HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-09-12, Page 8RAFORT N W
' THURSPA 12, on
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan jMrtin,
who heve 611elit the at few months
visiting fid s it Galt lia.ve returned
home here.
Mrs. Freek Bean, while returning
10 her home, 00 the Lolidoll Road on
Satertlay evening was run into by a
ear, She was thrown out of her bug-
gy and dragged kr .some distanee bot
fortunately escaped with OnlY A severe
shaking up, tr
Mr. and Mrs. William Penhale of
Exeter were pleasant callers with
friends in to Wn 011 Sunday.
.Mr. and 'MA'S. Alfred Hunkin and
family of Farquhar were Sunday vis-
itors at the home of Mr. 'W, Le' Mc-
Laren and family. Mrs, liunkin, vvho
reeently returned from St, Joseph's
hospital, London, is progressirig fa-
Quite a number from here attended
the ,funeral of • the late, Mrs, William
jarrott.of Hillsgreen on Satraday af-
• Mr. Colin Hudson, who ;is one of
the largest' bean grOwers in Hensel',
leas finished harvesting his crop end
reports a good yield.
Mr. anct Mee, Wm, •Flynn of Cen-
tralia and Mr. and Mrs, George Flynn
of Clandeboye, called on friends on
Mrs, W. J. IsfeLeao of Hamilton is
vting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Passmore.
Miss Grace Forrest left foe London
recently where she has secured a
good position. •
Mrs. Thotna.s Pepper, who had the
misfortune to fracture her hip recent-
ly, is doing as well as can b‘e expected.
Mrs, Thomas Appleton has returned
from Denfield where she was engaged
in nursing.
Miss Edith Foster of Tonawanda,
who has been spending the past
couple of weeks with relatives in
town, returned to her home oe Thurs-
day accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. T.
;Mrs. Downe of St. Thomas has
been visiting with ivIrs. John Blotch -
ford and other friends in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Simmons speet
a few days in Toronto.
Mrs. John Merdoch and sister, Mrs.
Hannah Taylor, spent Friday with
their sister, Mrs. John H. Petty, west
of Hensall.
Miss Margaret Hatbkirk has accept-
ed a position as assistant in the post -
,Miss Alma Sentiton left Monday Inc
London where she intends to train Inc
a nurse in Victoria hospital.
Miss Mary McKaig of Exeter spent
the week end at her home here.
Mr. Herold Scruton lett Monday
for St. Thomas where he hes secured
a good positiop.
Mrs. Christina ,Doegall and daughter
Miss Cassie, who have spent this last
six months in the •States, have return-
ed to town.
;Mrs. Lee Hedden has gone to Ham-
ilton where she intends to reside.
Mrs. Samuel Steacy has returned to
her home here 'after spending a couple
of weeks at Ifillsgreen.
Reeve Robert Higgins was in Go-
derich Tuesday on business.
Mr. T. C. joynt, after being in the
general store business Inc the last 14
years, has de.midied to give nap business
and is matting a special sale of his
large Stock. Saturday was the first
day of the sale and large crowds took
advantage of the bargains offered,
Mr. Louis Clark went to Mitchell
Friday to hear the Hon. Howard Fer-
guson. who was speaking there.
School Fair Winners. — Spring
wheat, Marquis (quart) Bert Thomp-
son, Hay Ne, 14; Ruth Bell, Hermit;
Doris Alexander, Hay 14. Marquis
wheat (eheef) — Ruth Bell, Bert
Oats, No. 144 (quart)—Jim Mc-
Ewen, Hay 10; (sheal)—Jim, Mc-
Ewen. Barley, Nm 1 (qeart)--Myr-
tle Thompson, Hay 14; Edith Dick,
Hay 14; (sheal)—Myrele Thompson,
Edith Dick.
Sweet Corn—Ray Foster, Enma
Kipfer, 'Stewart 'Creme (I'lay 14),
Gladys Saundercock, leek Farquhar.
Margolds—Annie Coleman (Hay
10), Vera Rapp (Hay 14), Doeglas
Sangster, Harvey :Hudson. Turnips—
Alfred Rapp, no ,name, 'Arehie Mc-
Gregor, 'Beets — Keith. Buchanan,
Ruth Cole, liary Clerk, Harold Hig-
• gins , ;Harold 'Foster, Jessie 'Dia,
Carrots—Mildred Fallick, Jack 'Cole,
• Mona Glenn, Catherine Drysdale,
• Margaret Shepherd, Elva 'McQueen.
Parsnips—Bill Glenn. Onions—Ir-
ma Ferguson, Helen Glenn, Doris Al-
exander, Mabel Fee, Jean Foster.
Winter Wheat (quart)—Jim Mc-
Ewen, Vera Ropp, Archie McGregor,
Alfred 'Rapp, 'Shirley Koehler, Billy
'Potatoes—Irish Cobblers — ,Malbel
Fee, Dorothy McQueen, Annie Cole-
man, Bob ;Higgins, Irene Mousseett,
• Mildred iFollick. Green Mountain —
Gladys Jarrott, .Bill Higgies, Alfred
Ropp, Irma Ferguson.
'School collection of vegetables—S.
S. No. 14, Hay. Pie Pumpkin --Shir-
ley Koehler, Benson Dick, 'Stewart
Dick, Douglas Sangster, Jim MeEwen,
Dorothy McQueen.
Flowers—Asters—Max 'Hudson, Ray
Foster, Helen Dick, Laird Hudson,
Margaret ;Shepherd, Alice Pfaff.
Phlox—Mary Coleman, Vera Ropp.
Zinnia—Jack 'Farquhar, Harold Fast-
er, Mae Wolf, Ruth Coles, no name,
13erhara Shepherd. African :Marigolds
Thoinscen, Bill Glenn. Calen-
dula—Laird ;Hudson, Harold Boiethr-
, on, Irene Mousseau, Blanche Thomson
Mona Glenn. •French Marigolds —
Mary Clark, Wilma 'Green, Annie Col-
eman, Alfred Rope,: ;Norma Cook
Cosenos---Ruth Bell, Myrtle Thomson,
Salpiglossis — Mabel Fee, Mildred
Fcllick,'Kathryn Drysdale. Coreopsis
—Jean Poster, 1Ceith •Boob -alien. Din-
iuug roorn table bouquet—Mary Cole-
man, Keith 13uchanon, Pearl Hanpole,
Elva McQueen, Robt. Drysdale, lune
•,Apples—Northern Spies — Douglas
Sarigster, Beatrice Miller, 'Blanche
; Thor:mum, Jim McEwen, John Alex-
ander, Illert Thompson. 'Basket assort-
, ecl 'freits—Ruth ;Cole, Dorothy Deters,
Gladys Satindercoek, TIM McEwen.
' Poultry, Eec.—Barred Rock , cock-
eerl—Jimmie McEwen Mary Cole-
, man, Myrtle Thomson, Shirley Xoeh-
ler, 'Alfred Ropp, lleert Thomson; pul-
let—nrirnie 11./cEwen, 'Mary Coleman,
Ed, lOorbetrt, Shirley Koehler, Alfred
, RoPP, Dorothy. Drometond, White
Why Suffer
Periodic Pohl
NIXIE= will relieve neriodio pain,
headaches, baokaches, weakness,
nemeea, eJeeplessuess,
end naany other ailments from whiola
fey women are entirely free, A won-
derdul reoonstruotive Nerve Tonto.
'MERE clan be obtained, in either
liquid or tablet to= at II1.00 pee
bottle or box,
126 Wellington St. West
Keati,ng's Pharmacy
At Your Local Drug Store or direct,
Leghorn, cockerel—'Douglas Sangster,
Vero Ron, 'Stuart Dick; pullett—Stu-
art Dick, Douglas Sangster, Vera
Rapp, Dog—jack Simmons, Lloyd
Moussean, Herbert Drummond, llvlax
Hudson, 'David Sangster, Kenneth
Menns, Pr. 'Rabbits—Bob Passmore,
Robert Drysdale, Laird Hudsion,
Lloyd Brock. Any other pet—June
Semodercoek, Herold Bonthrou, 'Ken-
neth iPassmore, Edaa Sauadercock,
Harvey Hudson, Shiriey .Koehler'
Dozen brown eggs—Irma Ferguson,
Mary. iColeman, Bert Thomson, Bilis
Higgins; white eggs—Gladys Jarrott,
Irene Itfoussean, Helen 'Glenn, Mona
Glenn, Margaret MaciGregor, (Blanche
Market Lamb, about 55 lbs.—Bin
Glenn, Mona Glenn. Pr, bacon hogs
1704230 llbs—Bert Thomson'.
Baking, Ete.---School•luncli—Marg-
'wet MacGregor, Ruth Coles, Dorothy
Drummond, Irnfa Fergesen, Edna
Satinclercock, Gladys Saundercock.
Oatmeal cciokies — Marioe
Doris Alexander, Margaret McGreg-
or. +Layer cake with icing---ilieletr
Glenn, Mildred Follicle, Isabel' Mary
Sundercock, Beatrice Willert, Annie
Coleman, Edna Corbett. Lemon tarts
--Retell Glean, Isabell Mary Sunder -
cock, Vera Rapp, Dorothy Drum-
mond, -Myrtle Thomson, Mildred
F1 -
lick. Apple sauce—Dorothy Doirgall,
Mildred Polack, 'Vera Ropp, Ruth
Coles, Blanche. Thomson, Doris Al-
exander. Vegetable salad—Margaret
McGregor. 'Dorothy Drummond. Shir-
ley Koehler, Mary Little. Cream
Fudge—Vera Rapp, Myrtle. Thomson,
Bert Thomson, Beatrice Willert,
Mona 'Glenn, Dorothy :Drummond.
Peanut Brittle—iGladys ..Saundeecock,
Helen Glees, Bert Thomson, Dorothy
Drummond, 'Bianche Thomson, Myr-
tle Thomson. Holder Inc Pots and
Pans—Wilma Green, Nellie Fee, Duse
Cap — Mildred .Pollick, Dorothy
Dnummond, Janet McIntyre, Mabel
Pee, Gladys Jarrott. Plain apron—
Edith Dick, Nellie Fee, 'Mildred Fol -
lick. 'Dresser scarf—Mildred
Myrtle Thomson, Helen Glenn. Arti-
cle made from school fair ribbons—
Mona 'Glenn. Lunch cloth—Mildred
Follick, Annie Coleman, Edith Dick,
Olive 'Lenemon, Myrtle Thomson,
Mary ,Cniernen.
Foot ruler—Jimmie McEwen, Nor-
man 'Sinclair. Match holder—Jimmie
lefeRwen, Annie Coleman. Round
bread board—Archie McGregor, Jim-
mie MeRwen. Any model in wood—
Jiinmie McEwen, Shirley Koehler,
Myrtle Thomson, 'Blanche Thomson,
Archie McGregor. Scrap hook —
Blanche Thomson, Stuart Diok, Dor-
othy Dougall, Alfred Ropp, Cecil
Kipher. Artificial flowers (sweet
peas)—Janet McIntyre.
Collection of weeds—Myrtle 'Thom-
son, Bert Thomson, Jim McEwen.
Coll. of Woods—Jimmie McEwen,
Bert Thomson, Mytek Thomson.
School collection of insects—JS. S. No.
14 Hay, Miss Finnigan,
Writing—"Monning Hymn"—Jack
Coles, Barbara Sheppard, -Mary Clark,
Irma Ferguson, Wilma Green, Herm-
an Wolff. "The Land of Nd."—Ron-
id Peek, Jean Foster, Loretta Bell,
Ivan Kipfer, Jack Wurm, Archie Mc-
Gregor. "A Wet Sheet and a flowing
sea"—Ross McIllroy, Ruth, Coles,
Annie Hueser, Andrew McKenzie,
Kathryn 'Drysdale, Shirley Koehler.
"Christmas"—Kathleen Rabbles, Myr-
tle Thomson, Edith Dick, Margaret
'McKenzie, DorattY Corbett, Irene
Drawing—Group of apple, potato,
etc.—'Irma Ferguson, Russell Hedden,
Stanley Tucker, Jack Coles, Douglas
Sangster, Elva MoQueen. Group of 3
fruits—Tvan Kiefer, Ronald Peck, Ro-
bert Dr3-sciale, Dorothy Deters, Arch-
ie McGregor, 'Enna Kip•fer. Union
jack—Shirley Koehler, Vera Ropp,
Ross Malroy, Wilmer Jones, Marg-
aret Kennings, Elmer Hayter. Calen-
dar design--Ilelen Glenn, Myrtle
Thomson, Stewart Bell, Alvin Bell,
Jim McZwen, Edith Dick.
Maps—Huron County — Ronald
Peck, Jean Poster, Ivan Kipfer, Jade
Munn, Kenneth Elder, Dorothy Dat -
ere. North Arnerica--Rost iMortroy,
Ruth Coles, Dorothy Drummond, An-
nie Coleman, Edgar Wurrn, Edna
Corbett. The British Isies---jirn
Eweiu Garnet Motesseau, Harold El-
der, Alvin Bell, Emma Wurm, Helen
Glenn. Essay—Vera Ropp, Shirley
Koehler, Irene Smale, Aonie Cole-
man, Edna Corbett, Doris Alexander.
Historical Sketch—Emma Wurm, Ste-
wart Bell, Jim McEwen, Myrtle
Monism,' Gladys Jarrott.
,Ptilblic speaking—Myrtle 'T,horrison,
Vera Rapp, Live stock judging cern-
Lpetition (boys)—Aidon .Appletom. Ste-
rt Crerer, Stewart Bell, John .Alex-
ander. Poultry jodging competition
(girls) ---Beatrice sWillert, Edith Dick,
Myrtle Thomson,. Helen Glenn, Glad-
ys Jarrott, Minnie Sangster. Weed
naming contest—Shirley Koehler, jno.
Alexander, 'Myrtle 'Mormon. Beatrice
Willert, Annie McIntyre, Gladys Jar-
rott, Spelling ntatch—Normnn Sin-
clair, Myrtle Thomson, Annie Cole -
Man, Harold Elder, Edith Dick, Mare
HtntphflL School Hensall 1,
PTensall 2„7-Terisall 3, Hay No, 10, Hay
No. 14.
Special T. tat011 Ce., Chatlpion
"ii,,,roSwen, Myrtle -Thomson,
Vera Ropp,
:Rev. Mr, lifo•wn of Seaforth gav'e
services ae St. Itturye Church, the
little white elverets on the highway, on
lest Sundae', Whi0h was ert1OYed by
all Present,
We are Pleased to know Rev, Mr,
Capper is able to he o•round
Mr, Joseph Parcel' of Streeford and
his mother and aunt called on friends
io totem Sunday.
Very serry to keow Mes. Loohy'e
father, M Rya% is Very illat her
home in the village.
'Mr. and Mrs.. Keeler of Dunnville
are visiting their friend, the Smith
Brothers of town.
Mr. Thontae Murphy was a week
end visitor at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Murphy of town.
Mr. and, Mrs, Billy Curtin were the
lucky couple to bripg home the first
prize at St, Bridget's Inc the best
Mr, William Smith his returned te
his hostile at Dunnville after a visit
with hi's relatives of the yil,lage.
tWe are sorry to lose the Judge fa-
mily from the Dominion Hotel. They
are going to Detroit, The sale a the
hotel and household goods will be
held on Monday, Septeniber 23rd.
Miss Walkant Of Stratford, the pub-
lic school teacher, hai9 910arted her
school witb a very good attendance.
Mr. Eddie Litt, our new garage
man, is kept quite 'busy at the end of
the town.
Our new chapping mill is running in
swift order. The 'nen are 'kept on the
hop now. We wish them good success.
Mr. anti Mrs. Gerome Jordan of De-
troit visited the former's parents, aver
the week end.
Mr. Murdoch and •sister, of Buffalo,
residents of Dublin fifty-one years
ago, visited Dublin during the week.
This is Mr, Murdoeh's first Visit to
Dublin since moving away as a Child
and he foencl many changes in the
place and people. Ur, James Red-
mond and Mr. John Recknond were
old acquaintances.
Dr. and :tetra. Traynor moved to
Kitchener on WednesdaY. The dc -
tor has secured a good practice in
that dity.
Mrs. William Byrne returned home
from Detroit on Saturffay • last alter
spending a couple of weeks with
friends 'in Detroit. •
' Mrs. Patrick Ryan Jr. and 'family
have gone to Detroit to visit her mo-
ther, Mrs. John MciLear, who 'has
been in poor health for some time.
rialtizieJordan, from SudburY,
is visiting at the home of Mr. ' and
Mr. John Brennan took out a fine
lead of corn to..mer new ,eanning, face
tory on Tuesday.
The ,many friends of Mrs. Joseph
Hickey art glid• to hear that 'She es
able to :be around again after her :ser-
ious illnese. • •
Miss Verna Drake of Stratford
spent last week at the home of her
parents, Me. and Mrs. John Drake.
Messrs. Mike Coyne and jina
O'Reilly have returned from their vis-
it to Toronto.
One of Mr. Dan Matthews' hens
this week laid a very large egg, vehic'h
weighed nearly half a pound. Dan is
a great hen imam
iMr. Joseph Feeney has returned to
Landon to renew his studies at St.
Peter's Seminary. Mr. 'VVilfred 'Feen-
ey and his mother, Mrs. William
Feeney drove over With him.
A dance will be held in St. Pat-
rick's Hall, Dublin, on Friday even-
ing, Sept. 13th. Dancing from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. 'Mitchell orchestra. Ad-
mission 50c.
Jordan-Deres.—A pretty wedding
was solemnized in St. Mars Church,
St, Clair, Mic.'h„ on Saturday, August
31, when Anne Deres, deu,ghter of Mr.
and Mrs. Deres of St. Clair, b.e.caine
the bride of Jerome Jordan of De-
troit, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Jordan of Dublin. They were attend-
ed by Mrs. Byrne of Detroit, sister of
'the groom, as matron of 'honor, arid
Mr. Deres brother o•f the bride. The
youthful bride was prettily gowned in
ivory satin with lace veil and her at-
tendant in pale green chiffon trimmed
with white. Following the ceremony,
thirty-three guests sat clown to din-
ner at the bride's home. Among the
guests were Mrs. Leo Fortune, and
Mr. and Mrs. T. Moylan, of Sea -
forth and Mr. John Kenny of Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan then left on it
honeymoon 'by motor. On their return
they will reside in Detroit. The beide
was the recipient of many gifts at
showers given in her hon•or, and also
Mr. Martin Melody of Detroit spent
the week end with friends here.
Mr. Neil Klein and family of Pon-
tiac. Mich,, visited here the past
Mr. Michael :McQuaid of Detroit is
spending his vacation with friends
'Reverend Father Dantzer has re-
turned after a pleasant vacation in
Western Canada,
Mr, John Flannery Jr. spent the
past week with Detroit friends.
Mr. James Lane of Teeewater
spent the week end with his mother,
Miss Mary Feeney has returned to
her school in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil O'Connell and
family of Detroit visited friends here
Mr. Archie Campbell of Toronto
spetn a few days with Mr, and Mrs.
James Campbell.
Mr, and Mrs. Fell. Bullard, Mi.
and Mrs. Mel Clarke were London
Mrs. A, Sperling and children, Eve-
lyn, Maudie and Hazel and Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Carmichael of ,Grey were
London visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott of London are
visitiog Mr. and Mrs. John Montgom-
'Useful in Camm—Explorers, sur-
veyors, prospectors and hunter s will
find Dr, Thomas' Eolectric Oil very
useful in camp. When the feet and
legs are wet and cold it is well to rub
them freely with the Oil and the result
will be the prevention of pains in the
Mitecles and should a cut or contus-
ion or sprain be sustained, nothing
could the better as a dressing 01 lo-
eash ofily
rIV0aY SOAP FLAKE, 3 Ages 210'
tSOMME SOAP FLAKES, large pkges. . ...... .
P, G. SOAP, 10 hars ,,, , „ ,, 39P
GOLD SOAP, 10 bars , • . .. $9c
suRpaasE SOAP, 10 bars . ....... , ... . . . SOP
SUNLIGI-Pl"SOAP, 10 bars 58c
FELS NAMITH,A SOAP, 10 bars • 69e
'Mr. F. A. McKenzie and, Mr. R.
Rutherford of .51, Loins, Mo., left
last week after epenceing a couple of
weeks With the formees sister, Mrs,
J. J. Richardson, Bayfield Road. Qn
their trip east they drove the 750
miles frorn St. Louis in a day and a
Te "Misses Brownett and nephew,
Mr. Ardell Grainger, spent a few days
last week visiting the former's °sister
4'11,S1%,TJ11.°1-41Ia.sPhinney and daughter
Elizabeth returned Sunday after
spending several days with her sister,
Mrs, J. J. Richardson and lIr, Rich-
ardson, Mrs, Phitiney had just return-
ed from a 7,500 mile motor trip
through the western Provinces to
13anff, through the States to California
and back to Detrciit. •
Miss 'Grace Manson of Victoria
'Hospital, London, is spending her
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Peter Manson.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Agnew and son
Seeborn of Detroit, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MdBride last week,
Miss Beatrice Cower of Kippen
was the guest of Miss 'Etrima,Mc-
Bride last week.
•.Goshen United Church held anni-
versary services on Sunday. Rev. Roy
Geiger of Preston, formerly of Zur-
ich, had charge of both services,
morning and evening. Beautiful anth-
ems were rendered- by the 'choir 'for
ihe oecaSion. - •
iMrs. Sievenseof • Beticefielci visited
'her brother, Mr. W. J. Tough,.during
the past weeks • ,
•IMT. and 'Mrs, Rnbert Turner of .Lu -
can spent a few days with their daugh-
ter, Mrs Gecerge Campbell last week.
Rev. J. W. Penrose visited on the
13ronson fine an 'Wednesday and
Thursday of 'last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rohner and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Sparks spent a day at
Quite a nten'ber from the Bronson
took in the anniversary services at
'Goshen on Sabbath last
We are pleased to know that Mrs.
Angtts Reid is still improving and
hope she will soon he completely bet-
The Ladies' Aid cif Burns' United
Chticrh 'held their September meeting
at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen on
The Misses Amy and Erie Parsons
visited their friends, the Misses Mc-
Ewen of near Clinton on Wednesday
and Thursday of last week.
Mrs. MoKinley of Clinton visited
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Angus
Reid on Monday. -
The Misses Florence Watson and
Estella Murphy were in Clinton on
The Misses Isabella Reid and Mar-
jorie MciEwing spent Tuesday in
London. •
Mr. and Mrs Charles Parsons'and
the Misses Amy and Ewa Pers'ons
were in Stratford on Saturday.
A yoting people's meeting in con-
nection with Burns' Unitedl Chuirch
was held at the home of Mrs. Bert
Allen on Friday evening.
The many friends of Miss Winni-
fred Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Hamilton, formerly of
Clinton and now of Detroit vrill note
with interest the recent marriage of
Mise Hamilton to Mr. Ernest Dietzsch
of Detroit. The young couple were
united on the morning of August Mat
at 9 o'clock following a wedding break-
fast given. at ,the bride's home 56 Dele-
ware Avenue, Detroit. The ceremony
was ,performed by Rev. Wolfe of the
Woodward Avenue ,Preabyterian
Church in the ,presence of relatives
and close friends of the bride and
groom. The :bride was beasttifully and
attractively attired for the occasion
in a morning gown of grey georgette
with hat, pimps and hose to match.
Following the ceremony the young
couple left on a 'brief motor trip
through Ontario. Mr. Dietzsch has
distinguished ,himseff as an automoibile
designing engineer a unusual talent
and ability and has Inc several years
past been employed by the Chrysler
Corporation and is now sunder con-
tract with General Motors. While with
the Chrysler Corporation Mr. Dietzsch
did ,much to beautify and improve the
lines of Chrysler ear bodies arid now
as asaistant to the •Chef Designer of
General Motors is engaged in remod-
elling the designs of the many pro-
ducts manufactured by this corpora-
tion. Following their return the Young
couple .will reside in the IPlaza Mart -
men's, 1127 Seward Avenue, Detroit.
All Night with Asthma. Everyone
knows how attacks of asthma often
keep their victims awake the whole
nicht long. Morning finds him wholly
onlfittecl for a day o'f business, and yet,.
business must still be carried through,
All this night suffering anti Leek of
rest can he avoided by the prompt
use of Dr, I) Kellogg's Mama Re-
medy, vishih positively does drive
away the attacks
iMiss Elizabeth Murray and Mary
Eilen Dempeey left last week to re -
same them duties as teachers in Wind-
sor and Gnelph,
Mr. and Mrs, W. Manley were vis -
hors at the home of Mr. • and Mrs.
Henry McIver in Hiblbert lastrisv
The dry weather still continues 4nd
it makes it impossible' to do fall
ploughing and ehe cattle are suffering
Inc food and water in a great many
places, -
Mr. F. Reit-art has returned treun an
extended visit to Barak', N.Y.
.The many friends are plea'sed to
learn that Mr, George Steurreagel is
improving with the special care that
his sister, Mns. Finnigan from N.Y.
is giving him,
• The summer fiu has ;been quite pre-
valent in our burg but not of.a sericite
'Worms Teed upoo the idtaility of
children and endanger their lives. A
Simple and effeictive remedy is Mother
Graves Worm Exterminator.
Want 'and ForSaleAd.s,, 3 times 56c
Applications 'sealed . apd . marked.
"Tender -S" 'will be received by ehe un-
dersigned until noon on Thurseley,
September 19th, Inc tee erealion and
completion 011 Or before Dec. 15th
nee:et, of new schpol building 26'x40'
ix S.S. No. .5, Tiernberry.• Plans and
titedfiatiOnS 1110 seen aftee Seipt
12th at reside -dee of SecretaryeTreas-
urer, 17, ,con. 8. Lowest or' an.
teeder 'not -necessarily ' accepted.
Marked cheqoe of 5 per cent. of 'cen-
tred- price to accompany terfder.
Sept. 7th, 1929. R.R: 1 Winigham
In the Estate of Yoseph Nicholson,
TARE NOITICE that all persons hav-
ing claims against the Estate of Jos-
eph Nicholson, who died at the Town-
ship of "McKillop on the ilth day of
July, 1929, are required to send to the
undersigned On or before the First
day of October 1929, a statement in
detaif of their claim or deism yeei-
fied by affidavit. •
And further sake notice that on and
after the said laet mentioned dote the
Executors of the said Estate will pro-
ceed to distribute the same amongst
those entitled thereto, having regard
only to such claims as shall have been
received by them.
:Dated this 5th day of September,
A.D. 1929.
:S'olicitor for the Executors.
01 Valuable Hotel Property and Con-
tents of Same, in the Village of
Dublin, Ont.
Mr, Thomas Brown has received
instructione from Mr. P: M. Judge to
sell b'y public auction on Monday,
September 23rd, 1929, at one p.m.
sharp, the following valuable proper-
The Dominion Hotel, which is e
three-story 'brick building, containing
20 bed rooms, two parlors and bath
room, with hot water system through-
out, There are thnee tote on which
there is situated good frame barn,
hen house. garage and a brick pig pen.
At the same time and place the fol-
lowing Chattels wiil he sold by public
auction —48 bed room suites, together
with mattresses, beds, and bedding;
1 parlor suite; 10 linoleum rugs; 1
brussels carpet rug; 6 rocking chairs;
1 writing desk; 3 parlor tables; 3
couches; 1 sewing machine; 12 sa.ntple
tables; 5 Inc cream parlor tables; 14
ice cream parlor chairs; 1 cash regis-
ter; 1 show case; 5 sidelboands• a large
quantity of dining room and' kitchen
menses, knives, forks. cutlery, dishes,
gees/ware, etc., 6 extension tables, 24
dining room.chairs, a number of bed
room and kitichen chairs, 4 kitchen
babies, 2 kitchen e'aogis, 1 coal heat-
er, 1 euPhoard, washing machine,
nearly new; 1 Clothes mangle, 1 town
mower, 1 Ford touring car, I comp-
lete portable saw mill in first class re-
pair, doing a good cuselom business,
10 cords a shore dry wood, one PA
h.p. gasoline engine, anvil, vise, sugar
kettle, etc.
Live Stock. --11 good working horse
and 70 choice young hens.
Tenms 011 Property, --Ten per .cent.
of purclia,se price on day of sale, bal-
ance within thirty clays ig
Terms on Chattels—All sums of
$10.00 and under, cavil, over- that
amount, 4 months' credit on approved
joint notes,
No reserve as the proprietor is re-
tiring front business.
P. M. JUDGE, Preptr.
Dublin, Ont.
j. Holland, Clerk.
A good eight roomedfinme houSe
with. wood , shed atniebed, electric
light, furnace, sot walet•iu the haus,
good W,e11, SW le nail btta.
be pi 4 0U24, or apply to MRS. W. OLIV-
t6arli;ge. large 6,rden. Telephone
-A, Sesforte ,R,R. 3, Main Street, Eg-
mondville, ' . 39
Second-hand, baby' buggy wanted.'
Apply at The krovis Office. 37
ko en ,
:Comfortable s in Beattie
Block. Apply to EATITIE BROS.,
Seeforth. • 01710
Dry soft elm Wood for sale. JOHN
A, MTJIRIRAY, Pbone 3740, Dublim
• • 39
Twenty-five lice .•Oxford ewes,
from 2 to 5 yearVApply—to FRED
kfcCIJY,MONT, rtva. Phone 6221.24
:Bright, cheerful rooms to rent, ov-
er Mr. Wias store. Two bedrooms,
living room, kitellen with town. water.
.Apply to W, G. wrriDt(s, Seaforth,
- 38
One Fordsoo .tractor, first-claas
shape, Foe .Wrticulars. apply to
'COl/40IJOHIGHe pnos. ,Sea,forth.
RiR. 2. 38
Duff'si Church, McKillop, are hold-
ing a sale of lipme baking on Sept.
21st at 2.30 o'cieele in the .store beside
Mr. Hill's shoe Woo. Sea.fonth. 38
Frame dwelling, comfortable, con-
venient, hot and cold water, bath, toi-
let, etc, Immediate poasession, A. D.
SUTHERLAIND. InsuranCe and Real
Estate, Seaforth, Phone 152.
A couple of springers. near fresh-
ening, Apply to Lot 17, Con: 8, Mc-
Killop. Phone 240r24, Seaforth. C.
:• ;Home laundrying. Apply to Box 89,
• 37
6 hole range with high oven and
reservoir, in good 'condition, or Well
exchange Inc shatter one Apply to
JOHN SPROAT. Victoria str. Sea-
ford'. . ,
• On. corner of James and Ann sta.,
seven -room house, town water in
house, electric lights, good basement.
Will sell very reasenable. One-fifth
acre. Stable on property. Good gar-
den. Property all in gond repair. Ap-
ply to MRS. W., McMICHAEL, Sea-
ford'. 3511
Have you got those boards or
planks—those pieces you so often
need but have not handy. Get them
nhw. E. L. BOX; Seaforth. 3311
Eight -room brick house on East
liViitit•dsterV, !IC,tfitr bv,cal:terro, rooms,
lar,lignt. furnace, all in good shape, tor
rent or sale, Appry to ADAM HAYS,
Seaforth. 2311
100 acres in Tuckersmith Township,
lot 9, con.' 9. Good buildings. Poss-
ession this fall. Owner forced to sell
on account of ill health. For further
particulars apply to HENRY FOR-
SYTH, Kippen, Onts, RR. 2. Phone
134r24. 36
100 acres, lot 11, concession 6, in the
Township of Tuckersmith, 3 miles
from Seaforth, 5 miles from Kippen
and Brucefield, convenient to schools
and church. On this farm are excel-
lent buildings in first class repair,
Hard and soft water in both house
and stables. This fartn is thoroughly
under -drained with tile drains and Es
fenced and in high state of cultivation.
This is in every way a first class and
up-to-date farm nicely located on the
Kippen road. 'Possession given this
fall. Terms reasonalble. For further
particulars apply to the proprietor,
con, 6, Tuckersmith, Seaforth RR, 4.
Phone 131r31, 3511
Tenders for the repair of the Win-
throp 'Drain ISouth Branch, also Hill -
en Drain*in the Township of Mc -
Kilian, will be received up to Satur-
day, Sept. 14. Tenders will be opened
at 8 p.m. Carnegie hall, iSeaforth. Ten
Mtn., Carnegie Hall, Seaforth. Ten
per cent, of contract to accompany
tender, tLowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. Pla.ns, etc., may
be seen at lot 35, con. 3, MoKillop.
37 Clerk.
Wednesday, Sept. 111th.
Butter, per lb. 35c
Eggs, per doz. .........
Potatoes, per bag,
Hogs, per cwt. ...... $10.26-$10.75
Want and for‘Sale Ads, 3 times 50c
Nation-wide Fame—There is scarce -
y a corner of this great Dominion
where the merits of Dr, Thomas' EC-
ectric Oil have not been tried and
proved. It is one of the world's most
efficient remediea for sore throat,
aine back and many other ailments
arising from inflammation, Rubbed
on the skin its healing power is reasi-
ly and it can also be taken
HUGH ROSS, Pilysicha
add'Surgeora Late of London Hos-
pital, Lozacioi, England. Specie;
attention to diseases of the eye, ear
nose and throat. Office arid resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. OfSce
P,hone No. 5; Residence Phone NC
R. F 3, BURROWS,Seafortk.,
Office and residence, Goderich street5.
east of the United Church, Coruna:
Inc the County of Huron. Telephone
No, 40,
DR. c. MACKAY—C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity University
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
DR, P. J, R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat. Graduate lat Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1862,
Late Assistant New York Ophtkat-
mic and Aural Instit e, Moorefieles
Eye, and Golden &ware throat MA-.
pitals, London. England. At Comm-
ercial Seaforth, 3rd Monday is
eaoh month, from 14 a.m. to 3 pan. •
DR. W. C, SPROAT,--Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, 'London. Member'
a College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhares
Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth.
Phone 90.
R. -J. A, ;MUNN, Successor Se
Dr. It R. ,Ross,:.graduate 61 North-
western University, Chicago, Ili LP,
centia•te Royal College of Dental &try-
geons, Toronto. .01fice over Sill's
hardware, Main St„.Seaforth. Phone
DR. F. J. BFCHELY; graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeon
Toronto, Office over W. R. Sudden
grocery,,Main St., Seaforth. Phone&
office 18SW, residence 1853.
Consulting Engineer,
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tar.),
0,L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate
Member Engineering Institute of
Canada..Office,•Seaforth, Ont. •
Auctioneer for 'the County of litiroa
Arrangements, cart. be Made. for • Seale
Date at 'The' Seaforth News. Chargat
moderate end satisfaction guaranteed,
(Suecessors to Jatnes Watson)
All kinds of Insurance *risks effect-,
ed at lowest rates in First -Chia
Mutual Fireinsurance Ca,
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ieh; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood.
Vice President; D. F. McGregor.
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors--rWm, Rinn, NO. 2, Sea -
forth, John 43ennewies, Brodhamm;
James Evans, Beachwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erioh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sem-
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton;
Robeet Ferris, Harlock; George lite-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agents --Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Carl-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth;' J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; -R. G. Jarrnouth,
Bornholm, James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seiforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Relieves Asthma at Little Expense -
=Thousands of .dollars have hew
vainly spent upon remedies for asthma
and ‘seldom, if ever, with any relief.
Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Astilatra Remedy,
despite its assurance of benefit, costis
'so littleithat it is within reach of all.
It is the national remedy for asthma. •
Inc removed from the class of doubt. -
cul and experimental preparation&
Your dealer con supply it.
• Special
Return Engagement of
Next Week -end, Sent. 19-20-20