HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-08-29, Page 6Sunday School Lesson august 25. Lesson VIII•—Rebuilding the Temple --Ezra 3: 1Q.13; 6; 1416 Psalm sir 14, Golden Text—I was glad when they said unto me, 1-e us go unto the house of the Lord,— Psalm 122: 1, ANALYSIS. X. naf,INNINGS AND ADYEt8SARUES, Ezra 3;1to4;24. II. qui nINa THE IIQUSE, 3zra 5: 1 to 0;,22, III, LOVE OF THE SANCTUARY,Psalm • 84: 1-12. INgramucTION--The temple had been looted of its treasures by the it vading Chalde,.ns ii 13,C. 597 (2 Icings 24; 13), and had been totally destroyed by fire who they took the city of Jerusalem again in B.C. 585, 2 Kings 24; 9. It was of this the prophet wrote addressing God in prayer, "Our holy, and our beautiful house where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire; and all our pleasant things are laid waste" (iso, 64: 11). And again, in bitter lamentation: 'The Lord has discarded his own altar, scorned his sanctuary, And let the foe lay hands upon the ark of the, compact." Moffatt'e Translation. hostile. Chapter 4 contains an account of three occasions on which they op- posed the enterprisesof the Jaws. The first was in connection with the re, bonding in thepbegt nine; 14.The rthe Paige of Ahasuerus (ILO, 485.464) when there may have been ae attempt to fortify the eityt of Jerusa'ern, eh: 4; 6. bTe third was still later, In the sign of Artaxerxes.1 (B.C. 464-424),. when the 'Jews attempted to rebuild the city evens, eh. 4: 7.23, In verse 24 the writer returns to tho story of the temple building, U. uu:I.QING T$s Ii0WSS, 3zru 5; 1 to 6: 22. Most probably it was of this tragic loss the psalmist wrote: "O God, the heathen are cone into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps." "They have east fire Into thy sane - !Wary" (Psalm 79: 1; 74; 7), The Jews who had been left in the land by Nebuchadne-ear had neither wealth enough nor courage enough to undertake the rebuilding of their temple. Many of them had migrated to Egypt or other lands. Many who remained had mingled with, and be - Come depraved by association with the heathen people who poured in to oc- cupy the abandoned dwellings and cultivated fields. These built their altars and offered their sacrifices everywhere thr..ughout the country, reviving some of the ancient shrines which ,Tosiah had destroyed, and mingling worship of Jehovah with that of the other gods. The more de- vout of the exiles had carried with them to Babylon their sacred books and memories of the great past, and the first desire now of those who re- turned was to build an altar to the Lord and prepare for the work of building the temple. I. BEGINNINGS AND ADVERSARIES, Ezra 3: 1 to 4; 24. The seventh month, corresponding to part of September and October in our calendar, was probably in the year B.C. 537. The feast of tabernacles, which commemorated the dwelling in s the wilderness, was celebrated in this month, which was icckoned, and is still reckoned, as the first month of the Jewish year, Exod. 23: 10; Lev. 23: 33-06, 39-44. Jeshua, or Joshua '(Zech. 3: 1), the chief priest, and Zerubhabel, the prince of the royal line of David, are named togetter here as leaders of the returned exiles. First, they builded the altar of the God of Israel. The altar was the es- sential part of the sanctuary. It was the plan of sacrifice and of prayer. They believed that by setting up God's altar they would secure his favor and protection against the hostile people round about then, eh. 8: 3. For a de- scription of the daily burnt -offerings of the feast (v. 4) see Numbers 29. For the continual burnt -offering, offered ell the year round, sec Num. 28: 3ff. The new moons, or new moon offerings, aro describe; in Num. 28: 11ff. For a list of the set feasts see Lev. 23. The skilled craftsmen of Tyre were and their Control." employed. as in former days by Solo- It deals with two -winged flies, body mon, 1 Icings 5: 6-11. The timber parasites, wasps, insects affecting of b o by ert front the Cyrusussto foodstuffs, clothing, carpets, furniture whose Lebanon by permission ofbelonged.' d.to tobacco,books, seeds, and in fact any - dominions they now belonged. It was cut in the mountains, dragged thing that creeps, crawls or flies that down to the sea, rafted along the shire to yoppa, then dragged up on :he road to ,Term elem. In the second year B.C. 536, the foundation of the temple was laid (vs, 8-10) and this was made an occasion of praise an' rejoicing. The song of praise (v. 11) may have been Psalm 136. Some very old people were present who had seen the glory of the great temple of Solomon, and mem- ories brought weeping mingled with rejoicing. Compare Haggai 2: 1-9. The adversaries (4: 1) were the mixed people of northern Israel whose origin and character are described in 2 Kings, ch, 17. They professed to worship the God of Israel, but debased his worship with heathen rites. There may have been a disposition on their part to be friendly, but the Jews dis- trusted them and rejected their ad- yances. Henecfroth they were actively It was sixteen years later when the Prophets Haggain and Zechariah Stir- red up the people to renew thole une finished labors, See Iiag, 1: 1 to 2: 9, and Zech, 4; 0-10 and 6: 12, 15, Opposition was again manifest and the governor'ef the country west of the Euphrates took official notice of what was being done and demanded that they produce `'heir authority: When the decree of Cyrus was found at Ecebatana in Media, summer rob - donee of the Persian kings (6: 2), the governor's attitude changed,and he and his companions did speedily com- mand of Darius, and set forward the building. 13y sone accident the name of Artaxerxes is associated here with Cyrus and Darius. His reign did not begin lntil B,C. 464, and the temple was fntshed in B.C. 516. III. LOPE OF THE SANCTUARY, .Psalm 84: 1-12. During the period of the exile, syna- gogue worship began to take the place of the services of the temple. But the love and loyalty of the people, widely dispersed as they were throughout the world, were still fixed upon the temple, and the city within which it stood. This sonthuent finds arequent expres- sion in the Psalms (see Psalm 87; 78; 68; 69; 121; 122). Psalm 84 beauti- fully expresses the longing of the ex- ile for the peace and security of the sanctuary,, the divine blessing which =emirates the p'larims ort -Lair way to it, the supreme satisfaction of those whooe privilege it is to share in its min stries. The Bacon Hog And Grading The more the producer of bacon hogs kuows about hogs and the re- quirements of the market to which he is shipping the greater will be the satisfaction and profits derived de- rived from the business. The standardization of hogs was a necessary and logical step in the fur- ther development of the bacon hog business but hogs cannotbe bred and grown t0 a standard type unless the Producer has a thorough knowledge of the requirements ot the standard. For this reason handbook on the "Bacon Hog and Hog Grading" sed edttin ot this pamphlet has been printed, The reason for producing a bacon enable him to fill market require - mute no matter how discriminating they may be. All breeders of hope should secure this pamphlet from the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and if there is any further information desired the hog graders at the stock yards, the live ,,tock pro- moters, on the Dominion Live Stock Branch, Ottawa will be glad to an- swer eutuiries. Household Insects The latest bulletin off the press prepared by the Federal Department of Agriculture is "Household Insects No. 162—Youthful Sports Type. This style is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 86, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust measure. Size 36 reuires 27/s yards of 40 -inch material. Emb. No. 11129 (blue) 15e extra. No. 367 -Shirring Lends Chic. This style is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust treasure, Size 36 requires 3 yards of 40 -inch material with % yard of 32 -inch contrasting. No. 821—Sniart Bloom•r Dress. This style is designed in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 27k yards of 36 -inch material with 1/e yard of 18 -inch contrasting and 3 yards of ribbon. No. 823 —Practical -Smart This style is designed in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 1% yards of 40 -inch material with % yard of 27 -inch contrasting. No. 497—Youthful Chic. This style is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust measure. ALL PATTERNS 20 CENTS IN STAMPS OR COIN (COIN PRE - may adversely affect anything within the four walls of the home. The publications is well illustrated and if you find eitomoligical speci- mens in the home you do not recogn- ize, a cmparison with the illustrations will quickly place the insect, and the remedy for it will be found. Every home should have a copy of this bulletin which will be sent tree ou receipt of a card by the Publica- tions Branch, Department ot Agricul- ture, Ottawa. Obstinacy Obstinacy Is an absurd weakness. Lf you are right, it lessens your triumph; if you are wrong, it turns Your defeat into shame. --,Sterne. MUTT AND .TEFF` Women's Stocking Bills Grow Bigger~ Worst Dress Problem in Britain rites Reporter Who Investigates Loudon-fiealiat Is Great Britain's silts etocking bill Mach Year? Experts estimate tlt.nt the women of'Engtand, Scotland and Wales -buy, wear, and discard aboppt a thoasand ;nittiOt parry of stockings octal: year. The prices of the stockings, deal or artificial silk, very from 26 cents to $10, according to texture and workmanship, Each year fashion demands that the stocking bill of the individual Woman shall grow larger; each month "oho iscalled cat to spend an increasing percentage of her dress allowance on finer gauged ]lose .that has less dura- bility and prospect of a long life in its make, The silts stocking craze has not yet reached its apex—Women will wear, finer and slinkier hose, stockings that laclk too much like cobwebs to have been made by human bands. In a fashionable stocking shop a reporter recently saw the greatest triumphs that has been achieved in *o- men's hosiery—the 100 -gauge stook- ing, so fine that it had been worked by one hundred needles. "The woman who dresses really well," said the assistant, "wears more than fifty pales a year. • A. certain number of them are et extremely fine gauge, and cost about 58.50 the pair. Others are fifty and fifty-five gauge, which are about $6.25 the pair, "It Is impossible for these fine stockings to be durable. Some wee Men wear tbeni only once as: twice. Women who have to be more care- ful students of economy confessed that they wear about two dozen pairs of stockings a year ,or an average of one' new pair a fortnight. "I have three or four good pairs at about 52,50 each, which I. keep for special occasions," voluntered a City®®W��es stenographer, "and the rest of the dozen I buy for. about 52, a pair, and keep there for second best. My other dozen are made of hard-wearing, dur- able artificial sills, which I wear to work in all winds and weathers, and bay for about 51.00 a pair." All women were certain'of the same thing—their stocking bills, whether they walk along the hard paths of life or ride In motor -cars ail day—are geowing toner and longer. Canning 'Vegetables The following general rules ter tiro canning of vegetables by tate Bold) paolc method are laid clown in bulletin. 77 entitled "Preserving Fruit and Yog- etabto In the Iionia." Select freshly gathered vegetables. Avoid using very dirty vegetables, Can If poseibl0 the day they are acctedeing a sixthsense. I c0110u do picked, it's partly booause, manic and theatres Do not use wilted groans for eante ing; if only slightly wilted let stand In cold water until UM become, erleY agahi, Wash thorotlgltly with a bruslt such vegetables as beete, carrots, etc. Oar' only a small quantity of veg• etabies at a time, especially in hot weather. It is necessary to carry ou the various stops tit the canning pro- cess as rapidly as possible to prevent lose of flavour, aid the development of flat sour, which is very injurious to health. Grade as to size, shape and degree et' tenderness and colour. Where vegetables are sliced or cubed, the piece should bo of unitome size and shape. All ,vegetables should be blended oe .scalded as described ou page 9. This must be followed by the cold-dlp. 1t is advisable to blanch such vege- tables as spinach, swiss chard, best green in steam rather than in boil- ing water, as there is loss of valuable mineral matter. Pack carefully into tested, hot; sterilized jars and. add ', teaspoonful of salt to each Pint jar. Fill to overflowing with boiling water. Rubbers and cape are placed in poet - tion and the same method as given for fruit is applied. Canning, tickling, preeerviug and tee hundred and one things that can be done with fruits and vegetables are Ineladed in this bulletin which. will be sent nu application to the Pub - Mations Branch, Department of Agri; culture, Ottawa. Persian Rugs Whorl you come into a new room, d0 you ever notice the rugs en the floor? I never used t0,. I was alit to notice everything else area Ilett live in Persia toe a walla, find the course of your observations will begin where it formerly ended, It's' Almost like Size 36 requires 2% yaids of 35 -inch material with 74 yard of 35 -inch con- trasting. Emb. No. 11015—Motifs and Bora- ers for handkerchiefs, collars, cuffs, lingerie, etc. Twenty-eight motifs, one handkerchief with scalloped bor- der, one with lines for drawn -work and 50 inches each of three borders— one of scallops, one of cross-stitch and one of darning -stitch (blue).' We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you enclose 10c additional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine. It's just filled with delightful styles, including smart ensembles, and cute designs for the kiddies. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plain- ly, giving numberand size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by an early mail. FERRED). WRAP COIN CAREFULLY. "A loud dresser always wears bangs and noisy wraps." Here lies the body 02 poor Peter Brand, Who departed tike life late one night, When a lady driver put out her right hand And immediately °turned to the right. WISE IGNORANCE A great art of life today is the cult• vation of selective and discriminating ignorance. Every morning, newspap- ers deluge us with a Niagara of infor- mation. The wireless is eternally pouring out a mass of things to at- tract the attention. Books, especially books of fiction, come forth from the presses of the world in a Nile -like flood and tends to distract attention fro mthings of major importance to things trivet. The only kind of knowledge worth having is the know- ledge that can be used in solving the important proble msot life. All others 'knowledge is excese baggage, It is surplus weight. The man who tries to absorb all the miscellaneous and in- discriminate interests 'which modern life thrusts upon him is sure to be- come intellectually and spiritually obese. To be educated installs to know how to be wisely ignorant. —Henry Nelson Wioman. and other forms of diversion that ab' sorb surplus energy at bottle still shun Teheran and outer Persian towns. Whatever tiro reason, you sooty become engulfed in the at nospbero of ruge, and you must watch your- self, or 'else when you conic home you'll be thought to leave acquired a tntsplaood' sense cf humor or down- right bad manners, For in Teheran, while welting to go in to dinner, let us say, one may stoop, quite; casually, throw back a corner of the rug ono. is Standing • on, finger it critically, and at dinner start canrersaticn by asking one's float its otigitt and 90100. No cffanoe is taken,' and it is done, I assure you, iu the best circles. Ruga are as recurrent and mort interest' ing time the weather as a topic of sacral conversation. "Have you got, a new rug?" is the ,most natural of queries to address taciturn neigh,. bora and loosens tate tautest silence. When you move from most localities yon don't ask your friends if they care to sell you this or that which takes your saucy; but when You leave Teheran it is not amiss to tell your neihbor 02 your admiration for his Yoramin or Turcoman, and ask whether he cares to sell it. ltntese he's got an especially warm spot in his heart for it, the answer Is as likely to be "Yes" as "No," And after You're' gone he'd have the fun of get- ting soutething else to put in its piece. Now I don't pose as a connoisseur of rugs... , But It's not easy to re- side in Persia without getting swept into the current. It doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor, only in the former case your're a bit more likely to waste Your money. For which there are various rea- sons, You need rugs to caner your floors, tvhiolt in most cases aro of much or sun-dried brick. Teheran's stores don't carry linoleum or ma- elane-matte carpeting. 'Your servant buys strips of straw matting in the bazaar, but neither comfort, cleanli- ness, nor the dtaess of things allows You. to stop there, hugs must cover Mu. floors as they do those of all Your friends and neiglebcrs. Getting rugs is part of the atmosphere.. . Yost 111015 up much informattOlt of a geographic kind through this play- ing wills rags, which is usetul, for Persian rugs are usually given the name of the region where tiroy are woven. Only don't be too sure. A 13alnoh rug Is not woven in Baluchi- stan, aluchistan, but by nomad Balucltis far to the north ot Kborassan; a Kerman- shah ermanshah 15 not woven in or near the city of that name, but in ICermau miles to the east; and a Beecham, a nue dept. ed by western trade and familiar at home, Is made by Turcoman bribes, rarely, I ant fold, in the political stet° of Bolchara.—Copley Amory Ir., in "Persian Days" Living within the income means living 'without the worry. As well as without a large number of other things. It has been tea years since Prohibi- tion was adopted by Uncle Sam. And You've seen the way some adopted children aro treated. French and World Policy Wickham Steed Ili the Review of I Ottawa. Reviews (Loader"): In no respect In this Dr. Shutt says that wood has French policy been less clear- ashes contain also 2 per cent phos - sighted titan in regard to the United Iphoric acid and from 20 to 30 per States. Crious incapacity to under- cent carbonate of limo, enhancing stand the America point of view has their fertilizing value and making seemed to afflict_ French statesmen. them, in a sense, an all-round fertiliz- Equally remarkable has been their er for supplying the mineral elements want of perspicacity upon Anglo- required by crops. Ansi, further, they American relations. If any country correct acidity, a condition detrimen• en the Continent of Europe would be tal to the thrift of most farm crops. likely to profit by the removal of alt Muriste and sulphate of potash are misuderstandings between Great Brt- or no value for neutralizing acidity. Min and the United States it is Naturally, genuine wood ashes acro Prance. somewhat variable in composition, For Potash The use of wood ashes as a fertiliz- er Is historic and their use for clover, grapes, fruit trees and leafy crops generally is recognized the world over. CannIug, pickling, preserving aid jest of Pamphlet written by Dr. P, L. had on application to the Publications Shutt Dominion Chemist, which may be had on application to Publications Life's Debtors Lifeis only puzzling to be person who gives nothing to it. The doctor tending the sick does not wonder why he isealive and what it is all about. The mother bringing up her children to strong and clean citizenship is not worried by the futility of life: It is life's debtors,those who take every- thing and give nothing, who find themselves faced with. a sick per- plexity of the soul. p Table Land?: Idow did you feel wl en the mistress extinguished you last night?' Bridge Lamp: I felt very much put out. Back came the reply; Madam I see no reason why I should pay Your rent. I debt pay my own" depending partly on the nature ot the wood producing them and partly on the care with which they have been collected and stored. Wilful adulte- ration of a gross character has been occasionally detected to commercial sempies, addition of sand and other inert matter and leaching being the most common forms o4 adulteration. There is a general belief that ashes from hard woods, as a class are rich- er in potash than diose from soft woods but our analyses scarcely con- firm this impression. As might be expected, woods differ very consider- ably in their potash content and the ashes of twigs and boughs are much richer' than those of trunk woods. Pine and other soft woods as a rule contain less ash than the hard woods. and are much lighter in character and it is this latter quality or proper- ty we think that has given rise to the common belief referred to. Accord- ing to our results -we 'cannot find that weight for weight, the ashes of soft wood are much, it any, poorer than those from hard woods. The pamphlet also deals with com- mercial sources of potash, manure, seaweed and the Mica of_potash, Goodness We must learn to see good in the midst ot much that is unlovely. -- George George 17liot. YES SIR SiiNeY,r.'M went. seer:sale) write MY Goer; x' CAN CRACK NateTY oN Tile'ARDSLE', 5r. AfebRe ge, a 7t,ICMONT, 'tVMPIA t'ltl- 3, AGuA cqu n�3 of ANY Cou;ese sitar CRA(3s. lit gbR a AND'NiEt�TY: '� iN FAST, S VG NE.UC,2 SCCt4 'HiM 1.1 oNe PO, • IN" ALL i1{G ;[G, ii'S WC'lIC PLYcb q- TH62. 512 StDt4€''S'fM T si NeXT ROOM: t<hlows /ALL - ABOUT G al -P. T`LL A514 Rim! SIR SIDNeaa z k0 sW A ROLA MAUI Ito oNG- Le-ss TNAN PAR LS A 'BtR'D%E, Ahs X ,1<Now A 111 6. MAbe tN Two ,'uNDGR PAR Is AN Do you cAtk. if wl dt0 etas 11IM A (01,6 IUGLI., x MADE A PAR ThtiraE Slot G tiJ THRGG'VNgCi4 PPM. YrcSTdROuY AT HAw1pT02' oects, ..•_ " .. . a AND ' tNt wietT(NG -tb Mo'111t(t-1)111;3,.T (1J 4T T o T yL L- .A -80U' IT: OAT .`adv A 4„ i?'l t e3o.FINyGw By BUD FISHER y'11CALd to FIB Ila AtvY. LANGuAGG.: WEN iWse:I5t'e tit,i, 1 ereede r.- 3 �a°sl t, C ate= n1,n ni!! St. Bernard Dog At the St. Bernard Pass, writes a correspondent of "Die Raise" of e'ol- ogne, Lite wind blows strongly. 'You he ou see the big St. Bernard doge, ons saviors of mon lost in the ice.. rtuuitng about tame. If you stroke their soft fur they grow friendly and 20110w you. You can buy dogs that are a month or two old. They are like little bears. They lie in the sad - shine and like to play. They don't pose and are not annciyed by the tour- ists who take snapshots of them. The big dogs sit or lie about witlhout stirring. When the current of tour- ists is strongest, at noon, the monks close the dogs up behind a fence ie. the open air. Until recently the dogs ran about freely. When the motor cars drive down again things grow quiet on the mountain. At night the dogs run 'about the lake, jump easily over the rocks and glide down on them ]rice lions. The monkswear a long black garb with. a narrow white strip of leather around the neck. ht the valley, whore the monks act as priests, title narrow strip becomes an ornament and is crocheted, After the meals the monks promenade about in groups, either down on the road or a little farther up into the mountains. As soon as the monastery receives word that srhnebody le lost In the mune tains a monk immediately, starts out with a dog and a first-aid bag in the direction where the tourist was seen last Hospitality in the monasterY used to be great, but nowadays it would be impossible to offer a bed to all the ttlurists that come, so roottta are oi' fored only to a tete prtviteged per eons However, the honks have opened a hotel near tate monastery witere rooms can be had for payment. One monk attends the meals In the betel and entertains, the guests. Aro- other mc010 ,takes ears of the read and ships thousands of picture cards every clay to all parts of lite wol'ld. Personal!Relations. All personal relations are intonaoly personal, have to do with subtle condi- nous—unexplored, onditons—unexplored, but inexorable aim{' instantly perceived. The soul puts eat, as it were Its invisible antennae, knowing tho Soul that is kindredto itsolt,—H. It, Hawets.