HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-08-22, Page 4UR
�w foar4car enrage and has also
Mr. Frank Metcalf; Government
WA.LTON. , l apple utspet;tor at Saskatoon; is ex-
x-Olinc E. Bolger has returned reefed to
t•onive Saskatooniur hdo piton,
n day
where he has "been confined for sonic.
Maeowing to illness.
Dr. and Mrs. ,Wilford • nd family;
we are sorry to learn,,irteud moving int
a iveelc.or two to Oil Springs, near,
Sarnia. Dr, Wilford hes sectored a
,rraolee there, After devo.ting,1,4 years
of his 'tile as a medical missionary in
China he has decided to remain in his.
native province,
The annual flower show and tea of
the 3 ortkultural society is to be het
in Memorial hall next Tuesday, A
Mrs, David Rae and son Maxwell
Rae of Winnipeg are visiting Mr. and.
Mrs. W. H. McElroy, Mrs. Rae is a
cousin of Mr. McElroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright of 'Winnipeg
were guests of Mrs. Jackson one day
this week.
Miss Jennie '13, Henry who was in
Toronto hospital, has returned home,
Mrs. Johnston is visiting her sister,
;Miss Edna Campbell at Kincardine,
Miss Phetnia Steinhoff has been vis-
itittg• friends iu Toronto.
lir. and Mrs, Robert Logan of
Hespeler were visitors this week with
Mrs. Knox.
'Little Margaret Holland of St. Col-
tunban is spending several weeks with
Miss bate Heffron. Duman of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
ronto are visiting Mr, and Mrs, G, M.
Chambers this week,
Miss Velma Craig who has been
visiting her sister Ada of Listowel,
returned home last week,
Mr. J. P, Sheppard and son Wynn of
Clinton visited the former's sisterhn-
law, Mrs. '3, lColelough. been
Mass 'Lois 'Robinson who has
visiting her sister Dorothy at Lis-
towel, has returned home.
Mrs. R. H. Rdbinson and daughter
Ileen were visitors with friends at St.
Marys fora few days this week,
,lr. L. Eckmier of ,Brussels sang
two solos very acceptably at the morn-
ing service in Queen street United
church on Sunday morning last. At
the evening service in St, Andrew's
church a much a,pprecha•ted solo was
sung by 14r. 'Stanley Sibbhonpe.
Mrs. E. Bencher and Edwin left on
Tuesday for Zurich to spend the Test
of the week visiting relatives.
The W C,T.U. meeting was held at
the home of Mrs, A. Elder on Wed-
nesday evening, August 14th. Meet-
ing opened by singing. Mrs: Elder
led in prayer, Scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. A. 13. Carr. Mis's M.
Bailey of Goderich was present and
gave a very interesting talk on tem-
perance. Mrs. R. •\Wightman gave e
splendid report of the county conven-
tion held at Hen•eall. Meeting closed
in the usual way.
A union picnic of St. Andrew's and
Queen street Sunday schools will be
held on Wednesday, August 28, near
Ball's bridge, Auburn.
:Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack King
(nee Miss Madeline Stothers, Blyth),
Atlanta, Georgia, on Wednesday, Aug.
14th, a daughter, Betty Jacqueline.
Middle School.—The following are
the 5uhiects in which Blyth students
were successful on the riddle school:
Thelma Caldwell—'A. Hist. C; Alg. C.
Mary Denholm—E. Connp, C; Alg.
2nd; Geom. 1st; Physics C. 'Helen
trashy --A, Hist. C; Alg. 1st; Physics
tat; L. Auth, C; L. Comp. 2nd; Er.
Comp. 2nd. Cloyd Johnston—,E. Lit.
2nd; A. Hist. 2nd; 'Alg. 1st; Physics
1st; L. Aut. 3rd; L. Comp. 1st; Fr.
Comp. C. Norine Kelly --Ai C. Wil-
lieni Leiper—'C. Hist. 2nd; Alg. 2nd;
Yhy-ic= 2nd. Matilda Maines—Alg. C;
Physics C. Dorothy. Poplestone—E.
(Siam. C. Hist. C. Lois Robinson—
E. Comp. C; E. Lit. C; C. Hist, C;
.\Ig. int; Geom. 3rd; Chem. C; L.
Comp. Sud; Fr, Auth. C; Fr, Comp C.
ramie Sims—Alg. 2nd; Physics C; L.
Comp, C. Cieta Watson—E. Lit, 2nd;
A. Hist. 2nd; .'lig. C; Geom, C; Phys.
C; L. Aut. C; L. Comp. C. 'Ernva Les-
lie --A, Hist. let; Geom. let; Chem.
2nd; Fr. Auth. 3rd; Fr. Comp. 2nd.
Reading in the papers of the work-
ers in an ice cream factory waiting for
t scorching hot day to ,go nn strike
r higher wages, reminded Mr. W. H.
\irhlroy, of Blyth the other day that
human nature and strikers' habits
have changed not a bit in the last
thirty-five years. Mr. McElroy recalls
how the men in his camper
.hop would work faithfully till. during
the height of the apple season, a long
string of wagons were waiting for
harrel,, They could seldom resist the
tem•ptation to go on strike at such a
time. Tramp coopers were plentiful,
int four or five hour time lost get-
ting new workers might mean the
1 is,: of a contract, so usually the de-
mands of the striker: were met, Wag
THE $EAFros, PI I3EWS• made a fiuc job of repainting his re -
Snowdon tiros., PuUli�hers. silence.
lipase alter finishing Part IL Course
in'Household Solence at Hamilton,
Ve congratulate her on her success in
•jpasshng the examinations,. She; also
spent a, week visiting .friends in Tor-
Miss Rah Fulton 'nt Mus Ruth
Wheeler, who Were guests of 'Mrs,
'lfohn• B tlfour forsever ltiseeks, Whet
for `Toronto Thursday.
is from Spokane, Washington; and is
a talented musician.She willcontinue
studying nthsie at the Conservatory of
'eronta before retertiittg to the West,
.'Mlss Effie.'Balfour left for Toronto
on Stieday.
Miss Annie 'Keith of Teeswater, a
farmer tenelier at Button's school, has
been visiting 'friends in the vicinity for
• a couple of weeks. amen
Boris—TO 3./fr. and Mrs, J
Coutts, on Saturday, August 17, a
Miss .Edna Reid is spending the
-week with her aunt, Miss Campbell,
atear Winthrop,
'l'he ,many friends of Mr, G. Pollard
'are pleased to see hint around again
afro a serinits operation at Stratford,
Mr. and firs. Jos, Carter and
...daughter Viola, and Mr, Alex. Strain
rof London, spent Sunday in Kitchen-
• sr.
Mr. C. McNeil of Olathe visited
Mr. and 2,trs. Sohier and other friends
',in the village.
J. J. McGavin shipped Ewa carloads
of aa'ttic to Toronto on Saturday.
,Born.—To Mr, • and Mrs. E. 'Wat-
son, 'a daughter, week
• 'Lois Hackwell is spending a
-with her grandfather, Mr. I. Hack-
-well. eek
Edith and Bernice Hackwell have
-returned to their line after spending
-the past couple of months with
ado Mrs. Robert Reid.
W,M:S.—Mrs, Bryans presided and
• the Lord's prayer was repeated in t
Olson, Mrs. Jno. Leetning took Scrip-
ture reading, Mrs. McGavin and Mrs,
L. Leenriing read chapter from study
'book, entitled, 'Healing Leaves•" At-
tendance was forty-five, thirty seea
members and eight visitors. Aisst
Tomlinson took current topics and
Mrs. L',ryas closed with prayer. La-
dies' Aid meeting followed, when
plans were made for the anniversary
'to be held on Oc'ttehec 20th. Lunch
was served at the close.
Mrs. Naylor and daughter are visit-
ing_ with Mrs. P. B. Gardiner and Mrs•
i. Buchanan'
Mrs. W. Davidson,eaforth, is vis-
iting friends on the 12th concession
of McKillop. Watt returned
Mr. and Mrs. Jpast weed
- home after spending the p
in Hamilton..
Mr. Wni. McGavin has erected a
• garage and expects to have it finished
this week.
,Rev, and Mrs. Rickard visited in the
pillage last week.
Mrs. J. Finlayson is visiting friends
Walton. and Cran'brook.
Mrs. D. Johnston, Windsor, is visit-
ing with friends here for the past
- ,veek,
'Harvest will soon be finished if this
_;cod weather continues.
Miss Keith, Teeswater, is spending
a new holidays with Miss:Maggie
Harvest apples seem to he plentiful
-.his rear.
Charles Boyd and Mrs. Fingland
were in Blyth last Sunday assisting
With the music in Queen street church
Misses Ferguson visited with Mr,
;and Mrs. \V,od- last Sunday.
Messrs. Reg. and Ronald Bruce and
Mr. ,and Mrs. A. 13. Bruce of Streets
ville have returned to their home af-
ter spending a week visiting at the
le sue of J. 1 Si l't;avitt.
\lr, George McArthur and J. J. Mc -
Gavin motored t, Toronto on business
as week. •Rion
• Messrs, Hugh Rina. Harry
and Albert Constable spent Sunday
with friends at Listowel.
Miss Grace Somerville. spettt Sun-
day at Port Stanley.
- • AIi Garnet Young of Exeter spent
a few days with his uncle, Mr. T.
Miss Marjory v[cEwing spent e few
clays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos,
Air, and Mrs, John Wright of Win-
nipeg spent a few days -last week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGavin and call-
ing on aid friends in this vicinity,
tire. Naylor and daughter Lois of
i3othcster, N.Y., are visiting, at her
- mother's, Mrs, Wm. Hackwell and
other relatives around Walton.
Mss •Olive Robb of Luckuow spent
the ween: end with MIs Marjorie •Reid.
(,nate Perdue and George Taylor
-rare congratulated on passing their
Lower School, Both were pupils of
Lea Ik-ury school. '
• \rvss McKay of Toronto visited her
sister, 'Mrs Livingston last week.
The following is the report of June
-examination- ,f S.S. Nes 9, McKillop.
Lower school Evelyn McPherson
(,par). Entrance—Ross McNichol
(hen.), Charlie Mean (aeg.l. To Sr.
1V:-1Keniteth Thornton 71, Agnes
Mantas 69, Lorne McNichol 618. To,
Jr. Ido.—iHazel McPherson 87, Elsie
Dennis 81. Ralph McNichol 72, Mary
Munn 70, Mildred McNichol 64, Irene
Leonhard' 60. To Jr, Ff.—Mervin
Leonhardt 84, Florence Dennis 83,
-Madeline Hulley 82.- To L—Thelma
Forbes 82. Pr. A,--lLester Leonhardt,
Pr. B. --Glen McNicohl, Wilma Mc-
2ichnt. Edna L.' Reid, Teacher.
This is the most popular sulky
plow on the market, It is eas-
ily ]candled—a boy can operate
it,, Users declare it does as,
good work as a walking plow,
See us for fa11 particulars.
We also have WEED COP,
the famous non-poisonous weed.
Gallop & McAlpine
Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repairs
Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing
Frost Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS
Mrs.Donald Balfour and children \'Iiss Donelda Adams of Constance
of Windsor, are visiting at the home visited with her cousin, Mids Mabel
of Mrs, Aallforr's parents, Atr, an
Mrs. David ,Bruce.
Mr, and Mrs, Turner and family of
Hillsgreen spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan,
Mr, and Mrs. Ivy Allen and family
of Brantford spent the week end with
their relatives here.
Miss Bertha Walker of Calgary is
visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr.
Simon Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Hamilton of
California called on some of their rel-
atives in this neighborhood nue day
last week.
Miss Margaret McKellar and Miss
Beatty of Seaforth visited at the home
of Mr, Alex, McKellar over the week
A little sun has come to brighten
the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Hock-
Miss Mary Crawford is visiting
friends around Goderich and else-
Mrs, John Steacy of Detroit visited
at the home of Mr. S. A. Miller.
Mr. Richard Hoggarth is under, the
doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter " Grieve of
Stratford spent a day in Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs, Ivy Allen of Brant-
ford visited friends here on Sunday,
after attending the Allen reunion at
Stratford on Saturday.
Mrs. Duncan McKellar and Miss
Lila Mckellar were in St. Pants on
Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs, Ernie
Cromarty civic picnic was held to
Bayfield on Friday, August' 9th, A
good time was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs, Homer Dixon and
Joyce Williams of ,Milton also Miss E,
Earle of Windsor and Mr, William
Cline of Palermo visited a few days at
Mr, R. C. McGowan s.
\:Ins, Alex. 'McGowan spent the
week -end at Centralia.
Mr; and Mrs, I''rrank Marshall spent
:Monday in London and Centralia,
Mr, and Mrs. George McGowan
spent the week -enol at Grand Bend
and Ln'nclon
Mr; and Mrs, A. MacMillan, Mr.
Norntart and Miss Anna MacMillan
of Mount I creat spent Sunday at
Robt. C. McGo•wan's.
Mrs, B. 1. Quinn anti sou Wesley
who have been visiting at the home of.
Mr. A. E. Quinn left on Manday"for
their Matte in Winnipeg,
' Mr. Wm, Taylor has completed his
ns often came from as far away 55
Walkerton to get barrels, In the year
1894 apples were ner,re abundant than
ever before or—since, Sixty thousand
barrels of apples were shipped from
Blyth statim and over 23,000 of these
were made in Mr. MeElroy's shop.
Eight coopers turned out between 400
and 500 barrels a day forInc over six con-
secutive weeks in the busy season. The
following year, 1895, there was
scarcely an apple in the district, then
;he nine years following were all good.
In the earlier years the apple buyers
b.utght the barrels, but later the bar-
rels were sold direct ,to the farmers.
There were several buyers from Port
Colborne. one by the tttimc of Shuttle-
worth, Dave Cantelnn of Clinton was
another large buyer, 'thirty-ifive years
ago in a good year from 50c to $1.50
a barrel was the price of apples. Last
year $6,00 a barrel was paid for the
best grade of apple, but the price may
not be so high this year, Empty bar-
rels sold for 25e thirty-five years ago,
alto are tt,w nearly 7'5c, the unfinish-
ed stock having greatly increased in
'Miss Margaret Golding, Cleveland,
and Miss Edith Turnbull, St, Marys,
called on their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Golding, on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Luxton have mov-
ed into their new hone,
Mrs, Jos. Norris spent Sunday with
her daughter, 'Mrs, N. Mitchell, Cen-
Chinch services next Sunday nnorn-
ing. Rev, Snell will have charge
again after his holidays,
Mr, and Mrs, James Miller and fa-,
nilly spent Sunday in London,
Mr, and Mrs, George Bhtsron visited
last Friday with friends at Walton.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles 'Harrigan of
Windsor returned no :Sunday after
visiting at the hone of Mr, George
Miss 'Belle McLellan is visiting with
friends in 'Hamilton.
Mrs. Arnott, of London, is visiting
Mrs. G. 'Vivian this week.
The 'August meeting of the W. M.
S. of Staffa United Church was held
on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Viv-
ian. Papers were read 'by Mrs. Leary,
iv[rs, Currie and Mrs. ,Bowman.
Mr, and -Mrs, Thomas Bowler of
Griderieit pail a flying visit on Sunday
with I3ullett friends,
Mr. and Mrs. \\rni, Patrick and
fatidly. spettt Sunday' with Mr: ,and
Ors. Isaac Moore, •
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Fray and son,
Mrs. Lorne :Pepper of Niagara :Falls
.spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Jas.
quite a number frgtn, here attended
the horse races last Wednesday,
Miss Annie 'Moore of London spent
the week -end with her parents.
Mrs. John Hay has returned home
after a visit with friends at Niagara
The many; •friends of Mrs. Robert
Dalryniple are pleased to know she is,
recovering at home after her tong ill-
ness in Seaforth hospital.
Misses Margaret and Marjory Hay•
visited their cousin, Miss Wilma Hay.
of KipPee, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John .Wallace and
daughters, Misses 'Rosamond and
Amy, of Woodslee, visited at the
home of Mr. Alex. Wallace this week.
Mr, Henry Leatherland, of Aub-
urn,. brought. his two `sisters, Annie
and Irene, on Sunday to spend the
week with 'Musses Marion and Jessie
Miss Mary A'lc;\i ughtan has ac
cepted a position at S. S. No, 3, Tuck-
Axises vary and Annie Me.Nanght-
on are in Toronto this week,
Mrs, Hugh Campbell of Brussels
and Mrs.' McEwan of Toronto are
visiting with Mrs. Geo, Carter. '
Miss Nona Hesk til Blybh :spent
some time lately with hes friends of
S.S. No, 4,
Mr: ;T, Hunter and wife of Aberdeen,
Dakota, called on Mr. William Carter
Inc a short visit, Mr. Hunter was a
pupil of the old No. 4 school.
Mr. A. Strutt of New Dundee is
spending a fete days at the home of
lois uncle, r, i Ilam-airservice,
Miss Belle Fah:service of Clinton is
spending her holidays at the home .of
her parents here.
Mr,and Mrs. Wa a or o Listowel
spent Sunday with Mr. andMrs. W.
The ,trustees of S.S. No, 4 have en-
gaged Miss Ferguson of Clifford to
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Dolmage and
Miss Alnvi5a IShann,oi and Mrs, Bul-
lard, Miss 1'Iargaret Eaton and Foster
Bennett sport Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Hogg of Goderich,
Miss Beth Govenlock of :Detroit
called on her brother, Mr, Nelsen
Govnlock on 'Sunday.
Mr. Haring and Miss Geste Arm-
strong of Buffalo, and' Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Armstrong of Toronto, spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs, F. Bnl-
Little Miss Lois Goveniock has been
i11 at the home of her grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. \W..'\4, Sproat, for a few
drys, we are sorry to hear.
Miss Alberta McClelland B.iA., of
Denver, Cal., spent a couple of days
with her Friend, 'Mrs. Joseph Little.
\tr. W. H. Robinson ani two sons
of London called on Mr. and Mrs,.
Geo, Little on Saturday,
S U !'KTH-I 380 T #1 ie
hea ,Standard $1,00 per Bus.
W t. "' . .60 per Bus.
Oats, Standard or over , , � , • ' ' ' ' ' '
Earle Malting Grade .. , , • • , . • , . .72. per Bus.
These prices are for glean, dry grain delivered at the Mill
We will truck wheat on a mileage basis,
We are agents for the POOL,
LORAN, in bags $34.00 per tort
SHORTS, in bags ...... , ... • $3'6,00. per tan ,
MI1DDLIN.GS,• in bags $4'4:00 per ton
These 'Shorts and Middlings are from Winter Wheat
moneys are •paid, And so it has been
the practice .,to search over and over
again for 'just as many times as there
has been dealing with :property the
title to such Ipreperty. In many
stances more than 100 years of records
ere inves'tigated, Now, however,
while the searching of titles will' Still
be necessary, ,mach of the •la'b'or in-
volved therein is about to be abolished.
After June lsit,. 1930, a good title 'for
40 years will be all that the vendor of
lands,�wiltl be required to show, Under
the provisions of 'Tile .Investigation
of Titles 'Act sponsored by the Hon.
the ,Attorney General, the vendor of
land, 'as previously set out, from and
after the 1st of June, 1930, will only be
required to show a good title to such
land for. a ,period of 40 years.
The provisions of this !Act release
the land from claims existing, prior to
such 40 year period unless within the,
said 40 year period, such claim is ac-
knowledged or speciificalhy referred to
or contained in an 'Instrument regist-
ei'ed against such land, or unless no-
tice of such claim has 'been registered.
The operation of the Act hes been
suspendedl 'for one year to enable any.
REARMING OF'TITLE'S.T''O ,person who ;night have a claim which
REAL ESTATE SIMPLIFIED• by the, Act will expire if not noted on
the tRegistrar'is Abstract_ Books, to
Colonel' ane Eton, W. 1 . Price, At register his claim before. the first day
tornev!General for the 'Province oaf of June, 1930, when the Act will be
Ontario, introduced at: the last session come operative.
of the legislature, im'pontant changes The ublic aiid solicitors ,are elf-
in the Registry Laws of the 'Province. vetted' to- ;tie PtrBlia +Notice whmch is
These changes will not only be wel- published in this paper, which notice
muco by the general :public, 'Gut also sets out the requirements ill regard to
by solicitors and others who are ern- the registering of claims. The effect
gaged in the investigation of titles to • of this Statute will he that practically
DESBORO. t I ' lI P ' real estate. 100 years o'I rile early ,part of every
LON A man who is about to ,purchase title in the Province will pass out of
Mr,and Mrs. Will Tam'blyn and ,a hoose or a piece of vacant land of- history so far as the necessity of in-
hildren returned to Toronto on Wed -
telt asks this .question: "Why should vestigatiltg` its correctness iii'every in-
itle earch- erned.
nesday last. t I r k f d 'f L• 1 Ibe rrgttfred to have the t s decidual' case is.conc
Mr. and Mrs. Pastle of Goderich \W et back to the Crown grant, surely it This is not the only reform in the
spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Hol- has been enquired ,into malty times al- Registry Laws inaugurated by the At-
tzeur. ready ?" torney 'General, Colonel Price 'has
Mrs. Elsley returned to her hone on It is a reasonable question, but it 15 gone notch further in eliminating dead
Sunday. Mrs. Elsley was not able to teach for the coming year. t faot also, that to be fully ,protested material 'from the iRegistry Office re -
come home with Mr. Elsley last week Miss Dolores Laithwaite of Gode- it every transaction for the purchase cords. By the amendment to the Re -
on account of illness, rich spent the last week renewing ac- of property, the title should .he care- gistry` .Act all mortgages (assign-
, cores l Ya et mero s
of the same) in respect of' which ter-
ti$cates .purporting. to 'be discharges.
thereof' have been registered for 10,
years, together with discharges, tin re -
of which have been registered •w b
ruled off' the Abstract' Index. Mech,-
ani s;Liens, discharges and' certificates•
of Lis Pendens which-diave been vac-
ated for ,two years or More. will like-
wise be ruled' off' the Abstract Index'
This operation extends back to the
1st slay of January, ,1890. ,Consequently'
there will remain upon the Registrar's
Index practically only Pile grants of
land, :mortgages, discharges for less
than 10 years, undischarged mort-
gages .for ;'0 years, Lis 'Pendens and'
Mechanic's Liens va,caited' and dis-
charged' as well as undiscliarged 1 for
less than two years. Tlie• result: will be.
that not more t'ha,i 55,p:c: of the docu-
ments which formerly required' in-
vestigation and which 'wound show on
an Albstract of Title, will' •need to be
examined iiiy e solicitor• oc person.
searching a title when the new law
becani'es effeath'e.
Other ame•irdinruts ,call' for the Re
gistratiart of Instruments and .morn
ments to make.the chain of the Title
which were not previosmsly obligatory
upon the owner, as !well as the filing
or cleclerations of celibacy and other
like evidence, the absence of which, ,
has Frequently 'been'the oaose of mucin•
delay-ih'.cl'osing real' estate transac-
70 general there Bias been a ".tight_
ening tip" and sinnpl'uficaition in conn-
ection with the Registry Law of' the
Province which tindotubtedly will be
of great benefit ,to the contracting
parties and' solicitors and others who.
have been engaged' inn searching ,titles.
to complete deals, as it will relieve to
a great extent, the searchers' 'from,.
many obligations and ntuclt annoy-
ance that accompanied the searching
of titles prior to these changes,
The operation of these Acts only
applies to titles recorded in the Reg-
istry Office in the Province and does
not apply to lend entered in any Land'.
Title Office:
Wooten and Asthma. VVotnen are
numbered among the sufferers from
asthn:.t by the countless thousands.
In eery l tuaate they will o found,
l c • ; in the i;r p 11 this relentle+
t +t i.e inlets they have availed them-
selves of the proper retnedy. Dr. J.
1). Kellogg's Asthma .Romedy has
brought new hope and life to many
such. Testimnniais, seat entirely with -
nut solicitation, sh.,w the enormnu5
tenefit it has wrrtught sun.aog women
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon and boys quaintances in this vicinity, frill. t; t 1 before the purchase t , ex ten'stons postponements etc.
of Blyth called on their parents in the
tillage on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mowatt spent
Sunday with their friends, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Elsley.
Mrs. (Rev) Medd and Miss Josie
returned to their home at Welland on
Saturday, accompanied by Mr. Round.
1\'e are sorry to hear of Miss Esther
Lyon being under the weather. Her
many friends hope to see her about
again soon.
The Misses Caldwell of Wawauosh
are this week the guests of their cou-
sin, Miss Mary Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens of Seaforth
smolt Sunday the guests of the latter's
parents here,
Mrs, D. D. Roberton returned home
Saturday after a two-day visit with
her grandmother, Mrs. Chambers of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yungbint and
Miss Helen, M•rs, Nott and Miss Isa-
belle were Constance visitors on Sun-
Dr. Whitely of Gorrie called on
friends in the village on Sunday.
Mrs. Mountain returned to her
home in the village Sunday after a
two week visit with Goderich friends,
Mr. Cecil Griffiths spent the week
end with Beachville friends.
Messrs, T, Moon and F. Jo'hntssn
of London spent Sunday at their
homes here.
Miss Marjorie Colson of Harlocic
pent the week end the guest of Miss
Elsie Manning.
Mrs, 'Flunking and children of Cli'n-
t,,n are spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Hunking of the 13th,
Mrs. Henderson returned 'to Toron-
to on Sunday after a week's visit with
her cousin, Mrs. C. Ruddell,
Misses Belie Nott and Helen Yung-
hint spent Thursday with Miss Gladys
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain spent
Sunday with lir, and Mrs. R. Vodden.'
Mrs. Wheeler and granddaughter of
Belgrave is a guest at the home of
Mr, Robert McCrea,
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, Miss Do-
rothy Little, Mrs, Alex. Wells and
Miss Jennie Cowan motored to Tor-
onto last week and intend staying for
ten Clays or more,
Miss Jttlia Brown spent Sunday
with her friend, Miss Alberta Snell.
Mrs. Robert' McCrea entertained the
W.I. of 1Belgrave on Tuesday, Mrs,
McCallum of Iitlgrave gave a very
interesting paper, "It's Better to
Wear Out than to Rust Out" and
community singing was joined in by
all. At the.. close of the meeting re-
freshments were served and all went
home feeling in their hearts tlia't they
learned something new.
The O+1 for the Farmer. --A 'bottle
" in
if Dr. Thomas' Eclech:lc OW t the
f.trin house will save many a journey
s,r 'the doctor. It is not only good for
the children when taken with colds
and croup, and for the mature who
suffer from pains and aches, but there
are directions fn' its use 01 skit cat
to, There should always be a bottle
of it in the house,
that only the
world's largest
one -price tailors
can give .