The Seaforth News, 1929-08-22, Page 3Golf Twenty.four
Hours A Day
• Gold day and night gain or shine,
is the fascinating program now Offer-
ed to enthusiasts, we are told by R.
W.Shentell, writing ip"Liisht" (Cleve-
land, O.) On the new practise
course now available, he tells us, pro-
feesionals declare thas the golf balls
are more readily mem under artificial
illumination thai. in daytime playing.
This, we are told, is dlie to the tact
that the wliole ball is driven toward
a dark background, the contrast mak-
ing for excieptional visibility of the
ball. Writes Mr. Shenton,
"You can now play golf at night.
You can also play in a pouring rain,
and not get wet. The genius back
of the combinationis a man fanied
far and wide for hie accomplishments
in incondescentlamp mafitifactuni.
"J. T. Pagan is the man. He bas
done more than any other single in-
dividual as a developer or automatio
m'achitery, to introduce ultra -quantity
methods in the manafacture of incan-
descent lamps. He has thereby say.
ed the lamp -buying public millioam of
dollars, and has given them a product
of a uniformity and quality beyond
the possibilities of human tends.
"13M what has all of this to do
with playing olf? Certainly this
man would be among the very last
to claim mdue prowess for himself
as a golfer But like all successful
geniuses who havas learned the secret
of perpetual youth, he must bave a
"His friend, ff. A. Markham, mine
to him with an idea for a new kind
of golf course. One where the dub ar
the pro could bat out . balls to his
heart's content without having to
chase balls or hunt for lost cnes.
Fagan saw its possibilitiea at once.
"It is a practise course where you
can choose a green anywhere from
forty to two -hundred and seventy-five
yards away. It is not necessary for
you to announce in advance which one
you were driving for. After a while
a bell will ring as a warning to lay
off while a regiment of caddies rush
out and scoop up the balls.
"If you think you are especially
good, there are special targets at
which you can direct your aim. And
there need be no cirubt In your mind
as to whether your ball found its mark,
for if it ma, a mechanical contriv-
ance will announce the fact to the
world by means of a musical Siren,
"Each golfer has a stall to himself,
and there is an unlimited supply of
balls. There is a miniature nine -
hole course, where you can have all
the thrills of a regular game except
the long drives.
"Synthetic golf, you might call it.
In the well-built stalls you are prac-
tically independent of the weather.
And thanks to a fine job of outdoor
lighting, you would just as soon play
at night as by day.
"This matter of playing golf by
artificial light opens up many pos-
sibilities for debate. What of tbe
psychological effects? Will seacall-
ed mental hazards become more or
less serious? Will the enveloping
darkness form a psychological tun-
nel or funnel that will guide your ball
toward its objective? Or, will the
absence of illumination tend to draw
your ball away from its course as wet
know a body of water will in the day-
time? In other words, should we
light up the rough as well as the fair-
way, or should we stick to a narrow
band of light down the middle of the
fairway? Whatever the right ans-
wer 15, trust our engineers and scin-
tists to find it. They did ot for ten-
nis when the proposal to play outdoor
tennis at night seemed absurd.
"The principal cost in golf Is due
to the tremendous investment in real
estate that Is necessary. If light can
lengthen the hours of play, light will
cut down this cost materially."
It with one leap and clutch could
drag down
A spray of stars from Heaven's
bright -blossomed tree,
I'd twist my glittering booty for a
To wreathe about your brows, dear
heart of me.
But why should you such tawdry pet-
als wear
And leave a scarce of darkness on
the skies=
Having the sunlit glory of your hair,
The starry splendor of your laugh-
ing eyes?
Allan Bland in C.K.'s Weekly.
Law Enforcement
Ottawa Journal (Cons.): Hints ap-
pear In the press that the Dominion
Government may yield to the request
Of Washington that clearance papers
be refused to vessels loaded with liq-
uor at Canadian parts for export to
the United States They are dila.
cult to believe, . . The facts being
what they are, with overwhelming
evidence showing that Washington is
shirking its own responMbilitiee, with
the UMW States press filled with
items showing all sorts of liquor es-
tablishmenta running wide-open in
cities like New York, Pailadelphia,
Chicago, and even Washington, and
with official statements showing that
the Republic bas tons of thousands
of stills what reason exists for Can -
,da, which has trouble enough en-
forcing its own Boor laws, taking
on a part of, the job for the United
tats. Law eliforeeMent., surely.
like charity, should begin at ,bakee,
Teacher: "What is Scotland Yard?"
Small Boy; "Tam feet eleVen in
Are you afraid to
eat a hearty
WHAT does meal-
vY time mean to you?
Is it the pleasure that it
should be to restore the
energy your work has
taken from you?
Or must you pick and
choose -- in dread of
Here is a remedy that
has brought relief to men
and women the world
over. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are taken every clay
in many countries, speci-
fically for digestive trou-
bles and stomach dis-
orders, and have brought
happiness to thousands
of one-time sugerers. For,
besides strengthening the
digestive nerves, they in-
vigorate and purify the
entire system and lay the
foundation for continued
Buy Dr. 'Williams' Pink
Pills now at your drug-
gist's or any dealer in
medicine, or by mail, 50
cents, postpaid, from The
Dr. 'Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont. s-4,
a y
Y*" 1 a
Safety for All
La Presse (Ind.): The Executive
Committee will no doubt act on the
suggestion of the Motorists' League
of Montreal that lights should be In-
stalled to control traffic in the busiest
parts of Sherbrooke street, especially
from Atwater avenue to Lafontaine
Park. . . The establishment of safe-
ly islands for pedestrians is the neces-
sary complement to the installation
of traffic lights. Attempts made
hitherto in this direction have not
been particularly encouraging, as ex-
periments have not met with proper
pupport from a certain class of mot-
• orist, nor even from some pedestrians
who do not seem to be able to sub-
mit to a practice destined to give
them greater protection. However,
with a little training and patience, we
srould be able to edtcate the masses
and make certain of the success of
the reform.
,am -Doped
JOUR local Firestone
Dealer has a Fire-
stone Tire for every purse
and purpose. He saves
you money and serves you
better. See him today.
Designed to Appear
is not geld that glitters," This
is especially tree iii the faellion worla
at the present time, for practically
nothiag that glitters, is gold. .'rocas
are made more vivacious and bate
more Joyous by glittering ornaments
of various metals. Necklages and
bracelets in synthetic compositions
glee* gayly, thrown in high relief
against g sun-tanned skin. In fact,
it is precieelY to the guiatan vogue
that the particular phaseof the con-
temporary jewelry mode owe their
Amor,' precious atones, pearls are
Hist Ip tht limelight. They are net
seen in the graduated string form-
erly the style,. but are combined in
many ingeniona was, and with other
jewels, such as diamond% emeralds,
Jade and thedelectable flushed coral.
It is considered mart to twist to.
gether a rope of delicate seed pearls
and coral and wear it knotted at the
back of the neck. Or it may be
wound around the wrist several times
for a bracelet. Some women wear
their strands alightly looped and fast-
ened to one side by a pin of similar
The fashion in jewelry this season
points to three revivals; the elabo-
rate earring, the stress pendant and
the diamond bowknot Inc the left
shoulder, often holding in place a
fairylike tulle scarf.
Earrings are in perfect harmony
with •the romantic mood of the sea-
son. In one style, tiny jade grapes
bang from a gold chain. IR another,
pearls and diamonds alternate In
grduated size from the tiny pearl at
the ear. In yet another a gold fili-
gree loop or exquisite workmanship
lianas on a gold chain, while another
design has a tiny dagger's head of
diamonds fith a ruby drop,.
The elaborate beauty of the stress
pendant is matched by the fashion of
diamond bracelets in wide bands.
Sports jewelry is frankly bizarre,
For beach wear ,ensemble eats are
the mode, composed of anklel, brace-
let, and necklace made of carved
wooden beads combined with red glass
beads. On the necklace, a strand is
designed to hand down the back.
Other beach jewelry is made of rub-
ber, skillfully fashioned to appear
Islanders Want
Pepper and Sugar
Durban, Natal—On her voyage
from Australia to South Africa, the
P. 0. steamer Beltana went two
days out of her course on a fruitless
search for possible survivor e of the
Danish training ship—the five -masted
barque Kobenhavn—which had been
reported missing in the Indian
This detour took the steamer to the
two barren and supposedly unin-
habited islands of St. Paul and Am-
sterdam in the southern Indian Ocean,
about halfway between Tasmania and
Cape Town.
Both islands were acquired by the
French in 1893. The island of Am -
has an area of 25 square miles, was
discovered in 1663.
About 2000 miles from the nearest
land, in cold southern waters, these
islands lie In solitary majesty, Am-
sterdam has a peak 2760 feet high.
The southern extremity of St. Paul
is formed by part of an immense
crater, round which hot springs bub-
ble. They are destitute of vegetation
except a scanty supply of grass on
which goats and rabbits feed..
On arriving, the Beltana Bred six
rockets and sounded its siren. Pas-
sengers who thronged the decks
figures moving hurriedly about, and
the French tricolor being hoisted on
the clagpole of the depot. Then a
small boat put .out from the island,
containing five French fishermen and
a dog. The fishermen were pictures-
quely clad and gesticulating delight-
The three who came aboard ex-
plained they had seen for six monthe.
When asked what they would like,
they modestly replied that their
wants were few, but they bad run
out of pepper and sugar.
When these supplies, and the dog
accompanied by a huge ham bone and
secured by a rape, had been lowered
into the boat, the fishermen departed
amid cheers. All on board the steam-
er were overjoyed that they had been
able to brighten the lives of the lonely
fishermen by their visit, although 't
meant arriving two days late at
Right and Wrong
One may go wrong in many differ-
ent ways, but right only in one; and
so the former is easy, the latter dif-
ficult; easy to miss the mark, but
hard to bit it.
True Worth
Let us lie low In the Lord's power,
and lea,'o that truth alone makes rich
and great -1t. W. Emerson.
FRT =Ell
edInPoantled to promote proper growth, Fall and Spring, ii)vcrY
caidot and lege Carla bUYOr should have our prices. Write NOW, AgentN
Wanted. Minimum oar 15 tone, No reason to eOrnolalli of high arises 11
YOU' 1301 from os. Write today, '
a as. 000811 pros., ease venoms gt. West, Toronto 9, oan,
oar NottO: enelity—Service —9mtinfaction. rm
Owl Laffs
"Al now," old the teachar, "Will
someone pleaee give us a sentence
tieing the word 'mles'?"
"Please'm," said the bright little
boy In the trent Viet, "my papa had
a pretty stenographer, but Atter ma
saw ber be candor,"
It's a gooa thing our wives (Joel
know where we were last night."
It is that! Where were we?"
"I don't know!"
Oh, my love she wears a red, redcoat,
That one ean see 1 mile:
Oh, my love She wears a red red coat
That's newly conie in style.
We aro approaching the season
'when some folks will insist on rock -
Ing the boat.
There are awkward times, and we
sympathize with the tea:stop wait-
ress who mieroached a customer
from behind and said, brightly: esetnY-
thing more, sir—I mean madame? I
beg your pardon, sir."
For a serious misdemeanor John
was kept after school. He worked
so willingly and cheerfully that the
surprised teacher said: "John, Why
can't you be as agreeable and pleas-
ant (luring school hours?"
"Gee, that's funny- That's just what
I was thinking about you:" was the
prompt reply.
The honeymoon was over, and the
YoUng wife was in tears, "You used
to say, Tack," she .sobbed, "that when
we were married we would be 'one?
"Yes, and what of it?" answered
the. wretch'.
"You seem to think tbat we are
ten now. You're one, and I'm no-
Dolly says: "Never let a fool Ides
you. Also never let a kiss fool
There are a lot of $25 bills around.
I got one this morning from my
One of our mineregrets has al-
ways been that nobody in the family
went to medical school long enough
to know how to set the leg of the
card table,
"You don't know how nervous 1
was when I proposed to you."
"You don't know how nervous I
was until you did."
A. woman convinced against her
will will quickly show you she's not.
"John, it's positively shameful the
way Junior talks. I just heard him
say: "I ain't never went nowhere."
"Shameful? Why, he has traveled
twice as math as moat boys his age!"
"What is your boy Josh doing?"
"He's hitting a punching bag," ans-
wered Farmer Corntossel. "He has
noticed these comparisons between
the money received by college pro-
fessors and pugilists."
Usually you Can tell by tbe look
on a man's face tbat his wife takes
in bowlers(
"Women have more imagination
than Men." Especially sales ladles.
It takes a lot of imagination to call
a 42 -stout "perfectly precious."
Foreman—What's the big Mea of
Riveter—Oh, I don't mind hammer-
ing rivets all day long, but the Man
who works with me hums incessantiy
If the *hoes hurt the face shows
Charlie Chaplin is the only person
who ever made a success by falling
dewon his job.
"Waat'a the grand idea?" asked
the piano mover as he picked up his
favorite instrument and heaved it
out of the window.
Goodness stands at the top of all
the cirtues, although it cannot be dis-
tinguished from other attributes in
definite terms, It not only includes
each virtues as sincerity, kindness and
amiability, but also adds something
which makes it outstanding and uni-
versal in its appeal to. people. 31 18
the quality *which the Individual him-
self desires and which ho wants other
people to possess as well. The man
who is good does not look on the
world as a field for exploitation, but
Peeks to attain for himself the quali-
ties of co-operation and kindness
which he would wish to see attained
by humanity in general.
The Idea has often bean expressed
that at some time or other during
life a person must go wdong in order
to learn the significance of goodness.
The wealth of knowledge gained by
a (Mil person, however, is just as great
as that gained by one who has seen
life through a variety of experiences.
a good person, however,15 just RS great
bad is as unsound a theory as that
of attaining good health threngh suf-
fering terrible sickness.
Minard's Liniment for Summer Colds
astrieV''' ."1"
Won Rose Trophy
judged (Meng thousands of blooms
at the Rase Society 01 Ontario show,
held recently at the Royal York Hotel,
Toronto, the above "Gloire de Ch.
Guinoisette' was awarded the Chal-
lenge Trophy as best rose exhibited.
It was .raised by Mrs. R. W, Dixon,
of Toronto, in an outdoor garden,
The roses on exhibit ranged from
pure white of large and small dimen-
sions to the vivid red of American
Beauties, Making the ballrcom at the
Royal Yoik a blaze of perfumed color.
There was a record number of en.
tries this year,
Cholera infantum is one of the
fatal ailments of childhood. It Is a
trouble that comes on suddenly,
especially during the summer months
and unless prompt action is taken
the little one may soon be beyond
all. Baby's Own Tablets are an
ideal medicine in warding off tbis
trouble. They regulate the bowels
and sweeten the stomach and thus
prevent the dreaded summer com-
plaints. They are an absolute safe
medicine, being guaranteed to con-
tain neither opiates nor narcotics or
other harmful drugs, They cannot
possibly do harm—they always do
good. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
'Visitor: You have wonderful
streets here—regular arteries of
trade. Where do tbey lead?
Native: To the Imola of the
Advertising and Trade
Saint John Times -Globe (Ind.): It
is a well-known fact that advertising,
attractive, persuasive and coniliell-
ing, overcomes many tariff barriers.
Price does not prevent purchase even
if entranced by duties, provided the
buyer is persuaded by publicity that
the goods are satisfactory. There
is no doubt much truth in the state-
ment of the Minister of Commerce
that there are many articles of Brit-
ish manufacture which if known to
the Canadian public could be Duras -
ed by Canadian consumers to better
advantage thn commodities that are
now bought in the United States.
The next move seems to be up to the
manufacturers overseas if they wish
to increase their sales.
Department of
Classified Advertionlents
sxmc (mots
.s Rocas 130, Arown Logbotila anti
Andonan ile, White 1,eghorns 1115, ass.
The Fly hi a Menace 50 Health 0, 1101 fepeloon%Aill
rerasPaill ,inswkly.
summer, with the holiday pleas. oranton Ontario.
Urea which it brings, IS Often Marred
by that pest of bealta and comfort— A Tale of Two Cities
the tlY. Tiie Preeeeee of Wee around Quebec Bvenement
any dwelling means that there has the year 1928, in London, 28 mailers
been carelessness on somebody'S
part. A few necessary precautions
taken in time is all that is necessary
to prevent the annoyance and dan-
gers to health which can be safely
attribtuted to this pest.
Types of Fly
The Ales which bother us around
the house and at summer resorts are
of two main tapes—the house fly and
the blow fly; the latter are larger
than the house fly and have bright,
metallic bodies and make tonsider-
able noise when flying, The stable
fly is generally found around cattle
and borses; in appearance it resem-
bles the house fly, but has oe dis-
tinguishing feature—it bites and
mite blood and is especially active
before storms,
Control of the Fly Pest
When we study the life cycle and
habits of files, we know beyond all
doubt that to be effective, the work
we do to destroy them must be aim-
ed at the distribution point, viz., the
breeding grounds, There are aev-
eral methods of attack:
Use of Larvicides
(a) Chloride of Lime applied in 107 -
era of about % Mali thick on the
fresh exposed contents of outdoor
privies every four or five days is an
effective, cheap agent for destroying
the larvae of the blow fly which
beeds chiefly in outdoor privies.
(b) Crude Coal Tar Distillate—
proves a most effective method in
the mntrol of the house fly breeding
in stable manure, garbage piles, eta.
A satisfactory strength is a three or
four per cent, solution; this is
sprinkled on the edges of the piles
wherever the larvae appear. The
station is rapid and the results very
The blow fly (blue bottle and green
blow fly) breed also In garbage, de-
caying vegetable matter and pig
manure. Sprinkle crude coal tar Ms.
tillate (four per cent. solution) over
the infested areas.
Crude coal tar distillate may be
secure() from your druggist.
Supplementary Methods
(a) Trap—the sone -shaped type Is
best; it is so oullt that tbe fly after
being attracted by bait placed under.
north passes through a small open-
ing in the top of the cone into the
trap proper.
(b) Screens—Wire of twenty meshes
to the inch is necessary to keep out
house flies.
(c) Poisoning—a cheap and effec-
tive paison may be made in the home
by adding to a pint mixture of milk
and water three (3) teaspoonfuls of
formaldehyde, This may be poured
on pieces of bread placed in shallow
saucers. Place safely out of reach
of young children..
Kitchen garbage should be tightly
wrapped hi paper or kept in by -proof
Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia,
The Pendulum Clock
A pendulum clock gainea, owing to
the increase of gravity with latitude,
about one minute and twenty seconds
a day when taken from Ottawa to the
moutb of Mackenzie river, Northwest
Territories, by the Dominion Observa-
tory, in connection with its gravity
work. Taken about five thousand
feet up a mountain side in British
Columbia It lost about thirteen sec-
onds daily.
Hest thou exhausted possibility in
the failure of this one trial? Not so!
The future is yet full of trial and
success. There is happiness to be
enjoyed! There is good to be done!
—The Scarlet Letter,
Ask Your Barber—lie Knows
, mAGAN,
For Voublas
Inc to Acid
What most
le usually excess acid in the Momacb.
The fead has soured. The instant
remedy is an alkali which neutralizes
adds. But don't use crude helps.
Use what your doctor would advise.
The best help is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia. Por the 50 years since Its
invention it has remained standard
with phyalcians. You will Rad no-
thing else so quick in its effeet, so
barmless, 330 elacient.
were committed. Seven 01 the mar.
deters escaped justice' by committing
suicide; the ' eleven others were ar.
• rested, tried, sentenced and hanged.
This happened 111 the most populous
city in the world, and In 'a eountry,
wbere one can practically procure al-
eoholic drinks any hour of the (lay
and eight, Next to Loudon, thol,
get ana most populous city inthe
world is New Y;ork, . The American
metropolis has a million and a half
inhabitants lees than the British
metropolis. In New Yen, 111 1927,
(the figures for 1928 are not yet avail.
able), 282 murders wets reported.
Not one of the murderers committed
elliaide, a Minded of them bave not
been apprehended, the otherhave
been tried, a large number M Whom
bare been acquitted for want of
proof, and less than half a dozen sen-
tenced and executed!
Ada, aye years old, was taken to
her another's bedroom to See her little
twin sisters soon after they were born.
"Oh, mummy," she exMaimed, "what
dear little things! Which one are you
going to drown?"
Behavior is a mirror in which every-
one displays his own image.
eif rAnmANDsrocit
piled to adve.rtise AAR 0 RALL
.Ani 119.Ch iOaTUTIN:t.
lerh b Bw0.0j
—the best farmer's overalls in the worid. One
farmor wrote that he would not take ten
dollars for his book. Write for yours to -day.
Over weary fhousand.dgencies
for cleaner— foster cutting
The steel used lamed c and spec*
hilly tempered in the Simonds
plant and we can and do guar.
=tee every Simonde Saw.
sAw 0o.Lvo,
Montreal - TorontO
You Must Do Your Bit
s the war against the fly, carrier
of gernis and breeder of disease, )
11 1, proven that AEROXON is one
of the most convenient and most
efficient means of combating this
Sy evil. bus convenient, because
of the It a hygienic:
1 flies never get away when once
caught. Each spiral gives three
weeke perfect semice.
Sold at drug. Brace, and hardware star.
la Cie C. 0. &nest & Filo, Limitie
00E0011000IZ. QUM
' Distributor fox Ontario
56 /Wirt St. Ea Termite
Soap, and Ointment
have Afforded the pureet, sweetest awl most natio.
factory method of coring for the Win and hal.
USG PS inard's inunetliate]y.
It soothes tbe pain and draws
out the inflammation.
One tasteless spoonful in water
neutralizes many times its volume in
acid. The results are immediate,
with no bad aftereffects. Once you
learn this fact, you will never deal
with excess acid in the crude ways.
Go learn—now—why this method is
Be sure to get the genuine Phillip'
Milk of Magnesia proscribed by lave.
clans tOT 50 years in correcting excess
adds. Bach bottle contains full direc-
tions—any drugstism..
Over 400,000 women and girls who
were weak, 'blue," nervous, run-
down, and unable to do their work
properly, have improved their'
health by taking Lydia E. l'ink-
bam's Vegetable Compound. By
accurate record, 08 out of eVery 100
certain that it will help you too,
report benefit. You can be silliest
ISSUE No. 32—'29