HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-09-05, Page 1I3etter than grandeur, better than gold Thad healthyor body, and atmuul atoease, And simple pleasures that always picric, A heart that can feel for 'a neig•hlbor's woe, WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 31, No. $6 DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours U H 0 HOME M E MADE E 5 P E IA. C LT [ES Prices Reasonable The Olympi.a Confectionery and Restaurant ur an t School Supplies Exercise Books, Scribblers, Examina- tion Pads, Drawing .Books, Writing ]Books, Pencils, Fountain Pens, Pen Holders, Ink, Etc. (No text books). BRANSTON PICKLES—Crosse & !Blaci well's—This celebrated picicfe (since ofaid to Wales) bfavorite hasbeen 3+5c, tnow he r25c. 'Special introductory offerfor short time .:. ... ......... 2 FOR 42c ELECTRIC LIGHT BULB'S. Guar anteed 1,000 hours 25c or 5 for $1.00 MADAME BOY'S COMPLEXION SOAP—Another Another lot of this, much asked for soap, 3 wrapped cakes in neat box l0c i-IUTCHISON'S BAKING POW- DER.—It should be aur duty to Cherish the honor of that name and the quality of that Baking Powder. IIt is our best seller. CHEESE.—Old cheese, 35c; new 25c, Majestic Loaf Cheese 30c. FARE) DATES. — Best quality, of dates with very small pits 20c HALLOW( DATES - Neat best date ...15c or 2 for 25c SEEDLESS 'RAISINS-.JGood 'qual- ity .....2 lbs. for 25c Next crop of .raisins will be higher. Stock up now. PEACHES AND PL'U'MS area light • CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church,—pastor Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Union services, North Side and Eg- m andvit l e United nrta'd Ghurhes, Sunday, September 8th. 10 a,rn,-,S,S. and 'Bible Classes in both churches. 11 am. -- Public worship- in Eg- mondville Church, 7 pan,—Public worship in North Side Ch • arch. Rev. C. A. Malcolm of Et no m gndville, at both services. ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs.' John C. Laing, Sea - forth, Ontario, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary, to Dr. William Aterhart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aberihart, Seaforth, the marriage to take place quietly the middle of :September. ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and . Mrs. Bernard Nott, Hul- lett, announce the engagement of their daughter, Bernice Donthea, to Mr, Gordon A. Richardson, son Of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas J. Richardson, Tuckersanith, the marriage to take place the latter part of September. COMING. Mark your calendars and reserve Monday, October 7th for a literary treat. The Ladies' Aid of Northside C Theresa Mr haveengagedSiegel, noted dramatic reader and entertainer, for that date, The Ladies' Aid are hoping also to have Miss Siegel portray Henry Van Dyke's, The Mansion," on Sunday evening, October 6th. Further an- nouncement later. POCKETT-LIVINGSTON, A very pretty wedding was solernn- d at the home of Mr. 'Thos, E. ingston of Hullett on Monday, t. 2nd when his daughter Mabel zabeth, became the bride of George esley Pockett of Vtrinnipeg. Rev. Johnston offieiated, Crate d assisted s tad by ev. B. Snell orf Staffa. The ceremony took :place on the lawn under an atjbor prettily' decorat- with ferns and flowers, The 'bride, was unattended, was given in Mage by her father. She was at- tively gowned in a period frock hell charmeuse with shoes and to snatch and carried a shower net of sunburst and sweetheart s, fter the ceremony a dainty lunch - was served in the dining room h was decorated in pink and e and a profusion of flowers. out of town guests included Mrs. , Livingston of Detroit; Mr. and Blake Fawcett tt o'f Sarnia, Elsie e of Stratford and Mr. A. Johns ionto. e ha f confetti forle left a honeymoond htip spent at Buffalo and Toronto ride donning an independent blue of chiffon velvet with broad - coat, close fitting hat and ae- ries to match. ntly after their return Mr, and Pockett will leave for the west ke their home in Itamsac'k, Sas- wan, ize 1L'ivr Sep crop and' will be over earlier than Eli usual and inay be higher in price. W J• F, D. HUTCHISON `R Phone Phor Phood ed who 166 QUALITY FUELS SOLVAY COKE POCOHANTAS THRESHERS' COAL. That Pays to Use It. SERVICE, you bet. Of Course BOX mar tree of s hat' hong rose eon whic whit The F. G Mrs. Barg of To Th err of to be the b dress cloth cessor Mrs. to ma katche SNAPPY SHOES for Men, Women and Children For Ladies, we have Pumps. Strap and Ties Sun -kissed shade of blonde. Also new shades for Brown the from $2.95 to $5.00 Misses and Children's Shoes` with Buckles, following the line of older ladies at prices from $1.15 to $3.00, Oxfords for Men.—Good quality, featuring new lasts. $4.95 to $6.50 LOOK OVER OUR RACK OF SPECIALS at $1,4941:87 an d $2.95' F. W. W16G BOOTS AND SHOES ' SEAFORTH SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSD Si PTEMBER 5, i9 9.. MRS, On Friday, August 30th, there pass- ed away at her home, high Street, Seaforth, Rebecea Forsyth, widow of the late John C. Woods, after a short illness ss witlx ue p umoufa, The late Mrs. Woods was born in the township of Tuckersmith, daughter of the late James and Mrs. Forsyth, and her girl- hood days were spent in Egmont!, After to Woods,she lived ninaeara Hensen and afterwards moved to Alberta, where they ].i vcdfq for some oma Ye ar S retiring ng t oSeaforth. Mr. Woods predeceased her a number of years, The funeral took place on Sunday from her late residence to Maitlandbank cemetery and was largely attended, showing the esteem ds held �byrrabl who knew which the ehe , Rev. y.I. B. Kaine, her pastor, conducted the ser- vices. SMI•LLIE-RAMILTON, of l zss Aileen l en aiVl argaret, only daugh- ter t 0 f Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hamilton, was Married to Mr, .James Murray (Smillie, son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Alex. 'G. Smillie, in Knox College chapel, To- ronto, , on Saturday. Rev, Dr, Thos. Eakin, principal of Knox College, as- sisted by Rev, Dr. R. 5, Laidlaw, of- ficiated, Dr, Norman Anderson was at the organ and Mr, IW, A, Charles la, • played a. violin solo, The bride d wedding gown of ivorya wore ire, made with a 'tightlfitti'ng bodice, the long sleeves forming a deep point over the r in ron was hraade with new'!bustleand. Te skirte hack, fallt- ing into a train, Her veil' of 'bridal net was caught with a'wreath of ou'- ange blossoms at the back 'and clus- ters of sante at sides. Het shower bouquet was of 'butter'fly roses and lily -cif -the -valley e vl ale Y au•d white heather from Scot'lan'd. Her attendants were her cousin, Miss Rita Craig of Win- nipeg, as maid -of -honor; Miss .Elena Cavichhy as bridesmaid and Jeanne 'Murray, cousin of the groom,, as flow- er girl. Miss, Craig and Miss 'Cav- ich,hy uyere gowned, respectively, in peach and pale green georgette, with hats to match,and the flower girl wore orchid georgette over pink. The flowers tarried were pink and mauve corntlowers, The groom was attend- ed tby his 'brother, Mr. Ivan Smillie, as 'best roan, Mr, Craig 'Hamilton Atand Mr. .Stuart'Graveley were ushers, the reception A on fn the King Edward hotel the guests were receiveby M r. and Mrs. Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs A. G. Smillie and the wedding Party. 1•Irs, fauiil'ton wore deep blue moire, with hat for match' and corsage of Columbian roses. Mrs, .Smillie was attired in navy blue and beige geor- gette, with matching hat and corsage of Richmond roses. On leaving for a motor trip in the southern states, the bride donned a'French blue ensemble. —Mail and Empire. EGMONDVILLE, The regular meeting of the E - mond•vrlle Y.P.S:C,E, was held' pn Tuesday evening and was in charge of Mae Wallace, The meeting opened by hymns 391 and 171 and were fol- lowed by prayer by Mr. Malcolm, The Scripture lesson, for the evening was read by Billie Chesney. The young People were then favoured with a piano solo by Violet. Tyndall, The re- ports of the Goderich Summer School were given in- an interesting way (by the three delegates, Rossie Patrick, Helen Thompson and Mildred Wal- lace. The audience was then favoured with a solo 'by Sadie Howatt, After a few minutes of intermission the inmates of Last meeting were read by the secretary. A few matters of busi- ness closed with 'hymn ere ei 50 andathe aM z- pah .benediction, At the Saturday a Woodward great inter witnessed elephant et year. The c christening to the zoo ceived their ducted by o Boys and gi chance to prize of $J10 who submit large park en by the cit anonynions The parke city as are land owners modation in of movalble high hacks a df scattered the parks (n came and th was anxious t Cleopatra a names decide 15 respective checks, and form. The' had their 'pie limited but we artificial t tial at r ock s thehears, ears, woly �potatnuses, T ading near the their trainer ri The boys were out of their ha IN DETROIT Detroit Zoological Park 00 t 10 mile road, west of avenue was a gathering of est, especially to those who the christening of a ,baby the •circus in Seaforth last elehration consisted of the of two giraffes presented bnamesoi t aa econtestand ton- ne of the 'Detroit dailies. namerls ttn he giraffes given a 0 was offered to the ones tted the''beat navies. The ritual tools place in the O 150 aures•-100+acres giv- y and 50 acres by different donors. is lbeautifully. kept by the all the other parks. The pay taxes but the aecom- the several parks consists seats, mostly iron, with nd fountains to drink out here and there through of covered). When 10.30 e crowd, mostly seated, o see the christening, nd 'Antonia were the d on, The girls, 14 and It' were given their were called to the plat- cameras clicked, acid all tures "took", Time was could see and hear the and cages and noise of es, lions, 'monkeys, hip- wo elephants' were Pare ding with one shelter of them. feeding them peanuts nos. Vi -10)NE WHO WAIS' 'THERE. etot,a Street, WITH THE BQWLERS. Four octtrtiweftoPalmerton tocompete their annual Scotch doubles tourna- ment ze nt, Messrs, Harry E, Bright (skip) rt' Jeffrey and R. P) winning 3rd were fortunate m prize, PREMIER TO SPEAK AT,MITCHELL. Hon. G. Iloward Ferguson, Premier f o Ont arI a will address ss 4 meeting in the Sept. House,pena , In v eµ1 at he in- terest aroused by the possibility of an election in Octolber, a very large at- tendance is expected, In fact, they say psychologists will be present to try to find out if Mr. Ferguson is thinking there will be an election this Fall, VACATION TRIP. Five Seaforth boys, Angus McRae, Jos and Bill Hart, Russell Holmes and Allan Reid decided " e led he take a motor trip to New Ontario would their vacation They arrayed them- selves with all the camping equipment and parap'h'ernalia for out -doors sport, sleeping, fishing, hunting, etc. During the nights they had the Canopy of the slr nc'h s under y and trees them, h and cad't b have to count sheep to They didn't quieten n their nerves. ve s. They left Seaforth and; fh ate a.m.d North�Baye 350 miles l on* first lap of the journey. After resting up there they spentKirklandent to severaldays and Lake, where lot a of Seaforth people—and as Sea!fonth people have a reputation for entertain- t ing they took the boys in hand. There were Jim Iiar4;'D , R,. R. and f Mrs. Ross and Miss Greta; and Mr. in and Mrs Charls, Barter, They spent a whole day 'on the boat, `fBellle of ig which is managed by Jake ga Sproat, also of Seaforth, and had a B won - derful time. On their return they stopped in Mid- 31 land and caught pike, speckled trout, gi black bass, etc (it may he a fish story). in g Mr, Allan Reid stayed in the Teck Hughes and is doing the mines, and re will likely strike it rich. Altogether the boys spent their va- rat cation very pleasantly and" hope to he able to go again when time and op- portunity permits, and la•ope other fa boys will follow their example and tour Canada and find its resources, to as Canada is rich in minsrof precious wit metals, furs, fish, ails, enough to Str supply the world's demands, tilt' of Detroit, are holiday home of Mr. and, Mrs, net', home of his brothertMr' J eron, Thursday last. misfortuneMr. tolose conenof last in his thH s many friends oar know that he is able to be round a n d a it ga z: Mrs, Harry Chesney in Detroit. is Miss Margaret Black wh en a position in the public Hamilton, left Monday last, Miss Laura McMillan left for Hamilton where s'he ha a position, Mr. Robert McNaughton to, Thamesville to,resunre his :principal,' Mr.Henry Peckelder of Mich, visited at the home if Mrs. Wm, Chanters Sunday + Y and Mrs. Pack el der day. returned Mr. and Mrs John McGee rich 'Township, were Sunday at the hone of Mr, and B1ck, Messrs, Wm. Manson, .Dave Frank Kling and Frank Case to Toronto for the week -end, Mrs. Wilbur Keys returned Mon- day after ter spending roirto• a few days in To- ronto. spent and Mrs. wi hahMr.. and Mrs, John McLachlan, Mr, Henry Forsythe is not doing s well as his friends would like to ee him do, 'but hope he may soon ake a change for the better. Mr, and Mrs. John Elgie spent a ew days s last 5t week at 'Toronto orf ovt'- g friends, and also in Stratford, sit ivlr. Arthur Jackson of Flint, Mich - 1n, spent undiy with his mother, Topp and • family of uffalo, ,motored over and spent the eek -end with their cousins, Mr, and rs. John Elgie, Miss Thelma El - e returned with them and is spend- - a month in the city. The farmers are all busy ady for' the wheat, but with th ued dry weather it is maki ther difficulttoget the group od shape. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc'Lachla mily spent Sunday in London Mr.1. William Strong has Ottawa after &pending his vat h his parents, Mr, and Mrs, G oriMaster Lorne Hay is laid up t e hand, rs. f Toronto is ting herr soesn Chesney Harry Chesney. Y •And share in his joy with a friendly glow, With •sympathies large enough to in men as brothers,is better than gold, Alexander- Smart, 'ing at the 1larry C'hes- ec MI i at the awes Cam - Jr. had the his fingers 'Thursday e glad to u and a holid ayrng o has tak- school at Monday s secured motored duties as 'Lansing, Mr, and last e H on Mon - of Gode- visitors Mrs. B. Pappie, motored, ave You An Old aterman Pen 2 .Or maybe a broken one P you 5 of its original value on in th g e new pen u Yo buy your old ,one originally was, parts must be brought M. Bring it in, and we'll allow• a New Waterman Pen, provid- khe same price or more than: If the old pen is broken, a11. For instance, You bring in for exchange an old Water- man that cost you $2.50. You wish to buy a $Z50 mart, Well allow you $1,25, which 'means thatWater- pen will just cost you $125'and the old one. your new jV e have in stocle a 'complete line of Waterman Pens. and Pencils. Also the new Wahl_Evers'hare pens, Examine:: our stock before selecting your• school pen, red. Optometrist Phone 194 THE GIF -'r SHOP Seafor th, Ont. Res. 10 S. Savauge Jeweler Mrs, Ira Johns and and son's Howard gaiting and Allen, of Tuckersmith, were Sun- e con- day visitors at the home of Mr. and ng it Mrs, Robert !La+wsori, d in Shower,—There was a miscellan- eous shower given at the home of n and Mrs, James Hugill in honor of Miss . Zeal be ] Livingston on Thursday ,last, urned under the auspices of the Young PeO- cation ple's Society and the Ladies' Aid, The eorge ladies first held a short aneeting, the president, Mrs. Ernest Adams in with a charge. After the opening exercises, Miss Bernice Note sang a solo in her usual pleasing manner, after which the minutes were read and carried, A ,notion was passed that a fowl supper be held. The program committee is Mrs, E. Britton, Mrs, George Wheat- ley, tyfor further arraniller gements. nts.and eyllirs. Lindsay sang a very fine solo, As the meeting closed the bride- and groom - to -be were ushered in to the strains of "Here Comes the Bride," Miss Liv- ingston took a seat of honor beneath a crown of decorations. She received many 'beautiful pieces of silverware and other useful articles. Mabel made a few suitable remarks expressing her gratitude, supplemented by the words of Mr, Pockett, tst who also o r e4u este dthattheY permit him to take a shot of the vbdlunchwas then seedy the hostess. Donald Connor, who has been with Mr. Dave Millson for the summer, re- turned to Buffalo this week, HULLETT.`: Mr, and Mrs. Jack Busby of Chath- am are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson.. Mr, ,and ,Mrs, 'Jas, Medd and family spent Sunday with Exeter friends Phyllis remaining to attend High school: Miss Margaret Atkinson of Hibbert returned home on tSun'day after spend- ing the past ten days at the home of Mr, .and Mrs, Owen Flynn. Mr• Jos. Lawson of Auburn is vis- iting with his sister, Mrs, Alex, Leitch. Mrs, Jack Curran and children of Clarkson returned home' on Labor Da after er spending drn o g fortnight the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Flynn, Mrs, 'George Carter is at Toronto this week, Mrs, 'Owen Flynn, Mary, Frank and Theo spent Sunday with friends near Staffa, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Miller of De- troit are ,holidaying at the home of Mr. Tom Tighe, Mr. Tim, Carbert returned on Sat- urday after spending the past week in Detroit. Mr• and Mrs, Jack Flynn of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCauley of Stratford, 'Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cur- ran and :family of Anna Clarkson, Misses and 'Loretta Flynn and Mr. Fred' Thompson of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Do- minic Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Quigley and Margaret of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs, 'George Carbert over the holiday. dayMiss ena on Sun- after spending the paetweek with her brother in Detroit, he of tvvich is spending his vacation withandhis father, Mr. Torii Tighe, Miss Nellie Evans and Mr. Frank Moylan of ,Beechwood spent a few days last week with the former's sis- ten. JIMrs. and Mrs, A'lber't Seeley of'Clin- ton visited Mr, and Mrs, Robert Law- son. TUCKERSMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Morley (Lawrence and children of Chatham and Mr. Chitty o'f Toronto are visiting at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs, Win, Cameron Jr, Miss Grace Gunning who has been holidaying at the home of Mr, and Mrs: 'Wm, Charters, left Friday last for Saskatoon, Mrs, Arthur Mason who spent a 'Mmonth at the home,of her mother, rs, Robert Charters, lett Wednesday for Winnipeg, where she will' hu and her stand, rMr, A. Mason, and son Charles on their return to Saskatoon. ,hd �feMcLeanvisited home of hrpas,OLand Mrs, 'Blake, Mrs, , A. Moore e an Betty visited d little daughter Friday last.at her +p rental home Mr, ,Glen Taman of (Niagara Palls spent a day with his sister, Mrs, W. Allen, recently, Mr, and Mr's, Alex. '%oyes and 'fam- ily, of Aspden, are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity, Mr, and Mrs, P. Chesney and :fam- Sor visi CONSTANCE. The Seam Stress Seemed So Strong. The new school building for S.S. No. 1, Hallett, is nearing completion and a fine acquisition to the section it is. In the hearts of the boys and girls who attended the old school there will always remain a kindly feeling for the. building in which they first learn- ed to read' and write and in whioli were enacted childhood pleasures and sorrows. s. Only the other wo- man who is nhwmarried and ha faanily of her own attending school in another township, was recalling one of her teachers, then a young man, meticulous to a degree in his dress, exceedingly handsome, but good natared nevertheless, Tight fitting clothes were the fad for men at the time.and to be a leader of the fashion, nothing would do the young school master but to have his clothes so close fitting that they sometimes failed to withstand' the rigors of school teaching. On one occasion, she remembers, when teacher played with the boys at recess a vigorous kick at the fo atball proved the undoing of a seal nth' at was back eta - of his -__well, not his coast, anyway --.followed by a hurried exit. of •the teacher to the near- by house. The only licking she ever got at school she received at his hands and has not yet quite forgiven him, however much it was deserved, The young ;man ,has long since entered into other walks of life, where he has prospered, Miss Verna Adams, 'private secret- ary of the Kennedy Ship Chandling and Electrical Co, of Port Colborne, will arrive home on Friday to spend a couple of weeks' holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, 'Miller Adams, Mr. and somD nalldbspent thes. LeoSteweekanson end with friends at Niagara Falls, Mr, and Mrs, George Riley spent. Sunday with friends in Tuckersmith: Mrs r Dave Wright of Sherles and Det oit and ere the guests aMrs, Thomas Pot al td over the week end. Mr, and Mrs, Robert +Grimoldby, Mr. Benj. Riley and Mrs, Joseph Riley spent S}inlay at the :home of Mr. and Mrs, John Mann; Miss Hazel Leslie spent the holiday at her home in Blyth, few daysclwiiitlhsfrrieds'in Georgritton etown ivlrs, William Moore, Sr„ went to Toronto on Friday. Mr. Donald Connor returned to Biiffalo on Monday after spending his holidays at the home of Mr, David ,Millson, Mr, Andrew Snell visited friends in Toronto to this week. Blanche Wheatley aytoesumee her duties. Mr. and Mrs, Jaelc Riddell and dau- ghter Gloria and son Jack of 'Toron- to spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Edward Briton. coming ternsned , with Mn ss Tuesday (.dthe teacher,, .• rid Anne G. G®ve k -- n IOC —Teacher of-- PIANO, f—PIANO ORGAN GA N AND TH EO R1i'" Pupils prepared for Tor- onto Conservatory exam- inations, Class work for beginners may be arranged, Studio: North Main Street, Seafortla, — Phone 103 Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Britton spent the week -end with Dr. and Mrs Mc- Allister of Georgetown, Mrs. Robt. Clarke and Mr. George Clarke visited Mr. and Mrs, W1. C. Clarke in Listowel. Mr, and Mrs, A. Anderson and Masa. ter David d visited Sated Mr. and d Ms Reid at Dublin, r ' Joh, Mrs, R. Anderson and granddangh-• ter Jean returned home on Sunday af-- ter visiting with relatives at Clinton,, Fullerton and Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stephenson aai4S' Master Donald atoTorontont a and few Niag tea. R ALL FI4IR Thursday--- SEPTEMBER and Friday 19th and 20th. Live Stock, Poultry, Ro:ots and Vegetalbles, Fruit and Flowers, Ladies' Work, Fine Arts School Chiidren's Exhibit, Etc, Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' Association Specials SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Horse (Laces, Foot and Bicycle Races, Relay Horse Race, Running Horse Race, H'orselback Potato Race, Horse Shoe Pitching Tournament Colossal Midway Amusement Galore School Children's Parade and Drill Music by Sealfork+h Pipe Band Admission—Adni'ts, 25c; Children, 15c; Autos 25c Grand Stand_4Adults 13ec• Children 0c Ali School Children in Parade Admitted Free. FAIR NIGHT Cardno's Opera Hall `,Lariat of Fantasy" A Musical Singing and Dancing Revue 'under the direction MRS. ALLCE HtNl RSO,N Singers Dancers, Fun Makers, Vaudeville Entertainment Doors Two Hours of Solid .Fun open 7.15 p.m. Concert at 8.00 o'clock Admission—'A11 Seats' 5h. Dance in G,W,V,A, Rooms ,afterthe Concert Thomas Livingsto, SEA O0/2,711 AGRICULTURAL SOCI•ETY President A. D. Sti'therland,, Prize 'Sts may be had from the Secretary, Stcy'Treasr, t