HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-08-22, Page 5!igher than Price� THURSDAY, AUGUST 22i 429 CHAIN D WH I o5 Our Prices on Special Lines for One Week Jif, the Wender Seem flakes, reg. 25e, for , ..,.,, ,•19c Branston Pickles, Crosse and Blackwell, Reg, 25c each, 2 for 42c Try these, they are very different, 2 -in -I Shoe Palish, all colors, reg.:15e, for . , , ... , , , • . , • . , aoc Peas,c Caritect BartonBat•tou Brand, per tin Rubber Rings, best quality, 2 dozen for 15c Crosse and Blackwell's pickling Vinegar, gallon 50c Water iGlass, for storing your eggs, tin , 14c All Wads of other goods at the very lowest prices' W. M Stewart Rhone 77 Ross J, Sproat 'Phone 8 eR 131-\M We pay the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation we will give . you of our best in service and prices. We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in and see the new Models. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Prop. WJ, Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of :Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67, Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chas. A. UUowey Residence -=James St. D. Na MClnnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons Diseases of .'all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. I Just Try It When you feel tired and • drowsy, slip. around the corner and get a massage at SID'S SI -0P You may come in with a grouch but will go out with 'a smile. Phone 125. COMING. Those 'beloved servants Of the, pub- lic, those two heroes of many adven- tures and squalls—two really compet- ent Punsters who have brought joy, and happiness to millions—are soon to be in our midst again, We refer to the famous jesters and dissent!netorrs of mirth and frolic, M'ut't -and Jeff. This season they are to appear in the flesh in a heated new and wholly di- vertg Y in comet en'tit'led, Mutt and Jeffs Honeymoon,” The new play which is a comedy of Merit and orig- inality, is in two actsand six s cerres and written by Frank Cosgrove who, from all accounts, has furnished an unusually clever and laugh -compell- ing .vehicle. This time little Jeff • essays'to go to his pal's assistance in soMin g the problem of domestic in- felicity Of which Mutt scenis to be an unwilling victim, Jeff's good ' itan intentions lead into ail sorts of Samar - situations, screa'nns, guffaws and Auto Insurance PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISION Let us explain the coverages and the amount of protection afforded for small premium. EVEN A MINOR ACCIDENT WILL COST YOU MORE THAN THE PREMIUM ON A POLICY. Prompt settlement of all claims A D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth, Ontario. strife with the audience the gainer: This exceptionally different play will be the attraction at the Opera house, Seaforth, for one evening' perform- ance only, on Friday, August 30th, MANLEY. Mr, Albert Siernon has engaged with Mr. Gaffney to complete a ce- ment contract in Go•wans'tawn. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray and kfr. and Mrs. Lewis Murray and fancily of lows, have returned home after vis- iting his brother, Mr. John Matrray, and his -many friends here. He left forty years ago but •visited here 18 years ago and he finds than y changes. Mr.. and Mrs. .phos. Purcell have returned home from Midland where the King Construction company have completed the paving. Mr. Purcell has gone to 'Elginfteid to run 'the cement miser. The pavement is to be extend- ed from •Elginlfieid to Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley, accomp- anied,by Mr. Jos. and Kate Lynch, motored to London last Sunday to visit friends there. • Mr. and Mrs: C..Eckart of Seaforth,. and Miss Lucy Ecicart and Mr, Earle BIyuter of Detroit called on friends here last Sunday. Mrs. Finigan from New York, for- merly from this place, is here taking care of her father, Mr, George Stent ernagel who is seriously ill and who has been moved from Clinton to his home here. Rod and Gun. \'Vith the approach of fall, the thoughts of sportsmen are turning towards hunting both deer and 'feath- ered game. The Septeuber number of Rod and Gun and iCanad'ian Silver Fox News. just issued, :contains an exceptionally fine article on deer hurtl- ing by C. N. A. ireson, which will prove of great interest to devotees of that sport. 'Ifowever, this is only one of a 'col- lection of equally good articles and features which deal authoritatively with other departments and adven- tures in outdoor lift and which pro - hl good residing for all pro- vide thoroug y g a g int.^,restecl int outdoor life. Open sea- sons for game throughout Canada and a full report of the annual meeting ,of the Canadian Nationel . Silver Fox 113reeders' Association are included in ON issue, No one needeiedu>re tete agony of w corns with Holloay,s Corn Remover at .hand to remove them, TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sandford Of Mountain View, N.J„ are spending a couple of weeks with,the tatters„bro- tltee, Mr, A. L, Porteous, and MrA Porteous, A new veraucl ill is being erected on the home of Mr, A. McGregor, Janes street: Miss Mary Smith and Miss Grace Casienteri felt Monday for a week's visit at Midland, The front of the W. T. Box Co, fur- telt'ure store and undertaking parlors is being remodelled this week. When complete tt w'ilI present an un'possng appearance, The entrance will be at one side instead of at the centre Med a large plate glass window will ex- tend across the remainder, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hays who have been here the past two weeks, and Miss Lucy Eckert, 'have returned to their hone in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, John ,Fendwick and Mr, Earle Hymer of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Cott, Eckert. Sister lel, Clayey of Toronto is spending her vacation with her sisters, Mrs, C. Eckert and Mfrs, J. Nolan. Allan Dolmage, son of. Mr. and ,Mrs, Sracidk,ney Dolimage, has been carrying his right arm in a sling the past week having'biroken it by a fall from a hay Mr. Hislop and Miss Stafford of Wroxeter visited at the home of Mrs. James Martin. Mr, and Mrs, 'H, V. Gilbert •of De- troit were' week end guests of their uncle arid aunt, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Henderson. Mrs, Robert Winter of Gaderich visited, at the hone df Mr, and Mrs. W. AMent this week, Misses Mary Matthews and Sadie Hart left on Tuesday to spend their hol'id•ays with friends In Detroit. Mies Margaret Purcell is spending her holidays with friends in Guelph, Miss Rirhh Grinuner, of Ayr, is vis- iting her cousin, Miss Lois McGavin. Mrs, M. J. Stubo of San Francisco, Cal, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Twiss, Mrs. L. P. Twiss and son Jack, of Saskatoon, • left for their home this week after spending three weeks with Mrs, Twiss and Mrs. Ales. blcGavin. Mr. Frank Ireland, of Flint, Mich„ is visiting^ friends iu Seaforth and vi- cinity this week. Mrs. Jas. Martin visited friends at Grand 'Benlf on Sunday. Mr. Frecl. Jackson has accepted a position as. prineipel of Pterrickviile contuura:ti i o t school Mr. and Mrs. Ira S. Eichman of Chicago, called en Mr. and Mrs. T. Cr, Scott, on 'Wednesday. • Mise Thelma Johnstone has accept- ed a position as ',principal of Elgin continuation school. in Leeds''Counity. Mrs. Ed, Mole and daugh- ters Laura, Vera and Donna are spending a •couple of weeks at Kit- carcline and Southampton. Mrs. F. 'Conduit of iLeantington spent 'a couple of weeks with her niece, Mrs. J :B, 'Tverman. Mr. and Mrs, J. Fairservice were guests of their sister, Mrs. L. Melville, ort Sunclety. Mrs, sand Miss:Medd and Mr, Earl Round of 'Welland were guests of the former's niece, Mrs, Ben, Tyerman, returning home on Monday. Mrs, -,R.' H. Ferguson and: daughters have returned home after spending a week at their cottage at Pont Albert. Mrs. 'G, T. Turnbull who has been .spending The pest two weeks with. bee daughter, Mrs. 'J. R. 'Hillis, Toronto, left an Friday 'for a trip to the coast. MIr. 'A, R. 'Turnbull of Toronto Who has spent the past week at the parent- al hoose left this week with his sister, Miss Mabel Turnbull on a motor trip to Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Cttdmore and Mr. Peter Daley of •Uslborne spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Wilbert Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Cluff and Miss Resabeile Cluff of 'Buffalo, N.Y., have returned after spending a few days visiting their•mother, Mrs. Noble Clui•T. \ors. N. Cluff and Miss 'Rosabelle Cliff spent a day in Clinton visiting Miss ilrene Chuff, Misses Dorothy Broadfoot and Jean Smith .have returned, from holidays with friends in 'Erie, Pa:, and Strat- Mrs. 'Robert Webb of Toronto, is sending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Morrison and Mrs. George Sill.and Mrs. 'Arthur 'Ricks and ta uuily of Hillsca l e lbich, are visit- ing Mr. 'and i i-nigMr.'and Mrs. 'Wm. Morrison. Mrs, Maude iSloan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Nendick of Toronto spent the week -end wibh 'Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert F. Jones, Mrs. 'Sloan and Mrs. Nendick are sisters to Mr. Tones. Miss Laura'. McMillan spent last week with her sister, Mrs. S. Gray, in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. H. Grieve of Wind- sor, are visitors with the former's parents, Mr. ,and Mrs, T. Grieve. Mr, Arthur'Scotl of 'Windsor spent the week -end with his father, Mr. John 'Scott. Mr, Scott sang a,pleasin'g solo in'First Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. Mr. Anderson Coulter of Ingersoll spent Monday with his aunt, Miss Hargan. Miss Mary Hays is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon 'Hays in ,Detroit. ggmmm... Tailoring Ladies' and t Gen lernenf s AILORS Give us a call COGHI LL TAILORING CO. 0" Downie St,.STRATFORD TH SEA.PQI,Tisi NWS. GUEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF FOWL DELIVERED AT THE STORE Tt)JSDAYS AND FRIDAYS M. E, CL RRE WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs, James Clennan a son of Detroit were week -end gue of Mrs, McQuaid, Goderioh street, Miss Mary Hays of Toronto spending a week with'hcreparettts, M and Mrs. 'Adana Hays, having spe. last' week at Bala in Muskoka, Rev, land lfrs. j. M, keys and da ghter Mildred of'Oakdale,'Pa., are -ti guests of the former's Mother, Mr W. L. Key's this week. Mr, J, H. 'Reid is holidaying wit his son Osear Reid, of Detroit, tit week, Mrs. Annie Robinson ,and daughte Mrs. Margaret Crratt of Ilamilto also Ret', IW. O 'Robinson of Autle Sask., were visitors with Mrs, W. L Keys on Tttesday of this week, Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop, formerly o St.'Catherines, have moved into 3is Hlargan's pause, rs2aced by Mr, Geo f ergtssott Miss Harriett Pangmatt of 'Toront is visiting Mrs. L,C Jackson, Miss Mary Jcckson will teach a Thecbford. continuation school thi year. Mr, John McKinley, of Winnipeg will arrive 'Sunday and spend nes week here. Mrs. McKinley and son Scott and Jimmie who have spen some weeks 'with her parents, Mr, an Mrs, A. D,'S'cott, will return with hit the following Saturday, Mr. Cliff Trott of Schomberg spen the past week at the home of bis par eats, Mr. and Mrs, Wtn, Trott. Mss Helen Abient returned for few clays 10 Detroit with Mr, and Mrs Warren Anient who were guests a Mr, and .Mrs, 'Wel. Anent over the week -end, Miss Mary, Reid returned Sunday with Rev, and Mrs. J. M. Keys after a three weeks' Motor trip to Washing- ton ,acid the coast. The following appear among the succe i ssfu students efts at summer cottr es s —Kinder. Prim., Laura 14, McMillan ('Hamilton); !Jean E. Cliff i(.London); Margaret '3. 'Grieve . (Toronto) ; 'int. agri., William i3, Little .(Guelph); el, art,(London), onioni' Jean , (b!. :Mountain, ), u tam Monica Reynolds (Sr. M. Cyril). (To- ronto), el, phys. tr., Leonard T. J. Boyce; spec, phys. tr.—D. Ivan Hill; srtpervisors ploys. tr;�Lydia L. Reid, Mary E. h. .e y ti kson. Ferris JC. Cantelon, o, Baebara J. J. Simpson, Miss Norma Muir, Mrs. Gordon Balfour and Miss Annie Smith left by motor to spend a couple of weeks at rite home of Mr. and Mrs. Eck- ert,. Timmins, N. Ontario. Miss Jean Miller of Clinton spent the week -encs visiting her cousin, Miss Olive Stirling. The handsome stmt of $350 was net- ted the Seaforth Bowling chit) from the tournament 'last week, which will be devoted to the 'fine new club house and greens. Many complimentary re- marks were made 'by visiting bowlers regarding. 'the new ,property. Miss °live Stirling is spending the week with friends in •Goderich. Mir. and Mrs. Talbert Clark, Mr. and Mrs, !Henry 'Hoegy and Miss Della McNab, of Walton, were Sun- day callers at' the home of Mrs. Adam Kline, firs. Margaret .Madill and daugh- tereEffie and son Archie of !Huntsville and Mr. and Mrs. John Dieting. 'f Bradford, visited with Mrs. John lfillson and other friends a couple of days this week, Mrs. McLean who has Beet' spend- ing a few weeks with her relatives here has returned to her home in Buffalo. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie were Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and daughter of V\'iu•nipeg. Mr. and Mrs. 'Sanderson and daughter, Toronto; Mrs, McKer- cher aisd bliss Ritchie and Mr. Tont, Ritchie, of Wroxeter. Mr. Alex. Dow and daughter Medles ,and son !Gordon, of Cromarty, were guests :et :the home of Mr, and 1'[ns.IHugh Wright. Mr. Will Pollard of :Murillo who 0 has been taking a course at iWinni ,peg during the sutiuner, is visiting 'his parents, Mr, and Mins. Joshua 'Pollard, Mr. Keith Lamont of Detroit was a week -end guest at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. F. 'White of Winona spent a few days this week with Mrs. George Henderson and Mrs. De'Lacey. Miss 'Bernice Dorrance is spending two weeks at Point 'Clark, k[r. Ralph Cresswell of Denver. Col„ 'strived \Wednesday night to spend ten- days with his sisters, the Misses Cresswell Mr. Cresswell vis- ited 'his brother, Mr. Harry Cresswell tit Bragg 'Creek, Alberta, and friends in Toronto, en route, Miss Bernice Dorrance is spending two weeks at Point Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowiiard and daughter ,Madeline left 'Wednesday for a short visit in Toronto before return- ing to their home in Engichirt. They were visiting her father, Mr. 'Wm. S nn•il lie, 'Mr, asci Mrs..j. P. Devereaux left for 'their home iI Chicago t C a o on Tues- day da after visiting Mr. n I y g . and Mrs, James Devereaux the past week, Mr. A. D. Scott is improving fol- lowing a serious accident last Thtuss- dday when lie was ttnconsdicus• for 35 minutes, :He was thrown from the binder while trying to avoid running over his little grandson, when a young horse; one of three on.fhe hinder, be- came unruly, He suffered severe in - :Melee to 'his shoulders and chest, breaking ri cal t I s an tinkle n ringer, tcolli ,, r c, a \fr, .Daniel. I, Devereaux of Chicago is spending his holidays dike guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. •.... at sts tis nt ri- te s. h is r, 1i, r, • 0 d n a 1Dr, R. R, Rossand Miss Gretts Ross are on a Motor trip to 'N. On- tario, 'Miss' Agnes Parke, R.N. of Detroit, visited her brother, Mr, A, 'Parke John •street, this week. i Mfrs, W. 1;, ;Kerslake, Misses Dor- PAST OPERA HOUSE,SEAPORTH FRIDAY NI6TIT, AUG, FRANK COSOROVF, ,,me, oeCA TOO �yEpv 44are ess 3ubbling oeer ulif6i merriment, originality, meaty and wi i THE WORLD'S GREATEST AND MOST POPULAR H'ON, G. HOWARD FERGUSON Prime Minister of Ontario Who, it has been announced. will speak at Mitchell, on September 6th. othy Kerslake, Beth Govettlock and Belle Smith left Wednesday for Mid- land and Georgian ,Bay, Mrs, Chas. Andrews and daughter of Port Colborne, were the guests of Mr, aril -Mrs J, Aero for a few days. Mr, H. Trapnell is acting as con - table while Mr: AW, G. W, Fee is on his holidays, Residents of ,Seaforth who have tried to frighten the blackbirds from the trees at night were delighted to find an unexpected ally in their war to get rid of the bbscl.-'bird nuisance. A large 'owl has been noticed several nights this week swooping and circl- ing in the moonlight, through and over the trees and completely routing the blackbirds. Seaforth L,O.M.A. held a picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon, HARLOCK, Miss Marjorie Colson is at present visiting her friend, Miss Elsie Man- ning of Lotdesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McEwing and son of Drayton visited Mr. and Mrs, A. W \feEsying and family Sunday,. Mrs Robert hfeKinley and daugh- ter Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coleman of Varna; also Miss Ruth Levis of Clinton visited at the hones of tfr id \- � an Its. Angus Reid, Mr: and Mrs. Geo, Watt ':and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid Sunday, • Mr. and Mrs. A.R.Beacom and Bert visjted the former's brother and family at Mount Forest Sunday,'bring- ing Mr. Buster Beacom back with them, Miss Ella Armstrong of Kinburn, also Miss 'Eausuia Jamieson of Kitch- ener visited their friend, Miss Marie Rape in ,Saturday afternoon. MIr. and Mrs. A. Vadden visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris Suudesy, Little Misses 'Mildred and Lydia Bell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Sodden last week. Mr, and Mrs, J. Rapson and Mr. and Mrs, Ira Rapson and son visited Mfr. and Mrs, I. Rapson Sunday, Miss Ena Parsons w+ho has been visiting for some time with friends at \Wooclslee in Essex, returned home on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm , Parsons and lfiss Wilma Parsons of Burlington, I,twa, are at present visiting at the hone of the former's brother, Mr. Chas, Parsons, also with other friends in this vicinity, also at the home of Mr. and \'frs, James Watt at Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. Blanchard Herring- ton and Hiss Lrtuie Herrington., .Blyth, visited -on Sunday at the unite of Mir. and. Mrs. Bert Allen, The Misses Amy and Rea Parsons. and cousin,' Miss Wilma 'Parsons of Iowa visited Miss Harriett Taylor on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Leach and 'little son of Toron- to visited her sister, Mrs, Frank Mc- Gregor Sunday. Mr, and firs, Jolie Wallace and the Misses Amy and Rosamond \'Vallece of Woodslee, Essex, visited at the hoose of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Parsons, also Mr. and Mrs. James Watt of Blyth and other friends from Thurs- day till Monday of this week.. The Misses Clara and Irene Bruits - don of Blyth who visited their cousin, Miss Helen McGregor far the past week, returned home on Saturday, • Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Parsons and Amy and Ena Mr. encl. \frs. \\run, Parsons and Hiss Wilma, Mr. and Ms. John Wallace, 'also the Misses Aicy and Rosamond, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Walt and family spent Sunday. at Bayfield, Little Miss Bean. of near Goderich is at present visiting at the Bonne of her grandparents, \'fr. and Mrs. Wm. Addison, Miss .Army Parsons and her cousin, Miss Wilma. Parsons, visited at Mr. Richmond's one clay recently, - KIPPEN. Flower Show.--iKippen Horticultur- al Society are holding their annual flower show in 5t. Andrew's 'United chau'cii on Thursday, August 29, after: noonn a d evening. This has been a poor tat season s, n brit we ask all the members to bring what they have to make the show a success, Everybody welcome. Mr. and •\Ii' rs, George Stewart of Springfield and son John Stewart, B.A.,, M.A., of Cornell University, Ithica, N,Y„ spent a few clays last week visiting the former's sister, Mrs, James Wright. A very enjoyable day was spent re- cently at Fair Grove Fa, n, the borne of lh and Mrs, James I\\rright, when the Stewarts had their meeting. The intereetutg event was the celebrating of the thirty-second wedding anniver- sary or Mr ittd Mrs. George Stewart, There were owe thirty members pies- mit. The next meeting is to be held in Queen's Park, Stratford, next Jun. M:tateri 'Lawrence Bright:more of J:onidoe is visiting his aunt, Mrs,, Cochrane of f -lay, CARTOON' WITH A CONGRESS OF Inimitable Comedians 1 AND THE FAMOUS uII&Jeff BEAUTY CHORUS THE GREATEST LAUGHING SHOW ON EARTH YOU'LL LIKE IT 253,6 JOLLY AND PRETTY SHOW GIRLS DANCERS C ADMISSION 50c and 75c PLUS TAX Seats selling at Eberhart's Pharmacy, r Mr. and Mrs. Horney d Miss y an Er.siva Ferguson spent Sunday .with relatives near London. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowey and Mr.and Mrs.James Thompson spent son P Sunday at ,Port Stanley. MoKihbon of Toronto is vis- iting her sister, Mrs, .Henry Ivisoti: Miss Etta Bell of London spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Bell I\We are pleased to note that all our sick are doing nicely and have return- ed to their homes and are out around. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Field and kid- dies have left ose a month's holidays, Mrs, Homer Hunt of McKillop is visiting at the hotne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eigie. Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Beugough of Saginaw, Mich., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. \\int, Anderson of our village re- cently, A sneetisg of the excutive of the Horticultural Society of Kippen was held at the home of Miss M. 'White- man Tuesday evening, making ar- angentesies for the annual flower show to be held quite soon. We are sorry to learn that Mr, Robe, Parsons to the west of our vil- lage, is confined to his room through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Verner McClymont of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of their parents; Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McClymont. Mr. John McClymont of 'Toronto was also a visaor at the home of Mr, and \frs. McClymont. Mrs. A. Mason of Saskatoon, Mfrs. W. B. McLean and Mrs. Coulter, and Mrs, H. Charters of Seaforth were visitors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGregor. BRUCEFIELD. The monthly meeting of: the W. M. S, was held in the schooh•ootn of the tinned Church on Wednesday, August lath,' In the absence of the Presci- ent Mrs. W. A. iBreutner, Mrs. James Thompson, vice President, presided. led. After the singing u g g of the o colir. Mrs. Stephens led in prayer. 11 The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The roll call was re- s onde dto p with a favorite to v erse .fronn the 'Bible. .Mrs. T'hosnpson read the devotional) leaflet and Mrs. Haugh led in prayer. Interesting leaflets were read by Miss Kate McGregor and Mrs W. Stackhouse and 'Mrs. James Moodie on the work in 'Africa,. telling of the great sacrifice the native Christians are wilding to .nialce for the spreading df the iGoepel. The meeting closed with singing a hymn and the M•ipah benediction, Professor Davidson of Toronto taught the Young Men's Bible 'Class and S.S. and preached two excellent sermons in the United IChurch .lastt Sunday. Rev. W. A. Bremner :and Mrs. Bremner and daughter Edna have gone to their cottage to spend the latter part of their pecation. Mr, 'Hugh McGregor of Detroit spent the week -end at are home of his father, Mr. H. McGregor. 'Mee. G. Brock,!Miss Pearl Brock and Urs. A. latnieso.t went Monday morning to attend the funeral of their sis'rr-in-law. 'Mrs. Win. 'Stevens, of De kilt, \i said sere, Mc:Iachlan and Mrs. \I ' :,,tan and firs. Rathw•ell 'of To- r eite, ware the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. iRvsttenhury, Mr. Alex. Mustard fell heal first. front a load of grain on Saturday when the trip rope brake, receiving a nasty gash on his face and also in- juring the ligaments of his leg, He has been in Clinton hospital and expects to be home soap. Mr. ,and Mrs, G. .Graham and .chil- dren spent last Saturday at Grand Bench Miss Jean 'Campbell Inas returned home from 'London where she was visiting her aunt. Mrs. Lyle Hi!'l visited 'Mrs, Harvey Taylor on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Taylor and children spent ,Smulay at Parkhill, Mr, and Mrs. Ino. 'Graham spent Sunday afternoon Y in Clinton. A Good Portion of beef served to you for the evening meal roasted about medium, with the hlocd gravy oozing through, gives one a Ioundation. It just makes one's maiath water to think of it. How was teat last piece of meat we sent yeu? wasn't it fine, GEO. CAMERON Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth YOUR AUTO NEEDS Good year Tires and Tubes s Battery Sales and Service Charging and Repairing all eualces of Batteries A good line of new and ttsed parts of different makes of cars Ifur car yo is in need of repairs, give us a call. Studebaker Saks and Service Feeder's Careme PHONE 157W