HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-08-01, Page 4PAGE Tr0 . SBA FQRT ? Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON= bell of London hela. a picnic onthe • lawn of Mr. Joseph attd. 'fr'iendst long with a fewaetghbors had a very enjoyable time., Mr, and, Mrs. jos. I}a'vtdson and Mt's.MJos. e of Loudon` Watcta1\d Mvisited friends in Bay City and West Branch, Mich„ over the w e eed. •McNaught ayDrowned, — Th e whole district extends deep sympathy to Mr. Henry G. Payne and family of McNaught station In the sad drown- ing fatality at Bayfield^ ea Sunday which claimed the young life of liorLos- ace 'Payne, a son of Mr. Payne•, tag his b'alanee when struck by a wave, quite a dis aece felt north th o of the piet•s, the ,young rd into deep water. He was last seen by the other three tnenibers of theerparty as hisfeet disappeared un he w d •ere at waves until his body was recovered hours tater. The accident haps about 3 o'clock and despite everyuat il aat- tempt a of foetid b was his body after 7 o'clock Sunday evening, When removed from the water it was discov- ered that no water had entered hihe had lungs, showingrather shad. Coroner, died instantly as called dayer Aogodttccrop 15 reported,er o' the warm The weather has been very , but the showers on Sunday cooled the air, • Rev. Mr, Bateman occupied the pule pit in St, George's Church last Sun- day. The new rector is expected the ;first Sunday in August, J. A. Watt was in Toronto over the week end on business. Mr, and Mrs• P, B. Gardiner visit- ed with friends in Clutton on Sunday. Mrs. J. Buchanan and Mary are spending a couple of weeks' holidays in Rochester, Mts. R. Ma'Lead, whose home has been in Vancouver the past five years, is visiting -with otd friends in and around Walton, She likes the look of Ontario the 'best yet. H, Kirkby is moving into J. Mc- Donald's house this week, Mr, in Kitchener ton rMou day fort an tort -,Dr, Shaw of Clinton tvho w era - tion The canis, He is getting on oasf well as Payne inquest Str ckeryof near can be o under His brother er opera- Clif- te onkton and chum, David Heintz ford also underwent the sarialso of 1BeNaught and Miss Daisy tion• has moved his Strieker of Mon'ldton drove In Payne's Mr. Old •Clark l where ear to Bayfield to spend the day on household effects to Listowel reside with kis son Lake Huron. His first visit in Bay - George. intends tofield and the first time ever Horace was un - blacksmith ithing of Anel has rentedmove the o aver tomede t deep, dang- Wa!tsntith shop and will move i- accustomed the torm • lake. Six or seven Walton thisoweek 's shop.ohis bore- ere t tdivers tried far an hour to hers in atul Clark's r p The Congratulations are being »extended find his body ermen�draggedcthe The to Mary Humphries and May Short_ Bash ertd distancearm out dragged ceasing reed on passing their introductory p a the home of Mrs. until seven o'clock when a rota along t ono ie, Se cora at oCongratulations are h ' fi t trip Rennie, Seaforth. Congratu l body • was f famed tai also .etttended to Miss Marie Ryan, the efficient teacher. \Bis. Ie. McLeod of British Colum- bia is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tnseph Love. It is five years since Mrs. Mc- Leod moved front the village and many friends are all glad to see her. Mrs, Scott and niece, Miss Ruth, laaheeler, of Spokane, Wash., are vis- iting Mr, and Mrs. John Balfour,, int Mrs. Fawcett of London is visiting here this week. ` Mrs. Robert Reid spent last week with her sister, Miss Letitia Camp- bell. Vin ham has Miss N. Homwth of \ g been engaged to reach at SS. No. 9, Mc&illop, • Mr, W. Dundas has purchased a Ford coupe. Miss Viola Carter, accompanied by Mr. Bob Campbell of Brussels, mo- tored to London on Saturday and vis- ited her sister, Miss Alethea Carter and her cousin, Miss \Tera Altree, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. H.ambly and and v of Sltaifa a '-e Vera Hamb2- lit,. e Miss Ida Cooper of Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Campbell on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs, Judkins, Mr, and 'Mrs• turniii to London. Far near. Lott of London and Mrs. Jas, Camp- g was used. On their rs thin been quite sick, is intptrovutg• the There the o }ad Dr. and Mrs. McClelland wird fam- o{ where the unfortunate 1 v 'been spending a part of tau feet � ilv who have p hours Nia.$.seyntlarris QUEBEC SULKY PLOW Ibis is the =oat popular sulky plow on the market. It is eas. ily handled -ea boy can, operate it., Users declare it does as good work as a walking plow. See us fpr full particulars. We also have WEED COP,;' the famous non-poisonous weed killer, Gallop &.Mc7-.pine .: Agents for Massey -Harris Implements and Repairs Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment: Metallic Roofing Frost Fence Gas & Oil OPEN EVENINGS years they have lived in Grey Tp at \2oNaught station on the C.-P.R. 4 miles east of Walton, Horace was employed on the local C.P.R. gang. He was a strong, bright young 'man full of life and vim and his loss will be deeply felt, Besides his father and step -mother one brother John, survives, Many titres since Sunday Mr. Payne has remarked his ,gree ap prediction and admiration of the sym- pathetic spirit shown by citizens of Bayfield- and others in laying at their disposal every assistance they could offer to rescue the body of his son. BLYTH. Friends will be pleased to know ;hat 14rs, Henry Rtdhmond, who, has disappeared from sig earlier. The remains were taken to Minton Sunday night and on as rela- nday tive, brought to the home of tire, Mr, Joseph Reihl at McNaught, .her, and Mrs. Payne and bit. and Mrs. Reihl had returned but a fete minutes on Sunday front attending the Enteral of a young son of bi1,. Reihl's brother in Ellice township when word of the tragedy was phoned to ;lir. Reihl's house and were all in Bayfield when the body was taken from the water. The funeral accomp- anied by a large number of friends, a kit the residence of bit. Jos. Rei 1.30 p.m, Tuesday to Mancrief Church where services were conducted by Rev. W. J. Maines of Walton. Inter- ment was made in McNaught ceme- The pallbearers were Jim McTaggart, Orval Harrisoeery,- LUgau, n, Hol- land Matthews, Clifford and Lawrence ! Mary Ole and was born near Hes- Machan and Bob Bell. The young t April 18th, 1858. WithaHes- man would have ng Sundaed hisHe parents, in early childhood she nov- a this caning Sunday. He wasparents, farm" in E. Wawa- af Fairbanl, After the d ea ih ed to Af et - B Ont.near onn nd� Huron, ro London, u atH rnt• o f o� n b of his pother the faintly , thele to gosh, can 3 \\ringham for a few years, then re- ten e hoot and ave. She tt at the age the home 5age of 17 year's their holiday with ails, John have started on their `home'war'd jour- ney. Mrs. Vriltsie of Clinton Spent - few days with Mrs. X. Brigham last week, The following pupils of Miss Pearl Gidley were successful in their piano examinations in London ('Eng.) Col- lege: Advanced intermediate, 'Sarah Howitt, honors. Intermediate, Kath- leen Logan (pass). Elementary, Vera McDonald, pass. The following from the Waterloo Chronicle refers to the death of a for- mer resident of Heron County: At "Bonnie Brigen" on Monday morn- ing, July 22, Annie Bone, beloved wife of Mr, Elliott Richmond,, passed peacefully away from heart failure brought on by bronchial affliction. Mrs. Richmond was the only daugh- fthe late ivir. John Bone and week with her eansfns, Mtssas Ileea't w incl Helen Riley of Jamestown. •Mr. Nelson, Nichols to and fatuityvisited. at Mrs, Joseph Nicholsoit's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and firs. George Nriehotson of MttI<illop, spent Thursday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Nelson NIcholsott, Rev. Mr, Brown o£ Goderich took Belg aiecAuglie t3 ehiurehesume Sand n - day. • Rev, and Mrs. Shore returned Wed- nesdey after their, three weeks motor: trip to Montreal and Ottawa, Miss Janet Lamont who has heett very ill following a slight stroke, le improving. • Her brother, Mr. Alaoet, of ex, em Seaforth, event a' few days with her. Mr. and Mrs, ,R, M. Mc'Icay accomp- anied cried by Mr• T. W. Riddell a Miss and McGill of Auburn arrived horn Mon day evening after a week's motor trip to Ottawa and North Bay, Mrs. Wilt Johnston and Miss Stella Johnston of Lyleton, Sask., are visa sting., elle former's father, Mr,. Stein- hoff and sisters. Rev, and Mrs. Eric Anderson re- turn this week from their holidaye. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burling and chil- dren and Mr, and Mrs. Mithuiser, af, St. Catharines, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burling Past week. Evalenoa and Metba Burling are visiting their cousin Bertha Carrier in Chatham, Miss Violet Bell of London is vis- iting her pother, Mrs. A. Bet, Mrs, Craig and faintly spentt a few days this week with her brother, Mr. Wm, McCutcheon near Brussels, Miss Hazel Putts of Landolt is vis- iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J Petts. Mr. Henry Kerrie attd two daugh- ters of Toronto are visiting his aunt, Mrs, C. Burling, taught school in a nearby section for one year, 'Up to the time of her mar- riage iii 1892 she took a very active part in the social and church affairs of the home community and since then has lived in Newlboro, Leeds County, London and for the past thir- ty years in St. Jecabs, She is survived by leer husband and one son Grant, of Toronto. Her three brothers James \\T, on the old homestead, William of Tillsonburg, and John R., managing editor of the Taranto Star'for 1 years have predeceased her within the past few years, The funeral service, conducted by Rev. W G, Richardson, of Knox church, Waterloo, and Rev. S. R, Knechtel, of Calvary chth rch, was held on Wednesday, July 2 o'clock at her late residence and interment made in Calvary cemetery. Dr. McClelland, wife andfamily and Mrs. McClelland's- father, Mr. J. W. Yeo, of Winnipeg, who have been visiting Me. Yeo's sister, Mrs, John Yeo and other relatives in Ontario, left for home .Monday, Miss Margaret Fear of Clinton is visiting ,her cousins, Misses Mary and -Mabel Fear. Mrs, Richardson, Mrs. George Pep- per, Mr. D. Spence and Master M Gor- don Rushbrook, of Toronto, and r, Roger Pepper of Clinton, were guests of their cousin, Mr, John Yeo, on Thursday. Fear and Mrs, Fear, 'Miss. Mary Misses Helen and Marian Jackson of Mimico visited the former's son, Mr. Les. Fear, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Yeo of Wallace - burg are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Yeo. r oeJohnston Mr, and Mrs. Cla en J and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Grasby visited Jno, and Mrs. Riley of Jamestown on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nicholson spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. James Williamson of Brussels. Mies Iona Johnston is spending a 4 tette erre e WORK SHIRTS Men's Durable Shirts or yarn-dyed cotton drill in Khaki, Chambray and Indigo Blue, Extra large rnanty style and extra well made. These shirts are sold elsewhere at $1,25. All sizes. SALE PRICE ,WORK PANTS These Pante will stand up under the hardest usage. Well etitched tlirougltout. You will find them extra value. Sold elsewhere at -$2,25. $189 SALE PRICE FANCY DRESS SHIRTS A manufacturer's clearing, sale of Shsplen- didrts. Every shirt quality—setting atoa pu rice cey sfarr be- low their true value. Every shirt guaranteed. All sizes. $1.59 :SALE- PRICE MEN'S ATHLETIC COMBINATIONS For -warns weather comfort—made in the Athletic Style, buttoned front, elastic band in back, that is popular with a great' number of mets. Cut from a fine white cotton naincheck. Reg. $1.00. SALE PRICE 89c MEN'S FANCY HOSE— Rayon and Mercerized Silk of ser- viceable weight. Many fancy pat- terne. 49c SALE PRI'CF. MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS— Men's Broadcloth Shirts—some ave have separate collars and some collar attached. Values to $3.00• $1 S�Atiif PRICE. MEN'S FANCY HOSE— Popular fancy knit Men's Sox, in many patterns. This is a manufactur- er ut clearance. Values to 85e, 59c SAl..t; 7?�RTCE MION'S FINE SHIRTS— This lot consists all of out• better Shirts that sold regularly at $3.50 up. All sires; h Ai l' F'RUC,II MEN'S FANCY HOSE-- 1?opttlar fancy 'knit stytish Men's Sox. .Knitted. front (Inc weal with fancy checked patterns of luatr,itts fibre silk. ,STALE PRICE • • Taste the Joy of Life in Muskoka. You enjoy every motnent of a Mus- lcoka holiday, be it weekend .or month, Such as enticing array; of pleasures con that weeks, that bring the joy of• living to all— for e SamraMcCurdy has purchased a golf on six fine courses, tennis every- Tseparator ra where, lawn -bowling, hikes through fhre'shinRgdbr't separator. of Stratford avenues of fragrant pines canoe or ( bit• the clustered is-attd mt. and Mrs. Austin 'HngggaarrtS steameo trips among lands of this Lakeland paradise, sail- A Toronto rent onSunday t `fn motor -'boating an'd bathing, then Alex, McLia g Mr. Glen McDonald of Toronto is O( E -ON FLOUR MILLS CO LIMITED SEAI URTR, ONTARIO Wheat=heat-Wheat We are paying Si.32 per bas. for Wheat Standard, Delivered at the Mill and can handle, your grain in accord- anceWe are agents for the with yogi contract. TRUCKING. truck your wheat on a mileage basis, We can We Can arrange to supply bags for this For further particulars PHONE 51 CROMARTY. Robert Bruce of Ona- ay, and 'Mrs, red with lair. and One- way, Michigan, visit Mrs; David Tsretce last week, 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen and fa- mily niily spent'the weekend With Mr.' len's brother at Brantford, Miss Laura Sararas of Toroot•t°ars. holidaying at the home of herpar- ents. Rev. Mr, Elder left this week of his vacation, His work here wilt be taken by Rev, Mr, Kitskwaodust Mit- tt- cltell. and _ Services Sunday August will .t 2,30 pant, Mr. 1HSntts in Lanark County dancingein thecool of the evening un- spending his holidays at the home• of iter ideal conditions. Annie Speare " t Canadian National Rail-. Mrs. `nn of Sarnia visit By uou g your chosen spot in Mr. John McCurdy ways you roach as ed friends in Cromarty lastSunday. this reafot of ploasure, whether cosy Mr. aid Mrs,' Andrew MeLellen and cottage or comfortable hotel by any rances; Iviuskoka "family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Dun - nd rates DEVELOP HOME TR'AD'E. Speaking at Revelstoke, B.C., on Friday, in his, second speech of his summer speaking tour in British C nnibia, Hon. R. B.Bennett delivered a vigorous protest against increased Canadian purchases from outside. countries.- and neglect of- Canada's hone industrial development, "Canada," tete Conservative leader declared, ``with a population of teas than 10,000,000 .people, has become the best customer of the United States, with their 120,000,000. The situation is getting worse as the days go by. June last for every $2 spent in the United States in the . purchase of goods, we only' sold the `United States $1 worth, I observe, he proceeded, that the Hon, Herbert Marler, minis- ter plenipotentiary to Japan, is now talking about trade. He is going to Japan on a diplomatic mission, but he is going about talking about trade. The minister of trade and commerce, Hon. Mr, Malcolm, in 'Toronto re- cettt1y talked about the treaties that were »going to be made. Well, w e 113 trade treaties with other -countrie -when the present government came into power and now we have 43. There are not many more countries to make tactics with. ,Arid the chairman has who inert favors from different legislatures, ks tap ting about trade treaties of his own, Is it not time that the Government gave so'ane thought to the development of trade' at home that would develop .our home markets, give work to our home w,arkmen, to our fruit and vegetable and producers growers, toourfarmers P and traffic to our Canadian railways?' one of tutee Wharf, Bala Parte or Lake Joseph. Wharf, all within a' few hours run • from almost any Fart of Ontario. Ask your nearest Canadian Nation- al Agetet for information and literature on Muskoka and its various resorts, hotels, etc. 'Worms in children, if they be not 'n and of- ten lsio s o cause con , attendedt e 'tEx- tet - ten death. Mother Graves Worm Ex terminator will protect the children from these distressing afflictions. 101118210.50....1 MEN'S SUITS Do not pass up this opportunity when it means dollars to you, Young Men's Suits in new summer shades. Single and double breasted styles. Values to $22.50, SALE PRICE $15.95' WINIStnak MEN'S SUITS Men's and Young Men's Suits of the better make in Blue Serge and Fancy Worsteds. Perfect fitting and are included made. thiThe assortn newest Values to $'29;50. AE PRICE $19.95 SMART STRAW HATS— All our better Hats go et one price. You will find hats that ;old as high as $4,00 in this assor,ttnent, SALE PRlcrE 51.98 PENMAN'S MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. - Penman's nedttint weight Shirts and Drawers A wonderful saving. All sizes,$9C SALE P'ItlC11 .,.,,,. ., MEN'S MERINO WORK SOX Penman's Merino Work Sox, made for extra hard, long wear. Just the sox for rammer wear. 33c SALE PRICE MEN'S COTTON WORK SOX— Well made and low priced, plain knit from strong cotton yarns. Extra special. 23c SALE PRICE WORK BRACES— Extra heavy Men's Work Brace, extra good elastic and made for extra long, hard wear. SALE PRICE 490 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS— This lot consists of all our better Work Shirts, Extra welt made, Large and roomy. Values to $L50. WJE PRICE $L29 BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS— Medium weight balbriggan Shirts and Drafters, Extra fine quality, Reg- ular 60c SALE PRICE .... , .meeteetatteeateteetter BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS Penman's Balbriggan Combinations of extra fine quality. You will find this underwear` just the right a ht Alt 512e5• SALE PRICE . . .. BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS-- Pentnae's Shirts and Drawer's. Long sleeves and ankle length. Alt sizes: Regular 85c SALE PRICE • • • - 49c 69c , "HATCHWAY" ATHLETIC -- 'Hatchway no-Ibuttou naincheck Ath- letic Combinations, designed for cool- ness and comfort, With a knitted band in back SALE PRICE ., $1r25 BOYS' COTTON HOSE— Ontstaudi}tg value is offered, here in serviceable Cotton Hose. Z9 c Ali sizes. SALE PRICE., can McKellar.Fisher arta of Mr. and Mrs, Dwight; t 'called on friends the tariff heard,Mn. Moore, family of Guelph here, been south and obtained patty 1' Miss Carrie and Mrs. Tufford re- turned to Toronto on Monday. .Sacrament of the Lords Supper, was observed in Ca•otnarty Presbyter-. tau Church on' Sunday morning. number .of members of 'Mitchell Pres- byterian - tion Ghurch choir assisted d at the. e serv+ce. Rev. Mr, Elder preached at. afitcheelt on Sunday evening. MEN'S WORK SOX— Stanfleld's heavy All -Wool Work Sox in excellent wearing qualities. Knitted from twisted yarns and shap- ed to fit well. - 49c SALE PRICE • MEN'S KHAKI PANTS— These Pants will stand the Hardest possible wear. Extra well made and guaranteed color. 189 SALE P510E nalliMMP YOUTH'S KHAKI PANTS— Made front extra fine twill. These Pants have style with belt loop and pockets of sante material. SALE PRICE .. MEN'S SMART STYLE CAPS Popular Summer Caps that have no comparison in style or value—made from all -wool Fan,., 'Tweeds. Smart patterns in 8-4 crown, nicely, lined., The cap for 'the mean w'ho pets quality first. Sold elsewhere at $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00. SALE PRICE $1.50 watetweeeminateatemee BOYS' BELTS— Made in fancy patterns of genuine cow hide. A nice selection that will please any boy. All sizes. J!9 ,SALE PRILCE .. BOYS' CAPS— Sutart Caps for Boys with stylish eight -piece tops and deep peak. Looks smart. Fits comfortably. Values 10 9Sc SALE PRIDE BOYS' BLOUSES - 39 only serviceable, • neat-ftttiug Shirt Waists of wo:ve100stripes and fancy patterns. "Regi $ • 79 i' `SALE PRICE , .. . BOYS' SHIRTS --- 28 only fine quality woven stripe, ueatafitting Boys' iShirts, Some have separate collars, whileeothers are col - tar attached. Values to $1.50,. SALE PRICE It1 d19 7o Y ,sHorVVFiERE YOII WILL EVENTUALLY BUY SEArO'it!CIT PHONE 118 SUMMER FROCKS FOR WOMEN These trimly smart Dresses of pop- ular printed tub Silk is the type of dress every woman ,should have, Many smart styles to choose from SALE PIILICE $6.95 '52' only, .latat Silk Crepe composes this moderately priced dress, Pleats, tucks, 'bubtons anti simulated button- holes are used to good advantage., Values' to $14.50. S ALE PARI GE $9.95 esameareaxxitaa ALL OUR -BETTER DRESSES REDUCED usoval.maimraasimmlimmocamaGIRLS' SUMMER DRESSES-- At only 98cGirls' pretty -styled . Dress of printed percale A tub frock toyears. S give unusual 'wear, Sizeswif to12 SALE PRICE MISSES' DRESSES $7.95 Cool anti summery for outdoor wear —.Fiat 'Silk Crepe Dress, Milady will enjoy the cool, brusque freshness, of this loose. . neat.f tting''Frock in wash- able -silk flat crepe. Very smart and. easy to wear. Colors—Maize, Sky, Pink and .White. Sizes 14 to 20,' Sale Price $7.95 LADIF,S' PORCH ' DRESSES $1.19 Very appealing and very service- able Porch Dress,made of cotton: in pleasing styles and easily laundered,. Every dress is guaranteed tub. fast. Stitched herrn, Regular $1,35•: Alt sizes SABLE PRICE PRINTED DIMITIES $3',45 ` Demure in a very fashionable sort of way is this Misses' Sleeveless print- ed Dimities to coolly greet hot 'sum- mer days. 'Gracefully scalloped Qua- ker collar.Skirt is shirred to fall in soft gatthers. Sizes 14 to 38, Reg, $4,00. SAtLE ?IbItOE $3.45 • 1'f WHITE FUGI DRESSES— Extra Qutukity Double Fugi in a class by itself. These are real smart- styled Dresses, Sizes 16 to 42. SALE PR'IOE , ... ,.x.$5.95 LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE Sotart, full-fashioeed hose of fine service-wSight. Pure thread silk. shades, Sizes 8% to 10, SALE PRICE,. 40 a MILLINERY— Chic Felts, with the ultra -modish moulded headlines, See the new styles in White, Sand, Canieo-'Pink, and Black. SALE PRICE $2.49 SAVE A,S YOU NEVER SAVED BEFORE