs. Habicirk is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Sol. Shannon, We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Campbell Jr. in the lois of their baby boy. STANLEY. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Turner visited last week with Mr. and Mrs , George Campbell o'f the Bronson Line. Mrs. Dick of Hen,al1 and Mr. and Mrs. John Dick of Oriilia visited Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas' on Friday. Mr. and Mrs: H. D. Steckle enter- tained friends from Stouffville over the week -end. . Mrs. W. Stevens Who was visiting on the Bronson, returned to her hone at Brucefield on Tuesday 'Mrs. Davidson .Sr„ Misses Mena and Eleanor Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidson and little dau- ghter, alit of Hamilton, called on friends on the Bronson on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Carnie visited the latter's brother, Mr. J. Allen of Zurich ou Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess and chil- dren of Hensall visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J A. Carnie on Friday. Mrs. W. J. Tough spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steep of Goderich township. Mrs. Win. Agnew, an old residett't of Blake now of Clutton with her two daughters and' son-in-law, motored over from Clinton and spent the Sab- ba'tit with Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. John- stotr'of the Towuline. In the storm gone night last week a cow was killed by lightning on Mr. Roy MdBride's farm in Hay Tp. Death of Mrs. Schumacher.—Mrs. R McBride and Mr. and Mrs. Sam, McBride attended the funeral last week at Parkhill of Mrs Chas. Schu- macher, a former well known resid- ent of the Towuline and later a resid- ent of Zurich. She was Miss Lizzie Schaeffer before her marriage. Mrs. Schumacher underwent an operation some weeks ago and had been out of the hospital for three weeks when her death came suddenly though it was known she was suffering from cancer. She died at the home of her son -in - Paw in Sarnia. A daughter of the late Mr. ,and Mrs. John Schaeffer, she was born on the Town Line (35 years ago and lived there until her marriage 45. years ago when she and her husband went to Dashwood, later returning to :lay township. Then for a few years Mr. Schumacher conducted an hotel in Blyth. From Blyth they moved to Zurich where for four or five years they carried on the business of the Dominion 'Hotel with cons'idenatble success. Again tnaking a change, they went to Parkhill Here lir, Schum- acher died 21 years ago and Mrs. Schumacher had continued to reside in that place until her illness recent- ly. One 'brother, John of Parkhill; and two sisters, Mrs, Harry Brenner of Town line; and Mrs. Henry Doerr, 'Myth, survive. Seven children also survive: Etnnaa, Sarnia; Margaret (Mrs. Scott), Toronto; miss Clara Schumacher, Toronto; John, Detroit; Edward, California; Sidney, Toronto; Addison, Parkhill. The pall -bearers at the funeral were Messrs. Louis, William and Jake Schumacher, Park- hill; Sam McBride, Stanley; Mr. La - fond, Detroit, and Mr Neuschwanger, Dashwood Mrs. Joseph Hood is spending a few clays in Clinton with her brother, Mr. Robert Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Iloggarth Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoggarth Jr. vis- ited on Sunday at the haute o'f Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan. Miss Margaret Batton and Mr. Alex, Graahm of Lucknow spent lite weetc-end with Mr.' and Mrs. Root. Webs'tera Mr, and Mrs, Norman Paterson and \ l;t ).l• 4t 1. ilatl in spent San- ded a' tile henna of Mr. and Mrs...g, afeBride. Mie, Margaret Douglas left last Mon ley te attend Normal at London, aliai Gladys :Douglas of Blake en- tered Seaforth Hospital last week to train as t nurse. Mr, Robt. Pcnhale who tspent the week in Manitoulin lsalnd, leas return- ed !tome. Mr William Scotchmer was in Clint•'n on Friday last, Mr. Robt, Webster visited friends on the Bronson line one day last week, Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Butler of Clin- ton visited at the home of Mr. John Penhate 00 Sunday 'last, Mr. and Mrs Alf. Westlake was the guest of Mr. William Turnbull on Sunday last. HARLOCK, Messrs, A. W, Beacom, Bert Allen, and Charles Parsons attended the Conservative convention which was held in Hensall on Monday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dale and fam- ily visited ;nt the home of the former's cousin, Mrs, Thos. Knox on Sunday. Miss Amy Parsons was home over the week ettd. Misses Helen and Marjorie Mc - Ewing spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Amy and Ena Parsons, ening Choir practice was held at the home of Miss Isabel Reid on Saturday ev- , Mr. Everett Wright, Mrs, Bremner and Misses Isla and Kathleen Brem- ner visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom on Sunday. Miss Marie Rapson visited in Strat- ford on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, A. W. McEwittg and Mrs. Annie Botz visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Mason, near Beilgrttve on Sunday, Mrs, Annie Botz d1 Kansas, who spent last week in this neighborhood visiting at the homes of relatives and friends, returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. Richard Armstrong, of near Ethel on Monday. Miss Jennie Armstrong had a short visit on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. \V, McEwing. Miss Ena Parsons started back to Clinton Collegiate on Monday. 'Miss Kathleen Beacon, who has spent the past month with relatives and friends in Grey, returned to her home on Sunday. Mr. Robert Watson visited at A, IV. Beacom's on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Isaac a sa Rapson visited at the p home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cardiac, last Thursday. Nurse Mary Knox of Kitchener t sp e rt a short vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Knox, returning to duty on Wednesday last. Mrs. Albert Vodden of near Clin- ton spent a few days this week at the home o'f her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Ferris, Mrs, Fisher, who has spent the summer months at the home of her nephew, Mr. Bert Allen, returned to her home on Sunday, in company with Mr. and Mrs. George Watt a.f near Toronto, who were Sunday guests at the hone of Mr, and l'.frs, Bert Allen, CONSTANCE. Mr. Edwin Britton has rented his farm to Colclough Bros. Mr, and Mrs, Britton will continue to occupy the house, Mr. William Dale of Toronto is spending his holidays at his home. Mr. Bert .Clarke of Oakland, Cali- farnia, visited his 'aunt, Mrs. George Stephenson, and his cousin, Mr. Bert. Stephenson, over the weekend. Mrs. Will Stephenson of Brussels, visited her sister, Mrs. Pollard, last week. Miss Belle McCulla spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Jack McGregor of Walkerton. •Mis's Edith Riley has accepted a position in Brussels. Mr, Charles McGregor took in Zur- ich Fair en Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Snell, hiss Annie Ashby, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. 'Wheatley and daughter Elva motored to Harriston on Sunday and visited Mr, and Mrs. Harry Taylor. Mr, Taylor is a nephew of Mr. Snell. The Constance United Church will hold their anniversary •services on Sunday, Oct, 27, and fowl sapper the fallowing Tuesday evening. Further announcement later. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Clarke returned last week from their trip to Idaho Mr. Wnt. Carter was called to the bedside of his son, Mr. Chas. Carter, in Detroit who. has been quite dory, Miss Vera Dodds and Mr. Fred El- liott of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and firs. Jack Ferguson over the week -end. Mr, and Mrs, Orville Dale, Miss Clarissa and Master Keith spent the week -end with friends in Fergus and Vlcinity. iRal'ly Day will he held next Sunday in the Church, Miss Viola Clark returned home on Wednesday after spending a week with friends in Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs, George Pocke'tt left on Monday afternoon for Karn'sack, Sask., and will n'ake a short visit in Winnipeg euroute. 'The flag was raised over S.S. No, 1 this week and to the tune of "Wed- ding Bells" for the first time in the beautiful new tower, the bell pealed forth an hour before noon on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mfrs. W. C. Clarke of Lis- towel, visited Mr, and Mrs. O. And- erson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Qlarke on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson, Mr. R. Johnson ,anrd Mils. A. Radford of Blyth, called on Mr anct Mrs. R. Clarke on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Taylor of Sea - forth are visiting at the home of their son, Harvey. Mr, M. Arrns'trong had a very suc- cessful sale on Tuesday of this week. DUBLIN. Miss Mary McDaid of Galt attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Charles Mc- Daid. Mr, and Mrs. Leo Fortune of Sea - forth and Mr. and Mrs. Toto Moylan of Beechwood were guests of Mr, and Mrs, James Jordan on Sunday; :Mr. ,arid Mrs, P. F. Benin ,of .London spent a few days visiting friends in' the village,. Mrs, 1'. Evans of London is v'i.sit-� onion Schaid PReSENTS T4 hfest: JE:)q -- t t.r)i"c/ ertt'a, /n a ft/rapt /trogYaem oP.maaprQ 2, We music / EACH l4IEMBE,4, AN hN r&t riAr 'E , With Eckardt's Bell Ringers Opera Hoose, 5ept. 26 50c plus tax Children 25c Dance after Free to Concert Patrons ing her sons Frank and Joseph. Mise Minnie Maloney and brother Ferg of Buffalo, N.Y., are visiting at the home of their mother, Mrs. T. Maloney, south of the village. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Patrick Ryan of Hibbert is improving. Her ninny friends wish her a speedy recovery. A very sad and unexpected death took place in Kitchener on .Sunday af- ternoon when the angel of death took from us one who was highly respected and honored by all, in the person of Mrs. Charles McDaid, Her body was brought to the home of her mother, Mrs. Thos. Burns, on Monday and the funeral•a w s held l on y T esdra � to Tuesday St, Patrick's Church where requiem High k'lass was said by. Rev. Father Odrow'ski. The remains were laid to rest s in S t.'. r'. Pat rcl.s cemetery.She leaves to mourn her loss a loving bus - band and four small children, three boys and one daughter, the eldest be- ing eight years old. Also her mother and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Stru'bb of Kitchener, .and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan and four brothers, Tom in the West; Pat, of Detroit; John, of McK•i'ilop, and Mack of Dublin. The funeral was one of the largest held in the Village for soave time. Mrs. Thos. Burns was called to the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. 3fc'Daid, of Kitchener, previous to her death from pneumonia Much sympathy is felt for Mrs, L. J. Leahy :n the death of her father, in London hospital. Mr. Ryan had been in failing health for some time, and had made his home with his dau- ghter, Mrs. Looby, and went to Lon- don the week before his deltic. S'lies Florence Smith is attending Normal school at Stratford. llrs, James Redmond and Mrs, Frank Smith called on Stratford friends last week, - Mr. Bob Murray of Monetville visit- ed his many friends in Dublin last week and his aunt and uncle, ,\Ir. and Mrs. John Bennewies at Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beale and son of Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Beale and sons of Stratford were visiting their mother, Mrs. C. Beate and sister Mary for a few days. Mr, and Mrs, Peter Gordon of Col- ling•wNod and Mrr and Mrs, Gordon Jeffrey of Stratford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Darling. BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. A. McQueen entertained the Ll. F.W.O. Club last Wednesday after- noon. \'Ir. and Mrs, Geo. Wilson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe of Brucefield on Sunday. Messrs. Jno. McCowan, Bill Cald- well, Victor Taylor spent Sunday in Kitchener, Miss Hazel Haugh left for Welles- ley Hospital this week, Miss Erma 'Broadfoot left for Mc. Donald College last Friday. .Mr. Arthur Patterson of Toredo visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Norris a few days last week before starting at college in Gt.elph. Mr. arid Mrs, C. Haugh, Wallace and Anna visited at the home of Rev. W. D. McIntosh, Entbro, auto Mr, Haugh'. nephew, Rev. H. A, Keller - mann and family at Tavistock last tveelc, \ir. Jatnes Souter is back 10 the Miil Road again from Detroit \[r. Leonard Boyes, principal! of Embru public school, spent the eek - end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyes. Miss Anna Haugh left for Toronto . Unit er. ft y on • Monday. t � d Y Mr. Jack Souter and sister of, De- troit, spent the week -end here. Mr. and Mrs. J, Cameron, Stratford, visited their uncle, Mr. Neil ,McGregor on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Hoag preached an excel- lent sertnon at Sunday evening service. Mr. William Douglas has the house he has been remodelling almost com- pleted. The Marion Oliver Circle held their regular meeting on Thursday night with Viola Wheeler presiding. The meeting was opened by singing hytnat 134, after which Pearl Brack read the Scripture and devotional leaflet. Mrs. Addison led in prayer. Marie Elliott read a story entitled, "The Prairie Concert:" The meeting was closed by singing "Why Not Now" and all re- peated the .fizpah ,benediction, .hisses Elizabeth Scott and Kath- leen Snider have accepted positions in st !res in London, Dr. and Mrs. Elliott of Denver, Col., were renewing old acquaintances in our village •last week. Forty years ago. Dr. Elliott was tate Brucefield" doctor and left here about thirty-five years ago. Their many friends were glad t sec them looking so well. Miss Edna Thompson has returned hone from Collingwood, where she has been teaching school, on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Samuel Thompson. The many friends hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Rally Day will be observed in the United Church -next Sunday. There will be a Children's Choir and a spec- ial address to the children. A full at- tendance is hoped for. Mr. Sidney Tiasaupson is relieving agent at the Brucefield station this week. while Mr. George Swan is talk ing his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Sehman, of Stouffvi'lle visited at the hone df Mr. and Mrs, H. Za'phe last week. Mrs. William Grant of Clinton was the guest .of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Queen last week. A Good Portion of heel served to you for the evening meal, roasted about medium, with the biocd gravy oozing through, gives nue a foundation. It just makes one's mouth water to think of it. Rues was that last piece of meat we sent you? Wasn't it fine. GEO, CAMERON Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth. YOUR AUTO) NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars If your car is in need of repairs, give us a call Studebaker Sales and Service Reaier's Garage PHONE 1674