HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-09-19, Page 5HURSD,AY, SE T, 9, 1929, THE SEAFORTH NEWS, PAGE F. CHAIN RED &WHITE. sTo RED AND WHITE SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK 201b„SackRed.PathStngar.,,.,., .. ,. ,.,$1,38 Camp'bell's Tomato Soup 2 tins for 23c,' ill tins for ,,,$1.35 Coal trays are Soup days. Lemon Oil, 32 oz. bottle, and polishing rJloth, for ..... ..,59c 'Regular value 85c. 10 bars Comfort, Snr^prise, Sunlight, Gold Soap...... , 58c Rubber Rings, 2 aloz, 115e; Zinc rings, 2 doz 35c Certo 'bottle, 32c; l'arrowax, lb. 14e Heinz B'a'ked Pork and Beans, reg, 18e: 2 for ,,...,...,29c Grapes, Peaaches, 'Phiius, Cratb Apples, Pickling Onions, etc, Highest Cash Price far Eggs. W. M, Stewart Phone 77 Ross J, Sproat Rhone 8 `Qr lttq aluaags hriglrer than Price„ QREItM We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it heft. To operate,a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operationwe will givey you best in service wind prices, We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. in and see the new Models. • Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, C.A. BARBER, Prop. of our Come Ont, W, J, Walker &. Son UNDERTAKING, —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder. of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired . A,Howe Chas Y Residence—James St. Just Try It When you fuel tired and drowsy, slip around the corner and get a massage at SID'S SI -10P You may some in with a grouch but will go out with a senile, Phone 125. D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated, Electricity used. ..-...,fit.. ..... • Send us the, names of your visitors. Auto Insurance PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISION Let us explain the coverages and the amount of protection afforded for small premium. EVEN A MINOR ACCIDENT WILL COST YOU MORE THAN THE PREMIUM ON A POLICY. Prompt settlement of all claims A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth, Ontario. HIBBERT. The regular monthly meeting of the Hibbert Council was held at Staffa on Monday, Sept. 176, all the menebers being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were . read and adopted, and a number of cont - nu nieations satisfactorily disposed of.. The engineer's report on the Broadfoat Creek drain and the Big drain of the Townships of Tucker - smith and Hublbert were read and ad- opted and the Clerk instructed to pre- pare By-laws to authorize the col- lodion of the assessments as set out in the reports. A representative dele- gation from the Stratford General Hospital was present soliciting the usual Township grant, with the result that a grant of $50 was su'b'mitted. Thomas Scott addressed the Council in the interests of Hibbert, Fullerton and Blan•shard' Ploughing Associa- tion. A grant of $2'5 was contributed.' Resolutions were passed appointing George Wilson as Tax Collector and authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer' to borrow $5,000 For current expendi- ture. The contract .for the eave troughing for the Township Hall was given to Geo. Sills & Co, and the painting of the Hall to James Mc- Kellar. Pending a notice from George Vipond the Reeve was ap- pointed to look into the requirements of the James Burns Award. A n'u'm- ber of orders were issued for patrol- men and general expenses, The meet- ing adjourned to meet again on Mon- day, October 21st at 1 p.m. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Clerk. Mr, an'd Mrs, Aberhart of Seaforth spent last Sunday at Andrew Me - BORN, DAIRRIOOI-I—In Seaforth Hospital, •on Friday, September• 13, 1929, to Mfr, ,and Mrs, E. W, Darroch of Seaforth, a daughter, ST. COLUMBAN. The. Catholic Women's League of St. Calum.bati . will bald a euchre and stetial ev'sizing in the Parish hall on Monday evening, Sept, 23rd.. Goad prizes wilt be given and 'a Glance will be held afterwards, Mikhail orehestra in attendance. TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Weiland of Boston, \I t s„ and alar. and Mrs, Wm, 1Mreilend and two sons of Oak- ville, ttrc guests this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Weiland, Miss Bertha Beattie .of Toronto spent the week -end at her home here. The following attended elle Huron Presbyterial W,M;S, In Knox Presby- terian Church, Auburn, on Tuesday:— Mrs, Greigg, Miss Graham, Mrs, T, S, Snaith, Mrs. Keine, Mrs, Merton Reid, Mrs, McKellar, Miss Belle Campbell, Mrs. Sclater, Mss. Jahn Stewart, Mrs. A'berhart, Mrs. Thos, Dickson, Mrs, Thos. Bickel', Mrs, MdLean, Miss Margaret McLeod, Miss Bro'adfoot, Miss Young, Mrs. Wm, Broadfoot, Mrs. Jas, Kerr, Mrs. Geo, Hills, Mrs, E. McKay, Mrs, Manson, Mrs, McCloy, Mrs. W. R. Snaith, Miss Belle Smith, Mrs. R. 12 Ross, Miss Gretta Ross, Mrs, W. M, Stewart, Miss P Patterson Mrs, Neil Gillespie, Mos, A. Parks, Mrs. McTavish, Miss Alma Edmonds (re- presenting the CG,iIJT.) Rev. I, B. Keine and Messrs. Ja Gemmell and Neil Gillespie were I Auburn on Tuesday attending 11 sleeting of the Huron Presbytery s, n le of which Mr. Kaine is moderator, Mr, J'as, Sleeth.of Detroit was week -end guest of Mr W. 11, Stewar Mrs. W. C. Sproat and little daugl ter Barbara leave Friday for Toront for an extended visit there, Mr. J. W., A. Greig of Toront Medical 'school, who came cup to at tend the Aberhart-Laing wedding spent the week=end we c i t e t with his parents Mr,and Mrs. J. C. Greig. Miss Siegel, recognized las western Canada's most outstanding inspira- tional, dramatic and humorous enter- tainer, will appear here Sunday, Oct. Gth, and Monday, Oct, 7th, 'Watch for ,full adverbisemen't next week, Miss Rena Simpson, teacher in No. 10, Tuckersntith, will be laid up for some weeks, owing to an accident on Monday evening when her car slip- ped from the road in the heavy grav- el where the tenth concession joins the Kipper Road. Miss Sitnpson and Mrs. Detweiler were pinned beneath the •car, breaking Miss Simpson's left arm but 'Mrs. Detweiler escaped with a bad shaking up. Neighbors re- leased them from underneath the car, Mr. Edward Rankin .of Seaforth is substituting for Miss Simpson at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Datvcl Wilson and son Gordon of Detroit, are spending this week with the forner's parents, 31i. and Mrs. J,'IA. Wilson. Dr; and Mrs, McFaul and daughter Evailyn of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen over the week -end. Mr. Orval Jones 'and daughter Elizabeth lett .Saturday a t ,for their home y in Fort Saskat he' c wan. Mrs. Jones will remain here for several v rel weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. D. 'Sutherland. Mrs Dick it 'W Iters of St. ath - t C r e Ines was the guest Friday to Wed- nescdey of Miss Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kruse and son Billie of Galt and Mr, and Mrs. Ed- gar Lawson and daughter Bernice of uburn spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Sclater. Mrs. ICaufithan 'and Mrs. Stausser of Bright' were week -end guests of the' former's sister, Mrs. J. A. 'Wilson. Miss Mary Helen Kerr spent the week -end with Miss Marjory ;Wigg, at Seaforth and helped celebrate Marjory's 1'Ith birthday an .'Satur- dat,-•Brnssels Post, Miss 'Evta'lena 'Nott returned last week after a six 'weeks holiday at the Sdo and vicinity, Mr, I. 'Hord, -11r, and Mrs. Mc- Lean and' Miss (Lillian Babb of Mit- chell were callers at F. D. ,Hnt- chison's on Sunday. Mfr, Janes Watson and Miss Mar- ion Watson are spending the week in Toronto before Miss Watson pro- ceeds to New York. Mrs. W. R. Plant and slaughter Edna spent the week -enol in Toronto and Acton. Mrs. R. H. Sproat has returned eons visiting friends in London, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wifson and two hildreit of Clinton spent Sunday ith Mfr, and Mrs, Joseph Gruntnett, Mrs, MbTavish who has spent some maths in Acton, has returned to isit her sister, Mrs. A. Parks, Mrs. S. C. Armstrong of Toronto is isiting her •daughter Mrs. W C. proat, this week. Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Russell and aughters left on Friday to return to socia, Bll„ after spending several eeks' at the hone of Mrs. Russell's cher, Mr, J. R. Scott. Mr. King of Owee Sound was a crest at the home • of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson over the week -end. Mrs,. Dan. B'anry has returned after ending two weeks at the home of er daughter, Mrs, John Murphy, and her relatives in Harbert. The Misses Bessie and Pat Kyle td Mr, Morrison of Welland and iss 'Dorothy !Hutchison, St. Cath- ilies were the guests of Mr. and rs, F. D. Hutchison while here on turday attending the Aberhart- aing wedding. Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Allen and Mr. d Mrs. Reg. Sloane and baby of etroit were week -end guests of eir undle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, R. Jones. D. and Mrs. Van,Nostrand and r. and •Mrs. C. H. Stogdill, all of a t. t- o• 0 . c w n v v S rl P fa g J• sp of atM ar M Sia an th F. M Tailoring Ladies' and Gentle e nrien s TAILORS Give us a call COGHILL TAILORING CO. 14a Downie St, STRATFORD immirsis ONVENTION of the Liberal --Conservatives of South Huron will be held in the Town Hall $ENSALL. MONDAY SEPTEMBER BE23 1929 at 2 p. m. To nominate a candi- date for the Provinc- ial Legislature HON,. WILLIAM FINLAYSON Minister of Lands and. Forests. and other prominent speakers will he: present to address, the Convention Three delegates will vote from each poli. Ladies are especially invited to attend this convention GOD SAVE THE KING Robt, Higgins Col: H, B, Colnlbe,, Secretary. President. Toronto, who attended the Aberhart- Laing wedding, were guests of Mr,. and Mrs. J. C. Greig, Dr, and Mrs. j. Sifton and Mrs, Schell of Preston were guests on Sun- day of Dr. and Mrs. W, C. Sproat. Egmondville and surrounding vicin- ity ,are glad to know that Mr, John McCaa has decided to remain in the village and is 'building a hone next to the one he sold to Mr. Coleman. Mrs. Malcolm, of the Manse, who had met with an accident before mat- ing to Egmonclville, is able to be out after suffering severely for some weeks. Egmondvillians extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman and fancily who moved from Stanley and are occupying the up-to- date home they purchased from Mr. John McCaa. Mr: and Mrs. E. Gourley, Assiaboia Sask., visited last week with Miss Jean Smith and other friends in this district, Mr. Rolbert McKay returned home on Monday from visiting friends at New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Finnigan and family spent Thursday in London, Miss Bertha Chesney is visiting friends in 'Toronto. Mrs. Stanley Grey of Stratford spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mc- Millan. Many friends of Mrs. Hector Hays of Stratford are pleased to know she is improving after• being critically ill while visiting in Toronto last week. Mrs. 'Thompson and family of Tim- mins visited her brother. Mfr. W. Free during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth at- tended Exeter Fall fair on Wednes- clay. Miss Hattie Dalton left Monday to take a position in Toronto, Mrs, J. J. Keys and daughter Dor- othy of Nashville, Tenn., who visited relatives in this district for several weeks, left Monday for their home. Mr. Robert Porterfield and Mr. Frank Lamont are in Clifford for a couple of weeks doing some carpen- tering work, Mr. Dave McPherson, Mr. and Mfrs. Will McPherson and fancily and Mr. T. Johnston of Monkton were guests of Mrs. Hugh Wright on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Keys and daughter Willena of Colborne, Ont., visited relatives in town over the week -end. Mr. Pickin, of Scotland, who has been visiting friends at Exeter since Toronto Exhibition, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Worden. •Goder- ich street, this week, Mfr, ,Pickin leaves Thursday for Montreal, on his r'e'turn to the 01d Country. West Huron Teachers' Convention will be held in Seaforth on Oct. 10-11, TWO FIELD DAYS UNDER WAY With the two annual Field Days scheduled for dates in the next few weeks, preparations are being made at' the Collegiate for 'both of these sports events. Field Day for Seaforth Collegiate will be held this year on Friday next, September 27, This will 'be followed by the fouirth annual Hur- on County Athletic Association Field Day at Goderich on Oct. 11. 'The election of officers of the local Athldtic Association held last week resulted as follows: Girls—Pres„ Jeanette Finnigan; Sec., Grace Scott; Basketball ca'pt., Margaret Rolph; Softball capt., Margaret Cudmore. Boys—.1Pres„ T. Cinff; Sec.. C. Trot4; Uiockey,• S Rennie; Baseball, G. Parke; Tennis, E. Duncan; Track, D. Sills E. Gillespie, I. MdLean, L. Pinkney,: H. McLeod. At cthe meet- ing Mr. Farmer congratulated those present on the enthusiasm shown. As there are a number of promising pros- pects, several in particular, it le hop- ed the County honors will be regain- ed for Seaforth after the defeat l,.ist year. There have been two meetings held fn Seaforth of the executive of the County Associative, including repre- sentatives from Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell and Exeter, It was decided to, hold the 'County meet at Goderich 00 Oct. 11', The following officers were elected Hon. Pres Mr, C. A, Robertson, M.P P:; Pres Mr, D. I. Hill, Goderich Vice Ptes`e' Mr, T. Cittff, Seaforth,t. Sec., Miss M. L. Simpson, Goderich; An im- portant change is being made which eliminate.s the qt.i' n of weight front' tho cui1 fin tin' a; bustertvr The W ,s a rules were ad 1pted, Fire neon will be competed fen this year. A resolo'uon was carried to discon- tinue holding the basketball and spft- ball games on the raise day as. the other events, W INTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. t`ennie Bennett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton, Miss Isabel Eaton spent fhe week end with friends in London. 'Mr, Roster Bennett and Miss Mar- garet Eaton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hogg of Goderich. Anniversary services fill be held in Cavan Church Sunday, October 6th. A fowl supper wilt be served Tuesday evening, followed by a play, "The Colonel's Maid,” given by the Y.P. of Belgrave United' Church: CONSTANCE, Mr. and Mrs, Foray Carter of God- erich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mfrs. Jack Ferguson, Constance Ladies' Quartette,on invitation, sang in Ontario street Un- ited Church, Clinton, on Sunday. Mfrs. B', B. Stephenson, Mrs, 'Peewits Mrs, Wnl, Britton, Miss Elia Wheatley, sang in the quartette. A solo sung by hiss Wheatley was greatly ap- preciated by the congregation, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lawson, .lir, acre Ferguson, J g son, IClr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and family, Mit, and Mrs. Al- vin Dale, Mrs, George Dale Mr, and Mrs. Trewin, Mfr. David :Willson, Mr. and Mrs. B, B. Stephenson were among those who attended Western Fair last week. Mr, and' Hes, Cecil Farnham of Kitchener are visiting the formers aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Chas, McGregor, this week. Mr, and Mrs. George VV Pockett returned Friday from their honey- moon and are spending the week at the home of Mr. Thos, Livingston before leaving on Monday for Kam - sack, Saskatchewan. Mrs. Moore returned Thursday from Toronto after spending two weeks at her home there, Mrs. Sinclair of' Brigden; and friend Miss Parker of Fort Frances, also Mir, and Mrs. Wnt. Logan and Kathleen of Blyth visited at Mr. and Mrs. Len Stephenson's 00 Sunday. Miss E. V. Adams of Port Col- borne, is visiting her parents, Mfr, and bfrs. Biller Ad'anrs, this week. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stephenson of Brussels spent Sunday with the' tat- ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Rite • Mrs. •%Vm, Stephenson of Brussels is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Pole Lard, at present. Mfr. and Mrs. Joseph .enll II ' R ev bfr, Frank Riley, Miss Mary Cook and Miss Phoebe Wakefield, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Stephenson, Mr. David Millson, Mfr, Fred Wakefield, Mr. George Lawes and Mr. Charles Wakefield were London visitors last week. Mr. Clifford Riley of Brussels is spending his holidays with his aunt and grandfather, Mfrs, Robert Grin1- oldby ,and Mr. Benj, Riley. It was just like old time to have the Rev. John Button who used to be a resident in the village take the ser- vices in the church here an Sundry last, Ret. Mr. Johnson being absent. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann and chil- dren spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mfrs. Robt, G•imoldby, STANLEY. Mfr. and Mrs. Howe of London were visitors at Mr. Harold Penhale's on Sunday, Mfr. Robert Penha:e left this week on a business trip to tlanitoulin Is- land, Mr. and •Mis. R. 'McBride spent Sunday at 'Mr. '1\ tlliam \'fcClincbey's inlii o C rt n. Miss Grace Manson, who has been holidaying with her father, Mr. Pet- er Hansen the past couple of weeks, h+as returned to Si. Joseph's hospital London, where she is training to be a nurse. Messrs. Walter McBride and 'Wil- liam M1cClinchey left on Friday on a motor trip to Niagara Falls, returning home 'Monday. Mr. Roy !Lamont delivered an ex' ceptidnelly fine bunch of cattle et Bruccfield station on Friday. Mir•. and Mrs. Will Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garner and fam- ilies visited Mr, and Mfrs. Robert Webster on Sunday, Mrs. Robe Webster and Miss Olive Erratt spent a day in London last week. \'e are sorry to report the illness of Mr. 'Derrick Hutton who is under tie doctor's care with pleurisy, The Hien are busy doing the plas- tering in the fine new house of Mr. Elmer IVeibster, •Bayfield road. Mfr. and Mrs. Wellington Elliott of Brucefield and Mfr. and Mrs. J je Ri- chardson, 'Bayfield Road, spent Wed- nesday and Thursday at London, Mr. Chas. Bedour of Chath'atn was the guest of his sister Mfrs Gilbert Jeffry. last week. Master Eric Switzer rrh,t has been on the sick list is better and able to be back to school again. Mfr, and Mrs. Clive Cochrane and family were in Lonctatt on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Tones and family and Mfr. and'Mrs, Aldrich and family were in London on Thursday. The school at I'1a, 14, Stanley, was closed on Wednesday giving their teacher, Miss Jean McKenzie, a day bo attend the ftir at London. • bliss Thelma Dowson spent a few dans at London last week, Mr, and Mrs. A. 13. Stephenson of TIyde Park spent a few days at the Nome of Mr. and Mfrs. Will Reid's. Mfr,. and Mrs, Rufus Keys aril dau- ghter of Petertbpro, are renewing old acquaintances around Varna. 'We are glad to Ace Mrs, Sparrow who has been cenfiined to her home, is able to he out again. The yeun;g,people of Varna spent all evening at the home of l]r:. and Mrs. Geo, Anderson, and presented 1110111 with nue:mo us gifts. Miss Thelma Dawson has taken a OrOrr°karx'6- PRZSEN"1"✓v3. C e. -"e ee 01// 6'?"/ ct erd f o //ic2 fm'c2 G" /''rogPa/PL 1. OPfilaapy dance ma'ia f TH H NR` EACH rU/E-MBEA, AN EN TER)'4/NER.. With Eckardt's Bell !Zingers Opera House, Septa 26 50c plus tax . Children 25c Dance after Free t© Concert Patrons position with Mr. Mel, Clarke, mer- chant of Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs, John M'cAsh spent a day in London,. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Brownlee,. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred McMillan and little Phyllis of Goderich visited Mr: and Mrs, Jas. Stephenson, Goshen line, on Sunday last.. KIPPEN. 'Miss Ilelen Dinsda•le of Stratford has returned to that city after a week's vacation. with her parents, .lir. and Mrs. R Dinsdal'e. Mrs. Hugil't is visiting lier daughter, bIrs. Norman Jones. We are sorry to note that Mrs.. J. blcMurtrie is not so well as usual. The service and Sunday Schooll at St. Andrew's United Church will be withdrawn on Sunday owing to the, anniversary of Hillsgreen Church. Rev. W. J. Maines, B.A., of Walton, will be the speeded speaker, Services at 11 am and 730 pm. The annual meeting of Kippen Bible Society will be held in the Church on Thursday evening, Sep- tember 19th at 8 p.m. Rev. W Craw will give an address. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott and Mrs. Crawford visited friends in Tie- erton. Rev. and Mrs. John Richardson re turned to Drutnbo on Saturday after I visiting relatives in this community, •Mit•, and Mrs, Wesley French and Mfr, and Mfrs. Herbert Jones.attendedj the wedding of Miss Mlclvor of Port! Elgin on Saturday, Miss MfcIvor was a former teacher in Stanley. The sixty-second anniversary of St, Andrews' United Church will 'u' held on Sunday October leth. Rev, Neil Leckie, 8,A., B.'D„ will be the 1 special speaker, Some of the members of the E'e entire of Y.P.S. attended the Voting People'. Rally of London Conference held at Devine St. Church, Sarnia. + Mfr. and Mfrs. Koelln and Mfr, and Mfrs. Gordon Cherry, front Glen Alien, visited Mfr, and Mfrs. Andrew Bell over the week -enc, Mr. and Mrs. C, Haines, who have been visiting their relatives, Mr, and Mira, David McCloy, and Mr. and Mfrs, P. H. McLean, left for Newark, N:., on Wednesday. Mr. and Mfrs. J. D. Stewart and Miss Winnie are taking in the Exeter Fair an Wednesday. BRUCEFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Layton and Verna and Eddie were in London last week. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lane visited at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Harrigan, near Lucan, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Glen McKnight and baby visited friends in Mitchell on Sunday. Mrs. William Falconer and Kath- leen, Mx. William Stanbury and Car- ol and Harold and Mr. and Mrs. Ho- ward Snell were at London last week. The London Road Community Club will hold their September meet- ing at the ]ante of Mrs. Roy Plum - steel on Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Falconer and Mrs, Lindsay are visiting the latter's daughter, Mrs. Frank Rathbttrn, near Sombre, this week. Miss M. Marks of Bruceheld visit- ed friends e s t of the second of Stanley last week. Mr. and Mrs, A. Caldwell spent Sunday with Mr. and lits. Wilson of Goderich Messrs. Walter Baird', John Mc- Cowan, Frank McCowan and Selden Ross spent a day in London last week. Mr. fames Swan and his daughter Mamie returned hone last week af- ter spending a few months visiting friends at the Coast and in the West. Dr. Swan of Hamilton spent Sun- day at the home of his father, Mr, James Swan, Mir. and Miss Gibson of Stanley re- turned' hole last week after visiting in London and Hamilton and also attended the marriage of Miss Mae Ketchen, daughter of Rev. Dr. Bev- erly and Mrs. Ket•cben, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott visited friends in Toronto this week lir. and Mfrs. d'i'nt. Ratten'bury vis- ited friends in Burlington this week, .MTrs. Rev. W. A. Bremner presided at the nrontitfy sleeting of the W. M. S. held on September 4th. The roll call showed an ,attendance of twenty- two members and was answered with a verse on "Forgiveness." Mrs. Brock as leader rf Group N?. 8 then tool: charge of the meeting, reading an interesting leaflet"Beginning at Jerusalem." Mrs. John 'Watson had as her sabject `Pioneer Days in Can- ada;" Mrs. Addison gave a helpful article on, "Wolfe and Mon+tcalm'^ and Mfrs. C. Wasman read, "The Call papers were most interesting, dealing with the work of missions fr)tlt the early ayes, 1Mrs. Rattenbury gave the closing prayer, A Good Portion of beef served to you for the evening meal, roasted about medium, with the mond gravy oozing through, gives ane a foundation. It just makes one's mouth water to think of it How was that last piece of meat we sent ycu? Wasn't it fine. GEO, CAMERON Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth, YOUR AUTO NEEDS Goodyear Tires and Tubes Battery Sales and Service Charging and Repairing all makes of Batteries A good line of new and used parts of different makes of cars If your car is in need of repairs, give tts a, call Studebaker Sales and Service Reaier's Garage PHONE 167W