HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-09-05, Page 8i NSALL.
ide. and Mrs, Robert Ooiuslslson of
"TeeswRatar spent the holiday with
frienuls 'in tgwit,
Mr. Eldred Snaith spent Friday In
Miss Janette .Scott cif. Crt\mprty
lsent a few days last week entitling s e
�tsr causnts Mieses Dorothy orad E
Mr, John McDonald was in Toron-
to one day last week,
Mr, Milton Boyle left an Monday
for London where he expects to get a
Mr, and Mrs., Peter Buchanan of
Toronto spent the holiday visiting
relatives in town,'
Mr, 'Robt, Morrison of Woodstock
spent the holiday visiting Mr, and
Mrs, Jas, Priest.
On Friday last I(eeneth Manns
while playing at hone, fell from a
tree and dislocated his shoulder and
received other serious injuries. He
was taken on Tuesday to e children's
hospital for treatment,
Reeve Higgins was in Goderich oar
Monday attending a meeting of the
Huron County Old Age Pension
Board and on Tuesday was in Clinton
attending a meeting of the Huron
County Home Committee.
Mrs. Samuel Steacy returned on
Monday to Hiilsgreen again where
she is helping to nurse her sister,
Mrs, Wirt. Jarrott. Mfrs, Steacy wa's
home for the holiday entertaining her
children from Detroit who were home
for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dingwall and
family of Streetsville spent the boli -
day visiting friends here,
Miss Thelma Hudson of London
spent the week -end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott of
Cromarty spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Ed, McQueen.
Master Billie Higgins returned to
his home here after a two weeks' va-
cation with his sister Mrs, Bertram
North of Woodstock.
Mr. Alvin Warner of Pontiac spent
the week -end with friends here.
.Mr, Jack Carmichael spent the
week -end with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North spent
the week -end at the home of Mr. and
Ivies. Robert Higgins.
Mrs. Lou Simpson and son William
spent the holiday at the home of Mr.
and lairs. Robe Bonthron.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Manley Jinks of Der
troit spent the week -end at their home
Mr. and Mrs. William McLean of
Hamilton spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. and Anrs. John Pass-
Mr. Alex. Mciurtrie of Toronto
spent the holiday with his mother
Miss Pybus of Windsor spent the
holiday with friends in town.
Mrs. Lee Hedden returned to her
home here after a weeks' vacation in
Messrs, Owen Geiger and son have
a large number of Indians busily en-
gaged in flax pulling.
Miss Margaret Buchanan of Van-
couver B.C. spent a few days last
week with her mother Mrs. Wm, Bu-
Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill is having
the front of his drug store nicely
The village half holideys ended on
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford
are visiting relatives and friends in
Miss Ruby McLaren spent Tuesday
with her sister, Mrs. Wes. Venner.
Council Meeting. - The regular
meeting of the village council was
held on Tuesday of this week with all
the members present. The reeve re-
ported that the southwest drain was
completed, the inspector's report ac-
cepted .and the expense against Rio
the drain all paid up. A new drain
will ise started for the northwest
corner of the town almost immediate-
ly and Councillor Ortwein reported
that a man would be here this week to
make a necessary survey. A number
of accounts were presented and or-
dered paid. The matter of setting the
tax rate for the village for 1929 was
then taken up. The reeve gave a re-
view of the receipts and expenditures
so far this year and gave an estimate
of about what would be required for
the balance of the year and. asked for
a rate of 33 mills or )'5 mill less than
last year, which was agreed to by the
council. The council intend going
over the town sometime shortly to
see what gravel and other work that
will be needed this fall. The council
then adjourned to meet again at the
call of the Reeve.
Mr. Ladd McEeven has treated
himself to a new Durant car.
'The public and continuation schools
re -opened on Tuesday last with a
splendid attendance for the day. The
teaching staff are the same as last
Miss Edith McEwen has returned
to her school in Kitchener after
spending the holiday at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Consitt and
Miss Annie Consitt have been visited
,by their oousins, Mr. and Mrs. Con-
sitt of Ottawa.
Miss Annie Consitt has accepted .a
position of teaching school in Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd McEwen spent
the holiday with Mrs. McEwen's par-
ents at Paisley.
Mr, Wm. Lermon, proprietor of
the New Commercial Hotel had a
narrow escape from death, together
with his brother David, when their
car was struck at a railroad crossing
at K.itdhenerr.
Mrs, W. J. Jones, who had her
anklebone broken over a week ago is
doing as well as can be expected and
hopes to ,have it out of the oasts soon.
Mr. and Mrs, James Patterson spent
a few days in Toronto last week.
Me. and Mrs, Alex. Henry and fam-
ily of Cass City, Mich, are this week
visiting relatives and friends in Hen -
sail and vicinity,
The many friends of .Mrs. William
Henry are pleased to see her able to
the out again .after :her recent illness.
Mrs. Emma l awthenne, Mrs, Mary
Brander and :laughter Lucy and Mr.
Joe Jerosfck from Houston; Testas,
arc spending a few weeks visiting at
the home of Mr, George Brock,
SaTAl1iL 2 «
StewarteWalkernselViain Street Urn
ited Chureb, Exeter, was the sane
Very "it weci n OnSaturday
of a ye y pre Y g
nvenit , Ann. 31, wizen Verna Allison,
ate 1 a,al ker afid the late
dao Mier of Mrs, t k
William Wainer, was united in mar-.
Mil ono Wake , s
mage to Hervey Adam h#evtart, eon
of Mr, and M. Fenwick Stewart,
Stamey Township, The ceremony
was conducted by n brother of the
bride • Rev. John' A, Walker. B,A,,
Toronto,assisted by Rev. r , Moor.
t o s The bride looked charming re
a period gown of powder=blue moire
and old lace, with 'bine haft,' and shoes
to'match, and; carried a shower `boo-
lily of Ophelie roses e was give and
y,te was i
lily of the volae given m
BY a brother, Dr, w lenses G.
)Volker, Burlington, and was attend-
ed by her twin sisters,Misses Lillian
and Mildred Walker, who wore per-'
iod gowns of mauve and tea -rosy
shades, with silver hats and shoes to
colonial bouquets
masch and carried o 1
of sweet peas and roses, The groom
• ed b , Mr. Hugo Ewart. of
• 3Ea anon . TheMisses
Hamilton. ushers were :Messes,
Karl' W, Kidd, B. Cain., and Cecil H.
MoFaddin, of New Toronto. During
the of the reinter Miss Ey-
the signing geach
elYn Blessinger of Burlington sang,
ipresided at the or-
Mr, Roy ecepd on
gan. A reception was held at the
of the bride, Mrs, Welham
receivingof black
Walker ando in a dress
georgette and corsage bouquet, of
M sweet peas and roses,assisted
byh Mrs. Fenwick Stewart, tathar of
thef black who wore a dvet-
gown of crepe romaine and vel-
vet, and corsage of pink sweet peas
brd roses. After the reception the
r d and room left on their honey-
bride a g pretty
moon, the bride wearing a p Yand
greenrdress and black broadcloth
coat, with trimming of beige broad-
ail and smart felt hat to match. Af-
lan r and Mrs, Stewart
ter their return MI , a t
will reside at 46 Lake Shore Boole-
yard, New Toronto,
The Bssbylon Line lost one of its
most respected residents in the deat'h'cavery,
of Mr. John Erratt on Saturday even-
agelast, Mr. Erratt was 65 years of
a e and had lived 'alone for the past
Seven years, since his mother died.
Daring his illness he was most tend-
erly looked after by his brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erratt, He
leaves to mourn his loss one sister,
Mrs. Robert ,1icClinchey, and one
brother Henry Erratt, besides several
nieces and nephews. The funeral on
Mondayto Bayfield cemetery was
largely •attended showing the esteem
g )
in which he was held.moved
Mie. 'Ted Chuter has been busy ren-
ovating the Parr Line school.
Mr. George Coleman and family left
on Monday for their new home in
Miss McTaggart •of 'Walton corn-
iced her duties on Tuesday as
teacher of the !B•aibylon Line school.
She is boarding with Mrs. Artie Keys.
We wish her every success.
Mr. Art Keys, aur genial Reeve, at-
tended the 'Old Boys' Reunion at
Drysdale on Monday and pronounced
it a genuine success,
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Jaffray of the Town Line,
near Blake, whose home was destroy-
ed h fire early on Saturday morning.
The fire is supposed to have been
started by a coal oil stove.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Shepherd of
Galt spent a few days last week with
Mrs. Shepherd's brothers, J. A. and
Wm. Carnie.
-Margaret Tough who spent
the vacation at her home on the Bran-
son Line, returned on Monday to re-
stone her school at Moorefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and son
Grant of Goderich visited in the vicin-
ity over the week -end.
School re -opened on Tuesdaywith
Miss'Herbert in S.S. No. 4 North and
Mrs. Roy Scotchiner in S.S. No. 4
Mrs. Dick and her daughter Mrs.
Bell spent a few days with the for -Louise,
mer's daughter, Mrs. R. N. Douglas
of Make.
Miss Irene tc. Chuter spent the weels
'Iensall Sept, nth
. . •
e8d and holiday at her home:
Mr, Ernie Inc'Clnnehey. of .1+ltnt+
spent the holiday at .M home,
MIr. Peter LennewaY • in convexly
,IN., -4th his catcher and Mr, and Mrs,
Reno of Casevflle, latah,, called on
Mr. attd M. John Beatty, It is
twenty-three Fears, game Peter as a
boy Beatty Bros, -
:eash ( nly
IVORY SOAP FLAKE, 3 pkgcs,,,,................... 2Ic
SOMME SOAP FLAKES, large pkgvrs;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,21e
Zur'ic!h , ,. ,,.,. • Sept, 'lath
Grund Ee'rtd .......,••,,, Sept, 13t1h
Cotb'orne T . Sept, 16th.
As.hfield T , Sept, 17tb
St.IHelens ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,• Sept, 18th
WioirRter .,, SeptSeek, 19th
Ilowick Tp. ' Sept, 20th
Ethel • Sept, 03rd
1nR" TI. I UGH ROSS, Physician•
and Sur goon. Late. of London Hee-
pital, London, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and Office and reside,
ease behind Dominion Bank, Office.
Phone No. 3, Residence Phone Z 4,
worked with
Several of our youths and fair main-
ens motored to Grand ,Bend Sunday,
r en, Archclaacoit Jones -Bateman
of Goderich will conduct service to
St, Johns Church Sept, 8th and 13th,
owing to the absence of recto,
P. c9 G. SOAP, 10 bars ,„,•,•,.,.,.,...•..,.,..•••,••,
GOLD SOAP, 10 bars . , , , , . , , . , . , . 59c
. R P
SOAK, 10 bars ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,.,,,.,,.... S9s
SUNLIGHT SOAP, 10 bars . • , • • .. , • : • , . • . • • • • • . , , • . • '59c
Barylgt'aue •..,•.•••••,•. ,sept,
Gederfeh Tp, Sept. 25th
Blyth ..., ;, , , , ., . , , , , , , , , . Sept, 27t•h
Crediton Sept, 30th
Usborne Tp. Oct, 1st
Clinton Town O.,t. 3rd
Clinton Rural Oct, 4th
DSR, F . J. , BUR'ROWIS, Sego**,
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the United Church, Coroner,
for the Collate of Huron. •Tehephone-
No, 40.
Rev. :lir, Paull, who is on his vase -NAPHTHA
` i SOAP, 10 bars . .... . .... . . . . . . . . „, 69c
1 1JLrS NA1?
., , , , , , , , . • , , •
DR. C. MACKAY.-C. Macke
i ;lir• Eiu their aad sons •paise been
'uujarov?ng• their garage by raising the
roof, making it more convenient for
the tsansport business.
Quantity of 'barley for sale. Apply
to. Lorne T. Roe, lot 1, con, 13, Hen
honor graduate of Trinity'Univeratty•'
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical_
College; uiembei' of the 'College elf
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Mr, and Mrs, John Rathwe'll, in
lett, 36,
DR. F. J. R. FOiRSTER-Eye, Estr,.
company with Mr, and •Mrs. Horner
and little son Gordon motored to
Windsor on Saturday to attend the
marriage of Mr. Harold Rash!weli,
• >
lwentty-Ifive choice Oxford ewes,
from 2 to 5 Years. Apply to nom
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant' New York Ophthal-„
Gladys and Emily Beatty
McCLYIVIOINlT, Varna. Phone 62244
mac and Aural Instil ",e Moorefield'e-
Eye, Golden Sq throat ho
of London spent the week end at
and rare s-
their home here.Comm-
'We are sorry to report Mr. Stelck
is not improving as rapidly as his
'Bright, oheetful rooms to rent, ov
,s, London, England, Cam
ercial Hotel,. Seafonth, 3rd Monday la,
month; from hl, a.m.-to 3 p.m.
many Friend's would like.
h lid coni on
'Owing th the ci aY Friday,
Monday, the council met on
the usual business being transacted.
Flower Showa- The flower show of
Horticultural Societywas,
bald on Thursday, Aug, 29fh, , in the.
held on 'T 'Thursday,
schoolroom and 'basemeist of'St. An=
U/A er Mr. Wigg's store. Two bedrooms,
TI MGH living roam,. kitchen with town water,
' Apply to W. G. Wi3JLIls 'Seaforth.
` ' ' �', 38
DR. W. C. SPROAT.--!Graduate er
Faculty of. Medicine, University offs
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur --
d Mrs. Mos o and familyUnited
:Kr. an mossop
motored to Goderich Sunday,
Tihe W. A. of St. Johns' Church
in the Nall Thursday afternoon
urch, Despite Rio
coew's Op r p
cold, backward spring and dry sem-
mer the exlribf2s were wattdedful,
which is very .encouraging to the
Periodic Pain ? ' A girl for housework, baking not
/ � essential. Apply to Mrs, Geo. D,
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhai'fe$
DrugoStora, Main St„ SesfortOt
Phone 90.
wirile the. men cif the congregation be-
members of our Fo
/ FERGUSON, phone 202.
gan work to repair the ohurch which
they expect to complete in the near-
Chuter noun -
is a lash of prize -winners, Collection of
6 annuals -'Mr. and i\irs. A. Monteith,
'Mrs. W. Ande'rsoin (2). Coltec-
MILENS will relieve periodio pain,Dental.
headaobas, backaches, weakness, THE STAFFA CHOPPING MILT,
Will run daily now from. till spring,
future. Mars. served a
teous lunch to some thirty, guests
so 0 good work well begun is' hal
tion of perennials -Mrs. J, D. Ste.
wart; Mrs. 'G. IE. Thomson; Miss J.
Chesney. Gladioli collection -Minnie
nausea, other Come in the morning and get your
many IJtR. j. A. -MUNN, Successor to•
trom whin,
ieW Women are entirely, Avon. chop without any delay. 4F, O'BiRtI.1~'N Dr; R. R. Ross, graduate of North--
36 U-
gerinl reconstructive Nerve Tonio. western University, Chicago, Ill. 14 -
Miss Margaret McConnell has re-
turned to titer profession hi Toronto..
t e are nor-
At the time of writing vSteuart;
ry to report Mrs, J. W. Reid is on the
Stewart; Mrs. 0. L. Petty; Mrs, D.
Cameron, ' Gladioli, 1 epike-Winnie
Chesney. Gladioli,inliquid
Mass J. Ch sneybottle
4 spikes named -ler. and. Mrs.A.
NILEN81 oars be obtained in either centia'te Royal Collage of Dental Sur-.
or' tablet room ab. el 00 per 10 little gigs for sale. A; E. AtAITH- geons, Toronto., Office over 'Sil'ne•
or box. P g hardware, Main 5t, Se forth. Fhanc
FJS0 lit Clinton central 614r63. 30 15'1.
sick list, but we hope for a •speedy re-
Mr, and Mrs. Lee McConnell spent
a few days at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Epps motored to
Toronto Saturday,
Monteith, Miss J. Chesney. Dahlia's,
collection -=-Mrs, W. Anderson; Mr,
W. Ivison. Dahlias,'3 named -Mr. and
Mrs. A. Monteith; Mrs. G, E. Than}-
son. Roses. collection -Mr. and Mrs.
A, Monteith; Mr. W. Iviaan. Asters,
126 Wellington St, West FOR SALE, DR. F. J. BFCHELY,
✓ TONONTO'2, ONT., CANADA 'One Forc'soi tractor, fireee'lassgraduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons*
SOLD BY shape, For oarticlROS apply to Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's,
1 COiLCLOTPGiI BIROS. Seaforth" grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones.
Keating s Pharmacy R•iR• 2• 3$ office 185W, residence 1851.
Mr. Cecil Wiley of Flint, is having
his holidays at the home of his sister,
Mrs. W. Reid,'
Mrs. Cewliee of London spent a
Mr, Mrs. Montle.
collection -Mr. and Mrs. A. Mon-
teitlt; Mrs. Jas. McDonald, Asters, 6'
best -Mrs. Jas. McDonald; Mr. and
Mrs. A. Monteith. Collection of
Mrs, A Monteith;
At Your Local Drug Store or direct. Duff'•s Church, McInill'op, are hold- Consulting Engineer.
ing a sale of home baking on Sept.. n
21st at 2.30 o'clock in the store beside
few days with and
Mr, and Mrs. C. Adams and family
Pansies -Mr. and
Mrs, 'Bowey. 'Collection of Sweet
Mr. Hill's shoe amp.'Seaiforth. 38' S. W. ARCHS$ALD, B.A.Se, (Torn.
motore] 'from Detroit on Sunday and
called on their grandmother, Mrs. C.
MSrs. Evans and Miss Eleanor have
to home in Seaforth af-
Peas -Mr, W. Ivison. Coll,'Perennial
Phlox -Mrs. W. Anderson; Mr. and
Mrs, A. Monteith. Coll. Snapdragon -
Mir. and Mrs. A. Monteith. Special
Society for call,
ST. COLUMBAN. „ O.L..S, Registered Professional En-
HOUSE FOR SALE O'R RRNtt gineer. and Land Surveyor; Associate:
Miss R. Melady had her tonsils re- , Frame dwelling, comfo tab Member Engineering Institute mf
venient,, hot and cold water, bath, toi-
last Monday.Canada, Office, Seaforth, Ont,
London let, etc. Immediate possession A D.
returned their
ter spending the holidays with Mrs.
Horticultural prize
of named IGlad'ioli-•Mr. and Mrs. A.
Monteith.'Exhibits worthy of special
i\ie, and Mrs, Cleary were
visitors last week, SUTHIdRILIAtNID. Insurance and Real Auctioneer,
Anit Downey, -in -train• Estate, Seaforth, Phone see.
Mr. and Mrs: W. Johnston, Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Johnston were Tor-
onto visitors,
Mr. Wm, Beatty of Mount Brydges
was renewing acquaintances in and
around the village.
merit though not in prize list: Tuber-
ous Begonias -Mr, and., Mrs. W.
French, Zinnias -Mr. and Mrs. W.
French. Cosmos -Mrs. G. E. Thorn-
son. Petunias -Mrs. 'G, E. Thom-
son. Stocks -Mrs. D. A. QAikenhead.
ing, mato'red to Detrol to spend her GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed,
holidays.•FOR SALE Ahctionear for the County' of Tiuroa•
ylr. D. P. Cassidy and daughters, A couple of springers, near fresh- Y
Loretto and ,Betty. are visitors at Mrs ening. -Apply to Lot 17, Con. 8, Mc- Arrangements can -be made for 5k1e
at The 'Seaforth News.Char es
en Downey's. Killop. Phone 240r24, Seaforth. C. g
Mrs, J. McMillan, Mrs, M, Down -TATTLE. moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
38 •
Miss Olive Sheardown,who has
Moon flowers -=Mrs. J, C. Bell.:1,iixed
ay and Mins Ann motored to Lontlari
been holidaying with the Mossop la-
nvly returned to her home in Gone-
Mrs..Freeian, of Toronto, spent the
bouquet• -M rs. J. Deutz. Perennial
Sweet Peas --airs. J. iDoitz. French
Marigolds -Mrs, Jas. McDonald. Zin-
nias--MSrs. W. Alexander. Marigolds
Monday and spent the daywith 'Mrs,
Honne laundrying, Apply to Box 89, REAL ESTATE
week end with her sister, Mrs, Hutch-
-Mrs. W. Alexander. No. of con-•
37 05uccesaors to James Watson)
Ings Goderich township, returning to
the city on Monday.RANGE
Mir. Jahn Johns is at present with
his sister, Mirs. Hutchings, We are
sorry to report John is not enjoying
the best of health ,but his many
pet?live exhibitors, 19. No, of corn-
petitive exhibits, 50. •
Mr, and Mrs. L. Makins of Seaforth
two children visited Mr. and Mrs.,
James Denman. on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Lennis Seaman and
HAY All kinds of Insurance risks effect
6 hole range with high 'oven and ed ah lowest rates in •First -Class
Anniversary and Reunion. -.On Sun- reservoir, in good. condition, or Wil Companies.
day and Monday,'" Sept. 1 and n; the exchange 'for smaller one Apply to
the 30th anniversary of the dedication JOHN S'P,ROAT. Victoria sir, Sea -
friends hope his health may be res-
son jock who have been spending the
of'St. Peter's -Church, French Settle- fbrth,
Pr. Marchand is
holidays with the latter's'brother; Mr.
Robert McGregor, have returned 'to
ment, of which Rev.
ll{{�,� ii11{
the priest, 'was observed by the home HOUSE FOR SALE. THE !`!�+'E11� LOP
Old Boys of names Ann sts.,
Miss Mary McGrath of Toronto
visited' her parents over the week end.
Miss Anna Molyneaux, of Kitch-
ever, spent Labor Day visiting at her
home here.
Mr. Wei. 13. Doig of Port Huron
and son John of Detroit and Mr. A.
13. Doig and. Campbell Hamilton
spent the week end visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. M. Doig.
Mrs. Grace Ross and Mists Verna
McGregor who have been spending
coming of the many who On corner and
/nave gone out from this parish to bake seven -room house, town water in
their places in many different spheres house, electric lights, good basement. Mutual Fire iasuraace Co
of the world's activities, Fine, warm Will sell very reasonable. One -,fifth th
weather brought large numbers acre. Stable on property. Good gar-'
to this •beautiful spot situated on the den, Property all in good repair. Ap- FARM AND. ISOQLA/TED TOWN
shore of Lake ;Huron. On Sunday a .ply to MRS. W: McMICH,AEIL, Sea- PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INS'U'REED
solemn High Mass was sung in the forth. 35'13
Monday Officers James Connolly, Goder-
Mr, Joseph Jordan of Detroit visit-
ed at the home of his father, Mr, Jas.
Miss Carrie Krauskopf returned
from Detroiton Satunei1
Mr. John McConnell returned to
the holidays here, returned to Seaforth'
where Miss Verna will resume her
studies at Seaforth Collegiate.
Mrs. E. Jones and daughter Miss
of Peterboro, are visiting at
the home of her sister, Mrs, Andrew
parish church. On a grand
picnic ,yeas held with amusements of LUMBER. ich; Mex. James Evans, Beechwood,
all kinds. Chicken dinners were Have you got those boards or Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
served to hundreds of people, A planks -those pieces you so often Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
number of allegoric representations in need but have not handy. Get them Directors -Wan. Rinn, No: 2, Sea -
the forni of historical pageants'we're now. E. L. BOX, not,
33tf forth, John Bennewies, Brodhh en=
Beechwood; M. Mc -
New York on Wednesday to resume
his studies.
Mr. James Cronin spent Wednesday
in London.
-lir. Gerald Doyle of Hibbert is et
present in LondoHospital where he
underwent an operation.
Mr. George Groves of the Bank of
Miss Mona MoG'regor of Seaforth
Hospital staff is having a couple of
weeks' vacation and is spending them
with her brother, '
Miss Dorothy Wilma Green and
Miss Lois Elaine Green of Hensall'
visited their grandmother, Mrs. James
of great interest, and were carried out Ewen. Clinton;
in excellent style. Mr. John 'Laporte FOR RENT OR SALE, Jaynes Connolly, God -
depicted Samuel de Champlain on his' Eight -room brick house on East erieh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
travels in `Ontario. In the scene show- William street, four ••bed rooms, cel- forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton:,
iug the death of 'Father de Brebouf lar, hard and soft water, electric Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
at the hands •df the Iroquois Indians, tight, furnace, all in good shape, for Gibson, 'Bt ucefield, Seaforth; Murray
Mr. John Masse acted the part of .he rent or Sale. Apply to ADAM HAYS, Agents=Alex. Leitch r.r. 1, Cline
heroic victim and the following acted Seaforth. 23tf ton; nAlex. Leiey, Seaforth;J. n -
Du A.
and Mrs. Will Johnston and
family of Clinton spent the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bruce Medd,
The Anglican Ladies' Aid met at
the home of the Misses Driscoll at
Leadbury, Wed., Sept. 4th, at 2.30
p.m. A quilt on order was done.
Messrs. Wm. Somerville, Albert
Constable and Harvey Rinn motored
to Toronto last week.
Me. Arthur Balfour spent a few days
at Toronto,
Leadbury pupils who went to Sea-
forth Collegiate on Tuesday were:
Grace Perdue, 1st year; George Tay-
lor, 1st year; Dorothy Driscoll, 3rd
Jim Murray and Jean Murray ere
attending Collegiate in Seaforth, the
former being in 2nd Form and ,the tat«
Ear in let form.
The fail'owing teachers left for
school Monday: Ruby Young for
Strathroy; Jean Turnbull for O•memee
continuation school; Edna Reid for
Benmiller; Marjorie Reid, Salford;
Anna McQTeggart to Stanley township;
Tena McCallum, union school, Grey
and McKillop; Aileen Ryan, Lucan;
Isabel Ritchie at Button's school;
Bessie Millen, near Blyth; Viola Mor-
rison, near Blyth; Olive Bolger, Mor-
ris; Eliza Godkin, near Blyth; Cora
Strong, Leadbury; Annie Strong, No.
1'2, MoKilfop.
Mr. and :Mrs. A. Rockwell and Miss
Edna were Toronto visitors last week.
'Where is the weed inspector -lots
of work for him around these parts.
'Master Lawrence Murray of Me-
Klltop, son of Mike Murray had the
misfortune to fall and break his Ie
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune and f -
milt' ,and Mr. and Mrs. Moylan are
Detroit visitors.
Commerce is spending his holidays at
the home of his parents at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Judge and fang
ily spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. P.
Mrs. Cecil O'Connell and
two son returned to their home in
Detroit on Tuesday last accompanied
by Miss Annie Watters and Mrs. T.
Dayman, for a few days while their.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green,
,visited relatives in Crosswell and
Brown City, Michigan.
Miss Isabel Graham of London and
Miss Etta Bell spent the week -end
with the tatter's parents, Mr, and Mts.
Andrew Bell. •
Miss Elva Anderson has comnenc-
her duties teacher in the.school
es the Indians: Messrs. John . Murray.o;E. r.r, i ch 3, SeaforthJ. A.
chi -me, John ICharette, Frank Carrie FARM FOR SALE. R. fermis*,
veau, 'Oscar Ducharme, Theodore La- 100 acres in Tuckersmith Township; Yeo, Holm James Kerr G.
parte, Mrs. 'Smith (!Detroit),' Mrs. lot 9, con. 9. Good buildings. Pass -1
Louis. Durand Mrs. !Remi Denome ession this fall, Owner forced to sell Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
srt effect insurance
Jr., :Mrs. Remi Jeffry. A scene por- on account of ill health. For. further act.i desirous
be or rom n& -
tnaying the band of sturdy .pioneers particulars apply to HEENRY FOR- acten the to bysi .a s wiltiob to on promptly
who fotnvded the settleinen£ were talc- Y ¢H, Kippers, Ont., RAR. 2. Phone ape named officersneoo any f
etc by •Eugene Denon're, Anna Jeffry, 134r24. the abover respe p res.
Beatrice Denante, 'Mrs. Arthur Her-
Miss Annie McGrath motored to
her school in Chatham on Monday.
ed .as
west of Exeter.
Miss Oral Finnigan of Sheppardtoe
vey, :Lorene Denome, Phiibeet De- • FARM FOR SALE.
nome,'Wm. !Ducharme Jr. A fine ad1.00 acres, lot 11, concession 6, in the
Mr. and Mrs. John McLear and
Alice have been visiting friends in
Dublin over the week end.
Mrs. Patrick Ryan Jr. and family
motored to Detroit with Mr. and Mrs,
lir. and Mrs. Dan Williams and
two sons, Lewis and Dan, leave for
their home in Chicago on Thursday.
MLr. and Mrs. Neil Klein and farm-
ily from Detroit. are visiting friend's
around Dublin.
Mr. and Ivies. Wailiam Wolff of
Clifford spent the week end at the
home of Mr, .and Mns. John Darling,
schools opened on Tuesday.
Miss 'Marion Hunter returnerl to
her hone in Toronto after spending
has returned to SS. No. 14, Hey, to
resume her duties as teacher.
bliss Etta Bell of London spent the
holiday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Andrew Bell,
Miss Mary Thompson has returned
to Usblorne to her s'choo'l, where she
has taught for some time.
Miss Etta Jarrott has returned to
Mrs. Brightmore and two sons of
London who have been visiting Mrs•
J. Cochrane, have returned to London.
Miss Jessie Johnston of Clifford,
who has been visiting Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Murteie has gone bo Wroxeter where
she is Principal of the High school.,
Mr. John Anderson is holidaying
Toronto this
dress was given 'by Ms. Rader, ReeveTownship o'f Tuckerslnith, 3 •m?les
of Hey Township. Mx. John •Bedour from Seaforth, 5 miles from Kippers
o -f Stratford gave an addlens and an and Brucefietd, convenient to schools THIS WEEK END
excellent reading. 'Among the many and church. On this farm are excel- •
hundred present, were Rev.i Pr. ;Birt, lout ebur ?ngs in first class 'repair,
of Assumption College, Sandwi Hard anal soft water in .both house Ken Maynard
'Rev. Fr, Sullivan, of 'Clinton; Rev and stables, This farm. is thoroughly
Fr, Ford; Rev. Pr. M. Brisson, of under-dra?Had with tale drains and is with his Wonder Horse "Tarzan°
London; Rev, +Fr. Durand, of ,Surat, fenced arsines high state of culiidmention.
ford; Rev., Fr. Powe ,M of Zr rime; This is ?n every way a first class and - in-
Sisters M. Loretto and M. V g , Titis 1d ata (very way
a located on the
of Chatham, daughters of Mr. John K>ppen road. Possession given ,this ,y,r Com+
B. Laporte; Sister M, Bernice of St. fall. Terms reasanaible. For further THE .LAWLESS
Joseph's hospital, London, daughter of partliculses apply to the proprietor,
Alex. Etre; Sister France, tBorgia, nH,O1vIAS 09I OUGHlI1hN, on tot 11, LEGION
Sacred Heart 'Con•veut, 'London; clan- con. 6; Tuckersmith, Seaforth ,RJR. 4.,
ghitee df MWm, ,Duehanme; Messrs, Phone 1'31x31, 35'tii
Jos. E. Rau. and .M. Dename, lantners 10;000 head" of, cattle must get to wa-
in the of law, Detroit. The ter and one magi
her vacation with her aunt and her
grandmother, lira, C. Beale,
Mr. antd Mns. aures Raeho of Oa-
terviile were week end visitors at the
,home of Mr. an•d Mrs, H. Brod:hagen.
is week.
The people of the•Town Line to
the number of 75 or mart had a most
enjoyable weiner roast at Drysdale
last Wednesday evening.
practice ,tori ad them througl}y
rounion was a success in every way, the stronghold of the bad men.`
'partly due to the kindly weather sent TENDERS WANTED. Reading thrills, fighting thrills, rop-
by the 'Weatherman, but more so to 'Tenders for the repair of the Win- Ing thrills, you gat in every Ken May -
the careful preparation and lalbor of throp Deans IS'outh Branch, also 'Hill- nand picture,
those in• charge of the •under:taking. en Dramn, lin the Township of Me- 'New.
Mr, and Mrs. Mtaidens returned to
their home in London after a week's
add spectacle thrills to the
An unfortunate accident o'ccurre'd Killdp, will be received .up to 'Bator- one's you'd get when. you; see "The
Mans/ay a't the French Settlement clay, Sept, 1�1,.Tenders be opened 1Lawless Region."
visit with their friends, Mr. and Mrs,
Alex. Darling.
Them was no service in St. Marys
Chtrch on Sunda owingto Rev. Mn,
Arthur Oct, 8-9
Atwood Sept. 20-2'1
'Bayfield Sept. 25.26
Blyth ;Sept. 26.27
oar wili
when an American motorist went past at 8 pm. Carnegie hall, Seaforth. Ten
with his elbow projecting out of ,the p.m,, Carnegie Hall, 'Seaforth. Ten HERE THURS,, PRI.; SAT.
oar window, and Mrs. 'Gelinas was per cent. of contract to accompany
accidentally struck ,hy 'his elbow nn tender. nro!west or any tender not
Capper's operation.
Mrs, Annie 'Stewart of Windsor
called on friends in the village on
Tuesday. '
'BrusselsOct. 3-4
'Dungannon' Oct. 3-4
Exeter . . . . . . .. . . ... . ....SSept 17-18
,Goderich Sept. 30 Oct, 4-12
passing, She was 'ren'dered. uncon-' necessarily accepted. Plans, etc,, ,may
eoious, retnaining in that condition for be seen at lot '3'50�� 3 tlNelK iop. ,
same 'hours. 37 'JOHN Clerk: MARY BRIAN
'children ,die from the assaults
er worms, an'd the eaunt care r maths
ern shatrld the to see thattheir infants
fitgare free from these pests, A vermf-
er's that can be depended on is Mitl-
er's Worm !Powders, 'They will not
onlyexpel. worms from the s latent
hetactas health_neen medicine
t a g ,g d ane
ese a remedy for many ailments that
'beset mounts enfeebling them and
endangering their tsatem.
Conquer To be relieved
Kincardine Slept. 18=19
from the terrible 'suffocating due to
asthma is a great thing, but .to lee safe-
uarcted for the 'future is even ,greater,
Not mely does Dr J, iD. •Kellogg's
Asthma Remedy bring pram.pt relief,
hitt it Ilictedutces a new •era of life for
the afflicted, 'Sveteanatee inhaling of
smoke or Eumes from the remedy pre-
vents re -attacks and often effects. a
Listowel .....,.....Sept. 171.8
Luckno'W Sept. 2b -1Z7
Milverton . , , .. , . •..... , .lSeptJ216-27
Mitchell ...... ............'Sopt.24-25
Palmerston .. Oct. 3 4P
r s Oct. 8.9
S3• May _•
SEann'anno-n .,..,,..,.•. Set. 19 PA
Stratford ..,.,- Sept,16 l8
Teeswater Qct, 1-2
An 'Oil that is,Prized'Everywhere.-•
Dr. Thom'as' Ecleotric Oil wag put SEAFORTH MARKETS.
a on the market without anyflotirish
over fifty years ago. It was ut u to Wednesday; Sept ,4th, A
meet 'the'wnnts of a small section, but Butte, •
per lb:' 350
a sone as its merits became known It E+ s per doz. 3'5'c 40c
hada' Whole continent 'for a field, and F;oaloes er ling $1'50
ii is new known and prize through- p t•
• ,. ,,nd 14ogs, per ow .. , ..:., . , ,$10,50-$11.00
out this contuneait, Th 'I nathtng -
Story of the ",5quaeed Ring"
pp `► c
permanent cure,
Wmgham . , . , .. , , . , Oct. 9 10
Zenith ........... ...... Seot, wenn
agttal to 'vt. Want and Par Sale Ads, 3 times 54c