HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1929-08-01, Page 3aired by "Stailil ,When'othe Skill and Re of the Pilot Have Av ed an Air Disaster The disii'ster to the City of in the Channel is a reminder ] risks of air travel, Yet, the Aerial Aiz'Ways have carried-ov 000 pasaongers in the past fi: and their niaohines have flown 4,040,000 miles, apart from tastrophe of Christmas, 1924 all on board a plane were 'killed illed eight of Croydon' Aerodrome has been no serious accident to air -liners. . This record 'of safe flying natty to the perfection of commercial 'aircraft and partly qualities of the pilots. In mo .one Oa, what seemed certain'd has been avoided by the airman and resource. In the early winter of 1929 C Limon was crossing the Ohm a good height when, withou warning, one of his engines " out." Immediately he sent aerial S.O.S., "Ilfay Ditty" ("91'a and then concentrated on tteepi machine in the air.. But his engine was not strong enough wonderful skill he then mane land the machine on the wate first. -FIGHTING A HEAD -WIN Almost worn out with his minutes' struggled with the aplane, his first thought was. f passengers, and his command to to Jaya up to the tail of the which was standing high out o Water, probably saved' their liv It was half an hour before the vessel to dash to the rescue re them, and the passengers were soaked to the skin. But event they were all saved. On another' occasion a pilot h Eght a severe ° head -wind prat thway from Paris. It was a royal, between the forces of, N and a man-made machine. The chine won, but when the pilot la safely at Croydon he must have ed a big sigh of relief, for there only about a pint of petrol left i tanks, and a forced landing so Croydon night have been a very p pus undertaking. WHAT PILOT COULDN'T SE Only: this June, as a big plane, rating sixteen passengers and we Ing well over eight tons, took offf Croydon Aerodrome one of the eials was staggered 'to notice th running over the field, the liner hit a. rather rough piece of gro and had broken.part of the un carriage) As the plane passed over the co tower the undercarriage was has loose under the machine.. The p could' not possibly see the damage, off he flew towards'Paris. As he p ed over Croydon, however, he let do his wireless aerial and immediately heard a voice caIIing him with n of the smashed undercarriage and structions. Coolly ' Captain Youell asked passengers to move to the far end the cabin near the tail. Then he ba ed gently,,brought his machine iron in a sweeping, curve, and hurried'b to the aerodrome. There all the s was in readiness for any emergen With the ambulance and fire -en close at hand. AN AMAZING PEAT. But Captain Youell knew his j well. With amazing skiff he put machine into a stall—normally, sta ing is the greatest terror of all for the airman—and. instead of landing properfy and running across the aeros drome, the machine dropped gently to the ground, only Jest shaking the ,pas- sengers within•the cabin. If the damage to the air -liner hadnot been noticed, oz• if the: pilot had at- tempted to land .in the prescribed manner, the huge plane would have tilted up on its nose or turned upside- down, or the broken undercarriage might have crashed through the floor of the cabin, badly injuring many of its occupants. Imperial Airways is the moot splen- didly equipped and controlled flying service in the world, and we ;Oust not allow such regrettable accidents -as that to the City of Ottawa to cause us to lose faith in the future of comm er- cral'aviat'on. Remember, four and a hall years without an accident, and: twenty people are ]tilled every day on our roads.—."Answers," Pp ng sourve ert- Ottawa of the ugh Im- es 100r Y years, nearly the ea- , when within , there British is due modern to the re than Master '5 shill aptain rine] at t any konked out the idez"), ng his second ged By 1, tg it D fifteen ippled 0i Ile them plane, f the es. first ached then pally ad to. fealty battle attire ma rifled hea- was n his near eril- ear igh- ronr offi_ at, in had ound der- ntrol ging Dot and ass- wn he ews his of nk- nd rick tafr. ey, gine ob his 11 - Sea Law and Sea Power Chicago Tribune! Experience has proved repeatedly that sea law and ancient precedent are overruled by necessity or urgent policy. Both Great Britain and the United States When the need was great have de Parted from their own Principles, as, for example, we in the Civil War, and Great .Britain in the late War. Both nations .in time of peace are for the prrtection of neutral rights and the broadest extension of the freedom of the seas, and troth when at war dia• cover rights .of belligerency whieh Spey have. Vigorously denied as neu- Teais, • The Empire Hamilton Spectator (Ind, Cons.): As a united economic group, there would be nothing in the world: to com-: Pare with the Bn1011'O, The resources exist in a1lu5dahoe Ana the necessary. bnslnesy 'laid technical abilityto ex- ploit. them, All that is laelting le organization, and with this completed, nothing cart' prevent the fulfilment oi' the vision. Ii Wake mtStowe are fed by the blood. Poor blood means starved nerve tie - 1 sue, insomnia, .irritability and depression. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will enrich your blood etreatgt and rebuild your over.workad nerves, Miss Josephine. M, iblartin, of Kitchener, Ontario, testi. fies to this : "1 suffereel from a nervous breakdown," oho 'wrltcs. "I had terrible sick headaches dizziness; felt very weak ancd could not sleep; bad no appe- tite, I felt always as If: some- thing terrible were going to happen. After tatting other treatment without success, on my sister's advice, I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,and now all these symptoms aro gone, and I ant strong and happy again." Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your druggist's or any dealer in medicine or by snail, 50 cents, postpaid, front the Dr. Williams Medi - nine Co., Brockville, Ontario. sle 14' 202 t 11�., V ,, .�•.Y'.. l,ii9�lli 50 pen box COI Se? PENS HOVE NAME N E4 CoUNTn,EE "Mostt. British" Cities Edmonton Journal (Ind. Cons,): (The mayors of Toronto and Kings- ton recently engaged in a violent dis- cussion concerning the justice of either city's claim to be called the "most British" In Canada.) After all is said and done, as long as Canada is British, every city in the Dominion is equally British. One place may have more. 01 the "]7hgliah" atmos- phere about it, another more 0f the air of oneof the United States cities. ig But as time goes on and Canada de- .m veiops In "greater degree its own su characteristics out of the elements of other ;aces that have mingled in the Canadian,and out of the very soil and, atmosphere of this country itself, cities will grow more Canadian and less anything else. Golf 0011 19 a form of weak made oxllen- a physical and 'mental nto on imule attractive by the twat that you have to dregs for firm a X200,000 club house, diggilf gl5 endtat menetter beetles iwoulditble it those three tasks had to be per. formed on the same loot afternoon in short pants 'an0 00lored sake by gouty -looking gentlemen w110 require a different implement for every mood. Golf is the simplest )potting game in the world when you decide to tape it up, and the tonglrest o 1'ter yon have been at it ten 01 tweivo yeeye. It is probably time only know some a man can play as long as a quarter of a e07ztury' and then discover that .it was too deep for 1tiro in tile first place, • The game is played on carefully se1- eoted grass with little white balls and. as ninny clubs as the player can af- ford, These little balls, coat from 75 cents to $21, andit is possible to support a family of ten people (all adults) for five menthe on the money represented by the, balls, lost by some golfers fu a single afternoon. A golf course has eighteen holes, seventeen of which are unnecessary and put in to make the game harder, A "bole" is a tin cup in the centre of a "green". A "green" is a small parcel of acme posting $L98 a blade and usually located between a brook and a conpie of apple trees, or a lot of "unfinished excavation," The idea is to get the golf bail into each of the eighteen m}ps in, the few - et st strokes and 'ilial greatest number of words, • The hall must not be thrown, push - eel or carried It must be propelled by abort $200 worth of curious look. Mg implements especially designed to provoke the, owner. Each implement has a specific pur- pose and'. ultimately some golfers get to know what that purpose Is. They are the exceptions. After each hole has been completed, the golfer donuts his strokes. Then he subtracts six and says, "Made that in"five, That's one above par. Let's play for fifty cents next hole, • too, Ptd." After the final, or eighteenth hole, the goll`er adds up his score and stops when he has reached eighty-seven, Ile then has a swim, a pint of gin, singe "Sweet Adeline" with six or eight other liars, and calls it the and of a perfect day,—"Provinenti's Pay You." Trade With Russia Saskatoon Star -Phoenix (Lib.); Disapproval of Russian economic and political methods is no . season for Miring Russia, The Russians re- ain citizens of theworldand eon - mess of goods.for-all..tbe. mistakes oe their rulers. Propagandist work l'y the • Bolsheviks ,in Great .Britain and in India was a legitimate ground forr complaint by the British Gov - eminent, but its extent was certainly exaggerated. So was its effective- ness, at least in Britain. There was y one avowed "Communist in the t Parliament and at the last elec- n every Communist candidate was fated, ilea Funny Cincinnati Enquirer; We always thought it funny to call a chicken "dressed" when it was stripped. Looking about the streets, we still think the same way. There will be no beauty contestslas onl in Italy, by order of lt1ussoliini, who do thus putsa atop to the only :thing at de which he can't hope to win,—Ka Features. In this country it is the Hopper vote- rather than the flapper vote whieh keeps the politicians awake o' nights. Boston Transcript. TO GIVE est M t. i lestPe,i / ti13111! ori a. Whether it's the sudden stop, the quick get -away or the steady pull through heavy roads ----your Firestone tires are on the job 100% insuring you safety, traction and economical performance. Under the rugged non-skid tread is the ,Firestone safety carcass built of cords with every sabre insulated with rubber to eliminate internal frictiots. With such a combination, trio wonder Firestone tires give "Most Miles Per /Dollar." See your nearest Firestone Dealer. APPLICATIONS Are Filial As Far Ap Possible in the Order In Which They Are Received. - ONTARIO O% AGR CULTURB e . I Farm Delp Suppe; , i)epartmee t oiiAgrieniturn'e for Ontario Immigration Branch available a numbgr of Experlenoed Married Men With Thar Wives And Families ---Married Coapiee' Without .Lhl[dren— Also SIngle Men. gdmakra will enitriotoe tarty pited o Geo. A. Elliott n•eetor og Colo»kation t'artlament Bldgs., Toronto, 001, fIItlJ APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are lnvarlabiy Elven the Preference. File Your Application St ones All Moo Pinot, 9(Ib lent to Trial: Period 4.100. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Acirlculture Fxriend of the Night Flyer xlade� > ju kyo flava r filxc.d Isms*- : i x 0 dross . `. M " bit . Every package, gtrava19teed, THE NEW 50,000.CANDLE-POWER SUPER -BEACON This Neale beacon is said to be twice as largeas any now in use. Itis seen here ready to be installed at Long Beach municipal airport, RSD ®T' JULY DAYS [BARD ON THE BABY July—the month of oppressive heat; red-hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely bard on little ones. Diar- rhoea; dysentery, colic and cholera in- fantum carry off thousands of pre- cious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles, or, if they come on suddenly, to fight them, No other medicine is of sale aid to mothers during the hot sum- mer as is Bhby's Own Tablets, They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an occasional dose given to the well child wiil prevent summer complaint, or if the trouble does come Oil sud- denly, will banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or' by moil at 25c, a box from The Dr, Wil. liam's Medicine 00,, Brockville, Ont. General Dawes' "Yardstick" S •leech "At the beginning of the work contribution of the naval experts the problem should be a definition abstract equality. It is certainly p sible for naval experts to arrive definition for evaluation of fighti strength of ships. Thus, for instan roe might find a yardstick with whi to determine the military value ally/dual ships. "I will say, frankly, that front a: mission of naval experts of . respective nations meeting togeth nd called to evolve a final definiti of the naval yardstick I persona hould expect a failure to agree. "It would seem that to adjust an nature the method of arriving aval reduction each Governme ight separately obtain from their r speetive naval experts their definiti o the yardstick. Then the inevitab ompromise between these differin efinitions which will be expressed i he final fixation of the technic ardstick, should be made by a 00m ittee of statesmen of the nations, r forced from the beginning by then eparate expressions of abstra chnical naval opinion, and abl air to seek further naval advice, eessary, before the final fixation. "These statesmen should further b e 02108 to draw up for the world th rms of the final agreement up al reduction, which should b ouched in those simple terms' uncle): andable to the ordinary man on th reet, which, while the pet aversio the casuist, are the highest expres of true statesmanship. That fins greement, covering the quantitative positions, will go to the nations foe prove) or rejection. If this should be the outcome, let se entrusted with the last draft the conclusions of the Iast confer - e be men born with the faculty of r and concise statement, for that ument must appeal to the compo - will of the peoples of the nations, in order to make the proper ap- al 11 erstoodmust be read generally and . These, Again, we remember the ations of the law of human na- e; and will hope that in these men temptation to show erudition will ubcrdinated to writing that which, properly covering the cause, be understood by the audience. ear statement of the case, under. ()able by all, should mean success." val the to of 03 - ng ee, eh of a the er on fly h mu- at nt e- on Ie g n e - e Ct if e e on e e n 1 0 a n In f am in s to ag Ile to na CO St st of sign R dis rip tho of enc °lea doe cite and pe end emutur the be s while may A cl star Remember when. lather used to swing Indian clubs and raise' dumb- bells? Well, be has :quit swinging Indian clubs,—American. Lumberman • (C111cago), According to tito Literary Digest.. plants slake- a noise when gr0Wilig. • 1'1ien maybe the wake -robin really • does wake the robin. • Mlneed's Liniment for Rheumatism. Labour and Socialism Glasgow Herald (Cons.); The new Labor Government in Britain does not seem to have anything' in com- mon with the Proteettouist policy of the Australian Labor Governments. In most matters, indeed, It might seem that affairs in the two coun- tries cannot be paralleled. Yet the faotr that in the Iater stages of the Australian Labor Governments—one of which was 14 'years, in oiilce— State Socialism was at a complete dis- count is worthy of remembrance. Some. Labor speakers in Australia even propose now to throw the Na- tionalization plank overboard, If Mr. 1VIacDonald's Government had ade- quate power and set Socialistic ex- periments in motion ,lt is a fair speculation to suggest•tbat the erperi. encs of the Australian Labor Gov- arnments would be repeated, The Naval Pilgrimage Toronto Globe (Lib.); It is persis- tently rumoured in Britain that the Right Aon, Ramsay MacDonald is shortly to set out on a naval disarma- ment pilgrimage to Washington, and that he is to invite the Canadian Prime Minister to join him in the pourparlers with the United States' the matter is none of Canada's bust. President. ^atr11115 speaking of cOUree, the matter is none of Canadas' busi- ness. The Motherland pays the entire post of her own navy. Canada's con- tribution to Empire naval defence con- sists of two borrowed second-hand de- stroyers. That force hardly entitles her to a voice in international dis- armament discussions, A Liverpool Communist who was asked his views on Roman Catholic schools declared: ' "That matter is of no personal interest to me. I am an Atheist, thank God!" a REED, ROSE ORANGE IS go 0. tea' PEKOE is extra sRocl Europe and the New World Wickham Steed in the Review o Reviews (London): Anglo-American naval rivalry would infallibly produc conditions 'in Europe which, aeons Oa' hoer, would load. to. another great Classified Advertisements e �.? ,t$0 010ZaI{S; JULY.AND ALIQUOT, assay 0102gata oe is a e, iirowue Leghorn and r�An0Onae Ike, White Leghorn,, 2A as e l e De, T11pless paid on Rp0 or war. As Lord D'Abernon—ne moan authority --'has explained, the whole policy of Germany during the past eight or nine years has been in- fluenced, directly or indirectly, by the United States. What German Gov- ernments have done has been done either on American advice or in anti- cipatio of American approval. Were ;,Angio -American relations to be mark- ed by a spirit of hostility tending to- wel ds conflict; were Great Britain, at the same time, to lean more heavily upon Prance in tier foreign policy, the logical result would be for Ger- many to /play up to" the United States in the expectatio not a strug- gle in which Germany might hope to "get her own back." Minard's Liniment for aching joints. Magic who can tell whatmagic is? Or in what covert does she lie? Under what brown ]cares or green Shines her startled eye? Though we beat the woods of dream, Lure and stalk her as we will, She sit.°s close, she nestles warm, She eludes us still. I have never seen her clear Nor known from what deep shade she slips, Yet I have felt boy sodden wings Brush against my lips. We understand from the advertise- ments that the college lads are at least passing their cigaret tests with great success this year.—Arkansas Gazette, ----gram. LAXATIVE FOR BABY THAT "STAYS DOWN" Baby's tiny system rebels against castor oil and strong purgatives; but here's a medicine that just suits him. And it does the work quickly and so gently that Baby .doesn't feel it: Fietcher's Castoria is soothing arose, fretful babies and children to sleep and making the feverish, constipated, upset ones well and happy, in mil- lions of homes to -day. Castoria is purely -vegetable, harmless and en- dorsed by the medical profession. Avoid imitations, The Chas. 27. Fletcher signature marks genuine Castoria. 5.01 08 ehioc . - over; fret catalogue, q. 2•i Switzer, Granton Ontario. •q London Supreme London Daily Chronike (Lib.): This mighty rneteopolie of the British Empire is the Mecca for many thiage, Yet not for all. Music you will find etter in Germany; painting, in Pais. Paris, too, still dictates the feminine fashions, as London, the masculine. But along each of these lines London is creisping up. In the last of them—, women's wear—the old primacy of P21118 has been narrowed to the most exclusive typo of dressmaking; for the rest the British capital leads Women generally, are better dressed now by the Thames than by the Seine, and can buy better value here than there. This change, which is still in progress, Is especially the work of the -great Lon- don stores. Their magnificent growth since the war is one of Europe's won- ders. Besides them their Paris equiva- lent stem almost provincial. Maintaining Our Highways The total ainount apent on the im- provement and maintenance of Canes 000,000. A great man is one whom lift proves him to have been recognized, if not called, by God. :Be neyrlyCafeler You Must Do Your Bit il1 (be war against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease. k it proVen that AEROXON IS Ono 'of the most convenient and most 'efficient means of combating this caught. Each spiral gives three weeks' perfect service. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Sold at drug, grocery and hardware starve SOL. ACINTS Distributor for outlet° NEWTON A. HILL 00 Pront St E.. - Toronto PHILLIPS `ysovt�(acrt,�r For Troubles' due to Acid INDIGESTION 'ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN .HEADACHE OASES.NAUSEA Headache Bathe the head with Minaret's in water. Also heat and inhale Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eat- ing. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best cor rective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard with physi- cians in the 50 years since its inven- tion. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume In acid, It is harm- ' less arm-(less and tasteless and its action is quick. Yon will never rely on crude methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts, Please let it show you—now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe' Ali11t of Magnesia prescribed by phyei- eMans for 50 years in correcting ex- cess acids. Each bottle contains full directions -any drugstore. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish ATTENTION, WOMEN OF 'MIDDLE AGE!, . Mrs. Goodkey Tells Her Expert. ante with ?inkhorn's Compound Byernoor; Alberta.—"The Change( of ISM was the trouble with nie and Z and weak and could not sleep, ,had a poor appetite and could not do much' work. 1 an1 taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable' and ' feel like a well woman, I saw it advertised in the inners mid tried , and Lydia E. Pink. latm's Sanative Wash. 1: have 060010. mended it to a la of women friends:1 Mits. Mita Getentay, Byelaw'. Ale ISSUE No. 29—'29