HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-09-26, Page 4T.Tcm sM'ORTg NWS
Death of John Broadfoot, - On
Tiatarstlity, Septeaiber 19-th,,, about
'somathe death took place of one of
Ott pioneer settlers of the Oth line of
. :Morris, in :the person of' Mr. John
• laroadloot, aged SS years, Mr. Broad-
lead 'been sick for- three weeks.
'inss funeral was held on Monday at
v..m• from his late residence, Rev.
Maines, of Duff's United Church
otondueting the services, The pall-
bearers were 'Messrs. Archie Hislop,
jsslu AHistop,WiltLans Sholdice,
hos: 'Walker, Andrew Sloan, T. W.
EziAan, Interment Was made in the
Ilnissels cemetery. The late Ntr.
Atanadioat was born on the '2nd eon.
giat the Tovmship 01Tuckersmith ia
Itiam year 1841, third son Of James
'Ilroadfoot 'and janot Morrison Broads
foot He lived there until at the age
-s.al twelve years, he went with two old-
,- lir lerothers Tames and Robert, to the
line of Morris township. In 1860
Iso was married to Miss 'Mary 11c -
Naughton of Grey, and some years
Suter they moved to ,Kansas for the
. &merit of the health of his wife, who
aim"! there In, 1882. He returned to
-Oniario and for a year Eyed at Chat.
where. he married Miss Helen
aimald (who also predeceased him)
vent -rang to Morris where for twenty-
-11rue years he lived west of Brussels,
",-Fce.-- the east elevea eyears his home
• was on lot 2, con. le, Grey. He was
ea =an of sterling character, who had
the, ',respect .and friendship oi all who
Inns: hum Surviving are tWO 5005
. aisO swo daughters: Mrs, eDr.) Wat-
-soar. Brantford; J. M. Broadfoot, of
1...,menburg, Nova Sootia; 'Mrs. Daaiel
ailte-Wart, Woodstock, N.B., by his first
wife, and Walter at home, 'by his se-
..nsnd wife. Surviving also are two sis-
ters, Mrs. John Robb, formerly of
St.morth, who has been visiting in the
States wi Dakota and Washiagton,
while enronte to Victoria. B.C., aad
Mrs. Fred Rabb, of Park River, N,
Dakota, Brothers and sisters who
pet -deceased him were; James, Robert,
4remineas, William, Alex., Erskine and
-also NIrs. Katherine Robson, of Kau -
its Who died last June.
Mr. and Mrs, J. McDonald and fa-
an'ily, also Mr and Mrs. E. Bougan
-sited friends in the village on Sun-
Harvest Home services in St.
George's Church last Sunday after-
noon were well attended, Rev. Mr.
ones of Atwood preached a very im-
pressive sermon. The chttreh was
• nicely decorated for the occasion.
Mrs. R. McLeod, Fraser Mills, B.C.,
left on Satnrday for Toronto. Alter
spending a couple of weeks there she
intends going to Regina for a few
ys and expects to be home by the
last of October.
The weather is fine again and fall
• work will be done up in good time.
Quite a number took in Seaforth
iair on Friday.
The busy housewife is preserving
. and pickling these days. There is a
.good crop of fruit and vegetables.
Mrs. Little of Brussels visited with
.riencis in the village on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rutledge and
twee boys are on a two weeks' vaca-
: eon to Orangeville and Brockville.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Johnaton and
: Miss Annie Johnstoa left Tttesday
it. visit in :Michigan,
The monthly meeting of the W.M.S.
Duff's United Church was held on
Wednesday last at the home of Mrs,
-nos. Leetning, McKillop, over sixty
' 'i,dies being present. Miss Simpson
presided ami Mrs. W. Davidson led
in prayer. The topic was taken by
Miss Smillie and Mrs, L. Leeming.
Latest news from Africa was given by
• Miss Tomlinson and Mrs. Reid. Mrs,
larcGavin gave an account of the trans-
tFormation in A-fr:ca. The following
ielegates were appointed to attend
;lie convention at Eginondville on
-ishursclay, Sept, 26th: Mrs. P. Gard-
iner, Mrs. Leotard Leeming, Mrs.
lack McDonald,
.Mr. and Mrs. Currie of Wingham
;Ind Mr, and Nirs. Brown of Hallett
visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Crozier on
Mrs. Balfour returned Sunday from
Toronto after spending the past two
weeks there.
Miss Edith Storey of Crystal City,
Man., is staying with her aunt, Mrs.
findie. and attending N-ormal School
at Stratford.
. Mr. Radcliffe and danghter Marg-
aret of Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Robb, Brussels, with Mr. and Isles.
-John Mc'Gavin and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McGavin, spent Sunday at the home
s3f Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr at Sea -
forth. Mr. Radcliffe, who has been
larincipal of Atwood public school For
some years, taught the first three
yoars of his life -work in Lead-httry
sehool. After completing this term,
. Mr, Radcliffe will retire on a pension.
NNIr. end Mrs. R. G. Parke spent
'Feeley evening with Walton friends.
'Mr. and Mrs, W. F. McNaughton of
, 'f.,hicaco .and Mrs. Butson of Staffa,
- are Visiting their brother James N.
-Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark of Listowel
spent the week end with their (laugh -
Jet', Mrs. A. Sohier.
.Miss Berva Steiss spent a few days
around Brodhagen last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald and fa-
mily spent Sunday ia Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Gardiner of Clin-
ton, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. P
B. Gardiner's,
Mr. Crawford Stradau mid sister, of
• near Jamestown, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. 'James Bishop.
ivIra. J. Little of Belgrave spent
•;Sunday with friends here.
'Bethel Ladies' Aid is holding a ha-
:1.mm in the Workman's Hall, Walton,
. ,in • Ceti-Au:1. 16th. Homemade baking
:and ,ither articles will be sold. They
are also serving a chicken super.
Worms in children work havoc.
These pests attack the tender lining
.of the intestines and, if left. to pursue
their ravages undiaturbed, will ultim-
ately perforate the wall 'because these
worms are of the hook variety that
ling ti nd Feed upon interior sur-
-faces, lifiller's Worin Powders, will
• • aaot only exterminate these worms,• of
whatever variety, but will serve to
repair the Injury they have clone,
aad Jean 'Scott was unitedIti marriage
o WiUs ga4OnlY son of Council-
lor anti Mrs. MIN of Blyth. T•he bride
was charMing la an euseMbleiKoWn
middy blue georgette and radium lace,
with, blue ribbon velvet and einnamon
fox fur. The ceremony was perfori1.
ed under an arch of 'atitumn leaves
iind flowers by the Rev, C, C. Kahle,
uncle of the groom, assisted by Reir.I.
Keine of the FirSt Presbyteelan
Charch, Seaforth. The wedding' nuts -
le was played by Miss Elizabeth Mills.
After the ceremonya daintY buffet
luncheon was served, the waiters bc-
.iag Miss Louise Mills and Mr. Mel-
bourne Kaine. Later amid showers
of confetti Mr, and Mrs. Mills left for
a Motor trip to Kincardine, Soathamp.
ton, Tobermory and other points. The
bride travelled in a brown tweed crene
dress with hat and gloves to march
and wearing a broadcloth coat trim-
med with black wolf collar and cuffs
On their return they will reside in
Strathroy. They were the recipients
of many gifts including cheques,
showing the esteem in. which the
young people are held.
Mr, Heebert Marshall of Hemiltoit
was visiting. friends here last week,
'Mrs. Louisa Miller, Mr; and Mrs. L
0. Miller and son Clarence of Gode-
rich were visitors last, week with the
latter's mother, Mrs. J. Cole:Lough,
who returned with them and ',spent
some days in Goderich.
Mt. aad Mrs, Abeaham Vint aed.
faintly of Stratford visited Mrs. Vint's
fathbr, Mr. Wm. Moatrey and Sister,
Mrs. G. Garnisa 00 Salukis., Mr. Mou-
trey returned with them.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Thuell and fain"
ily visited the farmer's parents, 11r,
and Mrs. Wiltiam Thuell near Brus-
Mr, and Mrs. Les. Fear and family
visited at the home of Mrs. Fear's bro-
ther, Mr, Frank Belt, on Sunday, -
1.1r and Mrs. W. Harris o -f
tvereguests of Mr, and Mrs. John Yeo
oil Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, James Richmond and
Miss Alberta spent Saturday in -Strat-
ford with MISS Stella Richmond who
is attending Normal there.
Miss Alexander of Listowel sang a
solo. "I'm Hiding," at the Sunday
School session of the Queen Street
United Church on Sunday morning
last, which was much appreciated.
Store Entered. -Nearly $200 worth
at merchandise and aboet $6 in change
was stolen from the ;Kra Bender
store soine time Monday night, In
the morning the back door of the
store was discovered partly open, the
till empty, the books in the safe scat-
tered on the floor and an open win-
dow were first evidences of a robbery,
The night prowler or prowlers made
an entrance to the blinding throngh
a d)wristairs window beside the back
door by retnoving the window blocks
and dropping the upper hall of the
window and climbing over top. A pile
sweaters, an overcoat, suits, a pair
shoes, a nuniber of ties, and" cap
were among the goods removed front
the store. A suit standard was even
taken out of the show window and
left in the back of the store. On the
Aecond floor a large box with hats
was emptied on the floor and the box
was gone. Provincial Constdble
Whitesicles of Goderich investigated
but as yet no trace of the s.toten goods
has been found. Mr. Bender has in
the past month remodelled the store,
making extensive improvements and
alterations, Though in the same block
as the hotel 'nothing suspicious was
heard or seen,
Thursday night oae of Mr. Bondi's
big. fruit trucks from Wingham,
smashed into the rear of the pony cart
in which Wallace Bowen was riding
up the north hill of Queen street. The
Cart was carrying a light but it is
thought possible the driver could not
distinguish the cream colored paint df
the cart and his truck. With the ex-
ception of the demolished cart, harn-
esa and bad language the damages
were small. Wallace was thrown
c:ear of the wreck. Friday -morning
Alagistrate Reid asses -sed the driver
30 and costs, in court at Goderich.
Miss Harriet Taylor is -taking a
course in Domestic science at Guelph.
Miss Jean Laidlaw left last week to
attend Normal school at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McElroy of
Detroit spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McElroy.
'Mrs, Platzeur of Toronto, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. McElroy for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moreland, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Wallace ,of Newark,
N.J., arrived Monday to spend a week
visiting relatives.
Cock and hem DhUbrook, A;O.V. Han-
tams-Xock and hen, ,Wilson, Turn-
, Attermas---Single Comb, all,
, olasses, Shetiti, Vrolliek; Atli:multi, rose
c)rab--All eliaSses, Sheath Speeial-'
Best barred rack, coek Wilson t hea,
5, J, Peen & Sons. 'dttinea. Fowl -
Cock and hen, T. M. Snowden, Pe-
kin Ducks -Alt classes Douglas ,
Sons and 2nd. Rotten Ducks -.-Cock,
T. M. Snowden, W. Drover; hen, T.
M. Snowdea, Vollick,, cockerel and
pallet, W. Drover, Muscovy Ducks -
A41 Classes, Douglas & Soas, Sheen.
A.O.V, DucksCock and hen, Lether-
land & Bentley, Virttt.'Beattie; cocker-
el & pull -et, T. M. Snowden, Breinen
W, Drover, Toulouse
Geese, Ali classes, W. Drover. A.O.V.-
Geese, All classes, S. T. Fyne & Sons,
Turkeys -Cock and hen, T. M. Snow-
den; Pigeons -C, Danbrook and 2ad,
Ohinchillla Rabbits, Percy Smith &
Son., 'Pilot. Ferguson, Angora Rab-.
bits, John Flannery.
judge, Ail& Mason, Wiadsor,
'Canned Fruits, Vegetables -Canned
Applee, Miss Dell! MeGavin, Mrs. W.
3. Dickson,. raspberries Mrs, J.
Creighton, Q, Holland; cherries,
This is the most popular sulky
plow on the market. It is eas-
ily handled -.-a boy can operate
it,. User e declare it does as
good work as a walking plow.
See us for full particulars.
We also have WEED COP,
the famous nonepoisonoue weed
Gallop St MeTtIpme
Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repaire
Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing
est Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS
lour That's Peroeudable
eW4' 'its
13E5T PATENT fi11113
tattled the iLadeis' Aid of -Knox church matoes-Red, N. Carter; aVfrs, Dick -
to a social evening on Friday last. son. pink -Mrs. Dickson, F. Barker;
The evening was pleasaatly spent in coldection, Dr, Grieve, Mrs. Dickson.
contests, 'Mrs. iliarvey and -Miss Table corn -F. Barker, J. A. Murray,
Mabel rendered a very nice duet. Field corte-C. H, Holland, j. A. Mur.
Lunch was served and all returned to ray. Stalks fodder corn -j, A. Murray.
their homes. Onions -From seed, Barker Dr.
, ,
Mrs. T, Moon spent a. few days at Grieve; from dutch sets, F. Barker,
the home of Mr. Henry Moon. C H. Holland; red, Dr. Grieve; white
The Misses McCurdy of Wingham or F, Barker, Dr, Grieve; sets,
were week -end guests at the home of E. 3. Willert, Mrs. Dickson; pickling,
Mr. Rolyt, MCCrea. Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Dickson. Musk
Mrs, 'Robt, McCrea attended the melons -Mrs. Dickson, F. Barker,
fall fair at Belgrave on Tuesday. Watermelons -F, Barker, Mrs. Dick -
'We are sorry to hear Mr. J: C. soil. Citrons --=.F. Barker, Dr, Grieve,
Adams is under the weather but hope Veg. Marrow -F. Barker, Dr, Grieve,
to see him about again soon. Table squash -Dr, Grieve. Hubbard
Among those who attended' the scmash, Dr. Grieve, F, Barker. Purim -
Conservative Convention at Iliensall kins-Mrs, Dickson, F. Barker, Cu -
on Monday were the following: Mr. cumbers -V. Carter, 3, A. Murray.
and Miss Jamieson Mr, J. Ruddell, 13utter beans, N. 'Carter, Mrs. T.
Mrs. Townsend and Mrs, M. Ross. Betties,- white, N. Carter, C, H. Hot -
Mr. W. Ross Of St. •Catherines is land. Sugar mangolds-4F. Barker,
visiting Mr. 'VVm. Ross, W. Beattie; intermediate, Mrs. Craw,
ford, F. Barker. Turnips, swede, Wm.
KIPPEN, Beattie, N. Caeter; a,o,v., E. J, Wil -
Recently when Mr. Jno McNaughton lert. Field carrots -F Barker. Sweet
was in Toronto he met a Mr, ;Murphy peppers, Jean Scott, C Rutledge.
from Golden Valley. Mr. Murphy Largest puntpicin, F. Barker, Mrs.
spoke very highly of Dr. Jas. jarrott, Dickson, Coll. gardea products, F.
a former Kippen boy for having say- Barker, Mrs. Dickeon.-Wm. Elcoat,
ed his -brother's leg from being am- Judge.
putated. As usuall Huron blood makes Apples -Collection, Irene Sloan, G.
its mark in the world. Laithevaite; winter apples, Leith-
Thresting is the order of the clay. waite, Sloan; fall apples, Sloan, Leith -
In general, the crops are good. The wane; Balciwins.-Laithmaite, Sloan;
rain will do a great deal of good but Kings-iLaithwaite, Thos. Ferguson;
some would have preferred it a hew Spy -Thos. Ferguson, Sloan; Fella -
days later, when the beans were all in. water-Laithwaite; Russett--,Fergu-
Many are busy sowing their Fall son, E. J. Willert; Pewaukee-4Laith-
wheat. waite, Ferguson; Ontario -,F. J. Cole -
Mrs, Jas. Dayman spent a few days man, Laithwaite; Wagner - ,Laith-
in Her:sail test week, visiting her waite, Sloan; Roxboro russett-iSloan;
daughter, Mrs. Robt, Green. Gravenstein-Sloan, Laithwaite; Dtt-
Rally Day services will be held or. chess-Laithwaite; Red streak--/Laith-
Sunday in St. Andrew's United church. waite; Spitzenburg-Laithwaite; Snow
Mr. Keith Love who has been on a ---4Laithwaite, Joseph Carlin; Colvert
mission field in Northern Ontario will -F. 7.1 Coleman, Norman Carter;
speak on his summer's work. Mann-Laithwaite, Sloani- Blenheim
The sixty-second anniversary df -3. Wes. BeaAtie, Laithwaite; Maid -
Andrew's United Chuch will 13e held en Blush -N. Carter, Jos. Carlin; Red
on Sunday, October 113th. Rev. Neil crabs -Sloan, Carter; Yellow crabs -
Leckie, B.A. B.D., will be the special j. A. Murray, Jos. Carlin; Greening --
speaker. • Laithwaite, Sloan; Rtbston pippin -
Mr. and Mrs. john Belt visited Mr. Laithwaite, Carlin; Blenheim. ,Oppia-
and Mrs. Taylor at Forest on Sunday. Laithwaite •Sloan; Fall pippim Sloan;
A number of the ladies of W.M.S.
attended the south section rally of
Hurcm Presbyterial held at Whalen
United Church on 'Wednesday,
Mrs McKibbon visited friends and
relatives at Waken and Brussels last
Mrs. j. Creighton, NOrmaa Carter;
pears, Norman Carter, Mrs. W. S.
Dickson; preserved straWberries, Miss
Dell MdGavin, Norman Carter; 'plums.,
Mrs, 3. Creigihton, Mrs. j. B. Tyer-
man; sealer preserved peaches; Dr, J.
Grieve; raspberry jam, Mrs. W. T.
Dickson, Mrs 3. W. Free; apple JOY,
Miss Evelyn Harbura, C Holland;
berry jelly, Miss Evelyn Haeburn,
Mrs, J.13. Tyerman; red currant jelly,
Mrs, W. J. Disksou, C. F. Holland;
canned tomatoes, Mrs, Free, Mrs, T.
Betties; canned corm Mrs.' A. L. Poe-
teous, Mrs, Dickson; caroled beans,
Chas. Routleclge, Norman Carter;
canned sausage, Norman Carter, Mrs,
Hugh McGregor; canned beef, Norin-
an Carter; mixed vinegar pickles, C.
Routledge, Mrs. T. Betties; mustard
pickles; C. Rutledge, Florence• E.
Beattie; tomato catsup, Mrs, Hugh
McGregor, Mrs, j. B. Tyerman;
green rellah, Chas, Routledge; red
sauce. Mrs, Free, Mrs, Porteous;
collection bottled fraits, etc., Norman
Carter, Mrs. W. J. Dickson.
Dairy Pr, oducts-Butter, 25 lbso
winter, Norman Carter, Mrs, W. 3.
Dickson, James Carter; butter, 3 lbs.,
prints, James Carter, Norman Carter,
Mrs. W. j. Dickson; butter, one doz.
pats, James Carter, Nortuaa Carter.
Speciel, butter, 10 lbs. in 1 lb. prints,
James Carter, Butter Sweepstakes"
James Carter,
Honey, in comb, W. Hartry; ex-
tracted, W. Hartry; dieplay, W. Her -
try. One doz, white hens' eggs, Jean
Scott, C. H. Holland; beown eggs,
Mrs. Hugh MoGregor, F. J. Coleman.
Domestic Science---IW'hite bread,
Mrs. -Hugh McGregor, Mrs.' A. 1.
• Porteous, Norman Carter; graham
bread, Mrs. Porteous, N. Carter; spe-
cial, four loaf pan bread, Mrs. Por-
teous, Mrs, 'Hugh MeGregor; nut
bread, Mrs. Porteous, James Carter;
raised buns, j. W. 1,1oLean, MrS.
MoGregar; raised biscuits, N. Carter,
Mrs. Dickson; rolled oatmeal cookies,
Dell MaGavin, Velma Heist, roiled
cookies, Ethel 11, Beattie; Jean Stott.
Dropped cookies, j. W. McLean. Eth-
el M. Beattie; fried cakes, N. Carter;
angel cake, Mrs. Tyerman, Jean Scott.
Parker House rolls, N. Carter; jelly
Cranberry pippin -Sloan; St. Lair- roll, Mrs. Dickson; sponge cake,
ence, Laielewaite, Stoan; Canadian ,eat S-cott; dark fruit cake, Mrs.
Red, Thos. Ferguson, Sloan; Mein- Dickson, James Carter; light layer
tosh Red, Sloan, Ferguson; Tali -Juan cake, Mrs. Frec, Florence Scottie;
Sweet, Laithwaite, Jean Scott; four dark layer cake, Florence E. Beattie,
varieties winter pears, Laithwaite; Mrs. Dickson; apple pie, Mrs, 11. Mc -
lour varieties fall pears, Laithwaite; Gregor, N. Carter; pumpkin pie, C.
Duchess Angonline, Laithwaite, Car- H. Holland, N. Carter; lemon pie, N.
• • Carter, Mrs, Free; meat loaf, N. Car-
ter, Florence E. Beattie; homemade
maple cream candy, Floreace E. Beat-
tie; collection homemade candy, Mrs.
Porteous, Jean Scott; jellied chicken,
C. H, Holland, Mrs. Free; homemade
soap, Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. Creighton;
best variety baking, one hatch cookie
dough, Jean Scott, Mrs. H. McGreg-
or. Mrs. DeLacey, Judge.
Domestic Needle , Craft - Dawn
Comforter, Mrs. Creighton; wool
comforter, Evelyn Harburn, Mrs. 1.
Hudson; quitting, Dr. Grieve, Mrs, J.
Hill; patchwork quilt, Mrs. Dickson,
Dr. Grieve; quilt, velvet crazy patch-
work, Evelyn Harbern, Mrs. Porteous.
kitchen apron; Mrs. Porteous, Alex.
Wallace; 'fancy apron, Mrs. I-Iymmen,
Winifred Evans; house dress, Miss A.
Tyerman, Dell McGavin; men's sleep-
ing garment Dell McGavin, Mrs. Hy-
mmen; ladies' slip, 'Mrs. Creighton,
Mrs. Hymmen„ knitted sox, Mrs.
Creighton, Miss 'Livingston; nair
mitts, Mrs, Creighton; floor mat, Mrs.
Dickson, Mrs. E. Turnbull; floor mat,
hooked, Mrs. Dickson, N. Carter;
handmade garment, Miss Livingston,
Mrs. Creighton. Bedspread, Mrs. j.
Creighton, Dell MciGavin
,Lddies' Work -Irish crochet lace,
Vms Hymmen, Miss Livingston; filet
cotton lace, Mrs, Hymmen, Miss Liv-
ingstne; knitted cotton 'lace, Mrs. 3.
Howrie, Miss Livingston; tatting,
Miss Livingston. Doll itfeGavie;
drawn work, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Hyrnmen; Italian drawn work, Mrs.
Hymmen, lvtrs. J. Creighton; embroid-
ery, cross stitch, Mrs. Hymmen,. Mrs.
Howrie; conventional eiribroiderY,
Mrs, Hymmen, Miss Livingston; em-
broidery display, MTS. Creighton, Mrs
Hynsmen; fancy work bag, Mrs. Hym-
men; pair curtains, Mrs. Hymmen
11 iss Livingeton.
Ladies' Wear -Night robe, Mrs.
flymmen, Miss Livingston; step-ins,
MrS. Hymmen, Dell MOGavin; fancy
haodkerchiees, M:iss Livingston, Mrs.
Hymmen; sweeter, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs
William Deem; slip, hand trimed,
Mrs. Hymmen; fancy .coliar and cuffs,
Miss Livingston; ladies' scene Dell
MoGavin, Ivies, Creighton
Children's Wear -fancy dress, Miss
leivingston, Mrs. Hymmen; dress and
bloomers, Miss Livingston; bonnet,
Mrs. Hymn -ten, Livings-tou; wool
jacket, Mee. nymmen Miss Living-
ston; bathrobe, Mrs, 1-iymmen; baby's
set, Mies 'Livingston, Mrs, Howrie.
Living Roam Furnishings -Table
runner, Mese- Livingston, Mrs, How-
rie; cen'tte piece, Mrs. Hyromen, Mrs.
Creighton; sofa ,pillow, MISS Living-
ston, Mrs, Hymmen; quilted sofa pit.
loW, Miss Livingston, Mrs, Howrie;
lamp shade, Mrs. Te, Turnbull% and 2ntl.
Card teble cover, Dell Mc:Gavin, Mrs,
Hymn -tea; saw:Pier, Florence E. Beat-
tie; needepoiiit, Mrs, Irtymmen.
Miscellaneous -Single Piece falleY
work, Mrs, Hyremem, Evelye Ear -
burn; collection fancy neecilew.ork,
Mrs. Hy:name Miss Livingston; five
Imam ruomlig c IMO
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Young of Loyal
spent Sunday the guests df Mr. and
Mrs. Townsend.
Mr, Hcary Lear is visiting friends
at Pahnerston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Pipe of Gaderich
spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Youngblut.
Miss Irene Longman spent Sunday
with her friend, Mi5S Ida Lyon.
Mr. awl Mrs. H. Adams and Misa
Arnett spent Sunday In Clinton with
Mr. and Mrs. Radf.ord.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Fill of Colborne
ent 'Sunday at the home of -Mr.
Fred Johnston.
Dr. and Mrs. Whitely of 'Gorrie
• ealied on Mrs. Mountain oa Monday.
Mrs. Mountain returned, home on
Sunday fram ,Goderich where she
spent a few weeks with her daughter
in ,Goderich.
Mrs. 'Campbell was in Clinton on
Mrs. Tamblyn spent a few days of
last week at her -sons' on the thir-
Mr. and Mrs.1Frank Tamblyn spent
a few days recently with Toronto
Mr, D. ROSi returned 'from Oak-
ville last Friday after spending two
weeks there.
Mr. Hugh 'Radford' of Port Col-
borne is visiting at his home here.
Mrs. Bell returned home on Mon-
day .after a couple of weeke visiting
with 131.yth friende.
Miss Ruth 'McGowan gave a splen-
did address in the United Church on
Tuesday night on her trip to Pales-
tine which was very much enjoyed iby
Mr, and Mra. Nati- and Mins /Belle
all -e1 on Mr. and Mrs. Archambauls
on ;Sunday,
1M:r, and Mee. Norman Ball enter-
"Our Best Patent"
Is milled from selected Hard
Spring Wheat, Use it in your
favorite Recipes and you are
assured of Success in Baking.
"A Good Pastry Flour"
Here is a flour specially 'milled
to make "Good ,Pastry." It
costs no more than other flour.
artiedes 'for Christmas presents, .none ran; 2nd class, Donald McTavish, Al-
to cost more than 75 cents -Mrs. Hyr a s tair Wigg; 3rd class, jack Dixon,
minen, Miss Livingston. Old .time James McCulley; 4th class, Elizabeth
ld or over Mrs. Montelane, Agnes Dodds, Writing- "
1st book, Francis Phillips, Glenny
Hildebrandi 2nd book, Harold Free,
Alastair wIn; rd book, Isabel Flan-
nigan, Rita Duncan; 4th book, Patsy
Southgate, Metier Devereaux; Dir.
Hanburn special, sheaf of grain, Jack
.Carter, Francis Coleman; coll. weeds,
Margaret Lane; call, insects, Oliver
Wright; coll. woods, Garnet Free,
Jack Dorra.nce; bird house, Clarence
Ndlan, Arnold Hugill; model of gate,
Edmund' MattheWs, Jack Cameron;
other articles made from wood, Ken-
neth Bottles, Kenneth Adams. ant -
Patsy .Soubhgnite, Isabel
Betties, apron, Mary Broanfoot, Mar-
garet Lane; darning, Vera Mole, Pat-
sy Southgate; .doyley (ipecial), Isabel
O'Connor; handkerchief, Edith Wal-
lace, Lulu Hart; best dressed doll, Is-
abel Betties, Margaret Lane; best
dressed fowl, Jack Carter, Leslie Ddl-
mage; barred rock cockerel, Fletcher
-Whitmore, Cameron Whitmore; barr.
ed rock pullet, Howard Sie,grist, War-
ren Whitmore; sweepstake, school
taking. most prizes for exhibits, Sear
forth public school.
Sports -Best ieppearing school in
parade, S.S. No. 8,, Tuckersmith.
Youngest. girl in parade, Ruth Camp-
bell, SS. No. 10, McKillop. School
SeafOrth Ptelelit School, SS. No.
6, Tuckersmith; minting race, 5-8
mile, A. Finlaysten, M. Hawkins;
horseback potato race, D. Dale, W. ,
Taylor, A. McGill, Art Finlayson; ol-
dest man on the grounds, Thomas
Stephens, aged 89 years; oldest wo-.
man on the grounds, Mrs. John Bar-
nett, aged 79 years. Girls' races, 8 yrs
and under, 0 -live Eherhart, 'Helen
Fraiser; 10 yrs. end under, Edna
Plant, Leola Watt; 12 yrs. and under,
Evelyn Nott, Leola Nott; 14 yrs and
under, Lilian Reeves, Evelyn Nott.
Boys Races -8 yrs. and under, Ala-
stair Wigg. David Grieve; 10 yrs and
under, Jack Cheoros, Kenneth Bet-
ties; 12 yrs. and under, Stewart
Plant, Ken, Betties; 14 yrs. and un-
der. Stewart Plant Sack Habkirk. Bi-
cycle Races -'BOYS 12 yrs. and under,
R. Rennie, A. Dunlop; boys 15 yrs.
and under, I. Hudson, Chas. Cud -
more; horseshoe pitching, Boa &
Boa, Hensall, 1st; Venner & Hog-
garth, 2nd; Snider & Brandon, 3rd.
Horee Races -2.30 class,
Jean Patch (H. Bierling) 1
Lambert Grattan (rj.T. Murray) 23' 32 23
Peter Post (IDr. House)
petunias, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. J. B, yer.
jimmy D.
Time 2.,..7e4, 2.2S4, 2.26.
Classified Race
niScaonti; prtseise,s' Gj.".LaAit. (12.. Hedden) 1 1
Cluff; collection roses, James Cluff :Mac Toga (Cudmore & Coulter) 2 2. 2
and 2nd; snapdragons, Mrs. A. L. Time -2.18%, 2.1634, 2.19.
Porteous and 2nd; display snapdrag-
stock, D. Fotheringham & Sons, C
ons, Evelyn Harburn, Mrs. Dickson;
Rutledge; sweet peas, and best dis-
play sweet peas, ID. Fotheringham Se
Sons; zinnias, Mrs. Porteous, Ethel
M. Beattie; collection annuals, J. Wes-
ley Beattie, Mrs. Porteous. collection
perennials, Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman; bas-
ket, Wm. .Hartry, Ethel M. Beattie;
table bouquet, Ethel M. Beattie, Mrs,
Dickson; winter bouquet,. Mrs. j. ;B.
Tyerman, Adda Tyerrnanr winter ilsott-
quet, painted, Jean Scott, Pot Plinta,
begonias tuberous and 3 frilled, Wm.
Hartry; fuschias, Jean Scott and 2nd;
geraniums, single and double, Dr.
Grieve, Jean Scott; sword fern, Thos.
Ferguson; single house plant in 'bloom
Dr Grieve; best novelty in cut flower
or in pot, John Goventock, J. W.
Beattie. Judges -John H, Reid and
W. J. Duncan,
School Children's Department.
fancy quilt, yeatS
H. MOGregor, Ad -da Tyernian; dish
towels, Alex, Wallace, Mrs. Will Cam-
eron. Mrs. ybhu c. Richardson, Prov-
incial Dept., Judge.
Fine and Decorative Arts - Oil
pairrtinge, landscape, Miss Livingston,
Dr. Grieve; -marine view, Lucille
Grant, Mrs. Howrie; animals Lucille
Grant, Mrs, Howrie; life, Miss
Livingston, Lacidle Grant; water col-
ors, landscape, Lucille Grant, Mrs.
Hymmen; marine view, Lucille Grant,
Mrs, Howie; animals or figure work,
Lucille Grant, Miss Livingston; vege-
tables, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hyra-
men; flowers, Lucille Grant, Miss Li-
vingston; inanimate object, Miss Li-
vingston, Mrs. Howrie, IVIiscellaneaus,
Crayon drawing,. Lucille Grant, Mrs.
Hyramen; pastel, Lucille Grant, Mrs.
Hytnmen; sepia, Mrs. E. Turnbull,
Miss Livingston; pencil drawing, Luc-
ille Great; pencil drawiag, Lucille
Grant; display poster design, Mrs,
Hymmen;.ainateur phutography, Mrs.
Howrie; single piece art work, Lucille
Grant, Winifred Evans.
Hand painted China -Vase or orna-
men't, Lucille Grant, Mrs..Hymmen;
salad bowl, Lucille Grant, Dr, Grieve;
'Jake plate, Lucilee Grant, Dr. Grieve;
cups and saucers, Lucille Grant, Mrs.
Hy.mmen; candlestick, L. Grant, Mrs.
Hymmen; collection five pieces, Dr.
Grieve, L. Grants any article not listed,
L. Grant, Dr. Grieve; best exhibit of
new craft, F. Barker and 2nd, lReed
Work --Tray, Velma Hoist, Evelyn
Harburn; sandwich •ba:sket, Mrs. jas.
Vel -ma H.aist; laanp shade, E.
Harburn; flower holder, Mrs. Howrie;
fernery, Gertrude Peart; cofiection of
three articles, Velma Haist, E. Ear -
burn. Mrs, John C Richardson,
Provincial Department, Judge.
Floral Exhibit -Asters, pink, J. W.
McLean; white asters. 1. Fothering-
ham & Sons, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; as-
ters, mauve or purple, D. Fothering-
ham & Sons, Chas. Routledge; red as-
tera, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; collection
asters, Jno. A. Murray; cosmos, Adds.
'Tyerntan; dianthus, F. Barker, Dr.
Grieve; gladioli, W. Hartry, Ethel M.
Beattie; collection gladioli, W. Hartry
Mrs. W. 3. Dickson; marigolds dis-
play, Mrs, J. B. Tyerman, D. Bother-
ingham & Sons; nasturtiums, Ethel
M. Beattie, Jean Scott; petunias, single
Ethel M. Beattie, Dr. Grieve; double
ST. COLUMBAN. I ter; Beurre Clairgeau, Laithwaite,
The CIW;L. held a Very successful Sloaa; Clapp's Favorite, E. j. Willert,
euchre and dance on Monday evening. W Hartry; Belle Lucrative, Carter;
In the euhchre, ladies first prize was
won by Miss Mary Lane and gen.*.
men's by VVilliarn Dorsey. The Macy
door ticket was won by Mrs. Mark
Miles. The prize :for best old-time
waltz went to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Kale, The music was furnished by the
Melody Makers of Mitchell.
Mr. Joseph Moylan of Hamilton.
spent Sunday with his parents here,
Miss Rose McQuaid has returned to
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, after
spending her vacation at her home
here, •
Most of the Parish took in.the
charistic Congress in Seaforth on
pretty autumn wed-
, :ding wale solornaized on Saturday,
, Sept. 2tet at 4 o'clock at the pareon-
: age, Dungannon, when Elizabeth Pat-
e, ;mice Scat, daughter 'If the late Win,
Rev, Mr. Ritchie of Atwood took
the services in Cromarty Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Elder
preached in Atwood.
A number from Cromarty attended
the Hibbert School Fair. S.S. No, 6
All the prize for the parade and ex-
Mrs. Lemond and daughter Mary
returned from the Coast this week.
Born -To Mr. and 'airs, Lindsay
McKellar, Ilibbert, on September 24,
a daughter,
Sheldon, .0arter, Laithwaite; Louis
Bonne de Jersey, Carter; Bartlett,
Laithwaite, Sloan; Seckel, F. Barker,
Laithwaite; Berare d'Anagon, Barker,
Sloan; Early Crawford, Laithwaite;
a.o.v. peach, Laithwaite. Plums -
Golden Drop, Daithvoaite; 'Monarch,
Laithwaite; Imperial Gage, Mrs. 3. B.
Tyerman; Duane's Purple, jno. A.
Murray; Lombard, Adda Tyerman,
Dr. Grieve; Bradshaw, Laith-waite,
Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman; German Prune(
RI°, A, Murray, Laithwaite; a.o.v.
plums, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, Dr,
Grieve, Moore's Early, Laith.waite;
Niagara, Laithwaite; Conncorct, Leith-
waite; Agawam Laithwaite; Wilder,
Dr, Grieve; Lindley, Laithwaite; a.o.y.
grapes, Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman, jive. A.
:Murray; collection grapes, Laithwaite.
(Continued from Page 1.)
W. Henry and 2nd, S. Pyinn & Sons.
Ewe lamb -W. Henry, Fyne & Sons
and 3rd.
Pigs -Yorkshire -Boar; over 1 yr.
-W. Turnbull.; under 1 year -Turn-
bull and 2nd. Sow over 1 yr -Turn-
bull; under 1 year -Douglas & Sons,
Turnbull. Berkshire -Boar, over 1
year -Ross McTavish; I year or un-
der, F. W. Ahrens, McTavish. Sow,
over 1 year-Maavish; under 1
year-1/eTavish, Ahrens, Tamworth
-Boar, over 1 yr. -Douglas & Sons;
under 1 year -Douglas and 2nd;
Sow, over t year -Douglas and 2nd;
under 1 year -Douglas and 2nd.
Bacon Hogs -Pair over 180 lbs. -
Douglas & Sons and 2nd. Pen of 4
shoats, 75400 lbs, -,F. W. Ahrens,
W. Turnbull. -01, Begg, Tiver-
ton, Judge.
,Roots & Vegetables -Potatoes -Ir-
ish Cobbler -John Hugill; a.o.v. early
poleto-4. Hugill, Norman) Carter.
Green M.ountain-N. Carter, J, Hu -
gill; a.o.v.' tate potatrs--E. J. Willert,
N. Carter, Cabbage -Winter, j, A.
Murray; Savoy, 'Murray; red, Mrs.
A. Porteous; fall, Mrs, j. T, Craw-
ford, V. Batker. Cauliflowers -'Mrs
T. 13ettles, 5, Barker. Ca -ler'' -Dr,
Grieve, 5,, Wes. Beattie, Parsnips -J.
A. M tt-ra y, To b cae"ots --Stump
root N. Chr.ter, F. 13arker; tong, hlfS.
VP; 'r. Dickson; aeter., N. Carter, Mrs.
.f. Crawford. Blood heetst long -
• Poultry-erahmas, cock, T. C. Wil-
son. Barred Rocks -Cock, T. C. Sheen
Letherland & Bentley; hen, T C.
Sheen, fetherland & Bentley; cocker-
el, T. C. Wilson. S. j. Pym & Sons;
pullet, Pym & Sons and 2nd. White
Rocks -Cock, Douglas & Sons, Leth-
erland & Bentley; hen, Douglas &
Sons and 2nd; cockerel, Douglas &
Sons, T. C. Sheau; ,pullet, Id H. Vol -
lick; Buff Cochins-Cockerel and
pullet, T. C, Wilson; any other variety
Cochins, T. C. Wilson, Silver Grey
Dorkings, Cock, T. C. Wilson & 2nd;
hen, T. C. Wilson, Letherland & Bent-
ley; cockerel and pullet T. C. Wilson
and 2nd. Black ' Breasted Games -
Hen, Letherland & Bentley. Spangled
Hamburga, Cock arid hem T. C. Wil-
son; cockerel and pullet, Lethertand
& Bentley and 2nd, Buff 'Or"pingtons
-Cociceret and pullet, M. H. Vollick.
a.n.v. Orpingtons-1'. C. Wilson.
Black Spanish -A11 classes, T. C.
Wilson. Andalusians-IA.11 classes, W.
5, Veal and 2nd. Minoecas-Cock,
Sheen, Letheeland & Bentley; hen,
Vollick, Sheen; cockerel, Letherland
& Bentley and 2nd; pullet, Vollick,
Letherlancl & Benttey. White Wyan-
doetes, Cock, Sheen and 2nd; hen,
Sheen Leatherland & Bentley; ck.1 and
pullet, Sheen and 2ind. A,o,v. Wyan-
dottes, all classes, Wilson. R.I. Reds -
Cock, W, Veal, Leatherland & -Bent-
ley; hen, Veal and 2nd; ckl, Wilson,
Douglas & Sons; pullet, Douglas &
Sons and 2nd. Cempines-All classes,
fatherland & Bentley. White Legs
horns-Oock, Wilson, Douglas &
Sons; hen; Douglas & Sons and 2nd;
cockerel and pullet, Wilson. 'Brown
Legliorns-Cack, Letherland & Bent-
ley; lien, Siloam Letheriand & Bent-
ley; cockerel aral pullet...Wilson and
2nd, A.0,V, Leghorne. all atlases, Wil-
son. Black 'Saves -Cock and hen,
Wilson. Black Giants; All classes,
Vollick. Game Bantams- Ceck and
hen, Wilson, C. Dleithrook; pullet, C.
Danbrook W, Turnbull. Cachet Ban -
Mrs. Diekson N. Carter; turnip beets, tainsi Cock, Danbrook; hen, Die-
C. IL Holland, Mrs. Crawford, To- tiro° an.d 2ed. Schright Bantams -
Judges -Wm. Elcoat, J. H. Reid,
W. J. Duncan, Mrs. Deleacey, Mrs, 3,
C Richardeon,
Swede Turnips, Gretta Hulley, John
Johnson t garden carrots, Howard
Siegrist, David je Grieve; yellow in-
terinediate mangolds, Jack Cameron.
Kenneth Betties; parsnips, David J.
Grieve, Margaret Lane; garden beets,
Fireweed Sie,grist, Harold Free; onion,
David j. Grieve, Lome Carter; toma-
toes, Elizabeth Afac7arlane, Elmer
Cameron; citrons, Fletcher Whitm,ore,
Warren 'Whitmore; cabbages, jack
Cam,eron, Lorne Carter; potatoes, Ar-
nold Hugill, Pearl Hogiel; coll. garden
vegetables, David J, Grieve, Jack Car-
ter, Flowers -,Nasturtiums Edith
Wallace; asters, Vera Mole, Pearl
Hugill; atinflower, Ettnutild Mat-
thews; bouquet, Pearl Hugill, Edith
Wallace. Conking -Tea biscuits, Isa-
bel Betties, Elizsabeth Mearlane;
buns, Margaret Hableirk, Lulu Hart;
layer cake, jean Dungey, Olive Pryce;
apple pie, Isabel Flannigan, Margaret
Habkirk; rolled emtkice, Olive Ebc..1-1
hurt, Mary Broadfoot; dropped conk-'
ies=Isabel 'Betties. .Amt work-aFirst
Class; Helen O'Reilly, Mary E. Car -
dated October 1st, which local
subscribers will receive within
a few days will be accompanied
by notices explaining important
changes in future accounts.
To simplify and expedite our
billing work, we have divided
our exchanges into six groups.
Each group will receive ac-
counts under one of six dif-
ferent dates. In that way the
work of preparing thousands
of accounts will be spread
evenly over the whole month:
ht future the accounts of local
subscribers will be dated the
twenty-first of each month.
Yon will appreciate the nay/
form of account we are intro-
ducing at the same time which
will have all the figures clearly
printed and accurately totalled
by machines. In addition,
charges will be shown right ttp
to the date of the account.
The plan is explained more
fully in notices which accotn,
pany October let accounts.
Our Business Office people
will be pleased to give yott
any further information.