HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-08-29, Page 4'PAGE PQVR SRAFORTH NEWS, Sttowdou Bros., Pubilshere. Avemmi, WALTON, Mr, Lewis ,Nie'Donald and John of Windsor spent a Sew days with trienda in the village lest week. •tle/iss Day of Preston apeet a few :days at the holm of Mrs. Neat last week, Mr. and hire. H. Last oi Windsor •Spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E Hee'. Mr. Fred Dennison of Preston spent unday with Mr, D. Ennis.. .Mr. and Mrs. L. Cunirnhigs and free 'laity spent Sunday in Goderlete Mr. Bob Youtig of Port Heron Is seending a few days with his daughter Mrs. Joe. Campbell. Mrs. Reid and Misses Reid of De- troit are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Liv- ingston. • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries and Mary and Stewart attended Camp- 'bell-lBaxter wedding at Wiritheop on • 'Tuesday, • De. Neal of Peterboro is visiting his •trnother, Mrs, W, Neat •Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Kirkby and fa - •m'1,. expect to move their hausehold Murray Cote of Torouto. The pall- bearers hY her own selection were: Wm, 'Mills, Het.), McElroy, Wm. Erskine, S. A. Poplestoue, G. D. Leith and ThoS, Teylor. Interment was made ie Dungaimou Cemetery. A host of bleaettifel floral tributes bore silent testiamey of her frieedships, Amongst those frdrot a distance athoattended the funeral were: Miss Minnie Johns- ton: ShOsluskY, and Mrs, 'Margaret McLeod, of Port Heron,' Mich.; Miss Susan Johnston, Bayfield. Mr, and Mrs. N'N/1.11. MOLachlan and • • .4-ffeces to their new home in the vile e• lams recently vacated by Mr. John IfeeD.onald. •Mr, and Mrs. George Butson of Staffs and Mr. Ali, Ross and brother Rey Tuckersenith spent Sunday af- ternoon with friends at Walton. -Mies Jeesie Little of Brussels was • the guest of Miss Edith Ennis re - Mrs, Gillespie of Seaforth visited 'Ater father, Mr, J. J, Carter,last week. During the severe electrical storm - that visited this part Of ^011taTiO early Friday morning doing considerable damage at various points, a hay ,,tack on the feria of Mr. John Bolger was burned. The stack was beside a tree at the line fence between Mr. Bole ger's and Donald Bechanan's, which was struck hout 2 a.m. Mr, L Whitfield of Detroit visited at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McArthur's last week, hlr, anti hire. James leicAr•ter and son Morley of Hartney, Man., are vis- iting their many relatieet in this Ni- el:el-tee ' On Monday eight of this week the reflection could he'seen plainly here 0,f • the fire when Mr. David Saunders' born on the lith concession of Grey, near Ethel, was burned to the ground. It is said that some of the family were driving pigs out of the barn when one of them bolted, upsetting the lantern. • The fire started about 7.30 p,m, Mr. Satinders' barn was berried there nine - years ago. • Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gardiner and Vera, hire. 'Naylor and Lois motored - to London and St. Thomas on Satur- day. Mise Mary 'Watt. Blyth, was visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. Watt for a few days. ,flss Genie Miller visited friends. in Brodhagen last week. •Mr. and Mrs. Sohier motored to Heidelberg to visit friends. Mr. and -Mrs. A. Hoy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. 'Wm. Flay. Mews. Bernie & Metend have im- proved the appearance of their etore 'V giving it a new coat of paint. Mr. and :Mrs. F. jehnston 'visited with Mr. and Mee J. Bolger on Sun- day. hire. Clarkeen, of B.f., i5 at pres- ent visiting Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stew- art. She is a !ZiAter of Sire. Stewart. Mies. Anna IfeTagetart idefted with rende in Iittliett last week. lir. ma Mrs. W. Pareeme. of Iowa, vieited with Mr, and 'errs. J. Watt re- cently. De. Nee I v ,e with - hie Mother • this week. '.s1 Mo. Hereld Sellers spent Seniay with feienis in eherrie. Mr. and Sr.. T. G. Waghorne. 01 Beeekeilet. are visitieg old friends in the villeee. Rev. W. F. Chandler called on erienes in and around the village on Monday, Helen Steiss was in Kitchener last veek StienilY end cousins, Messrs. Pat and ieldbachlehe Biddlalph Teften- ship, visited Mrs, E. Kelly on Sunday. Mr. Stanley Chellew was in Toron- to aver the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Earl McElroy of Pootiac, Mich, have been visiting his feeher, Ue.• Thomas MOEIroy, of Wingham, and his unele, Mr. W. H. McElroy Of Blyeh, They leave this week on a trip to Chicago. Mr, tied Mrs. McVittie and Miss Pearl Gidley af Heepelee have been visiting Mr. and Ivies. S. McVittle of Hullett arid. their many friends in T THURSDAY. AUGUST 20th, 1929 S AFORTH NXWS* A gang of men from London assist- ed by local men are erecting telephone cable lines en Queen street and also ort Dineley street to the railway track. When complete it will be a groat im- provepaeut to the telephone equipment. Blyth Citizens Band gave a sacred concert its Clinton on Sunday. night. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Wallace and daughter Edith and Mr. and Mrs, An-. derson Nicoll and son Franklin; who have spent the past week with Mr. Wallace' and Mrs, Nietroll's •sieter, -Mrs. Frank Bete and broehers, Robert and .Irvine Wallace, continued their niobor trip to Lachute, Quebec, prior to returning to their homes in Nee -ark, N. j. Mr, Basil Wallace of Newark, Nil', who has beets spendinga couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. Helen Wallace, left for his -frame on Tues- • day. • Mrs, Willi -ant Million and grand- child, Jean Million, and Mr. Thomas Million and children, Billy and Pat- ricia, of Detroit, who have beenvisit- ing Mrs. Milion's son, Mr, Ed. Mil- lion of Beemiller, spent Tuesday with her niece, Mrs, Irvine Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty and sons of St. Augustine visited Mts. Doherty's mother, Mrs. Ellen Kelly. Miss Ethel Robinson is spending her holidays at St. Marys and Toronto Mr, Harvey Craig. of Grey town - shin, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig. Mr, and Mrs. William McCuteheon and Mrs. F. McCtitcheon were visit - ITS on Sunday with the latter's daugh- ter. Mrs. R. Craig: Mrs. L. Latimer and daughter Susie returned this week from a very en- joyable motor trip to Moosomin, Sask. • Postponed, •— The union Sunday school picnic of St. Andrews and Queen Street -United Charches, has been postponed indefinitely. Illiyth Horticultural newer Display has been postponed ,and will be .held on Thursday. August 29th. Stepper serv- ed from 6 to S. Admission 25c. • Mr.. and Mrs, Charles Lockwood and family of Brussels were visitors with the latter' s sister. Mrs, F. Holly - man. Miss Gladys Fawcett is spending a week in• Toronto visiting her sister's. hla and Mrs. Whitfield Sellars and famhy -.1 Toronto were visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. R. Sellars. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox and daughter Helen and Dorothy ef Scoteheille. Michigan. are visiting Mrs. Cox' bro- hers, Inc. a and D. Taman. Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Nicholson and Family of Bluevale spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. \Vm. TM:eel hfies Dorothy Robinson of Listowel is visiting her parents, R. 14. and Yrs. R binean. Dr. and Mas Toll are getting settl- ed i71 their new herne on Dineley heret. Sle, L. Williams is having a venan- aa t the front of his residence which will give it a very neat appear- ance. Soles- by Professor Cook of Toron- a, at the evening service in St. Aed- rewis United Church, and- by Mr. lioyd of Walton at Queen street more eine eereice were a treat to the large emgregations.et both services. Mr. John Murdooh of Detroit and eon, Res'. Jas. Murdoch of Sparta, lirmie, visited their cousin, Mrs. R. C. McGowan, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dixon and chil- dren, it Milton visited the former's cousin. Mr. R. C. McGowan over the week, Massey.liarris QUEBEC SULKY PLOW BLYTI-L. Death of Mrs. Joseph Stothers.— The paint of 11 1 tee rn p•rom- Inent women -of this community. in -the person of Mrs. Joseph Stothers, formerly Miss Martha Mallough, is ielt with keen regret. She passed away early -Sunday morning. August 25th, following a seriems operation fur goitre in Hamilton Gmeral Hospital, 11, operation was performed on Thursdey and next day her candition ieen ti Pc for improvement, but Sat- urday her powers of resistance weak- ened. Mr, Stothers, who had returned sr, Meth, was called to . Hamilton on ehieurday evening a foe hoere befere areesi-e. teoothers paesed away. During teen eihrty-three years Mrs. Stothers 7 eend in Myth, her energy devetell to •',1:.:91T1g with the work and affairs of meat ,eieties and coinmittees has eCell an inepiration to all with whom ehe came in contact. Poor health of late did not deter her from being of eerviee and assistance to ether, as hie caner:um to keep active in her varied interests. Daughter of the tate William and Ann Jane Mallough, her inc was at Dungannen until. coming to this place. Forty years ago she was matrie•d to Mr. Joseph Stothers, who survivee. She also leaves four Slaughters: Mrs. L. H. MacNeill, of Sarnia; Miss Atbeeta Stothers, of 'Deaner, Colorado; Miss. Ione Statile • ere, who is teachingat Kirkland Lake; Mrs, J. E. King. of Atlanta, Georgia; also three sisters, Mrs. Arthier Greer, ni Glands, Mrs. Andrew Stewart, of Dungannon and Mrs. Stephen Stoth- .. tttrti t7)1 Dungannon. Her death is the fourth in the family since Joneary, 1928, when her brother Robert died in 'Toronto. Since then William Mallough died at Teeswater and Mrs. 11. Mc- . Liire 'died et Lti-ekitow. Mr,,. Stothers was a director of Blyth Horticultural :Society. In this 0re:1ale:Wott she ait. well as Mr. Stothe•rs, was an ;intent -• entlinsiast. A member of the Wo- mee's Miesionary Society of St. An- d'rew's United Church and ate,: a member of the her aociable disposition and ',vise counsel were highly appecciated, . • •• A priv.ate....fitneral was held at the hotise op.Wednesday at 2 0..m. Rev. 1 Gen. Weir, assisted by Rev. Urie ;':A.mierson conducte.dthe services, A • •bcatftlftl olo.. was ..sung This is the most popular sulky Plow en the market. It is ease fly handled—a boy can operate it., Users declare it does .as good work aa a walking plow, See us for full particulars. We also have WEED COP, the famous nommoisonmee weed killer. Blyth. Gallop & McAlpine Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repairs Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Metallic' Roofing • Frost Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS • ,NOWTHMOKILLO ReUnien.—The Regele family held n tetania OU Aagust S'Sth et the home " el Sam. Regele on the I2th eences- eion of SicKillop. Those present were Mr, and Mrs, William. Doerr mai fa- mily of Gmishml Mr. Beet Mrs. Wes.. ley Tischer end Mr, wed Mrs, Alex. Stoskopf of 'Sebringville; M. and Mrs, !William 'Gross end 'family of 413lith: Me. and Mrs, Edward C. Regele, McKillope Mr. and Ierrs. Wilhan HoeeY and family of MeKillop; M. and Mrs, John Kechnie and fahnfty of Rostock; Mr; and ldre, George HoegY and fatra lly a Grey Twpe Mr, and MTS. Koehler and Mr, and Mrs. 'William Koehler and Wally of. IvIeKillop; and Mr, and Mrs, Charles 71Zegele. Mr, Gordon Regele .has aeterned hone from the West with his bride. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stagg and M. and Sire. Ws Houghton and family of Cromarty Were'Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, L, Leendeg, . Mr,R, Mitchell and Miss G. Kemp o Carlingford were visiting Mr; and Mrs, IL Leaning on Surrd'ay ftor- 000ti :Miss Helen Skinner of Mitchell is calling on friends, r MeKillop. • Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Gross and family of Blyth vent iSithday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Edw. R.egele. Mr. Norman Hullett and sister Mar- garet called Mr. :atici Mrs, Joseph Thornton Sunday afternoon, Mr. and,Mrs. Jos, Thornton and ,family, also Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Reg - eta called to see Mr. George Stetter- nage who has been very sick. His.sis- ter, Mrs. Finnigan, of New York, is attending him. weele•abs • 40•1/Na Mr, W. Meon is visiting in Toronto this week. Miss Isabelle and Master Theodore Stewart of Stratford are visiting old. friends in the village. Mr, and Mrs..Charlie 'trodden and girls spent Sunday at the home of Mr, E. Stevens of Seaforth. Mrs. Armstrong and babe and Mrs. Taman were Blyth visitors last week, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bean of Carlow visited their aunt, Mrs, Hoggart. of the village on Sunday, A kitchen shower Was given at the home of Mrs, D. McCallum in honor of the bride 10 be, Miss H. Gray, on Wednesday eight by her neighbors. An umbrella covered with 'yellow and green tissue paper 'as lovely, decorat- ed and hung from the thandelier, filled two or three times with lovely gifts. The evening was spent in newsic, con- tests and games, About fifty guests took lunch and then all returned to their homes after a pleasant evening. On :Friday last a number of Miss Hattie Gray's friends met at. the home of her uncle, Mr, C. Manning and pre - seated -Miss Gray with a pantry shower. The ,parlor was decorated in pink and white streamers and the young people spent a very pleasant time together. The Sunday ISoliool Class "Win Others," of which Miss ;Hattie Gray is a member, met at the home of her teacher, Mrs, Lyon on Monday even- ing and Miss Gray Was presented with a henlsome ifernery. Miss Gray will be married on Wednesday to Mr. Ed- ward Woods, one of our 'much esteem- ed young men of the thirteenth. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend and Miss D. Little, Min 'Cowan and Mrs. Wells returned ta their homes here after a .pleasant visit with Oshawa and TOT - on to friends. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Cockerline of Toronto. spent Sunday with Mrs. Maines, Mr. D. Ewan is in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mr.s Archie Webster, Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams and Mr. D. Go - vier spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Govier. Miss Ennnerton of iLondoe spent Wednesday and Thursday the guest of Sirs. D. D. Roberton, Mr. D. Floody of Blyth has com- menced work on Mr. Fairservice's new hoeee, LONDESBORO. Mr. and Mrs. Awde and family- of Woodstock were Sunday visitors at the h )me of Mr. toed Mrs. J. McCool, Miss Beatrice Little of London is epending a week at her honte here. Misr Ruclitz and Mrs. Bell of De- troit aad hire. Cook of Bayfield called eti hire. M. Rose on Saterday. Mrs. Hutton is visiting at the home of her eon in Toronto. Mr. an -r1 Mrs. C. 'Govier of Port Col- horne are visiting friends it: the vile lege. Misses Mains of -Chicago are -pending their holidays at their home in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Wezil and family of Heepeler were guests at the home of )Jr. Robert Youngblut on Saturday. Me. and Mrs.. W. Lyon of Blyth called on friends in the village on Saturday, Mos. Brogden spent the week end with Blyth tnends, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Youngbitut called on 'Seaforth friends Sunda.y. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfong and children Hespeler spent Saturday with their c*usin. Mrs, John Nott of the village. 1We are pleased to see Mrs. Eleley .ible to be about again after her recent illness, Mr, and Mrs. Ross were Auburn visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Ivan ROSS of .Vineland is vis- iting for a e.seple ttf weeks at the inc of Mr, .W,: G. :Or. and Mre. Griffiths arid family ro friends on Senday. Rev. and Mrs. Johnston returned te the parsonage on Tuesday alter a month's vacatiort. Miw C;:a-lys Grainger expects to go Torento on Saturday where she viih enter Coronado 'hospital to trete as a P.417.0et.: • ELIMVILLE Miss Bessie Johns visited in Exeter last week. . Master Melvin Gardiner of Faegti- liar visited at Mr, WIII. Johns last week. • Mrs. lieebert has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Yes, Heywood, Next Sunday morning a c,ornbined• service will be held at 10,30 a.m. as Rev. Mr. White is having his holidays. Wig Down front near .Strathroy erne been visiting her grandfather, Mr. Rob t. -Woods, "heirs. 1Athiteford of Exeter visited at the home of h,er daughter, Mrs, Wes, Horne last week.• Dhe Yoieng People's. Soeiety intend having a 'Celtic at ,SpTinglbarek on•Fri- day of this week. Miss Eunice Parkinson of Blansh- ard is visiting her sister, Mrs, Herman Foster. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murch of London and Miss Josephine Childs Of Wood- stock spent Sunday at Mr. Philip Aturoh's, STAFFA. Mies Florence Mitchell, Centralia, visited with her grandmother, Mrs, J. Norris, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sadler spent' the 'week end with Buffalo friends. Mr. and Mrs. 0. w. Reed and Mrs. A. Jeffery visited in Hamilton and Toronto the early part of the week. Mrs. James Wilkinson and children of Stratford are holidaying with the lady's sister. Mrs. T. Drown. Miss E Dickson, Stratford, visited with Mn. and Mrs, A. A. Colquhoun recently. Mr, and Mrs. W. E O'Brien, of Owen Sound, are visited with the fermer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ro.binson, Mit- chell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fe A. Hambley. Mr. Robert Moffatt, Seaforth. spent lase week with Mr. Jos. 'Worden. Mr. 'Henry Golding was a Stinday visitor in •Seaforth. Miss 'Dorothy Chessell visited with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Elliott list week. Miss Dorothy Gray is spending a week in ILoadon, the guest of Miss Helen Henderson. Miss Muriel Drake visited with tier aunt, Mrs. R. G. Hoggarth, Cromarty, eeeently. Miss 21 Cleverton, 13owmanville,,js visiting with her cousin, Mrs. B. ICerse lake, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lupton, Stratford, visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sillery, On Sunday. Miss Miarie Sillery has returned to her school at Batcheveana, Miss Loraine Norton and Mrs. Cairns of Mitchell are guests of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Cairns rhes week. Staffa School Fair will,be held on September 23rd. Perth Educational Association through the efforts of Perth . Agricultural representative C, M. Meek, is sponsoring an oratorical contest and a suitable trophy will be awarded Inc the final prize. There are two subjects on which a student may speak: Why I should prefer to attend a rural consolidated school where several teachers are employed, rather than a one -teacher school as at present time in rural sections;atul, Why should not prefer to attend it rural consolidated school where sev- eral feathers are employed, rather than a one -teacher school, kfealth cannot be looked for in the child that is subject to worms, be- canee worms destroy health by ,creat- ing Internal diseurbencee that retard development and cause serious %teak- nees, Miller's Worm Powders expel worms and are s..) bene•ficial in their action that the systems of the little sufferers are restored to healthfulness, all the dieconeforts and dangers of worm infection are reineved, and sat- PsFactory growth is assured. Want and •Par Sale Ads, 3 times 5(ic• CROMARTY. Mrs. (Dr.) AleGnviti o'f Windsor visited her sister, Mns. Alex. McLar- en last week, 'Mr. William Bruce of Winnipeg, is visiting his brother, Mr. David Bruce. Mrs. Roy McDonald who leas been ill for the past three mionths-is able to visit her sister, Mrs. William. Caldwell at Kippen. • A number froen here attended the flower show in Exeter last week.- ' Miss Doris Lawson of Stratford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Treffery, Miss Muriel Drake of Staffa is vis- iting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott this vveek. Mr. and :Ars. Wim. Britton and Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Britton of Constance' visited with Mr, and Mrs, Simon Mill- er on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Dow of Grimsby visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. S. Miller, Mr. and Mee. W. Houghtemand Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stagg are visitinet with friends in north McKillop. Mr, Dave Miller visited his daugh- ter, Mrs, Lindsay McKellar. VARNA. • The harvesting of the been crop has 'begon, Mr. George Woods of Listowel who has ,been in New York taking a course in dramatic work, is visiting friends in Varna. Mr, M. Elliott shipped live stock to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. MdLaren ,and her daughter Roxanne of Winnipeg, is visiting her blether, Mrs. C. Weekes. Dr. HarveyeReid and Mrs, Reid and, little,daughter who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. LW. Reid, have rehire - ed to Toronto. ,. Miss Helen Manning, of Clinton, is the guest of Miss Frances Mossop. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weekes and Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Goderich Township, motored to ListoWel en Sunday. • • Miss Fiances Mossop and Miss Helen Manning art spending a week with Mrs.: Jatties Stephenson; Goshen Miss Ruth • Elliott is visiting in Toronto., . The sympathy of the community is extended to Mn. and Mrs. C. Marks in their sad bereavement over the loss of their eldest daughter Lillian. Owing to :anniversaryservice in Blake United church Sunday, there was no service in the United Church here. At the time of welting we are sorry to report the rather serious illness of Mr. Wilmer Reid and his many friends him a speedy recovery. Miss Thompsen Of Clinton visited with her sister, Mrs. L. Beatty. Mrs, Roy Morrison and little son of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and family. WOLVERTON FLOUR MILLS CO., LaynTED FORTIPI, ONTARie •••.:INPWag'0":"7"'saummomoommoinapommaa. WE 'ARE PAYING FOR GRAIN Wheat, Standard , .... • SIAS) per Bus. Qats, Standard or over .. „. ,58 per llus, Barley, 1VIaltin8 Grade ... .... .72 per Bus. These prices are for clean, dry grain delivered at the Mill We will one& wheat oa a mileage basis. We are agents for the POOL. BRAN., in bags$34.00 per ton SHORTS, in hags • $36.00 ,per ton MIDDLINGS, in bags $44.00 per ton • - These 'Shoves and Midalings are from Winter Wheat PHONE 51 wow Several from here attended 'the an- , nivensary in 'Bloke SiendaY. Grain harvesting is web .or: the way and several farmers Already have fin- ished and are n.ew busy with the bean harvest, which promises to be a good crop if the present weather. continues, Mr.G, H. Beatty was in Toronto on Tuesday. An Oil of Merit,—Dr. Thoinas' Ec- lectric 011 is not a jeneble of medicin- al substances thrown together, and Pushed by advertising, but the result of the 'careful inveseigaltion of the healing qualities of certain oils a.s ap- plied to the human body. It is a rare conebination and it won and .kept ph - Pc favor from. the first. A trial of it will carry conviction to any who doulbt its power to repair arid heal, FERTILIZERS FOR FALL WHEAT. The largest factor in determining the cost of producing a. bushel of wheat is the yield per acre. Low yields mean high production costs. Fertilizer on -wheat produces more bushels and .with the .time of seeding fall wheat draWing_near the matter of fertilizer regeirements is a timely sub- ject. There.are a' norther of factors that most be cohsidered which will neces- sraeily have some 'bearing on the kind of fertilizer to apply. Every farm or field presents a problem and the fol- lowing recommenditions can onlybe taken in a general way:Since there is not a great deal of light sandy soil he your district, onlyheavy sandy beams to clay loams wile be dealt with. Heavy Sandy Loams to Clay Loams, !Fall Wheat not seeded to Clover: Without clover or manure in rotation —Mixture, 2424 or 3404. Pounds 'ter a•cre, 300-'401 Folkering clover or manure in ro- tation—Mixture. 0-124 or rate per acre, 300-400 lbs, pollowing clover and inanere in rotation --Mixture, 0-12-5 or • 0-16-0; rate per acre, 2'50.13'50 Vbs. Fall Wheat seeded to Glover: Without clover or manure in rota- tion ---Mixture, 2-1216 or 340-6; rate per acre, 300-400 lbs. Following clover or manure in ro- tation --Mixture, 0-18-5 or 0-14-6; rate per acre 300400. Following clover and manure in ro- tatilom—IMiXture, 0-,12-,5 or 044-6; rate 300-400 lbs. ' These recommend•ations are based on sevenal years' experimental work o f the D e pa r tment of Chemistry, 0.A.C. It has been found that • on land where clovers have not been included in the rotation and where no,:menore has 'been applied that a fertilizer such as A 2,112-5 to A 3-10-3 wilt give very good. resoles. It leas also been proven that applic,ations of at least 300 lbs. per acre or even 400 lbs. pay on such soils as are likely to he , lacking in available plant food. Phosphoric acid when mallet' in eke fonni of acid phosphate will increase the yield of wheat. TO give its 'best .reselte it Must be associated .with sufficient nie trogeti and an aburpdance of :potash a vai !able to - Oa nts. . . Another factor equally impotlain in winter wheat • production is the pre- paratiote of the land. Since ' wittier wheat requires about tee months from time of seedieg to maturity Kid is subject to varying weather conditions, it should not be expeoted to thnive on poorly prepared land. Sufficient col- tivation shoutd be given to develop a seed -bed that is smooth, mellow, loose on top and firm beneath, 'Care in selection and cleaning of seed grain will show results in the granary at harvest time. ' Shrunken, light, weed infested seed is sure to produce a disappointing crop, 1,1 there is smut in the grain you are planning to use for seed, treat it. :The treatment for preventionof smut is simple, inexpensive and effective. -- Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ont. PHONE 118 that only .the world's largest one -price' tailors can give . . $2450 YOUR CHOICE OF MORE THAN 300 FINE NEW FALL FABRICS, TAILORED-TO-YOUR-1V1EASURE IN ANY STYLE YOU LIKE WITH A NIONEY-BACK GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION, AT ONE LOW STANDARD PRICE. THAT'S THE AMAZING VALUE' THE WORLDS LARGEST ONE -PRICE TAILORSe OFFER YOU. THE PRICE IS EVEN LESS THAN YOU'D HAVE TO PAY ELSEWHERE FOR A READY-MADE GARIVIENT, TIP=TOP CLOTHES WHERE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY SEAFORTI•1 1